local Writer Accused rvnung a CMck for ?. . service station out ChariM c. mond Gilbert, 1020 North leth ta clty JU Monday night on charge of obtaining ' pretenses. He waived preliminary hearing to r dirtrlct court Tuesday morning and wai bound over to the Mar " iolLc?uny r,nd Jury- He was ua in lieu or 11000 bail. Maccabees Meetinr m.. i- 84D will meet Thursday , fuii ui neaver nail, 248 ... North Commercial street for their regular review. Comman- T i',,1-a Ph,u,P wiu PTtMid: V Following the business meeting refreshments will be served, 7 honoring March birthdays. : Blood Day Thursday Regular Salem blood day is to be Thurs , day, March 5, the mobile unit from the Portland blood center to be In operation at the down town armory between 12 noon ana 8 p.m. Paragraph, tin la San Francisco Buck and f Helen Bradley of Bradley Sport snop will attend the sports and I''- boat show in the civic auditori al im in San Francisco, planning to return by plane Monday at . ternoon. Pilots Meet Salem Pilots' as sociation will meet at the air port Administration building Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Any person interested hi flying, whether pilots or not, are uv vlted to attend. Faculty Forum. Postponed Because of unforeseen circum stance the Faculty Forum series meeting scheduled for to night at the Willamette Music hall, has been postponed to Thursday night, March 12. Dr. Murco Ringnalda will be the speaker. Peck Avenue The county court has approved Peck avenue as to its physical requirements for improvement under the pro ' visions of the Bancroft act. The county surveyor will now' make a check of the signatures on the petition asking for the Improve ment and then determine the cost of the project. Morning' side street, which intersects Peck avenue is now fclng pro cessed for surfacing and it is probable bids for both projects will be asked at the same time, Parents Night Friday Rich mond Parent-Teacher associa tion will have parents night Fri day night from 7:30 to 1 at Richmond school. The purpose is to raise money for the budget. and it will be an evening of games. Whatever the game is pinochle, bridge, canasta, Chi nese checkers, or what not bring your table, equipment and friends, is the word that has gone out. You also are advised to bring your own snack, but coffee will be served. Speaker Sat s dub members will have as their fpeaker at their luncheon meet ing at the Senator hntl Thnra. day Douglas Hertz. His topic rill be "Youth Programs as Sports Affected.' Mission Gren Meets The Women's Missionary Federation of Grace Lutheran church will meet in the fireside room of the church at 2 p.m.. March 6. Host esses will be Mrs. Martin Void ing and Mrs. Arthur Olson. Mrs. O. F. Braaten will give a talk on the "First Commandment" and Mrs. O. C. Hanson will discuss home missions briefly. Get a Hone! Thieves drain ed the gasoline from two trucks belonging to the Willamette Grocery company at the com pany lot at 80S South Cottage street, city police were notified Tuesday. Twenty gallons were taken from one truck and 80 from the other. Waives Hearing Guy Sar gent, valsetz, waived prelimina ry hearing in district court Wednesday on charges of non support and obtaining money by false pretenses. He was ordered held to answer to the Marion county grand Jury. uiria AWOL Six girls of a party of 22 from Hlllcrest school took French leave from the group Tuesday evening after at tending the concert of the Port land Symphony Orchestra at Sa lem high school. City police ap prehended lour of them later and a cab driver later reported he took two girls to Portland who answered descriptions of the missing pair. Von Fleet Says (Continued from Page 1) Later, Van Fleet endorsed by inference one of the pronounce ments by Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur, who was fired by former President Truman as Far East' era commander. Helm to Convention Wendell Helm will attend the convention of the American Society of Piano Technicians to be held in San Francisco March 5 and 8. He will make the trip by plane. Driver Fined Michael Wil liam Sprinkle, Lebanon, was fined $250 and jailed in Ueu of payment Wednesday by munici pal court Judge Douglas Hay on a charge of driving while his drivers licenses was revoked. Sprinkle told officers that his license has been revoked twice in the past year. High Honors WHAT IS THE MEANING OF STALIN'S ILLNESS FOR THE U.S.T HEAR DOROTHY THOMPSON TONIGHT 8:15 P.M. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL. TICKETS $1.20. 54 Rummage sale Thurs., 9 a.m., over Greenbaum's. 54 Salem's army and air force . recruiting office has taken top honors in recruiting for the month of February and Sfc. John Gilley, U.S. army, Salem - recruiter dring the month tied with a Portland recruiter as top recruiter in the distict. Gilley enlisted 39 of the 85 X men signed fo duty during the month of February. Tying with him from Portland was c set Louis Nemeck. There is ,r? one other recruiter in the Sa- -'- lem office, Tech. Sgt William . VanderDoll. air force. - The district including the Sa- 'R lem station during February i c signed 500 men for duty. The Salem station to take top hon- !. n In the recruiting for the month had 245 per cent of its quota for the -regular army and 163 per cent of its quota for the -. air force. The Urge group of air force '2 enlistee? depleted the waiting . list for that branch of the serv- r; ice uo much that men now have an opportunity to get Into that i!? hranrh of the service much i sooner, Gilley said Wednesdsy, LEGALS Warning Heard By Dumpers Spring houtecleaners and other individuals who persist in dumping their garbage along county roads had better be pre pared to pay the penalty. Sheriff Denver Young warned this week. The usual spring rash of gar bage dumping is beginning and deputy sheriffs are investigating aa many of them as possible, Young said. So far one man has been fined $50 and given a suspended 10- day jail sentence conditional on his cleaning up the garbage, a warant is out for another man, and several other cases are un der investigation. Some of the incidents arc tak ing place in areas plainly mark ed against dumping refuse, Young stated. He noted Madro ns avenue south of Salem where a county bulldozer cleared the area recently and "No Dump ing" signs were erected, only to have several more piles of gar bage dumped there in the last month. Its a lot cheaper to take the garbage to the city or county dump than to have to pay the maximum penalty of $100 or 30 days In the county jail, in addi tion to cleaning up the mess, Young added. More Properly Is Transferred Transfer of Lot 8, Block 67, except 70 feet of the easterly portion of the property, has been made to the Salem Title company by the Veterans Living Memorial Building association, according to records of the coun ty recorder's office. The lot is located on the north east corner of the Marion and Church street intersection. The transaction is one of a series consummated In recent weeks in and around the school ad ministration office building. A Rep. Cunningham (R., Iowa)uiomlnal sum of $10 was record ed. The property involved in the deal is the lot on which the Vet erans Living Memorial associa tion started to construct a build ing a few years ago. Financial difficulties were encountered and the project was dropped af ter the basement walls had been completed. Since then damage suits have been instituted by factions in volved In the project. Hit-Run Driver Kills Woman Aberdeen VP) An Aberdeen woman died of a brain injury Tuesday night and Police Chief Pat Gallagher said she appar ently was the victim of a hit- run driver. The woman was Mrs. May- belle Lento, 43. She died in a hospital shortly after being found lying in a downtown street. Gallagher said an unidenti fied person telephoned police that a woman had fallen and in jured herself. But when police arrived they found the woman apparently had been 'hit by a car or truck. Relatives of Mrs. Lento in clude a daughter, Miss Gale Pickens of Portland; a. brother, Clyde Wunder of Independence, Ore., and a sister, Mrs. Marjorie Marsters, of Dallas, Ore. JOSEF STALIN No New Report (Continued from Page 1) "Comrade J. V. Stalin had a sudden hemorrhage of the brain which affected vitally important parts of the brain, as a result of which paralysis of the right leg and right arm occurred, together with the loss or consciousness and speech," the eight attending pnysicians announced. They added that treatment had brought no material change in the condition of their patient. and "the degree of the disturbed functions of the brain has some what increased." Balancing (Continued trom Page 1) and miscellaneous revenues are expected to total $42,432,444.77 and in edition the statement shows a surplus as of June 30, 1V53, OI 939,044,241. Total requirements from the general fund Included in the re port total $198,076,686.62 with total requirements listed as $186,482,390. - The total requirements do not include the board of con trol's building fund of $6,772, 000, the building program rec ommended by the board of higher education of $9,435,000. Neither does it make any pro vision for pay Increases recom mended by the civil service commission of $425,000 for more than 3,300 state employes who were by-passed In a wsge Increase last fall. General Fond Appropriations In addition bills have been Introduced calling for general fund appropriations in excess of $10,300,000. Major items in this total are forest fire cost fund, $500,000; constitutional The Central Committee of the Communist party and the Soviet Union's Council of Ministers both headed by Stalin said his absence from duty would be "more or less prolonged." But they called his withdrawal tern' porary, and urged the 200 mil lion people of the Soviet Union to "display the greatest unity and . . . redouble their energies In building communism." Capital Journal, Salem, Ora, WeJitsaWUy, Karri. 4, tZtii convention. $250,000; domicili ary hospital near Portland, $3-, 035,000; public school building account, $4,000,000, and war veterans bonus extension, $1.- 069,503. Sen, Dean Walker -who pre sided at the Wednesday general meeting in place of Rep. Henry Semon who is ill, said that two years ago the legislature utilis ed all surpluses available to balance the budget and it w expected at that time that the present legislature would be faced with no surplus what ever. However, he aald. in creased Income tax receipts provided a surplus of $39,000,- 000. "We now face the same situa tion but before we become too alarmed let us remember that there may be aa unanticipated surplus available when the leg islature meets two years from now," Sen. Walker said. Civil Rights (Continued from Page 1) The committee members vot lng for it were Chalrmal Paul Geddes, Roseburg; and Warren Mciuinimee, Tillamook: Freder ick S. Lamport, Salem; Stewart Hardle, Condon; and Dean Bry son, Portland. ? A subcommittee of the Joint ways and means committee vot ed to bury the proposal to have a state commission to investigate crime. Duller (Continued tram Page 1) Butler's job includes counting tLe bonds, checking the coupons on each individual document and then recording them in large book. 75 to a page- The date of issue, time when due and the amount of money involved in each coupon must be recorded. Then when they are paid, this too is mad a matter of record. Eventually the bonds and cou pons, when cancelled find their way back to the school clerk. The treasurer must sign all of the bonds to make them legal. When all of the enumerated tasks have been completed, But ler will visit Portland where he will make delivery and receive) a check $1,300,000, minus $30, 000 deposited by the successful bidder. w Incidentally the new school is now in the process of construc tion. More millions in bonds must be Issued by the time the job is completed. If everything goes aconllng to schedule the debt will be liqui dated in 1973. Building Permit Elmer Rierson, to reroof a garage at 1561 Plaza, $30. M. C. Kanz, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 265 West McGilchrist, $10,800. James Alexander, to re roof a one-story dwelling at 2084 Maple. $65. Flavius Meier, to relocate and alter a building at 8173 Evergreen, $1500. R. C Harder, to wreck a garage at 920 North Fifth, $50. asked: "There is no substitution for victory in Korea?" Mac Arthur's words. Van Fleet: "Not in my opinion." Van Fleet, who Is home for retirement, testified for an hour! and a half at a public session of the House committee. Then the committee went into a closed session to hear more details which could not be brought out in public for security reasons. The general, in declaring a military victory could be won without enlarging the war, said that was his "personal opinion" but that he would have to with hold his reasons for that view until the closed meeting. During a general discussion of the situation in Korea1, Van Fleet said there is no serious supply shortage but that replacement of men is not satisfactory either in numbers of quality of troops. Van Fleet called the present war situation of stabilized lines "sit-down of our own choice." Rep. Vinson (D., Ga.) asked the former Korean commander-l "if an offensive is launched, wouldn't that be broadening the war?" 'Not necessarily, replied the general. "That's my opinion. It would not." Goodwill truck now in Salem every Tuesday & Friday, rn. 42248 for pickups. 54 Vision-Aid means Semler made. For glasses ground to your op tometrist's prescription, get Vision-Aid glasses at Semler Optic al Offices, Waters-Adolph Bldg., State & Com'L Ph. 3-3311. 54 Bonnie Davis, one of Salem's best known beauticians, now as sociated with Loveall Miller Beauty salon. For appointment phone 8-7M70. 54 IS STALINISM ALREADY DEAD? HEAR DOROTHY THOMPSON TONIGHT 8:15 P.M. IN HIGH SCHOOL AU DITORIUM. TICKETS $1.20. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. 54' Air-stesmihipticketsany where. Kugel, 3-7694, 153 N. High St COURT NEWS Circuit Court Harold R. Keltb vt Oon. Alexander. auparlntetMleTjt of penitentiary: Order oi writ ox naoeai eorpua roturnaoie Maron If. Paniy L. Hoop n John w. Hoop: Divorce decree to plalntUt restoring former name ox Mcoonnac. Robert Louie Laver ve Dorothy Xuoen Laver: Order oi delault mured acalnit defendant. Olrard xnre and Marine Ins. Co. Te Edwin A. Claue and Ronald Proslte: An ewer br defendant Claue asking that com llalnt bo dumteeod ae against him. State Hblghwar Commission vs James and Laura Baker: Demurrer br defend ants upon grounds that complaint does not constitute cause of action. Blanche Irene aeheeler ts Lawrence Ar thur Scheeler: Answer and cross com plaint In which defendant asks for divorce. Olenda L. Ophart va Burton A. Kep hart: Decree of divorce to plaintiff re stores her former name of Utehenberc, irauMmw viiecio sua nsu interest in real property. Defendant given possession of automobile. r ESTATE OF MICBASI. CARTT r. pro. imws Mnsu rrterTRirrj)! Notice h her.br given that thej riner Mport sr the Admtnkvtratrli la now filed la the Office m T. br Order of Colrt Wood br R r Xlmmoll, C1rc.lt Judge, said Report , wiu v come on for hearing .J" VS k. Salsa. Oregon on March M. JM u A.M, la the old High School building, i- The said Report shews no claims prtd t log against said EstaU; that thg same F has been four administered. L There being on objections Wed. said i Keport win bo approved. ?B.lt'1: trli wiu bs dleoharged and .her Sond i "TrVor A. Certr. AdmttlslratrB. .J soag Lancaster Drive, Salegs. Ore. Ik . W. Emmons, Attorney. ..u . nreeon. ' Detre of poMlcetlon. Keruarf U gad Psint with glamorizing Treas ure Tones. See our outstanding Wallpaper selection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Liberty. 54" Rummage sale, over Green' baum's. Saturday only, March 7th. Altruia Club. 56 Bonnie Davis, one of Salem's best known beautician, now as sociated . with Loveall Miller Beauty salon. For appointment nhone 3-7870. 85 For Card ef Thanks Notices To assist you in writing a CARD OF THANKS, we have a list available, containing many suitable phrases, b you would like a copy, call tne wpitai Journal. Classified Department, Ph. 22406. and one will be mailed to you promptly, without cost. They also msy be obtained at The Capital Journal office. Stato tc Albert Joseph Plrchao: Notice of appeal br defendant from Jefferson Justice court after being convicted m charge of violation of baslg rule. Probata Court Albert H. Thompson aetata: praises at Sit, 000. but ap- Rebocca Anno Xnclg guardianship: Or der naming Melra, rao Tarlor guardian. Frank L. Thtchler aetata: Pinal order. Reginald W. Land oetatc: Order ad mitting will to probate and naming Nel lie V. Land aa admlnlstrautg. fbuw has probable value of Sftooo. Anton Plennart eotate: Order admlttlae wiu to probate and naming Jacob I. Plen- nsrs ociminisiretor. Estate hag probable value of I11.0M). Alexander R. Mathva estate: Oder ed- mlttlngg win to probate and appointing Marr A. Mathva gsecatrla. Probable value of estate sum. Oertrnds M. Doeblor estate: Final a. der. Oosrgg Z wicker estate: Final account. Morrioge License Edwin Jar Barnard. IL V. S. Marine corps. Met Ptoritr Road, and Shlrler Ann Oosnell, IL telephone operator, lag Mabel avenue. j . i S0" r" -i v s V e.r.jlWHJ fHOCK-tltltUNT ' JJ; J N.X K tJ ' cjuusm. TrHsiWrwavwBrwakt I hJi KXj l " 1 1 Jl ' " : Werld'i Only SHOCK'RESSTANT I IJ JXW ' 17-JEWEi Boater WAKHts , yWfflf ' hS&Pi - 52' If 1 $ws m $50oo $5250 m $5250 tjmM PJtw"ia KBUM t& ' Mar tow 17.Jewtl ELGIN 5 IttTWffl tVll J J ? lw W 1 ;l 1 al :isptffW?i jeV Jr1 I for At LillU A$ I t r 1 1 'JOZZ'ZZlSSZZ l" Outstanding value I Brown's Jewelry j gffip X in fntr timepieces. J Ll'.- j Buy Your Watch X , -- ua--E 1 From a Jewe(r ! rami . j It Pays! I cm 10m if ati J I et lows Aseswri flosx Iwgswy f,., IsfefsSeg, LAYWAY ( M j HsweliaplSimiil Msgs gg TWO gwglOM I - J FOR GRADUATION L 1 JUST LIKE FINDING A 5 BILL IS4448 ftwfwoTafsfl red. Ma I : JEWCURS isiu SALEM'S LCADINO CREDIT JEWBXERS AND OPTICIANS St, Mftna 4, U and U. 1JU.