Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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M-CaplUl Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, March S, 1953
Svcglo School Enlarges
Playground for Students
East Salem With spring
weather, recreation periods at
.the schools are now spent on
'the school ground liuiteud of
in the play -rooms. ,
At Sweglu school two new
basket ball goals and a hori
zontal bar are new playground
equipment, and the black top
has been cleared of slide, thus
giving the children a larger dry
: play section.
Teas for mothers are given
each year in many of the
, schools. The first this year for
Swejle 'mothers was given
i Thursday afternoon by mem
bers of the sixth grade. Moth-
. ers were first Invited to attend
, the 20-minute . radio script
which wan given over the
i school's broadcasting system
'with music and sound effects.
Five of the fifth grade pupils
of Swegle have completed IS
'. written book reports and given
five oral reports. They are Mar
' garet Gil man, Ronnie Alsman
Charles Berg in, Muriel Royer
nil nrtnalfl finliken.
David Averfield, a first grad-
. erer, nas been, transierrea to
California school as his mother
Mrs. J. W. Overfleld of June
- vpniii. nuwed the Bast week.
Washington school Mothers
club sponsored a square dance
at the Mayflower hail last wee
Mn Mnxat Van Dell and Mrs
Elmer Meade were co-chairmen
for the benefit.
On the refreshment commit'
' tee were Mrs. Kenneth Robin
nn m Willla Hill and Mrs
Clarence Bueller. Callers were
Kenneth Robinson, Elmer Van
Dell, Richard Houtx, and Clyde
' Chatters.
Swegle school will have a
spring festival at the school next
week, and Hoover school in
The date for the school carni
' val at Hoover school was an
, nounred for April 10 at the PTA
' mt(nff Mnndav niffht-
, Named as the nominating
- committee for new PTA officers
' at Hoover school for next year
were Rev. Lowell Holte, Mrs.
Leo Rumler and George Goforth.
'. Third grade mothers who
Cfiqlfanf (o Speak
At Mission Meeting
The several hundred persons
taking part In the area-wide
interdenominational missionary
convention now being held at
the First Baptist church wlU
hear Sr. Harold Chalf ant, mis- i
alonary director lor the Four
Square church Thursday night.
Following Dr. Chalfant's talk
there will be a showing of a
film produced by the Wycliff
. Translators entitled "Over A
Thousand Tongues". It will show
the Importance of producing
Christian literature by reducing
languages to writing.
Featured speaker during Wed
nesday night's session was
. China-born missionary, Rev.
'John Schlosser of the Free
- Methodist church board. The
' climax of the evening was the
showing of the life story film
' on Jake DeShazer, the Doollttle
raider shot down over Japan In
' the war, and now a missionary
to that country.
The convention will continue
, through Sunday with sessions
each afternoon and night Dr.
Oswald J. Smith wlU give the
final talk at 3 p.m. Sunday.
served at the refreshment hour
were Wayne Stanton and Mrs.
Roy Rlggs.
New Dates for
Livestock Show
Portland New dates have
been set for the 1993 Pacific in
ternational Livestock Exposition
at North Portland, Oregon. Per
sistent demand from livestock
exhibitors and national live
stock breed associations has re
sulted in the Pacific Internation
al deciding to hold this year's
event on the dates of October
20 through 24 for the open
show. The Junior Show for 4-H
and FFA exhibitors will occupy
the last three days of that
period-, October 22. 23, and 24.
This shift in dates will close
the previously long gap between
the Pacific International and the
Cow Palace show at San Fran
cisco. It appears certain that
this new arrangement will at
tract a considerable number of
additional exhibitors previous
ly missing the P-I in order to
avoid the customary wait be
tween shows. With the Ogden
livestock show immediately fol
lowing the Cow Palace event
this western show circuit is cer
tain to attract more lntermoun
tarn and mldwestern exhibitors
as well as those from the Pa
cific Slope, in the opinion of
the Directors of the Pacific In
ternational and breed association
representatives. . ' '
The. proposal now is to bold
the show In facilities to be made
available adjacent to the Port
land Union Stock Yards.
1(14 MEN REACH 8. F.
San Francisco W) The
transport Gen. E. D. Patrick
arrives today with 1,614 serv
icemen and depenents from
Japan. -
iVaaff fj
Cherry CHy
Electric -
S3 Chesaeketa
Phone 2472
Journal Want Ads Pay
North Howe
' North Howell A surprise
miscellaneous house warming
; was given for Mr. and Mrs. Roy
, Dunn and family Saturday eve-
' ning.
The Dunns have moved into
their new home.
The hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Dunn's sisters, Mrs.
. Laura Parker and Mrs. Edith
. Harvey.
The North Howell Grange
, will meet March 0 at the hall
' The hosts for the evening will
be Mrs. Wayne Strachan and
Mrs. Kenneth Coomler.
On March 12 the Home Econ
omics club will meet at the hall
with the same hosts.
; Mrs. Loren Roble and chll
; dren Rod and Kelly, spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Espe.
Mr. and Mrs. August Woelke
, were dinner guests Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wll
mer Fossholm.
Conrad Gunderson has been
on the sick list with a siege of
the flu.
Woodburn Guests
Woodburn Week end guests
ef Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor
were their son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John S
Linscott, Juday, Joan, Janie and
r John Jr.. of Castro valley,
Calif. Joining the group for
1 Sunday dinner were their oth
' er son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
; and Mrs. Harold Schooler, Nan
er and Barbara of Vancouver,
Wash., all the children and
grandchildren of the Proctors.
Dr. Will J. Thompson
Examination in Afternoon or
Eve. by Appointment
Fer . Appointment . Plions . 4-4057
Chock full
of nnts
or Vanilla
Jusl Unpacked! Newest of New
You'd toy they should
M for 1.98
7 iuijMyuu l
h ?)
m M M aaw ff M M mf MM M mm m aaw-
Giant Slae, 33x36" " "" VjV ( Cl
I All First Quality I SAVE ON """""w jA vXv, Si V
I W A SpunLo Panties eO. VlHfLT V W V
M aa. asm. s Me- 59cJSi3k ' V V
twan I (n&i&x. Bloomer Style OA. i A"A,"'sV
I !&&t&f Panties. S-M-L . 07C V jkQV f.V
I 1 IW- Sss Panties, 43-44-46 69c VkU
I Re9U,or 19 1 K .BH- Mr -Vr- .
I ServkeoWe I I ' I
1 leiiy Clolh AL '
225c nyions ck.
I DMIaui fatac I Cl' I I 4
(rmvn v a a IRREGULAR 1B.
To Embroider I .HS OIIAI ITY
i 9o, t i ao i i i .v;."ht:: "
I 1 I I Ml sffwl Mf Ku Ncbte km. SI G. FT. M. I I I
Rej. 50c, Delicious, Pure, Mouth-Wottring
Rich, Fresh, Creamy
Reg. 28cf 125-Ft. Roll
yU" , (Limit 2)
rH 1
fik I Beg. Made I
C 3T I by American I
' v I Tnermos Co. I
v n Vk7 Pint Vacuum I
JX. X it
J Ovi 300 Single Sheets f
f0m M i 7,
Metropolitan is noted- for its Blouse Values . . . but
this one TOPS them all! Lovely crepes and crisp cottons
in a wide and varied assortment for spring and summer,
tleeve and sleeveless styles. Every new fashion hit . . .
all colors, all sizes.
SI G. FT. Xw. Site.
2100 98c 98c
Sale on Work Clothes
Strip Overall
Regular 13.59 . ..
Den Waist Pants
Regular 33.79 . .
BlueChambray $1 OQ A 'Tl
Shirts, reg. 31.69 ,lMflfl
Sun Tan J
Shirts, reg. 3.79
Sun Tan J
Pants, reg. 3.79
si'fnn A
j .98 7y eUS
(Mff Samples I I I '
i-oo a
Just name it ... we have it!
The most fascinating group of
Spring dresses ever! Here are
Picalays, Chambrays, Overglaze,
Broadcloth, Waffle Piquet, etc
Prints, stripes, checks . . . plain
colors and combinations. Navy,
lilac, blue, pink, and other lush
spring shades . . . sixes 9-15; 12
20; 16 'i to 24H.
ill i
I Just Arrived 1
Beautiful New I
5pna : 1
V ' Handbags I
I Beauty Knit 1
I . Crochet and 1
I Bedspread I
JLj conoN I
Tk" Natural KM yards f
V White 600 yards m
Scores and Scores of
the Season's Loveliest
Tailored Stylet
L oca-trimmed
Shop Metropolitan
for the buy-of-the-year
ef ladles slips!
Choose from pink,
white and tearose.
Complete range of
alzes. At this price
you'll want mete than
A Great Special Purchase
Of Nationally Known Men's
Sport Shirts
A famous make brand, known
the world over! Imported fa
brics, TIssim finzhams, checks.
Rayon aheers, Rayon Shan
tunza. Broadcloths, etc. Long
and short aleem. SHzhtlr Ir
rrf. (which does not affect
the wear at alL) Plain col
or and fancy patterns. Brand
New for 1SU. Shirt steea It
ite 17.
More Sport Shirts ef
100 Nylon and
Nylon Puckerette
I 5-Pc. Mix 1
Bowl Set I
Regular 1.29 I
I 27x27" Absorb- I
I ent, Antiseptic I
v, Birdseye I
Quick Dip
The "" w sUverware
polish. No rnbbtnr just dip
and rinse. Guar,teed not to
harm the finest silverware.
Regular (Sc.