Wonderfully new and different CYCLMJM as Reg. 448.75 2 2 WHILE THEY LAST! ' New and exclusive CYCLA-MATIC LEVELCOLD 1 Zero-zone levelcoid In the Food Freezer I Super-Safe Levetcold in it- Refrigerator and In th Hydratora ngardlau of ouhido temperatures! New and exclusive - ROLL-TO-YOU iHELVESI O 1 .All shelves roll out full Ungth - put all food right at your ringer tlpsi And you got all (hot exclusive Frlgidalre feature, loo I tll.MW.lnln Interior It's a Famous Meter-Miter mochanlmi FOOD FREEZER AND REFRIGERATOR COMBINED! iZESiZ". o Royteond loewy Styling Now, exclusive . CYCLA-MATIC DEFROSTING In the refrigeratorl . Gets rid of frost be foro H ovon colloctil No clocks, timers, coun tori, or heater. I 7.6 Cu. Ft. mm nil-width supti-mna ocr AND ALL THESE FEATURES I e tVeeaee and heap M MM. S fwHnfMlh slMtvfeS e I eri,tfttoMe shelf . SMing CMN Drawer e Largo, ad porcovoJn Hydrates e Supor-povoroo1 Motor-Miser -, Mechanism e Ixcluslve Qulcfcwbo ko Troys . 1-ploca oil portotnln Interior e RoymoneTloewy Styling , lokt nw for yorfj Regularly 25975 NOW tVTHCOUHYAU COOtMr - . AN&Mumwmimf -4 Cooling coih concealed in cabinet walls and around Freezer Chest and Hydraton provide). SAFE temperatures from top to bottom I Now built-in Food Safety Indicator proves HI FUU-WIOTH SUPER-FREEZER CHEST keeps big supply of frozen foods and ke cubes, sofa and handy EXCLUSIVE Q.UICKUtl TRAYS with built-in Tray and Cube releases provide fast, easy ke service. TWIN, ALL-PORCELAIN HYORATORS keep fruits and vegetables dewy-fresh. . NEW METER-MISER whh mors) reserve power than you'll over need. RAYMOND LOEWY ITYLsNO) stays now looo log far years. o o Regularly 364 75 Delay! ' Limited Quantities on All Models 6)75 luf Twin-Unit Even-Heat Oven Life-time Porcelain Finish TbMOilier Deep-Well Cooker Look of All These Deluxe Features 5-Spced Radtantube TJnlts Handy Appliance Outlet rValat-hlfh BroUer Here's your chance to own full-sized genuine Frlgidalre Electric Range with all the wonderful basic Frlgidalre advantages. This tow-prked, brilliantly styled range will add beauty to your kitchen besides giving you many, many years of real cooking enjoyment. So come In lodoy sea this wonderful Model RO-10 Frigldoire Range and all the other exciting models of . Amerko's Most leaurlful Electric Range. (D BROL A STEAK AN& BAKE A CA&... SAME 77M fit TVB SAMS 0(W MM I -A.." UUOIIUUI VSVUII It's See oreoSeet ssspreveceeet in soaqos to yeonl I WoMler Oven" provides one extrc-iorge oven or two ovens In one, eon wMi Its own controls. Ufetfcw. Oamiole ttM...Caok-Matar Clork Ctvrol...TW- salzer Deep-wed Ceoeer.Werssing Drover.. See Regularly 209 73 niuwm uum iuiu. imuit. t low ritiisim SALEM OREGON CITY Rango Regularly 389TS NOW 6)75 Corner State and Commercial