...... . -' lt-CaplUI Jom-mL Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES SEE IT i Baawtlfal 1-kdrm. ha. with Baaat. Ptrwleca. Lane 4ttntm. barm, hlckan aaa. Irrle. aratea. Oood black Ml. Underprteed at tesoe. Tenet. WW take hi aood lit H'Iimi. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MM Utah It. n. mm Km. 3ell or 4U4I ate Bourn On, 1-oMrooa. m t-M-raom. Ph. ntti. ,54 BANCB STYLE Una 1 BR homi. IJT. ra. bH fireplace, Ola. aba. Hloo kitchen wlta, brklot. Book. Onlr tM. Al BaU Real Batata, aieol anytime, est . OI MM dn. n niw i-jmtjroom houses FPU. BASEMENT. OOT STAT I . muir. v moji past 4 corner W.Ptt (91 MONTR ATKa AT PTaOJECT. PHONS etna $7500 P-klili uuu bona, kaecaeat, terete wiw nrai room, nasatuw KWD. a tMUotalnt lota available. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MM lUaalon St. Pa. IU00 Ere. 4tt or lout aM 2 New Homes BEDROOMS. ONI COUPLSTBD, OTHER READY POR INSIDE PAINT- IN O. TOUR CHOICE IN COLORS. Birch kitchen , 4k Laree bath with vanity s tlla Wardrobe iloaala . 4k Plrat-cuua ecmatraaUoa 4k Street A curb Included a Loan .reliable at M to rltht party ' Fa. 20474 tor appointment. all J$300 DOWN Owner leaving fttvlem end It offering for tale on very reesonaoie unu. .nut an.bidrooiB heme on over at ' tor of fertile eoU la food district. Nlco ,,Yariety fruit and bomec run price .96 W0. $300 dorn, balance like rent. CUJ NT. iklMMM, Murphy & Kent REALTORS 4M No. Church rboca t-on ait -Sraa.1 Pereoae 1-lMt i- By Owner 9 REDUCED TOR IMMEDIATE BALI ."Rawer abate, 1 bedroom, all furnace. (rata, cloaa to Leelle Hlfh, bua Una. , ia X. Nob Hill. Detelle, aaU 3117a. .'Owner la town thla week. aaS . ATTRACTIVE (.BOOM home oa Una lot. - leroo. pa. 45M. " JUST LISTED A Kmm van will want to aaa. Rare' . A noma too. will want to aaa HERE'S WHTII Ha wall-to-wall carpellni la ' llvlnf room and dlnlnf room, flraplaca, OB dlahwaahar and dlipoaal unit ia kitchen, tall baaamaat wltb auto. oU ' 1 uraaoa. 1 badrooma. good tehool loca . tloa. JUST iio.too. GHMART & CALABA, RLTR3. 4H Court St. Pbon. 14111 - mi alt KEIZER LTery win kopt S-bodroom nous with attached sumo and fenced-in bvck T-rd. Lawti. k hrutao tuo to. Ho lliini t to do. Juit movo In. Loootod on CUrk St. M.ooo. 30 down. t. 1-b-droom taouM wm bo complilod in to o-ri. Auumuio won lurnavoo, ttrop.ftu. oitachMl ffotoco, Hdwd. tlrt. Located on Thurmmn ttrtot. Frlo U 1 $0,000, only I1M0 down. I. m-ttorr bout) on oorntr of Dearborn , J. Lentil ttretU. Udwd. floors, oU fur . &ftc. lano lailndty room, kltchan, dl neltt, larto Uvtnt room, bain. Room for . faadroom ututalrs. doublo aaraia. lawn. fruit tr.i. Owntr mU 10,000. Miki t tv an oflir. 4. Loftiy S-bodrnom homo In Ifanbrtn Oanlono on larva lot. CotriDlvMlr land- . Maped and lawn and ahrubo art in, Vlrtplaet, automatle oil furnaeo, Ivdwd. (loom, attached garaia. Can bo aold for v 11.000 down. Total prio U 110,500. jAbrnmj, Bourland St Skinner 4ii wuuaomo butldino ffcont t-WlT aVntatti t-4700 No. 23rd St. . m Ownor movinf to tho oottntry. Iluat Mll thla hnrtly l-btdroom houao with a full baUmtnt. Houm la about) 0 yean old and U In ctiimt eondltlon. Located on paved atroet wltb aldewalkn and icurba. Lortly terraced back lawn with fruit tree. Alio a .man irmhouM In a tear. Larto Uvlni room wtth fire j plae. dinlni- room, roomy kltchan with n bTMkiaat ipace, bath with tlla trim. Auto. oU furnaeo In dry buimmt. An , opportunity to buy thla type of house .doaerVt tome too often. Let tta ahow yoa una. mead at only 913,M)0. -jAbramj. Bourland & Skinner m ' 411 UAMOKW BUlLDIltQI tal Xttata lnaaianot boon t-tllT MortiataLoaaa Branlata: I-47M I LEAVING asr Ownar haa left tor M. Dak. t-bdrm. Baa. I rra. old. Hdwd. flrj. Dbla. tar. ft a. aanar all! loam. Kalaar DUt. lalM. fioov aowa. a raai bar. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 'lm Mbuioa at. Ph. tttN k.. issll or 4 Mai air SUBURBAN NORTHEAST mt badroom boma. Ita 11. and dta. rm aw.ll kltcbaa with Ilia dralnboarda. txlwd. llri. alea tttll., auto, oil haat. "appro. v acra food around, daadr "ahlcki hooaa. TEBI rr HAS TRXESI .aprlnkltnt arataa for l.wn and tardaa, aacloa, to bua and atora. Prtoad at ail.000. aac.ll Pat Kampar, 1-UI1. " J. I,. Himmel, Realtor 2 Pnooa l-llll atr aW OWN, two larra abotaa lata. Raa Taonabla. Phona l-ftv70. asa m I7O0 DOWN Haat l-badroom houaa. Kalaar dlatrltl IM aioain. t-aana a-oasa. aal 2 SMALL HOUSE ,? M5O0. rait. bath, an book of lot. , Jftar ttora, bua cannery. Room to build later. A tood rent beater. - C. W. Reeve, Realtor Ttaaa uiuim a m . ... laao Uktaioa at. Ph. lata. ' Bra. tVSM tMt alt :GI $450 Dn. HatS new J -bedroom houaai, 2vith full basement Out State Street, H mile past 4 Cornen. $8,999 $32 MONTH uOfflce at Project. Phone 45790 aat .CLAaJirlBD ADrtBTMINO i Par Ward - a Par Word, ttaaaa Ma i Par Ward, tlmaa It. Pat Ward. I aaoaak aa Na Baawadt BMatataaj I Waraa. BKADIBB ta Laaal Nawa Oaa. Oalr. Par Ward UbaUaaaa M Waraa T. Plata Ad la 8 aaa. Oar. Paper, rhond l-HN Brfwra It avaa. Ore, Tuesday, March S, 1953 s Your Town OWN A PART! LarwaaLJ JUST RIOHT FOB TWO . A ana-badrooai hoaw oa 4. 4th BL piraplaaa bad f araaa-atlaa. DRIVE BT-THXN LET OB BHOW TOO THBOCOlI . tit South h St. Aa altractln J-badroB aaan. wlab tliaalaoa aaa ka.rmanw wooaarlul Una lot. ad E l. 100 dowa aaaraa roa at aa- aaorrow. IN THE OQUNTRT lt . , itM . ThU la tna tloa f raar thla propartr haa a aatUat that a dlRaraai, loc.tad North aa parM road with aara. room far 1 laria badrooma. as Ira alco UrUM room aad dlalaa room. Call "' or appolatmant. aar Ulna. aiAOTT AND CHARM . A aarr loaalr -badrooni tma aolonlal. aaa at Salaa'a alaart bomaa. U aatad ta tha w.laul Park Add. If a ara loaklu far a wail .bull! koau, la aood aoadltloa. aaa aa about thla aaa. AU tor Tad MorrUoa. a ACRES ON HOWELL PBATRtE . ti t ... Wm. alll aoll. aaarlr saw l-badroom homo, bara and chlckaa boaaa, aaa all ka inliatad from wan. aViuramant laaludad tor It.wa, rtHMART & CALABA. REALTORS atvt.: Tad MorrlMn MOM Ralph Haddy SS4M Loul aUrtnt H Henry Torrend SSS Roy Todd Real Estate KEIZER DISTRICT 1 kdrmi.. tea. llrlai a dlnlnf aomblna. Kit. with aat. apaca. Alt. taraaa. aituaud an S aera. Orada aca. lurt I but. Cltr bua br door, will trada thla plat, aa a I or 4-bdrm. aouaa. I TOO. Call Mr. Yaadwrara, aalaamaa. WEST SALEM Nlca Urlni, tea. dlnlat. Kit. with Book. 1 bdrma. dn.. 1 bdrma. ap. klka. to aoh. Bua by door. Panaad back rard. Hit. CaU Mr. Buck, aalaa asaa. GRANT DISTRICT Nkalr arranaad Mooat bom with flraplaca, wiS-ta-wall aarpat. Vaa. kllnda, bath at abowar. I bdrma., dlnlnf. Oaraia. Lot aaxlTT, t blka. ta asa. Nlca yard, t walnut traaa. rlo.OOO. Call Mr. Rack, aalaamaa. 2 ACRES 14 z 14 llrlat. dlnatta kit, oombrna. 1 bdrma.. itlllty, taraaa. Fruit at pump ht... chlckaa na. ,av.ral fruit traaa. Vary fartlla around. Thla at a kur at ealy I II 00. Call Mr. Blmpaoa. aaiaaman LADIES' PARADISE Tola baauttful I-yr.-old noma, locatad la Bntlawood DUt t tea. bdrma. with dbla. wardroba clout. Nlca bath wltb Tanltr labia. Lfa. llrlat with luatt clotat. Porcad-alr haat. Alt. taraaa with atudy room abara. Only I10.7S0. Call Mr. Blmpaoa, aalaamaa. ENGLEWOOD, 1 BDRMS. Tau would anjoy thla rarr nlca homa la a woDdarful location, wltb baia mant. auto, ell furaaea. dlnlnf, flraplaca, braakfaat Book and azoallaak back yard with flraplaca aad patio. Only tll.too. call Mr. Todd. ROY TODD, REALTOR l stata Strtat . Offlea phona, 1-IM1 . Ira. ph.: Vandcrrorl, l-Mli Rack 1-1(11, Blmpaoa. a- tuti Todd, a-nil Grabenhorst Specials $750 DOWJf 450 par month, older homt, ft bdrma., lea. Itr. rm., wired for tltctrle ranit. Laundry traye, erase, lot 44 s 1ST. Located In Orant acbool dlitrtct, 1105 North 5th etreek Price INK. CALX. H. T LATMON, atALESUAlf , . A TTKt rAWXT HOME CotiYn!eet to aehoola transportation. 4M bdrma., tiled bath with Mparate thowtr at ail on first floor full bath up. LIT. rm. with fireplace, lee. din. rm., beautiful kitchen and nook, dble. t arete. All newly redecorated Initde. Seen by appk only. CALL J. S. LAW, 8ALE6UAN APT. INCOME Choteo location, four ftralahod apti. In excellent con dition with brkf. nook. Pull dayllmht basement, lte. party room with fire place. Thli le a beautiful well-kept home In a very eholoo location. Pot fur thtr Information CALL H. K. LAYMON, BALEStfAN IMMEDIATS POS8ES8ION New S bdrm. home, llT. rm. with flrepUco, din. rm., kitchen with brkf. nook. Pull darlliht baamt.. Ice. party room with fireplace. Thla It a beautiful well-built home In a eery ohotoe location. Por further Information CALL K. LAYMOW, SALESUAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit S. Llbartr BV. Ph. 1-1411 Iranlnta at Buaday, aaU H. K. Larmoa 1-I4M J. B. Law l-IUS Pat. Oalaar l-Haa MADRLN SPECIAL Nearly new tubedraom home, very tood floor plan with Initde utility, nlee larttr fenced lot. The owner will eon aider trade for I-bedroom home. Drive by 7 Marina, then call for appointment, prtea only 44404. Call TlbbetU. 3-BDRM. ONE FLOOR, IN CITY, $8900 Rare la real IMni for tho money. Hardwood floora, OTtralaed Uvlnt room, dining room, lane kltchan, aeparato breakfatt nook. Extra lane attached arete, bit utility room, aeparato reception ball, new 14-year .ruaranteed roof, cloaa to aehooL Homo la beat of condition throat hout. Cell Jim. 2-BEDR00M, EXCELLENT DISTRICT ThU attraetlTo heme la In excellent new reatdentlal Btectlon t blocka from aobooi, paved etreet, hardwood floora, nice dlnlnt mm, aeto. oil haat, , attached terete, early poeaveeiloo, tolllnt below PHA, appralaed al 44,350. CaU Jim. RESTAURANT WITH PACKAGE BEER Vary alea raataurant wit-., paokaaa kaar Ucanaa. locatad north aa blah way 68. ta act. of tround, aloa plaatarad 1-badrooa Urine auartara. Pull prlca tlLOOO, Tarma. CaU Chat far appolatmant to aaa. EXTREME SACRIFICE Out of town owner tan tall hta Wett Salem new 1-bedroom homt, tren at n aacrlfkt. W1U take ear, fcralUr houie, truck, pickup, or If neceeaary will accept caeb for hla equity. Haa noattaco l504. Beree your eaaoe. Make u an offer todey by caUlnc Chet. 116 ACRES, NORTH One of the ftneet diverelfled ferine In tho valley. Located t mllea north of Salem, aoo yarda off hlthwey 40. 4-bedroom home, emeltent eetoolldlnja. Borne turkey equipment. If yoa want a tood farm for 141,540, contact Dale Rayburn. RESIDENCE BUILDING LOT Stroat pavM. acwar In. locatad ta too block aa a. Bted. Aaklat prlca 11.100. Contact Dal, Rarbura. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) Mt R. Capitol Off Ma phoaaa: t-att4 ar a1ll Eraalni Pboaaa Tikbttu 1-ltat aim a-tlTt Chat I 111 Dala Rarbura t-tdtt ats FOR SALE HOUSES I BEDROOM HOME FOR SALE NEAT, I BS boma, fall bate. Lee. rma, teaead yard, St. Vacant Dlatrlet. It. 60. Al Ball Real Eatata. aieol anytime, atl A BAROAIN AT ttllt I Bed Rm. Home la eieellent waadltlaa. Alt. O.raae, eel haat, It. lot. ANOTHER VERY OOOD BOY Attractive t Rm. home with I lera e ked rma., all. faraae, patio, food condition, ar. lot Price only t(7M. art our proTVRB oallbry op OVER Mt BOMBS FOR SALS . JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR Alt R. Hlak Ph. 41111, Bra, lln ail' HEBE'S ONB af thoee real family bomea. Llr. rm. with fireplace. 1. Dla. Rm, Lf. BJIch. with Book. I BR'a dn, 1 np. Full dry baeem.nl. Party room it wort ahoa. Dal. aaraea. tll.to. SI. VlrK.nl Pan. Al Bell Real Belaie. 41401 aaytlme. aAJ BNOUrWOOD t k4 roema. Auto OU Haet, attached taraca, eppoalte acbooL bua br the door. Very .lean la aad out. Illoo. Vary taey terma. B. A. MOOCAUTMN REALTOR 444 Center 1-1411, Bra. 1-7141 asr- COONYBT uvnio la town, trrely ranrh type I BR home oa lot 1M a 170. L. na. wrireplace, Dla. rm, kltch, aoek. Derlltht beaa. haa party room wflre plac.. Dm, eitra bedroom At bath. Sacrifice price, lie ooo. Al Ball Reel Betel, 41001 aaytUaa, aar REAL ESTATE Bud? Calaba I aT-alaJ aT- w --rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a tt$Mss FOR SALE HOUSES UXaUNO FEB SOTTirWI Thla 1 ked reeat home with both irrtnt and dlnlnt room, tood attla, la beeutt. fullr decorated. Xnatde utility, B lota and tread ahrubberT. IIM F. R. A. Mlt. B. A. MrOLAOFLDf REALTOR 444 Canter St. 1-4411, l-llll ell FOR SALE LOTS $10. DOWN Good toll. Water piped to lot. Electricity. Build without per mits. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE MI South Hub atraat phone l-ttot Phone area in re: e-1171. j-iua, l-eeie. Hill I-I3M aat INVESTMENT BUYS I duplets near sew, atrely err anted, abedroom, kltcbrn, bath, dinette. H.w. floora, lota of eloeet tpace, automatic laundry. Low ooet BonneviUe beat, ex cellent rental loratlen. 5140 per me. income, tood terms, ptdl price 474.504. BUSINESS LOCATIONS 1M It. eat hlthway Rrtt doer aa mala kaatewal kick. Lot la trereUd W earaat ftae for any buelaaae bulldlnt. Bead aar kH at Iran ere ar parkins, Walter Musgrave Realtors till Edftwittr pa, .,im FOR SALE LOTS BEfr"" CIm. U acbeal. aararal lana ra atnetad baud bullalna low. U Cba ... aoad. aa' CBOICS BUIUHNO UU an aorlb Broad' war. twim, laaa .. r- aial FOR SALE FARMS mi utdttL i fine unte wrtnea. V weUa. Orade A dairy bam. Ue. n.ahlno ahop laxue. neferal hoc aheep atieda. Oood feocea. O-at aerea in m h.i.nea. oeekuxe train land. Tho a. bdrm. home la a retular natation with S haethJ, baeemenl aoa a oreem uvsnfn. Two other mod. boueat for the help. This farm haa aiwaya been a BMnay maker. w ppirrr. lnfarmAiioe. call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1111 Bdfawalar -awa arra. a-arra REAL ESTATE M BOCIE, baiement, furnace, fenced ytrd. ftraUhed. 47054. Terau. CaS U1M BrTeninti. Colbath's VALUES TDII HAS COMB POR TOO TO SEB THIS E-BDRM. BOMB. All aa aaa fir., larta LR. DR. comb., l-car aar aaa. BXCBLLBNT LO CATION ON N. Hlh St. Prlca taJM. Tarma, I not dowa aad tat par month. ANOTHER BUY EE THIS at-bdrn,. home on one fir., leree unfiolabed upatalra, LR, DR. larte ajar ate, paved tt. In city., Total price IM 50. Stove Inclndtvd. HOME SPECIAL (bedroom Entltwood home, on arm all lot. It neede tome cleanup work. Price ae it, Ii5. only 9o oown. 2 E. SUBURBANS IOLOSB TNI No. 1 Nearly new 1-bdrat. homa on aaa acra. Nlca hdwd. flra., laraa LB, roomy kltchan, daa orer attacnaa aa. rata, alea lawn, water aratem, vary claaa a aaat. TOO DONT OO WRONO ON THIS WOH HMO, OOOD TBrUaO. No. t Wa want yoa to too thla aawer l-bdrm. homo with hdwd. flra, all boat, loraly kltchan, bay wladow. Book. Tbla homo muat ba aold for out of town ownar. Prlca ritM. OOOD TERMS G RIOHT PARTT. Attached taraca. $7350 BARGAIN ' THIS NTCa OLDER PLACE haa full t bdrm. homa apatalra and laraa ona- kdrm. boma dowa with 1 lota. Plenty room for another boma. New 3 -car ta raaa. THIS XS VALUE AT ITS BEST fob t73o. Terma, tint dowa aad too per moath. WANT TO TRADE ttila lovely CAPE COD. Lane a-bdnn. home with bit roomy baamt., oil forced air furnace, hdwd. flra., patio, fenced, attached terete, hdwd. fire. Located In Xntiewood ach. diet. Trade for email 3 -bdrm. homo cloee to Aaaembly of God church. POSSIBLE $250 DOWN BOYS THIS MILL CITY HOME With fireplace, picture wladowa, t bdrma., LR, DR, baamt. TOTAL PRICE t4too. Sea Vaa Horn on thla. Ire. ph. 41743. REDUCED FIGURE THIS CHARMER IS LOCATED. ON ENOLEWOOD AVE. Loraly ltr. rm. with fireplace, nice din. rm., circular floor plan, dream kitchen. 1 nlca bdrma., un flnlahed upatalra room for den or Ird bdrm. OU foreed-alr furnace to all rma. aalact hdwd. flra., taalde utility rm., attached farace. lot HX133. LETS SHOW TOO THIS POR I13.000. F.H.A. TERMS. EVE. PHONES: LAZENBT 41701, VAN HORN 41786, OOLESBEE 2w7. RENT BEATERS $400 DOWN l-BDRM. HOMB S. SALEM. $500 DOWN l-BDRM. HOMB - S. 25TH . l-BDRM. ROME S. BALEtt .. l-BDRM. HOMB - 8. 13TH .. $600 DOWN l-Bunac. houe . a. szizEn $750 DOWN ..ooo ..fBtOO ,..I4S0 ..1000 .14400 I-BDRM. HOMB B. SUNNWAT. . t000 i-BDRM. HOME - W. SALEM ...t300 HO PHONE INFORMATION ON THE RENT BEATERS. SEE DAVE LAZEN. BY AT OFFICE FOR FULL DETAILS. SOLD OUT AOAIN COLBATH LAND OO. HAS SOLD OOT THE BIOOEST SHARE OF OUR LlflTTNCW. WE HAVE MORE BUY ERS THAN LWnNOS. IP TOO WISH TO SELL, CONTACT 08i WB CAN HELP TOO. 4-61 ACRES with t houaaa and part cult., balance wooded. Locatad out at ROBERTS. Thla la a real bur for HSM with 7W down. 20 ACRES COLT, oa HIGHWAY. S.E. Nice J bdm. modem home, wonderful aettlnt In fir, oedar 4 all klnda of treea and ahrabbery. J-car tar ate, email barn. TOO WILL LOT THIS POR 110,500. TERMS. 106 ACRES VALLEY FARM (NEAR ORAND RONDE), about to la cult., as A. creek bottom, lira aroek, t Irrlcatloa aratema, tood l-bdrm. modern homa. bunt In '41. laraa barn. ate. Prlca tn.wo. etocked with 11 bit milk aowa, 1 aaddle horara. food tractor, all aoutpment. tlt.OOO. - 80 ACRES tt .ult. Balance paature. email S kdrm. atodera home with fireplace, bara toxto. Uva creek. 114.000. Take l-bdrm. Bocna ta trade. ON THE ABOVE SEI T..T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM " EVE. PH. 43714 ornci dial K 44494,24552 A WANTED REAL ESTATE SEAL BSTATI BELLTNO. WB RAVI morb buyers than oood list in os. If your property ta worth the mac erf WE can sell rr. ornci dial 44494,24552 NOTlrli If your property it for aala, ml er waeaeaae. net it with Be. We here ail Itnoa er eaan burerl. STATB FINANCE CO, REALTORS iu a Bat at WE ABB a aa af food houaee to eell. a or aaer Selaat. If yea wlab t. Uat your property lor aala. aa. CdtAPENHORST BROS. REALTORS 114 s. Liberty . Ph. 1-1471 ea WANTED I I. It ecrea with tood borne. CMM in. Ai ataaa. Hit, phona 4-3311 If no anw,r. 4-lltl . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE IN MY I4M0 Mullr a nice I70M l-bdrm home wltb beamt.. flraplece. loeauo R. 14th. plua rontrect ea another home With 11301 balance, para back Kl par win. piiH ibhthi. roa c.a aara aa aaaoe acuity la both prowrtiee a chane. for I or l.bdrm. bom. tmuat ha., bermt.l ap to 111. tot er ,ood lo co, property ae my ai.nl. BEN COL- eato atr. realtor, for complete detaiia. Pa, 444t4 (ae. 1444a. ebjv REAL ESTATE CREEK HOME MOD aeaad atdar -Bdraa. ha Mill Creek. A tood buy at nee. Call aua. aasraozH. COAST HOME BTODRT, attraetrra a-bdrat. aom,lataly atdn. Huaa Urla tat. with Ilrevutce. tee. dlnlnt la. MIL kaamt. with aU piped turn. Beautiful larte laadaeaped lot arerlooklat the e.aa. air.aot. win conttdar tood Income prep- wir aa- larm m traoe. can so. 2 310 ACRES tttlt kura t Md 1-kdna, homa at alee teniae, aauth. Fireplace, baaeaaat at aawauat AaaL rura, doubl ear aaa vau rtca. RANCH HOME Sot aa. ft. of fkan apace aa an. ftaer. moeiaiint t a ice. aaraav, euaint rm. tee. llalnf na. with flraplaca. bath d half. hdwd. lira thruout. fun hunt wlta fireplace. aU air eond. fura. a -ear tar. Auto. doom, ltt acre tract, located eloaa la aa prat. Truly a apread for aaly e-ji.eoo. wui eonaider food farm ii trade. Call Bay Darla. Pa. a-tttt Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor l N. HIOH aTTRBET MBTZOER 4-1711 ED 1-1704 PBCT. 1-1411 . DA Via 4-4I1T Ml WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES ZOOM! GOES THE . HEART STRING ' Lovely fir trove aettlnt on quiet dead tad atreeL Modern full basement with extra half bath. S fireplaces. 1 circulat- int. 14 a n Uvlnt room. Cloao m north. Private well. H-acre lot. Insulated. OU foreed-alr furnace. Aim oat new deep freeae. Tha price haa been reduced for emlck tale. Only 414,000. SHINY NEW In St. Vincent Diet. OU furnace. Plre nlace. Ineulated. Almost 1mm. imici. Att. cerate. Separate utility room. Deep lot. 1 w. to bua. PuU price 1 11,750. PJt JL terma. BARGAIN S-bedroom home. Juit outside city. Insulated .Only 4 yrs. old. S blks, to school. Elee. range, refrlttrator. Oa raco. Pvd. at. Pull price only $4454. MANBRIN GARDENS Beautiful suburban home on extra alto corner lot. .Nicely landacaped. S lane bedrooms. Cedar-paneled den. Lane Uvlnt room. Sep. dlnlnt room. Hardwood floora throughout. Pbreed alr oU heat. Insulated. Patio. Better cell to gee thla one today. PuU price 14,100. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-5030, or MR. KIOOIMA, EVE. TIL 4-5484. If no answer, caU 4-M4I. GILT-EDGE SECURITY 4 unite, almost new. Flrst-clasa con traction. .Turniahed. Close In. Very convenient location. Owner may con alder exehanto for a motel. Terma, PuU prtoe 455,000. A STEAL 1 fcualneaa lota. 150-ft. frontate. It ft deep. Thla la truly a banaln. Full prlca aaly $3500. Act now. Ready To Wear Shop In a very desirable, select location. Tory low overhead. Clean stock. Very profitable merchandise. Rent only tl per mo. PuU price 54000, plus Inven tory of about llooo. DO-NUT SHOP Owner forced to aaU. Purchase price of only 54895 consists of shelving, eoun ters, equipment, stock at time of tale. Rent only $00 per mo. Xmm. pose. CALL POR DAN IBAAX. EVE. PH. 4-1515. u no answer, aau 4-7241. OWNER MUST SELL Just received orders from Dr. to move. 44 acres with 45 under cultivation. 4- bedroom homt, barn, machine shed. 34 acres water rltht for Irritation. Price nee seen nracucauy reduced for quick and 1mm. tale to $11,750. Batter hurry; vua is a oanain. $600 DOWN t acres. Modern 3-bedroom borne built in 10. egQQSii barn, well house, fa- race, win. aiii eou. Thla pros art is roaur a tooa ouy zor 4850. . ARE WE EXCITED 1 Tbla la really a honarl Juat mutd. city llmlta. Near aehool. Northaaat. 14 aerea. Extra- modern a-bedroom homt witn aallnuhad upatalra. Homa ballt la niv. i-car tarate. New chicken bouae. Win aou. Thla land could eaaly be euoamaeo. . owner may conatdar chant lnt for Terr tood city home. Pull price ,),,eoo. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PR. 1-47X8. If bo aaawar, call 4-3341. MORTOAOE LOANS M-Yaar Maturity AL Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonaa 4-1311 or l-la30 301S PORTLAND ROAD Bra. Phonee 1-4733. 4-0414, 4-0030 or I-S9M at a. anawer, phona 4-1341 NEW 2-Bedroom 41104 POTS aU tha tsown aaTmtnt tn, eludlnt eoets. Balance 154 par month at r. n. . terms, wonderful Uvlnt room and dlnlnt room. Plant of & in cut ktteh-n tor break fut set. Inside city avwr-ai mtrmn irvm city part, NOB HTT.T. 4 lEttWtl laarlrrWtrll lfta llartaaaa - eni. .a , aaam iwiu, lane kitchen, large tarate. Automatic ju nrai. atvparaic utuity room. 1 blocka to Leslie eshool. Owner le out of town avwi vuie your oner. LARGE COLONIAL 1 Af thai !- kaJu... a- a - -- miwmi an VBWD. a. ""i m uiiubj room with fireplace. Larte dlnlnt room. OuU -.atAPUAIlt) albCIltJO. UOUOH PlUlTlDlnt. Ult- time tlie roof. Lovely lot cloee to hlth aijurai. i..Dw cna worm every penny, Would trade for a small home. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS & INSURANCE Ml Booth Rlth atraat Phona 1-1301 Pbea. .realnca: 4-1171. 1-1151, J-4474, 4-4111. I-I3M cftt 1USINESS 4 INCOME MODaajf Bar .u.nin. -i . -T email .own. larae traaa area, artck an tile bulldlne. aood MnlwiMt iru.a pllaa, far all rear Immediate poeaeealoa. annual troaa receipt. 3o.ooo. tll.aoo. Boi 411 Capital Journal. Price eef JOE PAL00KA J? H wAt.' " I f KAM, " Vt t4MMMY N I PUT TM' BOOK. OOWN. ITS Y PrtLL, MeOBtTrL, S MaDtVrtwW A Y " ",'tUiI1 a J . SUmJ'r V illStOfltWA UPSIDC OOWaf AatYraAYM, J PeWY PI0aT TP 6AV CVtaaPcfX da WHO'S JA C JUST GOT ON .' y S V atrSTAM . TM' T A CANT RfAO ,7 B PaAS YCOltKAJ'i 11 f) r I I T Sr- I rt AacTSCK MOTMtV BUT POP6 ) 0R 6 6000 ml REAL ESTATE lUeea a.tiialaaaa lllltttlll UWIUIII FARMS "iLlilttHttaT HOMES iiitiiiituuaiititM liitiiim tt iiiitniil laatani ii tattttta aaattt tt awMI It SULLIVAN RENTAL. Cloaa to Buah acbool. three badrooma. alea lawn. Older type home kut a tood bay lor ae.aao. THKEB BEDROOMS. South Bear Me Klaler School. Larte kiuhea and U64 a., ft. Heal U all forced air. traaar wiu take hmta. up to M too la trade. U.wt. CaU Bob Darla, l-ina. arranaia atoart 9 aedreoa borne, landacaped. lull out of eltr llm lta. Will trade for I bedroom bom. la town. 111.000. RUSTIC RANCH type borne. AU en one floor. Commendlnt new oreraoutn oa lam. Ltrlnt room 14x13. Multiple plumb lnr. Montaa forud au heat. There are aereral oak treea t. BMentuate tbu real ruatw subarbaa alome. Reduced to 17.40. 11 ACRES. Rear Srueh CoUaae. Juat .ff Wallace Rd. 1 bwlroom home la fine ahapa. T acree Rorel Anna, t acra of rr. old prunaa. 4 acree ef Bartlat peara, I acra applet. Ownar will divide farm ta eult kurer. Priced to tell at tit.ooo. tot ACRES. Polk County. All ftaced. Oood 1-room home. Out-butkunie la fair eondltlon. 100 heed aheep and aeme farm Implement, Included. 139,000. 111,000 dowa. 1300 ACRES scar Bend, Or aeon. 111,000 af eeulpaeat, 100 bead white facaa, one 4-bedroom home completely furnlahod. Two other houaea and three heme. Tar tar traatat rlihte available, owner wlU trade for Veller Income property that doea boi require attention. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR Silt Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1531 Ph. Eraa. 1-1337, 1-4047, 4-tUl, 4-1741, MTU C53 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES am Burs tolnt lumber and building material busineaa on coast highway 101. Pine trade area. Close to muia. Long lease on bulldlntt ard yard at reason able flture. Past troaa and net Indicates careful operator should recover purchase price first year. Price Includes clean Inventory, truck and equipment. Contact Owntr by phone, Oarlbaldl 495, or write Box 11, Barvlew, Oreton. od5 GRADE A DAIRY 144 A. 130 A. under cult. Excellent outbuUdlnts, Pair S-B.R. hse. Oood fences. Half eropa are in. Ownei will consider trade on bua in ass prop. 433.500. Oood torms, or $43,400 stocked b equlp ped. C. W. Reeve. Realtor 1440 MktS loo at. Ph. 34500 Eve. 43945 or 39539 Cd54 RESTAURANT, leete n. New equipment. Rent 160. Oood terma to reliable par eon. Ph. M410. oiif MONEY BACK GUARANTEE $713 to $2234 Investment tlvet yon your own Independent business operatint a route of ntw money-making 4o dis pensers, handling new, fast-movlnt con fections In drug stores, cafes, clubs, bua depots, etc. Route set up for you by our experts and protected by fire and theft Insurance. You must have car, refer ence and 9713 to 93325, which ta pro tected by an Ironclad 100 Monty-Back Guarantee backed by a 10 Million Dollar national Insurance company. Devoting a few of your spare hours each week to tho business you should tarn op to $80.00 weekly spare time, fuU time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid ex pansion. Por fuU information, write, giving phone number end addreas to Box 403 Capital Journal. cdS4 FURNITURE FOR SALE dss POR SALE rive-pieoe bedroom suite 400s aeven-pieco cuntnt -eet 435. Bert E. mc Cooi, suverton. Oreton, Rt. 1, Box 154A. Two miles southeast of SUverton, across from Evans Valley school. cft5 WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood nsect furniture and appliance. Phone 94084. . de LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER Bt-rr-Whlte face Hereford, 36c. awcxer port, joc not mat down. 4 mot. to per. Custom kililnt. Trailer loaned iree. atifD Meat 00- 1325 B. 15th. Ph. 14555. . RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doea. Phone gsi. 4io ciaxter Rd. ebOl1 BkARBITS WANTED. Any site and quan- nir, aieo purtertd Dreedlna stock for saie. rnont tTi07. eb79' NEW ZEALAND White. bred does. Also 'uuu " aa. rTCUW UQ WaUUOmia TXH bits. Special rau to boys, nrlrls Interested 4-H project. All clean, pedltreed stock. 45 Oernet atreet or phono 3-4354. cb45 PETS BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1UI McCoy. one klock Mat af R. Capitol It, blocka aorta ot atHiaoa. Ph. a-MIT. oc7l' COCKEB FUPPIE1. Call I71SI. ect3' MOOSE TROPICAL PltH, Mulpment. euppllea. 1 muaa tram Uneaatar an Maclaay road. Phona 1-7131. Cloaed v naaqera. acts1 CHOICE CANARIES. 1344 Cbemeketa St. Phone 34345. ac 55 al MliW'1. I rj'y:4Hts da EDUCATION TELEVISION NEEDS TRAINED MEN!! PAY $3 TO $5 AN HOUR APPLICATIONS ARB ROW BS1NQ ACCEPTED pROM MEN Df THIS AREA WHO ARE EARNING LESS THAN ttWt A YEAR AND RAVB A SINCERE DESIRE TO MAKE A FRESH START TN THE UTJLTT MILLION DOLLAR TELEVISION FIELD, MEN APPLYINO MUST BB BETWEEN THE AOES OP 17-65. THIS LOW-COST TRAINING PRO ORAM WILL ROT IN1BRPBHB WITH TODB PRESENT JOB. TV FURNISHED WB TRAIN YOO WITH ACTUAL TaTLEVISlOR BQUIPMENT, TNCLCDINO FINB TV RECEIVER, YOURS TO KEEP. GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TO ASSIST TOO IN LANDING THE JOB OP YOUR CHOICE IP YOO ARB SINCERE AND AMBITIOUS TO BREAK, INTO TODAY'S PASTE&T-OROWlNa INDUSTRY WRITE TODAY I WRITE TODAY USECLIP COUPON Sure! I want to enter the high-paying field of Television SERVICING and MAINTENANCE Rush me full information NAME ADDRESS E HOURS I WORK MAIL TO TELEVISION TRAINING, BOX 490, CAPITAL JOURNAL tsssrrttrrrm - rrrcrrrrrr'r - - PETS I TEAS OLD reilatcred male boier. Beat conformatlOB and marunaa. ra. aavew. ecll BOXES PUPS AKC, champion aired. Reaa- onabla. Phona 43441. ocas- FUEL BUY ANDEBION'S haadplcked alabwood. bow 1 cord 114.00. Phona l-nai or 4-4313. 7I Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone 15613 IMt Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. pice up your rreefco-uoe., oriqu.w uw Wood- lit so. ComX Phona 1-7731, a.' Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdoat tube aerrlce, all fcutdt at wood. Phone 1-1444. WALNUT SHELLS, 30 aacla for L or 11 ton. 13 ton dellverea la town, aaorria Klorfela Packlnt Co, 410 North Front. Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. BrKUiii rvn -v ivn s a Planer srlmmlntt, $4 load. Phone (7731 ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, It" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Plckuo Wood 1131 Edtewatar Phona aalam 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED colored fryera, colored and lecnorn nana. niau... fi Hatchery, phone 33111. f FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old ahlcka In New Hampahlrea. parmeatera, tteu. While Lechornc Auatra-Whlte, WhIU Rocka. White Wyandottea. Parmenter eockerela. Lee Hatchery, phona 13M1. SPECIAL New Hampehlra pulleta. lto ea. Valley Farm store, pn. awe. iiu- WHITB LEGHORN, Auatrawhltt. and New Hampahire chlcka, tit nuncreo. rn. Mill. Palmer'a Poultry Farm, Brooke. ni GOLDEN BBOAD and Haw Hampahire ahlcka, batched amy Monday and Tnure day. Our chlcka trow fatter. Fox'a natcharr. Stan State St. Ph. 14941. f waaaaaa....a..a. PRODUCE OBOANI0 GROWN TBEE-BIFENED or- anaa and frapefrult. potatoee. onlona. appla and Bute. PHILLIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 5400 LaacaateT Drive. Phone 3-11SS. II OOOD WALNUTI, will daUrer. Ph. 44917. ,10 cnurcnaaie. iioa- OAT AND VETCB hay. Hi! eheat hay, 117. Ph, 41071. II3B' HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED itrawberry plant peckara, Phone 43440. OP IN GRAND RONDE Educated man er woman with typewriter aa part time cor reapondent for capital Journal. Oood pay. Write ar contact Mike Forbea, Val ley Editor. HELP WANTED MALE DUE TO RECENT Promotions we will employ two men who win act as our representative In thla area. Per sonal Interviews will be conducted to select these men who wUl be given In dividual training. Ton must bo between tho axes of 34 and 04, have a servloeable caff be bondable, and wUUnt to travel during tho week. Ouannteod Income at $104 per week bet Ins with training. If you art looking for permanent work, better than average earnings, apply to: W. R, Olson Senator Hotel, Saltm Tuesday eh Wednesday, March I 4s 4 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 .M. ga59 TELEVISION SALESMAN Pull or part time. ntALLB, aao n. liberty. taSJ HELP WANTED FEMALE BEGISTEBED NURSE Immediate .pen. In, p.m. aad relief erufta. 113 44-111 13 per l-bour thlft. at Shtata Hoapltal, Mt. Shaata, Calif. tost CAB HOP Woodrofft'a Sea ahop, 1400 Portland Rd. No paon. oallj. BOUlIKtlriB for family homt. Board. room. waca. 44110 after p.m. fblf BEAUTICIAN Top werklu aonditlona and waaaa. Raw modem keenly chop. Oood tolnt kuelaeaa. Box 4et, Capital Journal. toot WALNUT IHkLLkRI A whole wlBter'a work. Merrk) Blorfela Packlnt Co, 410 n. rront. to CASE FOB CHILE KN permanent, I day week, tooa wetee ror aaapetaat help. 471 N. water, after I. tbt4a EDUCATION - tAataaaiaav WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN To Sell Food Plan 1. Highest commission. a. Past bank credit lsarancet. J. Best food source. 4. Top freezer lines. 4. Lead. CALL 44544 POR AlTCdNTtaTENT Ct53 SALESMAN to aeU rooting and tiding. Ap ply 9 a.m. to 13 noon. Mr. Bondeli. 1410 Broadway. at EDUCATION J! QUE inks, paints, tlaae textile paints. instructions iree witn a purcnase. Han dicraft Supplies A Q'Ji. 159 So, Liberty, room 10 upstair. bMI DIESEL! Practical spa re-time training In essential field. Include maintenance, re pair, Scientific latotor Tune-Up, all phases of bit pay work. If mechanlcaly Inclined, write for PR EE book. Utllltiee Diesel Tralnlnt, 497, Capital .Journal. hh&S PRACTICAL NURSINO Train quickly at home. Excellent pay. Many eern while learnlnt. information PR EE. Wayne School of Practical Nurs ing, 494 Capital Journal. hh59 WANTED POSITIONS PAPER HANGING, pattntlnc, fret esti mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 95533. bT3 MRS. MTCKENHAM-St DAT NURSERY State Ucensed and Inspected. Ph. 37581. h47 Garden Plowing Ph 123041 WILL DO baby sitting in y homo. Ph. 2518. h53 BOTOT1LLEB WORH Now taUng erdare ror earty spring roMiming in Keiser district. Ph. 44359. h59 GARDEV, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Flowing, cue int. leveling, ro totllini. Service Center. Phono 45473. h74 INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason- amy. Ph. 30S41. hS LANDSCAPE malntenace, pninlng, trlm- mint, pianimt, reruuxins. service cen ter. Phone 13573. h53a CARPENTER WORK, cabinet maker, free estimates, cau 3-4411 or 4-1433. h54 TAX RETURNS prepared Id your borne. rcaawnapip rilH. ra. 3V33. nss LIGHT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt leveling. trecunt. rnone a-1330. h77" LAWN MOWINO with power ; ower and hit garden work. Phone 4-4198. teachers wife wlihei to cart for pre- scnooi cnua. rn. toot). hS4 GARDEN PLOWING and discing with Pord .racior. rn. now. h54 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trim- mint, pianimt, ier inning, service Cen ter. Phone 43573. h79 EXPERIENCED stenographer desires typ ing ai noma. 70c hour. Ph. 44673. h47 HOUSECLEANINO AND waitress work. Phone 34133. h54 WILL GIVE mothere osvre to ece child. my nome. ra. inbo. hbT FOR RENT BICKREALL SEBV1CB STATION and aa rue for rent. Phone Lee Miner, Dalle 4in. t '...aa. ......a........ .........a FOR RENT ROOMS NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. w n. unurcn. Jk55a NICE, CLEAN, comfortable sleeping room. 734 H. Cottage. Phone 35971. Jk66 ATTRACTIVE oleeplng room, gentlemen oniy. ciose in. 539 n. winter. Jk54 BC8INE8S DISTRICT, heat, hot and cold waier in niceiy fureisnen sleeping room. Oenrral Reel Estate. Jk53 WANTED TO RENT LOCAL BUSINESSMAN dealra to rent or leaae 1 bedrooa modern home, 4 adulta. Phone 14114. )aS3 YOUNU WOBKINO couple want, 1 or 1 bedroom houaa. cloee In. win per ap tea too a month, no children, no pete. Cap ital Journal Boi im, or call 31141 alter t p.m. Ja4 MOTHEB AND lU-yr.-old dauthter would like email furnlahed apt. near auraery achool. Ph. 1-99S4. latt BEFTNED ELDERLY LADY WBhea board with l-room apartment, a prtrate boma, eloaa In. Steady renter. Phone 14071. jeSt TWO OB MOBE bedroom houaa, clean, well heated, furnlahed ar aafuTBlahed la dealrable location, by family af 1 adulta. Call 13071. Jat4 FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL COURT APT. furnlahed, newly decorated, eloae la. Pa. 10711. fpu HEWER 1 bedroom rental at eulet etreet ht Wat Salem. Tile bath, rente end raft-Iterator furnlahed. ISO per month. RAWLINS REALTY Ph. 41711 ip FURNISHED NEWER 1 bedrooa reateU Vary aloe aad clean, Ule bath. 161 par month. Call Realm, Realty. Ph. 41711. DUPLEX. PCBNISHED 1 rooa apartment. Nlca and eieaa. FuU beaemeal. Hour wood DM. Phoa, 1031. Jpol By Ham Fisher