Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
CtplUI Journal Salem, Ore, Tneaday, March S, IMS
Party for
In Senate
A coffee party for women
oervinf a secretaries In . tht
tat .senate ia plsw.ed for
Thursday venli)f.
JOT. T. Harold Tomllnaon,
Mr. HlUary EUel. Mrt. Robert
M. Ntwaham and Mr. Lawrence
Anderson will bt Hostesses for
(ha event at the borne of Mra.
. Tomlinson.
Oueita are Invited between
and 10 o'clock.
i .
Is Engaged
Mr. and Mn. C. K. Edifer
are announcing the engagement
ex weir daughter, Mis Gladye
' Lucille Edif er, to Alvin L. Finn,
Balem, aon of Mn. Dairy Finn
of Loe Angeles,
Hie. bride-elect ti employed
Of the ftata highway depart
ment Mr. Finn ia employed by
the atate Induttrial accident
No data haa been aet for the
Co-Rec Club at
YWCA Elects
' Co-Ree club of the YWCA hai
elected a new elate of otficera
to serve for the coming aix
month. Al Trom of Delia ia the
Incoming preaident Serving af
vice preaident in charge of pro
gram ia Miaa Pauline Schaplow
aky. Miaa Celia Balcaen, Miaa
Helen Tibbetta, Jay BUir and
Trad Klnnalrd have been elected
ai membera of the executive
Co-See. which ia a club for
atnfle, employed men and
woman between IS and 35 yean
of age, will bold Ita next meet
ing on Friday, March 6, at 6:30
p m. at the YWCA. The evening
program will feature Instruction
in dancing to be given by the
Jon-Mar etudlo.
. On Saturday, March 7, the
group haa planned to make an
overnight akl trip to Mt Hood,
where they will be gueita at1
Maiama lodge. Anyone dealrina
to loin the group may telephone
the YW (3-9187) before 8:00
p. m. en Wednesday. March 4
BIAVSB Square Dance dub
will meet Saturday at S:30 p.m.
at Beaver ball. Refreshment
win be aerved by Mr. and Mn.
W 011am 8. Wllaon, and Mr. and
Mra. Lyle Sacra.
Today's Menu
Miss Lehman and
Miss Manning
Named to Offices
Two Salem airla attending
Oregon State college have been
elected preaidenta of their aoror-ltiea.
Miaa Xdna Manning, daughter
of Mr. and Mra. James B. Man
ning, wai elected preaident of
the Delta Gamma houae, and
Mill Alice Lehman, daughter
of Mr. H u 1 d a Lehman, wai
elected to the preaidency of
Gamma Phi Beta.
Mia Manning ia a junior at
the college and a (tudent in
home economic. Her previous
campua activitie Included mem-
benhip on executive council
and publicity chairman for the
Home Economic club; Memorial
Union aecretary and member of
the college chorua. Her prevloua
houae office were recording sec
retary, aoeial chairman and aang
leader, installation to ner orxiee
will be held thi week-end at the
annual chapter founder day
banquet. Alio on the agenda for
the new president 1 the Delta
Gamma province convention be
ing held at Willamette unlver
aity thl (prlng.
Gamma Phi Beta preaident,
Alice Lehman, ia alao a Junior
at Oregon State and ia enrolled
in the (cbool of education. Her
major campu activitie include
Talon, sophmore tervice honor
ary: member and vice-president
of Euterpe, women muaic hon
orary: Maique and Dagger, dra
matic honorary; AWS activity
council and member of the OSC
concert band. Her previou
houe office were standards
chairman, aong leader, pledge
trainer and delegate to the Gam
ma Phi Beta international con
vention held Iat lummer. Alice
will alao be attending a pro
vince convention thi ipring In
Vancouver, B. C.
Some Notations .
'Officers ,
! Named by
Mr. Brownie Bangert wai el
ected royal matron of Hanna
Rosa court, Order of Amaranth.
and Paul Gilmer the royal pa'
tron at the Monday evening
meeting ox the group. Other of
ficer to aerva thi year are Mr.
Gordon Harrig, associate ma
tron; Footer Wlntermute, associ-
ate patron; Mr. Irving De-
France, treasurer: Mr. Everett
Boofter, aecretary; Mra Joe
Johnston, conductr; Mr.
Paul 43 timer, ataoeiate eondue-
treai; Mra. Malcolm MacDonald, I tag at the Oregon group, Senator
truatee for three year. Mr. .aar oi icnneaaee . .
ins suieaa ana 1.1. tei. ana ran.
Adam were in the capital fol
lowing attending the national
adjutant general' meeting in
White Sulphur Spring. W.V..
and were due back in Salem to
day .. . With her letter. Mn.
Woodring tent a itack of clip
ping from papen in the nation
al capital about Secretary of the
Interior Donglaa McKay, former
Oregon governor . . . Oregon
people are very happy over all
the nice publicity the new in
terior aecretary ia receiving, edi
torial, columnlat' comment
and other article all beina com
plimentary , . .
Mra. Charlea Weedriag, eec
ntary .to Ceagreaamaa Walter
Nerblad, write from Washing-
ton, J).C, It waa like "old home
week" one day thl laat week
Meeting for luncheon to
gether in the Senate dining room
in the capltol were Mr. Weed
riag, .Major Geaeral and Mn.
Tbemaa B. Bilaa, Mr. William
Bagh Adame of Salem and Miaa
Grate Tewaaeae, eeeretary
Senator Guy Cordon of Oregon
Alao in the dining room at
the him time wa Balaa Hoi
aua, former enator from Ore
gon ... At a nearby table beam-
Carrie Wood will repnaent the
court at the grand court teuton
hi Portland, March 13 and 14.
Guetta included Mr. and Mr.
Frank Bishop of Walla Walla;
Mra. Ruitell Bright. Mr. Ray
Johnson, Mr. Robert N token and
Mr. Charle McCabe of Cherry
Ladle ocial night will be on
Thunday, March 12, Mr. Ray
Heckinger being boitea to the
group at her home.
following the -meeting, re-
freehment were aerved by Mr.
and Mr. FJynn Faught, chair
men, Mr. and Mr. Jeeae Payne,
Mr. and Mr. Malcolm MacDon
aid, Mr. and Mr. Claude Les
ter,- Mr. and Mra.' Alfred Arch'
ibald, Mra. Blanche Barker and
John Miller.
By M. L. F.
of muilc ... Dr. Hirt wa in
Salzburg lait cummer demon
strating American choral tech
nique at the Mozart featlval . .
The USC linger are being aiked
to ing et the International Mu
aic festival In Bruaaela in July,
then at the International Con
greas for Muiic Education in
Salzburg, later at Bad lachl in
Austria . . . The French RadioJ
Broadcasting ytem alra ho In
vited the lingen to take part in
a network program originating
in Pari on July 4 . . . The only
hitch o far eema to be the mat
ter of raising SI 7.000 to help
finance the trip for the chorua
but interested group are doing
their beat to attain the goal for
the ensemble to go abroad
ruriy lur
Lions Club
Downtown Salem Uon club
plan ita annual "sweetheart
party' for all members and
their wivea for Thursday eve
ning of thi week.
There will .be a dinner at
6:30 o'clock in the Marion
Special entertainment 1
planned for the evening. .
Delta Gammas
Plan Banquet
Salem alumnae and member
of the active chapter of Delta
Gamma aororlty at Willamette
university will gather at the
Marlon hotel next Sunday eve
ning for their founden day ban
quet. The event will be at 8
Miis Lorena Jack la to pre
side. Mil Mary Polales, preai
dent or the active chapter, and
Mr. Lloyd Hammel, preiident
of the alumnae, will give talk.
Mi Lola Latimer 1 to present
awarda to the active.
Family Dinner
Broiled Chicken
Mashed Potato
Green Pea
Buttered Squash
Pink Applesauce
Bread and Butter .
Pink Aapleeaae
Ingredient: t pound (11 to
II medium-size) red apple, ltt
cupa water, 4 cup sugar, dash
f aalt, H teaspoon nutmeg.
Method: Wash, quarter and
eore applea, but do not peel. Cut
away any blemlshea. Put In
aaueepan with water. Bring to
a boil rapidly, cover end reduce
heat to medium. Cook until
apple are mushy, stirring sev
eral times about 10 minute.
Put applea through food mill or
sieve. Return to saucepan, add
sugar, and stir over low heat
until sugar la dissolved. Stir in
aalt generou daah so ap
plesauce will not taste "flat"
. and nutmeg. Cool at room tem
perature, then chill. Makes
about BVi cupa.
Mrs. Phillips Is
Speaker for Club
Mn. WUllam L. Phillips, Sr.
was guest of the Credit Women'
Breakfast club on Tuesday morn
ing, giving a delightful review
of inauguration festivities which
she attended In Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Henry Kayaer wa elect
ed conference chairman and Mis
Beverly Hartzell reported on
plana for the conference which
1 to be in Salem in May.
Mn. Gavin Hill la chairman ot
a committee to revise the club
constitution and serving with her
will be Mrs. Henry Kayaer and
Mrs. Verne Robb.
Next meeting of the group will
be on St Patrick' day, March
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Camp
bell are announcing the engage
ment of their daughter Miaa
Sharon Campbell, to BiU Wood
all, son of Mr. and Mn. Cordell
Woodall of Silverton.
The new was first revealed
to friend at a party given by
Mia Barbara Seeber on Satur
day evening at the home ot her
Additional Society
- On Paget
Delta Delta Delta
Group Entertained
Delta Delta Delta alumnae
were entertained at the home of
Mr. George Weller, Monday
evening. Co-hosteate were Miss
Esther Balrd, Mrs. Walter Soco-
lofsky and Mn. K. D. Lytic.
Attending the meeting ware
Mrs. Charles Clarke, Mr. James
Woodroffe, Mn. J. B. Corlette,
Mr. Robert Nichols, Mn. Wil
fred Cole, Mn. Frederick Brad'
haw, Mn. J. M. Morris, Mr.
William Gash, Mr. Ralph Mer
cer, Mra. Mark Attrup, Mrs.
Dewey Rand, Mlsa Zelma Butch,
Mr. C. R. Nelson, Mr. Kenneth
Carlson,' Mr. Tom Hill, and the
four hostesses. '
Miaa Alice Crary Brown, who
attended the Portland Symphony
orcnestra concert In Portland
Monday evening, reports the
audience was wildly enthusiastic
over the program given by the
orchestra and Badolf Flrkusny,
noted pianist who waa soloist
The orchestra comes to Sa
lem this Tuesday evening, Fir.
kuany as soloist, the program
to be in Salem senior high
school at 8 o'clock . . . "The
pianift' technique ia of dazzling
brilliance, hi tone color exqui
site," report Mi Brown who
went on to say the flexibility of
the artist and orchestra was re
markable, revealing FIrknsny as
not only a great artist but the
fact that Jamea Sample, conduc
tor, haa remarkable control over
the orchestra to produce the re
sults of the Monday concert . . .
Announced for Thunday,
April 3a, is the annual silver tea
given by West Salem Parent
Teacher association, the event to
be at the home of Dr. and Mn.
Wlllard Thompson on Orchard
Height . . . Mn. Harold Elbert
is preiident of the PTA, Mn.
John Carr the chairman for the
tea . . .
The Madrigal Slngen of Uni
versity of Southern California
school ot muiic have received
invitation to repreient the Unit
ed States in European concert
thi next summer . . . Ml Nor-
v.da ftmedlev of Salem, daush-
ter ot the H. E. Smedley and
doing graduate work at USC, is
a member of the 19-voice en
semble which i directed by Dr.
Charlea C. Hirt, professor and
head of' the department of
church muiic In the USC school
Tana Bawden, Junior artist,
who ia appearing in piano con
cert in Waller hall on Willam
ette university eampu next
Monday evening, won the junior
contest of the State Federation
of Music Clubs in Portland re
cently . . . She la to represent
the district at Seattle on March
in the class of student musl
clans . . . Miss Bawden come
to Salem under the auspices of
the - Salem Federated Music
club next Monday evening, the
proceed xrora the program to go
to augment the fund of the fed
eration for the Mra. Walter A.
Denton memorial award .
Many review ot Mi Bawden'
musicianship have been very
laudatory . . . Ronald Biggs of
the B.C. Musical Festival said
of her program: "She has vi
tality and power and a sense of
lyricism that has much subtlety.
She is a really fine and musi-
cianly player of great gifts." . . .
Miss Cooley to Be
Honored at Parties
Mis Betty Cooley, who is 'to
be married on March 22 to Wil
liam E. Kaer, Jr., is being hon
ored at a number of parties
preceding the wedding.
Mr. Oscar I. Paulson ia to
entertain for Miss Coolev on
Thursday evening at a dessert
party and linen shower.
Mn. F. J. Forristel and her
daughter, Miss Anne Forristel.
will entertain for the bride
elect on Saturday evening at
their home, guest being invit
ed for dessert and a linen
shower. .
SPIRITUAL Sunflower duh
is meeting on Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Anna Simmer.
1170 North 16th. between 1 and
4 p.m.
Golf Group
Woodburn Women of the
Woodburn Golf club will meet
Thursday, March S at the club
house for a 12:30 luncheon and
will play golf in the afternoon
if the weather permit. In case
of rain the meeting will be at
the home of the preaident. Mr.
Leland Plank. Hostesses will be
Mr. Gerald Smith and Mrs.
Clarence Ahren.
( ATfr
il V Hav ' ' . i
To be Wed Mis Hazel
Hermanson, above, daughter of
Mr.' and Mn. M. E. Hermanson,'
Woodburn, recently announced
her engagement to Roy L. West,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd O.
West, Sr. The wedding Is plan
ned in May. (Artz studio
Plans for their spring benefit
on March 38 were discussed at
the meeting of Spinsters club
I Monday evening at the Merrill
D. Ohling home. '
The benefit ia to be on Sat
urday, March 28, at the Marion
hotel, dessert to be at 1 o'clock
with the fashion show and card
games following.
At the meeting Monday eve
ning several contributions were
voted to groups now conducting
campaign for funds, Including
the Red Cross, the Heart society
and other.
The Monday event wa a no
host supper and get-acquainted
meeting with Mrs. Donald Well.
Mis Sue Rawlinson, Mis Leah
Case 'and Miss Shirley Ksrsten
as hostesses.
Why Not Jump on the -
"Bang" Wagon
And Consult
rich of 1few IJorlz
There ore so many variations of
Bangs that Mr. Erich- will surely
find one just meant for you.
Listen Every Sunday to "Moon Garden
8:30 f . M. A Program of Poetry by Local Talent
Send Your Poem to KSLM Maybe You Will Win a Prize
DiqJ 3-3921 Salem .
Ixpert Elecrrotoglst In Attendance
2S1 N. Liberty
parents, the Verne Hasbrook.
The affair also honored Mis
Campbell on bar birthday.
No date i t for the wed
ding. The bride-elect ia a sen
ior at Salem high school. Mr.
Woodall is In army duty at Fort
Lewi. He attended Oregon
State college.
aueui jst
Of the Week
Hot Toddy
Ralph Flanagan
Til I Walts Again
With Yo
Theresa Brewer
Tell Me You're Mine)
The Gaylerdl
Me by Side
Ear Itarr
Why Don't Yen lelieve
Jen! Jamea
Kee It Secret
Je Staff erd
Powwotelrt OrefM IMf .
Now at...
Spring with a tiny price tag I
Our velvwMrimroed STRAWS by
to compliment
very 09 and every toile. Finely
sewn straws, righted with
verve, exclusive FAVORETTES,
fflfffl ncd
WllmW, 5.00 an
J S95
the Blue Magic
For Washing
and a collapsible work-saving
Valued Together at $17.39
When You Buy This G-E Washer!
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On Terms of Less Than $2.00 per .week
Liberal Trade-Ins
tHere'$ the deal of the year! A whole yeor't supply of famous CHEER ond on
ever-so-handy LAUNDRY-CART for your wash-days PLUS o 1 953 G-E WASH
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365 N. Commercial Open Friday Nights Til 9 p.m.
Phone 3-4163