Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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A group of entertainers from NBC's "Grand Ole Opry
program (Satudays 7 :30 p.m.) will leave Nashville Tennes
see, today, March 3, en route to Korea where they will
entertain troops in small groups throughout the combat
area wherever they can be assembled.
Included in the party, each with their own entertainers,
will be Hank Snow, Ernest Tubb and Lew Chilrre. Ott
Devine, chief announcer and assitant program director of
WSM, Nashville, and William R. McDaniel, the station's
public relations head, will also accompany the contingent.
The trip was planned after Governor Gordon Browning of
Tennessee received a letter last November from Soldiers of
the Ninth Infantry Regiment dated Old Baldy, Korea, re
questing more entertainment from the "Grand Ole Opry"
. ,.
The five top songs nominated for the forthcoming Mo
tion Picture-Academy Award will be presented on NBC-TV's
"Dinah Shore Show" of Tuesday, March 3 (NBC-TV live
network, 6:30 p.m. CST; KNBH, 7:30 p.m. PST).
. With the aid of The Notables, and Vic Schoen and or
chestra, Dinah will give the inimitable Shore treatment to
"Am I in Love,'-' "Because You're Mine," "Zing a Little
Zong," "High Noon," and "Thumbelina."
It's the Li'tle Breaks in Life That Count!
Did you know that Peggy Lee adopted the inimitable
soft-style of singing that has made her a star the night
she got stage fright when she spotted Jack Benny and Mary
Livingstone in the audience in a Palm Springs nightclub?
Or, that Vaughn Monroe began his musical career only
because another boy had buck teeth and couldn't blow the
trumpet in the school band? Or, perhaps, that Ezio Pinza
turned to singing only after being thoroughly disgusted
l u . t .1 : :. : .) u : 1
uctauac nc wuiu never luiuc 111 1113b s a oiA-uay uicycie
The facts of this nature are found by CBS's Les Farber.
He has revealed many interesting incidents. For instance,
Frances Langford was launched on her popular singing
, career only because a tonsillectomy prevented an operatic
career; Tito Giuzar's great passion for singing caused his
family to disi..!.3rit him; today's great performer Danny
Kaye turned to comedy because he once misplaced a comma
which cost the insurance company for whom he .worked,
$4U,UOU. Louis Armstrong, the jazz king, learned to play
the trumpet as a result of being sentenced to an orphanage
by the court; the great composer Sigmund Romberg really
wanted to be a civil engineer.
Yours for the Listening:
" KSLM 7-7:25 p.m. Gest on "Reporters' Roundup" will
be Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson who is the cen
ter of the current controversy on farm price support. This
broadcast will make the first appearance of any member of
the Eisenhower cabinet in a panel interview program.
Everett Hollis will be the moderator and the program will
originate from Washington.
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, heard on NBC-KGW
Radio, Tuesdays, 9 p.m. PST, are preparing another of
their home movies. The current epic is a take-off on
"Come Back Little Sheba."
Fireside Theater at 9 "Grey Gardens." An Ameican
agent is trapped and tortured m Tibet, it leaves him
emotional v wrecked, and his reenverv is hamnereri hv an
unfile, in rthofrro nf hia oofafa urhn wmlM nrefpt TA apo him
remain helpless. A girl magazine-writer saves the day.
Ken Murry Show at 10 will have heavyweight boxer-turned-actor
Buddy Baer display his vocal talents, as guest
, star.
mi . i - - n n tin il at'M J .t T
- Tin Tin Jr, Dennis Moor. .
Circle Theater at 9:30 with Melville Ruick tells of a
once-great concert artist getting a comeback chance in
'.' "Recording Date."
Don't fret ever down payment.
We take mott nnythinf nn trad
for beautiful
Set. See Us First tor the Finest!
U7 Una Ave. Phone IS55I
Open Monday and Friday Eveninc
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
Ot V no CM 11H ABC UW liBC I4S0 1444 H
KM Ntwa Ntwa Pul Barrar Taa Taaawa Saaiaa
ll'lL aa4 Ufa- CmlWII Haaa (OltraaNawa Salaar D
I :?T Tawa rutt'uklMni Omy MM Da Vat
T Haralaaaa Baaaa rartr Jaa Q Garaaa Caa Oalata Blltala
uuiTwu iiuiMtriiM- Bar iurw ipmw Matter
kulUDdH InlMil'n IUw wo "m
tl4. km Nawapaaa M Ui D into Hataaja
Waaaaa lajla Irntitn Bar m Baaatj mt. "
J:4 Waia BIO SrTrtln CI TtaatT Maala Iwrfe
:t rrrt. rrrn Mnt Traaar Mala Iwrk . MaoMalaa
l: Ull bull niifitT l Ul Maa lmri Mal
t :f CiW, GaOlrtr MIIHaaalrt SaaaaaT Batttwa Mm Mala Walaaara (Mlm OarTaam JUa Daar Maata ML
1:15 Tra.alara Gaafrar Slat Saaw lllnrlM Ian Maala Mat.
S:M D. aal Gaalrtr r- ih aM llm Daaar Maala
S:4f Dam Orrw ran Nana rat taa OlrtaiMa. MtQalri oaaw Maaia Mat.
:' Malic Baa Klrkkaai Tlar Taaaa Blaa Bra. Ban. Trala Warts Mawa
4:1 Mailt Bai BathAahtaw., Saalrra f'aa Hratlaswaj Maala fftarTiaaa
:f Mail, Baa JlaiWakala Malrrat Cia Maila Maala Saaaai Laak
:r Art Bakar Taaalallr Hap Tlaaa tai Bay-a MaaU Marl Waaaaa'a ft.
:Nan Hartaw Naan Daak Bak Saaia a Maala Mart Skawaaaa
i:lSNa SalaaaNawa lara Bar B Maala Mart Skawaaaa
f :J' L MrCall vtarM taaa) Ckat BaaUaa Wlla BM Maala Marl Val'r Bavart
I S:4r . ralaraar Nawa Bah Oarrat Blakak MaaH Mart Baaaaaiaar
t:tt Balaa Uk rM Waalkcraiaa GakrlHaalar Maala fart Caaalailakl
:!. Maala Flarkaaaa Haaaa Ki. NW Nam SUa (HI DO Caaakaa
(:J0 MraaaJaa Wkat'a Mr Caa4 Llat. taawar Map
S:4 Mr aa Jaap Llat Caa Mat. Baai Baraa ' IM Kara
i:t0 Bak Haaa Llaaap Uaa Baaial Maala plat. Taaraar
:1. Bak Hapa Uaaap l aoa Baaiar Maala . . Dial. Taaraar
: Walk a Mil Warla Allalr Mratarr Dr. Klliara Dial. Taaraar
:H Walk a Ml raraaa Thaalar Dr. BlUara Plat-Taaraar
!: Haa a FaaT" Nawa Draipkaaalta Naaia a.a Dial. Taaraar
:H Nawa Ob Spat Araipkaaalta Naaaa aaaa Dial. Taaraar
:lf Oraat Dr.Ckrlallaa Mr. rraaUaa Haraaaalaa Dial. Taaraar
l:4.rQUaarlawa Dr. Ckrlallaa Mr. FraaHaa Maala Dial. Taaraar
t-tf Oraacka r. a I. lacama Tai Jlaa aar4r Dial. Taaraar
9:l.r Mars raaaaBWar VawaTaaaar. Faltaa lwl Dial. Taaraar
:M NaiaaTkat Ja Mallard Maala la Wkat Caaka DM. Taaraar
:4.' Taaa laalar MJat Mr Baalaea Maala Nawa
lt:f Rapartar Mar riaal Final Ultlaa Bakla4 Starr Nltkt iaai
11:15 Sparta rtaal Intarrkwi Daaaa Tlaaa Nawarttl Nltkt laaa
10: JO Daaitraat Mailt Daaaa Tlau Ntwt Maala laa
f :4 Aaaltaaaant Maala Daaaa Tlaaa Dfar Martr Waat
II :0 Nkwa Ortaa Mai. Daaaa Tlau Ha Mariar Naalaraa
11:15 Lawaa MrCa Ort.Malaataa Daaaa Tlaaa Mala4laa Naalaraa
11:10 Citr Caaaell Traaaary Daaaa Tlaaa Maladlaa Naalaraa
lj:4f Cllr Caaaell Baaataa4 Daaaa Tlatt Malaalaa ' Naalaraa
H:lkftwit OW l-llaal I llta Off I I
Salem's Most CamJata
Television Cantar
Fhene Day ar Nlfht
Millar 2-4721 .
1IM p.aa. Taa Bit Baratf
1I:M .Waleama Travalar
1 at p a Kata smith
1 0 p.aa. Battr fMraaaa
S'.lft p.. Arthar Oaafrar
l it p a.-Btrlkt It Blea
I B p aa MatUM ThaaUr
4:11 P.M. Baarck tar Taaaarrw
I D p.b. Lara ( Ufa
l it a a,. Hoadr Doodr
I at p.BNaana tba Aaaia
: p Doaa Idwaraa
44 Ttaat tor Baaap
1:4 p.. Twa tor tha kMn
1:M) P.m. Otnah Shara
:U a.atv Nawa Cararaa
4:44 p.m. 1xaca Trtaalar
I a p.a riraaMa Tkaalar
4:44 Tkaalar. m.
14:04 p.m.-Baa Murrar . ..
It M p.aa. Am. Forum
11:44 p at. Mr Utlla Mart It
il:l Fa. NIU owl Tnaattr
11:44 p aa lApproa.l, aitn Olt.
KPTV Plans to
Offer Tourney
Salem area baiketbell . fans
won't have to tret any longer
about not being able to take
in the western regional basket
ball finals at CorvallU March
13 and 14 If Television station
KPTV in Portland gets lt way.
KPTV I presently working
very bard on making the neces
sary arrangements to telecast
the semifinal and final games
of the tournament.
Tickets were told out long
ago for the tournament with
several fans planning to take
them in. Now all they have to
do is get to the nearest tele
vision screen. The huge Gill
Colieeum which teats better
than 10,000 persons ia a com
plete sellout
The only barrier tn tne roaa
now is that KPTV has to bar
tain with network brass In the
East to get the final OK to ditch
their programs tor the hour and
a half telecast. This same task
was completed for the Wednes
day night fights.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore- Tuesday, March 3, 1951 IS
"But don't get your hopes
built up too high," warns Jan
Webster, publicity agent for
KPTV, who says the main big Zena
"if Is still in the picture. I meeting
KING-TV of Seattle will parents
telecast the event and will
cable the pictures to Seattle and
KPTV will in turn tap their
lines to transmit to the KPTV
Our hat off to KPTV if this
big event goes off with flying
First tn Public Demand!
f TV Cenler if
Open to p.m. I
St yrs. in Salem Jf
ilafrni iitf. w
THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M.
ftt Maala Tlaaa Kawa Ora. Farai (Nawa Braaklaat IW. Mala4raa
g5 Maala Tlaaa B.F.D. Ora Dra. Farm Farm Nawa Naak W. MaMMa
S'S4 Maala Tlaia htOIN Blaak Ora. Farm Nawa Braakfaat Farra Nawa
t;45. araa Tlaia OIN Blaak Ola Farm Marrk Tlaaa Naak Nawa
?.n Caaatrr F.l. KOIN Kkk Flril laltlaa Hrmmln.-war Braakfaat Maaltatlaaa
Ti Jakaap in,lNtwa M. Airaaakr Braakfaal Naak KOCO Blaak
7 "Tn Nawa Nawa Bak Garra Braaklaat Braakfaat KOCO Klaek K. MaaalaF B BakMtt Bak Baaaa Saai Baraa Naak KOCO Klark
014 I aaaa Caralt Braakfaat OaaH Brawa Jim Daa4r Nawa
1:1; Oli Saatr Nawa Braakfaat ram Altar Jim Daaar KOCO Blaak
'! Maala Bai Graa Slaaj Braakfaat Baraa af Jim Daaar KOCO Blaak
g:45 Maala Bai Bataaiarr Braakfaat Barra af B Jim DaaSr k'awt
.an Nawa W Warraa ) am Ealla Nawa jaatk faara Happlaaaa
:ir Mailt Ba, AaalJaaap radar Sin HI Mam Mallata Taaallma
a . JO Maala Baa Halaa Traat Braak Baak Paatar'a Call Baak faaaa Flaaa rat.
t '- ft r. UaSlakr Oar Oal Saw Braak laak Bar. Caaatai Mallaaa Dlaak Skart
ig'SO DTBaraalSa Kaad af Ufa Daa G'tSa'r G!a HarSF Baak faaaa Kara
('-15 B Baraalia Ma Frtlaa C. Baatlar Ttla Taat Mallaaa KaearSa
IS'Sft Strlka It rltk Dr Malaaa Traa Starr Aaawar Maa Back fattca Kara
I: Strika It tlak Gal4 LUkt Trap Slarr Mailt Mallaaa BtttrSi
f(l DM ar Natk P. Mataa Wklmrlar. LaSlta fair Baak faaaa Kara "
ll'l: DMarNatk Mra Bartak Girl MarrUt LaAlea ralr Matlaaa KtcarSa
):Jr Bak a BarNtraDraka V. LlaSlakr Qa. far Dap Baak faaaa Kara
)j:r Bak Haaa '"thin Par Baraar Katl Q. far Par 1 Mallaaa Kaar4a
z Clear Lake
Smith, Clifford Orey, Ted Gi
rod, Mrs. D. D. Huddlcston, and
Bert Murphy.
" Clear Lake -The United Na-! The Plav ' coached by Mrs.
r.tions speech and essay contest, I "drvey Evans.
which is being sponsored by I A "Election will be Uken to
'the Odd Fellows and Rebekah1 be added to the club treasury.
neiresnmenis win uc servea.
On February 20 the play will
be presented at the Popcorn
Working on the Red Cross
lodge, will be held by the Ger
vais chapter at Quinaby hall on
Wednesday evening.
Since Lorraine Owen of Kei-
zer is the only contestant fromdrive CIcar Lgke re Mrs
mis area, sne win maKe ne Robert Asbury chairman, Mrs.
speecn annis meeung ana w. Joh Guy Mr, GeorM ,
men parucipaie in me nnBis ilpi,h .nA Mr. A x Ki.hplhr.
Salem. Louis Owens, who made
rith, and Mrs.
'January $320,029
FM Mtl.l KOIN 14 1.1, 4 a m. la 14 p.m. KEX Fi t. S la S p.m.
UA A S Wa4nti4ar p. pa. 1:44, Ora
rv w-iv ' Bapartars 4:11. Matlc af
tha Maatartt t:4, Straaala la Biaai :,
CkllArra'a Tkaattri 4:44, Cklcata Kaaai
laklai f:M. Nawa aaS Waatkar; :t4, Ora
taa Latlalttarti 1:18. Eraalat Farm Haari
4:BP, Ba4la Skarlkaa4i 4:tS. Nawa, Waalk.
an 4:U. Mallallaai la ta, lta Oft.
lf At" TkaaSar a.m. 1(11, Ntwai
l'" 14:14, KipttlallF far Wamaai
11:44, Sakaal af Aln 11:14. Caaaarl Balli
lt:44, Nawti Milt, Naaa Farm Baari t:44.
Far Waarrai t:S0, laaalrlat Mattclaaai
t:M, Ora. kckaal ar Air: :M, Orataa
partari 4:ta. Ilalrarallr Raar.
Pine Lumber
Men fo Meet !
San Francisco u.Pj More
than 300 of the West's leading
pine lumbermen, including a
large delegation from Oregon,
are expected to gather here this
week for the 22nd annual meet
ing of the Western Pine associ
ation. The pine men are scheduled
to hold committee meetings
Thursday and Friday.
S. V. Fullaway, Jr., Portland,
secretary manager, said the
group will discuss the current
status of the industry with
strong emphasis on serious for
est insect and disease infesta
tions threatening timber in sev
eral sections of the vast 12-state
pine region.
Scheduled speakers Include
Phil Creden, advertising mans
ger of Edward Hines Lumber
company, a large Illinois retail
lumber concern owning mills at
Hines and Westfir, Ore.
Oldest Civil War
Veteran Loses Leg
Rochester, N.V. ' () James
A. Hard, at 111 the oldest vet
eran of the Civil War, clung
tenaciously to life today after
losing his right leg in surgery
Hard, who fought with the
Union infantry at Bull Run,
suffered a circulatory disorder
in his right foot. Surgeons am
putated the leg just above the
knee last night.
the trip to the United Nations
gueTt fpeXrfathirewilbe BU.ldil.Cj PCFITlitS f OF
which is open to the public.
The Community club is spon
soring a tnree-aci piay, uook Building permits in Salem
. Me in the Eye," to be presented i j,:,,,, r.hriirv tntaiori s-i-jn .
p at the schoolhouse Friday at 8 029 going nead o the $250,215 R p Macartney. Klamath Falls,
p.m. me jjiui cciuers muunu total for January,
pair of newly weds who sland to j of the February total 27 per
lose a fortune if their relatives mit. were or new home, t0 cosl
t learn of their secret marriage, i $269,000 as against 15 January
nypnousm as a cure mr men permits costing $124,000.
troubles brings sonie interesting i permits for alterations In Feb
complications. ' ruary totaled $34,654 and for
In the cast are Lynn Barker. January they were $43,630.
Miss Earlene Gallihugh, Mrs.:
Fern Zeeb. Mrs. Arthur Evans,! Lynching in the United
Nick Eichelberger, Oral Garner,' States totaled IIS in 1900. In
Mrs. M. L. Mills. Mrs. W. A.1951 the total was one.
president of the National Lum
ber Manufacturers association.
Featured speaker will be
Installed in Your Home for as Low as
$2.95 Per Week
Valley Television Center
Complete sales, service and installation. All sets sold snd
Installed carry full (0-day service.
Factory-trained Technicians
Baigley Bros.
2315 Fairgrounds Kd.
Phone 2-5491
171 Gran! SI.
Phone 3611
11:44 a M OaiTF Maora
II :M Bui Paralf
11:14 p.aa. Waleomt Travalar
1 04 p.BKatt Saltk
1:44 ar MothlBS '
I II pm. Btrlta It Rlek
4 04 p.aa. Matlaaa Thaatar
4:14 p.m. Baareb for Taaiorrov
IH Lora af Ula
4:11 p.m-Howor Dooar
1:14 P.M. ToeUla Hlppedreait
4:40 p.m Btrlka Tt Rich
4:30 P.M. Doua Mwaroa
4:tl p.m. Tlroa tar Btaar
1:04 P.aj.-Fltfiu
4:41 p.aa. Haw. Cararaa
4:00 P.M. Hollywood OpcBlnc HUht
i n p.aa. Arthur Oodlrar
4:44 p aj I Marrlad Joan
It p.m. Thla U Taaa Ufa .
14:00 Kraft Thaattr
14:14 p.m. Am. Forum af tka Air
11:00 p.m. Marck af Tlma
11:10 p.m Hit Owl Tkaalar
11:40 p.m. tApprax.), ana Off.
County Will
Dismiss Suit
Oregon City U.B Attorney
A. W. Lafferty today said mo
tion had been filed to dismiss
action in a suit by Clackamas
county in the U.S. district court
to force distribution of $8,000.-
000 accumulated from 472.000
acres of controverted O tt C
lands In Oregon.
Lafferty said the district
court has given the county un
til March 30 to file a brief in
answer. He said the dismissal
motion had been filed in the
name of Secretary of Interior
Douglas McKay and Secretary
of Agriculture Ezra Benson.
Lafferty said the motion was
based on the contentions that
the complaint does not state a
claim upon which relief can be
granted, the suit is against the
United States when non-consent
has given for it to be sued and
the United States is a necessary
party and has not been made a
Of forest fires in 1951, care
less smoking caused more than
twice aa many conflagrations
than any other single cause.
.Highlighting the
of the Lincoln-Zena
club at Zena school
house Thursday was the talk on
music in the schools, ft ten by
Miss Gretchen Kraemer, music
supervisor of Salem schools, who
emphasized the fact that music
concept is used as building
block for later learning.
The first thing to learn, went
on the speaker, is rhythm.
Our aim is to teach the chil
dren to play, sing and listen.
Miss Kraemer said that ap
propriate records are played to
get the attention of children.
. Presiding at the business meet
ing was Mrs. N.. E. Gresham,
. Mrs. Gresham announced that
the film, "Fears of Children."
will be shown by the Marios
County Tuberculosis and Health
association, at the parents club
meeting at Lincoln school house,
Thursday, March 28.
In the first seven months of
1952, U.S. forest fires destroy
ed almost 53,000 acres.
Yeafer Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa Ph. 1-4111
Open Wed.-Fri. Til P.M.
Visit Our TV Theater .
ThePerfect Solution
. . . reseat the guests
Arrange 12 matches, at above, to mate four
squares. Move four matches and rearrange to at
to form three tquarai of the eriginol tize. No
marches may be added or token away.
... to your refreshment problem is light
Olympia Beer. Whenever friends get
together, whether in your friendly neighbor?
hood tavern or at home, Olympia is the
"symbol of hospitality." Its sparkling flavor,
so appreciated by all, is directly attributabU)
to the rare subferraneah water used in
our brewing process.
Answers to the
other puzzles
are printed
below. many outfits?
A man hat five tport coatt and seven pain ef
slacks. How mony woyt can he combine thete
without wearing the tame two twice?
...corral the caps
Above ore teven Olympia bottle cept
lying on a trey. Can you teparats oil
of me teven caps by drawing only three
tlroight lines to ot to place each cop in
e teparate corral?
I. TWly-frve.
Vititors olweyi welcome between 9,30 end 4,30 every stay
L bber mn v ' I
the r&jr?'; I
4-.' i
! A,
i ';!,:
I ;!
"' f
r . ; :
ll '
m :
fcVt i
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