12CaplUl Joanul, Ealum, Ore., Tiwday, March 8, 158 The dalles Still Rated As Leading Hi School Team Ik Imittii' rreaa) XTse Dallas, saw faclag a lay- "WW ngtit to eater the ss4e class A high aehool bas katball toanument, still ranks s Ns. 1 team in ths weekly AaMciats Press pall. Tor ths fifth consecutive week Tha Dalles heads ths list of Oregon teams, although it was not unanimous this time. One first-place vote went to Red ' Biond, ranked No. 7 In this week's poll. The other 10 votes from sports writers and sport casters went to The Dalles, un defeated in 22 consecutive games. Indiana Hoosiers Lead Doth Basketball Polls New Terk OF) Indiana's mashing Big Tea championship coupled with the end of Setoa Ball's long winning streak, made the Hoosiers the top bas ketball team in the land today. The convincing manner in which Indiana sewed up the Big Ten title by whaling Illinois, 1-79, persuaded the nation's ports writers and broadcasters that the Indiana Doys snouia re place Baton Hall as No. 1 in tha Associated Press poll after six straight weeks. With the best winning skein ; at 17 new that Setoa Ball and Washington have had their streaks snapped, Indiana re ceived 2S first-plsce votes and total of (St points. Ballet-lnj- was en the basis ef It for first. for second, ate. Setoa Ball, beaten by Dayton Sunday night before tha ballots ware counted and again oy Louisville last night after the polls closed, fell to third place, one behind La Salle. This repre sented a gain of two places for La Salle, tha early-season poll leader. Washington fell two pla ces to fourth. Lenlsiana State advanced from sixth to fifth after win- Bins mi Baauciv w" ference . diadem. Oklahoma A & M, lowered one notch to seventh, went out after the balloting and clinched the Missouri Valley crown by edging St Lonls Sl-Sf, last niiht. Kansas, which moved up to h u l.rtlno in the Bis Seven - w conference. Kansas State, trailing Kansas by one game in the conference race is two places behind in the nail at eighth, after swapping anota with Kentucky. Illinois once siain is 10th. TIM top 10 Ma fflrat-plaeo Total to ptrtnthtiw) : L Indiana (IS a. La saiie ' I. Scion Hall (11) ...... 4. Waahtntlon 14) . Loulatano Stat (I) .. a. Baniai . T. otlahoma AM II) .. a Kansas Stala a. Wailara Ktatucar (it 10. UllnoU Cka ml Mi 11. Otlahoma CUT (I) ... 11. N. C. atal (I) 12. Motro Dama It. LouUrtUa U 14. Sealtla Itlel 10. Miami (Ohlol ID .... IT. Kuurn KntiHkr ... la. Duaueane 111 11. Bavr Itla) SO. Baly Oroal .......90 450 4M 490 Ill 311 Ml 1U 110 Ill Iff! , 03 ...... 00 , 41 01 , IT II S3 It 192 Wrestlers Enter State Mat Tourney '. Oregon State College, Corval lis Oregon's top wrestling show, the annual state high school mat tournament, will at tract 192 athletes to the Oregon State college campus next Fri day and Saturday. Jim Dixon, OSC wrestling coach, is director of tha meet AU four districts In the state qualify four men in each weight division. Hillsboro emerged victorious in diitrict 1, Newberg led tha field in district 2 a n d Salem edged Albany In district S qualifying. Drawings will be made Wed nesday by Dixon and a repre sentative from each diitrict. Men from the same schools will go in oppoiite brackets, snd when ever possible, men from the same district will be seeded so si to aentatlve from each district Men the first round. Registration will be conducted at the main entrance to the irtWs gymnsslum at 8:30 a. m. Friday, continuing to 11:80 a. m. Preliminaries begin at 12:48 p. m. Friday. Quarter finals will be held that night at 7. On Sat turday, itsrting at noon, semifin al bouts and consolation matches will be In progress, with the third and fourth place and chanv plonshlp mstchee at 7 that even ing. Hillsboro is the defending team champion. Canby was the runner-up in the 1982 meet with third place going to Newborg. IWLA Meeting Wednesday Nite The Salem chapter of the , Itaak Walter League of America will gather for Its regular meet ing at the IWLA clubhouse at I aVIvk Wednesday. Some discussion on leglslstlve matters pe ruining w nununs and fishing wll be conducted Murine the meeting, and a movie will be The Dalles will play Pea dletoa nest week end for tha right to enter the state tew e. There wss only minor shut' fling of the teams in the poll, although one new team apl peered on the list of the top 10. That was Cleveland of Portland, back on the list after an absence of two weeks. Cleveland scored two impressive victories in the past week to gala its backing. Marshfield, as usual, was the Mo. 2 team. Medford, which has bees) the No. t team for the past month, found itself in a tie By NOBMAN MILLER New York OJJO Only two Big Ten conference games sppear to stand la the way of Indiana and Its c Is Ira ea the 1951-61 eollege baskstball chsmpionshlp, - ac cording to the United Fress rat ings- The Hoosiers' path to the na tional title was essed consider ably by Seton Hall's upset defeat at the hands of Dayton last week-end. The United Press rating board, comprised of 38 leading coaches, made Coach Branch Mccrack en's Hooilers the No. 1 team again today for the fourth straight week. Seton Hall, whose record 27-game winning streak was broken Saturday night, ranked second, 48 points behind. Every one of the coaches made Indiana the first sec ond or third plsee choice ea his ballot this week. The Hoe - slers thus received 21 firsts, 11 seconoi and three thirds for a total of 38 out of a pos sible 350 points. Indiana clinched the Big Ten confer ence and an NCAA tourna ment berth last week-end by beating Illinois for Its 17th victory In 19 games. The Hoosiers made North western their 18th victim last night and now have only an away-from-home game against Minnesota and a home contest against Iowa to round out a per fect 18-vlctory Big Ten cam paign. Seton Hall, which fell fur ther behind for the fourth straight week, had nine first place votes and 287 points. There were no newcomers among the top 10 teams this week, but Oklahoma A&M and Illinois both lost ground after being beaten. The Washington Huskies (2S-2) held third place for the seventh week in a row, LaSalle (24-2) was -fourth and Kansas (13-8) was fifth. Louisiana State (21-1) advanced one place to sixth, exchanging rankings with Oklahoma A&M (18-8): North Carolina State (24-8) and Kansas State (15-4) each moved up one notch to eighth and ninth, respectively, while Illinois (18 4) dropped from sixth to 10th place. Washington received three first place ballots; North Csrolina State and Notre Dame ranked 13th, each had one. Haw Tork IUJ0 Tha United Fraaa ool- lata baakitball rattan (with mat-placo vataa ana won-andlott moral thrown rob. II In Dartntheaea) 1. Indiana (111 (ll-l Ill S. Baton Hall (0) (17-11 Ill I. Waahlnatan (1) -! Ml 4. LaSalla (14-11 lot I. Kaniaa 113-11 141 0. Louldana SUM 111-11 Ill 1. Otlahona AMI (10-1) lot I. Morlh Carallna Stala (41 (1B-II ..100 I. Kanaaa stata (11-0 00 10. IlllnoU (ll-t) so Baeancl 10 taama: 11, waitarn KanliHkr, II: It. Callternla. II; II, Hotra Dana (I). 11: 14 (tit). DaPaul and Wronlna. ll oh; 14. at. Loula. II: IT, Hair Croat. II: 10, Oklahoma Cltr Unl ll; is, attihara Youna. Hi so, Dttoaaana, S. Fiahts Last Night (Br Tha Attoclatrd Prtatl Braaklyn Danny OloyanillL 141. Brooklyn, ttoppad Danny Jot Piraa, lloi, new xotk. a. Baa Aalanla, Taa. Bobby Drkf. 1ST. autpolntad Joty Arthur, 101. lndlanaoolla. Aalwylllt. N. C. Htnrr (Papoyl flault. 111. apartanbura. B. C. atoonrd CTurtlt Enlla. Ill, Durham. N. C. 4. Fit Orlcant Al Ptllttrlnl. 141. M.w Orltana, autpolnttd Anthony Arnona, 141, m orliana, 10. Cblaaaa Br Bold. 114, Chkaoa, ttoppad Jim Lunn. 141. Chlcaio, a eatnaa Prankla Balaaotr. IMI0. 4fclt bae. outpolntad- Shamaa MoCray. 140. Olavaland. 10. All Bourbon All 8 Years Old And Full 90 Proof Age slons doesn't aiaka a whiikoy great . . . but when that whiskey is choirs to begin with thee asrd for eight long Tears and bottled al full 90 proof Toil can trust that whisker to be truly eiceptionaL Taste Melrooe ( Year Old Bouiboa today. You'll be connoted I VPay a Me mon. Drink a tittle tessj Treat younrlf to At very tVsJ," TV M )40 Plat .t fmuKiR aouiJON vsiisuti at with lagaac this week fas No. 8. Back palled 72 paints as. the baUetlag, 89 potato be hind Marshfield. Next came Hillsboro, down a notch after being upset in a tlrst-round. game of a district 9 tournament. Jefferson of Portland held ea to the No. 9 pesttlea, al taoagfc defeated by Cleveland. Bedmostd moved ap two pa titirms to No. 7 after defeating Bend, and Oresham held ea to the Na. 9 spot Cleveland' got tha No. 9 po sition and Albany was No. 10, dropping from tha No. 7 spot of last week. Albany was de feated by Corvallis in the past week. Dropping off tha top 10 was MUwaukie, after being defeated by Central Catholic of Portland. LaGrande nearly made the top 10, lacking only one point In the voting to gain a tie with Albany. . Tha poll with tha ooaaaa mam UU4 for oaah taam: Folnu I. Tha Dallel,. TI-0 100 S. Marahfleld. tl-t 01 I. Medlars, 10-1 Tl a. Xuceae, 17-1 T3 0. ntlltbora, 11-0 II S. Jeirereaa, 11-0 to T. Badmond, 11-1 ST S. Oreeham. 11-4 M f. Cleyelaad. 11-0 n 10. Albany. 1T-I so Otbara: baoranda It. Sfllvaukla 11. Baatmlt at rartlaaS and Olaukaalo I. OeMlnnrllla T, contra! Catholte I. Oak rldte, FraaniU ead Klamath tvio I. rattan ana jtoru Bens 4, waai una a. Rams, Cardinals To Play Again In Portland Portland () The Los Angeles Rams and the Chicago cardinal, who played a pro football game here last fall, wiU play again next Sept 7 in Mult nomah stadium. Promoter Harry Olickman re ported that Monday. He said the date the night of Labor day had been approved by the Na tional Foobtall League as-well as tha two clubs. Oregon Tech Upset by PSC Portland VP) Oregon Tech, which holds third place in Ore gon Collegiate Conference bas ketball standings, wss upset 84- 73 by fourth-place Portland State Monday night. Oregon Tech's Jerry Wystt wss high scorer with 28 points while Don Schuberg led the winners with 21. The two teams meet again Tuesday night In the final con ference game of the season. SCORES in Capitol Alleys comaaaciAL no. 1 atarr Vaaaa (l 3. Shtldon 410. V. Artra 040, o. Lanoran Ml, B. Duinu lot. a. Laaoholf ITT. Hanaa vraararr (ii - U Davaaport 4I, ). Uennty 10, IS. Al lan 441, p. Kanron 111, S. Kino 111. Kawllnian'a caaltal cur fcarr. til . Hilton t0, D, Rlniland 400, W. sprloo I. Oallaihtr too, R. Mtuir hi. Nbhataaa'a Inaaraaea Camoaar o M. Cadr 401, B. Ryan 411. O. Bartraa 410, 1. Carr 411, F. Bolton 471. oaioito ar Bavarian (ai j. ntrr aia. P. Prank 411, C Hovtll 411, O. Herr 4TJ. O. Banuon 111. KaltM'a af caranaaa 101 U Koutntr 411, T. Blnlar 471, W. Link 111, M. Aril 441, C Frame-404. KTKalani'a Soarllaa (laadi (!) S. Rrndrla 401, c. Morrlt 411, Dtok Hindrla 414. T. aannoa 4. . uwitm aot. or aal'l Uatd Can (II X. MoClarr 444. . Wllkaraaa 047. o. Lama 411, a. Mart 471, W. Ctlna Jr. 471. Waadrr'a Pamltara (I) B. Ollnitr 110, V. Firry 441. D. Woadr? Oil. C. Pora- maa BIO. p. oaarta 4M. ..:;vnfkai raan all. a. Oann OH. Batata THIa Can- aanv (11 B. Own 110, D. Toraiton 441, T. HcHnllta 400, P. Dalaaar too, p. Oyiarln 400. Hlah taam oamo and aarlat Kaw- lloton't Oaoltal Cltr Ldrr., I0U and 1041. Mil h Ind. tamo and aarlat Rty Ouna of Woodrr'a Purnltura, no and 000. University Alleys ladiss' Mivoa lsaocb Barb'a Ipartlai Oaadl (41 V. Oannon 414. P. Wandt 140. W. VaMn 140, M. Cur lli 100. A. A. Urm, Baallar 101 S. HIIK 111. O. Darlea 111, H. Maddtni I VI. Tap Bat Cafa (II D. Coaa ISO. J. Newton III. D. Pradarlek 141. A. John ttan 111. Weelarn Papar CMirarllat Ca. (II V. Pearaon 401. V. Klrby 140. S. CoaiweU 101. M. Spparly 111. Nkl Berarata (01 J. Utrtl 100. V. Lindsay too, J. Oannon SOT, c. HiMreth 3V7. eiiiywaaa Mnaaaia (tl M. Hll-lerk-h IIS. kf. Nallar HO, L. Barman 101, R. Btkatrom 111. Laa't fine Can (4) L. Pallan 411. 1. Oratnlaa 300, J. Aaren 041, L. Relnkt ISO. nrnaaa step (tl s. Arthur 111, D. Koo nu las, a. noilt III. a Balllat 100. Htf h taam oama and aarlat Lta'o ! Pint Cara. 170 and 1010. Blah lad. oama i V. Oannon, 101. Blok Ind. atrial i. Aaron, 441. ILHl)tIE 3m) EICHT TEAR OLD BOURBON rsvoo. uujiou buiuus, me n. t, FAN FARE Oregon State to Play Hoop Series in Hawaiian Islands Oresoa State College, Corval lis Oregon State's aapredicta- bia Beavers, doable winners ever favored Oresoa last weekend and victors In four out of live clashes with the Ducks this sea son, leu Portland oy piano nun- day night bound for Hawaii. Coach Slats Gill's csgers plsy Universal Motors AAU quint on Wednesday snd Friday nights, and wind up the post-sesson launt by meeting the University of Hawaii on Saturday night The Beavers will fly home next Sun day night. Meanwhile, Oregon fans were still talking about the thrilling pair of victories recorded by OSC last week-end. The Beav ers clipped Oregon, 78-74, in an overtime fracas Friday, then came from behind to whip Oregon at . Eugene Saturday night, 89-BS. Gill singled out little Bon Boblns, sure-shooting Orange guard, as the key man la the Middlecoff Wins Playoff at Houston Open - Houston VP) Csry Middle coff, $4,000 richer, headed for the Baton. Rouge Open Tuesday as the second leading money winner of golfs winter tour. The tall Tennessesn won the tour's biggest first prize Mon day with a three-under par 69 in a five-way playoff that de termined the champion Of the $20,000 Houston Open. The big check lumped the former National Open champion from tenth place to a close second behind Lloyd Mangrum among 1953's money winners. Mangrum has won $8730, in cluding $170 for a twenty-third place tie here. Middlecoff has collected $8271 66. Middlecoff finished the play off two strokes ahesd of Jim Ferrier. San Francisco, and Young Shelley Mayfield, Cedar- hurst, N. Y. Placing fourth was Earl Stewart Jr., Dallas, who had a par 72. Fifth place went to Bill Nary, Los Angeles, wltri a 78. the ALLEYS CLAOOIC LSAOTJB Vallay OH Ca. (I) D. Morrlt 401. Jim DcBow III. Jack Drnow Ml. Comttoek sol. Wllkt la Ml. Albany Lanaa l Solttno 4. Bunnin oil. wlckat 111. OU ehrlit ihl Martet HI. Vlttana'a Meat. Haratt (Ol wtoorr SIT. Paaa SM. vniur sol. Poulla til. VII tona 409. Capbaard Cafa (II rltndcrton 111, Whlta til, Brauabt 141, HcClutkir alt, aioai 4j. Trallwaya Cart (l HcHall 400, Klti. mllltr 110, Uptton 111, Lull 411, Knabltr 000. Baraa Spartlai Gaadt (I) B. Val dia ISO, ataltltr 111, W. VaMaa Ml, Huatr 041. H. valdtt OIJ. Smallay on Ca. (II Prudanta 400. Rlllarlch TS. Valion 403. Tount 070. Lt. Tournaux 400. SaUm Hardwara (11 Watt 017. X Morrlt ill, pearl 111, Loom SOI. Thtdl 400. Prank-i Pradaea (ltll JunU Sli. Thompaon 111. Boat 414. Jackaoa vant 111. Bay A Wllma't (1HI Bona 401, Prlaa Im. Ooarman 001, MaeParlant 471. Straw 000. Spadaal (II Bradan 401. Parity ool. uruutr 477. Vallupak 111. Prltnn Tbrlflway Ctaanart (II BUltr IN. Cau aay SSS. Holmat 410, Bckatrom 111, Bart- wan at. Hlah taam tama Albany Lanaa 0S1. Mlih Kara aarlat Valley Oil Co.. 1710 Kith Ind. oamt and aarlat J. Nubar. Barba Sportlno Ooodi. ill and 141. Duck Pins LA DISS' LEAOI'I Mailer Bread III L. Hanaen 100. M Pejea 331, J. Matulre 144. E. Ollmer 171 C. Thflledt 134. Waadrelle't aa Snap III n. wautca 1H. a. Rlohardaon 104, D. Klnt 117. D. RleUrr SSI. D. Tork TOO. Tt'lllamella Valley Bank (II M. Frank 331. L. Vlbbert 330. M. Pollnakl 431. D. Boyd 10S Bye 170. Randle Oil (I) H. Randle 111. O Wood 1ST, J. Wrbar 314. J. Aftwehuek 101. D. OsuthUr sal Hlih Ind. tame and term Mary Po llnakl. 101 and 413. Huh Uam tame and arnea nanoie oil, ool and 1T0S. That phone number Is . FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel PEW VAN lliit t. LARMER TRANSFER - end STORAGE 889 No. Liberty "Our reputatiea Is your seturlty" 3-3131 Webfoot series. The ax-Marsh. field prep star accounted for 31 paints to tha aeries aad tt was Ms 85-foot set shot that threw the game Into evertlme the first night Gill also thought Boblns did an ex cellent Job defensively. Also drawing praise from the OSC mentor were Senior Jim Sugrue, Junior Ted Romanoff and Sophomore Tony viaitenca. Surrue and Romanoff turned in the best performances of their college careers. Vlastelica had missed practice most of the last week because of an injured back, but came off the bench under heavy pain to sink the game- winning free throw Friday nignt. The big center from Aberdeen, in addition to hitting nine points Friday, added 18 mora Saturday in a substitute's role. Vlastelica finished the nor th era division eampalga with 282 points -In IS games, which is fear tallies mere than Washington's great Bob Bon trees made aa a sophomore, la 26 games for. the overall season, Vlastelica tossed In 828 counters. Gill said he planned to start his three seniors at Honolulu, along with Tex Whiteman and Reggie Halligan, both sopho mores. His regular first unit, to alternate time, will be Romanoff, Johnny Jarboe, Vlastelica, Bill Toole and Robins. Sports Mirror Tada av Teak Ah KsrBtaekr Waul ncuntd tbt top Mktell utm lor fttit thiM utM m row ymn u uw inti tUftttd Pres. poll. lire T BoH Pitch, verM 4if ens record heldtr, turned pre m ft footbtJl ootveh, thtrtbr puiliii up th Olympic. Tu Tun Aft Corneliuj Wtuinwr-d-m, pole Yftult record hoMtr, Joined the Mrr ea main, Tweatr Yn An Bebe Ruth, the IB is mis x no wc shucbvi , cvi n tolesa-oao alter 1ft reara of plarlng golf. It's more than pride that make t man want a lot of horsepower beneath the hood of the car he owns. For the real point in reaching record horsepowers and compression ratios goes beyond miles per hour. steps up per formance and economy in normal driving. That's what Buick engineers did when' they upped the power and compression of each 1953 Buick Special, Supbr and Roadmaster to the highest figures in Buick's fifty-year history. In the Super and Roadmaster, they put new kind of V8 Engine first passenger car V8 with 85 to 1 compression, and a long list of other major engineering advances. For the Special, they redesigned the famed F-263 Fireball 8 Engine -gave it SumJ.rrJ oe gewaWtif, eftmmi tt yWaft DMwa Class C Games Fill Church League Slate Four games in class C war played in Salem church basket ball activity last night First Presbyterian nosed out First EUB 24-23. First Methodist topped Liberty Church of Christ 43-35, Central Lutheran defeat ed Stayton Baptist 39-21 and Deaf School waUoped St Mark's 83-23. Games tonight pit Court Street Christian against Hslbert Memo rial in the B league at 9 o'clock at Parrish, and in the C league Calvary Baptist meets First Bap tist at 7 o'clock, and Knight Me morial faces Halbert Memorial at 8 o'clock, also at Parrish. Three Salem Boxers Appear At Portland Three Salem amateur boxers Willard (Battling) Nelson, Vir gil (Curly) Dyer snd Bill Bal throp will box In the annual Ramblers club card at the Port land Labor temple tonight. Nelson, a 132-pounder, will face Chuck Mintken of Corval lis in the main event Nelson. Dyer and Balthrop fight under the colors of the Sa Jem Cherrlans. Torgie Looks Good in Workout Clearwater Fla. () Earl Torgeson, long ball-hitting; first baseman recently acquired from the Boston Braves,, looked good in his first workout with the Philadelphia Phillies Mon 1 J ay extra mt oe sk irrns, WMSH j Sal I Sta SUIC1! CIICUS HOU- 1 cvavry fourth Tuatdoy Bfltt t OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 No. Commercial Salem, Oregon St. Lcuis Frco NIT Daslatitall Tourney New Terk (ft St Laais Cal- versity entered the National In vitetlea Basketball Tesmasnent today tree of say strings and Brigkaaa Tcaag, aaatkar toats- c see aster, eeisaroa vtrtnaJ- ly eertaia to shew A eloamg-seconds field goal by Bob Hendrich of Oklahoma A&M test night simultaneously put the Aggies into tha NCAA playoffs and St Louis into the NTT. The goal gave tha Aggies a 81-80 victory over St Louis and their seventh Missouri Val ley championship in 10 years. Until its defeat, St Louis had a chance to share the title and conference rales call for a playoff which would have kept tha BUllkina eat af Gates Girls Team Defeats Detroit, 34-31 Gates The Gates high school girls' basketball team nosed out Detroit high girls 34- 31 in a thriller last week. Detroit came within one point of Gates twice in the sec ond half. ' Carol Andreessen held high score honors for the winners with 14 points. Joan Ryal and Pat Stewart played the entire game for Gates. Other Gates girls seeing ac tion were Juanlta Thomas, Bet ty Tucker, Ida Blackburn, Lois Evans, El da Webster and De- lores Meals. . Mrs. Dibblee was the referee. The biggest edge ever achiev ed over a Michigan State basket ball team coached by Pete New ell was tha 22 points by which Illinois won, 84-62, last season. ! Udvtnlaamtnt) . . Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone, Ointment Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes ana Ath lete's foot ' For Bala COTUMWnOt! SUte at Liberty Phone 3-3112 shorter flame travel, faster firing, higher horsepower and compression. And to these spirited engines they coupled the new Twin -Turbine Dynaflow Drive that adds flash-fast, quiet getaway to utter smoothness. Just to give you an example of what all this means: The 1953 Buick Special with Dynaflow can beat the mighty 1952 Roadmaster on getaway can reach 30 mph (when the law allows) with a com bined speed and jerk-free smoothness no other car can equal. Of course, there's far more to these new Buicks for 1953 some seven dozen new features alone. But why not come in and see for yourself that these are the greatest Buicks-and the freatest values in fifty great yean. I1TTH AirrOoCail AH MfllT to Enter NIT competition. Tha BIU accepted aa NTT bid Satmr-. day with the privilege ef -backing cat If they beeasoe; Involved la eesrferenca . playoff. ! Meanwhile. Eddie Kimball, director of athletics at Brighant Young, said he hoped a possible Skyline Conference lie wiw Wy oming could be settled ettne by a flip of a coin or by a corn; ference action. The champion. Is obligated to play In the NCAA tournament BYUJ which holds a mathematical chance to tie with Wyoming; was invited to the NTT yester day, completing the 12 - team; field. Twa more NCAA entries may be determined tonight from the Southwest and Bor der Conferences. Texas and Texas Chrlstisn, which are In a three-way tie for tha lead with Rice, play each eth er, while Rice meets Southern Methodist The two games are the tost on the conference . schedule. Hardin-Simmons meets Texas Tech tonight needing a victory to tie with Arizona for the Bor der crown. Arizona finished its schedule last night with a 88-61 decision over West Texas. Tele-fun by Wsrrsti Goodridl "Hey, Mover mind sssfcsjf at twa Hnel Jojst Rot en cot the 'phone tc be aura the Hue la clear before yec mt.".jn toady hum-m-m of the dial tana la your signal to begin dialing . . . Pacific Telephone, SUICX WIU MITIO TrtSM-