Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thuraday, March I, It: ll ONI PART GLAMOUR, ONE PART THRIFT I SPRING NEWS IN CHECKS, SOLIDS TWEEDY WOOL LONG COATS A n in? (urruriisi V i ill " 2lS Crewmen Who Died in let Crash Thete four crew mem ber! of the Canadian Comet jet airliner which ciaihed when taking oft from the Karachi, Pakistan, are shown in front of plane before it left London. They, another crew member and six British aircraft technicians were killed. Left to right are: Capt C. Pentland, Capt C. North Sawle, radio navigator J. R. Cooke and chief navigator P. D. Roy. (AP Wirephoto via radio from London) Home Rebekahs North Marion In Spelling Bee Woodburn The regular meet ing of Home Rebekah lodge No. 58 was held Tuesday night at the IOOF hall with Mrs. Dorothy Garrett presiding. The unwritten work of the lodge was given by Elizabeth DeHaan, Coral Gay and Laura Livesay. Mrs. Garrett expressed the thanks of the lodge to the Noble Grand club for the work done in the kitchen since the last meeting. The Past Noble Grands will put on the program at the next meeting, March 17, and serve refreshments in honor of the members who are not Noble Grands. After the meeting, games and spelling bee were enjoyed. Mrs. Addie Doud won the prize in the spelling bee and in games the members were divided into two sides, the red ind blue, with the red side winning with Mrs. H. A. Lohse as captain. Mrs. Clara Stange was captain of the losing side. Refreshments were served by Joanna Breuninger, Emma Web er, Mabel Sporalsky, Blanche Granner and Leota Porter. ENVOTT TO SWAP JOBS? Tokyo, Cff Kyodo flews agen cy today said Robert D. Murphy, U. S. ambassador in Japan, will leave for Washington in April to swap Jobs with John M. Alli son, assistant secretary of state in charge of Far Eastern af fairs. V Hubbard The board of edu cation of North Marion onion high school monthly meeting will be held Monday evening, March 8, at 8 p.m. at the school. A national school assemblies program will be present Wednes day, March 1L at 9 a.m. . The Yawama League officials otncials will hold a meeting on Wednesday evening in McMinn ville. Pat Beal, principal of North Marion, is president of the group. The Future Farmers of Ameri ca annual father-son banquet will be held Thursday evening, March lz. at the school. 1 The Band-Parent club of North Marion high school is sponsoring a fun night and carnival at the school Friday evening. March 13. A dance, stage show, wrestling matrh ann VBrfnni 0&m will iicji vimijjrise uie evening entertainment Proceeds will be used for a majorette's uniform. The chorus will make and sell home-made candy and use the proceeds to start a choral robe fund. Keith McNary. an aoDrentice Human in th nihmnrln ritvfs. ' ion of tne U. S. navy reserve, is on two weeks active duty at Hunter s Point, San Francisco, McNary is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. McNary and a senior at North Marion Union high Kyodo said Allison would ar rive here in May. " Only Cream of MNTIM qtvesyou Double RiWtefc! ia Only "Cream" gir you V?y -ri r r V nt ' 1 T TTY '" iiuii .i sa ktr.isi.a.n.a. is i n f a a """" " IJ.1S H QL IBTKn nilini UMI-m rwo7 Kn sritui jnwj.jauin KJt,nc,nioiT.r A 75 Multicolor patterns that blend, pastel tones to leek as new as the fin violet. Solid color fleeces and suede cloth. With wonderful sleplnf shoulder Una and part flare back. Fully lined coats . . . An. ' Others frea ether Penney fashion plus buy! 7 to 14. 9 90 h 19,75 SECOND FLOOR SPRING PASTELS IN CHECKS AND SOLID COLORS! ' SHORT COATS r Calling all girls to come leek their best fer Easter In toft subtle check, tirade, fleece' and gaberdine. Novelty Hitches and gay flare backs. Fully lined, tee. Wonderful multicolor ef neutral end pastel colors. Sites 7 to ,14. SECOND FLOOR '-9 160 N. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, ORE.' h c y I 1 Y A 1 a v L ' . s Will v II - - w A 1 "mSfp 75 3-PIECE CHECK . CONTRAST SUIT f nom fa7 I THE HEART TKr '. - :SrSr V OF THE J Crisp and rich as wool but It's rayon and 'acetate gabardine for the pert racket, a wonderful look for the bright white pleat skirt and reversible Jerkin. 4-piece suit. 7 to 14. SECOND FLOOR b). Others front . 3.98 12.73 Designed for Her! EASTER BLOUSES Designed for that dress up Easter outfit. Luscloae ' nylon, fast drying ... sturdy but pretty rayons, tee. White and colors. Select tiers today, to match her suit. 3 to 6X. Sises 7 to 14. 190 EASTER'S SUGAR-SWEET PASTEL FROTHY NEW leouttful nylon sheer with the grown up airs they want. Charming in leeks, these will weth and dry In a flash and need elmost no Ironing. Picture-pretty for Eestsr and wonderful ell summer long fer dress up occosions. 3 to AX. mm 98 3 to 6X Sizes 7 to 14 Sub Teen Sizes 4.98 to 5.90 5.90 SECOND FLOOR PERKY AND EASTER-BOUND 98 Turn up beck interest bonnet for your Junior Setter peroder. Bow bedecked flower sparked sennit strew braid In color, neutral end white. Be eerly to moke your selection. SECOND FLOOR EASTER ACCESSORIES OF NYLON DAINTY NYLON RUFFLE SLIPS .... 1.98 PERT AND PRETTY NYLON PANTIES .... 79c LITTLE LADIES' NYLON GLOVES .... 98c STURDY AND PERT NYLON ANKLETS ... 39c PENNEY'S STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. - Friday Nite Til 9:00