1-C1UI Joarnal, Salem, Orn, Monday. March 2, 19531 Ike Taking Long View With His Relations to Congress Br JAMES MABLOW ; High Fashion Soaring 12,000 feet over Southern Cali fornia beaches- aboard a four-engine airliner, Shirley legge ' model lateit California fwim auit. The high flying fashion how had an audience of 68 paaiengen. (UP Telephoto) Marilyn Monroe Better Get Hep, Joan Crawford Suggests By BOB THOMAS Hollywood W) Joan Craw. ford today aimed this curt me tage at Marilyn Monroe: Stop believing your publicity. ' The curvaceous blonde has been the subject of a hot con troversy during the past fort Bight Women's clubs have protested about the nature of her publicity and the advertis ing photos for her pictures. When I addressed the Women's Club of Hollywood a week ago, the members were eager to . know what the producers' were doing to curb Miss Monroe. . Adding fuel to the fire were reports that her latest picture, the first with which she could demonstrate her box-office pull, was doing disappointed business. Then there was her much-publicized appearance at the Photoplay awards dinner. Miss Monroe showed up In a ilpperless metallic gown Into which she had to be sewn. When the stepped up to get her award as the outstanding new person Ilty on the screen, she put on a hlp-swinglng display that brought the house down. "It as like a burlesque show,' aid the horrified Miss Craw. lord, who was present at the amir. . ; The andlence yelled and shouted, and Jerry Lewis got tip en the table and whistled. But those, of us In the industry Just shuddered. "Certainly her picture Isn't doing business, and I'll tell you why. Sex plays a tremendous ly Important part in every per son's life. People are interest ed with it, Intrigued with it. But they don't like to see it flaunted in their faces. "Kids don't like her. Sex plays a growlngly Important pert In their lives, too, and they don't like to see It exploited. "And don't forget the wom en. They're the ones who pick out the movie entertainment for the family. They won't pick anything that won't be suitable for their husbands and children." The durable Miss Crawford, who has lasted longer than any film star in history, said the Monroe buildup was clever and well planned. It was the 7ork of master exploiters, she re marked, but it got out of hand. . "The publicity has gone too far," she said. "And appar ently Miss Monroe is making Washington President Eisenhower seems to be taking the long view in his four-year Job of getting along with Con gress: Be patient. If he had be gun to throw his weight around, it would be understandable. He won his election over whelmlngly. His fellow Repub licans squeaked through to a majority in Congress so slim it couldn't be much slimmer. Undoubtedly he pulled enough V m I of tnem siong to give mem tne majority. His reaction to the bumps al ii I ready given him by KepuDiicans has been restrained. But, then. none of the bumps so far has been of major importance. So he hasn't bad much reason to mount his high horse. Sen. McCarthy's investigation of the State Department's Voice of America, while persis tent hasn't pulled the roof down so far. And the insistence of Rep. Reed (R.-N.Y.). chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, on a tax cut In the face of Elsenhower's wanting to go slow, has been a headache but can't be final un less both houses approve. In handling Congress care fully the ideal result for Eisen hower would be always to have a majority with him thus surrounding anyone who jumped the traces on the final showdown vote on any issue. - Through patience with a mav erick beaten by an Elsenhower majority in Congress today, the President might win him over to the majority against some other maverick tomorrow. Elsenhower's problem will be to let Congress go as far as it wishes, so long as he gets try, Eisenhower has more than just his success in the presiden cy at steke. Most men have moved up to the Whit House as the climax to a lifetime and they work to make it a success ful climax. Eisenhower already had cli maxed his life with one of the most successful military ca reers. He could have stormed there without any doubts about his place in history. Now be has to think about It Tarnish from failure in the pre sidency would rub off on the military luster. He'd hardly sit back meeklv while a member of Con areas at tempted, deliberately or not, to apreia tne urnisn. If the time comes for him in drsw the line on Congress or a member of Congress a decision may be forced on him bv an event not yet even thought of. At the moment McCarthy is mcnuonea as tne on who, through his invertisative tar. tics witn tne executive branch, uuur jurco cisennower mtn snowaown. In answering Questions about Mct-artnys invest nation hnih tisennower and Secretary of &ut moles have been bland and pleasant It mav fa nificant that both, neverthe less, in guarded language re frained from sivins the Wia- consin senator a blank check. i z ' i i t . . . tv.' mm j a asm h Behind the Barbed Wire Curtain To armed Volkspolis ten People's Police of East Germany patrol a deserted area along the barbed wire, barrier that seals off the Soviet zone of Germany near Goettingen. East Germans are for bidden into the Wert zone. (AP Wirephoto)' the mistake of believing her publicity. Someone should what he thinks necessary and make her see tne iignu one inn. doesn't sten too A A- At l. .. .. snouia oe tout tnai ine puuucifaj. over u,e jjne feparatlng the lixes provocauve iemmme per-1 white House from the Capitol. sonalitles; but it also likes to His test will be In knowing know that underneatn it au tne where to draw the line. actresses are ladies. A venturesome member of Discussing other glamor Congress who pushes Eisenhow- buildups, she remarked that er too fnr must be prepared to Jane Russell had managed her- encounter, in the end, a tough self well. citizen. The former general 'Howard Hughes tried to didn't get where he it with a make her out a' sexy dish at feather duster. first" she said, "but Jane man- Besides the good of the coun seled to keen her feet on the Then there was Jean Harlow, Will Block Street who was first painted as a plat inum blonde -vamp. When that novelty wore off, she turned redhead and became a success ful commedlenne. Apparently 20th-Fox has the same thing In mind for Monroe. Although the wants to be a dramatic actress, the studio is grooming her for comedies like "Gentle men Prefer Blondes." Miss Crawford, who is up for her second Oscar wltU "Sudden rear," added: "I think she'd better become a comedienne, or something." Butter Surplus Sale Urged Washington (AV-A dairy In dustry spokesman suggested Monday that the government cut down on Its surplus stock of butter and other dairy goods by selling them to the armed forces at low prices. Charles W. Hollman, secre tary of the National Milk Pro ducers Federation, said in a statement prepared for the sen ate banking committee that the army "has virtually abandoned the serving of butter to enlisted men in favor of low-cost table fats" such as oleomargarine. Holman said the dairy sur pluses held by the government could be trimmed by offering them to the military at prices matching the cheaper competi tive products. The government has been piling up large stocks of surplus butter and cheese under Its price support program. In announc ing that presen dairy support levels wouia continue for an- For Blossom Festival Hood River W) Oak street which carries Columbia River Highway traffic through Hood River, will be blocked off Ap ril 11 for the annual Blossom Festival here. Traffic will be diverted one block south to State street during the festival which will Include a parade, valley tours and other entertainment Burma Sentry Wounds Red Embassy Staffers Rangoon, Burma VP) A Bur mese Army sentry shot and se verely wounded two members of the Russian 'embassy staff early Monday when they ignor ed his halt order at an Army protected area. The Russians were Constan ts M. Aniklne, 38, embassy first secretary, and a Dr. Ear- blzo, 33, also a member of the embassy staff. TRAIN KILLS SIX Buenos Aires, Argentina VP) Six persons riding in a car were killed yesterday when struck by a train near Dolores. 120 miles from here. Identification of the dead was delayed by the man gled condition of the bodies. Australia had phones in 1951. 1,238,000 tele- CONTRIBUTING CHARGED Dallas Mrs. Verla Rote Hubbs, 319 Maple Street, Dallas, uregon, nas Deen charged with contributing to the delinquency or a minor and has been bound over to the grand jury. Great Britain imports about 80 per cent of its food. Dr. Will J. Thompson Optometrist Office Reopened at Biterdale Examination in Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment For. Appointment . Phone . 4-4057 Be Fair, McKay Says , On Power Controversy Washington V) The federal government's nroblem in th m. vate vs. public power dispute "is to see that both sides receive fair treatment ' and nnthin - LTsd.ttheInterlorMcKaV Appearing nn t ri Lu Broadcasting System television program "Stat rt h. i !!lSL,lduhe thouht Private wouia nandle future W aLv sn "t can be k -oa: handled privately. He added th.t Tnany of these dams, multiple purpose dams, private enterprise can t build because the Ur.e ben efit goes to navigation and flood control and soil conservation." Between 1820 and lom -i- most 40 million came to the United State! tZow TOY TllZS " Child's Cough For coutbs and acute bronchitis doe to ' coldt you can now ait Creocnkiom specially prepared for CaUdrea m a new pink and blue package and be wan- (1) Your child will like it. (2) . It contains only safe, prorea ingredients. . (3) It contains bo narcotic to dis turb nature's processes. (4) It will aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed threat and bronchial membranes, thus reUerinf the cough and promotist rest and sleep. Ask for Creomuliwn for QuV uicn m ins pma ana Otoe package. CREOMUESION FOR CHILDREN U.8. HAS MOST RADIOS United Nations, N. Y. W The U.S. has more radios in use than all the rest of the world, a Unit ed Nations report said today. The U. S. radio total, according to the U. N. Statistical yearbook for 1952, to 103 million. Other countries with a lot of radios are Britain, 12,807,000; West Ger many, 10,040,000; and Japan, 9,- 220,000. other year. Secretary of Agri culture Benson said Friday the industry has promised to work out a program that will require less federal aid. LEGALS ..'-4- ii n ean laal luaiii f n' it inilir T i If War Waa Only Like This William Gerta of Dubuque, la, who man the idle .00 caliber machine gun at right on the Korean front, rest in a comfortable home-made chair and pat his dog, Geraldine. Gertx, with the 3rd Division, It taking advantage of lull In frontline activities. (UP Tele .pboto) . .. ... . .. .. .., notici or sau or seal and riasoNAL raorasTT In Probili - No. 14.M6 W TH OmOOIT COURT Or TH1 STATX OF ORXOON FOR THS COUNTY OF MARION Xn tha Uittlt of tni EitiU at ADA WIL- HKLltlNA LUNDBSBO, DcaaML Purauant to Ordrr of tha Court htrt- toforo dulr mada and antarad or raeord In tha abora antltlad mattar, tha ttndarilinad will sail at 111 North Ubartr atraet, Sa ttn, Ortton. from and afttr tha Ut dar ot April, ItU. at prltata aala tna loUow- ini raal and paraonal propartr: 1 amall lot of paraonal propartr. Tha following rval propartr; Fareal No. 1: All of Let II In Block t In Cook'a Addition to tha town of Mar lon an aald lot la ahown and dtala natad on tha amended plat of Cook'a addition on tlla In tha offlea ot tha Recorder of llarlon CountT. Oreeon. Fareal No. t: A atrip of land lrlna be tween Block 1 of Plckard'a Addition and Block 3 In Cook'a Addition to tha Town of Marlon. Marlon County. Ore aon. mora particularly deaerloed aa foltowa: Keelnnlnc at tha BS comer of Block of Ptekard'a Addition to the town of Marlon, Marlon County. Ore. on, and runnlat tbenra B SO taet mora or laaa to tha aw Corner of Block t In Oook'e Addition) thenca N 300 feet to tha KW aorner of aald Bloek I; thenca W. So feat more or leaa to the Nl aorner of aald Block 1 In Plckard'a Addition; thence a 00 feet to the place af bealnnlna. FOR CASH, to tha hMhaet eallifactory kldder, and aubject to confirmation ky the Court. CHARUDJ W. CRXIOHTON. JR. Admlnutrator of tha Estate of ADA WILHTLM1NA LDNDBIRO, DoMaaad Sit North Liberty BtreeL Salem. Oreaon. Data of first publication: March t. till. Data af last publication: Mar oh II, Itty March s, t. H. u, leu. ASTIir.lA? NEW METHOD GIVES INSTANT HELP! tar tans of Uieuaanda who hsv a perlenred tha miraculous atleot and relief from ASTHMA aymploma RRKATHKAdT has slan. Tr tha orlflnsl BKEATllKAgf nabutlilat enalhod on s money back amusement that laavea no room for doubt. You are the Judga you must ha aalleflad. No mailer how many years you hav suffered no mailer If yxni hara -tried tham nil" BREATH K AST maet ort or it ooeta you nothlnc Dont alt . es Try BRBATKEAIT today Pay leu Drug Store 44 Jhf . SikHL Ortaea - mwt vmys to gi m hiimivmm BECEIVED for only the price of a "Hide-A-Bed" - mode only by laantaas B5l Come In for your eepy of the anew home decorating booklet with room planning kit -1 I A LARGE SHIPMENT OF 1953 HIDE-A-BEDS! SEE THEM NOW WHILE THE SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST! . 5 Styles 24 Fabrics and Colors Immediate Delivery i eo tl 1 u. - UK vV afk Til 3 New T-Cushion Style iff $249.50 $239.50 Fabric in a tweed mixture. Coral, brown, green, gray or gold. Traditional Lawson Model $269.50 $259.50 i a iM2 f - 1 Full Slie Apt Site I 11 Hill Uln II Covered in Jacquard mohair. Green, sage, persimmon, brown and gray. Ranch House Modern E? $339.00 t& $329.00 Gros point tweed mohair in spruce green, toast, persim mon and gray. Attractive Channel-Back iff $299.50 $289.50 Tweed flecked with metallle threads. Hunter green, brown, persimmon snd black. 'aiawiai m " mil rftirti6iw See How Simmons Ingenuity Tucks on "Extra Bedroom'' Into A Handsome Sofa Centerpiece of a smart tiring room It tha Tuxedo style illutrretaxi above. Inspired by 18th century tuxedo tofa designs, thit Hide-A-Bed awtt much of its gract ta current streamlining. Bask in form, tai lored in character, it fits any decor of your home. Cover of durable bout la tweed in gray, green, coral, brown, gold and tilvar. I &i gi 1 1 tan j "77 t M"f r:r 'M mur w-4nK' LLW 7 r f f . I s . few. Full Size Apt. Size 2H2)50 Open Evenings 'til 9 P. M. MM famimve We Give Green Stamps 1425 Edgewater West Salem Phone 2-5456