.... 1 ! ; it ' i 3 I w W w 1 1 A U b i d f a I 1J B Capital JomtH Salem, Ora Wedneaday. March 4. ItSt Con7mittees Named For Legion Dinner fitlvartnn Urt PalrtVi lVan. ela. eeneral chairman for tha an- nual "Dinty Moore" dinner tc . be given on Tuesday evening, March 17, at Legion hall, has MmMl h MimmitiMfl tor the , event. Delbert Beeves post and unit NO. 7 are sponsoring ine dinner. In charge of the kitchen will be Mrs. Florence Schlabitz, as sisted by Mrs. Ernest Starr, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Bruce Billings and Miss Marjorle Mo sen g. On the food committees are Mrs. Clarence Higlnbotham and Mrs. Oltif Anderson, conee; Mrs. Phil Sellber, rolls; Mrs Nettle Noren, Mrs. E. A. Kern, Mln Ina Harold, desserts. Mrs. Dewey Allen will super vise the table ana aining room. Kmrvmrm era Mrs. William Smesd. Mn WnnaM Reed. Mrs. Ray- mond Church, Mrs. Glakwyn Hamre, Mrs. Charles Mason, Miss Vivlsn Beeves, Mrs. F. Von Boratel. Mrs. Clarence Wilch mnit Vn T. P. HeldutKm. Mrs. Victor Howard wlU serve as cashier, and Mrs. Harry Kueh and Mrs. Charlie Bascue will be in charge of tickets. Official hostess will be the president of the unit, Mrs. Ro bert Allen, witn rars. v. w. mc Cannel, assisting Pair Wed Recently In McMinnville Rites Unlonvale The marriage of Miss Marjorle Schmidt, daugn- u, anri Mrs. E. J. Schmidt of Carlton, to Donald Gossett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E. Gossett of Dundee, was solemnized February 16. The service was at 10 o'clock in the morning at St. James Catho lic church in McMinnville, the Rev. John Babyok officiating. Th. hrlri won the tradition al dress of ivory satin, trimmed In lace. The Ilngertip veil was arranged from a crown of pearls. She carried a Prayer book, gift of the bridegroom, witn wnite orchids on it. Mrs. Charles Fleener, sister of the bridegroom, was the matron of honor, wearing an American Beauty satin dress. Her flowers were a bouquet of light pink carnations. Eugene Schmidt, cousin of the bride, was best man. The ush ers were Charles Fleener and Joseph Schmidt. The reception following was in St. James hall. Assisting were Mrs. Eugene Schmidt, Mrs. Fred Meslnbrink, Miss Kathy Schmidt, Mrs. Lee Wilson, Mrs. Leona Steobner, Mrs. Leo Traeaer. Mrs. Llovd White. Mrs. Virgil Goolie, Mrs. Leonard Fftllnurlntf trln in tha coast the couple are at home at Grand Island Junction where they op erate a store. IUN VALLEY BREAD, baked will ao shortening whatever, sttitftat "re ducing itirvition" with ao added eateries. It's s new tut thrill (of "bread hungry dieta." And Sun Valley touted . M-M-M- good, sad good for yoev N Learn How To Get Relief Corns,Callouses,Bunions jusum i . Men'mj OR; $CH0tl'$ ZINO-PADS n..i,Llw -aiina Mlnfiil oreuure. Gentry soothe and eushlo-) sensi tive spots. Separate medications included for removing OQ- coma a callouses 'sl7fc 3 0 3 : MUKM MTlj taiuMonfi imsnimf ummam Aching Tired Fee Dr. acheJrs Fees Bshe eniekly re Heres, eMthes, re freshes tender tired feet doe te exertiM er leUroe Far Tender Feet Dr. SeheU's Keretes, relretr - eeft feet alaiter, reUeres shee Tender, Hot Feat Dr. SeneD's Feet Pewder relieves ' tender bet feet, goethinc, ewnfert Inc to irritated kin. Eaaes new er tight ehoea . . We Itchy Feet, Teas Dr. Scholia Bolrex reUeres Athlete's Foot, itching feet and toes. Aids m k..l!rr f h red. raw skin, liquid or MatnMlt KAft Relief at The Ball of The Foot WHERE MOST PEOPLE NIID IT Dr. Scholl'i LuPed dipt ovar tha fenpert of tha foot; cushions, supports it. LIK walking on olr. Weighs fraction of ounce. Makes smart high hetl shoes a Joy 148 to uar. Men. woman's SllSS. Pr. . . Thora's A Dr.Scholl Foot Aid For Most Common Foot Troubles spats. I tie er )C3S2hZ IEHS3E2 TWO CELL METAL FLASHLIGHTS VALUE PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 4th THRU MARCH M WED- THUR., m. SAT SUM. i . . afa HBaWSPSaV atl ALL YOUS SHOE SHIKIKu ttti riyl7tHLTwiB"rvribn"t 10c SHINOLA POLISH 3c fsTpOLISH DAUIER 7t 20c LAMIS WOOL SUFFER I Tli t- S VN4 Ql n CapttaJ JewBaJ,lvOra Waehesgday, Kartfc 4, !::- pin stray CHROME SPUN HEALTH LAMPS ufortm r . 1 M-f.l i . V LWIIll W aaa ' Ml uaa ""fl ang rClo. forts of colds, etc, or give you a healtT ful sun tan. INFRA RED RAY ' . v Thaae mtntat ran n- lA. 11 ft Hm the siaaaBlofta al IV aaua, eataRb, aituiar, 1 U law aai aaKmiat M' Ruby Red HEAT RAY , J. Tha Rttbr RW itow r. AJk 20 S due tht hevrrafa flwt. M m M Y9 Tba iNBttrfttiiw ba - M mlA Masons m csuoi, nmm, , rlf?. estatu, ate. Sun Lamps, Ultra-Violet 350 Oet a kfaenelal antaa a warn 1 Thaia M Ihra pevarfiU aaenetal aulaa aaa mkMl el Water. V A A Dltr-Tl! ran fl II irea Him atera Ju 11 (haa tboH at I fyll OOHOIO led SIM Wash Me Troef ,froof law To SoM Easy to Clean J2.95 voluo - "Sav. ' aW i-V .W .-, ttidV a v 1 are m BHm w sk. aftfvj mmwm s L7IuoritUSH 33C 1 'l'dF ' ' . XV?V rS1. , S" . J ' - kfl r i hTZC J Sk 1m3J v 3.96- YITAMIH"r L f1.99 'sky S:H -aSF wa m m -W aaaF' .ntl IVI Ell. VaaW fl I f. .1 f 'PI la LOBlf -1 Va. -m aV al .a rMn OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT 3.50 Value GALLON IVORY COLORED SEAMLESS STia SAUCE PAN SETS, DISHPANS PERCOLATORS, COVERED SAUCE PANS, rvMioi c snii rer fT ' v ar 1 1 a lock Voues f 0 1.25 SAVE MOKEY w ar r if 11 vi j 3.95 ALUMINUM BABY BOTTLE STERILIZER Complete With Rock 1MB SHOP AND SAVE AT PAYLESS IMFNNEN RARY MAGIC NESTLE'S BABY HAIR TREATMENT RUBBER TEETHING TOYS UJ BABY OIL j & J BABY POWDER lt-onnce J ' J COTTON TIP APPLICATORS ABDEC VITAMIN DROPS so ... iBIRDSEYE DIAPERS 6 49c SNAP-ON BABY PANTS REG. lie TACK V3 Vet7 HOT WATER BOTTLES Bright Rod Molded No Seams 1.25 VALUE m. m FOUNTAIN SYRINGES With Attachments REG. A A 1.75 THERMOMETER H Certified Aecarsef Easy to Bead Protected Cass Oral or Rectal Type 11a FUbnUSHT bathues THE BUY OF THE MONTH AQUA VASE; fl J I GOGGLES I Zz frwt t0m " 1 1 fl NITES ?7 Soft Glow Light Through Beautiful Taaeb To Any Caraar Flower Bowl, Adds Cosy Eta 8.I9 IS1 VITAMIN "B-l" 8M M.88 $l.89 "ffo" VITAMIN "(" mom .09 9.45 sy THERAPEUTIC FORMULA a,p.0, '5.47 '1.24 SS' DECALCIUM PHOSPHATE 79 '2.49 'Co9 BREWERS YEAST TABS a.p.c. M.49 97 y VITAMIN "B-12"5 mco ' 79' 0e NYLOM HAIR NETS Poylass Prfc. ml N r Also Makes vzrz. tf: m l La, a 'i- msjsjiss Mod era Fish Bowl Come 9, al A Heavy Glass Vase on Mahogany Beta .95 at $, PAY VALUE LESS Complete With Fkmers and Bulb '1.17 "5Sr WHEAT GERM OIL 79' ,ro tOCo a aamwa tor P. if Suoer Soft Will Not Harm Or Chafe Baby's Tender Skin 1.00 DENNISON'S DIAPER LINERS 69c NURSERY NITE LITE Can Bo Changed From One Room to Another In Just Jiffy Plugs in Any Outlet AT J TOOTH BRUSH Nylon Bristle v"C. HO' Big 7-Inch Sue. Fine Quality 79' STEEL HOUSEHOLD ic MANUFACTURER' SPECIAL aVM II i Stainless Steal Bock " if Aecuroto RAG0U t S ST" Jk Beairh'ful, S V Oopondabla Tou'll find a them (or enttl heM eheres. Durably eerntnteted. k Precision Design VS3 1 m WITM0W I I tNORTINIM 01 I 33c MILK OF MAGNESIA 60c BROMO QUININE 39c 1-ox. PRIVINE NASAL DROPS $1.00 1.00 VICKS COUGH SYRUP 35c VICKS INHALERS 89e 33c 89c VICKS VAPO-RUB, stainless 73 C S7c ANALGESIC BALM, large tuba 36 C Thantis Losenges, sore throat relief 33 C 60c ALKA SELTZER 75e ANAClN TABLETS, bottle 50 40c MIDOL TABLETS, bo 12 54c 75c BAYER TABLETS, bottle 100 49c ASPIRIN, 200, S-greln I ."it- i 49 STEP-ON GARBAGE CAN More Low Prices MEDICINE CHEST .vl Enameled Steel Fall Mirror Door Two Shelves Keg. I.tt is 15c EPSOM SALTS, U.S.P. pound .M0 SSCARTER'S PILLS .L 35e ENO EFFERVESCENT SALTS l.5 CAROID BILK SALTS t li KON 8YL . 6e EDWARDS OLIVE TABS"?5's ti B0oTEEN AMINT OB M, BetUe Is 430 75o LETCHER'S C ASTORIA, tarn, else Stf l.tS PETROGALAR, pint, all Bombers. N COMBINET Sanitary Seamless Construction ISc SHORT HAND NOTE BOOK GREASELESS , ay LATEX RUBBER GLOVES Roughened Fingers And Palms 79c. Value SUes 1 to I FMHORRRD PAPER NAPKINS 80-Count REG. A 15c V (Limit Two) a- : 17 JEWEL . WATCH n" An GREAT TUSSY VALUES REGULARLY TO SELL FOR $39.50 AT PAYLESS j PRELL SHAMPOO NEW ECONOMY SIZE 5-oz. W lb. . I i-i .i 88 I12S.. l-00! aiue I Pink T. TUSSY CLEANSING CREAM Reg. 2.00 Jar FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 12 MONTHS TUSSY Emulsified CLEANSING CREAM Reg. 2.00 ik SPECIAL PAPER TOWELS MEDICATED SOOTHING REG. SSc NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Ceellng skin ere are for akin eomfert and akla aeaat?. Ezeelleat ears fee externally eaaaed hlemlah as, teaghness er ether ary akla problems. DIAL SOAP Large sis 2 Bars 29' Shtsts J1U A Teeter . -If 'u--r "-gg&frr 5" MI 2.70 Box of 50 4-25 Box of SO 59e Tll KING EDWARD ROI-TAN ZJX CIGARS CIGARS LIGHT IT -i Q V THRU THE j 1 ml S.75 Box of 50 ROBT BURNS LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO CIGARS 519 Ponotelo Stylo... FRANK MEDICO Sofelid, Real Briar Yelo Bole n PIPESJ 4 W'vl LARGE BOX "aoaARA GOULD clSeam, PLCS Skin Freshener TUSSY SKIN FRESHENER Reg. 1.75 300-COUNT Rag. 28a VALUE AT PAY LESS riswj RADRiDi rttit p arrrtwnia WWklaf LIQUID VELVET OF PEACHES lla,a .a. - ... TUSSY SKIN LOTION Rag. 1.75 Hi ..jtS?Tk a-i -il -.iaW alT a. - aT -SIJa? arr-nr MIT J5S "-.-.cyr- la- rt? FASTER SHAVES AND SMOOTHER, TOO I A MM MM A IWIMI .MB MJff 4 SHOOTteotANrunasi Ofnusnwny... e wrtwiMT (o hmt oTHaa vouttSKnsot LA1MM Mt Biiaa. fc.ia.mai e Tam tm mm swht out or TOUt WMSKIBfM HCONMI e no bazos scsam ot saioa ruui e cms you .Asm. iwoonas SHAVti IVHY IIMil 0 ONI CAN SHAVSI YOU tVttV DAY KM MAILT 1 MONTHM BARBARA GOULD PERSONAL TOUCH ANTI PIRSPIRANT CREAM Contains chlorophyll: gentle to your skin yet potently effective. Akin BARBARA GOULD SHAMPOO PLUS Lathers profusely; quickly removes soli and dandruff naaea. witn chlorophyll) COLONIAL - DAMES HAND CREAM Reg. 1.25 I'ii Value HI M Hff Bat HI M H RUtHlNO TIETH SIGHT ArTER IATINO WITH 100 Leaves hair with new "Dream r.lrl " 3-wav to loveliness: Fragrantly clean, gleaming and soft Not a soap, not a liquid but a Cream Shampoo enriched with Lanolin. Lath ers richly in hard or soft niter. Reg. $2.00 RTJBBEB AUTO FLOOR MAT Aorted colors l.75c O I rnlnik. InalafiHw atorM bdbroothln7owtof rOcoieitnot a originota in ma mourn I I r.ni ft ATE DENTAL CREAM l ArTIS. SATinw TVlin wwaa"a 1MB FAULTLESS FEMININE SYRINGE for Regular, Junior It Super Sites TAMPAX INTERNAL SANITARY PROTECTION Oe Af...T" -U5TAB, - TAMPAX ' rfcaJLS bh i M ! n in m.m m I w.w I ai r j i rwii i i u i a a . aaaaaaaaa White Rubber Flesilbe Soft Tub 1.69 nSorauahlv aravad eJ occeptea home merhed of eroi hygiene knewa redeyl ....... t FAMOUS BRAND VEGETABLE SEEDS II 10e Packs 4 for Seminan Mothers at JAt Angel Meet ML Ansel A program of oomlng events was outlined 'tnr members of tha . Mount Angel Seminary Mothers club Sunday afternoon, aunng a business session in the semi- , nary meeting room. Plans were .discussed and iiIHjm anoolnied for tha L..i urthr nav." aoheduled for Sunday. May S. tha annual visiting day wnen xna puouv is invited to Mount Angel abbey ul aamlnarv. The KT. Bet nard Sander. O.SJ., rector ot tha seminary, assouacea aas - i the students of the aeminary wlU condust tour during wo afternoon, beginning at 13:S0 oldock p.m. and that tha publio s Invited to atteno we a clnek vesDers services In the ' abbey chapel that day. Mrs. Myron Warren, preet . Ient 'announced the following aa chairman for the Laity Car program: Mrs. s. Dai ton, ran- . Und, food booth; Mrs. Joseph . Barrok, SUyton, lancy wor Ibooth; and Mrs. Anthony Zast- ouple. Silverton, reirestimens stand. The Mothers club presented TV set to the school, aleo; made plans to entertain tha students at a picnic, tha data to be announced later. Bede Annen, seminarian, re- norted on the Passion Play, 'The Betrayal," which will be , presented by the seminarians March 21-23. This will be the first public play the students are presenting since the pro- . ductlon of "Brother Orchid" In November, 19B0. A eoclal hour following tha business session, with refresh ments served by the students. Entertain Group The Mothers club members were hostesses' at dinner xor The Pi Kappa Nu clubs of Portland. , who scheduled a pilgrimage to Mount Angel, Sunday. The dinner was served in the St. Mary's school auditorium.,. Covers were placed for zib Portland hlch school students who spent the day on a con ducted tour of the Mount Angel ' abbey, seminary, and other facilities attacnea to tne mon- i astery. ' A conference was led oy Father Ambrose Zenner, O.S.B. . on Benedictine monasticism. The program was arranged by the federation spiritual aciv- , Ivltles committee in a series of vocational guidance ' programs . planned by this committee. Mrs. Fred Baumgartner. president of the Mount Angel , group, was general , cnairman for the dinner. She was assisted by Miss Dorothy Baumgartner, Mrs. Lucy Kahut Mrs. William Predeek, Mrs. Leo Duerr, Mrs. Robert FronSc, Mrs. Emil Zack, Mn SVank E-eh and Miss Elizabeth Beyer, all of Mount Angel, Mrs. Clarence Behind-1 ler, Gervoto; Mrs. Otto Miller and Mrs. Heidt both of Wood- burn and Mrs. Anthony Zast- ' buple, Silverton. ... KAT.RM HEIGHTS Dick. Mick and Jeff McKlllop wlU be host to the South Salem Junior Saddle club on Saturday. March 7, at 1 p.m. at their home at eizs UDerty Hoao. . Ervln Ward wlU talk to the Juniors on horses, and if tha '. weather permits will take the group together with their horses for a ride. - ' REG. 1.00 LADIES-LINED RUBBER GARDEN GLOVES ST I. "Saea"-aaW' j'aw' V ACtOSI TOWN Ol J J ACSOSf THI NATION it 'SIM Whether yea'ie saovlng la tees as te a dtaUnt eny, we offer tha neat in worry-frae raorini acre, lee. Our local storage and aw b radii ties are nnKXlll.Aa4 m lepreseotanvea for Allied Vaa Unas we eaa ylaee at yeoa disposd the know-how ef tha World'a largest loBg-diataaeo awving araanisatioa. AQied'a xpert packer, handlers and dilrais safagaard yeoe poasaa. eioDe every atp of the ways Call as 1st esttmatM Red Star Transfer llaerty Behnoat r. t-llll Ml aa n I ma ".r-w'..w,w'- DAFFODILS ROSE BUSHES 44 VARIETIES GUARANTEED TO GROW FRESH AOSNT rot FIELD GROWN CUTS; Beta tr . aaswa at SmW awaS Phnnn 2.2406 To Place Classified Ads i V 1 L. -Lev::..: 2.