Aerial Photographing of burn Forestry Project Aerial photographing of the Tillamook Burn and adjacent area, Including a total ot 514 000 acrei is a project to be un dertaken thia year by th state board of forestry. Bidi are now being aiked on the project with the date for the seated olds to be in the hands of the state forester, acting for the state board of forestry, to be opened March 20 at 2 pjn. The photographs, which are Plant Hew Trees At Ml. Angel ML Angel At the meeting of the Mount Angel City Coun cil Monday evening, council members voted to accept the Resignation of Joseph Hastier as water commissioner, which e presented to the council, i Merle Grace, city police com missioner, reported on city parking. Since Main street is now a regular Oregon state litghway, it is necessary that the new rules in parking be observed. , Cars must be parked within 18 inches of the curb. pnd violations will be punish' able by fine. Grace stated that the parking atrip on lite southeast corner of Main and Charles streets was only large enough to park one car, and should be marked as such. Joseph- Wagner told of the tree planting program which is nearly completed for this sea son, with 107 trees planted and 15 more trees to be planted at a cost of $74. . Chairman of the street com mittee, Card Mucken, reprted 69 feet of drainage pipe laid on College street, and also all the graveled streets within the city were graded. Councilman Blem reported on a dangerous con dition existing on the sidewalk over the ditch on May street New police badges were or dered by the council. Fire Chief Francis Schmidt gave his regular report to the coun cil, and stated that during the month the firemen answered four city and one country fires, with members attending one meeting and a drill and five cleanups. Salem School Papers Win Recognition The office of the Marlon County Tuberculosis and Health association announces that two high school newspapers in Mar ion county have received state recognition for articles written on tuberculosis. They are: The Cardinal Crier at Sacred Heart academy and The Clarion from Salem Senior High school. Articles from these papers have been forwarded on to the National Tuberculosis as sociation for further judging with winners from other states. The winning articles were written by Karen Mickelson and Bob Joseph. ' . lost' Cougar Hunters Return with Quarry Lebanon Cougar hunters George Hazen and William Pa tesch, reported lost Monday morning when they failed to return home after heavy snow fell on their hunting area in the Cascades of east Linn coun ty, returned safely home Mon day night. They hit a fresh cougar trail, they reported, and stayed on it in spite of storm, finally tree ing their quarry and bringing iV back with them. Silverton Library Circulation Grows Silverton Circulation at the Silverton Public Library con tinues high, with total circula tion for February at 131S. Dur ing the month 21 new borrow ers were registered; 28 books were added by gift and pur chase and one book was remov ed. Donors during February were Mrs. Milton Thostrud, Miss Genevieve Scott, Mrs. Clay Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Scott McPike, Mrs. A. J. McCannel, Mrs. George Christenson, Mr. nd Mrs. C. A. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason, Mrs. C. W. Keene, and Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge. By shipping grain through Churchill, a port on Hudson Bay. Canada can cut about 1,000 miles off the distance traveled by the grain going to North European ports. to De made on a t Inch for every 1,000 feet on the ground, will be used for refor estation and rehabilitation pro grams. Including the seeding and planting, and building of are breaks in the big Burn. Maps will be made from the photographs and both will be used over an extended period of time, with changes made from time to time to keep it up to date. It b estimated that the use oi the photographs will cut down on the field work by one-third. The actual photographing of the Tillamook Burn will be done during the months of May and June with the work to be under the supervision of Rudy Kal lander of the rehabilitation section. Pictures taken will be of twa types the pancromatlc pictures, (the conventional film) and In frared pictures to be used in photo interpretation. The standard pancromatic pic tures will be used mainly for location of fire breaks, logging roads, counting of snags, loca tion of snag areas that can be salvaged by logging companies and the determining of boundary surveys. Pictures taken with infrared film turn the green in trees white and can be used by the department for determining the number of conifers and broad' leaved species of trees now growing in the Burn. The scale photos will permit an accurate measurement of young firs as small as six feet high. Blue and Gold Banquet Held Out-of-Season Deer Hunters Plead Guilty Three out-of-season deer hunt ers pleaded guilty in district court Tuesday to charges of spotlighting deer after being ar rested Monday near Mehama by state police. ' Albert David Campbell, jr., 30, 1138 South 17th street, and Preston Grayson Burge, 30, 1163 soutn ism street, were lined $130 each and their right to apply for hunting and fishing licenses for 1S33 war suspended. In addition Campbell's gun was confiscated. J. C. French, 32, Mill City, pleaded innocent to the charge Monday, but reappeared Tues day morning to change his plea, Judge Val D. Sloper set Monday morning for sentencing. He suspended $100 of Burge i fine. The annual Blue and Gold banquet was held by Cub Pack 41 in the Keizer school audi torium Friday evening with about 230 in attendance. Eleven dens were represented with the following Den Mothers acting as hostesses: Mrs. Floyd McNall, Mrs. Ewald Franz. Mrs. Roy Ellis, Mrs. Leonard Hayes, Mrs. C. L. Mink, Mrs. James Mc Cormack, Mrs. Carlyle Shidler, Mrs. Tom Bod in, Mrs. Gay lord Hibbs, Mrs. Herbert Harris and Mrs. Boyd Willmsehen. - j Invocation was given by Rev. Dick Berry of the Keizer Church of Christ. Following the banquet talk on the aims of cubbing was given by James Kerns, Scout execu tive of Cherry City district Fol lowing this address Kerns pre sented to F. H. Rein wild, rep resenting Keizer Lions, sponsor of Pack 41, the new charter for the year. Ralph Slpprell, Pack 41 committee chairman, accept ed the charter. Den count of parent present made Den 11 honor den for the ensuing month. At this time Cub Master Jim McCormack made the following achievement awards: Wolf award, Stanley Franz, Michael Esplin, Lawrence Brit-ton. Wolf Gold Arrows, Stanley Franz," Bob Bowden, Michael Esplin and Lawrence Britton, Wolf Silver Arrow, Stanley Franz, Lawrence Britton. Bear awards. Gale Scott and Marlyn Mulkey. Bear Silver Arrows. George Hetlund, and Dwight Triplett (2). Lion award, Johnnie Suther land, Dennis Holmes and Ray mond Murphy. Lion Gold Arrows, Johnle Sutherland, Dennis Holmes and Raymond Murphy. Lion Silver Arrows, Gary McNall, Karl Shidler (2) and Raymond Murphy. After a candle lighting cere mony Bob Cat pins were given the following Bob May, Don ald Lawrence Moffitt, Billy Ny- gren, Kenneth Harris and Gary Sterling. Service pins were presented the following Den Mother and committeemen: one year pins, Mrs. Floyd McNall and Maurice Walker; two years, Mrs. Carlyle Shidler. George Knopp, Ralph Slpprell, Jim McCormack; three years, Carlyle Shidler; five years, Ralph Gilbertson. Gifts were presented to re tiring Cubmaster Shidler and retiring committee chairman Ralph Gilbertson. ARMY ECONOMIZING Heidelberg, Germany ) The U. S. Army's European headquarters said today it is lop ping 27' per cent of its German employe off the payroll by June 10 wider economy orders from Washington. Bishops' Fund Call Is Heard Catholic parishes of western Oregon will again respond to the annual appeal of the Bishops' Fund for Victims of War during the week of March 8 to IS to raise 133,000 as their share of the national goal of $9,000,000. Locally, contributions may be sent or taken to St Joseph's church or to St Vincent de Paul church. It la announced by Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck and Rev. John 3. Reedy, pastor respec tively, of the two. Checks are made payable to the "Bishops' Fund." . - Since 1(43, relief agencies supported by the fund have rved 63 different countries. Supplies axe distributed free of charge to those most in need, regardless ox race, color or creed. In the past eight years aid has been brought to the destitute of five continents, with shipment overseas of almost 491 million pounds of clothing, food, and medical help, valued at over 183 tt million dollars. Capital Journal, SaJesa, Ortv, Wedn day, March 4, 1" KidnoDner Gets 2 Years Whacked Off Sentence Jackson, Mich. W) "Crazy Jack" Hyatt drew a 19 to 23 year sentence yesterday for kid napping guards and holding them hostage during the bloody riot at Southern Michigan pris on last April. Circuit Judge John Simpson at Estimates from national head quarters state that 40 million refugees are in dire need; hun ger, disease and misery are of daily experience. first aaad the sanaene II to U years. But "Crazy Jack" pre tested. He said ha had mora inan 21 years to do on a 13-30 year term for robbery. So the Judge cut off two year and mad the term concur rent. Te sbaaeeta- imfr.A tt.'sSrSa? m.niMLi;r and ouvfe sspaad esi far pro tort, i RL&LHIlDKSiS ISTTjMaTirtVrKMl ess H 1 Make it The Man's Shop for your Spring Wardrobe head quarters . . . Here you will i i.- ki e Tina racKS or new spring kj Merchandise, with more ar- V . TL. I-..--.. 3.1 riving every aay. ine laresr and finest in Suits, Hats, Sport Coats, Slacks, Sport Shirts, Sweaters, Dress and Casual Shoes. You'll find everything to make your Spring and Summer Wardrobe complete. Choose from Such Famous Names as These . . . KUPPENHEIMER VARSITY TOWN GRIEF KURTZMAN D0BBS LOUART ARROW STRADAVARI KEDS NUNN BUSH JANTZEN And Many, Many Others T Choose From Of EN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 Tike Nans Gtop "THE STORE OF STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE" 416 Stat Salem NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME WE CAN OFFER A FAMOUS SflmQUS. MATMSS WITH 305 iS FOR ONLY SAVE y3 Check These Famous Simmons Features 305 Coils Pre-Built Border 8 Ventilators Attractive Ticking Handles for Easy Turning Matching 80-Coil Box Spring THE ANSWER TO PLUS O O O EXTRA SLEEPING SPACE PROBLEMS FOR THE LIVING ROOM! FOR THE PLAY ROOM! FOR THE DEN! A GENUINE SIMMONS STUDIO DIVAN ONLY Sid)50 LOOK! IT MAKES EITHER TWO TWIN SIZE OR A FULL SIZE BEDT3- A129.00Valiia DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? DO YOU NEED A FIRM MATTRESS? bimmuHi um ib Lb ui liy uvx u Lb im u u Set OPEN FRIDAY'S 'TILL 9 P.M. Acrott From the 1st National Bank A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT j WILL DELIVER ANYTHING ,1. ! I f Kai-A jt. -j .H