Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1953, Page 17, Image 15

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    - r-
Wolves Upset L-Clark;
WU Loses to Pilots
Br emus Kowrrz. jr.
FartUnd Willamette nnl
versitT was eliminated from the
Oregoa sUte NA1A basketball
toanament by Cnlversity ef
Portland, 99-71, la the epenlnf
reand here lut night but bas
ketball fans el the Salem area
wh thawed Bp in time for the
Blf hf first game had aomethlag
te cheer abeat; Oregon College
at Edacation apset Lewie and
Clark college 73-65.
As a result of last night's
games, OCE and Portland tangle
at 9:30 tonight for the state
championship and the right to
represent Oregon in the National
Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics tournament at Kansas
City later this month.
Portland U has won the Ore
gon title for four straight years,
and will be heavily favored over
OCE tonight But, then, Lewis
and Clark was heavily favored
tver the Wolves last night, too.
The Lawls and Clark-OCE
game was a thriller all the
-way, with the score tied If
times and the lead changing
hands 14 times.
No more than five points ever
aeDarated the two teams. The
Frank Stojack
Defends Coast
Rassle Crown
Frank Stojack, the politician
from Tacoma. defended his Paci
fic Coast Junior heavyweight
wrestling championship at the
Salem armory 'last night de
feating: challenger Al Szasz.
Each wrestler had taken a fall
In the two-out-of-three falls
. match, when Szasz clamped his
pet wrist lock on Stojack. Szasz
apparently had the match won
i when Stojack suddenly came to
wis- J .4 C. In ain nirnlaiMi
Elmer and Logger Larsen
teamed up to defeat Red Vag-
none and Frank James in a tag
team match in the semi-final
vent James was substituting
! for Buck Weaver, who has the
"flu, and James and Vagnone
'. ancnt about as much time scrap-
ping with each other as they
' did with their opponents.
Bronco Lubich and BiU Flet
cher went to a no-fall .draw in
the opener t
Salem Team
Drops Out in
Central Point () Eugene
nil Portland advanced to the
finals of the Oregon AAU bas
ketball tournament Tuesday
Eugene topped Bend 80-47
and Portland swamped Salem
91-51. -
The title will be decide in
a game Wednesday night be
tween Tuesday's winners. Bend
and Salem will clash for third
place. ' i
TTilnnT"- s ) rule
n n f siss omni! S S s
HIU.f I I HI "or.t J
BehMr I I l Vrnn.
D'U.t 1111 8heprd.s
SeUar.s till Keller,! 4
U Ohn. I S 1 t Bmlth.t S
Baas 1 1 Beri-I 4
pasehs J"
Zwn7.s t
I 1 11
t 1 11
I I 1
I I It
3 3 10
1 I
t 1 14
Tout! It It IS IT
Woltamatat 44
Phllco 4 II 43 H
Basketball Scores
Coniata St, Puiet sound 43.
Portland SO, Wlllamatt 71. I
Rlcke t3, Rocky Wo on tain W.
- Pacllle Lutheran 41. Eastern Wain. 14.
- Portland State 13. Orston Tech. 73.
Paaadena Naiarene 48, Whlttler 47.
. Or as on Sduoatloa 71. Lewis a Clark (I.
Sacramento Stat M, Pepperdlno 44.
. Srraeus M. Cornell 17.
. HssasehutstU 41. Trinity W.
carton 71, SaaUni Kentucky N (trer-
Oeomtown (OCJ 71, Oeort Waahlntton
. 14.
Vlnlnla II, Wash.-Le 71.
annwssT .
Indlsna StaU tl. Indiana Central 44.
Ohio Weeleran SI, woostsr St.
South Dakota S3. Hornlnsld 47.
Hsmllne II, St. Thomas lUlnn.) tl.
Tsj Christian IS. Tela It.
' uathiwllat ae Rlea 14.
Hardin Simmons 48, Texas Tech. St
own OT.rLlmest.
" Anions Stat (Temps) SS. New Hsileo
Western l.
Midwestern M, Abilene Christian 71.
' Arksnsss Tech 71. Arkansas CoUsis 74.
Snta school
ClaUkanle M. Seasldt 44.
Oarlbaldl 10. Nsstucca 41.
Wsrrenton 44. rnsppa II.
Clsreland 14. Franklin 11.
Grant 13, Jetlerson 41.
Benson 14, Rooseeelt 13 (ortb).
Washlniton 74, Lincoln II.
Suien Tt, Junction City IS.
Sprlnineld 44. Qakrksi St.
Olstrlst t
Besrsrtoe to, Porast Orttt 47.
HUUboro IS, Tlsard 44.
BUUIet 11
Sttytoa M. eileertoa 41.
Aalem 13, woodbura 4L
I Dhtrtct It
Mllwaukl tt. Oretoa City It.
Uolslls 41, Wast Ltnn 44.
Olstrlet II ,
Central CatnotM 41. Conondla St.
Orsshsm 41. Xstseada It.
Sandy 41. Park Bos St.
Sak-dJstrlet I
Ester 44. LsOrsnds 41.
cwrmtad for Tsft
(Ce-sstled by C a Coast OawaVtl
Rlsw fValer
Law Waters 1
Time Belcht
I tl am. 1.1
I St is. I
t II a m. I t
- l u pm. IS
II 31 a.m. IS
I II sa i s
11 M s.m. t l
IS 11 pm. I I
11:11 p m. I t
11:11 p.nv I I
11 17 I I. I I
iM 9 sa. t t
, 4
Tim Hflini
1 II a
1:47 IS,
1 to a m.
I 4 p.m.
I ll am.
4 II p m.
I 44 l a
I II p m.
4 44 a.m.
I ll pm.
1 11 am.
1 si am.
I ll p.m.
PertlpiEjil m tie -M All A CBostiGfilbaDIl IFiinid
biggest margin of tixt game was
when Lewis and Clark held a
33-30 lead with three and a half
minutes to go in the first half,
Lewis and Clark led 40-39 at
The last tie of the game was
at 91-41 with four minutes and
IS seconds to go in the ball
game. Then Frank Grove took a
pass from Bobby Frantx and
dropped in a field goal to give
OCE a 93-61 lead. Lewis and
Clark, champions of the North-
west conference, never caught
up after that
OCE played slow, deliber
ate ball la the final few mia
ates of the game. It was aet
Intended for a stall, for the
Wolves scored nine points la
the last four minutes. Bat the
slow type of play bothered
Lewis and Clark so mack that
all the Pioneers managed to
score In the last sis minutes
wss a field goal and a free
threw by John Fees.
- When Feuz fouled out with
two minutes to go, ijewis ana
Clark's chances had gone out
the window of the Central Cath-1
olic high school gymnasium, site
of the tournament !
Tvt, i nor. rinffl
Mi,.mn ith as noint. Howard
Sullivan had 18.
Willamette was never In the
ball game against Portland.
Coach Jim .(Mash) Toraon's
Pilots bnllt np a 12-4 lead be
fore Willamette managed to
score Its first field goal with
four minutes and 24 seconds
played. By the end of the first
period Portland led 24-14, and
the Pilots had no trouble pro
tecting their margin after that'
The Portlanders had too
much backboard strength for the
Bearcats. In the first half, for
instance. Portland grabbed 23
rebounds to - Willamette's 9.
in ihs-sr si5
Willamette and Lewis and
Clark clash at 7:30 tonight at
the Central Catholic gym in a
consolation game.
a c s. os) 1 um a cu
it it w w ii b pi w
aa-JlTU.t I 1 11 Berraa.f Sill
orovs,f It acnroer.r s
ItuM.o I I 1 S3 Fsus I I lit
pinion I f 111 Paulson, I s 4 13
Bushnll. 1 S 4 Bradr.l I I I 11
LU I 1 .1 4 S Adrian.! ISIS
PlmOjlt.e ISIS Berct.1 -was
Ketl.e 034
CrouM.t till
Jcksonx 1 S 1
Totab 3 33 31 IS
o. c . 1.
UwU a Clara ....
Totals 31 14 J4 45
.11 31 IS IS Tl
.11 31 13 1341
FTM throw, mused
oca. is, Lewis a
Clark 13. Oftlelala: BowsU and Laurens.
WUJsssette (11)
(N) Portland
(i It s( tp
is it px tp
Hor.f '
1 I
1 I
4 S Trtnch.f S 1 4 17
S t Marshl.l S
1 IS M dUM S
1 It Strode,! S
t t Blnkhs.1 I
I t Brsman,s 4
1 4 Krohn.s t
1 11 Marlld.s t
4 II
4 II
1 11
1 4
1 II
1 1
t 1
4 BartoLs 1
S BummLS S
Totals n II 11 n ToUlt
Willamette' 14 si
Portland 14 41
II St 14 K
Tl 11
Ft as throws missed: wu it, Portland I-
OIllclsls: HcLartr and Taltt.
Easy to terry.
A doubl? cupply ,
in one hendy peckag
Moore Shrinking
7-5 Favorite
Over Nardico
Miami. Fla. Joey Maxim,
making his first start since he
lost the light heavyweight title
to Archie Moore, is a shrinking
7-5 favorite over rugged Danny
Nardico of Tampa Wednesday
night in a 10-rounder at Miami
Stadium. 1
Surprising support for Nar
dico, who made a big hit locally
by knocking Jake LaMotta off
his feet for the first time, Dec.
31, brought the price down from
an early 2-1 close to even mon
ey. Ksrdico might even enter
the ring the favorite if the cur
rent trend continues.
The bout, scheduled for 7 p.m.
(FST) will be beamed across
the nation on a television net
work. ..I Iff
MattheWS III '
DOllt POStDOned .
Portland (- Fight promoter
Tex. Hager said Tuesday the
heavyweight bout between Har
ry (Kid) Matthews and Freddie
Beshore scheduled here' next
Tuesday has been postponed be
cause Matthews has been hospi
talized with tonsilitis.
Hager said he was informed by
Jack Hurley, the Kid's msnsger,
that Matthews would not be
able to fight for a month or six
weeks. Hager said the fight -will
be re-scheduled sometime next
fiahts last Might
Sacra scat,, Calif. Archie Moor. 113,
St Lools. stopped Bonn? Andrews, ITT.
Los Armies. 4. Moo-tl tie.
las Aasle BUtr (Sweat aa) Peacock,
llSti, Philadelphia, outpointed Baby. Ho
Mario, 111, Reno, Kef.. 10.
Saw ieaa. Calif. Eddla Chan. 134. Ban
Jos, stopped Alfredo uoratta, US, Ta-
nno. stair, s.
rsskln (Bldaswssl GroTS) Al Wilson,
141, New Tori, outpointed Phil Burton, 141,
at. Louis, 10.
atlaasl Beask, Fla. Ralph Dupat, US,
Ifew Orleans, outpointed Baby Vaaques.
ill, Mexico citr. is.
White Plains. N.T. Bduardo Lausss,
IMS,, Buenos Aires, knocked ant Ous
Tell" Hell, 1M, Montnal. 1. - ,
IwrtlaX, Me-oranaai Holme. 13lw,
New naven. Conn., outpointed Bon! Alar-
tlnl. lilti. Charleston, It.
Sports Mirror
Taday Tear As ntlnola dsfatd
North wastern. 11-74, to win th Bt Tan
basketball till as ion was upset by Wis
consin. 71-11.
Firs Tsui A Stan Muslal. last bis
St. Louis Cardinal holdout, stsnod his con
tract for a rsportsd 131,101.
Tsa Tsar A- Willi Pop, Nsw Tork
suts-raeocnmsd featbarwelfht ehamplon.
stopped Lou TrmnsparonU la ths sljrth
Twswty Tsars As Bab Ruth, ths treat
New Tork Tankea Bluster, repeated his
refusal to take Mt.oot cut from his ITI.tOO
salary of in prf laut aason. -
-c. T'f 91 SB awwsay m A WJ as; r messes asTa Ts ' wl aa
:,;",i- "J t.vV-i-r
"CesV'si rias.sisl'liidi mat. O '"I. Tt) COCt-COUt CoarssrT
Ths anneal district t-B bas
ketball toaraament, te' determ
ine the representative from this
area te tke state B toaraament,
will be heaped eft at Willamette
anlverslty Thursday, . Friday
and Saturday.
Thursday will see activity In
both afternoon and evening as
the single-elimination tourna
ment gets underway.
All eight teams in the tourney
will play first-round games en
Mill City, which won 14
straight gamea la Marloa
eaaaty B league competition,
faeea Garvais in the tourna
ment's first game at 1:39
Thursday afternoon. Mill City,
oa the strength et It Impres
sive record In Marion B play,'
Is one of the faverltea for the
t-B crown.
Jefferson of the Marion coun-
Big Jim Jeffries Dies
Of Heart Attack at 77
Borbank, Calif. 11 Junes I.
Jeffries Big Jim, the boiler
nieker boy who became one of
the. world's .greatest .heavy
weight boxing champions died
last night He was 77.
Jeffries, a semi-Invalid since
stroke seven years ago, died
in his home in bed after asking
his niece and housekeeper, Mrs.
Lillian Bull, to call a doctor.
He had been feeling rather
well in recent, weeks, even up
to attending a social function or
two, Mrs. Bull said. But he died
before the doctor arrived.
Dr. William M. Nethery said
a heart attack (coronary throm
bosis) was the cause.
Never knocked out In his
19-year ring career, Jeffries
reigned as king of the heavy
weights from 1(99 to 1905,
when he retired undefeated.
Bat, coaxed ant of retirement,
he met Jack Johnson, his suc
cessor as champion, In 1919.
Johnson won. on a technical
knockout in the 15th round to
close the career of Jeffries,
then 15.
- But In his .prime, many vet
eran fight fans aver, there was
no one like Big Jim 'for speed
and hitting power. Carrying 220
pounds on a 9 foot Its inch
frame at his peak, he twice
knocked out Jim Corbett and
the great Australian, Ruby Rob
ert Fitzsimmons. ...
His victories over Sailor Tom
Sharkey, Gus Ruhlln and Joe
Choynskl rank among the fierc
est battle in the days , when
prize-fights were long and bru
tal. His overall record: 23 fights,
11 knockouts, 7 decisions, 2
draws, 2 exhibitions and the
one loss to Johnson.
class A Yswsma circuit clash at
o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Amity is a B school, but has
played against 'A competition
all season.
Night games Thursday, the
first starting at 7 o'clock, send
ValaeU at the Polk county B
league 'against Corbett, and
Sublimity of the Marlon county
B league against Colton.
Semi-final gamea will be
played Friday night, begta
aung at 7:34, with the cham
pionship final set far 9 p.m.
Saturday, following a playoff
for third place between the
losers et Friday night games,
Winners of the three-day tour
nament will earn a berth in the
Oregon sttte class B tourney,
slated for Willamette's gym on
March 12, 13 and 14.
James J. Jeffries
Born in Carroll, April
15, 175, f Srish-Amerlcan
stock, Jetferles vas one et
eight children of a Methodist
clergyman. Th family moved
to Los Angeles when Jim waa
only 9r and the lad went to
work early in railroad ahops
and Iron faun dries as a boiler
maker. He had his first professional
fight in 1891; at the age of is,
knocking out Hank . Griffin in
the 14th round and earning $500.
His mother then persuaded him
to .quit the ring until he was
Jeffries won the heavyweight
title by knocking out Fitzsim
mons In the 11th round at Coney
Island, N. Y- June 9, 1899. Five
months later he successfully de
fended his crown - with a 29-
round decision over Sharkey.
ty B league and Amity of
i i i , i
. -
or Start
Kramer Leads 22-19
Havana Jack Kramer
beat Australian Frank Sedgman
12-10, 8-7, 94. before 4,000 ten
nis fans in the 6ports Palace
Tuesday night to take a 22-19
lead in their pro tennis tour.
Cleveland Wins Dci.It in State Tourrisy
tar Th Associated Pram)
Cleveland of Portland
the Fertlaad League high school
basketball championship and a
berth la the state toaraament
to highlight Tnesday night's
prep r'y.
Most of th favorites won In
other games.
Cleveland, No. 9 In th Asso
ciated Press poll this week,
downed Franklin 84-39. . .
Jefferson, No. 6 In th poll.
was upset 63-48 by Grant, and
Roosevelt was overturned 55
52 in overtime by Benson. That
left Jefferson, Roosevelt and
Benson tied for second. A play
off opening Friday will deter
mine which of the three schools
will get the District 18 title. Jet
ferson will meet Benson and the
winner will play Roosevelt on
the following Tuesday.
Eiflie, wmen placed
fourth in th poll, downed
Junction City 79-68 and
Springfield .defeated Oak
ridf 66-59 In th District 6
playoff which opened at Eugene.
ir HWi PmiMiMh
tVeWtMrt Longer Than
ir Wrmth antj Ciiifrt
This New Miracle Fabric is
Bringing a Revelation la .
Meat' Clothing. Tea acw eaa
have a lighter-weight salt
with sacrifice ef warmth , , ,
Orltsa helps fabric shed wrinkles
vernlgfat, and to hold their
press and shape even m damp
A laxnry touch, rich essy drape
and extraordinary wear can
all be yours for only , . a
' . $55
ortN 11 mL. C S Smarl Ortbn
Garbarino New
General Manager
Portland Devcs
Portland (TV Bill Garbarino,
assistant manager of the Port
land Bearers of th Pacific
Coast baseball league for 10
years, has been named general
manager of th club, th Qt-ego-
nlaa reported Tuesday.
The Oregonlan said announce
ment of Gaibarino'g appointment
was mad at Glen dale, Calif.,
where th Beavers are holding
spring training, by Owner
George W. Morgan. -
Garbarino, 52, takes over the
place vacated with the death of
Salem, Oregon, Wedneeslay, March 4, 1953
EUlsboro, No. 5 in the poll.
topped Tigard 85-46 and Beav
erton continued undefeated in
District 9's double elimination
Dyer Named One
Of Best Boxers
On Rambler Card
Virgil Dyer.' amateur boxer
from Salem, tied with Dicky
Rahl, light-weight ehamplon of
the midwest, for the best all-
around fighter in the annual
Ramblers club boxing card in
Portland last night
Dyer, who fights In th 112-
pound division, scored unani
mous and Impressive victory
over Leonsrd Monk last night
Rahl- decisloned Jackie Puscus
of Eugene in th 126 pound
WlUard Nelson of Salem, a
132-po under, gained a decision
over Carle ton Lincoln in an
other bout on the Ramblers card.
Bill Balthrop, . Salens. ' boxer
who was scheduled to appear on
th card, did not tight
The New Trend in
Men's Clothing!
and;: ':v-.;:y.Xyf
Spcktj Rri
Soeker C;:j
Call Frcst. Zzm :
Spokane sjJJTbe Spokane
Indians of the Western Inter
national league were minus one
first baseman today after Ed
Bouche was drafted Into the
Bouche left last night for
Fort Lewis and further assign
ment A former Washington
Stat college star, Bouche bit
.919 la 1931 In his first season
with the Indians.
Bill Mulligan of heart attack
last month.
Ptrt 17
tourney ' by ' stopping Forest
Grove as th playoffs continue
Friday. -
la district 11 actiea, Balenf
downed Woodbara (3-41 and . '
Stayton tripped Slhrertoa 5(
45. Th double ellmiruttiaea
tourney eontinaes Wednesday
. Mllwaukl easily overcame
Oregon City 60-36 and Mtualla
edged West Linn. 47-44 in dis
trict 12. .Th losers were elimi
nated, v, ,; v.
Greiham No. 8 in the poll
Central Catholic and Scsdy
posted victories in District 13's
double elimination. Gresham
overwhelmed Estaeada - 63-30,
Central Catholic bested Con
cordia 43-39 and Sandy elimi
nated Park Roe with a 68-10
triumph. .
Baker topped LaQrand 44-41
in a sub-district 1 playoff. .
ClaUkanle, th District 14
champion, and th first team
to qualify for the state tourna
ment, completed its league sea
son uu defeated by smothering
Seaside 84-44.
. . .... . i - ..
- IV. .aaaW
f:, -Saiwsapsers
. . r
n 7
k--w .
. 1