Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1953, Page 10, Image 8

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    lft-Cpttal JobtimJ, Sal, Ore, WdnwUy. March 4.
Look to
Spring Term
tT.aHal Immlmii -
Oregon Stat College, Corval
. B (Special) appy days art
. Km again aloe tbe OSC bas
ketball team wen 3 out of 4
garnet from Oregon In confer
ence play for thla season. The
Oregon Stat team now holds
tbe chancellor! trophy donated
by Dr. Charles D. Byrne, chan
cellor of higher education in
Oregon. This trophy presented
for the first time this year goes
to the winner of the Oregon
Oregon State series. Also along
the line of basketball Is the
NCAA tournament to be held
' In the Coliseum March 13 and
14. for these two nights .the
coliseum will be transformed
Into TV theater. Technicians
were down from Seattle and
aid conditions are excellent
tower will be set up on the Ag
ricultur building here on cam
pus to transmit the game to Port
land and, from Portland to Se
attle It will go by telephone
The Oregon Stat college
. concert band presents Its win
ter term concert Tuesday night
In the coliseum. The band is now
preparing for their spring vaca
tion tour to southern Oregon.
., Members of t h concert band
from Salem who played in the
concert Tuesday and who will be
touring with the band are: Jim
Todd, student director; Bob
Scott, Jerry Gillespie, Arvin
Crose, Lloyd Hamlin, Donna
Whlttocker, and Alice Lehman.
The OSC traveling talent show
left yesterday for Portland in
their first of a series of ex
ehange assemblies. Members
from Salem traveling with the
how are: John Day, who does
a "Charleston" act, and Jim
Todd and Jerry Gillespie, mem
bert of the band.
Elections continue and several
names have been listed from Sa
lem. Xaija Lletuvietls was elect
ed intramural manager of Jame
son House. Kaija Is also running
for secretary of Women's Recre
ational association. Business and
Technology club is holding its
elections tomorrow. Two Salem
men, Richard Evans and Dennis
Felk, are running for treasurer
of the organization.
This past term Evl Tar em and
Jo Slittler have been active in
the WRA Intramural program.
They both worked as assistants
of Intramural basketball.
Com next Saturday upper
lass student will travel to the
coliseum to register for spring
, term classes. This will be the
last trip through the lines for
the seniors. Seniors from Salem
include: Kenneth Andresen, Le
on Burgoyne, Clement Butte,
John Day, George Error, Charles
Foster, Jtmes Glnguch, Herl
Holdln, Lloyd Honeysette, Rob
ert Irving, Gordon Johnson,
Florence Kubin, Lorraine Well-
ing, Alan Olsen, Bill Rock, Don
Young, Alvis Miler, and George
Recent Bride Is
Feted at Shower
M1U City Mrs. William
McClintock (Patricia Cree),
bride of February 19, was
the honored guest at a
party and miscellaneous shower
given in the Legion bail xnurs
day night. Hostesses were Mist
Marlene Tickle, Mrs. Walter
Kay. Mrs. Verne Shaw, Mrs.
Jack McClintock, Mrs. John Nel
son, Mrs. Elmer Shsw. For en
tertainment little JoEllen Agee,
twirled the baton with her
mother claying the piano.
Guests invited to honor Mrs.
McClintock were Mrs. Edna Hal-
seth. Mrs. Albert Halseth, Mrs.
O. W. Gorton, Mrs. Jeanette
Dickinson. Mrs. John Wehrli,
Miss Patricia Halseth, Miss
Sharon Wehrli, all of Salem;
Meadames Anna Swift. Clyde
Golden, Ernest Graham, Charles
Day, Morris Howe, Clyde Kicn
ards, Gordon Kay, Ollle Muise,
Otto Weldman. Ed Cooke, J. C.
Kimroel, Wilbur Meinert, Rosa
Daly. Edith Maion, Elmer Shaw,
Al Yankus, Verne Shaw, Walter
Kav. Lowell Cree, Nora uooa
win, Dean Jackson, Virginia
Thompson, Bertha Baltimore,
Floyd Jones, Floyd Johnson,
Glenn Tlnney, Clyde Rogers,
Verda Goble, Herbert Schroeder,
Bvron Bates, Floyd Shepherd,
Burton Borroughs, Joe LaiacK,
Albert Toman, Jr. Kenneth
, i is ' .. j t " V V .
' '.V '
' - ' I . " ' r ""
T Appear Here Miss Tana Bawden, Portland, talented
young pianist, will appear In a benefit recital in Salem next
Monday evening, sponsored by the Salem Federated Music
clubs. The program will be at 8 o'clock in Waller hall on
the Willamette campus. Proceeds go to the Mrs. Walter
Denton memorial fund.
a -
Turban in Paris Spring
hat shown in Paris la mod
eled after a auHan'i turban
and features red, white and
black plaid ahantung in con
certina pleats.
Weathers, William TImm, Eldon
Hutchinson. Archie Bates, Anna
Jenkins. K. P. veness, Bess van
dermeer, William Sbuey, Milton
Roten, Wllma Berry. Albert
Toman, Sr., George Cree, and
the Misses Alona Daly, Virginia
Timm, Elnora Albright, Donna
Cooke, Ardlth Jones, Gerry
Hamblln, Betty Lou Cree, Donna
Nelson, Hazel Neal and Phyllis
Shower Given
Independence Miss Shirley
Grover, who will wed Ernest
Raffety on March 29, was a guest
of honor at a shower given by
Mrs. Donald Welgal and Miss
Peggy Reed at the Weigal home
Gueits were Mrs. Douglas
Blair, Mrs. James Cobine, Mrs.
Bob Cobine, Mrs. Elva Glover,
Mrs. Evelyn Lane, Mrs. Mary
Wade, Mrs. Clarence Thomas,
Mrs. Melford Van Hess of Sa
lem; Mrs. Leo Callles, Mrs.
Delpha Owen, Misi Harriet
Guild, Mrs. Ray Patterson, Mrs.
Mary Fix, Mrs. Peggy Fix, Rita
Lewis, Hazel Ross and Mrs.
Anita Aguilar of Salem.
Receives Office
University of Oregon. Eugene
(Special) Miss Jackie Savior.
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Saylor, 2410 Myrtle Avenue,
Salem, was elected this week to!
serve as custodian for the cam
pus Women's Recreation associa
tion. She will serve in that office
until next winter.
Miss Saylor is a sophomore
in liberal arts at the university,
and a graduate of Salem high
Lions Auxiliary
Names Delegates
Sllverton Mrs. Clifton Dick-
erson and Mrs. Mae Hi (gin
botham were elected as dele
gates to the annual spring board
meeting to be in Astoria on
April 15 at the Monday evening
meeting of the Sllverton Lions
club auxiliary. The meeting
and banquet are to be at the
John Jacob Astor hotel and will
be an all-day and evening affair.
Mrs. Larry Taylor, president,
gave a report prepared by the
nominating committee, Mrs. Wil
liam Bobbins, Mrs. Walter
Leisy and Mrs. Harry Sherwood.
The auxiliary secretary la Mrs.
Vester Seydell.
Preparations are under way
for assembling an Easter basket
for the club's adopted family,
the material to be left at the
Dickerson store on Friday.
April 3, before 5 o'clock.
There will be a white ele
phant sale at the April 8 meeting.
Mrs. Nyhus was named at
394 North Church
Phon 3-9600
Camp Fire Girls
Group in Portland
Camp Fir Girls councils In
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana were represented at
the annual regional meeting in
Portland February 36-28. There
were 170 Horizon girls register
ed for the conference. Five
Horizon clubs from the Willam
ette ' area council were repre
sented. Delegates from Salem
were Joyce Randall. Sandra
Carter, Judy Loucks, Julie Mil
ler, Gilberts Bate and Gail
Blush. From Dallas clubs were
Clydene McWhlrter and Kath
leen Kelley, and Nancy Briggs
and DeEtte Davis represented
Corvallis Horizon clubs.
Adult council members rep
resenting the Willamette area
council were Mrs. W. E. Gard
ner of Salem, regional repre
sentative; Mrs. Raymond B. Ol
son, chairman of the Salem dis
trict; and Mrs. Frank Kobky,
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Woods, Mrs. William Young and
Mrs. Robert Kelley. from Dal
las; Mrs. John Swarthout, Mrs.
John Giffin, Mrs. John Smith
who participated on the camp
ing panel; Mrs. Cal Monroe,
Mrs. C. H. Briggs, Mrs. Wally
Pease, and Mrs. S. M. Zeller
from Corvallis. Mrs. Zeller wat
elected for a second term on the
executive committee. .
chairman of a committee for ar
ranging a box social.
Activities of the auxiliary in
clude tending a girl to the
American Legion auxiliary girls
state; collecting embroidery ma
terials for the Salem tuberculosis
hospital; and taking used Christ
mat and greeting cards to the
Fairview home. Mrs. Clifton
Dickerson and Mrs. Ma Higln-
bothara volunteered to deliver
the donations to the homes.
Two prospective members
were present, Mrs. Delbert Iver-
son and Mrs. Charles Plroutak.
THANK HEAVXNSI Moat attacks ara acid
tndi(ftion. Whtn it atrlkaa taka Bill-ana
tablets. Thar contain tha fwtatactin
tadldnaa known to doctor! for tho ratlaf
of hoartborn and gas. SQf rwfundad If not
satisAad. Band amptjr carton to Ball-an
Oranfoburs. N. T. Gat Boll-ana today. sst.
You may be suffering needlessly from
we luncnonauv-eauaea cram do. nun
and weak, "no good" feelings due to
menstruation I for la actual tests
by doctors Lydla Pinkham't Com
pound stopped or gave amazing relief
ui mca awrcBt in o out 01 . 01 uia
eases . . . eren on tha var lint and
wont day of the monthly pertodl
LdlmPtuhAin'f to medntiMJf actio
t)o cat Lvdte B. itakliama TMttlik
Compound or 1110, imprxjvd Tbl.ta
vttn added Iron. 8m U taken through
out tht month It doaan't rallara thoaa
erampa, backichai, Jlttara Htlp yon J I
battar btjort and durina your parlodr
Or If you auffar from functional -bos
aahaa- of "ehann of lira - iul out hoa
teondarul FinUiam't it or that, tool
I m. ulillat atMaa
mlmmmJ taatrattteBatkat
Evasion of
Taxes Charged
Portland V The first of a
series of criminal complaints ac
cusing Oregon residents of in
come tax evasion in 1946 were
filed here Tuesday by the U. S.
Internal Revenue Bureau.
Ralph GraneuUt, Oregon di
rector of tbe bureau, said addi-
Itional complaints would be filed
before March is, uie deadline
for the statute of limitations ap
plying to 1B48.
Those named in complaints
tiled Tuesday included:
Noble H. Chownlng Sr., Co
quille, accused of reporting an
income of 6,S1 instead of 117.-
Willis J. McReynolds, also
known as R. b. Leathers, Reeds-
Staff member from the Wil
lamette area council participat
ing in the Portland meeting
were Miss Enid Wolcott, execu
tive director, and Mrs. Janice
Hiebert, field director from Sa
lem; and Mrs. Arden Wallace.
field director from Corvallis.
cuss zj&Ezt rKisi!
uSeMn. .ft M. sY SA GmMti, Cat
Aanasra Paso ratiavat tartan af fstapta pUa
mjc ACU 10 rcarrw iiuzufx, paun sat
SooOaM raw, mflamgd tisauti, Laivicai
aotUfta dry, tWlcoad paru. Hclpi redoes swcU
tnf, kcal crackukf . So don't suffer niortlsas
mtsstry 4 uaifaW iiak. Cat Pa, Ml fcu cu
fort riM aM7. Ak your doctor about it, Suf
motitorrtorm or tuba with jMrioratad pipa
F ts Otntmmt mtd Smppitimui&
port accused of reporting a part
ner's income of 915,910 instead
of S36.910. , . . , .
Isaac L. Hauutcii. farmer' ad.
erator of a Portlaatj card room,
aecused of repfjrtini has income
as $51,485 instead of 980,902.
Ads AT ONCE to Relieve
CAusto my coco
Credit . yjew...
i i ' v u av f w
.1 a. .a
1 sACW - . a. -am
Ot ru
otv". ttV
Havs Never Seen ...
Are Newly Created .11
Oodles of Whites,
Lilacs and Purples,
Reds . . . Blacks . . . Navy . .
Mint... Yellow and
,T.U.. . . . . . . .T.V. W . . .
O 4
xt,fi $- DalntyP
234 No. Liberty in SALEM
(681 Main St. in Lebanon)
sbssiiif. y
S1NV is lljtf m
ftW i H4 m
I, v WNhtiK .';
w . V .j . iMibif . ;
"Johnny Belinda" , X""?
The perennial favorite of our entire ' aa. ' a n
' generation . . . From a famous I
maker . . . eomet this glove toft . (aaaST. '
Bllerina that moulds to your foot af)f.l ViaWlJs
... "like the akin of a sausage-.. . Sarvltfll Si
I Band flexed soles . . . Pegged flat- - II II I
1 tie heel ... no gaping . . . no slip- .ata 1 11 11 11 ' I
g. bese Uttle ahoea . . . REALLY Jw wS If U
llat W . M .1 . r-"g' IV Bi- 1 I
i i"'-" . w Donsres - ; l I
(jQ$xf Cottons
V yll Ny!onS
Luscious Lace Trims
' Dainty Peter Pans
fi Ann Collars f
ndarin Necks 11
hirred Fronts l&T'T
New Va Sleeves ' .
e Sleeveless ?SSl
Jaiii i f Jf , VS7 mm .jik.-. I
JmTm ir I; v.l""1 """T'.V
' r
TIU 9 f.M.)