it' . c J. a ' cl 1 ' o M ' t) t. f UCapltal Journal, galem, 0r, Thursday, March 5, 195S 1953 NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL SCHEDULE AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT ' aoStOH BBOOIU.YM CH1CAOO CINCINNATI HTW YORK PHtLADtHHIA HTTBBUBOK IT, LOUIS a w a MMitm . ... w.y i. ttrlMS MXNutTlito iuit 4 .mm ... im . Jul?. July!" Aug. a.4.l.t Juiy m , aaks' agfe-a v.w uyrfA-' ' KarPt AT ',, Apr 14,11 May It. 4. IS. 14a Apr. J4. . Ht ftRSJ-S - t& si" i gfi-" s&8 Miss !.; ag in; s- o gfc. as. m- . STv S: g IP? n sf- gjfr Mnr.t KwtlM Aor.33.S3 ifl'V" Apr. ,. Mtrl.l Apr. If, II. IS sSaatf r;.,i-i:",u A AuilW. Sapa.-., Sapt. (lit sViM.lV'i Am..'.M' Sept. Er1, If KS,Vl Apr.l.,IS MIM.Itt WU. Apr. I0 Au'5;Jt'W T. LOUIS 10,11 iualVll July!, (4f July7M' JulySl, 33.33 July 11'. 3V, IS if.Vj aaai juiylg pfi1 snit..ji.f aVSw.Vm svtr.r spY-.M SCORES In the Alleys University Alleys Nlfht Ocma. tttiiliBlir. Ron rsimllMMa. AO Star Oeroa-aoetoo-Tuaaday, Jurjr 14, MM Maxim Hammers 10-Round Win Over Danny Nardico Fla. UP) Joey Maxim, the fancy muter of the left Jab, waa back la the boxing business today after winning a ananl moni lt-ronnd dociaion over the young Tampa slower Danny Nardico. They aaid Pal Joey waa all washed up after Archie Moore lapped off nil light heavy weight crown in St. Louii Dee. 17. And many fan doubted the 30-year-old Maxim's ability to handle Nardico. But Joey, a bit plump around the middle at 183 Vi poundi, atood off the charging Nardico with case in Miami atadium lait night, although he had a scram ble off the deck in the seventh when Nardico caught him with a right to the head. Nardico weighed 176. The ex -champ's manager, Jack Kearns,' declared after the fight that Joey not only waa back on the right trial bnt planned to go after Rocky Marciano'a heavyweight eham plonihlp. "We'll fight Roland Lastarza first if uccessary," Kearns as serted, "but Marciano'a the one we want." Asked about the contract giving Maxim a return tight with Moore, Kearns aald, 'We'll take Moore when the right time comes." Jim Norris, International Boxing Club president, tossed cold water on the Idea of Maxim eanfpalgning In the heavyweight ranks. Norris aaid: "I don't know that Lastarza wants Maxim. He's in good shape after his win over Rex Layne. And I don't think it would be fair to let Maxim have Marlclano and keep Laztarza, Layne and Ezzard Charles wait ing." Maxim was more of a fighter than he has been in a long time as he pounded the 25-year-old Nardico'a face with his left and threw his right hand in a sur prisingly effective fashion. He piled up a big early lead while making Nardico miss badly with his long right swings. Eugene Team Wins AAU Title; Salem Fourth Turner Noses Out McMinnville In Rifle Match McMinnville Turner nosed cut McMinnville In a rifle match here Wednesday night ' Turner had a total of 1923, compared to 1911 for McMinn ville. Turner's score Included a handicap of 11, so as far as net scores were concerned, Tur ner had Just on more point than McMinnville. Scoring for Turner were X. Ball 392, O. Schollian 383, B. Wipper 382, J. Metcalfe 382 and V. Coats 373. For McMinnville, D. Wilson 890, L. Warren 388. W. Baltzell 381, J. Wagner 377 and L. Baltzell 377. Sublimity's No. S team will hoot against Turner at Turner next Wednesday night. Central Point W) The Eugene entry, Everybody's Drug, cap tured the Oregon AAU basket ball championship here Wednes day night with a 00-41 win over Philco team of Portland. A tight defense throttled the Portlanders, while Paul Sowers, former University of Oregon long-shot expert, led Eugene to the win with 23 points. Reedy Berg, another former Oregon player, topped the Port- landers with 9 points. Third place in the tournament went to West Side Tavern of Bend In a 80-84 conquest of Wol gamott of Salem. Forward Dela no Fox dropped in 23 points for Bend. Salem's high was 17 points by Larry Chamberlain. WaltMMlt'l 4) (Ml) Brni ft n pt tp ti n pi tp Selvy, O'Brien Dukes May Set New Hoop Marks New York ) Individual scoring records are about to fall in several directions In major college basketball, NCAA Serv ice Bureau statistics indicated Thursday, with Furman's Frank Selvy, Seattle's Johnny O'Brien and Seton Hall's Walter Dukes the ones who will push them over. Selvy, st r o n g 1 y entrenched above the point-making stand ings with an average of 29.3 a game, starts play Thursday in the Southern Conference. cham pionship tournament with his sights set on the record of 29.2, set two years ago by Bill Mlkvy of Temple. O'Brien, who has averaged 27.8, and Dukes, who has 26.4, are aiming at Dick Groat's total of 831 points in one season which the Duke star compiled last year. O'Brien, with two regular- season games and at least one NCAA contest ahead of him, has 751. Dukes, with maximum of three games and a minimum of one in the National Invitation tournament remaining, has 791. In fourth place Is Pennsylva nia's Ernie Beck, with 26.0, two regular-season games to go and, it the Quakers hold their Ivy D. Cbrln.f I I L. Cbrln4 S 1 ScliMlr, 1 1 DHIM I Ziller.s 1 1 HUM I 1 HUU S DwcS.t 1 S 1 II Fol.f 4 IT Klil.f ( t T ruth.e 1 U Hnn.i 1 5 T L4urtna,s 3 I 1 L.nU.1 S S Lint,! I S lead, NCAA competition. Fifth, with 28.2 is Don Schlundt, whose Indiana team is already In the NCAA as the Big Ten champion. Bob Houbreks of Washington. who was fifth last week, slipped to eighth with a 24.4 average. He's also in the NCAA. 1952 NAIB Champs to Defend Title Kansas City VP) The Spring field (Mo.) State Bears Wednes day night won the right in a district playoff to defend their national Intercollegiate basket ball championship in the six-day tournament here next week. Springfield officially South west Missouri State College crushed Missouri Valley Col lege, the Missouri College Ath letic union champion. 103-69. at Springfield. The NAIA National Associa tion of Intercollegiate Athletics opens its annual tournament in Municipal Auditorium Mon day. ' Among the other teams qual ifying were these district win ners: Oregon District Portland U., 78-70 over Oregon College of Education. Washington District Gonzaga 71-88 over Pacific Lutheran. TATS BODSB LBAOtTB NO. I Pfttrrtov (II Laka ill. O inn on 4ST, auttrbuh Ml. Snha 414, Nalua 444: S4M T Cwirti, tl Jolniiwi US. OrMb MS. DnptH 414, Robk 411. Wilcb 4n. SUtkmir MstortsM Bran 441, Ttl Ml Ml. Timt Ml. SltMWlta 314. BbMn 4M Snwtory W State N. S (41 UeQuMP 441. mnk 414, Dlckn Ml. rrun 44. BMlr MS. Drrbtaa W ASIU ll Johutm SM; Plahtr 1H. BUkM 404. ZtemtaM 407. Oould 441i SUM min SI UUnu 444, Stoat 404. Buoy 441. W!lr 441, Dxneui 111. raMalry FratMltta (II W altar 441, Phtppa 441, Morrison 431, Bartri 447, torn 41H Famatrr Offla Svtnl 401, Haauamu 47, Auanida 417. JUUIff 4M, Staear Ml. lata FaltM (l Hunt 447. waama 4M, Wackar 4M, Altar Ml. MarrUl 444; Saa atary af Slate Ma. 1 (I) Millar 44. Oar rati 47a. rilam 43. Blauly 403. SehultM 411. Dap, af Vateraaa Afralra ) Morlaky ttl. Baad 4(4. oaaranilroom 4M, Blila 44. Itlllarlch SM: Hlrfcwar CaaatraaUaa (II Andaraan 44, Kayaar 4M. Mailman 4M. Wolfa 441, Tandy 404. Nlih team atrlaa and sam. Tax Oam. Blaalan, 3404 and Ml hlih bid. aarlaa, BlUartoh. Mil huh ted. lama, BUkll, 111. FAN FARE yW.KDitz., I l ''If lormniMTg:"lj icnal 0? STATI Boris USAODB NO. s SUC (1) Aahby 447, Lanktra 414. KlmmaU 471, Franta 4M, aarw 411; Ckapttr M SI Lutht 47s, Lamron Ml, Ouarry 404 Banrr 411, Baynaldl HI. Aaaiu U) eorrlaan 471. Baaa IK, Monttoraary Ufl, Jaffaraon M7, attloklln ! nirtwar AoaaaaUMt (II Taylor 341. Kataham 171. Taaatr 411. Crana 144, Mai- n M. AarKaltara (41 Orlfmbs Ml. Stroh Mlm 474. Pataraan 41. Kanlpa 411. Tan, aalll 441: raraatry () Ladd 471. Brown 1U. Wosda Ml, Powtil 310, Storm an Banaa (l Ball "M4. Tonit 137. Klrky 141. Oanld 474, BUlartch 471: tjnaaaal.r mwmt (li Potman 4M. Aardh 440, Salla- Dury 147, Batuamlar 433. Baxtar 417. PUC (II Rlniland 417, Bnallah 417. Oal. Iwhar II. Straw 111. Maftart 411: Tai caaiaiiaalaa (11 Hart lay 444, Bowara 114, jonnaen a, cmnnaM aaa. Man 433. oniaa BuaMara (ll Hattaan 4M, Baat ii, amera aio, bcou 4M, Touns 4I1: Brad Bnaiaiaara (II Fradrlekaon 40. Ortman 311, afnnaon 437, Merchant 411, faoaaa aaa. Hlih team aarlas and taana, P7JC. 301 and Ml: blah Ind. aarlaa. Bamolda, MS; hlth Ind. sama, Oallaghar, 1M. Capitol Alleys ATJTOMOTIVa LKAOUI Aala raaia (t) Ohars 31S Bnanea 341, Xkatrand 471, atarnka l. Ward 411: Craarafl Taxaa () Bdmlnatar 1M, Ab by 431. Rudy 411, B. Craeroft, Jr. 470, J. Craeroft 130. tana Avanaa Sarrlaa (41 Aarnav 43a Bopflniar 4M, Hammond 431. Nalaon MS, Hayaa H3: Snraak Mater Caaapany (41 waian 44. Burton 103, annnk 441, Orl- la saa, wiaaar 40 VaBap Malar Caaaaaar (41 Tartar 471. chrorar 133. Holmaa 40. Myara Ml, Byl lark 4M: Slaa Bakar (1 Nlcholla 143, atllfler 371, Patttraon 401. Lambart 3M. Ryan 173. StandarS Statlaaa (II Konlaehka 411. Henkel 454. Oacnon 473, Prleaan IS3. Lo. tan 111: Maalar Sarrlaa Stallana (II Du tolt 434, Wllkan 131. Kara 51 J. Hoy 1M. Schroadar 500. Salam Aatamaatla Caaaaanr (4) Donah- arty 473. Whlta 453. Ounn 513. B. Dauah. arty 431. Buacn 414: Ladar Bratkara (0) Baumaart i, cnakarun 444, shuck 431, Solum 441, Surratt 4M. Hlih team sama and aarlaa. Standard Btatloni, lis and 1541; blih Ind. aama. Stelnka of Salam Auto Parte, 343; blih Ind. aarlaa, Bd Lotan of Standard Station!, SIS. Harikwaal Paallry (II Myara Ml, Slyau 111, Mlooar 114, Malar 170, Oladt Ml: daa Markal (1) ixnan aaa, rriaaaa 4M, Rran Ml, WUkalla 131, Nubar 111. Braaaaa Traa Sarrlaa (II Brannan 171, Oalund 113. Prudanta 114, Valdai Ml, Aa daraon 117: Marian Mat art (ll achroadar 474. Bommar 371. Oardnar 111, Donabua 133. Thompaon M. Marian Balal an Car Fark (SI Vlttono 114. Jaekaao M4, Irona 131. raia aia, straw 111: Inn 1 W. cllna Sr. 117, Poulln 417, W. Cllna Jr. Ml. WUkaraas in. Bartwall all. Hlib team sama and aarlaa, Northwaat Poultry, 1077 and 30: man ino. aama, Jflhn Andaraon of Walnut City BowL 315; hlih Ind. aarlaa, BUI Thompaon of Marlon Motora, IM. Sports Mirror "TaSay a Taar Asa Olak Oroat af Dukai Clyda Lonllatu of Kanaaal Cliff Khu f Kantueky: Chuck Darlln of Jowa. and Mark Workman of Waa! Vlralnla war namad to tha 1153 Aaaoelatod Praal AU- Atnarloa wDas kaakatbal team. Itr Taara Asa Lurht Haarwtttka Champion Ona Laanaaieb knackad aat ahallauar Billy For ta 14 af the ruil round at Madlaaa Banrar Oardan baiaa 11,413. Tan Taar Aa Oaoraa (Whlterl Kun. akt, at. Laall Cardinal third baaaman, waa ralactad br ma Army baeaaa of an la, lury ta nla rKbt feraarm. Duck Pins rOMMRKTTAL LKAOUX Baaakraaik Faraaaaa (II I. Bolman 115, J. Poalar IM, B. Oraanwood 113, J. Moorman 313. H. starana 431. PartUn ImJ aUabilald (11 B. Maaulr 33. D, Joaaart 141. F. Olunar 141. bja 340, br aaa. Mlak'a Bin Sba III Harb Natnut 4M. Mai Nalnaat 111. La Oil M4, Id Dark) 141, Tom Wood 401. Waadraffa'a San Ska (II Mary Oraanlar 114, Varn York 430, C. Rtltter 3M, Daloraa Tork 317, Warna Frank 340, bra 111. Bine Lak Fackar (11 J. Wannr III, B. Van Slrka 400. A. Thlaaaen 371, F. Pit kin Ml. D. Waniar 331. bra 100. Caaaada Maal (11 O. Oarnar 171, J. AMerman 114, L. Walanar 433. B. Buabr 131, & Walanar 153. Bamaia'a () H. Zlnk 411, D. Bmltb 141, M. Fatten 3M. C. Nalnaat 4M, kra 143. Brlekaan'a Market (41 K. Malton 41. L. Klmbl 141. M. Story Ml, A. Rich. araaon 411. n. Roua 314. Hlih team aarlaa and lama. Woodroffa'i San Shop 1033 and 751. Hlih Individual aarlaa. Art Rlehardaoa (Xrlckaon'al 431. Hlih individual sama, D. Tork (Wood- roxia'il 11. MAJOB LKAQTJB Thrtflway Claanar (11 TJpiton 41. McFarlana 133. Olnar 504. Bluer 504. Ir ene MS; Maraball'a 4 Carnara (11 Owena 411, Drar 4M, Camay 43, Kay Ml, Brta raard 631. Baalak Oraaara (11 Clark 543, Farley 4M, Oannon HI DaBow 411, Wait 111; Walaat Clly Bawl Pile MO, Schulta 611, Hailett 437, Andaraon 541, BlniquUt 131. Tag Team Match At Salem Armory Next Tuesday A tag team match between the Larsen brothers Elmer and Logger and the Brown Bomb ers Don Kindred and Frank James will highlight next Tues day night's professional wrest ling card at the Salem arm ory, promoter Elton Owens said today. The Larsen brothers defeated James and partner Red Vagnone last Tuesday. James, displeased with the co operation shown him by partner Vagnone last Tuesday, asked for a chance to get back at the Lar sen brothers next week, with Kindred as his partner. Rookie inflelder Walt Freese of the St. Louis Browns, was an all-around athlete at the Uni versity of Virginia. Y0C7DEtC0A6Ia f&tk t'W'.watsV miM.. immimtl. eaivyw IN TOUR 1IFE! Total 37 11 17 44 WoliamoH Total! 33 14 11 M ,.. 14 37 1 444 ,..3 11 1 10 M Enjoy this FULLY AGED taste treat! 1 J iaiiii.yiii iaiiiaiiiLiiMB iiiiiaw aii.,'w...l f" m ! ' ''"AM KENTUCKY STRAIGHT I0URI0N WHISKEY THit WH1tlt!Y It 4 YEARS OLD. 86 PROOF f N I H I "WVlLUCRYaj DIovjouQ Prevention Life Protection whk (Mf EVERLASTING WHITlWAllS to keep the ipotieu beouty of your fireiT wft 0b curb guard protective rib to end curb icuff nuiiance and expeniel w ri. osty R0YAITEX TREAD and TRACTION world t utmost non-skid stopping power! WwMspt TWICE AS MANY SAFE MILES your one tire irrveshnent for years! r lwrro IT am Mill COmtanv 21 tha Best TIHE MEVJ5 bis? dkfc Adiodtyon SPECIAl- InfrodudoryOm km Find out how bucH ?rSujAl7l, Purchnne riu - u il win l J.r- "ji. t-ma tin atrwnirth. incrrr!J5, ins bVowo"4 po itbUitiesl to ownl Come ngu. - U N tit D ST WALTER H. ZOSEL CO. High and Chemekeli SI. Opposite City Hill OPEN FRIDAY KIGHTS TIL 9 i .1 . Jn t.ioines Je Shop DOES IT AGAIN IT'S SIMPLY Marvelous MY, OH MY, WHAT A BUY! a AND Of New 1953 Style 100 Wool Worsted SyDT Over 500 to Choose From Just Received from Our 5th Ave. New York Tailors an Exceptional Purchase Made by Our Buyer Now in New York. Reg. $55 Values NOW ONLY $36 Single & Double Breasted Models, Nrw Spring and fear 'Round Patterns, Color, Weaves. All Sixtt, Regulars, Long, Shorts & Stouts! 100 wool Worsteds 2 Pants " Suits Large Selection of New $75 Value 50 &7 anting Color, and Fatten See Our New Spring Line of SPORT COATS, LEISURE COATS, SLACKS, SUIT PANTS , Just Received New Shipment of Super Quality Fabrics and Tailoring SLACKS h. 6M$16 SPORT COATS $12" $2350 You'll Find II Pays All Win To Buy Your Clothes al JJ.i Better Known, None Better. For Quality, style and Greater Valne. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 O'CLOCK J J. B 387 2 Doors West of Liberty Wext to Hartman'a Jewelry Store State at Liberty Ste. Stale Street r.r