Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Guests at
Star Meet
On Tuesday
More than 80 guest attended
the xriendshfn n!,i -n -
r Vltio
wick chapter. Order of Eaitern
owr, on iiieiaay evening. Chap
ter from. Independence. Albany
nd Dallas were especially hon
ored with guest present from
other Willamette valley ettie
and out of itate.
Escorted to the east were Mrs.
Paul H. Hauser, grand historian
of jrand chapter: Mrs. Clara
Van Loan of Independence,
grand representative of Texas;
Mrs. W. H. Lewis, grand repre
sentative of Tennessee; Mrs. Ar
thur Lewis and Richard Carl
son, worthy matron and patron
of Naomi chapter in Dallas; Mr.
Dessa Hofstetter, worthy matron
of Ada chapter in Independ
ence; George Bickman, worthy
patron of Brazillai chapter to
Initiated Into the group were
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shaw.
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor was
chairman of th rrfmkinni.
committee and assisting her
were Mrs. William Gardner,
Mrs. Herman Feitelson, Mrs.
tioren L. Loose, Miss G wen
Phillips, Mr. ana Mrs. Dick
Robinson. Mm Vnnoth n,jv
Mis Genevieve Ashford and
nr. ana Mrs. Ira Darby.
Board Meets
Salem Heights Mrs. Robert
Hartman was hostess to the
executive board of the Salem'
Height Mothers club at break
fast on Tuesday morning at
her home on West Salem
Heights avenue.
- Final plans were made for
the club's annual chicken din
ner to be on March 13, at 6:00
pjn., at the Salem Heights
school cafeteria. Mrs. Hale
Mickey was named as chair
man, and Mrs. L. A. Clinker co
chairman. The proceeds are to!
be used for the school. Mrs. My
ron Butler reported on the Par
ent council meeting and an-1
nounced that March 22 was the
date for the "Cannery Scan
dals" put on by the Cannery
local to support the milk fund
in the schools.
Other mothers attending were
Mrs. L. A. Clinker, Mrs. Fran
cis Gaskins, Mrs. E. A. Bam-
Some Notations . . .
Everything slitter, thi.
from bathing suits to house
dresses, every costume seeming
ly having its touch of sparkling
trim all because of the coro
nation in England, they say . . .
And the "jewels" will go
through the washer, so they say.
Ana because we like to aoe
our British cousins, we lose no
chance to glitter along with
them albeit we have no crown
But speaking of glitter, cer
tainly the annual spring fashion
snow sponsored by Salem Wet
Army sad Navy leaa-ae.
Tuesday afternoon at the Marion
hotel, was a glittering affair,
one of the showiest events of Its
kind in a long time here ... A
capacity house greeted the show
ing, too ... It was a beautiful
array of spring and early sum
mer attire from Johnson's store
Again we say Mrs. James T.
Brand should go into the busi
ness of being a commentator i
half the success of the show
comes from her original chatter
and comment . , . The setting
was especially interesting for
the Tuesday show . . . The theme
was "Reflections of 1953" so the
mirror or resecting idea was
carried out . , . The models step
ped through a huge frame rep
resenting the frame around
mirror this one an all-white
frame trimmed with an eyelet
effect laced with cyclamen pink
ribbon ... A huge oval mirror
faced the models Just as they
turned to step up on the ramp
that ran out through the crowd
Old fashioned furniture and
numerous spring blooms com
pleted the setting . . . Organ
music was played throughout
the show by Mary Barton
Jan Denny also played the organ.
Mrs. H. G. Maisoa, president of
the league, welcomed the guests
Also carrying out the re
flections theme waa the twin-
sister idea, three set of twin
modeling clothes, some identi
cal costumes, others identical In
style but in different colors
There also were two or three
mother and daughter teams, one
of the most effective combine
tions being Mrs. Lynn M. Ham-
merstad and daughter, Lyone
ford, Jr., Mrs. O. K. Neilson,
Mrs. 3. M. Ballard, Mrs. Del
Ramsdell, Mr. Vernon Wads-
worth and Mrs. Louis Kurth.
Leaise, wearing identical fishing
costume, complete witn poles
and all ...
Another feature foe the show
was the presentation of junior
mis or junior high school age
attire, Johnson store featuring
this line at well as alt styles for
older aister and mother.
There are all the usual and
popular color but new same
this year coronation blue,
coronation pink, coronation
green, etc.
General chairmen for the show
were Mrs. George- Spaer ana
Mrs. Robert M. Mrs.
Browne!! being la the climax act
of the show by modeling the it
karat gold thread bathing suit
Aiy Kaha ordered for Kits Hay-
worth. ...
Following the style show, tea
was served in the Marine room
at the hotel . . . Mrs. Paul L
Patterson, Oregon' first lady,
and Mrs. )&soa, president of
the league, poured ... The table
was covered with a gold bro
caded cloth , . . Again carrying
out the reflections theme, a
large square mirror was placed
in the center with an eyelet frill
around it. The centerpiece was
tall arrangement of spring
blooms in all color ... At either
side of the flower wa a tall
silver candelabrum with green
taper . . .
Among the guest glimpsed at
the show and tea Mrs. How
ard Helton, Canby, Mrs. Angus
Gibson, Junction City, Mrs.
Richard Nesberger, Portland,
Mrs. E. A. Geary, Klamath Falls,
Mrs. B. A. Stover, Bend, Mrs.
Paul Geddea, Roseburg, all from
the croup of legislators wives;
Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrs. Basse!
E. Pratt, Mrs. Charles E. Wag
ner, and her daughter, Mrs. Ver
non orye; Mrs. Joseph B. Fel
ton, Mrs. Glean weedry, Mrs.
Arnold Kresger. Mrs. W. J,
Brann, Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs.
Edward Roth, Mrs. Robert E.
Joseph, Mrs. Lering Schmidt,1
Mrs. J. B. Mennette, Mr. Harry
S. Bormaa, Mrs. David Eaaon,
Mr. Homer Smith, Jr Mrs.
Brace F. Pickett, Mrs. Robert
Y. Thornton, Mrs. Clifton Mads,
Mrs. WUraer H. Page, Mrs.
Harold Fox, Mrs. Charles D,
Wood, Mrs. Henry M. Hansen,:
Mrs. George Aiken, Mrs. Carl
W. Chambers, Mrs, William
Perry, Mrs. George T. Bunn,
(Committees Named
For Salem Nile Club
Committee for 1853 activities
of Salem club. Daughters of the
Nil were named by Mrs. Claude
H. Post, president, at the Mon
day luncheon meeting of the
group. Serving wlu be air.
John T. Graybill, Mrs. Howard
Jenks, cheer; Mrs. Russet Beaut-
ier, Mr. Jacob Fuhrer, Mrs.
Roliin O. Lewi, hospitality;
Mrs. Buaseil Bright, historian;
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead,
publicity: Mrs. Bale Burria, Mrs.
Wiliard Thompson, Mrs. sari
Mrs. Albert C, Gragg, Mis, Har
lan A. Jadd, Mrs. Louis La ea
rn und, Mia Mabel P. Robertson,
Mrs. Braxler . Small, Mrs. Ro
bert Price, Mrs. Homer G. Lyon,:
Jr., Mrs. Karl Beck. Mrs. Wil
liam Bastes, Mrs. William R.
Shinn, Mrs. James R. White,
Mrs. Geae Vsndeneynde, Mrs.
William H. Hammond, Mrs. W,
Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Ciaybeerne
Dyer, Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs.
Charles H. Heltiei, Mrs. James
C. Stone, Mrs. Francis T. Wade,
Mrs. Elmer Worth, Mrs. E. H.
Kennedy, Mrs. Richard Chase,
Mrs. Kenneth H, Waters, whose
twin daughters, Claudia . and
Clarice, were among the models
in the "twin acts"; Mr. Hani
Clark, Mrs. Brace Williams,
Mrs. Earl C. Latonrette, Mrs.
John Davis, Mrs, John Lewis,
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Edgar
T. Pierce, Mrs. Robert M. Fits-
maariee, Mrs, Ted Jenny, Mrs.
Brace Van Wyngarden, Mr. Rex
Kimmell, Mrs. Thomas E. Rile,'
just home Tuesday from a trip
east; Mrs. W. W. Chxdwick;
Mrs. Faal Van Scoy of Jeffer
Among others of the legiila
live group Mrs. Robert J. Jen
sen of Portland, Mrs. Warren Me-
Miaimee of Tillamook, Mrs, Jo
seph Dyer of Astoria, Mrs.
Charles A. Tost of Rufus; Mrs,
Geae Brown of Grants Pass;
Mrs. Lowell Steen of Milton-
Freewaier; Mrs, Warren Gill of
Lebanon; Mr. Lloyd Hayne of
Grants Pass. ...
Among Portland visitor. Mrs,
George A. White, Mrs. Everett
Fisher, president of the Port
land Women Army and Navy
league; Mrs. Area J. Tearteiette.
Preceding the show, Mr. Val
Sloper, whose Candalaria Beau
ty shop did all the hair styling
for the models, entertained at
luncheon for the models at her
home; Mrs. Faal Geddes also
attending to play the organ for
the gathering . , .
Beurland, Mr. Harold WaBlag,
Mrs. Leonard Rowan, Philan
thropic; Mrs. W, C. Baehnua,
Mr. Charles McCabe, sewing;
Mrs. Paul Shafer, telephone;
Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, transporta
tion: Mrs.' Leren Spauiairsg.
health; Mrs. Carl Son, general
luncheon chairman; Mrs, Xrrol
Ross. Mrs. Lloyd Larson, Sil-
vertoa contacts; Mrs, Stanley
Kreuger, Independence contact.
Mrs. Leonard , Rowan w
chairman of the luncheon
Monday. Curing the business
session, amngemeBta were
made for a no-host dinner
for members and guest honor-
lag Mrs. Estill L. Brink, junior;
past president, at the Masonic
temple at 8:30 p.m. en Marco
30. Also discussed were plans
for a benefit bridge party to be
the afternoon at April 29 at the
Scottish Rite temple.
Mrs. Earl T. Andreses, enter
tainment chairman.
Ob the program Monday:
piano selections by Ron
nie Pott sad Mary Jss Sea-:
ruck.. Mrs. Earl T. Andreses
announced the visitation of the
national president, Mrs, Rae,
Aahton, on March II with
banquet ia the Marion bvtel.
Reservations should be made
with Mrs. 3, Srabee, WW
North Summer street, net later
than March It.
Legion Auxiliary
Entertained Monday
- vapnai unit ss, , Americas
Legion- auxiliary, met Monday
evening ia the Salem Woman's
club. Guest wer Mrs. Minnie
McRae aad Mrs. Less Harris.
Mrs. Helen MeLeod. American
ism chairman, reported on the
Sag presentation at Hoover
school by Earl T. Newfery, sec
retary of state. The American
flag was a contribution from
the American Legion Post No.
9 and the state Hag from the
Legion Auxiliary unit James
Garvin represented Capital
Post aad Mrs. A. D. Apperson,
president of Capital unit, and
Mrs. -Helen MeLeod represent
ed Capital unit
A donation to the heart fund
was voted. The unit wilt spon
sor four girls to Girl's State, a
program carried on by the
department of Oregon, and
held annually on the Willa
mette campus in June. Mrs.
Frank Zinn reported for Capi
tal unit.
There will be all-day
lag at the home of Mrs, F.
Alfred William, SS3 Tamarack
street, with a no-eon luncheon
at nooa on Thursda, Mafta 8.
The nominating committee Is
Mrs. Jennie Bartlett Mrs. C. W,
Jorgensen, Mr. R. S. Blaxatt
aad Mrs. O. E. Palmateer. In
stead of a business meeting en
March IS, the unit will join
the post for the Legion birth
day party at tee Legion club
for a no-host dinner at 8'SO
with Mrs. Charles V Greene
i chairman of the dinner aad
Capital JotrnaJ, Salem, Ct-, Wedaeafiay, lttrtfc 4, TVW
Kext meeting will be April
tn the Wemaa's club,
OES Event '
Wood burn A district meet-
int of Servaia chapter of
Gervals and Evergreen chapter
of Wood bum, Order of das
Eastern Star, will be at Ger-
mla Friday, March at paa.
at the Gervala Masonic hall
Mrs. Carl Wtoberiy of &
sarfc worthy grated & f
th e grand esspar Of a,
win make her official visit at
the two chapter at fatal Sat.
Gervals chapter will
the epenin- and closing ears
monies, eeeert and good el tht)
order. Evergreen chapter wUt
exemplify the 4 JM
degree work RefrwsTnOTTt wf
be served b? a eoaaraiti 1
the two chapters.
r nm n' nrtni
Come Out, Wherever You Are I
Come out . I . leave Win
ter gloom behind you!
Welcome Spring with ts
lovely new fashions ...
and they were never lovelier than
are now at THE VOGUE OF SALEM.
prightly new spring prints that will set
your heart to fluttering upon sight. Gay
colors . , . luscious pastels . . , silks . , .
rayons and fabulous new synthetic fab-
ail fashioned to flatter the new
r Spring. Come out , . come into
Yogue today for your dashing new
Spring Dresses!
Fit for a modern princess
... a proud, little suit with
a sjeom in its fabric! Figure-hugging, pepfum
jacket above a fabulous whirl of s skirt of
sprakiing Swiss silk and royon. Replica pear!
accents for added elegance! Sizes 9 to 15.
445 & 437 STATE
Apparei of Distinction for Smart Women
mm- i TK: 111 1PM
mm ear aa am . as m i. i
ew- i vw uj u
Pm'M yJ .... JhtW
Will A
polished cottons pMdt .
JeVv ''JS JTtt ' ICHs story , . . her value, here's ty!,
V'a-' Kfel DerJgrteilor!dMsy , )
If J . ..WWyfP Style , , , zip fronts and button fronts ft
A I- Hi' aJW li " 0"'a 1
rf - V HI pi 2ct - sy,iHfl vwy J
j fjfF$ t rrrff price. Gov Spring Solort , . f
M 5 r $ fof everyort. t tK
I M-S 1 v "jtCli ' V. Tiiiv tSX 8e HckeH ff yevr If
LA' ' V f - tJW mA, W.&00.00 in . J
1 C4 j iBfefflX J
i a Ill k3l' if;i3s-4
1 fJ'-1
Mon. n4 Frf9;30ref P.M.
Of Kp rfeys, 9:30 re 5.J9
550 N. Capitol, Sa!;a
i v
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