Here's a Fellow Who's Unworried About Diets By BOB Hollywood Iff) In these timet when everybody and his brother ara worried about diets, it'a refreshing to meet a roan who la zti and doetn't care. He la Jack Leonard, 350 pounds of TV and night club comic who scoffs at other mor tals who exist on yogJrt and wheat germ. He snorts: "Me eat four ponds of water cress for dinner? I'd die first!" Jack la a steak-and-cheese-cake man and In large quanti ties. He remains on an ample diet that sustains his 56-inch waist Yet at 42 his blood pres sure remains low, and he can keep up in a swift dance rou tine with Gene Nelson. "Sure the doctors have told me to cut down the weight," he admitted.' "So far I've out lived two of them. So it may be unhealthy to be fat. All I know is that there are a lot of thin people in cemeteries. "A lot of people worry them selves to death . about their weight They go on diets that kill them. Me, I just enjoy it i When I go, it'll be ala of me. "I like food, that's aU. Some people eat or gamble. I have no bad habits, unless it's eating. I wake up some mornings with a food hangover, the same as some people get 'em from drinking." Leonard said he comes from a family of fat people, and they generally live to a normal OS or so. He cited the slogan at a fat men's store' where he buys some of his clothing in New i York. It reads: "If everybody , in the - world were fat, there i wouia oe do ware." "That's the truth," he added. i"Look at me, I never get into Tany trouble. I can't fight and I can't run!" i Leonard, who was a star 'singer and knockabout dancer in his youth admitted he would be losing his trademark if he ."reduced. "It's commercial," he agreed. "Besides I have an extensive '.-wardrobe I would have to throw away. I'm a nut for clothes; I guess that's because I was too poor to buy good clothes when I was a kid. I've ' - L.M Of ..m ' 1 II is (1 Vi tt P"" Vatue 9 , Ibtp. ml , cup. .ltH4 buttr trA . marann. P" , .Ai alwf "iS1"' un(trTt;tioo in each Remove I t. THOMAS jgot about SO sit and they're aU wmormaae oi the best material. I ll pay ISO a varrf for mti.i and I require 5 to yards, com- parca 10 we average man's 3i4." The bulbous for his first film. "Three Sailors and a GlrL" He credits TV for the Job, aa well as his cur rent prosperity. "The studio saw me play a sailor on Jane Froman's show." he explained. "They sent for me sinescope ana I was hired. At a healthy atlDtnd. 1 mlpht aaa. i baa to ooitDon 14 weeks of night club and theater dates to come out for the pic ture. 'TV has done a lot for ma. I had been in the biulnru long time and worked un ' tn $ 1,500 a week. ' I might have gotten higher during the war, but I took 3Vi years out to en tertain troops. After two yeara in TV. my salary is up to 33,500 a ween. Leonard is known nn th night club circuit as the top insulter. . Once he had a leth argic audience In Boston. He snapped: "If Paul Revere was riding tonight, he'd ride right inrougn this town." To a similar group of Phila delphians: "You haven't been paying attention, but I'll get my revenge. I'm vnin n solder the Liberty Bell." in Washington, D.C., he once made a crack about nimr h Washington monument as a dart This drew an irate call from a hlitnriral ancUtv Txta. ard stood on his right to free speech and added: "Besides, I'm a Lincoln man." Actor Dick Powell in Serious Condition Santa Monica, Calif. VP) Movie Actor Dick Powell is re- cuperatin in St John's Hospital alter two operations, but his con' dition is still serious. Powell, portrayer of detective roles and at one time a top sing er In films, suffered a ruptured appendix and was operated upon, a studio representative said. Complications followed . the ap pendectomy and further surgery I became necessary. Kitchen Graft Hour for lighter baking ! Its lifted tuperfim through $ilk! That pre-fluffi Kitchen. Craft Flour . . . makes it blendynore easily1 and thor oughly with other ingredients. Everything you bake is delightfully lighter, tender, even-textured. Kitchen Craft works wonders with any recipe. It's guaranteed. Switch to Kitchen Craft. Eat better at a saving. LLi Sv f v or m'fl,,,n huttef " J After the Battle Mrs. John Chambers of Baltimore holds an eleven-pound 3 -ounce bonefish, largest caught la Bermuda waters this season, after 40-minute fight Walker and Farmer Have Polk Salary Bill A bill increasing salaries of some Polk county officials has been introduced in the senate by Sen, Dean Walker of Indepen dence and Rep. Frank Farmer of Rickreall. Because of the de sire of the Polk county budget board to fix permanent salar ies for county officials, the sal ary scale proposed is based on an increase over the low salaries paid back in 1943. Approval of the Increases waa given by the budget committee following public hearing.' The proposed salary scale pro vides the following annual sal aries: County Judge from $2,000 In 1943 to $4,600: county com missioners from $6 a day to $13 a day for each day employed in transaction of county business; county treasurer. $1,500 to $3,300; county clerk from $2,100 Federal and Stale TAX RETURNS PREPARED . LEON A. FISCUS 1509 No. 4th II. From 3-5285 ox SAFEWAY STORE MB? I tn ta 20ft? ihariff 12.400 to 14 200; assessor, $1,800 to $3,800 ana county scnooi superinten dent, $1,800 to $3.400. STAYTON LEGION DINNER Stayton The Stayton Ameri can Legion Post and auxiliary will observe the birthday of the Legion with a pot luck dinner Wednesday, March 4. : a- ONLY ffnnjyn 7TO fftmSh 770 yjenmsons means Hold Rites lor Frank Purdy Woodburn Frank Purdy of Ml Front St, Woodburn. who died Feb. 23 in the Silvertoc hospital, was born in Oshkosh, Wis- June 13, 1877, and came to Woodburn from Nebraska In 1939. Surviving are the widows Lud- mills, of Woodburn; two sons. Mark J. Purdy, Mt Angel, and Arthur H. Purdy, YamhlU; a brother, Manuel A. Purdy of Primrose, Neb.; three sisters, Katherlne Ray, Boise, Idaho; El len Woten, Couer d'Alene, Ida ho, and Ethel Cox, Fullerton, Neb.; 13grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Recitation of the Rosary was In St Luke's Catholic church at 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, Requiem mass was at 9 a.m. Sat urday, Feb. 28, in St Luke's church, followed by burial in Mt Calvary cemetery at Mt. An gel under the direction of the Ringo funeral home. Those from out of town at-j tending tha funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox, Bremerton, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Jay Noakes and family, Harlston, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Harrahill and family, Mrs. Monica Kasner and family, Mrs. Ida Aylward, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Boisk, all of Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Val Wolf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watts, Portland: V ( i v Mrs. 'Evelyn Staub, San Louis obLT, Calif.; Mr., and Mrs. Frank Flamme, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brain, Newberg; Mr. and Mrs. William Harrahill, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lalts and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holier, Mr. and Mrs. Art McVeigh, Miss Nova DeRose, Silverton, Active pallbearers were Wil liam Scott, Eugene Pelts, Oliver KesteU, Willis Melsenheimer, Fe- U Koffler and Richard Foltx. Honarary bearers were Harry KeatelL John Kosse. Charles Brandt, Anton Lang, Elmer Mels enheimer and William Feltx, Auto Theft Ring Paid Off in Dope, Claim Los Angeles lT The county grand Jury has returned Indict ments against three men accused of operating an International auto theft ring that paid off In narcotics. The three, Frank H. Teller, 29; George. H. Saenz, 24, and Ar mando Garcia, 23, were accused of conspiring to sell automobiles and of conspiring to .violate state narcotic laws. $ Do You Know? Yea hare rehakUltatloa far Iht Handicapped In year ettlo and Bend repairable articles which can pro rid a work and wafei te th . Goodwill Industries Of Oregon TELEPHONE 4-22 Pickups Tuesdays Fridays ONLY i CHILI CON CARNE OFFERS SUCH QUALITY VES, Dennison's is made with no "flltf of tnj AiW no flour, com meal, cracker crumbs nothing but juicy, tender, lean beef and plump, selected Idaho red beans, cooked in savory, mouthwatering sauce seasoned to Dennison's own secret chili formula. Dennison's is never too hot, never too bland a hearty, delicious dinner the whole , family will really go for. Economical, too, and so easy to prepare! . Try Dennison's Chili Con Carne today. Delicious Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Holdups Take On Wrong Man San Francisco A punc tured, but persevering Pakistani, angered and bloody from three bullet wounds, sent two would be robbers fleeing from his apartment house last night Ahmed, Gee. 49. had lust fin ished collecting Ms rents when two men burst Into his apart ment and announced It was a holdup. Ahmed started to speak, but one of the men shot him In the shoulder with a .33 caliber re volver. - This only angered Ahmed, who rushed forward. The other Chapal of Memories A Beautiful Memorial Service Within Your Means . Regardless of the Hour Call 2212 Otto Jr. Velle Hetder Licensed Morticians Serving Yamhill County and 8orronadlng Area SHERIDAN FUXERAL HOME . Soma Location Over 32 Years Sunday-Dinner Quality Wednesday, March 4, 1831 robber clubbed him with a pipe. But Ahmed cam on and an other shot creased his head. As be reached the door, tha gunman backing up . now fired a third time, hitting Ahmed in the elbow. This time the pair had enough. They fled from tha building, with Ahmed chasing them up Mission street ' A passerby spotted Ahmed's bloody condition and called an ambulance. Doctors at Mission Emergency - hospital said he would recover. . -i Tha bandits got away. George Washington, gener ally an Impressive figure of a man, was particularly tro presslv on horseback. Sheridan .