Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraph:
gee iniormatloo A Mra.
Mildred Mcguire Polsel of De
catur, HI., i seeking informa
tion concerning Collin and
Harvey Walker who lived in
Salem in 1881. In a letter to
Postmaster Albert C. Gragg,
the writer itatei that It ii
presumed the Walkeri are
dead, out Believes tome of their
deacendanti may be living
here. Anyone having informa
tion regarding the family
thould contact the postmaster.
Rotarians To Bear Muisic
The Salem Rotary club will
observe ion and daugter day
during the weekly luncheon at
the Marion hotel Wednesday
noon. The program will con
sist of music provided by the a
eappella choir of Salem high
U 1 j: J .
.JTJ:-. , y "WTQ be elected.
wtun, uisuucHff III vocal mUSlC. I
New Member Dinner All
adults who have Joined the
YMCA recently have been invit
ed to attend a dinner being
given In their honor at the Y
at 6:30 Wednesday night. Irvin
Bryan, chairman of the new u
similation committee of the V
Men's club, will preside,
Capitol Toastmasters At the
Capitol Toastmasters club
r meeting Thursday night at the
Gold Arrow Rich Reimann will
be toastmaster and Robert Bat
dorf will have charge of table
topics. Speakers will be Harry
Swing, Dr. Harry Moran,
George Van Dusen, Elmer
Amundson and Carroll Harlow.
sentenced William Nester
bill, Sunnyview avenue, was
nea 35u and sentenced to 30
days in the dty Jail Tuesday to
municipal court He pleaded
guilty on Monday and the case
was continued to Tuesday for
Road Contract A $460,
453 contract tor grading and
paving 9.07 miles of the lupine-Diamond
Lake section of
The Dalles-California highway
was awarded by the highway
commission Monday to Rogers
Construction company, Portland.
Chinchilla Meeting The Na
tional Chinchilla Breeders as
sociation will meet Thursday
night at Mayflower hall, 2135
Fairgrounds road. Officers will
Trio to Vancouver The Wil
lamette university faculty trio
consisting of Dr. Willi Gates,
violinist; Ethel Lou Stanek, cel
list, and Ralph Dobbs, pianist,
will be presented-in concert at
Clark college, Vancouver,
Wash,. Wednesday. The trio
will perform three works: Men
delssohn's Trio in D Minor, Op.
49; Shostakovich's Trio to E
Minor, Op. 67, and Brahm's
Trio in B Major, Op. 8.
- Creative Art Group -J- The
Creative Art group of the Sa
lem Art association will meet
at the home of Mrs. William
E. Moses. 1155 Madison street,
at 8 o'clock Thursday night
Members are requested to brine
sketching material for partici
pation in the drawing course.
Clean-Up Ordered A charge
of dumping rubbish on a public
highway brought a fine of $30
nd a 10-day Jail sentence for
Kenneth E. Graves, 2785 Pio
neer drive, in district court
Monday. The jail sentence was
suspended on condition of pay
ment of the fine and the clean-
, lnng up of the refuse. It was.
' dumped on Madrona avenue, .
Correction Delbert (Bud)
Downing is the name of the
third person arrested to Califor
nia in connection with the theft
of the car of Raymond R. Graf,
404 South High street Down
ing't name was reported as Fer
long to Monday's paper. Down
ing, recently released from the
state prison, told police he was
hitchhiking when picked up by
the two juveniles who were with
him at the time of the arrest
near Susanville.
Swart to Talk Hedda Swart,
Marion county engineer, has
been invited to address the
membership of the League of
Women Voters of Clackamas
county at meeting to be held
ii Oregon City. March 13.
Swart will give the history of
ine Marion county roads.
Stamp on Sale The recently
issued Ohio sesqulcentennial 3-
cent postage stamp was placed
on sale at the Salem post office
Tuesday. The stamp was first
released at Chillicothe, Ohio. It
is brown to color and bears the
outline of the state of Ohio.
Sixteen stars, representing the
states of the Union prior to the
admission of Ohio are also
shown. '
Weinberg Wins
Half Of Case
Washington lJ Federal
Judge Alexander Holtzoff today
dismissed on of two perjury
charges against Dr. Joseph W.
Weinberg, the so-called 'Scien
tist X."
Holtzoff acquitted Weinberg
of the charge that physicist lied.
when he told congressional in
vestigators be had never attend
ed any communist meetings ex
cept one.
Holtzoff said the prosecution
had failed to present sufficient
evidence to back up the charge.
The case against Weinberg
now has bees reduced to Ine
single question of whether he
lied when he told the House Un
American Activities Committee
mat ne naa never oecn com
The defense Immediately mov
ed for dismissal of the count.
Henderson to Speak South
Salem Lions club win meet
Wednesday noon at the Ameri
can Legion club. The speaker
will be G. Dudley Henderson,
district parole officer. His top
ic "Am I My Brother's Keep
Falls, Breaks Arm A fall
when a boardwalk broke under
him during construction work
on St Paul's Lutheran church,
14th and Court streets, resulted
In a broken arm for James Fen
atermacher. 1780 North 24th
street Monday afternoon.
Derby Talk The Salem Soap
Box Derby will be the topic of
discussion when Derby Director
William Byers addresses the
Hollywood Lions club at, their
Wednesday noon luncheon meet
ing at. the Lions' Den.
Carl Meg el Coming Carl Me
et, national president of the
American Federation of Teach
ers, Is to speak to Salem March
8 at Waller hail on the Willam
ette university campus at 4:15
p.m. He will discuss national
and international teacher organ
izations. Megel s talk is spon
sored by the Salem Federation of
Teachers. Invited to hear the
talk are teachers of Marion and
Polk counties, prospective teach
ers and faculty of Willamette un
iversity. ,
Toastmasters Meet Salem
Toastmasters at their meeting at
the Spa tonight at 6 o'clock will
observe Hot Seat Speakers Night.
Toastmaster of the evening, the
general critic, table topics chair
man" and the speakers for the
evening will be announced aft
er getting to the meeting, with
no previous notice given.
Legislature Thanks
Portland Chamber
The legislature adopted a
resolution thanking the Portland
Chamber of Commerce for giv
ing party here last Wednes
day for legislators.
But Sen. Richard L. Neuber
ger, Portland democrat, ob
jected that such resolution is
not proper.
He proposed that to the fu
ture, the legislature say "thank
you" by writing personal let
ters to the party givers. And
other senators seemed to agree
with him.
Neuberger also pointed out
that Chamber of Commerce
parties also were given to Eu
gene and Corvallis, but that
the legislature didn't adopt res
olutions thanking the chambers
In those cities.
Valley Needs
Series of Dams
The Willamette valley urgent
ly needs a multi-purpose system
of dams which would be bum
primarily for flood control anddj.
irrigation but which would
serve several other important
purposes, Ivan Oakes. executive
secretary of the Willamette Ba
sin Commission told the Kiwanis
club today at the Hotel Senator.
Members invited farmer friends
as guests.
Half a million acres can be
irrigated from the dams built
and proposed to be built Oakes
said. Other benefits will be re
creation, a better supply of
domestic water, urgently need
ed to several localities, naviga
tion, abatement of stream pollu
tion, and power. '
Several farmers asked ques
tions concerning costs, whether
land owners would be obligated
to buy water for irrigation,
rights of way, time required to
secure irigatlon water, etc.
President James Hunt presided.
Japanese Crisis
Petering Out
Tokyo 15 Japan's political
crisis, stired up Monday when
the tower house of the legisla
ture rapped Prime Minister
Shigeru Yoihids's knuckles for
'bad manners." simmered down
Tuesday Bight
A hasty fence-patching job by
the peppery, 74-year-old Pre
mier within his own Liberal
Party appeared to have saved
his shaky government at toast
for the time being.
Dissidents within the domin
ant Liberal Party combined with
the opposition Monday shoved
through a face-losing motion to
reprimand Yoshida. Many lib
erals abstained, and the vote
carried, 191-162,
The motion to reprimand was
deferred to a censure committee
of iht lower house. Any decision
it makes which could range
from a demaad tor apology to
expulsion from the house will
be referred back to the lower!
house for action.
The censure committee, how
ever, could sit tight on the mo
tion without taking action.
Plan Change of
Civil Service Law
Washington Republicans
encountering difficulties getting
their own men Into government;
policy-making posts may resort;
to wholesale reorganization
They may, too, try to change
the civil service law to get rid
f many highly paid Democrats
held over in executive agencies
from the Truman administration
and protected from dismissal by
civil service regulations. j
The federal security agency
(FSA), headed by Mrs, Ovets
Culp Hobby, an Eisenhower ap
pointee, has been cited as an ex
ample of the Republicans worries.
Some Republican leaders con
tend Mrs. Hobby cannot appoint
v '
v.- ?
i - ? & :. - '
: - i ;
T- " Jl
"Decision Asked
(Ootstinuad from Pat ft
Lt 0ml E. Mask, Korean
air force veteran, who will
telk to Willamette A1ROTC
students Wednesday.
February Operations
Double at Airport
Operations at McNary field
during the mouth of February
more than doubled those of the
previous month.
Total operations for February
stood at 2,116, when the reports
of the CAA control tower were
completed, while during January
there were only 914 operations.
February, 1953, also topped
the operation figures for those
of February, -1952, when they
stood at 1,652, Total operations
lor February, 1951, however,
were 3,860.
Civilian planes showed a con
siderable increase to '-February,
with 551 civilian itinerant and
588 civilian local.
Other figures were 400 navy
local, 179 navy itinerant 316 air
carriers, 40 air force itinerant,
and 42 air force local.
Circuit Court
stoua at liaats w Xrum xdcar Haras
Order oaood aooa stipulation Umtnun
monthly pftmnll lor support of minor
Wednesday, March 4
a Administrative meeting of 928th
field artillery,
ORC armory.
Army Reserves, at
Thursday, March S
nnri Knni at oRC armory.
Organised Naval Reserve surface
division at Naval and Marine Corps
Reserve training center.
Battery D, 722nd AAA, AW bat
talion, at quonset huts.
n lftfnd infantry regi
ment, Oregon National Guard, at
Salem armory. "Open House to
honor World War I veterans with
public Invited.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Fnllnwint New CtHiem:
Must Buy Back Car He
Sold Wrong Husband
London ( As part of his
punishment for stealing another
man s wife, auto dealer Percy
Swain has agreed to buy back
a car he sold to the wronged
The husband, John Atkinson-
Clark won a divorce Monday on
grounds of misconduct by his
wife, Patricia with Swain, un
der terms of the court-approved
settlement Swain will:
Re-purchase the car for the
original price of 3,200 pounds
Pay Atkinson - Clark 1,000
nounds ($2,800) damages for
the loss of his wife.
Pick up the tab of 750 guin
eas ($2,205) for court costs.
Id. a. Summ.r St, a Dor, SUrc
MARTIN To Mr. mad Mr. Jomot
at. L Boa , AoranlUo. ,Ui.
"rMWTL - to Mr. and Mr. rrjaU.
m w. wm siortoa. sirl "area a.
Ooorso BrrcHeiirtdf. Sol , Tunwr,
"a"- To Mr. ad Ur. IM.
mt Rt. . bo . a aw. J""
BAUMAH - To Mr. ar.4 Mrj. Cljdo Boa-
aion. at. , Bos 1M, woodoura. a sot.
Morel) S.
MITLUHS To Mr. and Mm. CUatoa
atollriu. RV. L, Oorl. oo. Morca S.
DOLOI - To Mr. sad Mr. U.U. Dolao,
h. .-.. at a cirL UkrCb 1.
MATLOCK - To Mr. and m. 11m
moarr To Mr. mod Mr. t rrott.
aunoa. a sirt. Morta J.
KXUS To Mr. ond Mn & .
- ,.h mi m tpL Martb S.
rArro - To Mr. and wi
SYonio. S5 SHlnio St, a tttl Marctt J.
norm To Mr. aaS Mra, a Hot-'mm-'S
aE mad Mra Joka n.b.
DHCKSSK - To Mr. ui ! Mn. CHirloj of voiomi. a oor. M.rcn V
DtUkHT To Mr. ond Mrt. Si Dloa
S3Uft B. Tnratr Hrod M. Tvtnstw
Cntfictt ttai trier fetrtxiaiii thkt
tfefendent eu Itod duty ot npwt
to Mtnta&r. fencer vif in to fin
minor estldm.
BUt Ptnuw C. Mtmrtt PoUukt
V. V Reek Woo Im Oc. Cunpb!!
Dortt 3. OrM r Kiiih V Ortrrm:
OrOn tit 4ttvlt str4 miat tMnd
yrtaett WttU n John U WtU
Property ttitfBBt acrtctntsL
OllTttU Stran ft Xtoemld IL Unn
lropertr MtUnBt ursiak
IfavrQni 0rrtt ti DtrM O.
Property tMtUtBt uritnaL
Ortn KtUb ItemiBftofi w Ardclis M
Krninvoo: oroer siret!QC t&ulY
Pr jtippori Boner darlnc iHsdeney of
su. owif aVidW raifta as ottos at Latin
Uttt hich vouM svsM him rtutodr ct
m Bmot cauortB.
atcUft OllmHi w A)brt J. OUzbsvb:
Torcj torn tc ruioutf.
Ocrdoo Sam Uttlt rt Dourlu VcKr,
ueor Aintimr, sups. IH vires O Utl'
lev, warden itili prtces: Xotif at spBt
iutQ or pinnim m era sect ion vita tp-
SUt t rhlUp Osborne DoUcct Ptaeod
OB f BTOOftUoa OS chare of ok
PtobsH Court
PROBAT COURT .... ....
Hrrr n, Wsrth tUt: SUt BPfrrftiMd
UUdrod Woteou Qrn UU: Ordtr ftp-
Blusttb Ortm navrdUnavhfpr order
wotaUsi Xd W. rWtd u cstMt.tttU
3tr O. OrovM ui: nasi rttr .
Stat Ploatae Co. rt, Lv! L.
CbarWr atder: Order polsttsc Xnvttt
K. MUler m nctttte.
Reason for
Belton Smile
Found Out .
State Senator Reward Bet
ton of Clackamas eesnty was
wearing a broad smile the last
day or twe and Tsesday his
fellow senators found oat the
Late last Saturday night his
daughter, Mrs. R. D. Brrke
ateier of Caoby, presented her
husband with It pound, IS
oance baby bay at the Eman
uel hospital tn Portland.
"everything we raise la
Clackamas eoooty wins top
prists," the senator declared,
"and say new graodsoa is a
prise winner, too.
Senate Group
(Continued from Kg 1)
) The board of control has re
queued as appropriation of
$509,000 from the legislators, a
request that Is sew befar the
joint ways and means commit
tee. Of this amount. It was an
ticipated that $371,000 would be
utilized for the purchase of the
church property.
Governor Paul Patterson said:
that he did sot believe the board
should take final action until It
had a recommendation from the
capltol planning commission. He
agreed, however, that confer
ence with the church committee
as soon as possible.
Opposed by Easily
Francis Keally, New York ar
chitect, who designed the state
capltol, and who Is retained as
consul ting architect for the
development of tb capital mall.
is known to oppose allowing the
church to remain in the mall
Lawcli MaBdarff
Name Mundorff
Circuit Judge
&3V. Paul PMtersoat today
appelated Lowell Mnadsrfr,
elerk of the federal court at
afreement to share expense fori Portland, to succeed the late
maintenance of the water ditches McCormsc Snow . as Multrto-
An opinion from Attorney
General Robert Y, Thornton to
the board held that the state
might 'buy a water right from
the Willamette Valley Water
company but ft would b illegal
for the state to tatter tote any
Capital Jsnrad, Safer, Ora-, TBdstday, Ksrtk t, IZS
, . . - ?
-t. -
1, Law MMrtl ossaaa stata
, tmmt a, oat. aaoc e. m.i.
Htrtoai it aeaifett. Ma- SEact lass
Z Hrt. Fn "f -'- a ,
cor. M SBd cas-5 awj
w jt. ua jaoirr aur, mmev.
rcH Fasorai oa. Motfd. re, tm
from any association of water
Water Sight Parens
It had been proposed by offi
cials of the water company that
the state purchase a water right
to make water available for Sri-:
gatlon of state farms.
Officials of the U. S. reclama
tion service toiormed Boy Hills,
secretary of the board, that wa
ter would soon be available
from the Detroit dam reservoir
and the reclamation service
planned to construct ditches to
carry this water to farms to the
area between the dam and 5a-:
lent. Such water. Mills was told,
would be available to the state
at a cost between SO cents and
$1 an acre plus cost oi pro-rata
cot ta of maintaining the ditches.
On Gov, Patterson's sugges
tion the board will request the
attorney general and State Engi
neer Charles Stricken to study
man county circuit judge.
Mundorff was district tads
of Multnomah county from
3 until IMS when be re
signed to accept tht appoint
ment to toe federal court
Mundorff war ben to Can by.
December 23, 1808, He sot hi
law degree at Willamette uni
versity here to 1939. . He has
been active in the St John
Business Men's dub of Port
land. .
Senate Republican Leader
Taft, asked if the changed reso
lution didn t mean a floor
fight," replied:
"The would be a floor fight
Taft presumably meant there jg proposal o the WE com.
lt is t iiutiu; vbiidu ;
single policy-making official! Republicans who would
because there are no vacancies 154 ve fought for a change if the
in those FSA jobs now and "e "au Bm Deen amena-
present job-holders nave civil -"t
service status.
Taft himself and ethers had
Queen's Right to
Name Challenged
London 9M& Four Laborites
challenged In the house of com
mons today the queen's right
to style herself "Elizabeth IT
In Scotland.
They, and Scots Nationalist
generally, say it should be
Elizabeth L holding that the
first Queen Elizabeth did not
rule Scotland.
The government hoped to
ram through a bill which gives
the queen the styles and titles:
"Elizabeth LT by the grace of
God, of the United Kingdom of
Ireland and of her other-realm
Great Britain and Northern
and territories ,queen, head of
the Commonwealth, defender of
the faith."
Dn,ut x-iunhMMf- nloni tnWen a stand mat trie resoiu-
nH Cokikb next week . uon snouia msie clear congress
h. fsa iwas not by implication giving
ray v n asv vtttv-it vitv
Roosevelt and Truman democrat
ic administration made with Rus-
Six democratic members of the
committee voted against both an
amendment to the original res
olution submitted by the State
Department and against sending
the measure on to the senate.
Sen. George D., Ga.) told re
porters he regarded toe amend
ment Inserted in the bill by the
votes of seven republicans and
Ben. Gttlett ID., Iowa) as "a
negation of the whole resolu
The amendment said:
GOP Amendment
"The adoption of this resolu
tion does not constitute any de
termination by the congress as to
the validity er invalidity of any
of the provisions of the said
agreements or understandings."
pany to determine finally if the
state could legally utilize water
for the company to supplement
the wells now used on state
farm. Such water, board mem
bers declared, would permit ex
tensive expansion of state farm:
Senate Curbs
(Continued from Page 1)
Morton Soar lUrrlooa tt: Order
aaUwristas adslslf trotrls to aril soraoaal
Mia Lorar Word oowto: Or art
aroDas sad a&ovtes flaai aeeotet.
Castle Permanent Wavers, 305
Livesley building, phone 3-3663.
permenents $5 and up. Kutn
Ford, Manager. 53
Moving and storage serosa the
street, across the nation. Call
Russ Pratt, Capital City Trans
fer Co. . 53
Bonnie Davis, one of Salem's
hett known beautician, now as
nristed with Loveall - MUler
Beauty salon. For appointment
phone 3-7870. S$
For Card of Thanks Notices
To assist you in writing a
CARD OF THANKS, we have a
list svsilable, containing many
suitable phrases. 1 you would
like a copy, call the Capital
Journal Classified Department, wmum wa aadonsa. st. trood
i !! h ' """. TooroM M. fw-
r n. . : too. st, m Hunt seta at, soma.
mailed to vou uromptly, without
, .iM wnm-m nhtoinori Sfcrlo O. aooeh. St, dote? forr, and
cost. They also may oe 0DU'" i .oo -nutaas aana, stasoa kota ao t.
at XBt bapiiat douroa vitiw.j
Three Men Accused in
Indian Land Fraud
Portland VP) Three judges
are being considered to preside
at the trial of three men charged
In an Indian land fraud.
The three men indicted recent
ly are Clyde W. Flinn, The
Dalles; Fred M. Marsh, Lebanon;
snd John C. Blanford, Miiwsu-kie.
Their trial was postponed
Monday until lt is decided whe
ther Judge Gus Solomon, James
Alger Fee or Claude McColloch
will preside.
Bids Asked for Bridge
On South Umpqua
Portland A bridge to
open the South Umpqua river
on Buckeye Creek road 15
miles northeast of Tiller will
draw bids to March 17, the bu
reau of public roads reported
Tuesday. ,
It is to be a 120-foot reinforc
ed concrete bridge. The road
leading from It up Buckeye
Creek is to be built by the com
pany harvesting timber In the
area, W. H. Lynch, division en
gineer, said.
The bureau will build the
bridge for the forest service.
Lrofl a. Torsos sr. otuto: aetata -STUwd
as U.-.M as.
Little Rock, Ark. S The
Pulaski ' County Little Rock
Medical Society broke prece
dent last night by electing four
Negro doctors to membership.
Elected hy acclamation and
without discussion were Doe-
tors O. B. White, J, M. Robin
son, G, W. S. Ish and Hugh
Ike Pins War
(Continued from Page 1)
, Ot SO 1 Ml OBI II,
Ft as. mxntti
Ida St, i
Mrs. Has. t
AH. AmwMon Mr. Morons
ot rortta. Mra. ratm Wawa, aw
KiUO asf Too P lalWI . Wib
woSaoooiy, f
at ta
trh& CMttBi CMaa
m nuuHtk St.. a, aeon b -
Hotter J ISra. i SWw
QrsadatoUtor at 7r X aoaan at yorS
iaaa and arts tiodfrtrr
rta Martoa aoaaw. a men? ft SwBT
nui nuMijtm. IfoaakoT at as. faaM
isiMmi ia mmt aaarM aojai
nbl, tatoooor. oas. a
Waaran ao. aomoot arm m boki
d. Ifnek -.- at
artMooat atart Ut sr r"y'
otrrtoM at Clw TH" causars. Ta ,
soon mwm mm f rtesi !
dirwuoo K 1U t. t, niaaaa Co. afeaac
tatt iSotnra,
in u. km as Ska noaldaioa.
ojw, Onooo, Sbrah i. of f a.
wa at ofonaat r, b p
.., taormt Jwirar. - taftoaoBt
Krt aootcta XrooMT at Salom
aid vtuuu at Itoooboro. aontooo W1E W
baid Wodod, atarcK --
w, r, ajdo rami mt aaidsM
otrrioH at et:r Vt oiawtair. Wm. SaV
la aoraas affltlitla i
tSr Tfto aOHaotod fmd
aatorJooa r-or a LWi-f ,
Amincfco Tsocco . ,
aaKOftoa Coptr ..
StchiMo auiroad
aoofas Aipia Co.
sort war&rr
Surtwi Addiat otaoaia.
cauor&t rtcfc.r.t
C;,:?euf Tractor
Colcsost Csroocfetion
. is
CoaosUdstod Sitss ,,,,., tts
Onak SskS WiibctS. tl Mt Ot?
M, Isa notdoat at Jtt Srjiro-ooo
Kaooaad of Sdaa Wiawiat, aoioaH rtfcr
ot aatta snadiE, atK ba cur,
Ctoa, aad aua CSoo Stttn, aoHos, ar
tctt U! So k)d WodBiadaz, . a, as
l:te a. a- as at w. t. Kaaos oh
without permission, provide for
guardians to be appointed to
take car of prisoners; wealth
and let convict get out of prison
a day early when their release
dates are en Sundays er holi
Prison Warden Bills
The bills were Introduced by:
the Senate Public Welfare Com
mittee, which also will sponsor
the wardens bills for a full-;
time parole board and to let the;
parole board fix prison sen
Irked by legislators failure to
make their views known, the
House State and Federal Affairs
Committee said It 1 ready to
send to the floor the resolution
calling for convention tn 1958
to write a new Constitution,
The committee said it has had
the measure for seven weeks,
and no one has appeared to talk
Afterwards, Van Fleet was
Eisenhower's guest at a lunch- on st.
eon attended by military and) The same committee killed 4
congressional leaders. to S a measure to nav lesialatora
Van Fleet arrived at the tin . a ..,.
fFB(ii.EtAj,i uun airport in gas. $600 s year
s cold drizzUng rain snd after
briof rprprnnni hs usb rtrlixn f
ovGeBrtdlT Coon Introduces
Met by Wilson - n,lf
He was met at the airport byiXtftraif r ft fin Kill
Secretary of Defense Charles E.i WM VVM
Wilson, along with members of) Washington W Ixemption
the corps, representatives of the -from federal transportation tax--
President and members of the es for temporarily stored food
United Nations. intended for export was pro-
An honor guard of several posed Monday by Res. Sam
hundred troops of the three Coon (R,, Ore.). i
armed forces and a saluting bat-i He said that during harvest
wry welcomed Van fleet as he periods fruit growers sometimes
stepped from his plane. sre required to put carload lots
van rieet reviewed the troops of fruit in temporary storage out-
pausing several times to say J side the producing area. Under 1
something to men in each of the 'present regulations, this fruit isi
units. He also greeted each of taxed. j
the diplomats and military off!-; These growers are entitled to
cials with a handshake. the same conilderaHon that ia-
secretary Wilson contributed
. . . , , ; ; i
Croon ansortioca ..,., tf
CutStt Wf'-ttJt .,,,,
letM Airerfcts asH
Da ?sot f Kenoara .,..,,...,. !
Suusu rsd t
aamooa sso an
Gooont xiKtrt 59
oit roodo ..,.. Si
Ooaoral afotor .... te
oooaroar Ttr .......
HemetUt ttiii'r.t Co.
I&toraaU&aat Korvootcr
iatrsstto&t roaor .
Joa& ausvfUo .....
Konaooott Coosor ..
iksr Hcaou .....
LocUuod jUrmtt ..
lx4Tct Imoroorat
loaf sa
atofitsoroor? Word ,
Hwh aE?lBtcr
ntw Taft Ct! if 1.!
rau txmicta rta a1
rttf o a circuit ,,.. 3h
PocUio Ti. a To) .....,,J1SS
'kclLtrd afotof zr . -
rn,r. c,
fmssrinate St. ft. ,.,, ss :
Pom) Coi Co, !
audio coFporottsa ., st
Korsefor ir.corp. rii. -
aotuoue auol .................... a
aorssK MMtSt ,.
aitMsoid oa ......,.,,,, si
8ftr tad. ,,,,...., jtS
SeoH Pvr Co H
aoarc. XoootK Co. S34
Soecr.r-Vof uum Oil .,., S&
aostora ?,cif!c ,
atoadord OS Coiif. S
Stoadord ?S
attfdcsaaor Cora.
aa&oriiti attataa f
Swift a Comoon? ,-.'
Traasoatcrtca Oera,
T,DiJf Iri CoBtorr ros ,''.. sH
UbIcq OU Coaaocar
OaiOR ttemt .,,.
Ualud Altitun ,,,, ........... 39
UolMd oircnlt ....,.......
!;eitd CoTKrotlsa t-
Uattod atotos nmood 30
Coitod sui tun .,..........
rar eicwro,
arottora TJdSoo Tei,
VWhokm ir ana ........... 1TH
sroiuaoaomo Xioctno ............. t
SFoolaorta ...,,.... u
Van Bur en was the first U.S.
President born after the Declar
ation of Independence and Ty
ler the first bom under the U.S.
sen. U SfoM Kmn
Aibfcar Jla. HIM sostr, as.
rodtst of tioo Satacr ooroseatt? for th
$ man, diod at aor Saw asoadasv
snUi tso ma mt MM tiiiiii, ;
Swlot iii o SMsM aoraotoTS
Trtttrotttr. atsk S. oa-J oerrteoc i
a nndiKtad at Um Hoowt atataadM
ebsirta at I r m, armaoaonsts ar ai
c.ic or um nar ysaom dsmv jsra,
&uHxt ton at ttoaaaiioara, la,
sd aad Kood in Snaoa alaac ari oa
tw&-yrool4. 3 OU atarrtod i fra
K. 800 ur at Aiooar, Oct, 1 ioao. sra
asir rarrlriaa Br moor or lostua oc
ias. ...
iTaoont Wttor catoat
Lj&t&oB aoraeos rs aia ioccy5tr
rr Thsu Wii Chioa, SC. ofto dlo
feoro aoaid;, a aattT of Tcaaa. aora
CMnaaa dax. JSCS, Sir. WSiw uat to
itioooaefi OOTO& 7ar ass. so :
tsrtd amor. Sorrtror mm aoaa, Tiomiffa
C rutat. lafistt asd rii caoa. Tar
inneo, C,',s ! , dauciitora. off. Oe OotoV
" 7iM, Swtaras, Cfcilf., sis. QBSo Furcc?.
T?iTr&r, osd aororat x&4 aft cross
25 JaraodeMSdria.
jIism. aao sut mmi
.iki austooT siiurta aorriooa lor sera.
2 jdlrtrto !or t mrt, ai a M ot s pe.
-,u jdtnodj. ifroh iiltil.T, S&doa
Hlk tam! cfaL a. stooa died ot ar
cv oomotorr. SCrs. atciHst oars
SiMlunsil. ST. T. A3, s, ifll Srio Bar
r,H Mertos K Ktotea Z900, 17, JSSS. tsr.
rtnr an oa asofcnd; o sIsho. s.
stuns imtmu, bebmam. aad am. ao.
btHm Krotuor. a:,.; or d
wniioin, aatara aad atroni araavra
3a ulcAiroa.
rfftfK tribute of respect
iWWEi for the departed,
aa expression of comfort tm
the bereaved
DIAL 41692
321 Court
Or, 1 T. taa, ms Dt. o. caoa.
CptUIrs, 41 Marts) Libert?
Offie open SaUirtUr onlj, 9
am. to 1 pa, to ? p-m. Ooc
sultauon, bkxrd oraaauri sec
mine teats ar fre at dare
Practiced sine 1T. Writ tor
attracts sUL Ho oburatkai
a new note to formal military
given growers who store fruit in
protocol when he kept his eivl. whouses to ih growing area
lien hat on but brought his hand and then export H untaxed, ha
up to a military salute. said.
Marring Licans
Corsa r. Jordoa. JT , tl aroootr. Sotoat,
and Laos B. Looo, la. 3000 Korta rnat
Thomaa W. Tonkin. SI. iosoor. aad Fa-
artel A- noaor, I, a-aitnao, sotk at aoa.
To those who expressed their
sympathy in so many beautiful
and practical ways during our
sad bereavement, we extend our
heartfelt thanks.
Mrs. Irene Parsons,
Bert G. Morse,
Mr. and Mrs. John Boenlng,
Mrs. Edith Smith, .
Mrs. Mae Wentx,
Mrs. Pearl Mayes. U
n Miil4.Uli.!i.1.t:f,tJill m
Quiz No. 3. Offset Printing
QUESTION! Whet la the tremendous uHliiy
I offset printing?
ANSWEB; The eas ol reproduction Any
thing ihoi can b photographed can
be printed Type matter or ruled
forms do not hove to b set up again.
A job one run by olfset can be re
run immediately from a negative o'
a plat always kept en Mm Thou,
sands oi dollars can be saved
it;aiai,iir, isita V
"I oearch Ui town arer to at say rhlld arta artoso,"
or "1 tun to t out of town t bnj GOOD chadr-act
scmm. ramlfiar wyinoT Of eaarae, thrj ar. Ker
aaaary sayta? Not tlrtc Stient ha Ms aara Iseaa
i awsedl
Check These Famous Name ia
Childreo's Shoes . -
Mfl. DlS ror tht ricett ia Baby Shoes
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Plus the Finer Noma in Chiidrtn't Shoes
dxlrned to "brie a- jaaa tet, mau.uf frem Wbrs
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ter'7ni?hn&T:TiT fHt mtiE Meardj kept
Junior Boolery
134 N. Htah
T- -4
t MA. Aaxtl a (irk P" -