Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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DoubU Checking Durtni dally visit to tht submarine
Haddock at New London, Conn, which he enters through
an air escape hatch, Cmdr. Gerald J. Duffner, MC, USN
(right), medical officer in charge, Inspect berthing fa
cilities. Looking on is Lt Comdr. Ralph laucett, MC, USN,
who, with 23 volunteers, has been locked in the sub tine
Jan. 18. They will remain there until middle of March,
mainly to determine how much dioxide in the air they can
tolerate for long periods of time. (U. S. Navy Photo) (UP
Desire for Trim
Swell the Butter
Washington W It's not the
price alone that's causing the
swelling butter surplus in the
government's hands, officials
said Tuesday. j
A major factor, agriculture
department experts contend, is
the penchant for trim figures
that finds' expression In diets
with fewer potatoes, less bread
and fewer fat-type table spreads
such as butter.
If Americans had an appetite
for as much-butter and its lower-
priced competitor, margarine, as
The Old Man" Lt Col.
Julia 5. Hamblett, 36, of
Winchester, Mass., will be
come director of women ma
rines on May 1. She succeeds
CoL Katherine A. Tqwle who
is retiring. CoL i Hamblett
will be youngest director of
women in the armed services.
(UP Telephoto)
Twirps Roam
School Halls
Salem high school's annual
Twirp Week" got underway
Monday and will last until mid
night March 8. This is the week
when the girls assume the boys
"Twirp Week" activities wiU
be climaxed Friday evening with
informal glrl-ask-boy dance. The
dance is called "Comic Capers."
It will be held In the gym after
Jhe district tournament games
nd will last until midnight.
One of the many rules is that
the boys can't be too unreason
The set of rules was drawn up
by Ernie Drapela, Dick Horna
day. Norman Luther, Bob Payne,
Ron Anderson, Neal Scheidel
and Phil Burkland.
Jackie Jones is the general
chairman. Working on the com
mittees are Mary Lou Zumwalt,
Dolores Miller, Bob Brownell,
Pete Loder, Bill Emery, Jack
Schrader, Rosemary Gilbert,
June Lytle, Shirley Ezell,
Sherry Fllsinger, DeAnna Kin
aer, Gerl Messmer, and Betty
Burnside. Terry Green will be
master of ceremonies at the
' dance.
r m
Cucumbers Wanted
For Delivery at Woodburn
Libby, McNeil & Libby
P.O. Box 138
Figure Helps
In tire period before World War
u, there would now be short
age of them.
In the 1935-39 period, Ameri
cans consumed an annual aver
age of 19.4 pounds of butter and
margarine. Last year the aver
age had dropped to 16.9 pounds.
Consumption of butter had
dropped from an average of 16.6
pounds in the pre-war period to
8.8 pounds last year.
Margarine consumption has
Lrisen from an annual average of
2.8 pounds to 7.8 pounds, but
this increase has not fully cov
ered butter's loss a fact which
officials say reflects declining
demand for food fats.
Government purchases of but
ter for price support purpose
have reached 90 million pounds
since late November. It is possi
ble, officials say, that govern
ment stocks may total several
hundred million pounds, or pos
sibly a fifth of a year's total pro
duction, by the end of the spring
and early summer season of
heavy production.
Reservist Bower
To Officers School
Wilbur M. Bower, HN, Naval
Reserves, leaves today for New
port, R.I., where March 8 he re
ports to the Navy's officer can
didate school.
Bower, a resident of 3538
South Commercial street, has
been with the Naval Reserves
since May 1948, joining the or
ganized division here and being
with it all but about a year of
that time. He completed his work
at Oregon State college this last
The Salem man left the divi
sion here a few weeks ago and
a volunteer Naval Reservist
was placed in the Reserve pool
He received notice that he had
been accepted for Officer Candi
date school shortly afterwards.
Albany Sheriff George K
Miller left Monday for Oakland,
Cal., to bring back John Bob
Sturgill, held there on an Ore
gon warrant on a charge of mur
der in the first degree. Sturgill
is accused of killing Lot Hughes
Gilmor in an Albany hobo
1000 Ruptured Men
To Make This Test
Kansas City, Mo. A Doctor's
Invention for reducible rupture
is proving so successful, an offer
is now being made to give every
one who will test it a $3.50 Truss
at no cost. This invention has no
leg straps, no elastic belts, or
leather bands. It holds rupture
un and in. Is comfortable and
easy to wear. After using it many
report entire satisfaction. Any
reader ox mis paper may test the
Doctor's Invention for 30 days
and recieve the separate $3.50
Truss at no cost. If you are not
entirely satisfied with the inven
tion return it but be sure to
keep the $3.50 Truss for your
trouble. If you are ruptured Just
write the Physicisn's Appliance
Co.. 1784 Koch Bldf.. 2906 Main
St, Kansas City, Mo., for their
trial offer.
Farmers Union
Oil Profitable
Mt Angel At the annual
meeting of the Marlon County
Farmers Union Oil company
held at St. Marys' auditorium in
Mt Angel, on Saturday, Feb. 28,
the audit report showed that they
enjoyed an increase in dollar
valume of $23,228 and 79,036 In
petroleum units for the year
1952, for total of 1844,957.
Current assets were listed at
$179,743 as compared to current
liabilities of $31,079. The usual
cash dividend on 1952 purchases,
amounting to approximately
$40,000, will again be paid, as
well as the retiring of the 1946
association certificates, (yellow
certificates) amounting to $12,-
Speakers of the day were Hess
Williams of the General Petrol
eum Corporation, Al Huether,
manager. Petroleum Division of
the Pacific Supply Cooperative,
Bruce Strachan of the Pacific
Supply Cooperative and the
principal speaker of the day,
James HilL manager, Pendleton
Grain Growers, who spoke on
the members responsibility to
their community.
One hundred twenty new
members were approved during
the year, for a total membership
now of 1840.
The following directors were
elected for a term of two years:
Warren Gray, Marion; Peter P.
Kirk, St Paul, and Raymond
Werner, Rt 2, Sllverton.
Following the membership
meeting the board met for the
purpose of organizing as a board.
at which time Warren Gray was
re-elected president, Robert Har
per. Gervais, vice president and
P. F. Gores, Mt AngeL secre
tary and manager.
Among patent granted last
year were one for a pocket-
size typewriter and one for a
special spaghetti fork
t. ai '- wit
a A m .m j , Mmt 4 IkaiUaia BmkmM
saj ivsvvjy. vsfwvrvj FwffeiieFrejff j avsaprw
sPowioar am aaeaovM r im omoom it am ammcai mssjtt
Thornton to Probe Killing
Of Riddle Cattleman
Attorney General Robert Y.i
Thornton told a delegation of 33
irate citizens of Riddle, a Doug
las County farming community,
that be would consider their re
quest for an investigation of the
Feb. 1 shooting of Claire Bur
avnc Riddle cattleman.
Thornton said he would make
a preliminary study to determine
if an investigation should be
Burgoyne was shot when she
riffs deputies tried to serve a
warrant charging him with
threatening to kill a neighbor,
The group came here to see
Gov. Paul L. Patterson.
Patterson then called Thorn
ton in.
G. N. Riddle, a spokesman for
the Douglas County Citizens for
Justice Committee that was
formed to make the protest, told
the governor and Thornton:
They seemed not to want to
take him, just to kill him."
Avery W. Thompson, Roseburg
attorney, said the group believes
that unnecessary f orcti was used.
He said tear gas could have been
used, and that friend of Bur
goyne could have persuaded him
to surrender.
Huron Clough, Days Cree'i,
former highway commission
member, said "some Jung dis
graceful has happened here. We
are not sensation seekers. We are
In deadly earnest"
Riddle said that between 1,000
and 3,000 shots were tired Into
Burcoroe'g cabin, that noft-nosed
bullet were used, and. that the
Opinions of Writer
Are Quoted Widely
'A controversial figure, but
one whose writing lire reaa
and whose opinion ar wldley
discussed is the mment
about Dorothy Thompnn, not
ed journalist and lecture who
will be in Salem, Witdnesday.
The columnist is t) give a
lecture at 8 pjn. Wednesday
in the Salem high set ool audi
torium on fh topic: "These
Crucial Times." Her appear
ance here 1 pon.forea by
Salem branch of the American
Association of University
Proceeds from the lecture
will go to tbr fello'vehlp and
scholarship fund maintained by
the AAUW.
: nv
Pan-Toss tad
) j m m f. '
fx cuums ano (ALU orncii t
officers "war Just trigger happy."
Thornton said be could not be
gin his study of the case before
Bureau Offers
Five Tracts
It was announced today by
G. F. Heme, acting district for
ester at Salem, that five tract
of O&C timber under the Juris
diction of the bureau of land
management having total vol
ume of 16,830,000 board feet
and an appraised value of $327,-
786,000 Will b Offend for Ml
on March 16.
Three of the five parcels will
be offered for oral auction bids
while the two other will be of
fered for sealed bidding. Both
the oral and sealed bidding sales
will be held at 10 ajn. at the
district office located at 460
North High street in Sslem.
One of the oral sales is a sal
vage sale located in Benton
county involving an estimated
170,000 of bug-killed and wind-
thrown timber. The other two
oral tales are located in Linn
county, on of which la a sal
vage sal Involving an estimated
6,830,000 of windthrown and re
cently f lie-killed timber, the
other sal involving an estimat
ed 7,90O,0k of green and stand
ing timber. The two sealed bid
sales are both salvage sales, one
of which Is located in Yamhill
county and involves an estimat
ed 1,7210,000 of green and fire-
killed timber. The other sealed
bid salt is located in Clackamas
county and is concerned with
the sal-age of an estimated 700,
000 of file-killed old growth
Douglas fir.
When tl e Revolutionary War
ended, tho United Sute was
sompoied of a land and water
area totalling 892,139 iciuar
GIVES Jttff'
all in
inl complete HeihK and Welfare pltn tot
Employe Groups, Association, aod Union it
available through Oregon Phvlcfan ferric. ,
Special arrangemaots with the Northarn life
Insurance Company of Seattle make possible
What better wav to get "complete" protection
for jour group aod its famtiiee, against the an-'
More than 129,000 Oregon rant bow bold
O.VS. memberships. Why don't you join thecnl
The coupon it for roar ooovnMoca.
easooM wrrsKiAwr ssavKi
SlftW. Im
sm ion, pwMwd i,
PsswJ $Jf) Ijeajf r Ce$asajjajtj
tiinMii '
r it iii
New Dire star IrancI B.
Wilcox, general manager of
tb California Fruit Grower
Exchange, has) been named
director of the office of for
eign agricultural relations,
succeeding James J. Hagger
ty who was discharged be
cause of speech last fall la
StPauL (AP Wirephoto)
Pay Boost for
Polk Officials :
' A bill was Introduced n the
Oregon Senate today to boost the
pay of Polk county official.
Polk county Judges' pay would
bo raised from $2000 to $4600;
commissioners, from $6 day to
$15 while working; treasurer,
from $1500 to $3300; clerk, from
$2100 to $4200; sheriff, from
$2400 to $4200; assessor from
$1800 to $3600; and county
school superintendent from $1,
800 to $3400.
irtASMM ATltlKS?
X tsass Bc-ts) Tsses tkM laMrii Ik
erf m
Capital Journal, galea. Or.
Navy Secretly Developing
Corps of Atomic Specialists
Washington ) The Navy is
developing a corps of atomic
bombardiers filers and ord
nance experts trained in the high
level and secret schools of nuc
lear weapon use. .
Graduate of these courses al
ready are at sea with the fleet
or at naval air stations flying
earner-based aircraft presumab
ly capable of delivering any cur
rent type of atomic bomb.
Pentagon officials today would
confirm only that such a pro
gram exists, but published re
ports and previous brief com
ments by other official make tt
posslbl to say that:
Tb Navy men receive their
training in atomic warfare at
tho same Joint armed forces
schools used for Air Force crews.
These include the New Mexico
installations of the Armed Forces
Special Weapon P r O J t
They use, as do Air Faroe
crews, precise duplicate . of
atomic bombs complete In all
details except the actual nuclear
fission charge.
Navy men participate in the
joint task forces which conduct
the experimental atomic explos
ions at the Nevada and Eniwetok
Proving Grounds.
Reports that component for
the atomic bomb are carried
aboard some of the larger car
riers, published last year, have
gone without official denial.
The Navy has at least one
type of plane, operating from
carriers, probably able to tote
tho same size A-bomb carried
in the bays of the biggest land
based, long-range bomber.
ill I
4 J r .
Ho Wtmntotp - -X
Tir)ttYy worlnfi 'y wi-' f fi-
pi gtieMi TKt $AMf tAf i
"Old th iWiS' I
. . . for n tfi
Dental Work
you ittd!
aasW$$)f 9
wnwuMiN tiae,
Wit else Iff 4
Teeaday, March t, IKU-U
The AJ1 Savage 1 tb heav
iest of th operational carrier
based planes, with a gross
weight of more than $8,000
pound and powered by two pis
ton engines and a jet Its rang
is gives as "mora than 200$
Pygmalion fo Begin
Three-Nigh! Run
Gears Bernard Shaw's Tyff
maUon," Willamette university'
third production of the year, be
gins a tnrs rutin run Tnursasy
at 8:18 tun. on the stag of Waa
ler hall.
Th production will be severe
ly modern and experimental in
th staging. Tb three sets ww
each feature a predominant eoV
or: win, blue and pink.
Starring roles will be filled by
Teddy Ruth Gordon and John
Bone, both of Salem, in tno role
of Lisa Doolittl and Mr. Hig
gins. - The cast Includes Jim
Chlttick of Helena, Mont; Kent
Lawrence, McMlnnvllIe; Dewey
Hagen of Butte, Ont; Lolll Cof
fey of Portland: Lis Wlnshss of
Riverside, Cslj Margaret Conk-
lin of Bend; Bob Kaufman of .
Forest Grove; Bill Hagmeyer of
San Carlo, CaL; Jean Thomas
of Burley, Idaho; Johanna Bods
ham of Portland.-
Tho state of Alabama waa
named . after AHbama, mm
Indian tribe. Alibaum, in Choc
taw language mean "I
th thicket"
1 e
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Aaswmi AFTsIR njf OtjuM
Wit b MsMte' e Dt. SMf
tori. N Sclty f Hi tape , , ,
sent er Dmiim mptw
41 wH4 , , , mi in we'l
Take II thi r hufw Is
Mf f V" ltnl
Year Dental Wark
la It I Deri
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