Capital lopnuJ, Salem, tOKSALE HOUSES SEE IT 114 A. BeeatUul 1-bdrm. hec vita burnt. Fireplace Lara. dMpIrim, bus. thicken hw. Irnt. intern. Oood black loll. Underpruod at 94500. Tmu. Will C. W. Reeve, Realtor ltM Mtoaloa It. Ph. IUM . It. 1HM or ma a t HOMES One l-bedroocn, obo S-bed- iw. rn. him. OI MM DM. li NIW 1-EXDROOM HOUSES. WITH FULL BASEMENT. OUT STATE BTMKT. U MILS PAST 4 CORNERS. W.W1 151 MONTH ' Omci AT PROJECT, PBONI 41 TM ItO $7500 S-todrooa home, basement, lum with ttoran room. Beoutliii. laws, a C. W. Reeve, Realtor UN Mtoaloa II. Ph. liSM Be., mm or I1SII OM $300 DOWN Ownor toaelni SoltM and to offertai for ooio od Tory TMiootblo tormi. lau buOt wne-bedrooni homo on eer an era of fertile aoU la oood dletrtet, Nice Yarl.ty fruit and barrlei. Full prtoo tt.WO. 1100 down, balanco UU rent. Call Mr. Paramo. Murphy & Kent REALTORS M Ho. Church Erei.: Fircone 1-1MI Pbont 4-lMl all By Owner REDUCED JOB IMMrJIATE SAUI Mower ehake, 1 bedroom. oU furnace, tarue, eloeo to Lwlie Hllb, bua Una. 1141 B. Nob BUI. Detalla. (all Mill. Ownar la town thlt week. all JUST LISTED A borne ton will wsnt to . Here' A horn you will went to m hems WHY 1 1 Hu wslNto-wall carpeting 1 llrlM room snd dining room, llreplsc. aw dUbwsibr snd dlfpoisl unll Is kitchen, full bseemcnt wltn suto. oil furnsc. S bedroonu, good eebool loca tion. JVBT 910.WW. OHM ART & CALABA, RLTRS, 47t Court BU Phone J 4 111 - 14114 BM KEIZER t. Terr U kept S -bedroom home with sttscned saraso snd fenced-in back rsrd. Lswns shrubs sre tn. No ftilns to do. Juit novo la. Located oa Clsrk B. $4,000. ao down. Mew S-bedroom hotue will be eompUUd xn dsyi. Awtomau wan larnace, fireplace, attached ssrsc. Bdwd. Arc Located on Thannsa street. Pries if At, 000, only $lot down. t. IVi-etorr hooee on corner of Dearborn At Lowell etreete. Bdwd. floors, oU fur nace, isrve laundry room, utcaen, o nette, lsrse 11 Tint room, bath. Room for sedroom spetairs, double garaf, lawn, fruit trees. Owner sake 10,MM. Make as sa offer. 4. Lovely S -bedroom borne tn Manbrta Osidoas en lsrse lei. Completely Isad sesped sad lawn sad shrnbi sre la. Plreplsee, sutomsUc ell furnace, bdwd. floors, attached ssrsc. Can be sold for ll.ftOO down. Total pries la I10,00. Abrami, Bourland & Sldnner 41t MA0OltIO BOTLDIMO teal Bitate Insursncs Mor tease Lssaa fhon l-Mll asnmts: ft-4701 ? ' BM No. 23rd St. Owner mortal to the country. Muai wall inla brrelr 1-bodroom bouoo with full baaement. Bouao U about yoara odd and la la excellent oood! lion. Located n pared etroot with aldewalko and aurba. Lonlr tarnced back lawn with fruit treaa. AUo smaD vreenbouae la rear. Lono IMns room with fire place, dining room, roomy kitchen with wreokfaet apaoe. bath with Ule trim. Auto. oU furnace In dry baaoneat. An opportunity to bur thle typo ai honee deent't erne too often. Lei wa ihow m tola. Priced at enlr flJ.loo. Abrami, Bourland tt Skinner . oil MAsorno BciLoiNO oUU Uaruaaa Loan, Iranian! 1-4701 ale 1-411T LEAVING . Omar hu left for X. Dak. f-hdrm. kao. I pre. old. Bdwd. fire. Dbla. tar. H A. Sandr out loam. Killer MM, rule. loot down. A tool bar. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MM HUH on St. Ph. MM . Bra. llllt or 4M4I aloe M OWKla. rwo lano obotee Iota. n- aoaablo. Phone b-lOTl. alt SMALL HOUSE tut. I ran. Sj bath, oa back of lot. Veal atoro, boa a eanaery. Boom to build later. A rood real beater. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MM BtMeioa at. pa. I un are, re 53 a or 4MW one GI $450 Dn. S3 new 2-bedroom boutci, with full basement Out State Street, Vt mile past 4 Corners. $8,999 $52 MONTH Office at Project. Phone 45790 . all fAPLETON ADDITION 1-bodroom ttouie, larve urine room, Kltcnen, Deia, nard wood floor,, floor furnace, attached aa raao with uttutr. Lawn, ahrube, tar den. Bqultr Itoo, balanco 11060. Par asceitt 144, tnoludee laiea and lnaur aaoo. Write Bos 41T, Capital Joarnal. CavotE bt aa 8EA oa Bwr. Ml, near . Newport, aoMUful location. 1-bodroom homo and 1 w.u-buill faralehad oot totoa. Electric boat. into. W. white rjoad. Otter Rock. Oreeon. iM AM. oarato, oU boat, M. lot. AJiOTHXR VERY OOOD BUY AMraotlTo Baa. bomt with t lent bed lata, .It. tarata, patio, food condition. at. lot. Prlee onir t7o. an ocr picrrrrxa oalleut op OVXR lot ROUES POR aALS JOrTN J. DANK. REALTOR All N. Blfh Ph. 41 in. art, M47t alt cLAssiptED wrnrtuno Par r era per Word, a Marat Mo Per arora, Uteet Me Par Word. I atealk No Bofnaae-MlnimwM M tftrta. EElDiat ra Local Mm OaV Obit. Per wort ENGLKWOOD 3 BEDROOM HOME a A BAROAIM at km a Bad Baa. Sanaa ai tataliont aaadlllta. Te Ftaea Ail Sam.Iray'l raiwr, rhM 1-ieM Bcfen 1 am - - -o o ' mawaaraamBBJaTfs- Or Wednesday, March 4, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES By OWNER Nw S-todroocm modern born; sic kitchen with eatm svpeio, vtimy snd sttacbed iirui, Oood well, with ee- wu nm. cooler ens tool snoo- t Mr cood sround. it Weeks te Uneolo Mhl. H bik. to eity bus. Mm itmo. 4147 Dorbtn Ave.. t 4 Corners, sfelem. W.S. nnr aAuac eve ?ou bB wsitins lor food tar In West Salem? This 1 1(1 S-bdrm. bom, corner let with beeaUftil eh rake trees, across street from park. $190$ aowa. mu pries D. A. G. F. (DAIRY AND LORAIN FAR 14) la acres srsds A dairy sreln fsrts. w tun en aerial picture lor your ooo venlen. WU1 sell equipped lor $,$$$. Tins ts cood farmer. 0. F. H. (ON TAIKUOUWT BILL. Almost ovsrythlns new but the frame sod plaster. OocnrplttcJy rvdon Instd snd out. New furnse, sew kitebca, roof, sttrmeUT M-barm. nom, fircplsct. THA spUd for. I10.7M. L. T. C. B. Bsutlftii it t1w, j-bdm. rsack trl ben wttb flnplses snd s spscleuc lot on psd ctrtet. PHA ssrs It's worth Uw nontrj I10.M0. W. H. T. B. (WS BAYS THB BUTKRA) toUT, w do seed hotter trod propcrtlM between II a. 000 A3 1 11,000. Phone tt tf 70U went sctlon. IwM Palrirounda Road Phono 4-1MI, 4-1194 Bra. 4-1T06, l-KKl, 4-4171 Ml N.W. ( lftLEE. aalom phono malt Plumbed, wired, t-bdnn. houee, I4M0. C. W. STDLLXR, Realtor. Mlom. Ore. M Bdiewator. Ph. 1-504T or 4-1711 alT You can't buy anything with rent receipts BUT Your rent money will buy a home. BEAUTIFUL 4-BEDROOM family homo, or.rloor.lnf the eltr of aajem. urint rm. with nreplaoo. full dlalns rm, kitchen with oatlni apace, double nlumbina. Boooment with portr m. or iirepiooo, uowera ana anrtroe, double taraaa. Priced 111,150. Can bo oeea br appointment only, call Richard AjumpA i'ltu, or ore. l-iwc, LOVELY CORNER HOME Toa oaa am Into thle beau with a oeaaurul lawn and flowara. S bed roonu, llrlat rm. with flroplaoc. pio- turo wlndowi, 1 yre. eld. priced al wur tweet, wiia lerme. cirde Poulk baa the ker and will ahow ran una extra opoclal ralue. call 1-7141. INVEST IN HAPPINESS AND SECURITY Brand new two-bdrm. home, roadr for owupanor. rloht alaa llnne rm.. kith on with eatlna apaoe, nlcelr deoorated "mwwi uw uoora, inauiatea ai weath- evewippoo, aie. terete. eiMra. Tenni. NEAR KEIZER SCHOOL 4-bodroom. homo for only S11M. Larto lot, on pared ok, tarata. A real buy TRY AND TOP THIS Two-bedroom homo with BTW floor lano rooma, taraaa, oa pared rk Only S4W down, balanco like rent. L E. KLUMPP, Realtor I0W Portland Rood Ph. a-764 are. Ph. i-ntii up saia la REAL ESTATE WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES SEVERIN REALTY It TEARS OP BATBrPACTORT SERVICE ROB BRJj Thla twowar-bulll homo. WM.I. mwm boald bo lual about perfect for a fun fir with acbool children. It to located eleeo to ail ocboole. Bua and ahopplnt. Urlnt room with nreplaco. Dlnlnt room with kullt-lna. Den or bedroom and pretty kltahon lit floor, a r,wi-.iu kodrocau and bath tad floor. Trie boot ant. aoal. aerate and lorelr landaoapod ooraer lot. Onry tn.looi about S4M0 r?rai.worn l-badroom home with nreplaco, full aeoemoat, hardwood floora, attached taraaa, tad treenhouac Pint time of fered for aale. Don't mice thle one. Onlr 113,800. PH A. commitment. APARTMENT Homx In thopplnt tenter. 11 furnlahed mite. Mai , .,. ., , ilbllltlee for future oarnlnta. 171,000 mmrni. nn,M Oao of the betur homea, teldom ta the market. Located tmont lorelr treea. Larie Urlnt room, dlnlnt room, and the nlMUft blLrM)M mA -. . waaher olnk. S bedroom, and room for t more It wanted. The entire baiement h h a iiicnen, laundry, . ; w.. auvifiace. diii or neat. Double lnluleted and weathentrlpped. t-aar tarata and tool thed. When ros ooo It ran know that It la worth the a wcoo war ai B33,aot, " J"e of boarordea osd Witt, tilt. iwvim enw-jiuni troek. Lorery weu-bulll t-bedroom homo with hot water heat. OraOe A dairy biro, road atand. All to run. Tha oaceptlonel farm la located within H aula of Ketrer on parement. Rue oorr lee, ellr weter, plui creek. Reedy for tubdlr. Duo ta tnlury. owner aelli oil lor le than an.too. There to aleo tea- Tll.. tnu rarat. TJTTLR PARK SOUR 114 acrea cf .uen. r-uii duck pood. Weu-kollt homo of T recant. II to wealed olooo la and oaa at mil vr r ett.ea, i ereu. Severin Realty Co. tit N. Rich . 4-M4I Broe.S 1 MM Mr. BOaai l-mi Mr. Mooa 1-T4 OW FOR SALE LOTS $10. DOWN Good soli. Water piped to lot. Electricity. Build without per mits; REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Booth Hlrb atrert Phono 1-tM rata, areatam: 4-M7I. 1 Met, -? we., REAL ESTATE Roy Todd Real Estate KEIZER DISTRICT S kdrmi, ke. llrlat at dlatat aoabue. tat, with oat, tpaeo. Att. tarata. Buttled oa to ten. Ortdo tea. liui 1 bike. Ciir hue br door, will trad, thle place ea a t or 4-tdrm. acute. IUM. Ceil Mr. Taadorrorl, aaleamaa. WEST SALEM Nice Uelai. lie. dlnlnt. Kit. with aook. S bdrmt, da, I adrme. . t bike. M tea. But br door. Panood book yard. M7M. Cell Mr. Rach, aaltf sua. GRANT DISTRICT Rtoolr trraatod S-room bomt with Crepleee, waU-te-waa carpet, Vea. bllada, bath at tbewer. 1 adrme. dlnlnt . oimi. Lot Mi 171. s ells, to oak. Rico yard, S walaut Ireea. tlt.000. Cell Mr. Ruch, ealeemea. 2 ACRES 14 a 14 Briar, dinette kit. combine, t kdrma., atUltr, terete. Prall A, pump AM-, eblekea am. .eereral fruit treea. Very fertile trtuad. Thle to a boy al aatr IMOt. Call Mr. aomnooa, aalcemaa. LADIES' PARADISE Thla boaillful I-yr.-old kamo. located la Bntlewtod Diet, t lie. bursa, with dble. wardrobe tloMta. Rice both with renllr Uelo. Lro. ttrlas with oeet tleoet, Poroed-tlr beet. Att. trace with atadr room aboro. Only 110.7M. cell Mr. atmptna, talorman ENGLEWOOD, 2 BDRMS. Tea weald enter tan Terr alee same ta a woadorftl lotatlaa, with beto atonl, toto. eU farnaee. dlnlnt. fireplace, breoklaat aook and excellent book yard with flroplaco and patto. Only ULltt. Call Mr. Todd. ROY TODD, REALTOR 1M atatt Street Office Phone, 1-tMl Bro. ph.: Ttaderrtrt, I-4TM; Buck 1-T11I, Slmpeoa. 1- OMj Todd, 1-1711 MADRIN Nearly aew 1-bed room home, Tory teed floor plea with lnilde utility, aleo Itner fenced lot. The owner will conitdor trade for 1-bedroom homo. Drrro by H7 Mnrtnt, then caU for appointment. Price only 1404. call Tlbbolti. 3-BDRM. ONE FLOOR, IN CITY, $8900 Ben It real linn for the money. Hardwood floora, noraltad Hrlnt room, dlnlnt room, lam kitchen, aeptrttt kreakfett aook. Extra itrtc attached taratt, kit utility room, taparato reception haU. aew lt-yeay fuaranteed roof, tioM to oohooL Homo la beet .f condition throat hoot. Can Jim. 2-BEDR00M, EXCELLENT DISTRICT Thlt attrtetfro homo to In excellent aew rettdentlal aoottoa f block! front ichooL pared ttroet, hardwood floora, aleo dlnlnt room, auto. .U heat, attached taraie, early poeMaaloa, telUnt below PHA, appratood at Af.lM. Call Jim. RESTAURANT WITH PACKAGE BEER Very nice roftanrant with ptcktto beer llcenie, located aorth oa blth wir M. H acre of iround, nice aleotored S-bedroom Unas auartere. Pull price 111,001. Term. Call Chot for appotntment bp too. EXTREME SACRIFICE Out of town owner ssys sell hi West aslem new r-todroom bonis, eren st a ssorlf lee. W1U take ear, trailer aoote, truck, pickup, or if aecewary will see pi sssh for hie equity. Has morttace of 14400. Here's your sbsass. tafake sa sa offer today by caillns Cbet. 116 ACRES, NORTH Oat of the fmaat etirortUled ferau ta the rnlloy. Located a mllec aorth ed aalem, lot yard, tit hlthway 11. 4-bedrooai homo, tweeuent outbulVllnte, come oorktr tonlpment. If you want a tood tana for M1.IM, omtaot Dolt RESIDENCE BUILDING LOT tree psTed. sewer tn. Iocs tad la M0 block en . srad. Aaklar pries I1.1M. Cos tact Dale Rayburn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) SOM F. Ctpltal Office phoaet: 1-ettt or 4-4111 BVantnt rrionea Tlbbtttt S-ltM Jim tun Chat s-ois Bait Rtybura 4-4M4 til Grabenhorst Specials TOTTLL BE PROtTD TO OWN thlt apaolout late-buUt home Utnatod to the Bntlewood dlatrlct. Three deltfhtfoi bdrmt., teparato din. rau utility rm, fireplace, bdwd. Art. 114,000. CALL PETER H. OKISXR, SALSBUAN l-BDRll. BOMB with lit. lot, M e tpproi. loo ft in No. 1 Butlaott Bono, located al SKI Booth Commercial street. Price as BOO. CALL O. K. ORABKNHORST, JR., BROKKB TOUR DREAM ROME Beautiful Tlew, Uo. lot, dble. plat, full burnt-, dble. taraie, 1 bdrma. with dble. okaeta, buUt-ln drawera, Ita. Ur. rm. with ralaed fireplace, lie. din. rm., kitchen, full of bullt-lnt, lorelr nook. Auto. oU foroed-alr furnace. In foot thlt home hat ororrthlal tor conven ience and trtolou Urlnt. CALL J. M. LAW, SALESMAN WHY PAT RBMTt Throt-bdrm. bomt, ell hut beeat, plot l-rtorn tpt. 600 down. CALL PBTER H. OEB4ER, BALBBMAlf APARTMENT Excellent location. 4 unlta plui awatft narttrl. Com pletoly furntohod. Very tood condition. Torme. For farther mforaitloa OAU, H. K. LATMON, SALBBMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit a. Liberty at. Ph. S-IITt Bronlntt Sundari tall Piter R. OolMf S-SMS J. B. Law 1-4111 H. K. Laymen I -tut FOR SALE LOTS INVESTMENT BUYS I sruisee near new, nteelr srrsneed, 1-bedrootn. kltT)hoa, bath, dinette. H.W. floors, lets of sleset apace, automatic laundry. Low sect BonaeTiUe best, ss seilcat rental location. H40 per ate. inoosBS. toed tsirma. Pull price $2,$o$. BUSINESS LOCATIONS 1M s 1M set hlshwsy next door te main tMrTBess Bissk. Let la sraveJtd te street tovsl, ftn for any baalneas buUdlns, need ear lot or trail era or parkins. Walter Musgrave Realtors uu snvewswr rn. avsis alBist Close te echooL sorsrsl lsrse fs- strtsted hesne sulldlni lots. 1174 Che bswb Road. sas4 REAL ESTATE DOWN PAYMENT ????? ow tnssh wlD you pay down for lores elder hems that need eleanlns snd repaint a rental! snd owner's apartment, assy welkins te down town. Only 4400. $2450 Pull price for a email borne Inside slty and one block to bus. M-eda some work. City wster. Ton name the terms. REALLY CUTE!! Without a doubt she beet oaa-bed-rootn home we bae ever had to offer. Plreplsee, lofely dtntnt room with china 4doaet. A brtsbt sad shrfml kitchen, vine a breakfast nook, asloeed utility. corner tot on paved street. Bus by doer. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Sooth HUb Street phone 1-U0t Phaat artai .im, s-MM, 4-4111, 1-1144 Center St. REALTY OLD HOUSE TWO OOOD LOTSO In Ne. 1 baelnam tone. A dandy location for a reotca court er ether buehuoe. Lot. af tood kulldlnt matenal la .M boaoo. Only 4. tOt. TWO HOUSES Oct ORB LOT. Bach baa tw? bedrooau aad attaahed terete. Two end clx yewt eld. Oat to furaubod. They real for 111 per month. Or real one and Ur. ta the ether. Rico location near Bollr- reet rrM. ati.ww. some termt. Center Street Realty REALTORS ITM Center at. Ph. 4-tUI Bit, phMoti arltbt l-tSat, Qm 1-7111 CM ; REAL ESTATE SPECIAL FOR SALE FARMS KLUMPP'S FARMS "IRRIGATED FARM" M Aeraa. att wire and ttakoe. Bad acree ta beeni UU. All tillable. Modem home, lit. barn. M plokeia' ciblae, tarato At tbop, famUy trull at berrlao. A reel tana for 11,00a. "20 Acres Near Shaw" Oood farm boms, sood barn si ice. eb. houee. Sprlns la pasture, Oood well, fruit es nuts, br. sareee Al shop. Mioe larse trees, flowers. Bsrssia al 114,40. 26 Acres Near Aumsville Has a resl sood. modern borne, woor barn, part la srsln. part pasture, tim ber d. brush. Sprlns la pasture. Oood sou. au for 44,440. Tsims, 10 Acres - Chicken Setup s oarnt, is, en. house. Brooder bouse, double ear. sood J-bdrm. modern bom. sood land 4s wall. Nice trees, family fruit and berries. Apr ins In pasture. Very elose into alem. aorth. Really awe xor 114,400. 10 Acres on 99 - North Ooes bask te tracks. Oood tndus tiial site. Pair e-rm. home, needs some finish in, lio ft hlthway froataca. A real ear am. itsoo. L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor OH PorUand Boad Ph. I-74M va. PH. 9.1S4S BP 1.1M1 KAaV WANTED REAL ESTATE aAAL B8TATB IB BELLQIO, WB RATI MORB BUTERa THAN OOOD UST- tRoa. tf roar anteilr la wwrtk the meeerT WE CAN SELL IT. ornca diax, 44494,24552 Ron tli m wear arvptnr to tee tela, nat ww wMvwjwmwwt ue H wiia at, Wt Rtrt vi eiDo. wmwu rrm,. STATE PIRANCa CO, REALTORS ui a. Bits sl .a WE saa la aeod al tood haaooo w nw eiwa u ywt With at llat rwwr properip Tor Mia M. OSUBERHORST BROS. REAtTORS WAXT1D 4 to II ecrea with lew" tome, jIom la. Al leeek. Rit, phne till. USINESS 4 INCOME MODERN DRY tloantui plaal la ea .n. in. wham .... . bolldtat, rood ooalpaioot, trMk, tup wi,wm. im- mi reer unmeoitt. pooMmln, ennuil troie rerelpu He tot. Price U.M. Boa 4t Capital Jnraal. mm REAL ESTATE S BB ROL'aZ. taaeaMat, tanuM, U rard. furnlehed. 171 M. Term., cag Mice ev.nlnri. Colbath's VALUES TnfE RAS COMB rot von to see this S-RDRM BOMB. All en OB. fir., lerte Lit. DR. Hob, 1-cer aerate. BXCELLBNT LO cattoh on n. 17th at. PrtM eelM. Torma, lllot down aad MS per au ANOTHER BUY an Tma i-bdrm. heeao ea one fir Urea anfulahod apettlra. LB, DR. tone terata. pared et. Ia ellr. Total Price MM. Stmt Included. HOME SPECIAL tot. It anode Men. cleanup work. Price ta to, will. Only tell down. 2 E. SUBURBANS ICLOER TNI Re. 1 Neerlr aew s-edrm. heme oa one acre, nice nowa. lira, terae l roomy kitchen, dea mt attuned ae rate, alct lawn, water tyetem. very ina aeet. too dont oo wrono ON THIS POR t-WO- o" iimm ' Ne. 1 We want yoa to om thlt Rtwer E-bdrm. home with bdwd. fire. Ml hM, umi. kltcnen. bar window, a n,t. iwmh. .mi be Mid for out of town owner. Price in. OOOD TERMB TO BIOHT PARTT. Atttcneo tarMt. $7350 BARGAIN THB NICE OLDER PLACB hu fill t bdrm. hmno upitalri and Urn on bdrm. homo down with 1 lota, plenty m. for another home. New 1-eu It- rate. THIS U VALUE AT ITS BBBT POR 173M. Tcnat, 11M don and M per month. POSSIBLE $250 DOWN Birrs this mill crrr hour vttit flreplaoe, picture wiaoowa. t torme, ut DR. burnt. TOTAli i-Hica tooo. Via Horn oa thla. Bra. Ph. 417M. REDUCED FIGURE THIS CHARMER 18 LOCATED ON BNOLEWOOD AVE. Lorelr ur. rm. with flr.plece, alee din. rm, circular floor nlan. Cream kitchen. I bmo aarmt, bb. finished apetnlrt room for dett or Srd bdrm. oa forcod-oir furnaot to m rma. select bdwd. lira, laliaa utility i attached fame, lot llzlll. LETS SHOW TOO THIS POR I12.0OI. P.l TERMS. ZVZ PHONES: LAZENBT 41TM, VAN BORN 41741, OOLESBEB 11171. RENT BEATERS $400 DOWN t-BDRM. HOUR - S. SALBbf $500 DOWN S-BORM. BOMS S. SflTH S-BDRM. HOME . S. SALEM 14404 IMtO S-BDRM. HOMB - S. 11TB $600 DOWN l-BDRU. BOMB - S. XXOES ....MMt $750 DOWN S-BDRIf. HOMB - B. STJNNWAT. .MOM l-BDRU. HOME - W. SALEM ...13100 NO PHONE INPORMATTON ON THE RENT BEATERS. SEE DAVE LAZEN. BT AT OPPICE POR PULL DETAILS. SOLD OUT AOATJf COLBATH LAND OO. HAS OLD OOT THB BIOOEST SHARE OP OUR USTINOS. WE HAVE MORB BUY ERS THAN LtBTINOeJ. XP TOO WISH TO SELL, CONTACT 081 WE CAM HELP TOO. 4-61 ACRES with I bouses and part cult., balance wooded. Located out at ROBXRTB. Thle la a real boy for $40 with tn down. 20 ACRES CULT, on EIOHWAT. S I. Nke t bdrm. modern home, wonderful aettlns In fir, cedar ss all kinds of tress snd shrvbberr. S-csr ssrase, inall barn. TOO WILL UFI THUS POR 110,400. TXRMS. 106 ACRES VAIaLXT PAKU (NKAIl GRAND RONDX), about 40 In cult., 10 A. ersck bottom, live creek. S Irritation systems. good l-bdrm. modern borne, built tn '41, lsrse bam, etc. Price 43J.W0, or stocked with u bt milk cows, I saddle horses, good tractor, all Mttlvment, 940,000. 80 ACRES H suit. Bauuwt puturt, amajl 1 bdna. modem homo with fireplace, barn 10x40. Lire crook, llt.000. Taka S-bdm, amn. ta trade. ON THB ABOVE SEE T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARK EVE. PH. 41114 orncs dial C14 MUM I1UMII MittitttM iiiinim llllllllll ttUIMIII FarrnsauiSSS." Homes IMlllllllllllllllIM llllllllll u IIIIIIIIM IUIIII II MlllIM II1IU M IIUII M SULLIVAN MM DOWN S una north with a t aodroom houee. Balanoo payable !M a month. Thin to a lot better than paylnt rent. M.1M. SILVER TON ROAD Another I -bedroom with tome linlehlni to do. 1141 at. ft. here. La ire Inilde atlllty. Owner win take ear ae ptrt down. 111,400, ELECTRIC AVENTJB ThrM bedroomt. Separate dlnlnt room, knotty pine den with nreplaco. OutaMo berbecue. Price Ineludee tutomatlo weiher, drrer and dlihwuher. Cloao to now Bouth aalem auta School, lit. 114. 3040 YEW STREET Very fin. 4-bedroom home. Den, Mpartto dlnlnt room. 14x30 llrlnt room, owner win trade for a two-bedroom houee. Thle to one of the beet propertlee lilted today. 11,000. VTLLAMETTB SILT M-ecre North Howell farm the! la a real money-maker. All fa emulation and equipped f, 133 000. Call Mr. SltMwltt, ph. 1-1111, M ACRES near Sltrerton. Owner to in and muit more to the city. If rou fjaro a homo tn Salem up to lio.oot and want a farm, thle to certainly a weeraeriiu opportunity, ticooo. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR MM Portland Bead Ph. 4-MM Fa. Braa.! 1-1337, t-SteTT, 4-4111. 4-17tt, I -ITM CM POR SALR OB TRADE by Owner It-cult apanmoai noaeo. nloe llrlnt aaarttre. tood too. Hon. win take beat u part payment. Termt. Ph. l-nia. ,n Journol Wont Ads Poy JOE PAL00KA 44494,24552 V 1 BtfN OUT HHi W m&CO.l I VtAH.,t MAJA1K V eVtU-OL J 1ST IAK VI Tr5 60NSA PrTUTE VA.V I'LL SIAY PrlTX aA.' ' wXcwlCl TIM Vd CUHm'UC...WtKJ IEGIT AWWWcAt'my I A 6RAHt THIS IM 1500 I SEEN VA. IM I rVE GOT A fntrmjH Ft A LONG TVM r-r WX'LlrT BfT A BASE RUBBER CHECK VA OM UnV rVAV THOrlALULA UY-OYER t IVyJ1WOVAR0UN' STl WlUtrS f3N 6VEN OWrcS A IOTTA jXrT AIMAteE IN 1945 1 TClJCRAilrNOU-. ymm--rw TV 5TteT rVON0fP L, A A HKrM TW rROPPITY... J i KICK W f , IL PY YA rr--S "T lRRi rjPlajxAiOT SO-SOfg, 6rS' REAL ESTATE NELSON $4800 FULL PRICE - Thle S-kdrm. hem. hu a tplaM, aew wlrtai. aew plumbtni, tood loca tlea, coarenlent for aula up. Oca. heopltel, antlewltd tcnoaL Cell Mr 4 BEDROOMS HIGHLAND DMTRJCT Vmmllv ben. with rooatv bodro. dlnlnt room lllrJ), InnU, tood roof, al moe aew ear. bike, u iradt echool, oily but by door. PrlM dtt ML tllM. Call Mrt. wmuob. PRICED TO SELL Ore HM ea, ft M thlt weU-bulM 1- yr.-M tttruUrt S-bdna. hoau. As ea MUonl UadeMPed town om thla 71x117- ft. raTod et. antra eioe. inn n con uet. foaadatloa la reer. tll.lot wlU male into epleadld bomt ycurc Call AL Watt 1-734. COUNTRY LIVING, WITH A HOBBY ore's sa eoportunlty to ewa this beautiful o-room borne, fplsass, bwd. firs, lets sloBet spec, trqiil . wa, full baa sat sat, sutom. beat, la addltlea yen bays a sood shop twikttns (I4x) with soaerste nr. Mesi tor ust noMy yoa have dreamed about. CaU for appt. Prlee IU.404. TRADE Will trade fairly aew 11 -unit resi dential court for motel oa scod highway. CmU Mr. ayhwiHt NELSON & NELSON APleCIALXZIMO PJULTOVLf t$t H. BlSb AU Pb. S-4444 eM 1611 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES ZOOM! GOES THE HEART STRING Lorelr fir rrort Mtttnl on rulet dead mid atreet. Modem full baMmeat wleb extra halt bath. S flreplacM. 1 clrculet- Ine. 14 a 91 llrlnt room. C1MO la aorta. Prlrato well. H-acre lot. Ineulated. OU foneoVtlr furnace. Almut aew deep freMe. Tha price hu been reduced for tulck ule. Onlr l4.oot. SHLNY NEW ta at. Vincent DUt. OU furnace. Plre- alau. InaulaMd. Ahnoet 1mm. pott. Alt, taretl. Separate atlllty room. Deep lot. 1 blk. ta bat. Pull prio 11.7M. TXM. ternu BARGAIN l-bedroom home, jut enttldt tltr. Inaulatod .Only t yra. old. 1 bike, to echool. Blee. rente, nlrlmator. Oa rut. Prd. n. PuU prut tnlr 41M. MANBRIN GARDENS Beautiful tnbaTbaa homo oa extra tlxe corner lot. Nicely laadKtped. 1 larto bedroomt. Oodix-penalod dea. Lane llrlnt room. Sep. dlnlnt room, Hardwood floor, throathout. Porced tlr U heat. Ineulated. Patio. Bettor call ta om tall ant today. Pall price 14.300. CAU. POBI UR. CHAWPORD. EVE. PR. 44on, or MR. kiooins, bvb. ph. 4-4414. if a. auwtr, .all 4-3341. GILT-EDGE SECURITY 43 vnltt. almost aew. l1rst-elaas eon stmetlon. Purnlahed. Close In. Very ooaTenlent loesuoa. Owner mar con sider siehante 'of a motel. Terms. PuU price fto,ow. A STEAL t business lots. 140-ft. frontas. 140 ft. deep. This 1 truly a bsrssln. Pull price only 42500. Act now. Ready To Wear Shop In a rsry desirable, select location. Very low overhead. Clean stock. Very profitable tnerohsndls. Rent only 1138 per mo. Pull price 13000, plus Inren- tory ox bdou 4woo. DO-NUT SHOP Owner forced to ssU. Purchase pries of only Moot consists sf shelvlns. eoun lets, equipment; stock st urns of sals. Rent only too per mo. Imm. pose. CALL POR DAN XBAAX, TVX. PH. 4-S4SJ. u no answer, sou -33s. OWNER MUST SELL Just recelred orders from Dr. to more. 44 scree with 00 under cultivation, t bedroom borne, barn, machine shed. SO acres water rlsht for lmsatlon. Price has been dretieallr reduced for sulck snd 1mm. ssls to $11,750. Better hurryi this 14 a bsrcaia. $600 DOWN 1 acres. Modern t-bedroom heme built In Ita. lmsll barn, well bouse, fa rate, win. silt soU. This property I really a sood bur for ttt&o. ARE WE EXCITED! Thla to realty a boruyl Joit autald. ally llmiu. Rear ichooL Northout. 44 acrot. Extra modem 1-bedroom homo with aaflnlahed apttalra. Homo built In 1141. 1-car tarait. New chicken boom. Will eoll. ThU land could euly be nbdlyided. Owner may conelder ex ehanttni for very tood city horn.. Pull price 111. ISO. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS, BVB. PH. 1-171. If n. txuwer, cell 4-3341. MORTOAOE LOANS M-Teer Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonee 4-1111 or 3031 PORTLAND ROAD Ere. Phonic 1-4111, 4-1414, 4-4030 or 1-lttl IX ao anewer, phone 4-M49 olte ................. te. ...or.... EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE IN MT 14600 equity la dim 17000 t-bdra. home with burnt, nreplaco, loctUd oo N. 14th, plue contract oa toother bomt with 11300 balance, ptyt back 150 per mo. plue t lntereat. Ton caa hart my Mot occur la both propertlee la ex. chante for S or 1-bdrm. homo (mutt hero btemt.) tp to 111.400 or tood In come property. Set my ttent, BEN COL BATH. REALTOR, for complete detelie. Ph. 44411. Eve. 1M11. cbM PRIVATE PARTY wfth 1-bedroom home will trod, for one-bedroom homo. Muit bo clOM In. J. B. Lecierc, Realtor, I eel N Capitol. Phone 313S5. cbH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GRADE A DAIRY 1M A. 1M A. under call. Excellent ntbulldlntt. Pair t-B.R. hM. Oood feueee. Half crop, are In. Owner WlU eonilder trad, mi boilnaw prop. 133 too. Oood terma. or 143,104 clocked at equip ped. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MM Mtoaloa St. Ph. SUM Ere. 43141 Mill edit BESTACBANT, elite M. New eeulpmenL Rent IM. Oood termt to reliable Per ec, pa. Milt. edit To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 USINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OTIS te WM Investment sires 90s pour own Independent business operettas a routs of new moaey-makins to dls Maseis, hand Hns aew, faavt-molns soa fectloas la drut stores, cafes, dubs, bus depots, etc. Route set up for you by our expert sad protected by firs sad theft lasursaee. Tou must have ear, refer once snd 4711 to U3M, which Is pro tected by an Iroaclad 100 Money-Beck Ou a ran tee backed by a 10 Million Dollar national lasuranee sompaay. Devoting a few of your spare hours each week te the boaineae yoa ahosld earn a to ssv eo weeny spare tune, full time mere. Liberal fin ancles assistance to sid ex pan Ion. Par full informstlon. write, citrine nboao a umber sad address to Bos 401 Capital Journal. odM Distributorship Now Available for the first time in SALEM Noa - competitive, nationally advertised Item for Homes, Stores, Offices, Institutions. FHA terms can be obtained on sales. Dlitributore la ather contmunltlet dotal a relume 1 lie. 004 la i 13. 000 a week. Send for full particulars to Dept. R.P., P.O. Box 112, Grand Rapids, Michigan FURNITURE FOR SALE POB SALE Plre-plect bedroom tulte M; Mrm-pleoo dlnlnt Ml 111. Bert S. Me OooL Silrerton. Oreeon, RL 1. Box IMA. Two mllec MUtheut of SUrortoa, acrou from Erant Valler eebool. dll WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood ated fumltur. and apallanet. Pbont ttolt, da 1?S:'J:i:Hili earto AUCTIONS Sudtell's AUCTION LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE T.IURS.. MAB. 4TH AT It A.M. At 1 P.M. 1H ML E. OP SALEM ON BIL- VXRTON RD. PHONE 1-I0fil. t Pc WaL Bed Rm. Bet fc. Blond Da. Rm. Set, Pe. Ohromo B.K. set, S M.W. waanere, 1 Dnrenoe, saren port Je Chair. Platform Rocker. Pe. Dinette Set, 1 Baby etollen. 1 set OoU Clube, 2 white Trteh Buram, Jenny land Bed, Mattreuu, CoU at Box Sprlntt, Table A Floor Lampt, 1 Ton Chain Hollt, Crafteman Port. AC Arc welder, 10 to 71 ampi Twin bode com plete, Mice. Iteme. Potatoee. Onlona, Applet, Statt Impeded thrubt eb fruit troM. 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK Chlokent or Babbitt, Ctlfi at Veal, Wea- ner ee trMcr rum, mux at aeex cowa, Helfera, Peeder Stock, Bulla At Steere. come to buy or Mil. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yd. ddil LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCEER BEEP Whit, tec Hereford. 11c Locker pork, loo. Rotblns down, S mot. to ply. Ouitom kllllni. Trailer loaned tree, saiem mmi Co, 1331 a. uth. Ph. 1U51. on '.......................e RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS an, Phone .Ml 43011. 4410 Claxter Rd. BABRITI WANTED. Any elM and enen. tity. amo purebred breodlnt atock far Mle. Phono 1-1107. cb71 NEW ZEALAND Whltce. I bred doee. AIM yount rf.z. wnit. and Callfornu rab blta. Special rate to boyt, tlrlt In united on project. All oleoa. nedunreed etack. 41 Oamet ttreet er phono t-tisl. eb&t PETS -MONTH-OLD AIREDALE Oood Witch dot. with paptia. Call after p.m 1304T. webt FREE Part Dalmatian pup. Alan, excel- Kuiw.wco not. eee uuunon. OCSO" BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM Mil UcCot me niocx out al H. Capitol. lVb block, north of Madiera. Ph. 1-Mn. ecu MOORE TROPICAL FISH. Nulpment. euppllet. 1 alia from Laneuur on Maclear road. Phono 1-713L Cloaed Wedneedaya. Mil CHOICE CANARIES. UM Chemekota St Mil Phone 14315. BOXER PUPS ARC, champion aired. Reee- onaoie. mono 43" cell '.'.............. FUEL BUT ANDERSON'S bandplcked llabwood, now a corn 114.00. rnono 1-7711 or 4-4111. M7, Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phono Sllll 1MT Broadway M Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. rick up your Pnato-Lott, BMoufU and Wood. Ill So. Com'l. phone 1-1711. er Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduat tube errrlce. all kind, tf wood. Phono S-4,44. m WALNUT SBELLS, M eactu for 11. or li ton. 11 ten deltrertd la town. Morm Klorfela Pectin, Co, 440 North Front. Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL POR M DATS Fltntr trlmmlnil, M load. Phono I7T11 West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 11" CLE Alt IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1111 Edtrwiter .Phono Satom 1-4031 R5 FOR SALE POULTRY wanted Colcrad fryera, Mtorad end lechorn Sent. BltnMe pneee. wm Hatchery, whan, lllfl. f FOB bale TwiM wMkly, dayld iljicki in new Rampanirea, mrwne. Whlto Lee home, Auitra-wnlte, Whit. BMka, Whit. Wyandotte!. Parmentor ockertto. Lee Hauhery. phaao SMtl. f. SPECIAL New Hampahlr. pulleU, lie ea. Valley Farm .tore. Ph. 4M3I. ne- WBITE LECBOBN. Auetravhltc, and New Hempahlr. chlcka. 111 hundred. Ph. 14341. Palmer'. Poultry Farm, Brooke. f1 GOLDEN BROAD aad New Rimpatlra chic ix, batched erery Monday tod Tneri dar. Our chtckt trow fuur. Pars Betcberr. llle steu St. Ph. lMt. f PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TBEB-BJPENED W antM tad troptfrult. Pototoee, ataloat. .ppi tad note. PHILLIP BROS. PARIS MARKET, MM LancuUr Drlra. Phone 3-lltl. ft OAT AND VETCH hay, EU; abtat bar, I1T. rn. eioTl. ffll HELP WANTED IN GRAND BONDS Educated ataa ar woman with typewrlUr u part time en. (or Cepltal Jotrrnei. Oood pay. Writ, ar toauet Mtk. ParMev Vel ley Editor. , WE HAVE AN OPENINQ for aa exper ienced tnurlor decor.tor, nan n worn, an. Etrnlnu 100 per week and up. -day week, proflt-ehartni plan, die. Munt prlellMoo, troup vtan, iroup hMplttl and lurtlcal alaa. Apply Seert, Roebuck tad Co, Capitol Shop pint Center. tit. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN Experienced in eelllni fame impiemenu, ineiaaini rrrtiatloa aytum, tarden trutor, attuhmenu tad toeee. torlce. dairy ivppliea, poultry nppllee. etc Salary and eommUelou bull. Apply la penoa to Mr. HeUeecn, Moalt om.r ward uo, tall .............. HELP WANTED FEMALE REGISTERED NURSE Immedleu open.- int p.m. ana reuer tmru. ,ii.4S-, per (-hour ehlft. Ml, Shuto Hoapltal. ML Shaita, Calif. tbi- CAB HOP Woodroffe't dan ahem, 140, roruana no. no pnone otiit, tb HOUSEKEEPER for temlly homo. Board. room. "MM. eeieo titer a pjp, told BEAUTICIAN Top worklai aoadlUont and wuet. New modern beauty chop. Oood toint builaau. Bos eel, capital Journal. tbM WALNXT IHELLEBt A WBcU WMUrs. wore, morrm auonetn ractlnl c, 44. N. Front. to " CARS FOB CH1LEEN permanent, S dtp - wee., toon wie.i ror competent aeip. 411 N. Winter, after I. ibM ....... ........... EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Jobs THB BEST WAT TO THB BEST MB M Aeet. sr. Clk, lbr, wt to 144, ' M Senior Acct, Ux oxp, 1431 M Itech. Drafumaa 1.44 M 11.17 hr. M Time and oMtlon Coat Xnxr..l4)t P Counter Clk, trpltt tin P D3M Operttor ...ITS P layout Draftlnt Clerk tlM F stcnotraphera, Mreral tip to M yra.' Salary while learn Int. Par more av fonnatlon, call: COMSRCIAL PLACrBMEftT AQEWCT 414 Stau at, (Oreeon Bldl.) Ph. 43111 mtw rrrrrrrrirt.eee.. eeppi WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN Ambitious peopls who can, sell or would like to learn ta sell, who would like to own their own business, have a nicer home, drive a finer car, can have all these things and be independent, like thou sands of our other representa tives, by joining our organi zation. See Mr. Cox, 1-6 and 7-0, Thursday. Senator Hotel, Room 224. SALESMAN NATIONALLY ADV. PRODUCT ui .ptxtlnt for amblUoui mea and women. aalH work (wo train ml, whole ar part time. Excellent oppor tunity. See Mr. Da via, scatter HoteL Thureday. 1-, and T to 1:10. trss SALESMAN to mD rooflnt and eldlnt. Ap ply p t.m. it 11 aoon. Mr, Bondell, Hit Broadway. ,r" USED CAB SALESMAN wanted. We ar. reeny in tn. need car Builneec Wa carry a huee ttock at late-model, clean tutomobllee. Thla to one af the beat, If not the but paylnt naed eay lob In th. country. CORFRUM MOTORS USED CAR LOT NO. L 131 South attphena, Roeeburt. Oreeon. trtt WANTED POSITIONS PAPra HANGING, palntlnt. free utU matca. Don Lueero. Ph. 15531. h71 MRS. MICKBNHAMV DAT ITTJR8ERY SUM licenced and Impeded. Ph. 111M. Garden Plowing Ph 23041 EOTOTILLSB WOEK Now taklns orders xor early sprlnc rototlumt m Xelser dUtrlct. Ph. 44351. h&s OAEDEV, rxoWEE bed end lawn pre paration. Plowins, dlselnr. lereuns, re totUlni. Rervlee Center, none 41573. . h78 INCOME TAJC BLANES prepared reason - aoiy. rn. jue!. ties. CAEPENTEB WOEK, cabinet tnakor, freo . estimate. Call 3-6411 or 4-102. h4 . TAX BETUENS prepared In your home,- reasonaoie raies. rn. eaoss. nw- UOHT CEAWLEB, dostns, dirt lersllni. srsdlnt. Phon 2-3330. h77 LAWK MOWINO with power nower snd sarosn wort, mono 4-sids. hM TEACHERS wlfs withes to ears Xor pre school enna rn. aoow. bs4 GARDEN PLOWING snd disc ins with Pord tractor, ea. aasw, txb$ , LANDSCAPE maintenance, prunlns, trim- minr, piantins. isruusmc. aerrlos Oea. ter. Phone 41573. h7t EXPE BIENCED stenosrsphsr deslrss trp , ins si nome. Tee nonr. rn. ess 73. nsT OUsECLEANINO AND waitress work. rnons 29123. hSS WILL GIVE mother's ear to one ehild. mj noine. rn. mi. Ha7 CHILD CABE la say home, 11.34 day. CaU 4-W70. hb$m CHAUPPEl'B Drtvlns local or distant. 34 yrs. expaiiene without tnlshap. Bos 44. Capital Jonrnal. htd BXAL ESTATE saiesman Pern. sre- . m. Mrvai AAi, tFMTsm. eetRt. dSeplys conf. Bos I. Capital efowrnsL hSo oils building snd carpenter work. Ph. hse i- iniurt-a aafPajreHPr. ieu rsyne. Ph. W$t2$. h7M By Ham Fisher