Xa r Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWBY FISCHER e Capital Journal, Salem, Ore Wednesday. March 4, 1958 Mrs. Jary President Of Altrusa Altrusa club elected new olfl cers at the meeting of the group for luncheon Tuesday at the Golden Pheasant ' 1. Mrs. Sydney Jary was named president; Mrs. George Sump ter, first vice president; Miss Arline Sholseth, second vice president; Mrs. Helen Cosper, recording secretary; Miss Mar garet McDevitt, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Leon E. Bar- rick, treasurer; Dr. Martha Springer, Mrs. Carl Benson, Mrs. Addison Lane, directors. . The group discussed a rehabil itation program at the state tub erculosis hospital. Also plans were discussed for the rummage sale to be given this coming Sat urday. . Mr. Lola Keener, president, Is naming committees for a tea to be given later this month. The rluh'M next meeting will be March 19. Alumnae Meet Chi Omega alumnse met Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. Don E. Phillips. Main business was discussion of plans for the annual children's style show to be presented on March 10. - Attending the meeting were Mrs. Robert Carey, Mrs. jtemaia Anderson, Mrs. B. E. Brown. Mrs. Charles Darou, Mrs. Fred Graham, Mrs. Jackson Hazeieti, Mrs. George L. Hill, Mrs. C. V. Jonnson, Mrs. Dale Pence, Mrs. Fidel Vroom, Mrs. Biuy Marcin, Mrs. George A. Arbuckle, Mrs. Phillips. Alumnae Meet Phi Mu alumnae club met last evening at the home of Mrs. George A. Brown to observe the 101st anniversary of founding of the national sorority. Mrs. J. B. Lorence of Mon mouth, alumna from University of Indiana chapter, was wel comed bv the group. Plans were made for a benefit cam parry 10 be given April 28, at the home of Mrs. Elmer O. Berg for mem bers, their husbands and friends. Proceeds will go to the Uni versity of Washington chapter building fund, a new cnapier house being built there. Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, Mrs. Chris Wheeler. Mrs. Robert M. Fischer. Jr.. and Mrs. Brown are arranging the benefit affair. Mrs. Page is to entertain for the May meeting. Named to Court Llnfleld College, McMInn ville (Special) Miss Nadlne Gllman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Gilman, S48 Vista avenue, Salem, and Bliss Roberta Sjodlng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bertel C. Sjodlng, 1815 N. 24th, Salem, were members of the Sweetheart court at Llnfield college. Miss Gllman la a music major and Miss Sjodlng Is a lib eral arts student at Llnfield. Each vear the Intercollegiate Knights, sophomore men's serv ice honorary, select! a sweet heart from the freshman girls. A court of six girls was chosen bv the IK s. Miss Barbara How ard, Portland, was revealed sweetheart queen at the annual ball sponsored by the IK s. MBS. ADAM M. WILHILM of Eugene la her for the week visiting at the borne of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.- Thomas Brubeck, and greeting the new granddaughter, Shannon Mary Brubeck, who arrived In February. VISITORS at the Coburn Grabenhorst horn Include Mrs. Grabenhorst'a twin sister, Mrs. R. J. Slgler, and her two sons, Bobby and - Craig, of Stockton, Calif., Mrs. Grabeo horst'a mother and another sister, Mrs. Fred Laaater and Mrs. R. W. Young, respectively, of Walla Walla. The visitors wlU all leave Thursday for Walla, Walla. Mrs. Slgler and children to go on to there for a visit. GARNET KNIGHT chapter of the Tri-Y met this past Mon day. Lynn Burrell gave a re port on camp and conference. The chapter dance was an nounced for April 16 and the coast trip for May 9. MEMBERS o f Willamette shrine, White Shrine .of Jeru salem, will meet for a social evening on Saturday ai me Masonlo temple. A no-host dinner will be served at 7 o'clock followed by a card party for members and their guests. Mrs. Arthur R. Hoenig is chair man of the dinner and Mrs. El don T. Armstrong is making ar rangements for the card party. Assisting will be Mrs. C. A. Gra ham, Mrs. Lucia Keyt, Mrs. Vera Savage. Eldon Armstrong and I Warren Shrake, Mrs. Al Gordon, Hosts at Party Mr. and Mrs. Don Gonsu, for merly of Salem, now living In Lebanon, recently gave a house party for friends. Attending were Mr. ana Mrs. Jonn Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stein, Mr. and Mrs. William Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorn. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Dorn. all of Salem, Dr. and Mrs. Vern Manning of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Burkette, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson of Eugene, Mr. Murray Gonser of Snoqualmle, wasn. and Mrs. A. C. Woodward uri Recently The Rev. (Mary Ann Stephens) were married recently. (Artz studio picture.) ' CALVARY BaDtist Missionary society is meeting In the cburcn parlors, Thursday, for dessert at 1:30 o'clock. The Gleaners circle is the host group. I Plan Guest Day The Four Corners Woman s club will observe guest night at the regular meeting at the community hall, March 5, at 8 o'clock. All interested women are invited. The program will consist of roundtable discussion on Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Donald R. Husband, Eu gene, wife of State Representa tive Husband, entertained on Monday at a buffet luncheon at her home for a group of legisla tive friends, and next Monday is to entertain at a similar event for a group of friends in the house of representatives. . HOSTESS for an informal cof fee on Thursday morning for a group of legislative friends will be Mrs. Lee Ohmart, wife of flower culture with Mrs. Charles! State Representative Ohmart West as moderator. This will be preceded by short talks on the growing of flowers by members of the club as follows: Mrs. u. D. Binegar, begonias; Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, roses; Mrs. E. E. Walker, chrysanthemums; Mrs. Effie Maye White, African vio lets; Mrs. Warren Shrake, dah lias; Mrs. Waldo Miller, gladio Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Harvey Meyers, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Craven. . Begonia Society Salem Begonia society Is meeting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the YMUA. Mrs. Phil Brady of Portland, past president of the Oregon Fuchsia society. UWM guest speaaer. The Interested public Is Invited. SALEM HEIGHTS The Salem Heights Woman's club will meet on Friday, March 0, at 1:30 at the Salem Heights Community hall. Mrs. Harold A. Roaebraugh will give a book review on "The Curve and the Tusk," by Stuart Cloete, Today's Menu Mrs. E. Snook, Mrs. Arnold Roethlin will pour. Guests are invited between 9 and 11 o'clock. . ' Tickets on Sale Ticket sale for the benefit des sert card party and fashion show of Salem Spinsters club, begins the latter part of this week. The event is to be on Saturday, March 28, at the Marion hotel, starting at 1 p.m. Miss Mary Louise Lee heads the ticket committee and tickets may be obtained from any Spinster I member, or from Mrs. Richard TRINITY chapter, Order oflGahlidorf and Mrs. Newbury Eastern Star, will meet Friday at 8 o'clock In the West Salem city building. Serving refreshments will be Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kimsey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamb, Mrs. Leonard Cain, Mrs. Idell Hedges and Mrs. Sam Charbonneaux. Close. The Fashionette is to present the styles for the fash ion event A DAUGHTER, who has been named Cynthia Marie, was born Monday, March 2, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franko. Also welcom ing the new arrival is a sister, HOSTESS to her hrMr 1nhi.. ,m m. rW-M last evening was Mrs. Don Som- A. Reeher of Salem and Jasuer mer. , TrmnVn nf AharriMn W.h I Goldenweds To Be Feted On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, who live out of Independence, will be honored at an open house next Sunday, marking their 50th wedding anniversary. The anniversary Is on March 10, but the open house is planned for 8unday. The reception will be given at the home of the couple's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Johnson, Route 1, Box 25, Hopville road out of Independence. Friends are Invited to call be tween 2 and 5 o'clock. Several Salem friends are as sisting at the affair. Mrs. Ted Berquist will cut the cake, Mrs. Walter Nelson 'will be at the coffee urn, Mrs. Ed Burgess will preside at the punch bowl, Mrs. John Wheeler will take charge of the gifts. Miss Sharon John son, granddaughter -of the couple, will have charge of the guest book and others assisting will be Mrs. Alvin Marr, Mrs. F. L. Catton, Mrs. E. G. Hakan son. The Johnsons have lived in the Independence area the past five years. They have resided in Oregon some 45 years, coming from the mid-west. Tri-Y Group Esther Little Tri-Y chapter met at the home of Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr., Monday. It was an informal affair with the girls wearing pedal pushers. Actl vities of the club were planned for the rest of the year. A com mittee to collect clothes hangers at the high school and sell them to a cleaners was formed. Shirley Harp is chairman of the com mittee which includes Sandy Van Blaricom, Flo Burgermeis ter, and Silri Kailvee. A traveling basket will be sent around to the various club members. Flo Burgermeister will start the basket. She will put some article which she cook ed herself in to the basket passing it on to another mem ber who will put whatever she thinks the article Is worth into the money container and acquir ing ownership of the food, then repeating the procedure with some one else. MEMBERSHIP committee of the Business and Professional Women's club met Tuesday eve ning with Mrs. A. Elmer Flath- ers honoring women to be in itiated next Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. W. Jorgensen addressed the group, speaking on "Bet ter Business Women for a Bet ter Business World." GUESTS at the Counts club dance on Saturday evening in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Donald D..MiiM,n Mr. and Mrs. Aruiur Larson. Mrs. and Mrs. Lee la tum, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shaier, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Howe, Mr. vcr. .inhn r-oadick. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riffey, Mr. ana Mrs. trans. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mer rill. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Martin, Mr. and Mra Homer Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Covert New members welcomed are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Van Houten. Host! for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monismith.' m m SOCIAL dub of the auxiliary to the United Spanish War Vet erans la meetina Friday after noon for dessert at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clyde Mc- Clunc. Mrs. Arthur Holden, Mrs. J. E. Tolbet and Mrs. Anna Woolford are co-bostesses. AUXILIARY to Carpet, local 1085 will meet Thur evening at 7:30 with Mrs. A. Thomas, 1330 Chemawa R0 Cherry ( Electric 313 Chesaekeb siMsjsjsjsjaaaaaaagsjSjaajMp Olt. AT THE l 1 I fTiASPfRffti ATTSBESL.) Repeated by Popular Demand! A TERRIFIC VALUE IN rail Famous Brand .... 100 All Wool Regular to $39.95 Beautiful Spring Pastels . Limited Number Sizes 10 to 18 NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES The Most Terrific Buy of the Year AT The FASHIONETTE $ (o00 Lenten Lunch Creamed Eggs on Toast Quick Savory Green Bean Raw Carrot Strips Fruit Beverage Qakk Savory Beau Ingredients: One 10 - ounce package frozen French - style sen beans, ' 1 tablcspoone butter or margarine, 18 tea spoon salt, dash of pepper, teaspoon dry mustard, Vi tea spoon Worcestershire sauce. Method: Cook beans accord ing to package directions; drain It necessary. Melt butter; add salt, pepper, mustard and Wor cestershire sauce; stir over low heat until blended. Add drained beans to butter mixture; reheat. Makes 4 servings. IPIFAIFIF See, "A f PARTS REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES TtSnUk hmDid EmjHtim efssiMsCr evOMlFM 0ft00 Cmmm hi 9mm ftff FtG0tt $Vv4Kf (MesWNM MYRON'S' SALEM'S LARGEST SEWING MACHINE STORE U3 f. UWTY PH. M773 MhwMM U U 1 Samp e Sa e COATS Just $ b)oo We have made a spectacular purchase of the sample line from one of our leading coat manufacturers. There are 53 . coats in assorted sizes in exclusive fabrics and just one of a kind! These coats normally sell for 49.95, 59.95 and 69.95! A once-in-a-l if etime Sale of one-of-a-kind Coats ! M&U4 iUjfo fa Uki 464 Oaf . Um JolinMfi't Wem&rfuf Ittdget fn No Down Ptyfittttt nf 5 Monthi to toy!