le th e! if t ' a V X tt T w i e t 1 14 Capital Jogrnal, Salem, Of, Wednesday, March 4, 1953 Resolution to Condemn Reds Being Worked Out By JACK BELL Washington ( President Eisenhower was reported trying today to bring the State Depart ment and Congress together on the wording of a resolution to condemn Russian enslavement of Iron Curtain peoples. The President was said to have overruled the contention of Secretary of State Dulles that a pending resolution to do that is sansiactory just as u sianas. Sen. Taft of Ohio, the Repub lican .leader, has said he wants the measure revised to make it clear that Congress, in criticiz ing what Zisenhower has called Kremlin perversion of World War II Big Three agreements, Is not affirming the understand' logs. The President was said to have directed Dulles at a Whit House conference with legisla ' tive leaders to get together with the chairmen of the Senate and House Foreign Affairs Commit tees on new wording, The Senate committee sched uled a session today to consider proposed amendments. The - House committee already has approved the proposed resolu tion in the form In which Dulles submitted it, so any changes there probably would have to come through amendments from the floor. Democrats generally had in dicated they would protest against any effort by the repub licans to repudiate the Big Three agreements. Sen. Gillette (D.. Ia.) nowev- rr. told reoorters he hss proposed that- all reference to the World j . , -41 -1 war u agreements oe sitickcu . from the resolution. "We can express our concern over the Soviets' enslavement of peoples in Europe without any reference to the agreements," he said. "As far as I am concerned, I won't vote for the resolution In Its tire sent form." The Senate committee's ln- euirv Into the agreements them selves produced closed-door tes timony yesterday from Charles Chip Bohlen, nominated as am bassador to Russia, generally de fending the action of the late Franklin D. Roosevelt In reach ing understanding with Russia's Premier Stanlin. Bohlen charged the Soviets with treaty violations! an ac cusation some thought the Rus sians might seize upon to with draw their tentative welcome to him as U. S. representative to Moscow. As reported ' by Chairman Wiley (R.. Wis.) Bohlentettifled the map of Europe would be the same even it the. agreements hadn't been reached. Bohlen served as Rosevelf s Interpreter at Yalta and Tehran. Wiley gave this version of Bohlen's testimony: Poland was in the. hands of Russia at the time of the Yalta conference and the question then was "whether we should recognize the control or try to mitigate it in some way." At Yalta the Russians agreed to free elections In Poland and other countries. Bohlen reportedly said it was not the language of the agree ments, but Russian violation of them, that ht caused trouble. "I find it difficult to believe that these agreements were so favorable to Rusia when Russia has found it in her Interest to violate them Openly and contin uously," Wiley quoted him as saying, "But the alternative was Tonight try Uine 100 Pure Grape Bottled In California You to Ignore Eastern Europe. could not afford not to the attempt which was made at Yalta." Wiley reported that Bohlen said as he now sees It, the agreement under which Russia gained concessions in China in return for entering the Japanese war was "unnecessary." On the other hand, Bohlen was said to have testified it appeared at the time that Russian entry into the Pacific war might save 200,000 or more V. S. lives. Cottage Grove Baby Tested in Heart Case Philadelphia " tittle Rose Ann Sweeney, 11-month-old Cottage Grove, Ore, girl bora with a fsnlty heart wss reported ready to day for testa which may de termine whether the condi tion can be corrected sur gically. Doctors In Portland gave her only five years to live, bat then her parents learned that a Philadelphia surgeon had Invented a mechanical heart which might permit the delicate operation. She was brought here la weaken ed condition last month. Mow attendants say Ana has been bUt p to a point of strength nutritional ly where doctors east begin mare ' atrenaoaa fractions! tests en her. A eenclnsive diagnosis will have to await results of these tests, a spokesmasf said. - Roberts Roberts The Roberta Moth er's club is sponsoring a short free movie, "Fears of Children" for parents only, at the school house Friday evening, March 6. The G. RT. club is giving its annual supper, and entertain ment for husbands and families Thursday evening, March S, at the grange hau. Eactv family is to bring table arevice as well as a hot dish and salad or des sert Supper will be served at 6:30 p.m. The third series of textile painting classes will be at the home of Mrs. O. McDaniel on Homestead road Friday, March 5, meeting et 10 ajn. A sack lunch will be served at noon. Mrs. Ray Barker and Mrs. Howard Pearsall are project leaders. A surprise birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. Oliver Holcomb Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Herb Miller, with Mrs. R. Sneed as sisting hostess. Those present were Mrs. Holcomb, honor guest, Mrs. Walter Klopz; Mrs. O. McDaniel, Mrs. E. N. Graves, Mrs. E. Mason, Mrs. W. Backs, and the hostesses Mrs. R. Sneed and Mrs. Herb Miller. ' 3 0GQ0 0 000 cnething ZxttaSpecial AT VOODRY FUIKJ. CO. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY iwmmfr lLJvJU (J 7a in OPEN STOCK.:: ffe Choose Any Piece Iff v rT'-- or Combination ' I ri H jS35j"S? irj3iy Now you con choose as '...lWf' budget Pca permits. h-'-M'T'i Brands . . . Sprague Carlton, Mellin Quincy, Ethan Allen, Revere-Colonial Reproductions, Sterling, St. Johns of Wis consin, and Virginia House. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Upholstered . 8-PIECE SECTIONAL GROUP Include: 3 piece sectional, two step tnd tablss. Itm cute table, club chetr. and matching otto man . . . It's attractively upholstered choice of green tweed or early American (provincial) print. Was $249.50, Now 199.88 LOVESEAT (Two-Passenger) SOFA Tola lovsly. new stylets exceptionally comfortable. It hae a high head-reel deeply upholitered back covered In a geometric green and rust cover. You'll believe It le hand woven doe to lta heavy texture. Was $189.50, Now $119.88 CHILDREN'S MUSICAL ROCKERS It plan rtock-a-By Baby as the child rocks. Was $12.95 ea., Now $10.88 ea. Port L.jjfc Sherry h LJ WINE I amemtm elaO. 441 Uv. Ml of S 1 c II . S&i IE. II - f T rTTj -I A i . l s. Tkie Cortenfinnnl 1 ' 1 K f ... i 7lnJi "T I Sale for 3 Days if If; ' - JAlTJ Stock Lasts as j:- ; WMH Lon9 v hrn '-JmTsI ' VWV Starts Tomorrow tSlti rftSZ'sr -Sj'W CSC3S3DGB Mattress or Box I -?C ';JKrw nS Spring Will Be De- ;V L.,., ISiV. -rx. 1 A' livered in Original , s I hi. - LJ No, More Than 2 1 I V -mVaSK-j. I . wnewiromer ; -V".- I a.OIW- i' 1 Was $19.95 v. v w w si tan a i. ' ' s V ( I Iff r ; il I VSJ U A V . l m. IX x CRICKET ARMCHAIR A true early Oolonlal ityle with the popular Johnny Appleaeed pattern upholetery. . Was $34.95, Now $24.88 SWING CHAIR (Plalform Rocker) Bee It, try It, and you'll buy It. It'i men home apun cover U J tut the rliht ahade and the com fort la tope. Was $89.50. Now $49.88 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Wooden COFFEE TABLE WITH SHELF lta eloverleaf ehapo la different. Wooda are of too flneat eaitern hardroek maple. Was $49.95, Now $39.88 - LAMP TABLE 3 SHELF From IU lanerled top to lta turned lees It styled to catch your era. Not a perfect piece. Was $26.95. Now $14.88 Her is one of th greatest mattress and box" spring soles in th history of WOODRX'S! Irery on of 'em is brand new, in fact they're still In th original factory container, and th tarn kind that costs as much at $69.95 any other time! Get here early and cash In on this super saving sal! uy en eery credit terms. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! No Hold-Orders Please STEP-UP END TABLES Turned iplndlet support the upper deck and the turned leei to the mam table makes this very Interesting styls. Was $22.95, Now $18.88 SEWING CABINETS Mot a basket. It's a full helsht Piece, Interior ac cessible from the top has a convenient carry ing handle. Now $12.88 MAGAZINE BASKET Very well styled turned lets to base turned spindles to 'the carrylns handle. Was $12.95, Now $8.88 DRUM TABLE This two (1) shelf tabic Is divided Into four sections between the top and shelf can be at tractively used tor books, (Ifurlnes, lamp. It's as" In dlamster. Was $39.95, Now $29.88 DINING ROOM FURNITURE DROP-LEAF EXTENSION TABLE The styls Is known as the "butterfly leer. The line ssstsrn hardroek mapis with its nen nnisn is a pleasure to know. This table extends with three leaves to serve elsht. Mot a perfect piece. Was $112.00, Now $69.88 FIVE-PIECE DINETTE SET Solid eastern hardroek maple. Two leaves. The end rofrectory style with 4 elds chairs, ladder back style with shaped saddle seats. Long back posts. Was $99.50. Now $59.88 CORNER CABINETS Must be sees to be appreciated. Shelves hi the top ssctlon ars routed for decorative plates. The black metal biased door on the base opens to a shelved Interior fine eastern solid maple. Was $99.50. Now $59.88 HUTCH CABINET WITH BASE Planked effect behind tlerd shelves lane linen drawers. Black, metal hinged doors open to a cop ious Interior. Was $139.50, Now $88.88 Round Extension DINING TABLE 44 Inches In diameter, It's the new vogue In living kitchens It eitsnds with two leaves. Would yos uss It as a dlnlng-gamc tablsf Was $79.95, Now $58.88 CHAIRS DINING riddle Back with Saddle Seat 1 Was $24.95 ea.. Now $18.88 ea. Ladder Back with Ruseh Beat Was $18.95 ea., No. $11.88 ea. Dutch style with Upholstered Beat Was $22.95 ea.. Now $12.88 ea. Captain's chair, lse. with very heavy saddle seat. Was $38.95 ea.. Now $24.88 ea. BEDROOM FURNITURE CHEST DESK Wva (4) drawers plus a desk shell fitted for statlonsrr. solid, fine eastern maple. , Was $119.50, Now $69.88 DOUBLE' DRESSER BASE -Does not Include a mirror, but this can be reme died. Slsht IS) drawers with duftproof construc tion throughout. . Ft Was S149.SU, MOW S11H.BB VANITY SUITE (4 Pieces) Solid eaitern maple. Dust-proof construction. IB. eludes 1-drawsr vanity with minor, chair. 4 drawer chest, fun sue panel bed. Was $289.95, Now $239.88 Free Delivery, Gladly VANITY SUITE (2 Pieces) Includes S-drawcr vanity with mirror, run da panel bed. Both for what you would narmallr pay for the vanity. Was $109.95, Now $79.90 BEDS. FULL SIZE Solid asstcm maple. Pull panel bed. Was $49.95. Now $34.88 JENNIE-LIND, SPOOL Large Turnings Was $39.95, Now $33.33 BEDS, TWIN SIZE Jsnnls Ltnd, Spool Was $29.95, Now $19.88 POSTER. WITH PANEL, Poeter. with PsaeL Bead and Pecs Was $83.50, Now $39.88 LOW POSTER WITH PANEL, Low Poster with Panel Read and Poo Was $89.50, Now $48.88 BUNK BED. Complete tnelades better ousllty bunk (beds can make t ll twin beds), ladder, side ran, two ill steams aprtnsa. two ill tnnersprlng mattreesee. Was $179.90, Now $119.88 Always Plenty of Parking Space at SPECIAL FEATURE Ttle-Yuloe Set Maple cabinet strled early American hi eieeOrat taste. Mot em H bwt a rare find It yaw ae mapta. 01