Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    4 Teams Left in Tourney
SHA, Silverton Eliminated
From District 11 Play
The Swrcd Heart Cardinal
and the 8Uvertoa Foxes drop
ped rat ef the double etlmlna
tioB district eleven basketball
tournament h e r e Wednesday
Bight. Sacred Heart dropped rat
by losing to the Woodbnrn Ball
dogs 51-41 and Silverton lost to
Cascade 53-44 la the night's final
Salem, Sttyton, Woodburn,
and Cascade are the only teams
of the eight entries remaining
in the running for the right to
go to the Class A state high
school basketball tourney be
ginning March IT. Salem and
Stayton are the two undefeated
There will be no games this
evening but action resumes to
morrow night at 7 o'clock with
the Stayton Eagles matched
against the strong Salem Vi
kings, coached by Harold Hauk.
The nightcap sends Woodburn
against the Cascade Cougars
with the loser leaving the tour
nament , The opening game last night
saw Sacred Heart jump Into
a quick lead with Bill Thomp
son hitting a short Jump shot
A short time later Vince Matt
lengthened the Card's lead te
-four points with a field goal.
Two straight field goals by
Sam VanArsdale tied the score
t four apiece with less than
four minutes played in the ball
game. Vince Matt sent the Card
inals, coached by Leo Gros
jacques out Into the lead once
again with two long field goals.
This made the score 8-4 with
two minutes remaining in the
opening period.
Before the quarter ran ent
'Bob Withers, Woodburn
guard, jumped In a shot to
trim the Cardinal's lead down
te 8-8. The first period saw
. only one foul called and that
was on Jim Bodewald of
Sacred Heart
Jerry Plank tied the score at
8-sll with one minute gone in
the second period but two long
push shots by Jim Moriarity put
the Cardinals out into a 12 to 8
lead. Woodburn, coached by
Marshall Barbour, managed to
tie the score several times but
couldn't overtake the Cardinals
and the half ended with Sacred
Heart holding a slim 23-21 lead.
Bob Withers led the Bulldogs'
offensive game In the first half
as he sank six field goals for 1Z
points. Bill Thompson had nine
Undefeated Echo
Wins First Game
District Tourney
i (Br Tho Aaaoclatod froMl
- Class B High School basket
ball teams begin moving to the
forefront In Oregon Thursday
In playoffs leading to the class
B tournament at Salem, March
An undefeated team Is lead
ing the way. Echo in Eastern
Oregon defeated Mt Vernon,
9-39, at Echo Wednesday
night tn the opening game of
series for the district 1 crown.
Another win for Echo at Mt
Vernon Friday night would
send Echo to the tourney.
The district 2 playoff opens
at Salem Thursday with M1U
City. Jefferson, Sublimity,
Gervais, Valsets, Amity, Col
.ton and Corbett In the run
nine;. Also opening Thursday night
Is the district 3 playoff at Eu
gene. It features the top four
class B teams In Linn, Lane,
'Lincoln and Benton counties.
. There will be class A action,
-too, with Prlnevllle meeting
Laktvlew for the right to en
ter the district 3 tournament
.at Prlnevllle Friday night
That tourney will be a four
team affair with Redmond,
Bend and Madras also entered.
Bevo Francis
Season With
Cleveland WV High scoring
Bevo Francis packed up his
short pants but not his basket
ball Thursday as tiny Bfo
Grande college wound up an
undefeated season.
The skinny six-foot nine-inch
freshman tossed in S4 points
gainst Wilberforce Wednesday
night at Cleveland Arena while
oaclne his club to its 39th
straight victory 109-55.
"Now I'm taking off to hit
the books" he declared after
running up 1,954 points in his
first college season the most
ever registered by one man In
that distance.
Those professors at Bye
O -Grand (they all pronounce
It that way In southern Ohio)
are tough," he added. "They'd
Just love to toss one of those
big, old, fat F's at you."
But giving up the game, even
temporarily, was not an orig
inal Idea with Bevo. Bevo,
nicknamed for a . prohibition
time near beer, wants to plsy
in a non-collegiate amateur
league. But his cosch, Newt
Oliver, says "no."
And when Newt says "Ho,
anal ami isevaa.
points, Vince Matt had eight, and
Jim Moriarity 'came through
with six for all the Sacred
Heart seornig In the first halt
There were but five fouls called
in the halt.
. Vance Cooney opened the
second half by sinking
33-foot field goal to give the
Cards a 25-31 lead. Jerry
flank and Boyeo began bit
ting for the Bulldogs and they
moved with two points at the
end of the third quarter. The
core was 35-33.
Sam VanArsdale tied 'the
score 35 to 35 with seconds gone
in the final period. The next few
minutes was a seesaw battle but
finally VanArsdale, Withers, and
Plank put the Bulldogs out in
front for good. The Cards nar
rowed the lead of Woodburn's to
two points with 30 seconds left
but Woodburn quickly made two
field goals to win by six points.
There were 13 fouls in the game.
bob Withers of Woodburn
was the game's high point man
with 16. Two Sacred Heart play-
ers, Vince Matt with 15 and Bill
Thompson with 14, were close
behind him.
In the final game ef the
Italian Pitcher Views
rtghthanded pitcher ef the fastest hall la Italy's GI Imported
baseball, geia a brief lntrodaetieB to Boston from stewardess
Base Townsend on arrival from Italy. Gloria Is an his way
to work out with the Cleveland Indians ana it an exchange
visitor permit The youth, a law student whea not playing
the game the Italians call "pallabase" said he had a 12-8
record last year pitching for the Lasle team la Borne. (AP
Pilots Dovn OCE in Finals;
WU Wins 99 97 Overtime
Portland (P) Portland Uni
versity downed Oregon College
of Education, 18-7, Wednesday
night to win Its fifth consecu
tive trip to the National Asso
ciation of Intercollegiate Athlet
ics basketball tournament-
The NAIA tourney opens. In
Kansas City, March 0. Portland
leaves for the tournament Fri
day morning.
Portland dominated all the
wav. and the crowd got Its thrills
from the opening game of the
evening, a double overtime Joust
in which Willamette nnaiiy
shaded Lewis and Clark, 99-97.
Tokyo Bids for Games
Tokyo (" Tokyo win ma
next month for the Olympic
games In 1960. The metropoli
tan government decide Wednes
day to send a three-man mis
sion to the Iriternational Olym
pic committee meeting in Mex
ico City in April to extend the
and Co. End
Unbeaten Mark
"I do whatever he says," the
player explained. Oliver said
39 - was enough and added,
"after all we're not pros."
There was another game at
the Arena Wednesday night,
but most of the fans came to
see Bevo and started leaving
as sooa aa Setoa Ball got
comfortably ahead of John
Carroll, winning 109-22.
The capacity crowd of 10,737
saw Seton Hall, which won its
first 27 games of the sesson for
a new major college record,
finish its regular season with a
28-2 mark. All-America Walt
Dukes led Seton Hall with 27
In other games, Pennsyl
vania, sparked . by the 2
points tallied by All-America
Ernie Beck, trounced Colum
bia, 59-45, to take ever first
place la the Ivy League.
La Salle whipped Temple, 65
45, although Tom Gola La
Salle's All-America, suffered a
sprained left ankle in the third
Oklahoma City' 'trounced
Tulsa, 74-60 and Niagara took
Colgate, 86-67.
evening the Cascade Cougars,
cracked by John Selaa, led
aaost of the way t beat the
SUvertea Foxes 53-44. The
Foxes arc omened by Milt
steam. Baa Chaddlck seat the
Cougars out la the lead two te
nothing to start off the game
and he went ea te swore the
first Ave Cascade points and
the Cougars led 5-3 midway la
the oaealar period. . 1
After trailing 8-3 with several
minutes left in the first period
Silverton narrowed the lead of
Cascade down to 9-7. Cascade
Snead Favorite
At Baton Rouge
' Baton' Rouge, La. Sam
my Snead, the West Virginia
wonder of the woods, was the
favorite in- a field of 84 pro
and amateur golfers teeing off
Thursday in the first round of
the $10,000 Baton Rouge Open.
The White Sulphur Springs
slammer grabbed the spotlight
from defending .Champion
Jackie Burke, Jr., and Houston
winner Cary Mlddlecoff by
burning up the par-72 Baton
Rouge Country club course in
practice rounds of 84 and 68.
Runner-up for favorite is Dr.
Mlddlecoff, the Memphis dent
ist . '
Oiulio Cesare Glor
iewo. 22. Italian
The scire waa knotted at
79-79 at the end of regular
play, and at 87-all after the
first overtime period. Then
Texas Oilmen
Seek to Buy ;
'Frisco -49'ers .
San Francisco (ff) Two Texas
oilmen have put up money to
buy the San Francisco 49er Na
tional Football League team, and
Anthony J. Morabito, co-owner,
has agreed on the terms of the
sale, the San Francisco Chroni
cle reported Tuesday.
The bid was made by Clinton
W. Murchison, Jr., 29, of Dal
las, and his brother John. Pa-
perse have been drawn up to
complete the deal.
But the league may not ap
prove the transaction, according
to League Commissioner Bert
Bell. The Chronicle said Bell
indicated absentee ownership
migm oe a stumoiing block.
Three Church
Games at PJH
Three church league basket
ball games are scheduled for to
night at Parrish Junior high
Two games are In class B. En-
glewood EUB meets First Chris
tian Whites at S o'clock, and
First Presbyterian faces St
Paul's Episcopal at t o'clock.
In the C division, Englewood
EUB meets First Christian at 7
Jockey Albert Widman of
Tampa, Fla., once was a model
for boys' clothes. Widman was
born in San Diego, Calif.
. Why Suffer
Any Longer
wka eaMra fall, m cainaat rara
odlaa. Amaatns raeeaoa tor sooo roars
la CBtaa. No matter vita what oil
aeati its an effltetod. dlaordora.
alnaarua. hosrt, Iwasa, Drat. kldnrfA
tu, oxuupatton. akrara. slaMtot,
roowsMtaaoa, sou ana
akla, fa-wlo aotnstauaa,
csn cos sjkbb ea,
OrlXo aowre I 4a 4,
Taoa. aad Sa4. aairr
Pfeowo SIMS
sia oas
lassat. tarar.
continued gaining a larger lead
in the second period and led
24-18 at halftone.
Cascade really began moving
away from the Foxes in the
third period with Lee Metcalfe
the big gun. Cascade led 41-27
with three periods gone In the
game. Silverton had a slight
edge in the final period but
were unable to overtake the
leaders. -
- Chaddlck and Metcalfe were
the scoring leaders for the win
ners as Cbaddick came through
with 16 and Metcalfe ending
up with 15. Fred Kasor had 14
for the losing Silverton team.
Soon Baart U (U) WhUbi
nt n pi tp
Rdtwid.1 1111 Flaak.f
Thtun.( S S 1 11 Balrd.'
It It pi tp
1 oil
Miartr.o I I 111 VaaradU
1 I 14
1 I 111
1 1 IS Horrlaj
S t 1 4 Wlthara.s
III! DrrcKa.1
' WoU.
l l i
It I su
11 Kil
IS 10 U
Touu aim Touii
Woodburn ....... .... II
Saorod Hurt S n
Frat throw mlaaod: Swrw
BlUt S.
Woodbna f. Ofllclala:
A1 Uthtnor sad
BUI Stud.
, - Is It pi tp
1 i a 4 Botoui.f
lilt WaMropf,
I 4 111 Wlppar.o
1114 Chadlck.t
1 4 I lltcalf,,
1.1 S 1 Budol.f
llll Klnlon,'
S 1 1 Ultchal.o
llll Opccr,f
I I I I Browns
Sill Sutton.!
II 111
1 I 1 II
4 T 111
Totals 141IM44 Totals 17111443
Oaaeado S II 17 13-43
aurtrtoa 7 11 I 1744
rm in row, miatod: caacado li. aurtr
toa 11. Ollielali: John Kollo and OUla
Giants Anxiously Await
News From Army About Mays
Phoenix, Aria. W) The New
York Giants are training here
between rainy seasons, but their
thoughts are long way off as
they await news any kind of
aews about Willie Maya ef
forts to get out of an army nnl
foraf. ' If the fleet Negro youngster
becomes available any time
within the next few months to
play center field for them, the
Giants from "Manager Leo Du
rocher down feel they can win
the National League flag in a
breeze. Without him they are
an unsettled ball club and just
don t know.
No club official wishes to
discuss the matter at all, oa
the off chance that any com
ment might be misconstrued
and hurt Willie's chances of
heing released after leas than
a year of service. The subject
la more or less tabo la any
discussion of the Giants' prob
able opening day lineup, and
this makes things rather dif
ficult beesa Maya la ths
little guard Jack Scrivens put
Willamette ahead to stay by
running up eight points in the
second overtime. For the game
he had 22 points.
Lewis and Clark was cham
pion of the Northwest Confer
ence, Willamette tied with Pa
cif ic for second. The game gave
Willamette an even break. 2-2.
with Lewis and Clark for the
OC1 (74)
OS) FarUaaw
ft ft st to fi n of to
4 I 1 II Borraaii.f J 1 13
4 4 Trutnleb.l 4
I T UcOrrr.o 4
4 11 Strodo.s T
I S Bartol.s I
l T Mrm.o i
I 4 HnEhao.o I
1 4 Bammoll.s I
1 II
4 II
4 1
I 14
Totals SI M M 70 Total! II M IT 71
OCC 41 7070
Portland it it 40 7471
Prat throws mluad: OCB 7. Portland 17.
Official: Paltoraoa and Tarkorlch.
WUlaaartlo (N ()
ft it vt tp
114 4
ft ft pf to
Haao.f 4 1 4 II Ketl.f
I J 11 Barkt.f
4 1 II Ptui.o
14 Paulaott.t
4 tl Krouat.s
11 Adrlan.a
111 Schroorj
I I II Sarroa.a
I 1 11 Jackaon,4
111 Bradra
I 1 I II
I 1 111
114 1
T 1 II
McClur.s S
SerlroA.s I
Bcrtrm,a I
Rotdj I
Orar.a I
Total, IT N St St Totals II 11 11 47
Wlllamttto 11 M 40 71 47-44
L-Clark SS II TS 41 47
Proo throw, salaaod: WUUmott TJ, IS.
Ltwla-Clark 11. Official,: rnaarad and
Arrerotioni Extra
Kay Woolen
260 S. 12th
Basketball Scores
(Br Tbo Auocuud rroaa)
N4U BUUlat rUXf
aiailroa linnu M. aacrawonlo at
4. tOM. . .
Owia n, tootm Uiiboraa St a
IIMO rraal
Buurm vuk. , hnl Snad M ooa-
Portland It, Orosoa Bdaoatloa t (ftaalt
willuiiiM aa, LowU Clark II (two
lowm Tchr. 7a, coraH IT.
at. AmDroaa 44. Loraa 77.
(rirot Bond)
But Taaaaaaa Si. Dartd Iraoooaak 14.
Tmiiiih Toch SI. Malta rt n-
But Carolina 73. Bloa M (null.
Hlrt Fotal n, BTitlao H (Manlattn),
Coatral suu Tl. mT Ti
MrlM Hod t l-ii.
ladtua suu u. iutu1 li (naall.
at aoBodltU 44. otuva IS (naall.
SprtoutUld Mo. llluourl vaUtr M n-
North Dokota S3. VlBot 44 (flatl).
BuUrn nilaoai so, UUnoU Wotloraa m
UorrU Horror H. Wort V Tock TJ
Pons H. Colombia 41.
Laaallo 44. Tompla 41.
Pans UlUUrr . Droial IS. -
Laboaoo Vollar S3. JualaU 41.
Niaaara ae, Colaau 11.
Dartmouth 14. Harvard 44.
Brown TT, Tulta U.
Prtneotea 14. RuUara II.
Manhattan 40, pordhan 44.
Carnoau Toch 11. Orors Cltp M.
mtnola Toch IS. Kalamaaoo Tl.
Salon Hall lis. John CorroU a2.
Oklahoma Cltr 14, Tula 44.
Rio Orando (Ohio) 100, WUborforet Is,
Paellle Unto, si, Oresm Toch 44.
Honolulu TJnlraraala 44. orosoa SUU
There Is not as much opti
mism as there was when the
Giants opened camp 10 days
ago. At that time the official
attitude might have been sum
med up in the cheery off-the-
record quote: "Sure; they'll let
us have Willie look at all
those dependents he forgot to
tell them about."
The' word w get now from
a man who knows someone
la the Pentagon la that Mays
has nine dependents, all right,
but that in the excitement
over playing big league ball
he neglected his responsibili
ties to his family down la
Alabama., and somebody blew
the whistle. There is ao sug
gestion that Willie meant to
do this, but tt apparently has
complicated his application
for discharge.
The result is that Manager
Durocher, for the time being,
is working pretty much in the
dark. All be can be certain pt
about his outfield is that Monte
Irvin, after losing almost all
last season with a broken an
kle, will be back in left. The
big slugger from New Jersey
still wears a high shoe over the
injured angle on wet days but
shows no sign of a limp.
Bobby Thomson, who had to
return to center field after Mays
was inducted last spring, is back
working out at third. There can
be no question that Leo is
dreaming of leaving him there
and again having that great
Thomson-Irvln-Mays batting ar
ray which won the '51 flag, but
he can't count on anything.
For Salem Boat
Club Listed
Salem Boat club committees
were named at a meeting of the
organization Wednesday night
at the Salem Memorial hospital
Committees named were:
Racing Ray Redding, Jay
Bertelion, Joe Skllbred; public
ity Esther Helton, Dorothy
Thede; social Doris Redding,
Connie Woodroff e, Helen Wood-
roffe, June St. Clair, Jocelyn
Scandling; sunshine Helen Van
A no-host dinner was served
to about SO boat fans.
Those interested in outboard
ing are urged to call 33727 or
27131 for information on the
Salem Boat club. The club pro
motes recreation in the boat
ing field, and strives to enroll
entire families in its member
ship. to 14.95
Mill Store
Street the Trains Run On"
Sends 13 Alcn to
State Wrestling Tourney
' Oregon Stste College, Corral
lis If results la district qualify
ing heats are true Indication, the
annual state high school wrest
ling tournament here Friday and
Saturday sheald be one ef the
closest la tourney history,
Jim Dixon, director of 'the
meet, said Wednesday that at
least two teams in every district
qualified enough men to be con
sidered a threat for the title won
by Hillsboro a year ago. In fact,
Hillsboro's defending champions
again will enter the big show
with 13 qualifiers out of district
McMlnnvlIle and - Newberg,
dominant schools, in district 2,
top the field in list of qualifiers.
The Grizzlies, runner-ups to
Newberg in district competition,
gained 16 berths in the tourna
ment, whle Newberg placed IS
men. " . '
' Not fr.r behind was 8alem's
district S tltllsts, with IS qual
ifiers, land- Albany, from the
section, with lZ. rare
second place team in
Works Out Alone
Ralph Klner, home run Mag
for the Pittsburgh Pirates,
dona his uniform in Palm
Springs to work oat alone
while his teammates train In
Havana, Cuba. Klner, who
says he has accepted one of
fer by the Pirates, is waiting
word from his boss, Branch
Rickey now with the team in
Cnba. Rickey says he has
changed his mind and any
farther talks wUl start with
a 25 percent cat in Klner's
last year contract. Klner is
working oat in the ssme ball
park with the SeatUe Rainier.
y r ;
4JV; r
Object of the game b to win friends. May be
played with any number of guests. Setup board
si shown. When guest's eye lights up at the
superb 7 Crown Manhattan for example, move
it quickly toward him. You will capture his
friendship immediately.
Seagram' 7 Crown. Blended
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March 6, 195S
district 1, came three IB with
11. .
. Because of travel and sched
ule difficulties, district 4 was
broken up into two sectors dis
trict 4-A and Klamath Falls,
a perennial power in southern
Oregon and always a threat for
the - state crown, gained 11
places in district 4-B, followed
by Grants Pass with five. In the
other half of the district, Burns
placed nine and Bend six, al
though Bend emerged as cham
pion. . ..-
Registration will be conduct
ed at the main, entrance to the
Men's gym Friday from 8:30 am.
to 12:13, the deadline at 11:30.
Preliminaries begin at 12:19 p.m.
Friday. Quarterfinals will be
staged at 7 that night On Sat
urday, starting at noon, semi-final
bouts and consolation match
es will be in progress, with the
third and fourth place champion
ship matches that evening, begin'
rung at 7.
OSC Loses
Weird Game to
Honolulu Team
Honolulu () Universal de
feated Oregon State M-87 in a
weird basketball game Wednes
day night that saw both teams
alternately hot and cold.
The Universal ran up a 23-4
lead in the first quarter and
threatened to run the visitors
right off the court Then the
Beavers took over, out-scored
the Plymouths 2S-3 In the sec
ond quarter and held a 20-28
lead at halftlme.
The score was tied repeatedly
In the second halt before the
Uni versa la grabbed a five-point
lead with three minutes to go.
They added to that with free
throws as the over-anxious Beav
ers fought for the ball.
Tony Vlasteltca of Oregon
State led aU scorers with 18
points. Jim Ramstead, ex-Stan
ford star, and Jerry Hefty, for
merly of pacific LrUtneran, tal
lied 18 each for the winners.
The teams meet again Friday
(OaaoUad or TJ. a Coaat S Oaalitli
limri raniaaa, vra
lav, Wataro Low Wa4o
Kanfc Tina Balsal TUna Battnt
1:44 aa. IJ - : aja. 1.S
1:14 P.m. 4 T S:M m- 1.4
S 1:11 . 41 10:l a.m. I I
4 11 a.m. 4.1 1:11 P.m. J.I
T I 54 a.m. 4.4 11:11 a.m. 41
1:11 p.m. 4.1 11:11 pm. I.I
S 4:44 a.m. 1.4 11:34 p.m. 01
. 7:39 p.m. 4.1 11:31 p.m. 1.1
tttl a.m. 4.4
14 1:07 a m. I I 11:17 la. 1.1
I l p.m. 4 7 1:41 PH. 4.4
II I a.m. 44 1:31 a.m. 1.4
14:17 P.m. IJ 1:44 as. -4.1
It 1:37 a-m. 44 1:13 a.m. 1.1
10:15 P.m. I T 4:14 PJB. -4.4
II 14:17 a.m. 41 ' 4:31 a.m. U
11:31 p.m. I I 1:11 p.m. -4.4
14 11:11a.m. 4.1 1:31a.m. 1.1
l:M p.m. -01
II II 04 a.m. 1.7 4:14 a.m. 4.4
11:1 p.m. 1.7 I tl p.m. 4.1
Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral
Page IS
Eye on the Ball
Vera EUea gets a few tatttsur'
pointers from wntflelder Dwko
Snider as she visits the
"Bams" at the Dodger eamp at
Vero Beach, Fla. (UP Tele
photo) District 2-BMest
Gets Underway i:
At Willamette !
The district 2-B basketbaTl:
tournament got underway a.
Willamette university this aft-;
ernooa witn two games. ,
Mill City was to have play;
ed Gervais at 2:18, and Tarn-,
hill was to have met Jeffer
son at 4 o'clock.
. In games tonight, Valsets
faces Corbett at 7 o'clock,
and Sublimity takes on Coltoa
at 8:30. - . '
Winners of today' games
will play tomorrow Bight tm :
the semi-finals.
The championship game, the
winner to go t the state elaas :
B tournament next week in
Salem, la sehedoled tor Sat- '
arday night. . -'
Seals Subdue :
Portland, 12-5
Riverside, Calif. VP) Third
baseman Reno Cheso smacked a
homer and two doubles for the)
San Francisco Seals Wednesday
as they whacked the Portland
Beavers 12-3 in an exhibition
Portland, however, took a f-4
lead in the first three Innings oa
Larry Ward's hitless hurling. Bat
his successors, Ben Lorlno, Dick
Waibel and Don Hopp, cava up
16 hits. .
Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., NX'
rk , "
; f- v- - :
... j.
. 1
i :
fi V
;- ' t ' i U