M Hi ba k. c en Oi tbt by eei Ol fa to Oi tb N In 14 In M ta t pt u ( f i . 0 tt la Pt tii M tt CX ta a c w J tt c ft ! a T b J. t T e 1 H-Capttil JomtmI, 8aJetn, Ore.. Wadnead.v. March 4, 1953 DeShazer Film Here The Evangelical Foreign Mis alom conference, currently un derway at the Firat Baptift church, will hear three speak ers and view the aound motion picture film "The Life of Jake PaShaier" during Wednesday night's aeaiion. The main mlnionary addreu win be given by Rev. John Schlosser, who. until the Com munis occupation of China, wai superintendent of the Free Methodist minion in that coun try. Other ipeakera will be Mits RoMllne Rinker.on behalf of Inter-vanity Christian Fellow ship and Rev. Phil Armstrong, executive director of the Far Eastern Gospel crusade. During Wednesday afternoon Nut Growers To Visit Plant Filbert and walnut growers who are members of the Oregon Nut Growers, Inc. will attend a plant inspection tour of North- CO 5,000 In Wonderful FREE PRIZES Remember . . . ercry cus tomer's King or Queen during CORONATION DAYS! Feb. 22 through April 4th. SIX BIG DRAWINGS at the Capitol Shopping Center Free Parking a forum en I&dia was held. A near capacity crowd at tended the Tuesday night ses sion when brief missionary re ports were brought by Rev. Mr. Bolin of the American leprosy mission, and Rev. John Trach sel, missionary to India under the National Holiness Mission ary society. Rev. Donald Fairley, pioneer west Nut Growers new packag ing and shelling plant in Port land beginning Wednesday, March 4 and running through Saturday, March 7. Hours will be from 10 am. to 4 pjn. Northwest Nut Growers, which is the central selling organiza tion for five grower units, began construction of the new plant early in 1952 to provide space for modern shelling and packag ing facilities and to be able to reduce the number of days ship ping time to eastern markets. Taster time to narkets will mean much to grower-members of our local association in the years ahead," John Z. Trunk. general manager of Northwest Nut Growers stated. "In some years with large crops and diffi cult harvesting conditions, it may mean the difference between marketing a small or large por- (SsMtnsi VaOftUCI AMOCO J UUaJWUt. IW4(F"jaBtaaaJs mlsslAnasw t tVi fKelian mnA Missionary Alliance In Gabon, n 0" " Pa In the fay. V . nrfihle holidav uillins mHaH" Africa, gave me main aaaress. He related the romantic history of his discovering pygmy tribes in the jungles of Gabon. The conference, attended by more than 20 missionaries will con tinue throughout the week. Graber Bros. for Contract and General Repair Established 1908 45 Year In Salem 154 S. Ifcsrfr Meat 34594 orable holiday selling period.1 The new plant is located on North Columbia Boulevard near Interstate avenue in Portland. Guided tours of packaging and shelling lines will be conducted for all grower members and their families during the four- aay opening. General Mark Clark Flies into Korea ; Seoul CV-Gen. Mark Clark flew into. Korea' today for high level talks with his field com manders, South Korean Presi dent Syngman Rhee- and U. 6. Ambassador Ellis O. Briggs. Clark said he would "cover the waterfront" In an Inspection tour lasting several days. He plan to visit several front-line units. "J ' t I' a I .-i r. w T 9 Days Only! Sears Slashes Prices on Appliances! ' You'd pay 120.00 More Elsewhere for Similar Quality . .. Plus the 70.00 Price Cut . . . Saves You Actually 190.00 on This Genuine COLDSPOT FREEZES Iring Your Bathroom Up To Pate 1JK i':T- 77 li si mi 1 A Bathroom Beauty! H0WART COLORED CAST IRON 3-PIECE BATH OUTFIT ' ,rMMont.-Sa.r.Eo.yPym-'"'" '"""" (OrtCWll Charge, Reiae! HOMART STEEL BATH ENSEMBLES A. REGULAR 157.95 3-PIECE OUTFIT 139 J Sears Will Arrange Installation Take advantage of these special prices! Buy your new Bomart bathroom ensem ble now! At yonr request, Bears will ar range installation I IfeOx! : if" ' Regular 369.95 ? Stores 462 lb. II i x x. s-i i is if ivMjfm -13.2 Cu. Ft. Capacity .23- - s sTJa en Bears Easy Payment Plan " Tfcaaasaaal (Usual Carrying Charge) " - j -0 oc3yoo H'a tko. CnMsrW frnnnsmr Oeafcl AT aaaa I K i iga sa-. : eN& m y r-ar- U Li MS 7.00 month l ll ' C Budget-pleaalng ensemble Includes vitreous enameled t-ft. steel tub. vitreous china lavatory, toilet and hronw-plated brass fixtures. REGULAR 149.95 3-PC Vitreous enameled l-tt. steel tub has convenient toe room, grooved hand grip, wide shelf. Toilet and lavatory in matching vitreous ehina. ENSEMBLE ' s(P BU Ttlb i29 wjvmt MA1L THIS ,COUPOH S-tJJ CTj 'sHvJ ' ' Bears, Roebuck and Co. v ; LJ viiMTl j SS0 No. Capitol, Salem, Ore. , rS .i ' ! Please send me complete Information on Si?,r tEnsemble your are interested in) Mon. at PLENTY FJUE PARIUNG Phone 39191 For Complete Information NEW STORE HOURS: FrL 1:30 to t p.m. Other Days 1:30 to 8:30 oS,. JtARJ 550 N- Capitol, Salem most MmtunuiAV mml a i.wfciWM, aw fitii i tn4tfiUk. Save 20.00 Now on This Kenmore Visi-matic WAS MlilS Reg. 169.95 New, Miracle washer! Visi Matic rollers let you see entire wringing operation . . . adjust automatically to 28 positions! Has improved agitator, double wall tub, semi-automatic timer on Sears Easy Payment Plan Save 20.00 on This Thrifty CLDSIP)T 10.00 down . 10.50 month .en Sears Easy Payment Plan 9.9 cu. ft. Coldspot ha giant full-width freexer chest with 40 lbs. frozen food capacity! Servi-thelvet allow fingertip selection of frequently used items. Bonus storage space in door! Buy Coldspot sold only by Soars! Enjoy Leisure Moments Thanks to Speedy, Easy Cooking! Electric Range 5.00 down, 0.00 month en Sears Easy Payment Plaa Cooks meals that are "out of this world" while you are out of the kitchen! Giant 24-inch oven! Four Infra-Rad units for the most efficient heating action over found in a Kenmore! Waist-high broiler. Seven-heat switches! . Use Sears Service for Sears Appliances Plenty Free Parking New Store Hours MZ$lV.t!l Phone 3-9191 '&&fidfaf ffUftS 550 North Capitol, Salem . -V H ' I nil mil tii a iinifmTi Tin "vit flit iiifitrisji toatiiMstftf hi itmmmm i , i a- ' ' 55 PBrti