h Tele-Views aall i Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKJUER RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAYS. M. Golfer Ben Hogan, supported by a million dollars' worth of acting talent, will emerge next month as the atar of a television movie. Called "Faith, Hope and Hogan," it was made on a golf course at Palm Springs, Calif., by Father James Keller and his Christophers, Inc. The Christophers, a unique, world famed group, hold that individuals working hard as indi viduals, can change the world into a better place. Father Keller believes the Hogan story ope of the world's most amazing comebacks will give courage to millions of people faced with handicaps. Hogan, nearly killed in a 1949 auto crash, came back from a hospital bed to regain his niche as one of the great golfers of all time. The movie was shot without script. Father Keller's only advice to Hogan was to say "just whatever comes in mind." The master golfer more than held his own in the movie with such masters of the ad lib as Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Phil Harris. Others in the cast are home run slugger Ralph Kiner and movie producer Bill Perlberg. Perlberg, a millionaire moviemaker, played a spur-of-the-moment bit as Hogan's caddy. All the artists donated their 1 talents for the movie, soon to be released for the television networks. . Ray Milland, in his original role, will co-star with Phyllis Thaxter in "Close To My Heart." on KOIN-CBS Radio's "Lux Radio Theater" Monday, March 2. Story concerns a young couple who adopt a foundling baby, at the wife's in sistence, while the husband "sets out to learn the identity of the baby's real parents, only to discover that the child is the son of a murderer. ... Gordon MacRae welcomes Lucille Norman and Jane Smith as his special guests for "The Railroad Hour" presentation of "Rose of Algeria" on Monday, March 2 (NBC-KGW), 8:30 p.m. AVOID TRAFFIC SNARL! One way to avoid a traffic jam is revealed by KOIN- Columbia Pacific Radio Network's Eddie Albright, who re. ceived the following item from a listener. A Mrs. Fischer of- Medford. Oreiron. drives to her lob lollowea by her dog. 5 When she parks her car, the dog goes to sleep under the I car. . '. . Then when Mrs. Fischer finishes her shift, the dog ukss me center ui me vuvci auu umad m oh fi" vwwm.e j cars till they stop and permit her to drive safely out and point toward home . . . with her faithful dog scampering . --along behind her! k YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING : MONDAY - , Chance of a Lifetime at 7:00 will have as guest, singer Carol Bruce. ' . ' r Short Short Drama at 7:30, "T6 Whom It May Concern", ftory of a young girl who could think of nothing but sui ' cide until a stranger came along. ,.' Voice of Firestone at 8:80. Feruccio ,Tagliavine, Met. Opera tenor will be guest. He will sing "Mattinata" and "Una Furtiva Lasrima". . I Love Lucy at 9.00. Ricky auditions a new show for his night club, but doesn't realize Lucy is in the lineup hoping her husband will accept her purely on ner own taieni. Robert Montgomery Theater. Gene and Kathleen Lock hart and their dauahter will appear at 10 :00 in "The Bur tons". Nite Owl Theater at 11:30. "Man from Frisco". Michael O'Shea, Anne Shirley. TUESDAY Kate Smith Show at 1:00. Kateds, dance trio; DeMarco Sisters, vocal quintet; Jack Lane and his Love Birds, and dramatic segment with Paul Douglas. Matinee Theater at 3:00. "London Blackout Murders", John Abbott, Mary McLeod. Betty Furnesa at 2:00. Wliliam Pahlmann, interior and industrial designer as guest. Betty will reveal clothes secrets of Marlene Dietrich. Howdy Doody will make its first appearance. It wi1! run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights from 5 to 6 :30. A famous children's puppet show. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only prfjfrftm KtatdulM to 4Ttefl KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO Q MBC tW CM lit. AT It UK IW Bt. LBS T" Sm Km rullum Ta Traaaa WW mm4 1 Lift (w Oat U Kaaa StIUaa Nt r ar.tr r-..r Tat hmm ran, ii o. g m ihm r. Ba Tai J. .!". M. . r.rtr Jttl Q alara-a Maatlalatr Bit hit Ttt ' ' HU1M luM Jark ' ttUt Ma. Mar. i I X lt.Ua OaUa. Oaa. rtakar r WM Btrtvaaa 4Mar " : I '.If WI4. Inn llrtatar Bar Wtaa . I. ItaaaUaa MM ;J Hmt la I,IiUi. Bar Watt ! Sal4tf BHaSi i riala Bill In. Sakla. Cal Traat Ktw, s14ar . Mail. I- t T, rttrrt . Oaart, Cal Taw HUM ttt :Jr lu il. . err im u a Maata im "J4 , t;j D '. mi, a. Oa4frtr Mini am lataat Htlar l.ar it Gaairar at Miu ajaala Its Caatr J:15 Trarrltra Oaifm Bin Im , Maala . Ua " i v Df. raal c.4tm rar tM Nan lla Hlk "K Mai. 5:4.' Q. Oartaway Matiar Olrl, raala ta Maw Ma Mat T Maala Bai Klrkaaai Taaa. . fillaa UwU IUtm fr WarM " 41jMaix Salk Aaklaa Maltral (Milknaf Mult Mart. Mara ' IDIInk B lla Wakalr Can Cart Maatat Matte Mart M t 4:4.1 Art Hakar TaarialU Umt Tlaw Utt Matte Mrt Wwtte n :M Not 1.4 Mar raw Muria Clrak lit. rratlaa Maate Mart Skawcaat III m N.w. V. tlaklar ttt. rtauaw Maate Mart " 1 IT L MaCall arU Ta4at C. laalter III lai Matte Mart VallarTlaM :. faunaw iTtaak Paw lak Qrta k laa Ua OH. aaag U Kim. -aa BaUi Mada Ufa wltk Waalkrau ICak. aaatut Batarr ':K .lai Matte Ultl start 14. NO Km 6C Caatktt J jp Pllraar Mr rrtek Oaa4 katwar Mas f t'-.tf MallT Irait Ulltalaa a Inn ' T" M Ink (krtaar rtaala An tlltai IMIa Saaartar Otolrtol I'll Brrklkrlaar raa7 tlltat lute kaaa4a taaraar i tf Jaaa ritkaat Matte Mall Mltkaal W Caatt Dltlrttl j:4 Jaaa Ptektat Matte Mall lka,aa ItaitWrt Tttratr M raaill u Tkaaiaa Sraakaatlla Mlak . Dttteltl I U Warll Ntwl Oa laat rarakaatlla Attaallrt Taaraar I M Calrakala alMr. aa4 Mrt Mart Taar Matla Ditlrtet tf Aartrtca Wartk Maltkaaf Matte Taarw a X Mania Oarlt Oar taww OUaTaraT" " BUlrtel ":1 Lrala Darla Bar Martlat rallaa lawk Taaraar I'M rrtttaar tin Jt Stall, r4 TaWa Mtat. nkal'l Caak Oltk Ttaratl rrrtatat ysi J.al.r MlM Maallar . Matte '. WatH Htwi li t Kwartar lur riaal riaal 14. Btklat Itari MaM )(:'! taaru riaal lata lawa Baara Tlat NawaraM Nltal taal li-Jf Taa Ckata Nan laaw Baata Tlart Ntwt Matte la-j- TH Ckatt Orckwra Paaw Tlart liatwtr On H'-mr Ntwt Orrta Baat Tlatk Btanaar Oti Naalataa :l L. MaCkll Mala4lM Otat. Tlakt MUaltkt Natlaraa t Wti Traatarr BaAra Tlaii MilallM NatlarM 11:1- Maiaaai . Baa4 Baaaa Tlx MtlaAtea Waraa H:r lta Oil lira OH Btatt Tlart lltra Baat I lllaw O. MONBAT !J 04 aaoa TM lt raralt U N r av Wtieomi TrktOiar . I:M a.at.Ktt aamn INI Doukla of NothlM I Ik rat airut il Rick I N r . Uttlnrt Tbtattr 4:11 r a.Jtearcb tot Toaiorav 4:11 a at Lot at Lilt 4:11 a ar Ta ka artaouncad : p.al. Hoaalont OaaUdr 1:14 i-m. Tcltntwt 1:41 a.m. Tina lor Zaanr I N . Chtnct of a Ulttlmt t:tt a.ar short Drama 1:44 Mtwt Cartvta 1:11 p.MChavroB Tktaltr I N p ar. Volet at PlrHWoa l:N P ar. I Lor Lucy M P.M. KM ButtOD 1I:N p a. Kokan Uonuorntrr Kkrhaiut 11 :N p ar. Ctn4ld Canttra H: p.m. Niw owl Tlualtr WEDNISDAY A.M. TO 11:43 A.M. East Salem lace Turnldge, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sprick, Mr. and Mr. Roy Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Car- fer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Page Mr. and Mn. Er i .art Matte Tlart Mtwi Orataw fkra ttm Xtat BraakiaN MalaAWl :1S Mailt Tlma RPD Ortttr Btar Tlartktpar Baab MtlaAUa -Il Matte Tiara BOIN Kteck Ora. Para Ntwt raaklakt Ft rar Krwt :t ftrar Tlm KOIW Black O. Pal Br. Maick Tlmt Waak Wt. Ntwt I M Ctaatrr 14. KOIN Steak Pint Mltlat Baalatwap BnakfaM Mtlllltttat 4:U J. L. Wllte Ntwa M. Arraaakl BnakfaM Kaak KOCO Klaak 1-JP wr Ntwa aarrtw Otat BNaklwl KOCO Klaak imnrlit. If. BtkMM Bak Bliaa Itar Btrtl Maak KOCO Kteck I'M OM iMrrt eta. Ntwa BrtaMMI Ctcil Bnwa Jim Dtair Ntwt IU 014 Itatt Ntwr Clab Ptrtllr Altai lira Dtar KOCO Black :il Mailt Bas Oraal Brcaklatl Bt'ta af Jim Daalr KOOO Klaak S:4 Matla Bai Baiiattri Clak Btrt Jlar Dta4r Ntwa t:W Matte Baa W Pfarrtw A.M. tMtlor. Iwar4 Batk Paaaa RapplatM :1 Mailt Bai Aaal J.aar TaAtr't liar Cpil CaUtrr MtUata tiHTUH j:M Matte Bai Rtlaa Trial Break lata rtiter I ual Back Ptata Plaaa Pte j.'ji Ntwt Oal laalar Brtak Baak Bra. Caaalti MaHaw Irtlra K. l:k Ratlcat Bta.RaalLlfa D. Otr4atr Olta Rtr; Back Plata Kara i:l n.itnt Hat. Ma Ptrklaa Cart flaatltr Ttlt Tnl Mallata Rttaraa ll.it Plrika II Dr. Malaaa MP Trap Aatwar Maa Bai PaaN Kara 14:4' Blck OtH. ttekt lltrp Matte Mtltett crtr4t 11 . Daabla ar Mra. Bartaa Wkltaarlap La4lta Pllr Batk Paaaa Bkn 11:1! NalklBf Ptrrp Mataa Olrl Mirrtea La4tea Pair MtUata Bat4r4a ;V Btk tal Bar Nata Draka . Ualltkr Par Baak Plata Ban (1:4' Bk Baa Brltklar BapBaraap Kaap1 Bar Mallata metric MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most CompUre , Televisiea Center 2140$.Coml rhoni bay or Nlfbt 2-H11 or 2-4728 PHILCO Pint in Public Demand! if TV CerJer f II Open to p.m. I II 1 CENTER I lit jn. In Salem JK r " taaraar p 2 Mowers Replace Sheep in Park Power mower are replacing 70 ovine grau clippers on the meadows of San Frinclico'i Gol den Gate .park. The city aheep, purebred ' Shropahlrei, will be aold by aealed bldi to be opened at San Francisco City hall, on March . The flock was started num ber of years ago by the kite John McLaren, park superintendent, and now conjiita of BI ewei. three rami and IS wether. Frank Brown of Carlton aelect ed moit of the registered rami used in the flock. A more recent sire wai imported from England by Ian McKerrow of Wisconsin Condition of Indians Makes McKay Unhappy Washington WV-Secretary of the Interior McKay said yester day that "one of the things I am not very happy about" is the fact that tome 40,000 Indians are still on reservations. Appearing on a CBS televi sion program, McKay urged full citizenship with full re sponsibilities" for the Indians. He declined to say how long that might take,, adding that "you can't change things over night." Study Water Need Monmouth A post card poll is being taken of the water users the city water system on methods preferred for solving the water shortage. This is the first step taken by the citizen com' mittee appointed recently, com posed of George Cooper, Anton Postl and C. J. Bolison. , Capital Journal, Sale, Or- Moiiiay, March 1 1954113 Irish Eat Most and Indians the Least United Nations, N. Y. PV A new United Nations report say the Irish those that live In the republic of Ireland, that is an the world's heaviest eaters. The II. N. Statistical yearbook for U5J, published today, said that -each Irishman 'averaged 3,600 calories a day in 1091. India had the loweat per capi ta intake 1,570 calorie, with, Burma next lowest at 1,990. Small diamond ar sometimes found in meteorite. I op nctiuDLC nnnol y ! I tl W r M. CaaJwy, l4w J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED RIAIR CO. 235 N. LI 1 1 It TY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliance and All Small Appliance! Guiranted Service Pickup and Delivery on ' Large Appliance Ivan Royae and Walt Claus, Owner TUESDAY U N p.m. Tha Bit Ptrotf 11:14 p.m. Wdcema Trarcltr I N p.m. Kite Smith !:N p.ra actlr Purntu 1:11 p.m. A. Oo4lrtr 1:10 p m.-Strlkc II Rich I N l a MtUata Thulir 4:14 p.m March tor Tomorrow 4 J p.m. Lara olXlla 4:44 p.m. To a annauaecd l:M p.m Namt't tha limi APPLIANCE SALES 1 10 p mOoui Btfwarda :4ft p m. Ttrac tar Baaar roo p.m-Twa tor I ha Moatp 1 so p.m. Dlnth ahort 1:44 p.m. Mtwt Cararaa 1:90 p.m. Taxaco Thtattr l:M p.m. Plruldt Thcatar . 1:14 p.m. Circle Thtattr 10:M p.m. Alan Teuai how' 10:10 p.m. AVotl Mua Ic HtU 11:00 p.m. Mr LltUa Uaralo 11:14 p.m. Nltt owl Thtaur nt Star.! KOIN IIUIIaUU p.m. KSX Pl.t, S ta 4 p.B. DIAL LUTING, KOAC, (II tff A i Tatllar r. M. UlN. Ktwtl IXWl IW 1:44, BI40 Cawaari 1:44, Maatoi 4:44. Warl4 Batlawi 4:N, Call4raa'i TtMtari 4:N, Rawa aa4 Waalkan :. Oricta Lap ltltlariY:ll Eraalap Farm aarj KOAC .a 4 ajaaiktrr 10:11 Butiajl allr far Wtata: 11:00, Caaoart BlUl Kiwtj 11:14, Kata Parm laar. 1:41. Ktwtl 4:44, HtAIUUtai 1444, Slra Olf. Brooks t.at Caalakm A ti All an1 .Ktmnt . iu i. i . C..,-.-,-, .n and Marilyn, is now at San Diego for jf. Mr. Mrs W. B Wit- mt: . ..Ulngton, Mr. E. A. Jackson, Mrs. Eldon Harms was honored R Gordon Scott ,nd ,pecia with a farewell party the past ,. M, .A Mr. rrtd Scharf . we It -end at the home of his oarents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harms on Sunnyview Avo. His guests were Elmer Usury, Jerry poth, Mr. and Mr Johnny Wen ger and son Lee, Danny Haury, Miss Dorothy Zimmerman, Miss Jeane DeBols. Miss Lois Lidtke, Ms Evelyn Fischer. Miss Helen Fischer and Miss Lorraipe Harms. Eldon was 10 In February He finished the eighth grade at Swegle and his high school at Salem High. Swegle Road Garden club meets Tuesday, March 3, in the home of Mrs. Oscar Wigl on Birchwood Dr. at 7:30 p.m. This U a change of meeting place from schedule. Merry-Go-Round club meet Hiaeln Tnuriaiy, ruarcn o, i in the home of Mn. Melvln La Due on Hollywood Dr. Lancaster Home Extension unit meet Friday. March 6, in the home of Mr. Robert Fromm on Sllverton Rd. The annual family night sup per for members of the Merry Mingler club was held Thursday night at the Mayflower hall. At tending were Mr. and Mr Wal- Mrs. Scharf was a charter member. Games followed the supper hour. Mr. Wilson Biles has returned to her home on Hollywood Dr. after a three-weeks' trip in southern California. She visit ed at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Watt at San Diego, and her brother and sister, Joe and Miss Esther Hunt at Van Nuys. Christine Larsen accompanied her grandmother. The French sire, Nigral, was 'quick to get into the win column this aeason at Hlaleah. Nigral'! first American foal, the filly Beanlr, won her first start at ' An interesting program ir planned for Tuesday evening, March 3, at the school, when the Brook PTA meet. - , A film on "Fears of Chil dren" will be shown by Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, executive sec retary of the TB association, also chairman of legislation for the state PTA. - Mrs. Doris Shuford, Marion county PTA president, will also be a guest A musical program i planned and a special film for the children will be ihown. The children are invited to come. The Oth grade room mother have charge of the refresh Mrs. Elmer Hahn entertained the Brooks Garden club Thurs day at her home in Wa'conda. A 1 o'clock pot-luck dinner was followed by the business meeting which included gar den planning and problems. Thoie attending were Mes dames Elmer Conn, Julius Westling. Felix Morlsky, Mln- Polly Johnson, P. J. Moritz, R. L. Davis, John Lehrman, A. P. Fidebottom, Willard Ramp, Elmer Hahn, Henry Rasmussen, Harry Bosk, Irving Johnson and daughter, Sybil. Mrs. Virgil Long was a visitor. Mrs. Julius Westling will en tertain the club on March 12. Topic to be discussed will be primroies. TRAIN KILL8 SIX Buenos Aires. Argentina Vf) Six persons riding in a car were killed yesterday when struck by a train near Dolores, 110 miles front here. Identification of the dead was delayed by the man gled condition of the bodies. Australia had phone in 1931. 1,236,000 tele- us Motorola TV Mitchell's RADIO TELEVISION , UIO SUte Fhona 17177 Journal Wont Ads Pay t Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING APPUANCICO., II J N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT' New Store In Court House Square Small Appliances Lighting Fixture of All Kind AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph.2-1801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. 12th NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C. H. "CLIFF" ERICKSOM We,?,EMi,JUS rhe1 Aligning. Balancing and Brake Repair, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Ui for Estimates or Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS - TENTS - TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALIM TENT AWNING CO. . 729 N, UIERTY Canvas Good of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 Built-in All-Channel Tuner ' Standout Picture With Interlace' . Installed in Your Home for as Low as $35.00 Down. $3.50 Per Week Valley Television Center 'TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete tales, service and installation. All act told and installed carry full 90-day service. CHINA CAPE . 203S FAIRGROUNDS RD. . Speclaliimg In Chinese American Foods Featuring "Good Food - WeU rrepared" . Bring tha rmOy i Call for Reservation for Dinners and Parties ' CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 MORTARLfeS ILOCK CO. 14th ft E. HOYT ' Approved- Reinforced Rectangular PrKait Septic Tank Manufacturers of Motar Block Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete Alo Chimney Block Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph.3-3646 HOWSER BROS. -1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tiller . Power Mowers Paint Sprayers Air Compressor Sander Plumbing Tool Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repair on All 8maU Oa Knglnea IN SALEM Bilgley Bros. Furniture 231S Fairground Rtf. Phone 2-5491 IN W0ODIURN 171 Grinf SI. Fhona 3611 FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAFITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 1 HIGH ST. Armstrong tt Congoleum-Nalrn-Aiphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpet EsMmates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STBTTLER SUFFLY CO. 1 II 0 UNA AVI. Water System Deep Well Turbine Aluminum and Steel Irritation Pipe Galvanlred Pipe and Fitting WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment PACKARD-BELL 21" and 24" Television Built Best for the West. Eddie Lewis TELEVISION 8ales and Service 495 Ferry St. Salem - You'll Get MATCHLESS PICTURE PERFECTION .with Woodry Furniture (o. 474 t CmmmtcIiI Mmm 4-211$ mm I BIB B I II SMALL CHANGE WON'T BUY A CAR BUT IT SURE WILL SELL ONE Qo With a Low-Cost . Quick-Action d! Any time you have something to sell .... Auto . . . Homes Furniture . . Advertise it in our Low-cost ad section. Sell it The Easy Way! Phone 2-2406 Today! Advertise Where People Look! MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES - 3007 PORTLAND RD. American It British Motorcycle Indian, BSA, Matchless. Trlumoh Cuihman Scontsra ' ' "If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY SELL or FIX IT MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER BALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Wbse. 300 1. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph.3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machine, Calculator. Accounting Machine CAFITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO..JJI Court R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OIUNQ WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR S-S7A9 ROAD OILING : PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO 2S8S PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or truth WE GO ANYWHERE ... ANY SIZE JOB Cull Us for Katlmatps and Color Planning Servlc. PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBING ' HEATING Repairing Residential IBS Chemek.ta Commercial Contracting Industrial Ph.3-9123 PRESCRIPTIONS S W. Give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3 1ST 130 J. IDsfty ItO Ctvtt Dewatawa 2440 f4r, Httfkil (sstef 14-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally. 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 PM. 130 8. Liberty Store Open 13:00 to 3:00 P. M. and 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P. M. All Sunday and Holldaya RADIO REPAIRS. SM&sPh. 3-7577 MITCH ELL'S Radio-Television 1 (80 Steto Motorolo Deolort for Generol Eltetrltt i Pick up ond Delivery TELEVISION Ph.4-2271 N. HIGH HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION 39S Willamette Valley for 28 Year SERVICE . INSTALLATION SALES Rom and Auto Radio and Television Specialist In tha