RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at our Television Theatre. See them to action before 70a buy. Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, WettinghouM OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemaketa Phone 34311 Cfil am Hpinhk aWIVill HVtlJitie Cubs Honored Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMH THURSDAY P M. II :H Km Km Bee Lilt rep. yni Haaetaeee l:H b.s. wif Stella Dallaa if A. fir 4:1S 1:15 .1:' KGW NBC Newa Gal II Heaee Parly Heaee Parly w nrewa Wara la Baa Plala BUI Parrall Ula BaaalL Dee'e Wlla IWaleaaa Traveler Dr. Paal D. Garrewar Mailt Baa Maile Baa Malta Bai Art Baker I Newe Wewe L. Mel'all It. Palaraaa KOIN M CBS Paal Marver iNaaa Kan. Uark Oweaa Jack Owaaa IHIU Taa H.a. Gee. rUaar Klrkkaea Klrahara liaila Ga4fre GeaUrer Gealrer iKav Weil Kay Waal Kay Waal Kay Waal Cal Tlaae. Cal Tlaarr C-elfrer Geafrer Gedfre- Carl Haaary Italrkhaa. Balk Alalia Wakal. Taacfaily lit Merrew Newe WarK Taa IFraak Gaaa KEX lira abc KSLM Ilea ajBC KGAE KOCO KM LBS a i 1. rr,.a j0,, 4ha lafsat Anna nn the tele-viewinir of the NCAA basketball tourney at Corvallis, March 13-14 is that the sponsor does not wish to buy the Oregon market. However, the picture may change at any moment. If the deal does go through the game at 7:30 p.m. Friday night will be tele-cast and the 9 p.m. game on Saturday night, which would be the finals. TOPS IN TV: Sal.m Holc-hta IVnnll Olson attaint the hiahest rank in cub I scouting when he received the Webeloa aware; louowim we Blue and Gold banquet Friday night at the Salem Heights Com munity hall. Annroximatelv 200 attended with the den mothers In charge vashinton ) The Defense of the banquet. Department Wednesday Identi- Awards were presented by the f.ed nine Korean War casualties I Jerry and Gary rrlesen. David Capital Journal, Salem. Ore, Wednesday, March 4, 115381 Neuson. Rar Aavarrla vm receiver! bv Gary Klem, Gary Ficken, Barry Bever, Dale uorton and David Neilson. Bear Gold Arrow. Da vid Neilson, Francis Gasklns, Garv Klem. Eddie LMvenrvirt. Bruce Ramage and Larry Rector, two. lTa TraSea Newe Gay Ml Mailt Beeer Baaal Saaweeae Beeere) Baaaa Nawa Baca Beeea freak Daaak Beeerw Baaaa Tiaak Davall Jatk Klrkwaafl Larky U Baack leeeie Baaaa freak Deaall Beeeee Baaaa Mailt Mai. Beeere) Baaaa Mailt MtL Mewe Ir.araL r a..ii MlllleaelreBrrr Skeeeei aa.a.4 Baaal MaLaJ Baaaaa Baaaa Walat Beeer Baaaa MalaAy Baeera Baaaa welea, Maile ReTaetoer Tewa Ulaa DarnAy Mitt Blaa far Ika GUI. rar Ika Girl) Atartaai INeai Iraeia Slaaa liar Taaaa trail. Laval aatl Caat Rati Caaa Hieer Tlair faeaaiaewa Cart Maaeey Seas Hayaa yi.a. riHUlil ful a Vlrt. Meklei Oat. Preateaj C. Paallay Sky Klae iBee Garret a ... Mailt M.L aaaala Mai Ulaa TV. a t Maala MtL Skew Mailt Mai aA KUa KeraerKerM Nawa Maala Mart Gaaal Slar Maala Mart aacaaA Laek Maala Mart Waaaaa'art. Maala Mart skew Caaa Maile Mart .hew Caaa Maala Mart Valley ret. .. Sanaa t:0 :4S IBelaa wltk Mailt BeA Bullae ReA Skellea (Bli Starr Bl Starr Balak EAwarAa 1:IW S:ir. S:" :SD :a H:0 1S:I 10:45 11 a- il :1fa 1:J" 11!'1 Maa'a really WarU Newa Bay Baaera Bar Baaera ITIraa lay Leva Blac Creaky Bias Creaky lAaaarlcaai War Iviilllai Tlaaa Fatker Knawa Caeaaraalal far FBI Aeeartar Saerte Ftaai GelAeei Fleera Waatharaaaa IO. Maala. Herat taillinlV W. Newa GeaA taawar Maa Silver Katie Mlvar Eatla DreaaalaaA Playkaaaa Tkeaaaa Oa Saal iDae. BrIAa Dee. BrIAa Meet Mtllla Meet Mllllt Ja SlallarA llr. Mlia S-Slai Itrial InttrTlewa re Tewa Orcktatra New, Oraaa I.wia McCall Oraaa City Ceancll Treaiury City Ceancll BanAitanA Ism on Hiatal Llatealaff Waal Bayaa .Maeia Mart ICanAlt Uakt Islia Ofl anA SUtaf IVewa M Baya ICIeee KIA MaaU ICaaieiBnlat ler rBI Lanalnaa akenalta LUa Betlaa Al M Crime Fit Crime nitre sea. SereaaA Maala Inearae Taa PrlAay Newe Searek flat Stan iriaal tllllar naaaa Tlaaa Daaet Tlaaa Daaee Tlaaa Daace Tltae Daaet Tiaaa Daaee Tlaaa Daace Tleie Daaet Tlaaa ISUa oft Glea HarAy Fall. Lewla Wkat Caaka Mailt BakiaA Btry Newerrel Ncwi ICrlmt rilea Crime riiee Maile Maala Maile Baeary stare Stag Maala Searta Bey'rt Track MM Track KM Track lM Track KM T.tnri Aavarrl waa nreantai4 a Donald Miller with a lion gold and a lion silver arrow. NINE CASUALTIES TOLD Ulcr 53 ' cuhmaiter. Lvle Zobel and the assistant cubmaster. Roy uray, 1 following the banquet Den Mother pins were present r P-m- Wednesday night pre-5; ' s' ' '' Isents a top television pro-ju V- l?ram for the entlre familv- N aaaa -J Tonight Joan's plea for new B SjV ' j j clothes is put down by her : fl, J 1 husband who points out his Jj V Y -v 1 1 sparse wardrobe. E V 0 In Jt&mm rJZ7- 1 Earned Joan.S-irrank Meeker. Mrs. Francis Gas X P m- Wednesday night pre-klnSi Mri- Russe. Kanii Mrg. WU- ' M-- Isents a top television pro-nam Rector. Mrs. Ted Lawshe, Mrs. George Pandy, and Mrs. Bruce Knox. Receiving den chief cords r,,hnd who DOints OUt his Townjend Norman j s Nuxoll. cugene uavis anu xxrn sparse wardrobe. Davis, Jr. Denner stripe went to Donald Program changes are a Miller Blair Wasson. Gary Fick rlim. b Hnr.en currently up "die , Davenport . Lyman . . irrpif rvl nerD, uenms oauies, wrra a Br at TV Station KPTV. F?'- ne. Bill Anning, Mike Simmons. lowing is a lew 01 tne Ricnard Butler, Lee Gray, Den changes made by KPTV. ni, Olson and Richard Zobel. Amnncr the outstanding Year service pins went to Bar- firhftnires we notice is the pro- ry Bever, Murray Brenaman, td gram SPORTSMAN'S CLUB J which many of our local tele-viewers will miss: Toot sie Hippadrome has moved . , - r .on to weanesaays irom o.ov w In a new list. No. 781 that re norted two killed, six wounded land one injured. Aim rinvnnnnrt Harv Dicken. Lee Gray. Dale Gorton, Francis Uas- kins, Charles Harris, warren Hirvev Robert Juran. David Kilber.'Eric Klem, David Neil- j son, John Meeker, tame nux- Selem Fringe Aroo Picture Is Tops! TRADER LOUIE 1870 Lana Avenue Phone 3-8558 Track KM Track KM Track MM Ncwi Warrick Warrick Maile T Want Nectar aa Nectaraa Naclaraa Nectaraa Slta Off son, Richard Zobel, waiter wo und, Dennis Olson, Billy Kanz, nnrl TVfinni Neilson. Rob Cat nins were nresented to Richard Rhode, Billy F o 1 k, nnrl Terrv Grav. Wolf awards 1 to Richard Butler, David Peter-1 son, Walter Noland, fcd. laawsne, Lyman Herb, Douglas Bamford, nevnlri Rennett. Robert Juran. and Robert Brown. Wolf gold1 and silver arrow to Walter No- land, and wolf silver arrows to Steven Tandy, Dennis Battles, Don't fret over a down payment. We take most anything on a trade for a beautiful Raytheon Set. See lis First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE Ty 1S7A lana Ave Phone S85SS 1S7B Lana Ave FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. S:M :30 V.Kl t:lS l-.Stl I Maala Time Maile Time Maaa Tlaaa Varm Time rain KAlter Jeknay Wllto Newa Mannlnt :1S :SI1 1:4 t:lS -in :45 W:t It: AS Hit? ICBl Nawt rtra Owm COIN KIMfe koiN KImI News IB B.bblti OH Banc OI4 SMfl ! Matte Mule Bl Mtiatc Bos MaiU B Maait Bob LlntlUhr Bfteu Bm I P.rtr .fttrlka Blch Strlk Kick Dttlc M Natltalnt j igmo mrm Br, Firm Br. firm Br. Tmrm Bow Ratensry Vimi kant Jenay Helen Trtnt Gal SB--T iRf4 Lit Ma Ptrklaa Dr. Malan Gaii. Utbl INtwi Ncwi March Tina iNcws IM. AtrMrtT Bab G arretl Bob Baits Breakfast Club Breakfast Clab HtMlllWII Brtakfaa Rraakfatt Haai Ha-ca News Tadar'l itar Break, Bank Break Bank Do Gardner Ehet Banner ITrae Stars Trae Stary Preakfaal Ntik hreekfatt Neck iBreakraaft Nek Breakfael Neek Ceell Brawn Family Altar I Bible Hear Ihle Hear IjlM Dandy 1 Dantly Dandy Jla Dandy Dr. Sward CeaiBHntary Paitar Call Bar. Caantei kTlen Hardy Telia Teet Answer Man Maile I Mr.. Bnrtan WW.aeHn. Lad ea Ta r If Maean Olrl Marrlee Ladiea Fair .. n a.. Iv fliealKti I Obi. fair Da brighter Pay .Barney KeeJon. Car Day I Wei term Melody Para Nav Newt Koto Sleek KOCO Klaek iROCO Klaek KOCO Klaek KOCO Klaek inrA itetk KOCO Klaek Newa Matinee Matin. Matinee Matlnea iMatlnea Matinee Matinee Matlnea '.Matinee Matinee IMatlnea JOAN DAVIS . . a laa 1 . 1 WTIT T l 1 T ..1 i am Dataveivn T arru nA. 6. They have abo increased to a n?- 'V"lw Brur7e RamaTe. Bliw Was- w-v w v tTrnifM tVaAw ki n n n nn niiiit iiiuuua 1 a x 1 . 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. The play My Hero will stitute the SporUman's Club. Starting on March j 'theU. N. General Assembly will oe ieie-ci. -x""m to devoted to a newsworthy project" on KPTV at ; 9am; The Art Linkletter HOUSE PARTY will start tain? on KPTV March 8 at 1 p.m. The Oscar Awards presfnUtions will be telecast on March 19 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. YOUR FOR THE TELE-VIEWING - - WEDNESDAY Kate Smith Show at 1:00 Hector and Byrd, comedy dancers; "Cracker-barrel" interview; Kukla, Fran and Ollie i - a,i.,4-.i 47.AIT, f'hipnrn to rvaie onum. in a bwuw "- v.. i Matinee Theater at 3:00 "Man from rrisco. ii O'Shea, Ann Shirley. ,, , ... Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts at 7:00. Joey Maxim ol ! Cleve land vs. Danny Nardico of Tampa, Florida. Ten-round light heavyweight from Miami Ball Park Florida How ever if rain causes postponement it will be rescheduled March 11 and the following bouts will be telecast from Washington D.C.: Willy Troy of Washington, D.C., vs. Holly Mims also of Washington, D.U Nite Owl Theater 11:30 "Who Killed Aunt Maggie; John Hubbard, Wendy Barrie. MARCH 5, (Thursday) . n il 01 . 1 .1111 ki v 'invmr I tiu ; OC11U1 Wences, ventriloquist, and Eglevsky and Hayden, of the New York Ballet in a segment from Swan Lake. , Matinee Theater at 3:00, "The Crooked Road." Edmund Lowe, Irene Rarvey. , On Television KPTV (Channel 27) Striae Serenade Hanplneee riane Pal Marde Ken Retard! Kara Kecorde a-a Reeerdf FN Me.i KOIN 1 1.1. KEX n t' 9 m- niAf. LISTING KOAC. 559 fram laraaei t at, Newe Weatkeri A:l, Orrten leililetarei 1:1b. rarm Bean S:A, BBC Tkeateri :eO. Mail. Tkat EaAaree; :U. MrAllatlaai Slta OH. lt:M Nawa It la. Iaa.laUr tea Wemea; ll:M. Caaeert B.U. :. Wewai 1S:IS. Farm Beere, Marlaa eaaalr ailaaalaa areata. l-.l R,r,Lr Miller WORST FOG CONTINUES Jail Breaker Mil er Londo wv-The worst March On "Ton Most Wanted or nn rwnrd strangled sea Washinton WV-The FBI's list I'r 'T.T. . , in most wanted men." was Wednesday. Blackout patches inland slowed road traffic to a crawl throughout the southern "Voice" Row Pleases Reds Wnshineton W The Com munist bloc has begun to chor tle over the troubles of the Voice of America." Thd "Voice" itself has not hnpn broadcastine anything about the inquiry into its op erations by a senate commit tee headed by Sen. Mcl-ariny, p.wia A sDokesman said the State Department radio "never carries anything about Itself pro or con. Tiia. wnreaur radio, in a Pol ish domestic broadcast recorded by U. S. government monitors, .air) that the most damaging testimony before the McCarthy committee was inai me voitr; Iwas ineffective abroad. This is what has stirred tne "inrliination of the infamous McCarthy," said Warsaw. It re ferred to the "Voice" siau as "a criminal Bane gathered for spreading hatred and crime." Vigilantes in nf revised again Wednesday to in clude a chronic jail-breaker, Per " lie Miller, 31, one-time soldier from Wayland, Mass. i. ,. . EnKland. Miller goes on me most - m wanted" list as a replacement for Joseph James Brletic, want-, Because many men or n p ed for a series of holdups in liny uuicn-nuu .oi.uu rivflV iwrr Pennsylvania and Missouri. Br-in the Caribbean get jobs in silver City, N. M. W Peace letic was caught at Lancaster,! other places, there are approxi- officert tensed as , new threat Calif Feb 10 less than 24 mately two women to every ;0f violence arose today over the . .. ' . k 1 nnn nennla 'rnntroversial movie. "Salt of the hours after being placed on me ...... - , mng ljImed jn thjs FBI's list of top fugitives. on the Islands. Southwest New Mexico mining ea. state nolice were alerted after Sheriff Owen Matthews reported 150 townsmen at nearby uenirai had decided to warn makers of the film to "get out by noon or go out in black boxes." The sheriff notified state -.!:.. r-t.iai Inn ffnoah in Santa ruuiw wtii-a wv. - " " . Fe that a 10-man committee hadj been appointed at the meeting ; to deliver the ultimatum to me movie makers, who have been aairl In Cnnsresa of making the film under communist aus pices. MMtheuri asked that state police reinforcementi be sent to back up local oincers. noiui answered that he would have 30 to 40 officers on hand in the area before the noon deadline, and he would be heading them. The El Paso. Tex. Times said Camp Set Up Between Flurries of Snow A arAnk.nrl nvprnlffht C81HD was held by members of Troop in nnv Scouts, in the hills back of Lyons, with nature and camp craft being studied. Camp was established Be tween snow - flurries, but the weather cleared in the evening for good camping. A camDfire rally was held and church services conducted Sun day morning by Leo McCalln ter, assistant scoutmaster. Scouts in camp were: Merle Aaserude, Byron Swigart, Billy McCallister, Ronald Case, Gary Van D u s e n, Peter Lorenson, Kenny McDermltt. George Karklin, Robert Rowse, Andy Palmer, Larry Osterberg ana Lewis Hatfield. Buryl Palmer Is the scoutmaster. Troop 10 is sponsored by the Salem Klwanis club and meets at Knight Memorial Congrega tional church. (Onlr procrama eckeduled la aAvkact) WEDNESDAY 1115 am Oerry Moore 12:00 p.m.-The Bit ParafC 13:90 p.m. Welcome Travelers l-AO n m. Kate Smith 1:00 p.m. Double or Nothlnf 3:30 p.m. fitrlke It Rich 3:00 p.m. Matlnea Theater 4:16 p.:n.9earcn tor Tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Love ol life 1:00 p.m. Howdr Doodr l:4& p.m. Tooulo Hlppodromt :1 p.m. curiae It Rich 1:30 p.m. Doua Edwarda :I3 p.m. Time for Btanr 1:00 p.m. Ftthta I'll n m N.. ...I. :00 p.m. Hollywood ooenutt mint 1:30 p.m. Artnur uooirey 0:00 p.m. 1 Married Joan t:30 p.m Thai It Your Lilt 10:00 p.m. Kraft Theater 11:00 p.m. March of Tlmo 11:30 p.m. Nlte Theater it talked with several men who attended the meeting, and, de clining to disclose their names, they said they were vigilantes. PHILCO First In Public Demand! f TV Center I Open to 9 p.m. I I 1120 CENTER f II S0 yrs. In Salem jgM THU.tHDAY 11:10 a.m. Hollywood Reel if a m. oarrv Moore 13:00 p.m. The Bli Payoff 12:30 p.m. Welcome Travelers 1:00 p.m. Kate Smith Show 3 00 p.m. The Feminine Anile 3:11 p.m. Arthur Oodlrey 3:10 p m. Strike It Rteti 1:00 p.m. Mitioee Thnter 4:15 p.m. -Seerch for Tomorrow 4:10 p.m. Love of Life 4:4 p.m. Thin Fiction 1:00 p.m. Howdr Doodr 0 00 p.m. Renee Rider 30 p.m. Doug Kdwarde. Hewt p m. Time for Been 7 00 p.m. Club Embiur 7:11 p.m. wSporUmen'e Clut 7 30 p.m. Dinah Ahore 7 U p.m. Hewe Caravan 1 oo p m. oroucho Man I 30 p.m. Burn and Allen 9 00 p.m. The Uneipectetl 10 p.m. Ford Theater 10 00 p.m. Martin Kan 10:45 pn.-WrMtlint II 10 pm -NH Owl ThM'fT i J ?Va Save Money on TV 1952 Models of Stromberg-Carlson Must GoNew Stock Pushing Old Out See Us Today lo Save on Television CAPITAL TV I Motorola TV Mitchell's RADIO TELEVISION H89 State Phone 375.7 MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Solent's Most Complete Television Center 2140 S. Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 er 2-4728 Sales and Service 1430 Broadway Ph. 46402 PACKARD-BELL 21" and 24" Television Built Best for the West Eddie Lewis TELEVISION Sales and Service 495 Ferry St. Salem V III 1 crmtrnm III 1 J Built-in All-Channel Tuner Standout Picture With Interlace Installed in Your Home for as Low os $35.00 down, $3.50 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and Installation. All lets Mid aid Installed carry full H-fUy service. IN SALEM Baiglcy Bros. Furniture 23 IS Folrf rounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 INWOODIURN 171 Grar.t St. Phono 3611 DuMont nn i o o Receives UHF plus VHF Stations with DU MONT'S ALL-CHAMNELTUNERl Now DuMont Teleset are equipped with a built-in All-Channel Tuner to receive UHF plus VHF stations. Du Mont also includes highly sensitive, built-in UHF VHF antennas 1 -Koiowir ro aourwooo" At m ou mom nifvisioN NIIWOK See the new Du Mont at your nearest Du Mont dealer 1 In the beauty of cabinet ...the sharper, clearer picture. ..the rich ness of tone you will find Du Mont Television your very best value! -mi m$Mar . as nm on A THt 0U MONT rniviirON Nirwoss Du Monl De Luxe CHATHAM ISO aqure-inch Tiewinj area on Du Monl 17-Inch lube. Modern cabi net ia mahnftany or limed oak veneere. Matching beat al alighl additional coat. $309.95 -SOCr . DirKTrW At (M ON Ml DU MONT riirviSION MIWOK " " Da Moat Da Luio LY IN WOOD 21-inch coneole, with 24S lauart-iaeh Du Mont tube. Quality wooda in mahoiuy r limed oak veneeri. $449.9$ Do Mont De La OXFORD 21 -inch Du Mont tube ith 2Vi quare. inch picture. 20th Ontury dnin in moolh mahoftany or limed oak trnwri. Companion baae at amtll ettra coat. 5369.95 New yew, tee, can afford DIJIT QUALITY TELEVISION? nwa Mo mm F.XTK4 CHARGK Tax, or mahogany am Installed in Your Home for as Low as $2.95 Per Week VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete tales, service and installation. All sets told and installed carry full 90-day ttrvka. Factory Trained Tochniciant Open Friday Nights Till 9 IN SALEM Baigley Bros, Furniture 2315 Fairrgoundt Rd. Ph. 2-5491 IN WOODBURN 171 Grant St. Phono 3611 "Jl -a;0 if 1- .1 . 1 1 1 1 -waW-l fbV--r