i.i Sunday School Group to Meet . "Every Teacher an Ivim.i tut." will be the thema nf k. 64th annual convention of the Marion ouniy ttunaay School association which will convene Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in the buildings ol Salem academy. . Rev. Henrv Turn (rip riant of the academv. will nrun the morning aeuion with a de votional perioa alter which the assemDiy wm cuviae into work hop discussion groups center. ini orr the themes: "Purposeful Preparation," "Purposeful Ad ministration," and "Purposeful Participation." A nursery will ne proviaea lor me small chil dren of those attending. Mr. John Hinkle, Portland, supervisor oi Sunday school teacher training classes for over 20 years. Will Sive a dpmnnatra. tion of visual aids to the entire group during the last hour of inc murmiiK pension. A nO-nOSl lunch will be held at noon. In the afternoon the conven tion will be addressed by Dr. H. W Hvrn nrnfosan n mhli sophy and Christian education at western evangelical seminary In Portland, on the theme, "The Wanffpllstir f?hnllntfa . r1 Ska Sunday School." Dr. Byrne has spent iv years in me pastorate and fomnletpri hi rirwtnint In education at Bradley university in f eoria, in. The Moody Bible Institute film "Nn Vacant Choir." ,.,111 ' be projected after a brief busi ness meeting in me anernoon. Rev. Flaming at Kingwood Church Rev. Peter Flaming, who has been doing evangelistic work in Germany for the past several years, will tell of his experien ces at the Kingwood Bible church, 1125 Elm street, next Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Flaming is a Baptist pas tor, having held pastorates In California before going to Ger many. Rev. Alex H. Sauerweln, pas tor, preaches Sunday morning at 10:49 on the subject: "The Parable of The Soil," and In the evening at 7:49 on "The Great Mountain Top Experience of Christ." f ... .. - Adult Instruction At Saint Mark's A series of classes of adult In struction will begin at St. Mark's Lutheran church, Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. These instruction periods will last one hour and they will be taught by the pastor, the Rev. John L. Cauble. The fundamental teach ings of the Bible will be em phasized and explained, and the Lutheran interpretation will be given. Persons who are inter ested In membership In the Lu theran church will find these discussions particularly helpful. The class is for adults only. never used such fine fuel.. PreO'f O'lOgO, of covnel CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE ON Front Quarter 29' a FRESH IUN SHORT RIBS Ground Beef Eastern Oregon Hrford BEEF MM m ROAST turf nmi mound HAMBURGER RANDALL'S Salem & Cliurclt 66 r.odT ti. . 'J- w- ureei. sailor. ... ' wbwii wait VUlMt. Sundar ScbaM a ., vtraU wohs la ehsrse. Preachlas at 11 a.m., "Jerron ar Piul Stasias" Juniors 1:00, lumat-- : II a am.ia.n.. ... .... . " . Hood. Sabaalk fchsol em. T(wk. Tht out of ProBhacr an Ut Bible." Sermon at 11 a.m. a paster, a. o. Schs. flral alaleealia a ubo ferric. I M 9.m. Dr. UklUtt, mUtr. ; 1 a. vu tassH T lOVfT l-. MT rissHHi wiuair. nuauitr. Dfint Ub ML Ttaio Jatana mS Tai.t. t ehoo, at l it ft,B. "FMily Hum" M CkHatk skt JaaouoMt Taat4m .ll. as. lata (IHrmH-4tb & UtvdlMs StaV. John I. StJUkury, lkihop; Prlttthood mMttof t;00 Sunday acboel 1M ucramtat Scrvlc. I M . lalBl TmmVn K ! U Cfearchchtireh ua cattncntu BU. IUv. Otont H. wlft. B. 0 RtaMi . Holy Cooub union. 1 : iimuT Hmot ana muu i:M i.m nurMrr whaoi in Partib Htl. 1X:M a., Holy luehtrltt and Mm on ll:0t a.m. . ,. ..... nnt Cktfrta at Oaa CattaM aBi Road. H. j. McXniin, mlnliur. "ChrU tlan Brotherhood Hour. K3AX l:!0.t:ao Sundar moraine. Sundar Bcbool 10:00, mornmi wortnip 11:00. tf Mrvita :W, vanlni terrier 1:30. Bt VlmaMaal ata n.il..tifa.,a.l. and ilyrtli 8ti. Uaiaat at . T:M, 1:40, 10 and 11:10 a.m. Confewtoni Saturday, 4:10 to 0:30 and 1 to 1:30 a.m., and before mauei. Iilta. Trata Cantar 341 Chemakata. Sunday School 10 a.m., aervlca 11 a.m. Tople: "Purge Tour Mind.' Clifford Per tuion, cuatt epeaker. Rev. OUva SUveni. Rearcantsed Chareh of Jesai Okrlat at Latter Day Balnta SaventoenU. and Oil mektta lu. Oaorto W. Speed, putor. Church School 0:45 a.m.. wonhlp eervlee 11 a. m. wiuara 1 HtrtnelL apoaker. venlne wonhlp 1: p.m. Mlulonary Don Landpn, epeaker. Tint C.nrimtlha.l Caarta 100 Marios Stmt, Sato R. Hunllncum. mtDliUr. S:M a.m. Church School. U:ao a.ra. marnlni varihlp Mrrlo,, I M rimua rallowihip. Flril Mttaailit Caaraa 11:00 a m., atrr- lea at tht XUlnort Th.atrt. srraoo: "Wo Billtro la Balvatloa." Brooka H. Mooro, miolitar. Culral Latktraa Ckarek N. Oanltal and O.lnoi St.. O. . Itundatrom, putor. Central Lutntraa Hour Braadoait S:M ortr KOCO. Tbcra will ba no Sundtjr School. Communion Borrloo S:4I a.m., Rty. l. sulibroun, Aitorla. Wonhlp itrvlo, U;0v a.m., Or. T.. O. Burntrodt Afternoon oeeilon JiOO p.m.. Paitor Chris tian O. Oleon ipeeklnf. Cloelnt oeeilon T:U p.m. with Paitar B. Brethilm epeak- Ins. Vint Ckrlitlaa Churek Cottkie and Marlon .Church school S:4S a.m. Mornlnt wonhlp 10:4 a.m. Sermon br Dudley Strain. Anthomo by the eholr, "Cut Thr Burden upon tne Lord," Monooieionn; "Cherubim Sons," Bortnlanikr. Bvenlni woreblp: "Adventureo In World friend hip." the PbUtpplnae. Caart Street Ckrlitlaa Ckarek Court Street at 11th. W. Harold Lrman and O. Philip Burd, mlnliten. Bible School Al terably. 1:30 a.m. Mornlnt wonhlp and Communion, t0:M o'clock. Sermon by Mr. Lhiiil "The Chrut we WorMlD." Touth Hour S:S0 p.m. aVenlns wonhlp 1:30 o'clock. Sermon by Mr. Kurd, "Tht com ptntattd Mind." Bethel Bastlft Chare li North Cottaca and D atreete, nav. Rudoipn worite, pae tor. Sunday School at a.m. Worship eervlee at 1100 a.m. Sermo topic: "Con- alder Jeeui Christ." Touth meetings at :30 p.m. Kvenl&ff Oospel Hour at f:M o clock. Nt. Jaaeah'e eatkelle Chares. Chi me - keta Cottata BU. Rer. Joeeph . Van derbeck, pastor. Maeiea I, 7, I. I. 10:18 and 11:10. Saturday conteailoni 1:10 to 1:10 a&d 7:10 to I. Cfeank erf Cfcrtit Cnemekete and Cot tage Bte. Choice L. Bryant, evangel 1st. Sunday morning "Bible Program" (KOCO) to 1:10. Bible School 10:00 a.m. Worship 3-8862 LOCKER BEEF Hind Quarter 37' a BEEF HEART OR TONGUE H). 39c LEAN BEEF CUBES 59c Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF 'Z STEAK r ,39' fbRlt nm tmm SSI SAUSAGE ' 39 FINE MEATS Lutherans Give Lenten Topics Silverton Rev. Joseoh A. Luthro ot Trinity Lutheran pas- torata, u announcing: "Christ Gives Victory," at his morning worship sermon topic for Sun day, Feb. 22. Holy baptism is to bt ob served. m The Christian Instruction class will meet at 3:30 pjn. The 7:30 Luther League top ic: "Three Crosses," will be pre sented by N orr is Thompson. Roger Uatteberc and Marjory Wilson. Trinity's coming week's an nouncements include Thursday, Feb. 26, evening Lenten service, B o clock, the sermon general theme: "Christ Redeemed Of fenders for Salvation and Sanc tification," the pastor speaking. The Brotherhood Men's meet ing for Feb. 24, Tuesday eve ning, and the Tuesday all day work shop for women at Moni tor Nidaroa church begins at 9:30 o'clock. Holy Communion Sunday morning worship hour, March 1. March 2-28, Bible conferences are sponsored by the Lutheran churches of Silverton. Immanuel Lutheran Immanuel Lutheran pastor, the Rev. Arnold W. Nelson, has placed in each home of the membership, a list ot dally prayers for the first week in Lent. The first Sunday in Lent, Feb ruary 22, morning worship ser mon subject is "Temptation: Our Lord's and Our Own." Im manuel teachers meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Par ish Fireside room. Mnrlea 10:M a.a. Sunday traalnt Tauns Ptoplt'l data f :J0. PrtaehlM and varthls Mrrtoa 1:10. Wadatidar avaalae vtd watk MTTle, T:30. alfkt Mamerl. I CaanacatMsal-:t a.m. Sunday aehool. Lloyd B. Arnold. Superintendent 11 a.m, Mornlns Worship. Sermon by the Mtnltter. "The Pint Stont." 0:30 p.m. PUtrlm Fillowihlp Otoum. 7:30 P.m. Family PUm Service. raateaaan 4M N. lllh it., Rtv. Roy Worthtniton, Paetor. Sunday Khoot S:4I a.m. Mornlnt Wonhlp 11 a.m. 0:4ft p.m. Cruiadtri (Toons Peoplt Scrrtct) Mr. It. Onenvood, Speaktr. 7:4B p.m. Bvantillitlc Serrlca. Capital Baptlet N. Bummer and Hood JamM Ptoet, Pattor. 0:4ft a.m. Sunday tchool tor all aiei 11 a. thip. Paitar'i Sermon: "Don It Mtkt a DIttennce What Wt Bellevt Abou. Uie Church?" 0:30 p.m. Tralnlnt Onion 1:40 p.m. Xvtntnt Worship. Pactor'e Sermon "Ut Oi Bet What WU1 Become ot Hat Dreams,1 0 p.m. Touth PoUowohtp. Cbrlil Letkirta (AJjCI The Rtr. T. M. OtbhaKI, Tutor, atsts ttiset at llth. SUDdaj Servvctt 0:41 and It a.m. Sunder tehtol Bible ciattti, 10 a.m. Touth Tlrt eldt Hour 0 a.m. At tht Homt of Dtlorti Plcha. Luthersa BtuOenU rarlsh House, 0 p.m. CslT.rr Baatlst-eauth UMrtr at Miller tt. Omar M. Barth, rastar. 0:41 am. Bible school, ll a.m. "Ule'S uvino opuon. vanttllst Paul W. Kopp. Brosdeatt Ortr KOAB 14M He. 0. All Touth Oroupi T.M p.m. "There Art Two crosstt.' Xrsnitlllt Paul W. Wropp. First Ckarek ol The Nasareao Center at llth 0:40 Churoh school 10:00 a.m. "OIts ate This llountsln." 0:10 P.m. Touth Devotional Hour. 1:M p.m. "Orsoe Inorsdlble." St. Msrk'l Utkerta 341 N. Churoh It. Tin. John L Caublt. Paitor. 0:30 a.m. Sunder school Divine Bervtot at 11 a.m. Strmoh br the Pastor. Luther Leaiue Meet at 0 and 0:30 p.m. Adult Instruction Class at 4 p.m. Pllm Mint, "I Bthtld BU Olorr" T:30 p.m. Intwoai Blblt 111ft am atret Salem J Oreson 0:4ft a.m. SUMer ecnooi u:et a.m. Pastor Preuhint 'The Parable ot Tht Soil" Id p.m. Touth Meetlnn 1:40 p.m. Svenlno Bible Servlct. Factor's Messtie: "The Mounula Top Xiptrltnoe of Christ." Tkt Selvttlea Atmr J41 State street Phone 31437 Mslor Chines Bennett, Corns Olfflctr. Sunder school, 0:40 o.m., Holi ness Meetlno 11 e m. Yount People'e and Junior Lotion, 0 p.m. I Salvation Meeting 1:30 pa. Prllst and Frartr Meetlnl, Thunder 1:30 p.m. a ,,. U..IM, an4 vjh.rtv. Or.' Llord T. Aadtrion, Ptetor. Rev, Thornton Jansma, Aesoclete Pastor. Sundar school 1:41 a.m. Mornlnt Wonhlp, II a.m. Ouest Speaker, Bvantellet Fed Brown of Chetta noota, T.nn. Phophttlo Rallr. 1 P m. "The Antl Chrlit." Touth Mettlnli, 1:10 p.m. Bvenlnt Bvantelutle Service, Rev. Fred Brown Speaklnt Mkt-wtek Frarer Servlct, Wtdnesdar. 1:30 p.m. I Fear Cornets Baptist SlaU and Sim . itreeti. Rev. Victor L. Loueki, Paitor. Sundsr ichooi. t:l a.m. Mornlnt Worihlp. 11 a.m., Pastor Speaklnt. Tount People'e .Leatue. 0:30 P.m. Evenlnt Ooipel Servlct, 1:30 p.m. Mid-week Prtrer Btrvlct, IThurtdar, l: p m. Half or Whole 32' ... 59' II. Phone 3-6489 1288 State St. to 2Ciut? by Tkt ten tkac I aitfer la feats ia eke first epiatle ( St. Jeka, de aecoqd ckapter, at tk . 16th vera' ' "For all that U la th world, ike laat of tk flesh, tad the laat f tk ejres, aad tk ?ride of life, it aot of eke Father, bet ia ef tk world. Aad tk wtrld paaaeth-awajr, sad tk laat there of; bat he, that doetk the will of God abidetb forerer. Oa a kill called Rosed top everlookiaf the Coasectjcet River, at Eaat North-field, Masaa chssetts, tk fiaal words ia tkia test are tk iaacriptioa .o tk tomb of Dwight Moody, that, . powerful religiose fore wko waa aot oalf aa eraaielist of iateraatioasl repste, bet tk foaader of tk Northfield Schools. Tk vera firat atrack at wka I aw tkia toqib. Erer aiace, witb tk development of ereots ia history ia tkia ceatary. it kaa aecaed to at a wsrnisg agaiaat tk this-worldly poiat of view which kaa . ckaracte'rixed ear tiedem ataterialiatic epoch. Have we aot estiaated aacceas aad the good life ia tersia of wkat we call "the Aaericaa etaadatd f litiai?" By advertiaiai aad every ether aeaaa tk of the eyes aad the pride of life kav beea aeceatuated. The laat of tk flesh . kaa becoa aadiscipliaed aad eacriticiked aa ia tk loosest of past ceatnries. Aad yet oar world kaa bees ap agaiaat, a aever before,' the sense ef lb iapcraaaeac aad prccarioasness of its whole present orgaaiiarjoa. This test drive aa to consider the thiaga that abide foreycr. Mareiaportaat ia tkat a peraonabidea forever, 'who,' like Abrahaa Ltacoln or General Lee, or John Wesley ot thoaaaada of other, ia husiblcr way seeks to do tk will of God. Ia tk aid at ef aodera anccrtainty. aad frustration it i well for prpl to kaow tkat ia all their choice there i aa eternal significance ia choosing .tk will ef God. Jesus' life, death aad resurrection in the supreme instsnce of this faith, aad iadeed the source of it. Dr. Arthar Lee nia solving - . St. Janes Episcopal Ckarek ' New-Vork City m Amity Churches Baatlii William 9. Bray. Paetor BuntUr ichool 10 a.m Morning Woritoip 11 evn. ETtolng Be it ice I p.m. Cbarek C Chrlai Robert T. PaweU, Paetor. Bible school 10 e.in. Morntm Wor ihlp 11 a.m. Heralde of Faith, Radio Pro cram p.m Yovint People'e Meetiny l: p.m. Brenlnt Berrlee p.m. MtktOlit David PolBdtsttr, Minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mornlnt worship 14 a.m. Youth Fellowship l: p.m. Xvtnlni Service 0 p.m. Oak Grove Chapel Oavld Polndexter. Minuter. Mornlns Worship 0:41 a.m. Sundar school 10:41 a.m. Assemblr ef Oaa Frank BL Maaes. Pastor. Sundar ichool 0:41 a.m. Mornlns Worship It a.m. Bvtnlnt Strvlet 1:30 p.m. Hopewell tpewell B.O.B. Rev. Wldmer, Pastor 10 a.m. Sundar ichool. lta.m. Mornlnt Wonhlp. 7 p.m. Touth Fillowihlp. S p.m. Pleturt "Tht Oood Book." Spiritual Mission At Sf. Vincent A spirltusl mission will be held during the period Feb. 22- 28 at St. Vincent De Paul Cath olic church, according to an nouncement by Rev. John J. Reedy. The, mission will be conducted by Rev. Richard W. Hodge, not ed mlssloner of the Franciscan order who states that "a mission is necessarily a community ic tlvlty. Whatever strengthens the moral fibre of a part of the community, is a boon to the whole community. Religion is not a prejudice; it is a philo sophy of life. Therefore, a mis sion is for everybody." The schedule of services for the week: holy sacrifice of the mass, each morning at 0:1S, 7:15 and 8:15. Evening service each night at 7:45. Good Shepherd Holy Communion At the conclusion of the morn ing worship service of Good Shepherd Lutheran church Sun day communion will be conduct ed for the members of the parish who were unable to attend the Ash Wednesday service. Berl Davis Jr., will present the you th fellowship night topic at 6:30 after which the young people will go to St. Mark's Lu theran church to participate in the program there. During the week- Feb. 23-27, Rev. Harold E. Hamilton will be in charge of the program en titled "Morning Meditations" sponsored by the Salem Minis terial association and aired each morning over KOCO at 7 o'clock. SCHAEFER'S NERVE TONIC For functional dlttrubances, nervous headaches nervous Irrlt bility, xcitability, lplinst. 1.60-1.75 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:3 a. Bandars, I a.m. s. ' I pjn. ' I PJB. 135 N. Commerciel Missions School Begins Wednesday A six-week school of missions will begin next Wednesday night in Calvary Baptist church, South Liberty and Miller streets, of which Omar N. Barth Is the pastor. The first three weeks will be devoted to an emphasis on home misslonr and the final three weeks on the foreign field. Each Wednesday night's meet tag will begin with a no-host supper sponsored by a special group in the church. The pastor will conduct a half hour devo tional study. V This will be fol lowed by a study class session for three different age groups. Teachers will Include Len Ed wards, Mrs. A. E. Johnston, Henry Fox and Rev. Sam Neu feldt. Each of the sessions will conclude with a special feature irom n:io to B:a. inis wearies day the film "Rolling Stones' will be shown. The school of missions is un der the direction of the bosrd of missions headed by Miss Clara Isaak, Kendall to Talk Free Methodists Rev.' Walter S. Kendall, gen eral conference evangelist of the Free Methodist denomination, began a revival crusade Tuesday evening at the local Free Metho dist church, corner of Market and Winter streets, and will con tinue the services throughout the coming week at 7:43 each evening except Saturday. Rev. Kendall will speak at the 11:00 o'clock Sunday morning wor ship hour, and during each eve ning service, including those of the annual convention of the Oregon State Holiness associa tion which will be In full day sessions both Tuesday and Wed nesday. Prophetic Series To Close Sunday The second in a series of two prophetical studies will be given Sunday afternoon at the First baptist church by the Rev. Fred Brown, evangelist from Chat tanooga, Tenn. Rev. Brown will be spesklng at 8 a.m. on the subject, "The Anti-Christ." Bill MacDougall, former Holly wood tenor, will be the soloist and music director for the meet ing. Both members of the evan gelistic psrty will take part in the 11 o'clock morning worship with Rev. Brown bringing the message of the evening. The closing service of the two week series of meeting will be held on Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Evangelicals Plan Missions Meeting in Salem March 7-8 Twenty-eight Salem church will Join in the sponsoring of aa ares-wide Inter -denominational missionary convention to be held in the new sanctuary of the First Baptist church, North Liberty at Marion, March 1 to t, according to announcement by the Rev. Roy Wortlilngton, president of the Salem Associa tion of Evangelicals, which Is sponsoring the meeting. Anernoon sessions will be held from 2:00 to 3:30 and eve- Calvary Climaxes Special Meetings The epeclal "Good News" meetings held at the Calvary Baptist church. South Liberty and Miller streets, the past ten days will come to a conclusion Sunday in special meetings throughout the day. Paul Kodd. the evangelist, will apeak at the Bible school and again at the morning worship service when his topic wlU be "Life' Living Option." He will speak to the young people at the 6:30 hour and at the 7:30 evening service. His final message will be entitled "There Are Two Crosses." On Monday and Tuesday of the past week more than SO teams of visitors made scores of evan gelistic calls that resulted in many conversions and decisions for the church. You are cordially invited to hear this splendid young evangelist in his winsome presentation of spiritual truth. Woodburn Church Brotherhood Meets Woodburn The Brotherhood of the Immanuel Lutheran church will meet Monday, Feb. 23, at 8 p.m. in the parish hall with the pastor, Rev. J. William Carlson and Howard Thompson as hosts. Ted Landsem will give a trav elogue illustrated with pictures from Norway. 1 Tuesday, Feb. 24 from 10 a.m. until noon and again at 1:30 p.m., the Women's Missionary federation will meet In the Nl- daros parish hall at Monitor. Women from Canby, Woodburn, Salem and Silverton will con duct a workshop. Lunch will be served between the two sessions. A concert ot sacred music will be presented Sunday night, Feb. 2, at 8 o clock by members of the junior choir of the local church. Mrs. HJordis Landsem is director and Mrs. Glen Ahre, pianist . ' Silverton Pastor Discusses Beliefs Silverton Continuing a series of sermon topics sugges tive of congregational beliefs, Rev. Douglss Harrell of the Me thodist pastorate, will speak on: "We Believe in Christian Ex perience," at the Sunday, Feb. 22, morning worship hour. Holy Communion ia to be ceremoni ally observed at 8:30 o'clock, preceding th Sunday school hour. A conference with the archi tect and building supervisor during the present week, as sured the members that the sanctuary ot the new church will be ready for the first serv ice on Easter Sunday. The traditional Easter pro gram of two services, at 8:30 and 11 o'clock In the forenoon, will be held in the new sanctu ary. . The cornerstone laying and formal opening ceremony will be held at 4 p.m. Easter Sunday. A guest speaker will be present for this occasion. Salvation Army In Relief Work The Salem office of the Sal vation Army will handle contri butions being raised to assist in relief work in Holland, Belgium and England where flood waters have caused many deaths and enormous property loss. In making this announcement, Major Charles Bennett stated that the western territory of the Army has pledged $9000 toward relief work. He quoted Commis sioner Claude E. Bates, territor ial commander of the western states, as saying that "every fa cility of the Salvation Army was made available to government agencies and local authorities In this catastrophe." Prof. Wm. S. Wagner Addresses Unitarians 'The Sabre-Tooth Curriculum" will be the topic discussed by Professor William S. Wagner, director of student training at Oregon College ot Education, Monmouth, at 10:49 a.m. Sunday at services of the Salem unitar ian Fellowship In the Woman's club house. HUBBARD LADIES AID Hubbard Mrs. June BU1 Ington will be hostess for the Ladies' Aid of the Community church, In her home Wednes day, Feb. 29, at 2 p.m. Capital Journal, Salon, Or-, nlng meetings will begin at 7:15 Monday through Saturday. Sun day afternoon mas meetings will feature Dr. Clyde W. Tay lor, Executive Director of th Evangelical Foreign Missionary society, March 1, and Dr. Os wald J. Smith, noted author and missionary pastor ot Toronto, Canada, March 8. Color sound films depicting 'special phases of missionary work will be shown each evening. Twenty-one mis sionary speakers are scheduled to appear on the program and will also be appearing in spon soring churches for the morn ing and evening services the two Sunday of the convention. The Board represented in the Convention are: American Leprosy Missions, Assemblies ot God Department of Missions, Chrlstlsn and Missionary Alli ance, Foursquare Gospel Mis sion Board, Conservative Bap tist Foreign Mission Society, Far Eastern ' Gospel Crusade, Fre Methodist Church General Missionary Board, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. National Holiness Missionary Society. Oregon Yearly Meeting of rTienas ttoara oi Missions, ori ental Missionary Society, Voice of the Andes, HCJB, Quito, Ecu ador; Wesleyan Methodist Mis sionary Board, World Evangel isation Crusade, Wycllffe Bible Translation, Mennonlte Breth ren Board of Missions, Evangel ical United Brethren Oregon Washington Conference Mis- ilonsry Board. Dallas Dallas Circle C of th Pres byterian church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Carl Gerlinger, Sr. Th business meeting was presided over by Mrs. George Kurre, president, and devotions were led by Mrs. Roy Phillips. The group completed plans tor assistance to be given with the Farmers' Cooperative Warehouse dinner scheduled for Feb, 23. Following a social hour the meet ing adjourned. Refreshment were served by Mrs. Gerlinger assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Williams. A guest for the meeting was Mrs. Charles Zemanek who was cordially greeted by the entire membership. ' There were. 16 la dles present. The regular monthly meeting of the Presbyterian men stressed the problem ot recruitment and re-activation of club members. In accordance with the national organization, and in order to op erate under the "every man' plan the club elected a vice- president, who will have as part ot his duties the organisation of the club. Into neighborhood groups. Norman Baker was elected to the post. The entertainment committee was headed by Clinton Rulter, Dallas Churches Trialtr Lutheran 010 WashZ&tton. John Propp, Paetor Worship Scrrltt, Bunaa ii ia. aiunoar oenoor o:oo a.m. FtraO rrtearterisa Court on Levini ... Bart W. Bsnbow. Minister. Worship. Service 11 o.m. Sundar ichool 0:41 a.m. Eeaatelleal tlalteS Brllaeraa Cioreh at Mill St., ). Robert Wetsel, Klnliur. Woreblp Berrleo 11 a.. 0 under actual 0:0 a.m. laaaoalla Blatter ei W. L. faewr. WerehlD Serrleo 10:41 a.m. Blall Stud? Claseee 0:U aa. first. OhrlsUaa Jettorioa aad Oar. Onllla P. Mick. Pailor. Worship Samoa ll a.a. aoadajr scbooj otil u, Tae rewstaart aesatl-l0 Uillar Asa. Res. Obai. Oalf, Pastor. Worship eornto 11 a.. evader school l:a aa. Of Ml aftaaeaitt SOY Jeffereaa. Bail W oMreia, patlor. Worship ttrrMO a aai. Sunder tchool 0:40 a.m. Sttaalh Der "- .. t as. Blder Bonalil Xttler, Pastor. Worship oerrlei '11 a.a. SaDOath tohaol 0:M t.m. CkrlaUaa Saltan 10 liin Bt- auadaa etmeo u a n. sundar Softool 0:40 a.m. aettsaUr at Oaa Birch and aiaaia St. Lais ad r. Moras, aealar. Moralno ver ship ll a.m. sundar school 0:40 ia. allloaeo Sheltoa at Mill OX. a. a. lam. Oamj, mralsttr. Marnms Wtrshrp 11 a.m. areit school 10 a.m. Soettttlt Batik Chwrca and OaaiO. moralno worship u a.m, O N a.m. Pint Msthodlil 010 Mill at. Pramail Paul, minuter. Mornlns worihla ll a n. Sundar school 0:40 a.m. Church ef fled 1010 Ash al. Wenra a toiotn. minister. Mornlnt worship 11 a.m. Sundar school 0:41 a.m. Caarsh of Jteae Cbrlil tf Lai tar Dr Sewn Bailment af Cltr llbrarr, 10:0 a.m. Si. Thin at BpUetaal Mornlnt war. hip 11 em. Church tchool 11 a.m (parish halll.- Chtreh tt Chrlet LOTtne and Mill at. J. P. Brents, mtnliter. Mornlnt wtrthlp i, a.m. suoosr acnooi to a.m. Plrst Beatlil Relnbnw A n.- itittir. psitor. Mornlnt worship 11 o.m. Church school am. DOG SAVE BABY Mendon. Man IPi A r.mr. man shepherd dog pulled a osDy gin irom a burning home Thursday nlsht twfnra else was aware the house was afire. HEAR PAUL KOPP In Lost Services of th Campaign ot th CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH SOUTH LIBERTY AT MILLER 11:0 "Life's Living Option" 1 (Broadcast over KGAE14SI K.C.) 7:10 "There Are Two Crosses' Iveryone Invited FrltUy';' 'jt&tutiix ltU-lf Rev. Frc.'nsy i .'. .. . ,' . Guest Spsrjltcr Silverton Guest speaker at Calvary Lutheran church foe the first Sundar in tent, Feb. 23, morning worship hour, wtQ be Sev. Waktemar Iramstaa ot Olivet Lutheran church of Ta coma, Wash, who with other pastor and dels gates, will b attending th West Coast dis trict meeting ef the Lutheran Free church at Central church In Salem. 1 Th Rev. Framated. Mr. Frsmstad and children, while in Silverton, will be house guest at the horn oi Mrs. Frsmstad' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Standard of til North Church street. Special evangelistic services at Calvary are announced by Pastor Arvid L. Hokonson from Feb. 24-March 1. The Rev. E. F. Brandt, evan gelist for the Lutheran Fre church will be speaker each evening at 7:45 o'clock. On Sunday, Feb. 12, afternoon . and evening, local member plan to attend the district meet lng at Central Lutheran church , in Salem. -- WSCS Told of Korean Relief Woodburn-The rezular meet ing of the Women Society cot Christian Service was held Tuee day at th horn of Mrs. Jssne Livesay with Mrs. Thomas Kngle Sr., as assisting hostess. Th busi ness meeting opened at 10:80 am with Mr. Lowell Moore pre sidlng in th absence of th presi dent, Mrs. Clifford Applegat. who U ill. , : , A sack lunch was served at noon with dessert and coffee furnished by the hostesses. Wash ington's birthday was featured ia the decorations and menu. . For the afternoon, session th devotional service wai led by Mrs. Harold Livesay and Mrs. A. E. Austin was in charge of tne program. Mrs. D. Lester Field gave a missionary talk and read letter from Esther Laird, a missionary in Korea, telling of the distribution of clothing sent to Korea and medicines which were sent by various drug com panies. Mrs. Harold Livesay re ported on th Red Cross lunch eon given recently at Woodburn and told ot what is being done in our own community by the Bed Cross. Visitation week was announc ed for March 9 to 13 inclusive and plans war discussed. Mrs. N. r. Tyler ia chairman ot tht) commute on arrangement. Plans were discussed for an auction of whit eleohanta and other articles to be held at th church in th early spring. Th committee In charge will be Mrs. H. A. Lohse, Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Mrs. Charles Dean and Mrs. Har old Livesay. - , The next meeting ot the arouo will be March 17 at the horn of Mrs. Leota Porter. IBS Mont gomery St, with Mrs. C. of. Cook a co-hostess. ' Rv. Orval Butchtr At Wtsltydn Church ' ' Rev. Orval Butcher, recently returned from around th world tour of mission field Including v aiesune, wui speak at th Wes- leyan Methodist ohurch, South ltth and Mill streets. Monday. at 7:10 gon. . FIVER TICTTM IKPSOVKS Dallas Ruth Oood, daugb ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenc Good, who ha been iU with rheumatic fever for vral month ha th hop of being up for a short while eech day la about two weeks. . FOURSQUARE CHURCH 4ltN.llu.St. WE INVITE YOU TO , OUR SERVICES -9:49 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:49 Crusader (Young People) 7:49 Evangelistic Services Rev. Boy Worthlngtoa, Pastor FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Choowkota at Whiter galom, Oregea Strmon by Dr. Poling "THI LOST WORDS OP CHRIST" Identical Services 1:45-11 a.m. KOCO (140 10 to 1:S Paul Newton Poling, DD., putor B. t. Bollead. Asilittnt Paitor .,r. f a ) . ., - . , sreo"