2 Capital Journal, Salnn, Ore, Tuesday, March I, 1953 In the Valley J Falls City Edited by MIKI FORBES Mf. Angel Sets Red Cross Drive ' Mt Angel The Red Cross fund-raising campaign will open In the Mount Angel district Monday, March 9, with. Andrew "Andy" Schmidt as local drive chairman. Solicitors appointed will meet in the City Hall Friday evening, March 6, at 8 p.m. when details of the drive will be discussed and the Red Cross kits distribut ed. Those named as solicitors in clude, business district: Hi Bren Twenty-three Macleay Grange members visited Silvtrton Grange Friday night in the coun ty visitation plan. Only two Macleay officers were absent Buena Vista Buena Vista Mr and Mrs. Clifford Wells are announcing the wedding of their daughter, Elaine, to Robert Urban of Los Angeles. Tbey were married in San Francisco were Elaine has been wsrkizg the put two years. Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Delenng were dmaer gvts Mr. and Mrs. Petty Weiss Sunday. Mrs. Lrttat Dumtl oi Salem J -1 Tl I V 1 L. . district: Paul Wachter. Alois l0?"1 ".. Falls City Glen Cooper, Ed win Bakke and Raymond Wil liams hsve enlisted in the para- troopers. Tbey leu Tuesday iot P .S. service. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McPherson of SileU were Friday callers at their uncle's family, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Wilson spent the week-end in Portland with their son Jim ana nrnuy. Tbey attended the basketball tournament. Their son is toe coach. The 1st and 2nd year sewing clubs of 4-H work met at the home of their leader, Mrs. W. E. Jackson, Thursday afternoon. The officers are: President, Shirley Carey; vice president, Violet Lamprecht; . secretary, Dona Long; yell leader. Dona Shoemaker; news reporter, Rose Lamprecht Mr. and Mrs. Simon Robinson, Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Sundstrom and Clifford Robinson visited Sunday at Sweet Home with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Robinson. Mrs. Harry Myers, mother of Mrs. Kenneth Teal of Dallas, was taken to the Eugene hospital Friday, Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hen- I wome ok ioquiue ana mr. ana Duda. Arnold Schiedler. George : 1from Willig, George H. 01savsky,;tb ttosjxtaj after Kavmg bron Raymond Hassing and Mrs. chiaJ rm, bfce u lm Charlea Raid. prevmc Jtj but can -ave rn Hl.trif-i- Mr. Louia A.leomna3' w. LeDoux, Mrs. John Hassler. Mrs Mr. and Km Sre Beck and : Mrs. Henry Hentnorne ana son Carl Mucken, Mrs. R. T. Bis-, family Oakland spent the ! of Sheridan spent Sunday with iu. Miss Irene Susa. Mrs. AJ-1 week -end trtth br parenU -ere their parenU, Mr. and Mrs. L. pmI Rrhm Mra. Joaroh Piatt.! Mr an Mrs V. L. Shnrt: alsoJM. Henthorne. Hick Kimlinswr. Mrs. John Rih feuatv of Fairbanks The Februray meeting of Diehl, Mrs. F. J. Schwab, Mrs. .Alaska spent Sunday and stayed, Polk and Yamhill county fire Henry Zollner, Mrs. Andy W He bad been south ! men's association was held at the Schmidt Mrs. J. L. ascnw, . -muM. i.u.u r. nan rnaay evening, Mrs. Albert' Bourbfirmaifi. VaT r WUs will be an!"eD- 27. After the meeting, a Arthur Hassler. Mrs. b i- .wt. fmm Or.-' supper was servea to no Fronk, Mrs. Joseph Obersrjner,', X4tionaj farmersl Mrs. John Teal enterUined the Mrs. Joseph Walker. -JUnB convention in March; she Psl noble rand clu her Those attending were Mrs, inson, recently. The Christian women's fellow ship met at the church for their regular meeting on Thursday. Business was in charge of the president, Mrs. B, Paul. Mrs. Hooten resigned as vice presi dent and Mrs. Lillie Ward was elected to fill out the rest of the year. Warren Frink, Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Plankington of Waldport, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frink of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Frink of Bridgeport, went Sun day to Portland to help Warren Frink celebrate bis 89th birth day with a dinner at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Camp ers and daughter of Texas have moved to Falls City. Unionvale uougias urri ana secretary of the Buena Villa ; local. She attended the meeting Jin Salem this past week as a delegate; also Mrs. Fred Deter- Macleay . ... tag and Jonas Graber for two Macleay-SUyton Grange wJljdiiyg of sute Si,-, u. w i. i Union meetings. Fr day night, March 6 the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carpen- J,,W'"''" prnt ter of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. lecturer s Program. Hd Mrs. Sherman Barry and Mrs. Mr and CJ1 ft Leonard iee are co-cnairmcu UI Sunday. AsMricu auacUHea s Uahrsnttr Wastes PRESENTS DOROTHY THOMPSON "These Crucial Times' Wei, Marcs 4, 1:15 P.M. . $1.20 Islets Wojl School Audit wins. Titbit Watt Mwk Store ConMnaaus TT GROWS ON TREES" Peter Lawf.rd "HOUR OF 13" OPEN C:45 P.M. BIDS TODAY! "OMflTU" t nMpttxiKapur TOMORROW! AT REGULAR NUCES! i iltfl. I JAMES STEWART VQumrjE vjimnras Jcaa HAGEN Wendel GOREY CO-FEATURE! Esther WILLIAM loss Vrna EVANS BLAINE BARRY SULLIVAN KLEFE BRASSfLlE BlUt LCKSIINE 1 o - i ira tvMiMt Mrs. Harold Busby and her aunt and uncle of Washington, were at Jan as Grabers looking at their rental house. Rev. Melvin Wire performed the marriage at the Methodist church Sunday evening at 7:30 of Miss Lois Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Robertson of Buena Vista, and Leon Eugene Christopher of Highland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert .Christopher. The bride was attired In a gray suit with black accesso ries; her bride's attendant was a sister, Mrs. Jack McDaniel of Dallas, and best man was Jack Cook of Corvallis. Mrs. Melville Wire was the pianist. After the ceremony the reception was Held at the com munlty hall with Manha Schlr- man helping serve. Only the immediate families were present They will live in Corvallis. Miss Nina Moon, Gordan WeUs Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carly of Corvallis spent Sunday at the coast. i Mr. and Mrs. Luther Osborn were guests of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Keith (Mborn, In Salem. I Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Hubert and Mra. Ted Funk of Hoquim, 1 Wash., were guests last week of their sister and family here, I mr. ana Mrs. Leo callies. Mrs. Harold Busby and Mrs. Fsye Callies helped Marvle. Busby celebrate his birthdav Wednesday when they took' eake and Ice cream to Inde pendence to his classmates in school with the help of his teacher, Mrs. Hardle. Nellie Mack, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Lucille Goodell and Mrs, Eva Bur bank. Morris Bakke has bought the Lester Headly property. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cran- ford and son Jimmy, of Dallas, attended the church services at the Falls City Methodist church Sunday morning. Hanford Amos and Kenneth Stewart of Roseburg were Wednesday callers st bis sister's. Mrs. Joe Lamprecht. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grippin and baby Glen were in Dallas Wednesday. Mrs. George Kitchin visited Mrs. Emmett Hicks at ValseU on Wednesday. Mrs. William Poland has re turned home from Kennewick, Wash., where she had been vis iting relatives for three weeks. Fred Fredm, Kenneth Hooten, John Lettermen, Joe Trueax and Mr. Dicky attended a ninety and nine men's meeting at Dallas Feb. 23. Recent visitors at the W. P. Letterman home were Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Letterman and fam ily of Salem and Mrs. Kenneth Cummings and twins. Floyd and JUloyd, of Oceanlake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Showalter of Kennewick, Wash., are visit ing her niece, Mrs. William Po land, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnson of Waldport visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rob- Unionvale The first meet ing of members of the Union vale Evangelical United Breth ren choir, to prepare for Easter services, was held at the church Thursday evening. . A large palm tree has been presented to the local church by Mr. and Mrs. George Asher of Grand Island. March, family night dinner will be held at the local church Wednesday evening, March 4. Honoring Richard Dollar for his sixth birthday, which was Saturday, Feb. 28, his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Dollar en tertained a group of small boys at the parsonage. Attending were Richard Dollar, Dwight Ediger, Danny Gubser, Frank Rutschman, Stanley and Wayne Wlthee. Honoring their son, John No ble, of Salem, for his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble and grandchildren, Harlle and Judy of Unionvale, Mrs. Phillip Oaks of near Dayton and Mrs. John Noble attended a birthday din ner at his home Thursday eve ning. His mother made and dec orated the cake.- Mrs. A. C. Stoutenburg ' and son, Orin Stoutenburg of Port land, came Thursday to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan No ble, Mr. and Mrs. Ari Launer and family and other relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schonten, Mrs. Jerry Mill; and daughter, Linda Lee, of Portland, were Thursday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble. Aurora Monmouth Monmouth Furniture Co. has leased the building next to the Ross Theatre and after redeco rating is completed will move their floor coverings, unpainted. and used furniture there with Mel Jacobson operating the new store. D. O. Earhart has been named a deputy sheriff of Polk county by Sheriff Tony Neufeldt and has begUn his duties in that office. Earhart and wife have been operating the Wagon Wheel Barbecue here and plan to sell the business. Earhart has been assistant to the Monmouth city police for some time. A meeting of Countryside Gardeners was held in the Un ion Hill clubhouse north of Au rora Wednesdsy, with Mrs. Ro bert Calvin as program chair man. An illustrated talk on landscaping was given by Mrs. Kenneth Stafford, Portland landscape architect. Slides in the roadside protec tion lecture series were shown by Mra. John Kraus for Mrs. John Emrich, roadside beautifi cation chairman. Mention was made of Mrs. E. B. Fountain's article on birds in a northwest garden publication. Gardening prizes given by Pilkington Nursery were presented. Me morial tribute was paid the late Miss Elizabeth Fry, a member of the club. Mrs. Loren Giesy, chairman for the December flower show which the club is planning, dis closed that Mrs. Henry Moore has made ceramic figures for the nativity scene. Twenty-four members and five guests attended the meeting at which Mrs. Emrich, club president, presented a gavel to the organization. Members of Una temple. No. 28, Pythian Sisters met in regu lar session Wednesday with 29 members answering roll call. Plans were formulated for a play to be presented by the members at the Talent show in the Aurora grade school gym nasium ' March 6. Mrs. Cal Lewis is chairman of the enter tainment committee. Other members working on the enter tainment committee are Mrs. William Wettateln. Mrs. Earl Ayres and Mrs. Willis Yoder. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Joe Ezzell, Miss Emma J. Snyder, Lena Mae Lambert, and Mrs. Fred Gieswein. A home talent show will be presented in the Aurora grade school gym, Friday evening, March 6, sopsored by the PTA. A food sale will be an added feature. Organizations of the Aurora community are cooper ating with the PTA in present ing talent features. Aurora Luther Leaguers plan to attend an annual Lenten re treat at St. Stephen's Lutheran church, Gladstone, Sunday. Jim my Albers, and Freddie Ganse mer will conduct the opening devotions. The Women's association of the Aurora Presbyterian church met in the church basement Fri day afternoon, Feb. 27. Hostesses were Mrs. Ralph Pickering, Mrs. John Kraus and Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale. Rev. and Mrs. H. Mau of Port land were callers at Christ Lu theran parsonage during the past week, where they visited Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Leifauf. Clinton Carr of Aurora and Cougar Hunters Fail to Return Lebanon Two cougar hunt ers were reported missing Mon day morning by the wife of one of them, but Deputy Sheriff Wade Collins said he believes the men are voluntarily stay ing in the hills because of heavy storm. Missing are George Hazen, Rt. 1, and William Patesch, Rt 3, both of Lebanon. Mrs. Hazen informed Leban on police Monday morning the two men had gone cougar hunt ing early Sunday, planning to return at nightfall. They stiii had not returned Monday morn ing, and a snow storm has blan keted the area. Collins said be had contacted Gene Paetsch, brother of the other missing hunter, and bad been told the men were prob ably all right and are following a cougar trail. There are nu merous tracks in the area, he told the deputy sheriff. The Paetsch brothers often hunt the area and sometimes come out a long way from where they enter the hills to begin the hunt, the deputy was told. The predecessor of Uncle Sam as the symbolical representa tive of . the Amedican was Brother Jonathan, dating from the Revolution. The term Uncle Sam is said to have originated during the War of 1812. Woodbum wnnrihnm "Herbs for Va riety" will be the topic for the demonstration at the monthly meeting of the West Woodburn Home extension unit Thursday, March 8, at the country home nl Mr. Llovd Yavmire in an all day meeting beginning at 10 a.m. Mrs. James uvesay oi Woodburn will be co-hostess with Mrs. Wavmire. Project leaders will be Mrs. Henry Mil- burn and Mrs. unanes ryier. TV.. iTninn Home extension unit will meet Thursday, March S. at 1:30 p.m. at the home oi Mrs. A. E. Hughes, east of Wood burn. "Becoming a Good Buy er" is the topic for discussion. Refreshments will be served ty the hostess assisted by Mrs. George sweaney and Mrs. Carol Lohse. Vn T bl. st-r;.,0.?"1- . c. Uto-FaUWome circle meettag Wm ed the women had . hobby Th7w uu aupiay. Fruitland i The Womens Society of World Service of Fruitland served din ner to the Brotherhood of Evan gelical United Brethren men of Albany and Salem Friday night at Fruitland church. Fruitland church has bought property next to the church and have a building program started to build a parsonage. Mrs. Minda Sturgill, sister of William Case of Barlow, enter ed Oregon City hospitals recent ly. , Scoutmaster John Kraus ac companied Aurora Troop No. 624 to the Salem YMCA Satur day on a swimming party. Three- cars were driven by Mr. Kraus, Floyd McLin, principal of the grade school, and Lester Rose. Scouts going were Kenneth and Raymond Lambert, Frank Net ter. BUI Matthieu, Rickey Filker, Wendel McLin, Robert Will, Robby Matthieu, Raymond Hoef- ling, Howard WenzeL Bill Bei- ser, Jerry McLaren, Wayne Lowrie, Kenneth Rose, Terry Lowrie, Howard Wenzel, and Niles Beiser. The scouts will enjoy another swim on March 7, and another one is scheduled for March 21. Marks Prairie Busy Bees 4-H rose and flower club met at the home of Mrs. Marvin Fish, with Susan Yost as hostess. Discussions were field on giv ing good demonstrations. Two demonstration teams were chos en, and at the June meeting the best team will be chosen to rep resent the club at the county fair. c a Spooswad ty Aisoc. Shuts iris of WH UU HIM AUWT, 1:15 X Mir k Reserved 2.48-S.80 rifll. O Unreserved I.SI TJckefcrtSteveraJtweltn ' Sublimity Sublimit Mr i, Ditter 'attend ;?l Jr : Jack Hayes at Salem Thursday mnrnintf J Mr. and Vn Vrnb o a . Spaulding, Neb., and Mrs. Frank wilier o umana. Neb., visited at the Beitel and Willi , lay home. They are cominj. ine eastern people were here to attend th fnnni t. hi ui uieir sister at Portland. Group pictures were taken at St. Boniface High on Friday. EXECUTIVE PTA MEETING Sllverton Mrs. R Schmidt, president, is announc ing an executive meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association at the Eugene Field library rooms, Tuesday, March 3, at 3:30 pjn DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 IMISN SAIDtHS, HIGHWAY Wa Stfcs Opts 6:45 Show it 7:15 BBS T0MI6Hi'"(TUEj" In Technicolor "PRISONER OF ZENOA" PLUS "SKY FULL OF MOON" GJlHEflffiL THE VILLAGE INN... presents direct from recent engagement at Atlantic City DUSTY BROOKS I AND HIS 7-PIECE ORCHESTRA OPENING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 ! America's Finest Colored Combination Orchestra and ; Floor Show . . . PLUS ... j ' JUAN4TA (Bombshell) f ROWN ' j ! 30S7 Portland Rd. Finest In Food a ............ ..! Spring Valley SDrine Vallev Mra. V. I.. r.lK. son will open her home for the annual all-day meeting and 12:30 potuck dinner for Spring Val ley nome Missionary society, Thursday, March 5. Those attending are requested by the president, Mrs. J. P. Smart, to bring table service. Co-hostesses for the affair will be Mrs. W. L. Lntls, Mrs. R. H. Scott and Mrs. F. W. Reed. WHEATLAND VISITORS Wheatland Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat of Wheatland had as Tuesday and Wednesdav guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harold ParnclL and daughter of Yakl ma. Wash. Wa wont you to sample our WAFFLES . . . served with whipped butter and hot Log Cabin Syrup . . . and cup of coffee, of course! Just coma on in, this i on the house! All day except during noon hour rush! FREE WAFFLE DEMONSTRATION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Downtown Salem on State Street 'WHAT'S COOKIN'!" Salem's Quiz Show 6:30 P.M. ENDS TONIGHT - OPEN :4S SOMETHING TOR TH BIRDS An "OFF, RATION RICH FT Starts WeAnradar . Op 1:45 33 2cw MTa 6AYNC8 StOTT KtAOT 17m.0UTi Presenting Rudolf Firkusny . Pianist with Portland Symphony Orchestra Tuesday, March 3-8:15 P.M. nl.nm Hirlw Call I wa sjf WIIWVI Auditorium Tickets now available at Ladd tt Bosh Bank Also at the door at 1:00 P.M. Toes. Admission for Single Concert $3.00- $2.00- $1.00 All seats reserved V3 -4 f.' I (p FADS TODAY! (TUB.) "MOT ME AT THE FAIR" ind "STAB Of TEXAS" OPEN 6:45 PJW. ENDS TODAY! (Tim.) "JATISINGETand "SEA irea" MAT. DAILY FBOM 1 P.M. Starting Tomorrow! ( ' Trapped in ' faffr If Rovolt-RkJdiad Ghondahari j rtrnS four wc stars J in their most I ff v- - wxching roles! To t EVERETT RISK1N v CHARLES VIDOR Scmm by JO SWERUNQ Adwutto. W GEORGE TABORI FREDERICK HAZUTT BRENNAN 'rv h iwil by Mt Mnnrahm , PARAMOUNT rlCTUSt CO-HIT! RIOTOUS RUSTIC MUSICAL! Starts Tomorrow! f jSS OrV. A Won, 4r v Wonderful 1 'ortroyalof - '"GREER lUUIUi ill I -.TIM CONSIDINE CO-FEATURETTE! r.i G-r,i PRESENTS THE ACTUAL, FACTUAL, ACTION-PACKED STORY Of THE BAD MEN OF HISTORY! I? .sw sv -sasBa .asask. sumirN ntsniic . howmo am . ctomc stintm waited noctoN tXMt SCHARY . BARRY SUUJVAIt R0SERT TAYUW WMO WHITsKW SLESP& COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS