1 f NAIA Play Starts Tonight; Willamette, OCE Entered A FortUnd team will be matched1 against s mid-Wlllant-tt valley team U "vh of the twe games marking the opening round of the Oregon State Na-j ttonaf Association of Intercol legiate Athletic i basketball tournament at Central Catholic high Mhool la Portland tonight I ; Oregon College of Education of Monmouth meets Lewi and Clark college of Portland in the 7:30 opener and Salem's Wil lamette university takes on the University of Portland at 1 o'clock. Tonight's two winners will meet at 9 o'clock Wednesday night for the Oregon state NAIA title and the right to rep resent Oregon in the national tournament at Kansas City later this month. . The Willamette Portland tussle will mark the first meeting between . the two Salem Advances To Semi-Finals AAU Tournament Central Point W Portland, Bend, Eugene and Salem ad vanced to the semi-finals of the Oregon AAU basketball tourna ment Monday night Portland topped Carlton 68 57, Bend beat Condon 82-75, Eu gene topped Tillamook 74-47 and Salem defeated Medford 68-82. Eugene meets Bend and Port land faces Salem in Tuesday night's games. Stmt (W) mi Caalral ratal It ft Pf tp H ft p! tp D. Ctiln.f I 1 1 II FataLr I i is L. Chin lilt! Want,e Schaaltr.t 1 i I 1 II StUT.C Da'lM I I III W.tnar.t Xallai.i t I I B.Snllr.l S 1 I till I 4 4 It I I 111 till noma JJuM !aa.S Mekmn.1 Brl0W,4 Total! St II II II Total, II 11 II Salam I 41 Casual rotnt 11 M W Praa threwi mUttd: Saint is, C antral yoint 4. Officiate: ninl u MaUbra. Support for Nardico Gains As Fight" Nears ' Miami, Fla. (A The odds were shortening Tuesdsy on Wednesday night's 10 - round fight at Miami Stadium be tween the slugger, Dsnny Nar dico of Tsmpa, Fla., and the boxer, former light heavy weight champion Joey Maxim. Starting at 2 to 1, the odds had been reduced to 9 to 5 and may become shorter be fore fight time. Support for Nardico was coming from fans impressed by his technical knockout victory over Jake La Motta here last New Year's Eve. Leahy, Blaik to Assist In Easter Seal Campaign Gridiron rivals, coaches Frank Leahy of Notre Dame and Earl "Red" Blaik of West Point have joined together on the 195S Eas ter Seal team to help crippled children. Coachea Leahy and Blaik have accepted appoint ments as national sponsors of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, It wss an nounced by Lawrence J. Linck, executive director of the society. Coach Leahy said in sccepting: "I shsll be very happy to aid in your fight to help the crippled children of our nation. To be in a position to work with healthy ladi year in and year out stresses all the more the need to assist those who have been afflicted with a crippling diseaae, one which denies them what io many of us take for granted. Thepur- 1 chase of Easter Seals gives ev erybody in America the oppor tunity to do what they can to enable these people to overcome their misfortune." Coach Blaik said: "I shall be glad to serve as sponsor to the National Society for Crippled Children." The national sponsor group is composed of leading citizens throughout the United States So smooth it leaves you breathless inirnoff yuviin MamC MaobaM IM SniaaOTOal atfi a. PMmlanraoS Fit lac. Haftx4.Caaa. - - I teams sines rortland crashed the Bearcats lte-77 m the champleruhla) game of last year's NAIB tournament. (The National Association of IatercoUegUte Athletics was knows as the National Asso ciation of latter collegiate Basketball- then.) Willamette C r a c h Johnny Lewis will stake his hopes on his five-syllable five of Dick Mase, Dick Hoy, Pete Reed. Duane Shield and Dave Gray opposite Portland tonight Jerry Mccalliater, substitute guard who has improved by leaps and bounds in recent games, is also due for a lot of action. () Elmo Stev enson, president of Southern Oregon College of Education, aid Monday that his school Woodbum Rod and Gun Club Meets Thursday . Woodburn The Woodbum Rod and Gun. club will meet Thursday at the city hall. Tom Ostrom, program chairman, will show picture and refreshments will be served by Lewis Paulson, Mrs. Irving Burd and Frank Doerfler. niil:. Airogell, Moirfch yiarooini Four Undefeated Teams Vie In Tourney Action Tbniaht Mt Angel and North Marlon dropped oat of the doable elim ination District Eleven basket ball tournament here Monday. Mt Angel was defeated by Sa cred Heart and North Marlon was edged by Cascade. Action tonight sends four un defeated teams in the tourney into action for the second time. In the opener at seven o'clock tho Silverton Foxes tangle with the Stayton Eagles and in the nightcap Harold Hank's favored Salem Vikings go against the Woodburn Bulldogs. Sacred Heart, coached by Leo Gnudacques, captured their ball game over a hard fighting Mt Angel Prep squad 54-43. Bill Thompson racked up the highest point total thus far in the tour ney as he poured in 12 field goals and five free throws for 29 points. Thompson scored the first points of the game to send the Cardinals Into a quick lesd 2-0 bnt Mt Angel's Tom Trae ger potted a field goal to tie the score at two all. Vlnee Matt put the Cards ahead once again with a free shot and then the Preps, coached by Gene Barrett, jumped into a quick' whose outstanding leadership and active concern with the well. being of the nation's crippled augments the National Society's efforts. More than two thousand affliates in 48 states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto" Rico give direct aerv- ices to nearly a quarter million crippled children and adults. As sponsors of the National Society, Leahy and Blaik auto matically become sponsors of the society's 20th annual Easter Seal appeal, beginning March 5 and continuing through April 5, Eas ter Sunday. The steadliy in creasing facilities and direct services for crippled children and adults are dependent upon the funds raised during this an nual campaign. had a totter, record than Ore gon College 'of Education sad should have been Invited to the state NAIA basketball playoffs which open at Port land Tuesday night But - Jim Torso n, Portland University coach and chairman of, the committee which named the play-off teams, defended the election of OCE. OCX defeated Southern Ore gon in throe of four fames. Tor- son said at Portland. Ho added that the selections were based not only on the teams' records against each other, but also on their records against the same opponents. Stevenson said that Southern Oregon had won five and lost three games played against East' era Oregon and OCE. In the playoff opening,' OCE meets Lewis and Clark and Port land U. meets Willamette. LOCAL UNITED PRESS 1-3 lead. Eauner and Tom Traeger were the scorers fat this uprising. ' Vance Cooney. Sacred Heart team captain and team spark plug, maae two neia goals and Jim Kodewald got one to put the Cardinals out in front 9-8. This came with less than four min utes left in the game. Thompson added several more points and the Cardinals held a slim 15-14 lead with one quarter 145 Archers Compete in Poker Shoot A total ot 145 archers partic ipated in a novel archery shoot at the Jabberwalkle clubgrounds Sunday. Archera fired at 14 targets. esch -target containing playing cards, with the best poker hand winning. Shooting best poker hand on each target, as an nounced by tournament chair man Bob Norton, were: Target No. 1, Louie Winter- stein, Albany; No. 2, Hal DeSart, Salem; No. 3, Bud Gaines, Port land; No. 4, Wally Eubanks, Sa lem; No. 6, Larry Digby, Glide; No. 6, Gene Shurman, Albany; No. 7, Bill McQuiglen, Portland; No. 8, Ray Fletcher, Albany; No. 9, C. F. KuhlM Springfield; No. 10, Vern Springer, Salem; No. 11, Dick Plyler, Dallas: No. 12, BiU Salles, Portland; No. 13, Jim Drake, Abany; No. 14, Bob Brin- ker, Dallas. In the pee-wee division, for 12-year-olds and under, Morris Spears of Dallas finished first, Kathleen Dawson of Salem sec ond, and Harry Eubanks of Sa lem third. Tommy Thompson of Portland won the running rabbit event scoring nine hits. Connie Bruce of Albany topped women shooters. Lorenzo Wright of Detroit Is the only broad Jumper besides Jesse Owens to hsve bettered 25 feet in the AAU indoor national championships. rmeee rfw? SWCSS6 rJr Y Basketball Scores ran wsst acUtaS State S4. Oram Tack 11. Saa Dm a Suta SI. rraaae Slala IS. Mams (Cola.) at, Seam ttaau M. in Hair Croat St. caaians a. St. matfe (tta.) n, BaJdwla-WaUaaa 'a Oantr n. aoatoa Oanaso at. Oosnatuaas 111. TaTIt 14. OITU Louutuio n, eataa naa sr. Florlde II. Oaonta 11. Marshall a. Xavlar ICO IS. unmssT bdlau St, uarttvoawra IS (ararttma). nuaala St. aiiakkaa suta H. laara 111 MlaaaaMa II enru. . ltlaeloaa tt. rarSaa II. Kaataa IS. Colarado It. aluatoH n. otUhnaia n tonrltaoi. Iowa Slato II. Mtraala 44. Oklahoma AAU II. SI Laws M. Bradlar IS, WlcklU tt, Drake II, Baaaloa 44. MarauaUt St, Datrett 74. SOlmWCST Has MaUeo UK It, Haw Mallet SI lerarumal. Aruoaa tt. Watt Tana II. Baal Tana M, Harthvaatara Oklahoma tt. oaxcoir no sconss . Jnal U. OarfkaM ot. TOOSMAMSMTS Dtatrtat II Soared Haart at. sit. Aatal 41. Caacada 44. North Marloa 41. . nkobi it Caalral Oatballa (Pari.) n. Sand II. Oraabam at. CalaaiMs Frta (Part. I at. Ooeeerdla (Part.) 44, Park Baaa an. Saa-Dtotrlat 1-B aft. varaoai M, Oraaa M (Utla). .. Warm ton M, Vara on La 14. . ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 3, 1953 of hte game (one. Thompson scared eight point in the open ing period on four field goals. Mt Angel lumped Into the lead in the opening minutes of the second period but Thompson led the cards back into the lead with six points and tho Cardinals led 20-25 at halftime. Foul shoot ing for both teams was way off in tho opening half as the Card inals made aix out of fourteen shots and tho Preps made five out of fifteen. Ron Schmidt pat the Preps from Mt Angel back Into the lead in the opening seconds of tho third period with a field goal. With Moriarity adding a free throw and Thompson add ing a field goal tho Saered Heart team began to pall away Fist-Swinging Melee After Seton Hall's Second Loss Louisville, Ky. () A fist- swinging melee that sent two players to hospitals after Louis ville's 73-67 basketball victory over Seton Hall Monday night was credited to "a mistake among a couple. of players." The "mistake," - observers agreed, came dangerously close to touching off a bad riot. This was averted when an alert Uni versity of Louisville band struck up The Star-Spangled Banner. Several players already had been drawn into the fist-swinging at the end of a elosely con tested and roughly played game that saw Seton Hall ab sorb its second straight loss after a record string of 27 vic tories. Harry Brooks, Seton Hall gusrd who needed several stitch es to close a lacerated lip, said the mistake partly was his. He said Chet Beam of Louis ville came running at him after the game "with his hands out stretched and hit me on the shoulder." "I thought he was trying to hit me so I swung," Brooks re lated later. "But then Beam said, 'hell, I don't want to fight I just wsnt to shake bands'." Brooks said he then suffered Four Teams in '52 Class i Tourney May Be Back Only fonr of the eight high schools who wore U the State Class "B" basketball toamaiBont last year are favored to return this year. This year's tournament will again be held at Willamette uni versity. The first game will itart Thursday afternoon, March 12, and the championship game will be played the following Saturday night Rogue River. 151 plons, has become a Class "A" school and wUI not bo eligible for the loeal tourna ment. Phoenix, Jacksonville and Bntte Falls are the teams contending for the district five berth. Knappa, which placed second last year, Is again the favorite in district one. However the Loggers must get past Warren. ton and Weitport before they earn ine rignt to come to Salem NEWS AND FEATURES Page 11 from the' Angels. j The score with one period re maining was 41-33 for Sacred Heart Ron Schmidt, making his first start in the district tourna ment was the high point man for Mt Angel with 15. Vince Matt had 12 for the Cardinals and Tom Traeger came through wun ix zor tne losing preps. in next game for the Sacred Heart team is Wednesdsy oppos ite the loser of the Salem-Wood-burn game. In the nightcap Monday eve ning the Cascade Couaara edged TkVHuimTde-rta pinWlmnd SoVS,. tap to three point, in tho last tne worth Marion Huskies 48-43. the stinging lick that tore open his lip and "it seemed everybody was iignung." Players mixed with spectators out of the crowd of more than 8,000 that turned out for the game and fired-up tempers were cooled off only when the strains of the national anthem broke through the din. Six Players Optioned to Spokes by Phils Spokane W) Six young base ball players five of them right- handed pitchers have been farmed out by the Philadelphia Phillies to the Spokane Indians of the Class A Western Inter national League. Spokane manager Don Osburn said Saturday the six will report here March 23 when the Indiani begin spring training. The pitchers are "bonus baby" Raymond Coley, Laramie, Wyo.; Richard Desalso, San Francisco; Louis Schade, Tucson, Ariz.; Clyde Dewitt, Myrtle Creek, Ore., and Gabriel Padilla, San Jose, Calif. The sixth member of the contingent is Albert Sahlberg, an lnfielder from Las Vegas, Nev. MTZ WIlNMARp comPAtrt and' the 1953 state tournament Powers of district four and Culver of district six are agaia tho top teams in their locale. But Drain and Pert Orford will bo (tiff eempetitloa for the little Powers outfit and Culver must get paat Cascade Locks and M osier before they eaa enter tho state competi tion. In district seven there looms tho future state champions ac cording to. some people. The Echo Cougars have been tabbed tor this honor because of their outstanding record. The Cou gars became the, first Oregon team in history . to complete their 22-game schedule unde feated. Echo has added two more wins to this by taking sub-district tournament last week-end. Wallowa Is tko fourth school favored to return to Salem this year. But first tho Wallowa team must defeat Harper and Union to gain a berth in the state tourna ment as district eight's Vepre sentative. Mill City replaces Sublimity as the choice for the represen tative of district two in this year's state tournament How ever the Timberwolves must win the district tournament which minutes but were unable to come from behind. North Marlon jumped off to 4-3 lead in the game with field goals by Larry Cole and En sign against ene field goal by Cascade. The rest of the pe riod was close with the Con- gars holding a slim 13-11 lead at the end of tho first period. Tho Cougars retained their lead the rest of the wsy. North Marlon trailed 25-20 at halftime. High point honors for the first hell went to Lee Metcalfe of Cas cade with 11 points. uawthTcouoirK TXIt North M'?,1.r'1"!d, to 11 for Cascade. Cascade is coached by John Seim. High point honors for the game went to Ron Barendse ot North Marlon with 13 points, and Don Sproul and Lee Met calfe, both of Cascade, came through with an even doien points. Cascade's Gerald Wal- drop had 11 points in the game. The next same for the winning Cascade team is Wednesday eve ning in the second game against the loser of the Stayton-Silver- ton game tonight I MORI LOAD SPACI High-aids body available on Hi ton pick-up has 44.16 cu.-ft. ca pacity to top of tailgate biggest of any com para bio Wheel bane truck. BIGGEST SEAT AND I I itar-"- I ALL THESE EXTRA VALUES, TOOI No other pick-up offers all these toaturost Big 97-hompowir engine! 7.0 to 1 compriaaioa ratio. Revolutionary new Onflow shock ab aorben! 4-ring pistons with top ring chrome plated! Cyelebond brake linings sad inde pendent hand brake! Moistureproof Ignition! The nly trucks with gyrel FLUID DRIVE -Available en Vi-, V-, and 1-ton moduli STAN BAKER MOTORS Chemeketa and High Salem Phone 22468 will also be held at Willamette starting this Thursday night Valsetz, Jefferson and Sublim ity must alio bo considered in the tournament as possible vic tors. la the remaining district, number three, last year's rep resentative, Mapletoa, and this year's favorite, Harrtsbarg, both loot oat la sub-district play.. BrowasvUlo new be- ' oomes the favorite. This year's tournament will be the third consecutive time that the Exchange Club of Salem and Willamette University have anea as sponsors. - Championship Tag Tcamcr on Sanio Card Frank Stojaek, former Washlngtoa State college football player and bow a can didate for mayor of tho eity ef Taeoma, puts his Paelfle Coast jnnler heavyweight wrestling championship on the block tonight at the Salem armory la a match with Al Ssass. Stojaek has defended hit title six times since winning It from Rogers Maekay in Reeeburg last Oeoamber. . Ssaas won the right to meet Stojaek for the champion ship when Ssaas emerged via tor ef a one-night wrestling tournament Involving eight wrestlers last week. It wUI be Bisk's whip wristlocks against Stejaek's famous alrplaae spin. Aa Australian tag team match will cem pries the semi final portion of the card. El mer Larsea and Logger Lar sen, bearded wrestlers who wear blue jeans Into tho ring, will team op against Red Vag none and Buck Weaver la the tag teamer. BIU Fletcher taeea Frank James In tho 8:38 opener. Fletcher will have to go all oat to hold his own with the head-butting Negro. TIDE TABLI Cortwottl tor Ttt CoaUal kr V. S. Oaaat O oaalattt Sarvar, Sartlaal. Ort.l Bit Walara Law Watata Uarah Tuna BaltM Ttmo BMBt a i:i a.m. t.o a:ot a.m. l.t 1:01 p.n. 1.4 1:01 p.m. 1.1 I 1:11 a.m. II t:ta a-m. l i l:t1 PJB. 1.1 I'M P.m. 10 S 1:40 a.m. 1.1 1:11 a-m. 1.1 t it p.m. 4.1 ; I H p.m. . l.t S . 1:11a.m. II . It it a-m. I t 4:11 p.a. I t ' :! p.m. I t f l:M a.m. 1.4 11:11 a.m. t t ' 1:11 p.m. 1.1 10:11 p.m. I.I S 4:41 t.m. 1.4 11:M P.m. 1.1 l it p.m. 4.1 . ll:M P.m. I. 1 41 a.m. I I . 1:07 a.m. I I 1:11 p.m. 4.T asy WINDSHIELD Room for t huaky men in the vridost seat of any popular truck. Biggest wind abioid of sny popu lar truck, tool 11:17 t.m. I I a-at m a a City Cilliord Tourney for Boys Planned A Salem city billiard nament for boys in high school and junior high school is being announced by Tom Wood ef m and B bowling alleys. 7 Registrations are being takem must be in by March 7. AB matches must be completed by March 31, with tho finals states) for Saturday night April 4.1 Play will bo conducted on a round-robin basis, with sack boy playing; against each othef boy twice. The top four boy will then engage in an ollmlnafr Hon playoff for the champion ship.- ' f Regiilations are being takem now at tho B and B bow Una- al leys, 3083 Portland road. Match and v Ik, fv 1 tt t . -v ifti fjnff v- 1V4 k In Mainer Red Vagaoao will he one of I the participants la a tag team J match at tho Salem armory tonight Ho wiU team ap with! Back Weaver la a battle 1 against the Larson brothers, al couple of bearded loggers who 1 wrestle In their Jeans. The tag 1 team match will bo one of the supporting matches of the ti tle main event, in which Frank Stojaek risks his Pa elfie coast Junior heavyweight championship in a match with Al Sssss. to buy this Mill mm J POGCW Set as for j food deal ea a tnjck that fits : yw job... DODGE "Job-Rated" TRUCK i