-CaplUI Journal, Salem, Qr Tufday, March 1, 195S Conference Planned By YWCA Plant for regional YWCA conference to be in Portland on AprU 23 and 24 were discuss ed at a planning meeting at the Salem YWCA on Monday. Mrs. c. A. Barnes of Eugene. member of the national YWCA board was In charge of the dis cussion. YWCA representatives who were present Included Mrs. ' E. DeCou, president of the Eu aene YW board, and Mrs. Har old O. Schneider, president of the Salem board; executive dl rectors. Miss Hazel Bell With' row of Vancouver, Mrs. Mary Newcomb of Eugene and Miss Gertrude Acheaon of Salem Miss Margaret Cuenod, assist ant executive director at Port land; Mrs. Blanche Proctor, Willamette university student board adviser; Mrs. Lesvitt Wright, University of Oregon board adviser; Mrs. Allen Thompson, Vancouver board member, and Mrs. R. L. Cibbs and Mrs. L. W. Shields, Port land board members. Astoria and Tacoma were un able to have representatives present, but they will take part at the Portland regional confer ence. Classes to Start At YW This Week YWCA classes In intermedi ate bridge and millinery will conduct their first meetings this Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock Registration may be made by telephoning the YW (3-9167) Immediately. Intermediate bridge, Gordon method, is taught by Mrs. James Webb. Men are welcomed to this class, which Is designed to improve playing technique for those who know the fundamen tal rules. Millinery, taught by Miss Marie Baker, will feature re modeling of old hats as well as fashioning of new ones. An ex tra class meeting during the last week of March will insure completion of all Easter bon nets. Registrations are still being accepted for the foods class, at 7:30 p.m., beginning Wednes day, March 4. Mrs. Earl Hamp ton will begin the series of cook ery lessons with a demonstra tion of party foods. Other class es will feature quick breads and foreign foods. . For further information, those interested may telephone the YW (3-8187). At Star Event Dancing and refreshments followed the short business 'meeting of Salem chapter, Or der of Eastern Star, at the Ma sonic temple on Saturday eve ning. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burt and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Henn of Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly and Mrs. E. Potter of Salem; Mrs. Martin C. "Munson of Redondo Beach, 'Calif., Mrs. George E. Stanton 'of Salem chapter No. 88 of Sa lem, Mass.; Mrs. Dorothy Clan cy of Peoria, III.; Mrs. Henrietta iGalloway and Mrs. Lois Schlei cher of St, Paul, Minn. Decorations were in charge of "Mn. Charles Boyer, Mrs. Lottie .Howe and Mrs. Sophie Mull. ;Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Swigart, Mrs. .Walter Sogge and Mrs. Robert 'H. KeudeU served refreshments. ',At Rebekah Lodge ! The United Nations pilgrim age contest highlighted the meet ing of Salem Rebekah lodge on .Monday evening. Three con- 'testants from Salem high school Igave five-minute talks and win ding the contest was Miss Kay '1 ..rberg who will compete in i the finals at a special meeting next Tuesday with winners from other lodges in this district. The district winner will be awarded a trip to the United Nations la tter this year. f Rebekahs working with mem- tbers of the Odd Fellows lodge 'on this project are Mrs. Gus Er llkson, Mrs. Harold Cone In, Mrs. tMerritt Brown, Mrs. Belle Car- Jter and Mrs. Frank Saunders. ' Refreshments were served .following the short business i meeting by Mrs. Lawrence Mc jClure, Mrs. Clifford Chaffee and Mrs. Joe Madison. Past Presidents Meet Silverton Mrs. John Demas waa hostess to members of the Past President Parleyxof Del' bert Reeves unit No. 7 Ameri can Legion auxiliary, Friday evening. . Preceding the social hour, Mrs. Roscoe Reeves, president, conducted a brief business session. The group decided to announce the time and nature of the annual fun program and iitnev supper, at the March meeting. The only financial obligation of the parley is the gift to their Incoming past president mem- iber of her past president's pin. I All other activities of the par Miss Thompson's Lecture Here Wednesday Night Several are assisting at the lecture to be given by Dorothy Thompson, widely read coir umnnist and journalist, on Wednesday evening at f:13 o'clock in Salem high school auditorium. Miss Thompson's topic is These Crucial Times." In this her only appearance in the northwest she will be introduc ed by Charles A. Sprague, for mer alternate delegate to the United Nations. Miss Thompson la a member of the Alpha Chi Omega eoror- lty and members of the Beta cm chapter of Willamette will serve as ushers. These will In. elude: Miss Carol Emerson. Miss Marilyn Merz, Miss Nancy Luml- jarvi, miss Mary McLaughlin, Miss Pat Williams. Miss Jovce Foster, Miss Marie Corner, Miss Jean Kyle, Miss Judy Fuilager ana miss Marjorle Leonard, president 01 me chapter. last year at this time Miss Thompson was on a tour of the middle east which Included the Sudan, Lebanon, Syria. Israel, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. She waa received by every head of state in the countries visited except the now ex-King Farouk of Egypt King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia almost never receives foreigners at all, even more rarely foreign women. However, Miss Thomp son Decame the first woman Journalist to have seen him. Her comments on this turbulent area alone prove authoritative and informative. The Salem lecture sponsored by the American Association of University women. Tickets for the lecture are on sale at Wills Music store and Stevens it Son Jewelers. They also will be sold at the door. II k 1 II - I I " " . ...... .- ( '. . Iff ' t - r - . I r f i m. ) I I I i .1 I f" V.' , ; ii Beeent Bride Bride during the winter was Mrs. Tbeone Pleser, above, the former Marilene Frichtl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Frichtl. Mr. Pieser Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pieser of Stayton. (Arts studio picture) To Meet Thursday Liberty Mrs. Carl Bell win be hostess to the Liberty Woman's club on Thursdav. March 8, at 1:00 o'clock dessert at her home on West Browning avenue. Mrs. C. W. Stacey will be the guest speaker and will give a travelogue on her recent trip. DAUGHTERS of Union Veter ans of the Civil War, Barbara Frletchle tent, will meet at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall on Friday at 2 o'clock. Visiting Chapters to Attend Star Meeting Silverton At the March 10 meeting of Ramona chapter. No, 88, Order of Eastern Star, guests will be members of Orchid chap ter of Molalla, of Chadwlck chapter of Salem, and of Ever' green chapter of Woodburn. Given special welcome at the week's meeting were Mr. and Mrs. George Barr, active mem bers for many years. Mrs. Barr and Mr. Barr are past worthy matron and past worthy patron of Ramona chapter, No. 88. Meetings told of during the business hour included: Father son banquet, by Mrs. R. A. Fish; Ramona club and the card party ana cake walk, Saturday eve ning; Ramona assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls; and sev eral visitations to Salem. Initiatory degrees were con ferred on Harold Bartsch and Miss Marjory Leonard. Miss Leonard is a daughter of the worthy matron, Mrs. Charles Leonard, and also has served as worthy advisor of Order of Rainbow for Girls. Mrs. W. P. Miss Dallam Party Feted Silverton Miss Ions Dal lam, bride-elect of Duane Bloch, (their wedding to be Sunday af ternoon, at 4 o'clock, March 8 at Trinity Lutheran church), has been feted in a number of social affairs. Early In the past week, the members of the Trin ity Lutheran church choir, with Miss Bonnie Opperud as chair man, sponsored a gift party, in the church social rooms with about 80 guests present. On Sunday, March 1, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blundell entertain ed for Miss Dallam and Mr, Bloch and their parents, former neighbors in Nebraska. Dinner was served at 2 o'clock. Places were marked for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dallam, Mr. and Mrs. William Bloch, the honor guests, Miss Dallam and Duane Bloch, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Blundell. Mrs. Martin Voiding of Sa tern, Mrs. Chester Bergersdh and Mrs. James Phillips of Silver ton, members of Trinity Luther an Dorcas society, planned a linen shower for Miss Dallam on Friday evening, the guests meeting at the suburban home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bloch on Eureka road. The list of guests Included Miss Dallam, Mrs. Howard Dal lam, Mrs. William Bloch, Mrs. Don Burch, Miss Althea Meyer. Mrs. Peter Olson, Jr., Mrs. J. A. Luthro, Miss Bonnie Opperod, Mrs. Alden Clemenson. Mrs. Victor Sather, Miss Irene Mo seng, Mrs. Glenn Tucker, Mrs. Raymond Roth of Salem. Miss Tnora Arestad, Mrs. L. A. Mey er, Mrs. Alfred Menter. Mrs, James Nelson, Mrs. Elmer Olsen, Mrs. Orlan Smedstad, Mrs. Harold Toft, Mrs. Samuel Tor vend, Mrs. Carl Voiding of Sa lem, Mrs. Amanda Haga, Mrs. Alf O. Nelson, Mrs. Elmer Palm- qulst, Mrs. Harlan Moe, Miss EI frlede Jaegel, Mrs. Marie Rive ness, Mrs. William Schwarz, Mrs. Ernest Bloch of Salem. Mrs. Arthur Zahlner, Mrs. Ross Mar quam, Mrs. L. T. Arrell of Sa lem, Mrs. Olga Booth, Mrs. Mel- vin Brenden, Mrs. Arthur Got tenberg, Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Mrs. Weldon Hatteberg, Mrs. Harvey Lively, Mrs. Russell Nelson of Scotts Mills, and Mrs. Phillip Tucker. Job's Daughters Bethels Meet Jointly Meeting jointly In the new chapter room at the Scottish Rite temple on Monday evening were the two Salem bethels of Job's Daughters. Inspection by the grand offi cers waa conducted, honor guests here for the occasion be ing Mrs. John Wilson, grand guardian of bethel No. 18, Myrtle Creek; Mrs. E. E. Yeo, vice grand guardian of bethel No. 23, Oregon City; Mrs. Ward Green, gra id treasurer of bethel No. 9, Portland; Mrs. K. G. Jacobs, grand chaplain of bethel No. 7. Portland; Mrs. M. C. Gates, guardian of bethel No, 31, Portland, the Misses Judy Burdette and Helen Booth, past honored' queens of bethel No. 43; Clair Holcomb, bethel grand father. Opening and closing ceremon ies were conducted by members of bethel No. 35 of Salem, Miss Pat Snider officiating; bethel No. 43 being in charge of ini tiation ceremonies with Miss Charlen Woods directing. New members are the Misses Suzanne Biwer. Ann Finley, Barbara Clark and Sue Williamson. Soap Box Derby Boys to Get Pictures Taken Free Hey Kids! Add to the things the Derby brings you your picture taken free. Yep. Bob McEwan says he will take the pictures of any and all Salem Derby entrants free of1 charge again this year just as he did last year. And, of course, the Capital Journal is going to run them again In the paper. y VIC FBTEB this year. Meet for Supper Mrs. Dale L. Brooks enter tained members of the Cooti- ette club at a buffet supper at her home last week. Mrs. Stanley Tripp of CorvaUis, past department president of the Veterans of Foreign Wars aux iliary, was a guest Members present were Mrs. Donald F.iStupka, Mrs. W. L. Bernett Mrs. Emma DeLap, Mrs. Robert W. Holweger, Mrs. Charles Hunt Mrs. M. E. Cle mens, Mrs. Dave rurlougn, Mrs. Roy L. Carter, Mrs. Sher man Beall, jr., Mrs. Clarence Forbls, Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs. Charles Hagemann, Mrs. Sue Lawrence and the hostess, Mrs. Brooks. BPW Club Woodburn The monthly! business meeting of the Wood burn 'Business and Professional Women's club will be Thursday, March 8 at 8 p.m. at the home Scarth .presented pins. Mrs. Leonard presented a Bible to her daughter. - Hostesses were Mrs. Ernest Erickson, Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave and Mrs. Charles McNatt assisted by Mrs. Austin Sanford as decoration chairman. uf ljl ffi W But don't rush down to Mc Ewan's photography studio just yet It'll be a little while yet before the studio aid the Capi tal Journal are ready to start on that project but we wanted you to know about it ahead of time. We'll let you know when you are to drop in to get "mug ged." Another big reason to get busy on your Derby plans is more prizes being offered in the All-American Derby in Akron Minute of Miss Gladys Adams. Mrs. Walter Taylor is chairman of the program committee in charge which includes Mrs. O. J. Adkinson, Mrs. Raymond Equall, Mrs. Leon Graham, Mrs. Clara Stange and Miss Marie Thompson. Mrs. Adkinson, the president will give a report on the state board meeting she attended in Salem, February 14. If you win the Sa lem race, you'll nave five times as much chance to win a col lege scholarship in the big race. That's right they have just announced that this year they're going to give five college schol arships in place of only one given in other years. For the first five places, scholarships will be $5000 for first, $4000 for second and so on down to $1000 for fifth place. These are in addition to the wrist watches and other prizes that every en try gets. Incidentally, if you re ready to start building your racer you might get sold of a pair of scis sors and watch the Capital Jour nal for building hints. Starting in a few days we are going to run some pictures ana dia grams giving some swell Ideas on how to build a Derby win ner. Clip them and keep them in an envelope or in a scrap book until you are ready to use them. They can save you a lot of work. PTA at Monmouth Will Study Children Independence 'The PTA of the Monmouth elementary schools will meet at pjn. Tuesday, March I, in the school auditorium. The subject to be discussed will be "What are our children doing?" Miss Florence Beardsley, di rector of elementary education of the state department of edu cation. Miss Jean Spaulding, principal of the state depart ment and Miss Elsie Bolt ele mentary superintendent of the Corvallia public schools, will speak for the education depart ment on the panel which will be held at the meeting. Mr.. Howard Morgan. Mrs. Keith Tow, and another mem ber to be chosen will represent the parents. . Dr. William Wagner will be moderator, and will assist on the question, "Why and what we are doing in the public schools.' The present British Crown colony of Sarawak in Borneo was ruled from 1840 to 1848 as an independent country by "white rajahs" of the Brooke family. etf) JkOftaf 4t$)t fjA$MI fsfj) St pop mp tf Inch. Tot cm a tacty mack Im TUi OTOghM ami b a ood m away woj m e aadofck fcr kK. t 8AFEWAT OPEN Mon., Fri. Til 9 P.M. mm m SURPRISES PLEASE NOTE We offer you, as a "Coronation Day" surprise, a "$2 bill" allowance on all shoes originally priced from $8.95 up. Or a "Silver Dollar" allowance on all shoes priced from $3.25 up. Drop in soon, as this offer is for a limited time only. Tues., Wed., Thurs. 1 Hatterlnf it m " "'r 1 1 Green, V to lour Foot 1 XSV.- lock' Blu' All Sites Color jr ?ikJr 0PEN M0NDAY AND FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. IT Kfl (bargain! (g -BOOTERY & EXggil CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER AT NO gKwi ccof -PLUS- A Jlurdy, light Weight laundry tart Wilt Plailic liner SAVE 17.09 Compor prlc, tompor fofvr-ytM'ii buy I I IV I f I I II J I .:--sa. L aTu.- WRINGER WASHER IMS BARGAIN AT Tinkham Gilbert 6INEIAI ELECTRIC 260 N. Liberty ley are under the jurisdiction 'of the auxUiary member.