DENNIS the MENACE 1 II i I Ibv. mat bt at!" , I II Inw . XI . ) I 'NC DON'T NAVE ANY MONEY. IVfe JOSTCAMEW SMEU-STUfF. FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED APTS. 3 tptrtmenti tTalltblt, lift and t4J.W. Steb bu kltchtn, UtIik room, bedroom tnd bath. Rnt include! auto, oil beat, water and Barbate aerrlce. All you par extra U tlec for JlthU and cooklnS. Call 11771. JpM BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED APAETNENT Prefer permanent reitdenL 444 H. Cot Uia. Phone 1-1MT. jp t-KOOM partly furnished apartment. Ml Bo. I2tb. 35. Pbone 2-T763 after a p.m. JP5I rKIVATB THEEI-moOM tureiabed court apartment, clean. Adult. 150. ISM Port uukd Rd. jpu CLUM, FCSNMHED, ompleuly private, rooms and bath. Aduiu. $35. Oood lo- eaUoe. MW, jpM KlAr, CLBAN, pleasant apartment, newly furnished. Xlectrlo heat .Call 34ll. Lee Apts. Salem'a Uoat Distinguished Address Folio. In rentelo cn bfihowa now: 3-Bdnn. Available Mer. 1 110.00 1-Bdrm. available Mir. 1 79.00 1-Bdnn. evetlebla Mar. 1 11.00 For luxury 11 vine at modsrste rstes call at Its M. Winter St. Ph. 41041. In" LABGE CLEAN furnUhed apartment. Ulllltlei furnished. Child cart. US S. ISth. JpM 1 BOOMS and bath, ground floor, private entrance. At 4t AX 13th. Jp53 S-BEDROOM furnUhed duplex apartment. Adulti. Phone S-S300. Jp53 EVERAL furnUhed apartmsnt. good lo cation. Iniulrs H. L. Stiff Furniture. Phone MH. p LARGE. ONE-ROOM, bachelor apartment. Nicely furnUhed, dose In. Oentleman preferred. Hp n. winter. , Jp54 CLOSE IN, I room furnUhed. court apart ment, redecorated, garage. Ph. 30M8 Jp54 BUSINESS DISTRICT. 3-room nleslr fur nUhed apartment, Ul Center. JpSl t-ROOM furnUhed. Private entrance, bath. 4M So. lilt. Ph. 36447. Jp87 NICELY FURNISHED apartment, Ambas aador apartmenta, ISO N. Summer. Jp77 l-ROOM rrjBNISBlD apartment, rafrlger. ator, private bath, atorage room. La on. drv utilities paid. SM. .ISM State. FOR RENT HOUSES t-BOOM BOUSE, doea In. partially fur. nUhed. ts per month. tnoutra 403 so. Church. JmSS' SMALL CLEAN t bedroom unfurnlthed houee. IV blocks couth of Colonial Houae. Water and garbage service furnUhed. Ph. 3S7M. JmSS' ONE BEDROOM home, mfurnUhad, with garage. Ph. MM1. JmSS SUBURBAN, CLEAN I duplex. moitlT furnUhed, garage pace. 141. Ph. 41WJ. garden JmSS1 MODERN t bedroom houae off Wallace road, Ve mile out. Water and garden space furnUhed. Ph. 30374. JmSS MODEBN I bedroom bouse, attached ae rate, partly furnUhed. Its. MM Highway Ave. 4-6I1I. JmSS t-BOOM COTTAGE, UP. Inquire M7 N. Liberty. Apt. No. T. Jmtl t BEDBOOM completely furnUhed. Larts utility room with clothes dryer, garste, In West Salem. Inquire 771 Oerth. JmS4 t-BDBM. BOMB In Kelser area, with op tion to bur, SM per month. Abrams, Bourland it sklnnsr. phone 39217 or 34709. JmSS CLOSE IN, 3 bedroom, unfurnished cot tat e. All electric. US N. Church. JrnSl ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom houae. electric rente, hardwood floors, automatic heat, lntuleted. 3340 Mspls Avs. JmSS CLEAN UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplrx. adult only. 34701. ImSl CABINS Neat, nlet. clean, spacious ysrd. Week or month. Reaoonably priced. 4473 Portland Rd., Hayesvllle. ImSt FOB BENT Severe! Bouses, SM per month. Also 3 story concrete ware house wltb electric elevator, etore room on Ferry street. STATE FINANCE CO., Phone 34131. Jm s NEW ONE-BEDROOM home, stovs. refrls orator, terete. Ideal for eouple. Ph. 38170. )mS7 SMALL S-ROOM unfurnished house, Chsmeketa street. No taratt. 1440 JmS4 EXTRA NICE l-bedrpom, unfurnUhed du ntex. Hardwood floor, Venetians. Inelde utility terete Nice rsrd. all electric, n- frleerator and rente rurmsnea. bus. i Tryon Avenue. Ph. 37105. lmS7 rujjiiimfrffr- ROOM I BOARD BOOM AND BOARD, family style. Phone 3-7830. Ml BOARD AND BOOM for elderly men. M e st. J'.w; OFFICE FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS I 10X11 12 I 14X11 " 00 111x31 4S 00 West. Utes. JsnttOT. Included. B. A. MoOlaufitn Atent. Boom 3. 44 Center St. I-Mll. Jose' S OB -BOOM SUITE, I slnclt. Oreton BuUdlnt. Phone Stll. jo OBOCND FLOOB office or store specs for Mni f-all et SMtt. usrket lo LOST & FOUND LOST Reddish brown cocker spsnlel. tat ma toes. Answers to "Freckles", phons 15441. m,T lAw'm mmUmw BlSatlC billfold Wfd- nesday evening between Thompson and YMCA. Phons nm alter s:s p.m. w- LOST Irish asttsr pup. Hslf grown, ChU dren'e pet. Call 457M or 30'4. kS4 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DBIVt MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 14 PICF.UPS - STAKES - VANS TEXACO BTATION 111 COUNT ST. PHO'"i'?rl FAoa STaTiriatsoN and al metpord SALEM SAND At ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Bead Cltsrlng Dltehrnt ewer and Sarement Squipment Bentel Pllchlat y ths Foot Phons Dsvs 1-1401 B-es 1-4411 or 1-7411 Salem, Oregsa By Keteham 1 I MISCELLANEOUS U-FIX-IT Equipment and tools rental. Sales end re pairs, oaa, urea, accesaotisi. SB grteSLj wnH. vomer ei norta vom i. ana Co lumbia. Phone 4-SM1. msl DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CABBS DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Ea.. state Commercial BU. SALEM Ph 3-3! 11 W BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING? No. t cedar shinties ..I I TS No. cedar shins Us i l .M No. 1 cedar shinties I l.M 3 tab composition roofing I l.M Boll roofing .1 l.M New tollete complete IM S0 New wash basins complete I17.M NslU. per keg S10.71 New shower esblneto 143.00 New weather stripped windows ....I14.M Used Camp Adair windows t 7.50 Pointed Cedar shskas Ill SO New doors. I'l"x6'l" I I SO Water proof wall board 4xS II so BARGAIN BUtchen alnks, both tabs, water beat art, pipe, geptte tanks. C. G. Lone; & Sons One ml. north at Kelser, Ph. 4M1 taeST Materials Galore!! Ooab "it's" here oooaewbtroll FaneUng everywhere. Knotty Pin 1ZV., tnest Cedar 1M.S0, lit Hemlock Clear 1M.M. Walllboardi 1.40 sheet, sheotrack. 1 Boards, CIS. tile, and wan plank, sura- board at l-te 4zs. Sidings from 10 I Mt.M. Shakas, too, and they'ra nlcol Nearly tot auuashad under ooeae plywood lately no olaca to out It, XjOts Of good 4x1 sheets. Several thousand pes. at mill ends W low as 3c 10e. See tt also will ant to your suel Oak Flooring low as 114. M as In boated room. Fir Flga. all gradse, "D" IX e at I.So. Doors, Birch, Mahog, Ffcr Slabs, and panels all at low everyday prtess. Monthly payments easily arranged right In our store. Pros estimate At cwrrary. No order too small It's appreciated. Portland Rd. Lumber Yard - OPEN ALL BAT SATURDAY 1S4I Portland Rd. Phone 44431 BOOPtNQ Compute line. Call Western Auto, 3-7177, for free estimate. Oam ble'e Western Auto Supply O, Ml N. Commercial. mats GARAGE 14x33 complete on your lot, 111-31 per month, no down payment. You can tlx that dsn ar add that extr bedroom the aama way. vult with us soon I Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY 3545 Portland Rd. Phone 444JJ RED CEDAB SHINGLES t (rede, dellv. ered or picked up. Tad Mailer. Ph. eves. 31IM. ma NURSERY STOCK FOB SALE Portutene Laurel. I-S ft Ideal for hedtt. 4-5151. mbS4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free of weed seeds, and odorlsss. ssck or anik orders delivered. Phone 3-1137. n!4 NOW IS the time to buy your 1H3 West Inthouse automatte dryer at on it aaos.r. yiatbr APPLIANCE CO-PI7I Chemek eta. n POSTORU "Wavscrtst" I gobltlt and I cocktail tlassss. Phono l-neo. THE IDEAL fertiliser It's organic pestmoss. with poultry cuwppincs, only tu a aack. Valley Farm Store, Ph. 44434 n70 SALEM DEISIL Boiler and ball bearlnte for tracks and tractors. 37-,r- Sllverton Road. EXCELLENT barn yard fertllltsr. Phone ntl 43907 or 3S400. FRFE Westinshouss sswlng machinal on all floor Samples. Ssvs up te ee. YEATEA APPLIANCE CO, 111 Chemek eta. NEW APARTMENT FrlBldalra Eleetrtc Rbobb IM. Oood ess rurnacs. pipea anc reenter! for l-rooms. Meke offer. Aute matls ges hot water tank 131. Ph. 04111. nM Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Sock T bulk order delivered. Phone '-lrJ. BEPBtOEBATOB s, nee end need. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 CBeWl.t St MAEZARD CHERRY SEEDLDtO AIM ai.u at Ph. 41041. BM PLASTI-B'' - require, ne esslris. PW yo-i floors or llnolsum. TEATEB AP- FUANCS CO, 171 cnemeget VIXON spsrk plug elesner, Oreyeo wheel besrlng pecker, Kols rod aUtnsr. Phono USED HIGH CHAIB Very rood condition, S10. Apt. IM, caveiur Apartmsnta, I17S Court. urn kenmore dsluas vrtnser I weshsr. Porcelain tab. timer and putn. ami a. Cburch. Phone 3441 ate BABY GRAND Plsne. Kohler Campbel h.w Tort. w. H. steiser. Paiu cur. Phone 377. Call by I and I o'clock. nM IM BASS baby grand accordion. 111. Year aid. mtt Maple. nM FOE StlE: Norse rtfritrsto I tn. foot, a;..Tii..s gonllllo easts, I FOR SAU MISCIOANtOUS KEITH BROWN SPECIALS BL C t (MM Oval Canto 0 .MM (MM v, MM Usees ' to r X I - RL Clear' A ruu . ia rw ... j . IMM fee nul (tarter tans) BangeVav Bouse Patat - volte .... EM Pake Mason sad Ska paint... I u Teioltte I N l.M Leuux - Tutor Paint Send PloJah . lt Dtmaal. Raeelved sew ahtpoaent Rotarr Leva era. alostrte A na. . Oardea Cart. 13 t ID U ............... 4-M 3 50 Ps Doors Left t-i-xl. - t Panel l.M S-CiS-OxlH 1 Panel ........... HI S-x-4xlW, - 1 paaal A.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. PhCM X-P11I Preat A, Cawt St. WE OITE S. A) B. OR UN STAMPS REDUCED! ' $10 per day until told. OKI t INCH DRUM FLOOR SANDER. M SHESn OP eVRRD OBIT PAPS. StarUnf price Feb.' 26, $57$ ' MARCH 4, $925 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT Al COURT STB.. PHONE Mill (Wa Olva SOvB oroea sumpsi n TOP son. River aUt and fill dirt, prompt deUvtrr. 1-1740. 173- Ue ALLOWED lor tour old wster hosier mm una new 41-gallon automaue aieo- trio water boater. Teeter Appliance ITS Chemekeu. Ph. 14311 DEEPER EESR boms ftoeaera. TEATBR AP PLIANC1 CO . 176 Chemeketa. OARAGE EQUIP. One Van Dora hard seat grinder. Sioux vslve facer. Bender front and gauge. Allen dutrlbutor am agrab, fast battery charter, and other Items. John ChrUtenssn. phone 341, IMS Mehama Bond, Starton. nS3 - F ASM HOME GARDEN Retted Htanvra, com poets, the same oalttr as last year, for homo and gar dan. Flagstones, rad lava atone and other typos for walU or gardens. Rustle cedar fencing and treliu work. Phillips Eros., RL e. Box 411, Salem. Ph. 4-3011 Gravel and Sand Anything In grovel, wholessls and retail VALLEY SAND 4b O RAVEL CO.. Ph. 34003 GIDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, tence poets, aean poets and atasea. FhlUlpo Bros. BL t. Box MS. 1 miles oast or t Corners. Ph. 43011. eCULLOCI CHAIN SAWS. I0B Edtewater, wast Balant. Salem Lotting Supply Ph. a-1541. VIED Westlnghous automatic laundromat. only lin es. Tester Appliance Co., )7S Chemekete- HOSPITAL BED tor aale or rent. H. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone MISS. FEBTILIZEB, semi-rotted manure. De livery anywhere. 1S4 N. Winter, 30774. nS4 USED washing machines. M.M and up. TEATBR APPLIANCE CO., 171 Chemek eta. SEWING MACHINE Used electric, walnut console cabinet, A-l ecttdltlon. Has regular act of at taohmsnts. pin iros sewing lasaona Onaranteod. Bargain, S40.50. Slntar Sawing Center. 13 N. Commercial. i54 WB BUT need furniture. Ws pay spot aaak Ala want wood appliances. Buss, baby Items, etc. Ph. 3-1 lis or bring to Olenn Woodry, ISC H. Summer. nil LABOR KIDNEY shaped wool frless dsv en port. Matcblng chair, and Croslsy console radio, sxosllsnt eonaitlon'. call U1M after . nsi FBEE DIRT, U bsuL S4S Ferry. Phons M4 I453T. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts helL Hlghast cesh price on delivery. MOBHIS BX47RFE1N PAOKINO CO. 440 N. Front St, Slem Ph. I7H1 na WOODBT WANTS Plane. Phone 1-5110 SALEM DIBECTOBY Latest Folk edition. State your pries. Box 4M, Capital Jour nal, nasi LOGS WANTED atod MUI. Lengths r 4" or ir I". Dl smiter t" to II". Sswmlll, Lsnttht 11 end lonssr. Dlamster I" to M". Top prlesa paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turnsr, ore. prions ills na ELECTBIC BANOES. Woodry-a. Ph. 1-6110 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, OrOUP No. 1. 1M1 N. Commercial. Ph. l-llll or 1-4517. p5 SECURITY DETECTIVB Aiency, private InvestlgaUona. IM Pacific Bids. Phone 4-3341. ptl AUTOMOBILES '50Pontiac OaUUna. Fully Mtisppeta,, one wncr, Ult fttw rondHlon Charles Musser TJSED OARS man tt marion ph. 4-401 'II FORD DE LUXE Redlo end bister. Bxcellent condition. Seytiee men's, transferred. Cell Jeff. Ph. 111. 64 A-l CADILLAC '49 41MS. 'II", special 11991. Call all 'M FOBD pickup, extra clean. Ph. 41157. 54 1M1 CHBYSLEB Royal, Ilka new, radio, beater, lota et aoceseorles, niv tlrss. Fhtaa I-Mll. SS '48 Chevrolet 4 -door Stylemaster. Nicely equipped. One ovvner, good rubber. Very clean. A real buy $993 Kannier's Used Cars SM Hood - Ph. MM! SI MODEL A Ford Plck-os and I oil berreU. beet offer. Ph. 4M74. ass ' PLYM. ejesUl S IX Itut da oc SipdsVBu Charles Musser USED OARS BIOR B MARION PH. 4-401 ltPS MEBCt'BY 15th. I peat. Chsap. 141 a IM FOBD POBDOB custom. 11,000 mllee. with radio, bsawr, overdrive. Phone l-MM. S5I tl PLYMOUTH BELTED IKS, tally seute pe vklt van Ursa. Itek ttev. uses. Private owner. Ill Portland Bo, Apt. Ne. 1 Ask for A. Wllllsms. 55 BTUST SELL THIS WEEK 1M1 Ford Cus tom Da Luxe Ford-O-Matlc Sedan In perfect conditio. Redlo. beater, wlnd ehUld washers, dlrectlonel sltnsU. un dereoeted. I15M Mt S Msla St, Inde psaoseoa, Ore. raoat Ma, . s AUTOMOBtLES te cbev. s-DOOa, ga4 SISidlllSB, tut. arEAP. acics SALS MM Plnwutk ooum. asoat SI. - Orlffllk Etall, State opltaL ' '17 AUDfVON COMMODOU I sodas, sleaa. I7M. Shrock Motor Co. ejM M PORO T-S tad or aedaa. tuatat. asst. Shrock Motor Co. otl 'M OLDE sedanetts. Badl. koataT. MM. Shrock Motor Oo SI tl MEBCtmT SEDAN. Badla, beater, av srdrlvo. Shrock Motet Co. S3 SI ITUDEBABIfS T-S Coavdr. Badla, boater, overdrive, attract Moaag ca. SI TM BCUSON BOB MKT sedan. Badlo, )MaU ar. hvdramauc. sarock Motet Co. u cHrvRocrr 4 door strle master. NWelp ooulppod. One owner. Oood rubosr. Tory cleaa. A real kur. SMS. Kaamlora Dead Oars, SM Hood. Ph. loan. S3 FARM EQUIPMENT W.C. Allls Chalmsrs tractor; I John Dears I bottom 14" plow; 1 disc John Deere; 1 Champion Mowerl I 34 ahlck brooder. Ph. 1-3017. soil AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR B TON 0 KA DIATOM TEOoBUT Valley Motor o expert will aeita your prob lem and eavt yea money. Pree eetl HataU, apeedy aarrlca. Center at Liberty. TRUCKS WILL SELL tlnila axle log truck and trailer ar trade far beat car offered. Write Box 7J MUI Clt. Ore. Ph. SIS. Lester wsrner. dt4 's CHEV. Htk flat bed. long wheal base. Oood condition 1171. Ph. 41745. DODOE xt pansl truck. MM. Vallsy Equipment Co.. 4JS 7th St. odJl SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 3S5S Portland Road NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN oxSS FINANCIAL WILL PAY CASH lot mortgages or con tracts secured by real estate. See Burt Pleha. 371 H. High, allies 1441. sve. 43133. rS4 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 103 South Church Forking a-Plenty a Ph. 1-3411 Lie No. M-1M, S-1M SEE US FOR FARM, CITY or ACREAOB LOANS - BEST OP TERMS WE BUY ftsal satsts mortsasss sk contract. State Finance Co. MT S. Hlth St. Ph. Kill 5 Interest t yen have Idle funds seeking Invest ment, then you are the type of person to whom we csn as or service. For over Twenty-five Veers ws beve been helping people In thu community find profltsbls work for thslr money. During thu period we have . promptly paid M eeml-aaneal latereet permeate totelltns meny Thousands of Dollars. Ws ere currently perms S INTEREST on funds from 1500 to IKOO. General Finance Corporation Ml 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Ores on Phone l-llll t tis.aee fob i years wm per tioo in. tercet per month, oood security, write Box 4M. Capital Journal. - rSI Refinance your asles contract. Have your Deed to your property. We offer Insurance Co. Mti. fund. Akso Savings at Loan Mtt. funds. These are avallabls to you. Rex Sanford Finance 111 No. Hl-h Ph. 4-3531 - 4-4474 rss WT;Vaw iiJi5s3?:SS r-"-wrlH wwJ.nm "ETSf yirSyMraB! Jfjy . mm ii iiiiun i iiiijjgl's'8jTA r.TTjiiwtj; 3S FINANCIAL CASH TOR TAXES , ; LOANS UP TO $1800 ox Suaatara, PvrmUare. Oat AT PntAOKAL n a 'Tee- PfomptJr te oaa 1-vlalt laaa . . . pbaw first, a) Tea aalest oast parmeatt Sate, Betveea papdr teams. Phsat. orlte at aom at TOOAT1 Personat Finance Co. IM S. aUOH ST. State Llcenaa Boa. B-133. M-lts Loans avsr 130 wp te lit and na M M month I repay mad. So Personal Finance Co. of Marlon rouoty under the industrial Lean Companies Act of Oneea. rtl STATE FINANCE CO. , NEED CASH? " Tf ee, eee ja today. Csninlteste yen debts Into ONE payment monthly with smaller payment. Oct In touch wltb a today. S-31 PHONE tia ' M-M3 - 167 So. High St., Salem, Ore. tSs PRIVATE MONEY rtpeclal Bates and Terme On Loner Leans Long and Short Ttsee Paymsnts boy a. siMMons S Oommeiclal St Ph. Mill LI. 9-m and M-IM and ROY B. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Heat "Top lyases" 13:S Dally tULM . 13M K. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS S Commarciai St, . Tea. htn HOUSE TRAILERS 1MI LAKEWOOD It-ft. Ions, axcallent condition. Ph. Black 131, suvsrtoa. lata SML. SUBUBBAN HOME, uka late model House Trstler as down payment. Lena Lane Tralter Flaaa. 1I4S Lena At. Is" IV HOUSE trsllsr, good oondiuen. Phone t-lMS. te WILL TRADE furniture At cash for trallor boos. Answer by mail. MM Wsrner St. tatT CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINE All makee used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen, ess Court- Ph. 3-1773. o BULLDOZING Bulldoslng road, clearing teeth. Vlrtil Huskey. 1010 Palrvttw, Ph. 3-114 oM CASH BEGISTERS Instant dsllvsry of new RCA cash res it ten AU mskes, sold, rented, repotted. Roen. 4M Court. Ph. 3-0773. o DRESMAK1NQ Alteration!, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, button holos. Mrs. H- M. Allsnder, I-M1L 054 DBIVINO INSTRUCTION Leern to dries tht "Easy Drive" way. Call or sse Mr. Ricks rd. Vsllsy Motor Co., seism. Phons 11147 or 45114. o EXCAVATING Beu Otjen at Son. Excsvatlng, grading, land clearing. Phone 3-5050. oOO INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-Uft tracks. Inslds and outsVdo work. Hyster, Clsrk, Moblls Uft. MM and 40O0 lb. machines. By dsy, week or month. Ph. 13431. Cepltel City Trans fer. INSULATION Insulation, vsatherstrlps. screens. Free estimates. X Pullman. Phone 3-595 MATTRESSES Cepltol Bedding, renovates, nsw nattratsss. Ph. 14049. OFFICE FTJBN1TUBR Al SUPPUES Desk chain, files, filing supplies, salsa. duplicators. Buppltaa, desk lamps, type. writer stsnds. Roen, eao cours. SEPTIO TANKS Hsmsl's asptls tanks clesned, line serv let. Ouaranteed work. Phons 37404. 073 f V,'aMa.'' 'nSkv MARKET QUOTATIONS FOBTLAIfB PBOBOCt. UST ats - chant: Premium euellty, AS te eae per eant aeldltr delivered b) Portland tl-TM Ik : first auallly 7-Tci aaeoad onabty, -! VaUey tent nd eeaatry potata, 1 eon la laaa. BMtor Wholesale f ob bulk cube to wholesalers node AA M aeon, net A erode. M aaote. Mei B, M score. te; OL M aeere 04. Above prloss strictly nomlnei. rbesea Sslllng swtoo te Portland weoto- ealera, Oreaea atnalea, 3Vk-4e. Oregon lb. teal. tt-t!Veel triplets, lit let than sins Is. Begs to Wkitasaleiei Candled ess eoa lelnlng as lees, oae tncluded P. O. B. Fottland. A grade ten. Mtt-tlVee: A grsd medlaes, Uls-Mtea; B grad largo. 44-41 tee. Petttaad BaSry ? Bottse Price te retailers : on) sut prtet. Tic: A eeremt, Tse: a Prints, ni oarten. Tact B rrtnt. Sts. Easa To retailers. Oradee AA. large, Ma A terte. S3-04C1 AA medium. Mc: A medi um. tM: A assail, Bcsainai tnneno, e nddllienaL Ckeeeo Pnee to retaBtrs. pottland, Oreton atnglss. mia-mci s-r. Mvee ay-uus Ih.t trlpleta. IVea tea than am- Bias. Prsmlum branda slnilss, Mttei loaf, 00 tee. Freeeaaed Aatprlcaa e In ess, l-tk. loaves I retail. MU-MVM m. Poultry Live mtekean IN. 1 euellty. F. O. B. Plant.) Fryer, lit -I Bte. M-lOc: 1-4 lbs, 30-31e; roasters. 4ti lbs., and over. l-lle; heevy bona, an weights. SSs; light ben. ell venule. Me: 01 roosters. ie-iec Dresssd CWekene Fryera. 3-S lbs., Otei roaster. 4S-tal lbrht bona, tl-3tc; heevy bsns. 4-37t But ttt tryatn, wsUhts. 43 -44c BaSbits Avsrage to Brewers: lit whites. 4-1 ms. U-Mel s-4 lbs- M-lta Ib.i old dooo, lt-lte, lev bltber. Fresh dreessd frysr to rstallsre, M-tlei cut ap, BB-g7S. Cenatry Klltei Meete Veal To euellty. t-4ee B. routh hssvisa. M-40c. Hets Lsan blockers. 0.13ci aowo, tight u-3se. Lambs Top grede sprinters, 40-43S1 ether trades, cceordtng to euellty. Matton Best twaa tnd vsther l-lo lb. Beef Utility cows, u-Mc I.i eaajter- euitsrs, sa-xre. Fresh Dresssd Meets . (Whsleealer te reteflers. owl. I Beo-teera ebotes, too-TOO !bs..e trt-43; good. IM-41; ommerclaL 434-14 i nttllly, BJZ-JS. Cows Commercial, tM-34: atlllty, 03 M; tenner, 131-11. Beef Cate (choice steers: Brod Susr tors, 141-11: rounds. 145-60: full loins Irlmmsd, st-7ti Ulantles. S3I-M; tore- usrters, 114-39: chucks, SM-40; ribs, V55-S3. Tesl Oood. S40.MI eemmsrclala. S4S-5B. Cslvse Choice. 144-64; oommsrclais. 40-S0. Lembe prime gnrrngera, 40 -so II3-4S: good, (40-44. Hettea uooa anoiee. gio-lt. Perk Cete Loins, No. I. A-ll Tns SSI : shoulders. 1 lbs., US-II.SO; aparerlba. I4B-4B; rrsan nams, is-ie ws.. ges-vs.M. Smeke Baaea-Sklnned. 45 1-464: ale bacon, A43-S1. Refined lard te drum. SIT.; ia a aeon, tsa-tts. DIRECTORY Mlks's Septle Service. Tanks clssned. D rooter clean owsra, drain. Phone 1-140. Sswer. asptls tanks, drains clsansd. Bo- tn-Rooter newer semee. pnona s-sjrv TELEVISION TV alslM, Service. Antenna. Ult Una OM Ave. Phons 4-S133. WINDOW CLEANtNO "B At Z" Window Cleaners, paint scrap. ms, floor vexing and general service. ReeldentlaU our speclelty. Oo an rehire Ph. 3-731. 003 Acms Window Clcansrs. tndustrlsl floor waxing, nonaecleenlng. Phono I-1M1. 147 Court. e TYPEWBITEBS Smith. Corona. Homlngton, Royal, Un derwood portables. All mates ussd shines. Rspeln dt rent Boon, AM Court LODGE Salem lodge No. 4, A.F. & A. M.. Wed.. Mar. 4. Stated Communication, Moving Pio tures, 7:30 P.M. 84 Capita! JoarnaL (Ulem, Ore, Ctstr Cel. oat erate. Mti , MJS- 04 34. Pew to It. Ore, 3.SS-t3 S. Oalsai II 3s. snob West Oeoee yst- Ssvs. nudlut. -4 St; l-lnek. M.M-: He. la. M M-Mcl ketlera. I Ike. sack, 44-411 loans yellows, tare, IS t-J.1S; He. I Large, MM-I TS: whit mod. bu, 4-M- s: terse. s I PS Poteleee Ore-Wash. rSAseta, Be. 1. 0; aama brands to Alt; bakers, t-M-M; M lbs., sins A. 1 M-1S: I 3b. sees. M-Me; poper, M-Mc: Me. i, M tee, tl. Iden russets, les, -l net, s ee-M-lk. seelti. S.M-M: 31 b Is It LBB-B. Bar a S. Be. 3 green alfalfa. Aellvor- ea seta P.O-B. pemiasyg, nominally i-M ten: Seattle. 144-41. Wees Wlunsaeile veUey meetly cteastn- ei tee is. greaso basis. !.? Calves. lt-Uc lb. Biter gin M velgbtel green aim. U-llci beef. 1-1S l buub, a-4a; green btcbet sow bide. FUttrts Wbolaeale aaltina nrtee Bo. 1 Urea sarosloaea. I-Ms Ik.; grower prtosa. tchard ran. 14-Its aV Warante WbrMessle tetilat one, flret oualltt ln FrananelUa. 31-tts In.: grower wtee. atebard tea, U-M lb, few Chtsag 15 Bow nterttetrne vaa to. regular Tussdar. ranslug from stead r M oente lever on butcher wdihta In steady to strong on sows. caitia were mostly steady but helfeio auffsrsd steady to M oente lower mar- xet. ansep felled to establish a .mark. kill vers BUedy tn early Indications. Moot anrrows and gilt M from SU M i SMAS. BnTtremes were ea huh mm tie sa and as low ss tit le. Sows gsneraUy took ll 3B to IMA. e-mM veto In line vlth trade esyecteltons and cleared veil. Most aood lo low-prune steers and yeer lrna sold from as 5 to tst.M and good te Mime btlfers free tlt.M to .. Cova topped et ttsM. bulk) at 1 1 90, and vveieve as Bsumated salable arrivals tncluded Tl,. 00 boas, 7.0O csttle vhleb was M per oeai lower then the lt.OM expeoted, SM oslves, and 1,00 shssp. . Portland Ltteeteek porusnd OJJO OattUf ISA: etlM steady: hlth choice 10M sb. ted steer S4.M; commsrelal steers 1140; canner oulter cowa 11-11; aheus down to 11 and owvwi iwiir oova r ; eommrrdsl bulla M-ll. Calvee: M: vealen sesrea: aaAAholM eeotebls M-lt: prime ISonday to N; com- meroiai-gooa niauthiey salves 11. M. bobs: m; active, stesiy; choice t 1 euicner lee-iss 10S. M-11.M; choice ITS, saw IB. cows SO-SO.S. t: 100: ateedy; aood fed lamha choice to 11; sood-chMee feedere salable 1T40-1I; food slaushter ewes Monday l. Ferltead Grata Portland 17 Ho eaaree eralna anate. Wheel cbldl to arrive market, baste No. bulk, dellvsrsd coast: Soft White t.ssu,. Soft White (encludlng Bex) 1.43 tti Woite Club l.uvh. Hard Bed Winter: Ordinary 1.4414; IS Per cent I 4444: 11 nor cent 1.44Vti IS mmr cent 3.44V Car receipts: Whist U4: none Hi aaem v, mui lean e. v Chlsege Otsln Cbteags tP aoybeana wrava novarsl towaro sne Boise on the board of trade Tueedar, the Merck eontraet going above M M for the tint time sines Jan. a, tn active deaiinca. The rest of the also Improved In the last hour. Gains vera sufficient to get vhcet back to around prevtona doelng levsls after II bad sold off mors than a csnt during aarly doaunga. Mill bought vheet lollovtng salsa of floor to Icceltn eountrls Wheal closed M- lever. nUrcb UJtVt . torn blBher, March ll.Mw-H. osta lower to H hither, March T3H- re. rye ivh.i nrgner. Mar soy. hesns Vt Vowsr to Vb hither, March t3.ll-M. and lard S to S3 cants n bun. dred ponndg blaher. Mareb to. TO. Stock Market New York 17 Aircraft van bought at nitnar prices Tuesday but the stock mar ket otberwlBB vaa thoronchlr mixed. prlcee rantad from around oolnt hlsh- sr to fractions lovsr, and that apreed In ths ranaa gave an tnatsatlon 01 the ex tent of the upside nature of ths markat. Volnm was rlsht round Mondar' levoht an estimated 1.BO0 ooa eharea ne compared with lsonday 1.70,000 snarls. Ferllant steotetd Merkel Portland 4J-TJ Burnner, wnab hothoose rhubarb sold for A1.7I-I for extra fency ls-lb. boxes tods 7 on the Portlsnd Bast. stda Farmer Wholesale Produoe market with faaor at 917S-1.M and abolc at I ;! Other produce was limited and Prloss , nominal. msmm Whatever You Have to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll find soneons who Is looking for lust that very thing through the Capital Journal classified columns. Try It NOV Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" Tasmtlay, Marc S, ltU 17 Sowo Chore To Sign Namo 1500 Times . GardBBF KBBDB BS shSaTYSIB - t the Ksisaa kt mvti tf Uy ksd s BTwtty to isM etMcwnirsf Ub gmttrnf. tttraetl ISM kwU trash BBTtBC a fse TBlBS M HHt Moodav Biakt as a Bart t his ffUlal dDLVM with ths KeSs tllstrtet, , "If jrtMi float think that's a real J-b- I" try wrltiBf VODr BBB1B ISO tlmss tt SMSS Btttlnf' Ntruarkoj! Ch lira B Kiwi as h wtuemci ; Urmib tm hit rUhi haadl. Ths IlilMH tn is tm first to be ssHd tf the mars than ta.ttf.IM lenWAS bh thaariaad tm saBBSctlsai with the t(MATUTcts)a Bf ths StTth Salem tis hl(h sehssiL Hospital Auxiliary Discusses Drive Ths annual irrirmbegshlp drivea. ' tartlnc April 1, wm discussed at the meeting of Salem General Hospital suxlllary, Ttiesdcy morning at the SaMta YWCA. Six co-chairmen have been named for the membership event, Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs. Morris Ciothert. Mrs. Vernon Crothers, Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Harold Busick, Mrs. E. M. Pag. Reports weyre given from the riommage sale conducted tn Feb ruary, (843 so far being realized from the event Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. Wllam R. Shlnn and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr. were co-chairmen for the sale. The project to he ntonsnred for the hospital with the rura mage sale returns and silver tea proceeds will be mnounoed later. A Pottoiain, N.Y. man te credited with introducing the first standardized quart milk bottle In 1884. Previously, the milkman poured milk from hit can directly into customers pitchers. SALEM MARKETS Cassetted frees 1st site al Seism Inlir let the tntdeaee el Oapttal lewjrae! ' reedsre. (Revise AsahT.) . BeteB Fee Pvteea Bakblt Panels AIM (M-tb. bag). 14. - I ts (100-16. bat l. Egg Mean MJS-H.W. I Dairy Feet tl-BO-tJ IN SB. Vaa), tl.M-S.4l (1M Vt.). Pealtry Bnytng rilees coioroa trrere, lOci old roosters, lie; colored fowl, leet leehora fowl, tic: roasters. Its. . Bess " Beytn Fitse Bags. an. aset rarv 41-ttc: ntedluni AA. etc; medium A, M Me; smau, sec gsnsrelly o-Te higher than the pnee ebove. Larce tred A tersereap Booted l 54c i medium. 4c. Bolterfat Buying pries: PreerUaxs. 71- 73c; No. I, M-70o; No, 1, tTc. Belter Wholesale grade A ssr inyasnl Tlo lb.l retail, TTc v. 22404 tl ri W 5 : 1 1 : i i f . 1