BY CAUL ANDERSON emu L cttA Hen r y SPBNT APPAEENTLV B6UBE01GNTOF THOSE It's Death, My Darlino! THE SWEATSHKTMOOO OJLD RECBTTLY IN Tnt MaKE A HANDY MASK FOR A HOLD-UP MAM, MB. BOOSE AMD UP WAS Wtl-JIMED'. BOTANV LAB. MR. COPER.' WHERE ABE TEEN-AGERS OtTJls . ' If AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG THcMf M -Capil4 Journal, Slem, Ore, Monday, March 2, 1953 Ktmrnhit-in tia scigol bamraml-! ic'Ts OKAX JIVE ARF MXI 60NNA . r" Jv .(MoT GfVE US THAT M0J3277-CR J ITF 9 O ' FULL. unm Ot -s - CHO0S. - . I V SUPPUaf If i CHAPTER 33 Around noon, the sheriff returned. 8 mi accompanied this Urn by several watchful-eyed, silent men. "I don't know whether to hope they'll be successful or not," Cous in Jeff remarked soberly as we watched them go. "If they're not, k u mean j may suil oe auve. But - He (topped a be realised that pick bad followed me rat of us out onto ttie gallery. I want him found." Pick an nounced to no one In particular. 1 want him brought home." Lewis Haye went over to her and put his arm around her waist. "Dent give up hope, dear," he aid. "No news is good news, they say. And so long ss we dont know for certain . . ." aha neither yielded to nor re sisted his encircling, arm. "But I do know, Lewis?- aos s&u emoUonlessly. "I think Tve known from the beginning. Father la deed Bobby shuddered. "It's all so so horrible!" she ex claimed. "It's as K something had set out to destroy the whole family. Something supernatural, like Aunt I thought that this was a cozy remark to make to three members of that family; but I left Henri and OousnWeff to deal with tt, and turned to Amedee. . . "Speaking of Aunt Delphine," I began, lowering my voice, "dont you think we ought to make an other attempt to find out where she got the sword day before yeeterdayf It might give us a clue as to what happened to Uncle Baoul." 1 was Just thinking about that," ne replied, -ana i oeueve i ; ides. Come along and we'll try It out." We found Aunt Delphine In her room. "Tent, Peter and I want you to oo something for us," Ameaee oc ean, taking her bands in bis in order to bold her attention. "Will '"shetaiked up at him fondly. K wont hurt vou DOW. Dede, she said, "because I promised not to tell. Peter heard me promise, ItWM glanced at me. ' "I'll explain later," I whispered to Amedee. "But now we'd better try to find out what she knows about the sword." Aunt Delphine caught the last two wcros. , . "Yes, cherle, the sword," she said gravely. "You should have given it to Dede, as I told you to. Perhaps then be wouldn't have come for "She did give It to 'me, Xante," Amedee put in. "But that's what we want to ask you about. Where did you find It?" She tooked uncomprehending at first, and I was afraid for a min ute that she wssnt going to be able to remember. Then her expression cleared. "Oh. ." she said brightly. "You want to know where I got it, 1 got 2750 uzes 14. M PATTERN NO. 2760 MARCH 3 Extra Large BliesI Picture mis soft casual with button detail in the new fabrics looking toward Xaster. In any fabric, hire is a de sign bound to remain fashlon-htgh throughout me seasons) No. 27S0 is cut in sizes 14. 16. 18. 30, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 4S. 40 and 00! else 18: 4 yds. ot sv-in. laonc. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of erder via flrat class nail include an extra Se per pattern. price Just Sic. Just off the press I The new Bprlng-Summer Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all trans lated into delightfully wearable, ea-ay-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, an sizrs, an otii Ions. Send now for this sewing In solratlon ... lust 25c. fill MWXIDll Case (kat teisioii Chew Wrigley ' Spearmint Cum. Pleasant chewing reduces strain. Help you f' rtUxtd. Enjoy itturyvrb .jl a.t-; 5 ' ' IAT (mUMMl it from RaouL He was out there with Them." When Aunt Delphine said either "They- or "Them wKh a capital letter in her voice, there was lit tle doubt whom she was talking snout, eo we let that pan pass. "Can you take us to the placet' Amedee asked. Mala Mrlalnement." She rose with the quick energy that seemed so st variance with ner rrau ap pearance, "oome, mo enianta. She led us down the stairs and out of the house. If she's merely leading us out on the road," Amedee observed, "It Ian? going to mean anything. Henri and Beau and I were over this around the moraine Uncle Raoul dlsaDDeared." Just then we came to a sort of bridle path, that branched off from the main drive. ' Aunt Delphine uirnea in it. "Where does this lead?" I In quired. "To the paddock and the stables," Amedee replied. "We came this way, too." Then he stopped suddenly. "But It never occurred to us to see whether any of the horses were miming!" However. Aunt Delohlne didnt stop at the entrance to the stables. Instead, she continued along the path where it skirted the fenced-in green expanse of paddock, and dls- appeared into a miniature woofl land of hemlock and scrub Dine be yond. Suddenly Amedee stopped. There was an odd expression oo bis face. Peter, you id better e back." he mm in a voice mat matched me ex pression. "I mink I know where shels taking us." "But " I began to protest, and then I glimpsed something through me trees. It wss a squarish white building, and set In the side facing us was a ooor or the elaborate, iron grlUework for which Louisiana smiths were duly famous seventy- uve to a nun area years ago. "Oh!" I gasped. "Wait here." Amedee commanded. and went the rest of the distance to the mausoleum alone. ' I saw him so ud to the lmn door, cast one glance throueh the open part of me grlUework, then turn and come aulcklv to when Aunt ueipwne and I waited "Is is he mere?" 1 heard m. self ask, and hardly recognised my own voice. Yes," he answered. His voice sounded as unnatural as mine had done. "Peter, take Aunt Delphine and go back to the bouse. Then send Henri or Cousin Jeff to find the sheriff." (To Be Continued) Monmouth Monmouth M. L. Sugden, treasurer of the Oregon Society of Crippled Children and Adults for Polk county, and Mrs. A. E. Fitzgerald, Monmouth chairman are assisting In the annual Eas ter seal sale which will be held March 5 to April S. Fundi from the sale of these seals Is used for assistance to aid persons who cannot qualify for assist' ance from other agencies and operation of a children! hospi tal at Eugene. . Mrs. Percy Lamb was reelect ed to the executive board of the Oregon Farmers Union at state convention In Salem. Mrs. Lamb has served a two-year term on the board and Is president of the Polk county union. Carol Curtis Pattern PATTERN NO. SM MARCH 3 Multi-Color Daffodils. No e broklery needed ! The yellow of me daffodils and me green of the stems are ready to be ironed directly onto your fabric; they're dye-fast de signs, theyte latindersblel Use me by 7 sprsys on pale green or yellow tea cloths, place mat, bullet or drenser runners; on pretty or ganoy nostras aprons, on me pock' eta of pantel house dreuea. Srnd 30c for the MULTT0OLOR DAFFODIL DEB IONS (Pattern No. 384) complete transfer and launder in instructions, YOUR NAME ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour nal. 662 Mission street, San Fran' Cisco 6, Calif. Pattern ready te MO orders Ira mediately. For special handling ef erder via first class mail inelede an extra Be per mllern. 90Hl to Chamr... and food for you yvBiontTT I .Uc0 .HHSjtS.- ,a V CsSrid 2. SUCCESS THIS HAIR TONia WIU- MAKb lee M rOKIUMC M OnLTJctMAloU IO fVOUfc THAT IT WILL CB0W HAIR OM BALD HEADS' V0O ciue rr a triau ' x M KRKt VOU MltVR nwjR lunch, gwln: WORTH ! erect o-fwe ear, Krr-oirr I rrsaK., I HTOtr BACK O'VQU, HE LEFT I UNCLE TEX- A RIGHT SMflLL VKT-l EV. TH'PfTCHERAWAV i f thevre comin v tful tyWt I FOR U-.T' CHAW A" VeT ' ",. J LttT BITSTHe W-XN. . ! is yot? FAULT, Z&S sifiN.- J, COT ME , .f AND ( cr, . jm IIS ( T'M MAO ABOUT y -" ' IJXlrW 59 W.WJ HANDLE miAu INTtNOTOSTICHBV SUWfcTHINGf THE HOLrM WHILE. IM IV tAWilihraa-I ""-"FLU":.?? ( BUT POOR OeA ( A REAI. PMC ( CRSe-TRV1N' I RgflLMAH- I to we t j jy T ZrrrTi kYt Tf fM0iMf K"1 ovro bottomless j I - 1 S KfT vJSjrx I Doivfj.'r them Me Amrpivceni rVZ CU7A HCft Vvg AH0MA93ASE9 SON, I HAVB T ( A WS JOS kXt for you.' J INCLUCHNGTHC UNWRITTEN LAW-"THOU 4HALT NOT C0VLT THY SORORITY BUT I BEAU. RULE 94 HtRi VtJU CAN EITHER VfW""l WAIT FOR THOSE : ?: jaW ' VvOL-VE. TO aW j iWV 'V lUtxUSE..r)R TAKE Tj&,'hptk YOUR CHANCES ,:42&. 1 i" on 1 1 ii ii ii t0f-- aa -X ' 6R0W HAIR? TJA VEH BVW -X Jk J 1 WANT yOU TO PAINT X A VEPtV OLO. PICTURESQUE J LtSHTHouse.VT-raa- ' CAN VDU OO -J AN ARTISTIC ) rt.: V JOSf). - M , o- iVlgive" est 6i v ' t kuiT a I ) SCHOOL J A GIRLi M . HTIKf.AjK,'. l FOOL, Mr-fJuaON'AejuM, AIRaYa ArfHM WTTH NO SHOOTM'ARN 1 A-TBLL-eifT TO AO A LAW- 1 HftLl STY HTS TW BtyVtgT I I MAN AH EVTJReEE-N I - SWSM bOWM f S I home: im .Irv lVk TEXAS! ' Oj? -BUT NOT ON ) . ti-i Good Material You might not be as lucky as these San Francisco amateur photographers in finding such a subject but your best photo will still be welcome at the International Photographic Exhibition In San Francisco's Civic Auditori um June 30-July 5. Actress Jane Russell (above) will be theme girl of the photo show (UP Telephoto) ACROSS 1. Infant I. Flow back 22. Abrshsm's birthplace 24. Give up hope 26. Type of railway; colloq. 37. Donated 3D. Everlasting 41. Metric land measure 42. Behave 43. Pronoun 44. Bowing implement 46. Absolute 48. Aeriform fluid 51. Having least moisture ' S3. Sober 55. Units 56. Quick to learn 68. English school 58. Repose SO. Oriental conunsnder 61. Cried t. Hobbies 11 Astringent Hit 11. Correlative ef neither 14. Ancient region In Alls 15. Peruse sgaln 17. Line to fasten awnings to a frame It. Always: poetic SO. Twilled silk fabric 22. Behold 23. Cold: hersldry 25. Ansrchisue 29. Myself 27. Takes up sgaln Id Hurry ROOM i. BOARD I HEAR. OUHE GOING TO EXPERIMENT ON CREATING A NEW PERFUME...WELL.TDJUDGE TOUR SENSE OF SMELL 87 THE QOCG OF CGAR VOU SMCkE. WUU. PWEaBIY MIX UP AN AROMA THATU SMELL LIKE A PICKUP TRW OF GLASSES AFTER. A COCKTAIL PARTY I sV T rs I "Na. aA 1 1 , m , A U Solution of Saturday's Puzsle DOWN 1. Uncovered 2. Opposite ot aweatber 3. Small donkeys 4. Uncle: Scotch 6. Tolerates 6. Exclamation used to frighten T. Article of food S. Distant 9. Ascends 10. Take the chief meal 11. Seasoning herb 16. While 18. Exclamation 21. Have regard for 21 More dis courteous 58. Wed 27. Floor covering 28. Silkworm 29. Chess pieces 30. Hurry 31. Aromatic beversge ' 32. Building sddition 33. Witnesses 38. Changes partially 40. Contradict 42. Oil of rose petals 44. Scent 43. English musical composer 46. You and me 47. Note of the scale 40. On the highest point 30. Dispatched 52. Superlative ending 54. Condensed moisture ST. Dad It By Gen Ahern MM INDEED.. WITH THE BOOK. FROM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY ON THE SCIENCE OF PERFUME. AND MY KNOWLEDGE Of CHEMISTRY fM GOING TO CREATE A BEWITCHING PERFUME ONE COULD VELL IMAGINE WAS USED BY CLEOPATRA TO BEWITCH ANTONY .; i A i 7