14 CptUJ Jonraal, Salm, FOR SALE HOUSES mn-Ou l-bedreesa, an s-ked- i.tm. re. ww. . a. B, BOMB, una Urine eecaa. dlnlnt , ma eu nook, ran basement ptre- . KW epertea, modi, laws aad thraee. rreane J-eiea, OI MM DM. M mnr i-bedroom houses, with POTJ. BASEMENT. OUT STAT tbxr, v. mile past 4 oobxiu I. Ml MONTR wm at PBoncT. phohb ait By Owner . reduced rem wurmATB uu Hewer lhake, a badiecen, eel tun-. unit cum to Lesiu Hleh. baa tin. 10. K. no Hill. DttellS, ean lUil uwner lb town ua wee. SACtUPICE SALE, merino away, moil Mil aioa, uwa i taroom home, star boot r (ebooL (MM. mi tain. PS. 1311. AM ATTBACTTVC (-BOOM boa lull lot. HMO. pn. UOU. eM' SUBURBAN NORTHEAST I kedrooa bom, are. llr. And dm. m. ewell kltehea with tile dralaboardt, bdwcl fin, nlM a til, auto. Ml hut, ' - pros. H act food ground, dandy CA10iU BOOM. TUB! IT BAB TREES! . aertaklmr tyettia. for Uwn end tardea, eloee to bus and ton. rncod al 111.000. Vail Pel Kemptr, 1-02,7. , J. Is. Hlmmel, Realtor Phone I-1IM U IT OWNER, two lam choice lou. Raa sonsbls. Phone -H7I. AU 1700 DOWN .teat I bedroom bouM. Reiser district I8B month. Phono 4-5UI. Ul GI $450 Dn. SB new 2 -bedroom houses, with full basement Out State Street, Yt mile past 4 Corners. '.' $8,999 - $52 MONTH Office at Project Phone 48790 AW ' ThB a-bjl homo with Bert Basra t.. cor. lot, pared at, dote to echooL Wi ar eaklnf AilSA, with aw down. WW trad for eM car, furniture or matt ef- for. Toil place net to 00 COM at ana B-Piche. WILL TABS LATE-MODEL CAB IN TRADE New Mohawk waU-te-wan aarptt ta thu umly 1 BR. boat. S rr. aid. Extra art. lie. rm, hardwood floors threeaboat. Vtnttlaa blinds, picture windows, drapta mcludtd. B R., bath. Ji. est. ee araanait noes, utility ra., . Inlli oaraae. eoxl&l-tL lot, oil fir. - fan. finance P.H.A. Thu boat la priced nana, atteo. rackr McPeriana. DfCOMB PBOPZRTr - Puratthed boat to Urt la plot 1110 A bo. tneoae. on 1 acre la xeutr star tebooJ, bus a, ttort. own rr wiii aatrlflta ar tradt for property Bear tot Aaatita, calif. Pacer Mcrariand. t-RR- JfORTH yra. aid, here ant af the flattt Romas la rood district, on art. lot, forced air u neat, a an. an i nr., it. nr. Ta. with fireplace, pletart window. drapat laoladad, dlnlnt rm. with lou or Duut-ioi, ift, ait. witn arar. book. axtra 1ft. utlutr rm, mty fneluda dry er. Don't pau ap attlnf this. Prlet au.tta, imaaea r.HJi. rteay Merar KBAB HTOR SCHOOL A rtaUy food 1-BJt. bomt. It, lrr. f no. with tlrtplaoc, fm. na , aaratt. vtrtd far drltr, Van. kllndi food Ult TUtpo ant. ft. tlo.too. Pail M.A. tau ATallablt. Bob Conalla. 4 COHNIRa BX, llr. fra, dla. im, kit. a krtlrt nook, monoo ft. lot. I m. old. Prlet n.ooa. will tradt for raialiu allot. Bob oonklln. BurtPicha m k. aiab at. ouim: i-ht Cm: Puk MeParlind S-Ofll. ! aaatttttoaaaaaatt FOR SALE LOTS EXttSB Clott to achool. ttrtral lint ra ttrict4 boma buiiaun lou. Ma cha aawa Road. . tM BUSINESS LOCATIuwS 130 a 1M an hlabwav ntat door ta nalfi bulaiai block. Lot U aranltd to it rot . imi, imt I or any aoilntit balldlnf, natd ear lot or tralltrt ar aarklni. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1111 Bdmttrr Ph. j.not CBOICB ItrtLDINQ lou an aortb Broad way. T011M, I too aaeb. Phono I4M1. . aall $10. DOWN Good soli. Water piped to lot Electricity. Build without per mits. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE tot Booth Run atrott Pbont l-txn Phona t ran Into: 4-1471. J-llu, J.U1I. t-Hlt. 1-JJM atM FOR RENT FARMS WOM RENT fuffll hop Tant, oot ( bmt on pMlllo ComI. Oood buiidlni, o pftvtd road. Will clvt Ttry Utv-rtU lm lo mpooBlMt p-rir. M. T. Ptrtuid, m M, aumnar, W.tittxLoa. phont 0umntr $-4553. b.Sj REAL ESTATE Basements Tea. we bare t boutea Bearlna aoa pleUoa la Baal Bulewood with tuU watemeBU with mtplecae and plamblna routhed la for a both room. Beth bare eleuble I erases. Oaa baa 1 bedrooms, etlnlsa room. Ire. . tna room with finpiact, kitchen and bath and u priced el 1 .1. 7ao.ee. The other It 114.00100 and bat I bed- Penwe dlnlnt room, kitchen with nook. Brmf room with ftrfMaoa, lane bath. Tneoe haueeo win be eompltttd rn ahovl f weeks. Cell and let aa ahow SMALL RANCH Bailable for eretlnr, with M aeree tn aeature. balanee la bay. family erabard. deed well. 4-bedroom modern bouet with rau katement, Una hay hem. Located aatjta as aimwey ae. ' SWAPS 'tartly beech eottata and 4 extra lots aa trade for noaao a aitm. Abrama, Bo ur land 4 Skinner all MABOHIO BCTLOTRa Beel Bnate Tneurance Mertaaao Loans 1-0117 Rvetuare; 1-4700 til To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 LAMIPUB ABrEBTUCTO Per Ward ' ' Pet Were, lmea Per Weed, a lemee JJe Par Weed, I taenia ate a BJitli maibaiB M Werde. BEABEan aa Leaal Bewe Cat Ctatr. NBT" Ta rue A ta BaajDay. rawer, rbana - etefera M aaa. Ort, Monday, March 2, 1953 LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT ' U.lttt m til. 1 karma, Brmf, kltebao, raridt atUllr. Tut JtiBtawt Vnflalabad aaataln, RUt let. aoa la baa, atara a) aeboaB. P.B.A Urmt. 110 toa-t yra. aid. 1-kdrm. maatm atyta. Ur,"alntU. Rita krlabaa. Bttoulol yard a aoratr Itk Starm wladawA ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT "' ' It ISA Rica 1-kdrm, Ut, tUattu. fall latimtat .aoU. ad fara. Rtwly ataor'aud inudt Jl ouL BU. atan a rat rlt . atat with dtaL Uoad lacallaB. 114.154 I yrt. aid. 1 kdraa aa ant float, tlr. dm, krUbaa. lattdt aUUty rm. wau-ta-wau aarptt. Plrtplata. Rrwly daaaratad maldt a ant Tary alet yard a ahraba. SOUTH SALEM Ill.too-Jaat itdaetd. kdrma. llr, dintttt. tjnilnubad apatalra, room far 1 adrma. S-av rut. Lot It I 1M. J HA. tar an. SUB. EAST . . Ill.ltO-m aertt. Rlct 1 adrmt, lit, alnttta. 1 nrtplaett. Parti 'rata la BMtmtnt; Oil fura. BaaU bam. Bai 1 alk, frada achool 4 aUu. SOUTH VILLAGE tl.ioa (uUdina lot. Btaatual wltw. Comar. rirlAf la. 100 a 1M. city wttar. All naw daUrlet. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor Andy BalvaratB Pb, P714S a aanday A. B. Btekttt Ph. Hill It's Your Town OWN A PART! JWT RIOHT POR TWO A ont-btdroom bomt aa 4. 4th Bt. PlrtcOact and f aratt-WlM. DBIVB BT THDf UT C SHOW TOO THRODOIt 111 Bouth 4th at. An AttraeUrt l-ttdrooa boat with nrtplaet ana battatnt, woodtrfol lart lot, SO z in. I10M down am mU If , aorrow. JJf I na COTJrTTRT L . , , ' Tnu ta too tlat af war IhU praptrty bat A attltaf thai-b tlltftrtnt, toeattd Rorth on parad road with S aert, room for tardta. TOU boat hat 1 Ian t bedroonu, titra nloa Urlnf room and dlnlnt room. Call Maody far appointment, any Umt. BIADTT AHD CHARM . . . A try lortly -bodrooa true aolonlal. one of aaltma Bltttt btmta, u catod m the Walnut Park Add. If you an looklnt for a wen-aaUl boat, la food oondltloB, an ua about tblt ant. Aak for Ttd MorrlMa. M ACRBI OH HOWELL PRAIRXR ' Wro. aut aoU, nearly new l-btdraam homo, karn and ehlekta boajo, oaa all bo Irritated trtm well, Btarpaant roeladad for 111,000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Bt, Wont lllll - J411J Bet,: Ttd Morrtaos M04I Ralph Baddy 11411 Loau Lartna kin Henry Terrend 11411 a Grabenhorst Specials TOUR DRBAM HCAlBBttntlfu Tlew. If a. lot. dblt. plbf, full katnt, dblt. terete. J bdrmt. with dble. tloeeu, built-in drawers. Laa. lit. ra. with raised fireplace, laa. din. rm, kitchen, fun of hullt-lna, lorelr aook. Auto, oil forecd-alr furnaet. In fact, thu homo hat evtrytblaf ftr oonTtnltnet and araclout Urlnf. CALL 1. K, LAW, SA1XSMAH. tsoo DowK Three-bdnn. bomt, all htat, baxrat, plus S-raom apt Price . MM. CALL PITSR H. OalBBR, BALBBMAM ' RNOLBWOOO 8PICIAL 1-bdrm. oldtr ttrlt bomt, ntwlr retnodsled. Lit. llr. ra, din. ra, kitchen, brkf. nook and utility room. Rlct yard and Idtal school locatloa. Price IITU. Terms. CALL H. K. LATMOR, BALSBVAH RORTH BALM amen Beat 1-roora ahako boat. Rlct lot. Bee. water , btaur and wired for otto, rente. Price moo, CALL O. K. oauuirNTtORirr,. . tX-OP. BROKER MR. IrlVaWl'OR Income IMI per mo. Excellent bulla est nidi. In a Cleat "A" toner looatlon. Well leaatd to buslntet and proitwloaal type tenants. Akjo 4 ante. Thu praptrty offered at the attractlrt Price of 171,500. Por details CALL C. L. ORABKWHORBT GRABENHORST BROS,, REALTORS 1M fl. UbtrtF at. Ph. J-34U abwnlnu 4h SondftTi oil . Vettjr H. CMitr I4MI J. S. Lttv i-ftii Ttf K. Xa.7mon t-4t eW REAL ESTATE nam im men nneamfl Trf) TaT I,L A TM"Q wri ar&uiAaViiatieb w wbj EXCELLENT VALUE v..-n . m. flaA,. WnreM-elr an beet. Only 1 rrs. old. apadoai lot. Hear achool. lnialeteu. Plnplaee. Vtrr Clean. Moarai eernie, ww 10,100. HERE IS VALUE 1 Bedroom bomt Inside city. Modem, roomy. Older type ant A toed fially borne. Derate. 1 blk. to aut. near tcnooi. Pull price only HMO. POSSIBLE BUSINESS LOCATION Older trte bedroom homo oa two line corner lots. Rear at. Vincent achool. Pi replace. 1mm. pots. Pull price only mo. COTTAGE AND BOAT HOUSE Really Bin. Very roomy. Boat house rlrht on rlrer. Offered for talt to dote aetata. PartleUr furnished, ran. poae. AutomaUe heat. Pull Price $10,000. Tonal erramed. ONE OF THE FINEST And the eery best of locetlena. Dnura ally nkt. Pull basement with bar. l-cer aerate. Lena aetlo. lATOly corner lot with rery unusual back yard. Wall to well carpets. Pull price 111.190. CALL POK MR. RKKIIN8, BVB. PR 4-U4I4 or MR. CRAWFORD. EVE. PH 4-W20. If no answer call 4134). 12 UNIT MOTEL S BMlroomi tth. Will, iiihu. AD turnUhftt with kltchmeuea end la the ttii of repelr. Vtrr ioo4 iMrn.a.nfTit rant) property If dMlrM. Kitrnneir low ovtrhrtd. Pd. dnvewen. Plnwt locetion. Liber el terme. Owner tney eoivikl8r other property u pert pe ment. rull price 80,000. 5 ACRES HIGHWAY FRONTAGE Room tor kwtel rental mite, eoolhar uimet-T. or whet have rouf Mew Bid . Modtrn llvint en er tart, Kaw hlihwoy win not uuriert wim thie property Bxtra well eauliped. Shown br p polntmtBt eniy, run price U3.710. WiUi Iha lfalttliLe C liquot br the drink. IDEAL GROCERY tve tvrranetd thet it eea bt eperated with elmoat bo oTeThead. Cornor brat. Oood eaooar maker. tpnilpmeni vtrr vtodtni and ta the beat of repair. Poll price aoo piua tnTfnvoTT. CAM. POR PAN lAAAK. IV1 PB. eiui. ii ae atuvtr eaU e-ssu. BEST OF SOIL U Aerea all Tinder cnUlTetion. M Acres trrliated. Modera I btdroom aouae la tood cotvdttioa. i br 14 barn. Machine abed, 1 wetia. Tve eoaetder thl a tood m tor esy.toe. 6 ACRES PLUS Terr eloae tn north. Vary tood eoti. Mtorn B bedroetn laeme, Bern, brood. er aMtie, 1 chicken boaaae. 4i acraa trawberrlee. Lota al frail tree. Prkt aae aeea reauceti w iit.eot. 1 ACRE Cleat In Berth. Mortem, clean l-bed. root, bouet. airete. chkken house. Lou er ahrube. Pared reed. Oood wtu. Pull pure tine. CALL POn OROVER LXATElta. EVE. PH. I-4T. If na aiuwer cell 4-llta. MORTOAOB LOANA M Teere MtturKy , Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Pnoata 4-U1I of l-TU t0l PORTLARD ROAD ra. phcmte I-4TU, 4-I4N, 4-MM ar l-IIM at aa answer phono 4-1141 RUL ESTATE j Bady Calakk REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT BUYS S deplane ntar new, nicely arranted, f-bedroom. kitchen, bath, dinette. H.W. floors, lou of eloeet space, autoaatlt laundry. Low ocet BonBerlllo beat, ex oellent rental location. 1140 per mo. fneoAA oood lerma. Pull prlet IK SCO. Walter Musgrave Realtors xdt9WMi9T Ph. J-I10I CM NELSON . $1500 DOWN LBLII dwtrtct Coir eroom home den i.b attrac tive fplaoe, open beam eelUne-, outilde ntreoce to patio, bodreom with adjoin Ins bath, aomb. kit. AMl&lng area, hwd. flra,. oiblt, aar. Prloed to tell, Vim. OaU Mra, Woottea, $4950 A CHI OH CRESC This coakl be rour 4ream hone, tarur home, eao larta room with at tle. A food place to lite while rou boUd. i Beautiful torn alto oa ereao baak of a prlni tad creak. Don't mlaa tbta oa portualtje MANBRIN GARDENS 17 WATTfaT DRXVB Smartly redecorated aVraom home). At trartlTO New Kntland open fplaoa ulU. room (llxm), automatic oil haat, beau tlfaUr laadecaped and fenced yard, oor are4 patio .oilo. Thie la ant at ear beet lUtlue. Price t,to. WANTED 1 BOfUOB. WITH BABBMB3TT Here pertr with I children whs wish to lite In Loelle er Bntlewood district. WU1 par up to 111.000. Will roar horns met their needst Call AL watte. I-T3PS. WANTED OERERAl PARM We hare aa out-of-town buyer kwk Int tor a tood 00 to IBO-aen oeneral term with barn and llrable houst. Call Mr, Ollltthtr. NELSON & -NELSON I WaCtAUZITCO REALTOfta Ttt H. uith at. pit. l-liat esr NEW 2-Bedroom 1100 para all the down payment la cludlnt eosu. Balance IU per moalh et P. H. A. terms. Wonderful imm room end dlnmt room. Plenty ef tpace ra a cut kitchen for breakfaet set, Intldt ellr acroea street from elty park. NOB HILL 1 tana rjedroemt, leree 111 let room. Itrte kitchen, lane terete. AutomaUe ell heal. Separate attlllr roots. I alecka to Leslie eshaal. Owner ta eat af lawn aad waau your offer. LARGE COLONIAL ef tha I. v-. hu, . - . . Pull aaeemenL Beautiful Urine ream . ... -r-i wni aiami room, out- aundlne kitchen. Deubu wumblne. Life tlrne tut root. Lenly let eloee to hub oehoaL til MO and worth erery ptnar. Would trade for a tm.U bomt. , REIMANN RP.AT.TfiP3 LOANS & INSURANCE " ' .w nian wireei moat 1-flOI Paeae erealnee: t-IITI. I-MIA a-tria 4-aill, 1-1M4 taye To Piece Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Golbath's VALUES Tlkff BAB COVE POB TOO TO AJtB TUIB t-BDRM BOMB, All ta toe fir, lane Ut. dr. eomb, l-car farate. 1XCELLEMT LO CATION OR R. im at. Price M1M. Terms. I lice down and Ma per auath. -ANOTHER BUY an THIS J-bdrm. homo oa oaa fir. larva aailalahed ttpetalrc Ut. DR. lanra araae, paved it. In attr. Total ptaee HOBO. alaOTas AaWiawaac. 2 E. SUBURBANS VCLOSS TBI Ra, 1 nearly naw 1-bdrm. hetaa em one acre, nice twwa. lira, une LB, rooray kitchen, den artr attached aa ratt. alee lawn, waur ertum, Terr clean at neat, xuu UUST oo WRORO on tsub) roet aesoe. oooo TEHssa. Ro. We went yea ta ate this newer t-bdrm. heme with bdwd. fin, eU beat, lorely kitchen, bar window. Book. -rma nam, muet ae aoM for out ar tewi owner. Price 47160. OOOO TERMB TO siuji i rutti. Attacnad farai a $7350BARGAIN THTB RtCB OLDER PLACE baa fall t- aurm. noma apetain ana larta kdrm. home down with 1 leu, plenty room for another noma. Row S-cer ae rate. Tina la value at rra bbbt i-oh 07IM. Tarma, UM cowa and am WANT TO TRADE thu lorely CAPS COD. Lane l-bdrm. bome with bU roomy baamt, ell forced air furnace, bdwd. flu, petto, fenced, attached aaratt, Mwd. firs. Located la Entuwood ecb. diet. Trade for email 1-bdrm. borne aleta to Aafembly af Oed en urea. POSSIBLE $250 DOWN BVTB TnBe MILL CXTT HOMB With fireplace, picture wradowa. 1 bdrmt, LR, DR. baamt. TOTAL PRICE 4M0. ate ran ssorn aa tnu. are. pn, 41W. REDUCED FIGURE THIS CHARMER IS LOCATED OR BKHJWQQO AVE, Lortly llT. fB. With flrtplaea, nice dla. rm, etreular near man. oraam ajtahen. 1 nice r-drmt, un. finished apetatra room lor dan er.lrd warm, ou loreed-alr furnace to all rma. eiect nawa. fire, mslde ntllltr rm attached taratt. lot 13x113. LET-a -tsw TOO THia POR 13.000. P.H.A. VE. PHONES: LAZBNBT 41T0S, TAR stunn eiree, -atti.ariHrB 10371, RENT BEATERS $400 DOWN S-BDRM. HOMB . a. BALEM MO $500 DOWN l-BDRlf. ROMB . a. 1HTH fotOO 1-BDRM. HOMB a aALElB tueo S-BDRM. HOMB . B. ItTH ,... 10000 $600 DOWN l-BDRK. HOkta . a. sooznt ....ttooo $750 DOWN 1-BDRM. HOMB . X. BUrraWAT. .MOOO 1-BDRU. HOME - W. SALEM ...I3K0 HO PHONE INPORMATION OR THE RIRT BaATERB. BEE DAVE LAZEH- BY AT OPPICE POR POLL DETAILS. SOLD OUT AOATJf OOLBATH LAND CO. HAS SOLD OOT THE BIOOBBT SHARE OP OUR LIBTIROa. WE HAVE MORS BUY ERS THAN LIBTINO0. IP YOU WISH TO CELL, CONTACT UB; WE CAN HELP TOU. FARMS & ACREAGES $350 DOWN BUT THIS I ACRB with dirty t-rm. flouee, purr hee., tarace, water a7tem. pump xue., cioae in. pneo M7M. 4-61 ACRES with S hroueee and part cult., balance wooded. Irocated out at ROBERTS. Thla u a real bur for with 7M down. 20 ACRES CULT, oa RIOHWAY. II B. Rico S- bdrm. modem home, wonderful eattlnr in fir. cedar all klnda of traee and eh rubbery. J -car garaee, email barn. tou WQii un XUIB TOR iio.two. TSRUB. 106 ACRES VAUaST PARIC (ItXAR ORAND RONOB), about to to eult.. so A, creek bottom, live creek, t lrrliatloa ar-i terns, food tubdrm. modeiai boma. built tn '41. larte barn, etc Pneo tarn or stocked with IS bbj an Ilk cows. S eaddle horeee, good tractor, all MulpmeBt. ae,ow. 80 ACRES U call. Balaoee pactum, email 1- adrm. modara borne with fireplace, bam 10140. Lire creek. 114,000. Take 1-bdrm. borne in tradt. ON THE ABOVE SEE T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARM EVE. PH. 41711 omcc DIAL 44494, 24552 WW IttSSttl . 14141111 SiMWiwtl uitaiutl niiimti ttttittiit FARMS HOMES IlllllttltlWtlUlfll WIWWW W IlitMlttl wiwit 11 awwiw WIM U Mil 1 1 I W SULLIVAN RENTAL. Cloea to Bash achool. three bedrooms, nice lawn. Older type bomt but a food buy tor M.IM. TKREB BEDROOMS. South star Me Klnley School. Lent kitchen end 1IM aq. ft. Rett ta all forced air. Owner will take house up to H MO is tradt. 111. too. CtU Bob Data, -. AUZUAR ROAD. 1 bedroom modem borne, landeeaptd. Just out ef elty lim its. Will traJe for 1 bedroom borne tn town. 11,000. RUSTIC RANCH type bomt. All en em floor. Commendlnf rtew over South 8e lera. Urine room 14x31; Multiple plume let. Montat forced air heat. There are ttrtral oak trees to eecentuete this reel rustle Suburban boma. Reduced to 17.00. IS ACRES Rear Brush Collet,, Just off Wall.ee Rd. S bedroom home In tine ahape. t acres Roral Anna, 1 acres af rr. em prune.. 4 acree ef Berttet peara, 1 acre, .pples. Owner win dlnde farm to eult bam. Priced to aeli at 14,100. ACRES. Polk County. All fenced. Oood l-raom home, out-bulldlnxs la fair aendltloB. 100 head sheep and aomt xarm imeioafBle included, lit. 000 11.000 down. t9 ACRES Bear Bend. Ortroa. 111. too .1 eaeivmene. ite neaa wtute racea, ane 4-bedroom hem. emnletele tumuhMI Tw. ether beuee. and three berae. Tar tar eraslnf ruhu eeallabl.. Owner wtu trade for Veller Income proper tr that ejtet aet rteeiro attanuoa. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR ml Portland Rd. Ph. 4 -411 ra. area. 1-lilT. 1-tefT, 4-tUI, 4-171, l-mi LIVESTOCK WANTED LOOtta aur-whiu fare Hsnferd. Me te per. outtcea kiataf. Trailer leaned ... vw, ease w, aew. rn. s a m m eee I cAuroBKt a nxt and rOR fALE ACREAGE BT OWKEB I aerea. alote la w.iiac Bd. Oood buuemt altt, toad well, ftaeet aoU. eeeld eabdleldt. 110 clear, balance fruit and nuts. Phone 4-4T1T. bbsl WANTED REAL ESTATE BEAJ, ESTATE IS BELLD40. WB BATE MORS BUT ERA THAR OOOD UST DfOS. If rear araperty a) worth the BMBtyT WB CAR SELL IT. J OPTICS DIAL 44494,24552 ROTlcSt If year property U for talt. rent er exchange, tut it witn us. w. aare Ail ataaa ex easn purer. STATE PIRANCB CO, REALTORS ui a auh at. WB ABB he need ef eood beaeet to tell in er near salea. If you wub ta tut your property for ssie. ate OeUBERUORcTT BROS, REALTORS 114 a Liberty - Ph. 1-J47I ci WANTkrj I to 10 acres with food boat. elate In. Al Mask. Kit, pnone e-Jsii. If no answer, 4-2341. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE PARTY rROkf Loa Ancelea wanU amaU farm. 915,000. Ha?e two lota in Cali fornia to trade In ae part payment. l. B. LeClere. Realtor. ltWS H. Capitol. Phono J-J355. bM WILL TRADE IN UT tiSOO equity in nice t7000 t-bdrm. homo with-baamt.. fireplace, located on K. 14th. plus contract on another home with 14300 balanee, pars back 90 per mo. plus 9 Intereet. Yon can hava my et0Q equity in both properties la oz atbansa for S or 1-bdxm. homo .muet hare baamt.. vp to 111.600 or eood n eomo property. 6o my scent, BEN COL BATH. REALTOR, for complete details. Ph. 44494. Ere. 923. cb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POOS BUYS coins lumber and b undine material buelnaas on Coait hlrhwar 101. Pino trade area. Close to mtus. Locix lease on bulldinss and rard at reason able figure. Past troaa and net indicates careful operator should recover purchase piico first year. Price includes clean inventory, truck and equipment. Contact owner by pnone, oeruaru ova, or write Box SL Banrlcw. Oregon. edU MONEY BACK GUARANTEE $711 to 93335 Investment tlvei you Tour own Independent bualneee operating a route or new money-maxinc so cu peneers. handling new. fasUmoTtse; con- fectUme In drus stores, cafes, clubs, bus depots, etc Route eet up for you br our experts and protected by fire and theft Insurance. Tou must hare car, refer ences and 1712 to 13239, which la pro tected by sn Ironclad 100 Money-Back Outran lee backed by a 10 Million Dollar national tneuranee company. Derotlng a few of your spare .hours each week to the business you should cam up to sso.w weekly spare time, full time more. Liberal financing asslstanco to aid ex pansion. Por full Information, writs. eivlng phone number and address to gox opj capital Journal. cdM Distributorship Now Available for the first time in . SALEM Non - competitive, nationally-' advertised item for Homes. Stores. Offices, institutions. FHA terms can be obtained on sales. DUtrfoatort la other communities dotnt a- rolume of 110,000 to 111,000 A week. Send for full particulars to Dept. R.P., P.O. Box 112, Grand Rapids, Michigan BUSINESS & INCOME MODERN DRY clcanlni plant In amiU town, lam trad, ana, brick and tut bulldlnr, food tqutpmtnt, track, aup pllet. for ell rtar Immediate possiealon, annual frost rtcelpu aio.000. Price M.500. Box 401 Capital Journal. M WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood used furniture Appliance, da- Phone 1401. 2 r;x AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 44 CENTER CTT, SALEM MIDWAY AUCTION lest Cherry Aet. Rorth of aluminum pltnt TUBS, MAR. 1RD . 7 10 P.M. Storatt Hems this salt: t-pc. bed room set, 0x11 rut. cbast ef drawera, 1 washsra floor lampa. twin aixt beds, eprlnaa and maltresats. end tablta, d.r eae a platform rocker, wrltlnf desk, odd ehalre. all kind, ef furniture and mite. Items. SaUe taeb Tueeder and Prlday arte. Ralph Alemaa, Aactleeeer deal JOE PAL00KA I cb TdC' -1 4t!My rsTteaaeesaeZ. -e T ewtjT-rxSaerTTl I 1 I ret ji PUf f A "JjT tQH!Si .l C PETS ta. block test af M. CepttoL lSb aMcU north ef Maouoa. ra. s-eei- COCKIA PUPnil. Cell IT1W. TOT TEBBIIB. beuee trslnei to fir. ewar. all. Broedeer. n,. m m nnr,i. rtaBL raulamtnt euppllea. I muet xrem snwew Maelear road. Phone J-7111. Closed wednesdare. e.- I TEAS OLD neutered mtle hoitr. Rest MtMauiM ana esereiiua. ra. xaoae. tell AOXIB PCPS ARC, champion tired. Beas- oneble. Phone 4144. tcee' CBOICS CAR ABIES. 1141 Cbemtklta SL Phone 41U. eeM" FUEL BUT ANDiaaORS bandptektd tlabweed. now 1 cord 114 00. Phone 1-7711 or 4-411). eel! Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB ARD aAWDOBT S. & H. Green Stamps Phcae SUM 107 Breadwu Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick op your Pre. to-Lots. Briquet, and Wood. 1W So. ComX pbont 1-7711. Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube ttrrlea, all ktndi el wood Pbont 1-0444. at' WALNUT saiixa, 10 sacks for IL ar 1 ton. H ton dtlirtrtd in town. Morru KlorfelB Packlna Co, 440 NorU Pront. Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. BrXLiAL rvn m uia Planer trlmmlnss, M load. Phona Sttii West Salem Fuel Ca BLOCKWOOD. If- CLEAR IMMEDIATE DEUVERT Pickup Wood Ills Eatewater Phone Salea 1-4011 a.eaeaa.e.tei FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored fryers, colored and leshora hens, his nee. prices, iea e Hatchery, phone X2U1. I POB SALE Twice weekly, day-eld chicks in Rtw Bampahlrta. Parmenttrs, Red. White Lechorat, Austre-Wblte, While Rocka. White Wyandotlea. Parmenur ceckerala. Lte Retchery, nhone lull. fe SPECIAL Mew Hampshire pullets. Ut ta. Valley Perm store. Ph. 04414. free WHITE LSGBOBR. Austrawhlte, and Rtw Rampahlrt chlekt, ! hundred. Ph. MliL Palmar' Pealtry Pane, Brooks. ni OOLDEH BBOAO and Rtw Bampahlrt ebleka, hatched .rery Monday and Thurs day. Our ehleaj frow fasUr. Pox's H.tehtrr, 38S0 etete St. Ph. HMO. f PRODUCE OBGANIO GBOWN TAKI-RIPEXXD ar- antea and frapttratt. Potatota, onions, applet and nuU. PHILLIP BROS. PARM MARKET, ttM Lancaster DMre. Pbont 1-1119. fl OOOD WALNUTS, will deliver. Ph. 44017. eio cnurendalt. ffll OAT AND VETCB hay. All; obtat bay, 117. Ph. 41071. ff. aaaaee'.eaea'aet.a.a. HELP WANTED EZPEBIENCID itrawbtrry plant packers. rnont uw. all Of GRAND BONDS Educated man or woman with typewriter at part that cor respondent for Capital Journal. Oood pay. Write or contact bake Porbet, Val ley Editor. f HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Rlfht man for touthtrn Ore- ton hotel, inquire 1371 Bo. ComI. Bt. fall FOREIGN JOBS OPEN Worldwide. Travel paid. Also VS. Hlth par. Write Em ployment Information Center, .Room 19. Ill Stuart St.. Boston. ' est! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Candy Distributor Spare Time No Large Nationally known company with over 2500 operators representing it, hat opening for responsible car owner to deliver its candy confections to local routs of vending machines. No Selling or experience necessary as company will train and instruct Earnings up to $3,600.00 year possible spare time and thru company financial assistance, should rapidly build up into lucrative fuU time business with $15,000.00 year income potential. To qualify for dealership, applicant must be definitely settled in community, own car, furnish references, and have $600.00 working capital for inventory. Applicants meeting these basic requirements, may Include phone number in application. For Interview write Box 484, Capital Journal. edii WANTEDPOSITIONS PAPIB BANGING, pilntlni. fret esti mate., dob Luctro. rn. tun. nia MRS. MICKENHAMW DAT RURSERT SUte licensed and Inspected. Ph. S7eM. h47 EXPERIENCED BABT titter. Middle ate prefered. call after I, 4-4MI. bU Garden Plowing Ph 23041 WILL DO baby atttlns fa By bomt. Ph. ism. hsi" BOTOTIIXEB WOBB Now taklnf orders for early sprint rototlulnf la Setter district. Ph. 44151. hoi' GABDEV, PLOWEB bad and Uwn pre paration. Plowlna. cutclnf. ltrtunr. ro tottunf. Btrrlco Center, phono 4171. h7l INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason ed?. Ph. 3H41. hfl LANDSCAPE malntenact. prunlnf. trlm- m Lnt. piantmt, ftruuaint. awrrlco cen ter. Phono 437. bU PLOWING, dUdnt and lerellnl, and lUht haullnt and cleanup work by th, hour or lob. No lob loo Urtt er too emeu. Call ere. 1711. MJ' CARPENTER WORK, cabinet maker, free estimates, trail i-eeii or e-ieu. na. TAX RETTJBNS prepartd In your bomt. reasontoit rattt. rn. tioii. nai LIGHT CBAWLEB, dot lnt, dm ttrelinf. redtnr. pnone 1-1130. brie TEACREES wife wishes to care far nrt- achool child. Ph. Moil. hM EXPERIENCED ttenoarapher desfrta trp- Inf at home. TSe boar. Ph. 4171. BI7 WTIX GIVE mothere eare to eao thud. my home. Ph. JT70. hIT" FOR RENT ROOMS WOBRINO GIRLS dtltthL Small conrcn- tone, clean rooms, only 11 Boath. im N. Winter. IkU NICE LIGHT hoasekteplna room. Ladr. 01 N. Church. Jk NICE, CLEAR. eomtortabU Meonlnf room. T34 R. Cettaae. Phone IttTI. ku EDUCATION TELEVISION NEEDS TRAINED MEN!! PAY $3 TO $5 AN HOUR APPLICATIOMa ARE ROW BETMQ ACCeVTED PROM MBit TR THIS AREA WHO ARE EARNING LESS THAR 100 A TEAR AND HAVE A SINCERE DESIRE TO MAKE A PKE8R START IN TUB kfULTl MTLLION DOLLAR TELEVISION PIELD. MEN APPLYINO MOST BS BETWEEN THE AOES OP 17-M. THIS LOW-COST TRAIRTRO PRO GRAM WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH TOOR PRSaERT JOB, TV FURNISHED WE TRAIN TOO WITH ACTUAL TELEVISION EQmPMENT. TNCLUDTNO PINE TV RECErVER, TOURS TO KEEP. ORADSJATE sauPUTMENT SIRVICB TO ASSIST TOU IN LANDINO THE JOB OP TOUR CHOICE IP TOU ARE SINCERE AND AMBITIOUS TO BREAK INTO TODATS PASTEftT-OROWlNO 1NDIIBTRT WRITS TODAY 1 WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON Sure! I want to enter the high-paying field of Television SERVICING and MAINTENANCE Rush me full information ROUS I WORK., MAIL TO TELEVISION TRAINING, BOX 490, CAPITAL JOURNAL HELP WANTED MALE DUE TO RECENT Promotions wa will employ two men who win aet as our nproeentetlrae In thla area. Per sonal lnterrlews will bo conducted to select these men who will be siren ln dlrkmal trebling. Ton must be between the ases of 14 and AO, hare a serrloftebls aar. be bondable, and willing ta travel during the week. Onsjanteed Income at $100 per week Begin e with training. Xf you are tookirii for permanent work, vetter than average earnings, apply to: W. R. Olson tfenator Hotel, Salenf Tuesday Wednesday, March Ul . M:M A.1C. to f :M M. aaaS XaXK VISION SALESMAN rull or part time. PKALL'B, 330 N. LIBEkTT. ta53 HELP WANTED FEMALE BEGISTEBED NIIBSE Immedlsu open- tnf p.m. and relief ahlfu. 111.44-111.93 par -hour shift. ML Shasta Hospital, ML Shasta, Calif. tool CAB HOP, Woodrofn Ban Shop, 1400 Portland no. no pnont calB. lb HOUSEKEEPEB for family bomt., Board. room, waiet. 44110 after ft p.m. fb9 JVNIOB BTEN. No txperlcnct necessary. Shorthand needed. Apply in person Met ropolitan Lift Insaranct Co, Rm. Ill, Matonlo Balldlnf. 4M state St, Salem. Ore. ' ebU BEAUTICIAN Top worklnf conditions end weses. New modern beauty shop. Oood Bolnr business. Bel 416, Capital Journal. tote BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, gentlemen only. Close tn. M n. Winter. JkM BUSINESS DISTRICT, heat, hot and cold water in nicely furnUhd sleeplns room. Oraeral Beat Estate. jk53 WANTED TO RENT LOCAL BUSINESSMAN desires to rent or leaae 3 bedroom modem home, 4 adults. Phono 944. Ja53 TOCNO WOBJUNO couple wants 1 er 1 beMroom house, dote in, win pay op to M a month, no children, no pets. Cap ital Journal Box 4S4, or call Mia after p.m. jaM TWO OR MORE bedroom house, clean, well heated, furnished ar unfurniahcd tn desirable location, by family of 3 adults. Call 93071. JaM FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED room, bath, private en trance, ground floor, ttu N. Com'L Jpaa PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment; clean. Adults, s&o. 3tV40 Port Und Rd. )p53 CLOSE IN. 140. Itft, and (M- Private bath, auilt laa. Pornuhed. S-04SI, S-M3S. Jp I ROOM furnished apartment, private bath. AdulU. S37. Phona S-IUO. JpH ATTRACTI'E, dean 3 -room nicely fur nished. Close tn. private entrance, alec trio etove, refrigerator, bath, wall bed. Excellent for permanent home for work ins person. Also small nicely furnlahed basement apartment, for one lentlemen. 33. 34 TJnkm. Phono 4-14SS. jpfil -UPPER APT farnlshed. shower, out side entrance. 4 B. llth. JpJ a-BOCM apartment and bath tmfar aiehed except ranaa and nfTaterator. near etete banding aad shopplnt cen ter. UM Chemeketa. Ipa3 NOW AVAILABLE Modern 1 bedroom court apartiarnt, tmfwvrnUlMd axcept tango and Mfiiawrator. Oood location. AateenaUe laaadrF faelllttaa. Ph. 44SS3. fpu EDUCATION HELP WANTED FEMALE WALNUT 8HELLEES-.A whole winter's work. Morris Klorfcla Packing Co 4 so M. Front. go CABE FOB CHILBBN permanent, f day week, good wagei for competent help. 4T3 N. Winter, after ft. gb54 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Experienced shoe fitter for quality woman's and cblldren'e shoes. Oood ealary and working oondlUon. Re. ply Box , Corrallta. gg93 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Jobs THE BEST WAT TO THE BEST JOBS II Asst. Br. Clk.. lbr out to tesa bf Senior Acet., tax axp 1435 M lafech. Draftsman .$1.44 to 1141 hr. K Time and auuon Cost B&aT..ft4oo F Counur oik typist no F ZBaf Operator a....e.$l7) P Uyout .Drafting cnerk iso PBtenogrspbers. sererat qp to So yra. Salary while learn lng. For more In formation, call: . . ' OOUERCIAIi IaA CEMENT aAOENCT 404 state St. (Oregon Bids.) ph. 43911 EDUCATION PIGUBINES, pslnu. Blast textllo painta. uwnKuwi iree witn a vurcnatt. Han, dteraft Supplies a Olfta 191 So. Ltbtrtr. room 10 upstaira. hh5e DIESELf . Practical spart-tlmt tralntnt la esenuai iiciu. saciucwt raamttmanee, re pair. Scientific Motor Tune-Up, all phaste ef but pay work, tf meehanloaly inclined.' write for PR EI book, utuitltf Diesel Tralninf, 417, capital JdarnaL bhu PRACTICAL RTJRSIRO Train eukklr at bomt. Excellent par. Many tarn whllt lterntnf. Ibformatlcei PREE. Warn, school of Practical Ran. lnt, 4I capital Journal. bhu Journol Wont Ads Pay BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT APARTMENTS t-BOOM furnished opt. Ground floor. Ill month. Elderly ftnUtman. Ph. 31171. 1pM , SMALL COURT APT. furnished, Bewly decorated, close tn. Ph. 10714. loss" Lee Apts. Seism's Most DatUnfnuhtd Address Pollowtnf rtntait can betiiuwa bow: 1-Bdrm. Aratlablt Mar. 1 ..,...,,110.0 1-Bdrm. artllabu M.r. I 71.40 1-Bdrm. erallablt Mar. 1 11.00 Por luxury Urlnf at modtrttt rattt call at MS N. Winter St, Ph. 4141. Jp LABGE CLEAN furnUhed aparlmenL Utilities furnUhed. Child care. el S. llth. IMP BOOM and bath, iroand floor, prlr.te entrance. At 141 a lllh. Jpil" CLEAN. NEAT l-BOOM and bath apt, furnubed. 145 per me. call RawUna Realty. 1-4144 or 41711. jp. I-BEDROOM furnUhed duplex apartment. Adulu. Phone 1-1100. jpil SEVERAL furnUhed apartments, food lo cation. Inquire B. L. stiff Purnjtare, Phone 1111. jpe LARGE. ONE-BOOM, bachelor apartment. Nlcelr furnUhed, close In. Oentlemea preferred, all w. Winter. Iplte t-BOOM PTBNMRED apartment, leml btstment. fireplace. Ph. -till. ypty CLOSE IN, 1 room furnUhed. eourt apart, meat, rtdtcertttd, aarata. Ph. mm. Ipm BOINEss DISTRICT, 1-room nicely far. niepeq .partment, aae center. Jplje S-ROOM furnished. PriTate tBtranee, both 411 So. lllL Ph. laM7. JpJie NICELT PTRNISHED apartment, Anbet, aaoor apertmenta, no R. Summer. Jp77 S-ROOM ri'EXISBtD apertmfnt, rtfrlftr. ator. prtrat: beth, iterete nam. Leua dry utumee paid. ISO. im Stat,. Journal Want Ads Pay By Ham Fisher Selling i, aVV