Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    g Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Friday, February 20, 1953
Boots and Spurs
Friday night fun night was put
on by Bin. Marie McKinney.
Burt Karr announced and 32
members rode in the games. The
pone drilled, as I'lual, and fol
lowing the show, coffee was
served for them by Mr. and Mrs.
Monday night, after the drill
of 28 called by Graham Shar
key, Wanda O'Brien served the
coffee. , . ,
The drM team practiced Wed
nesday night There were quite
few absent and there haven't
been very many places atsignea.
affair were Eileen Stangby, Ilia
Durkee, and Rodney Hofstedder.
Two of our most active riders
were married on Valentines day
In Albany. They are Miss Myr
tle Christman and Don KuhL
They are now honeymooning on
the coast A reception was held
for them at the home of Lou
Wilson in Albany and she was as
sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Mlie
Wi want all members to turn
out for the big fun night tonight
which is going to be put on by
the calf ropers. There ought to
team meeting was ; be some new and different games
The drill
called to order by Ervin Ward
and the group discussed buying
new shirts and hats. An invita
tion to Prineville was read and
accepted. Coffee was served by
Mr. and Mrs. Southwick .
Min Laura Karr has recently
purchased a chestnut horse
named Sundown. Back in the
saddle again after a long absence
Is Mrs. Earl Murray, cecu xuoi
lert is also back after having re
covered from the flu.
Thm Valentine dance was
success. The hall was decorated
with big red hearts, cuplds and
arrows and valentine canay dox
es. A no-host supper was served
at midnight In charge of this
Past Matrons of
Woodburn Entertained
Wiwlhurn Mrs. Nina Ringo,
Mr Beiilah Gilbert and Miss
Gladys Adams were hostesses at
the dinner of tne fast Manra
club of Evergreen chapter. Or
der of the Eastern Star, at the
Masonic temple Wednesday eve
ning. Other past matrons pres
ent were Mrs. Evelyn Morris,
Mrs. Ella VanArsdale, Mrs. E.
Aline Beers, Mrs. Maude Scott,
Mm Nellie Muir. Mrs. Rose
Gibbens. Mrs. Florence Butter-
field. Mrs. Martha Relling, Mrs.
Eleanor Vickers, Mrs. Nettle
Johnson. Mrs. Mabel Dixon, Mrs.
Violet Atwood, Mrs. Elfa rikan
and Mrs. Minnie Richards.
Following the dinner. Mrs.
Morris presided over the bus
iness meeting, and plans were
completed to serve the annual
homecoming cunner lor wooa
burn lodge No. 108, A.F.&A.M.,
Saturday night February 21.
Committees in charge will be:
Kitchen, Mrs. Edna Isom, chair
man, Mrs. Elfa Fikan, Mrs. E.
Aline Beers, Mrs. Mabel Harper,
Mrs. Violet Atwood; dining
room, Mis Gladys Adams, chair
man, Mrs. Beulah Gilbert, Mrs.
Martha Belling, Mrs. Nettie
Johnson, Mrs. Mabel Dixon,
Mrs. Florence Butterfield, Mrs.
Freda Burt, Mrs. Rose Gibbens
and Mrs. Evelyn Morris. Letters
of appreciation in blank verse
were read from Mrs. Maude Mo
chel. .
Plans were also discussed to
take up sewing for the Masonic
and Eastern Star home at the
next meeting. March 18. For
this meeting the dinner hostess
es will be Mrs. E. Aline Beers,
Mrs. Martha Relling and Mrs.
Nellie Muir.
Aoro-lort 2 -Door Saoo IW Frlca
r.O.S. Toledo, OtUo, pin Mml
Tain, Stat ana" Local Ta, H any,
Frlht, Dallvary - Hardline
Oaran, Optional falpaMrS, Extra
Eisner Motor Co.
- 151 No. High St
Salem, Oregon
and you are guaranteed to have
a good time.
Committee Chairmen
Named in Garden Club
Keizer Dr. E. J. Krause,
Oreeon State college, was spear
er at the meeting of the local
Garden club Tuesday. Dr.
Krause was introduced by Mar
vin Black who is a student at
the college. He showed slides
of chrysanthemums and gave
Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Ray J. Bunnell, Mrs. Al
Niederberger, Mrs. Nora Pearce,
Mrs. George Long, Mrs. Nick
LeRud. Mrs. Wesley Stormer,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Miller and
Mrs. Ray Lafkey.
New members introduced
were Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Had-
ley, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. E ben
shade, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pan
kratz, Miss Ellen Quail and Mr.
and Mrs. John Touchie.
C. T. Danen, president of the
club announced the following
MembershiD. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Burr Black: program, JacX
Oudean; finance, V. R. Ballan-
tvne: publicity. Mrs Onas S,
Olson: flower show, Mrs. W. H.
Nelson, Mrs. Jack Henningsen,
Mrs. Paul Camp and Mrs. Phil
Blake; social and refreshments,
Mrs. J. C. Mount; Salem Garden
council. C. T. Danen and Mrs.
V. Ballantyne; garden visitation,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copley;
rules and order, W. E. Savage;
librarian, Mrs. Arch Claggett;
sunshine, Miss Lois Keefer; pho
tography, Jack Oudean.
The club again discussed tne
park plan for Keizer. A plant
sale is planned for the April
meeting. In invitation was ac
cepted to attend a meeting of
the Begonia society on April 2
at the YMCA building.
Meeting of the Keizer Garden
club will be Tuesday, March 17,
at the local fire hall.
Star Meeting
Woodburn Members of Ev
ergreen chapter, No. 41, Order
of the Eastern Star, will meet at
6:30 Monday night February
23. at the Masonic temple for a
no-host family dinner preceding
the regular chapter meeting.
The committee in charge of ar
rangements will be Mrs. Nela
Detweiler, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P.
Clark and Mrs. Ida Johnson.
Decorations will be arranged by
Mrs. Hazel Thompson and Mrs.
Edna Peterson.
len, 11-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Allen, was the guest
caller at the Bells and Beam
Square Dance club on Tuesday
evening. The group plans to
hold the last of the series of the
beginners class on Tuesday eve
ning, February 24 at 8 o clock.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs,
Ted Borkman, and Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Cooper. On the refresh
ments committee were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hawkins, Mr. and
Mrs. George Gregor and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Fish.
MRS. FRED BIRCH was host
ess to the American Gold Star
Mothers for a social afternoon
on Thursday. Mrs. Agnes Roh-
mer assisted, and the group en
joyed games and readings fol
lowed by refreshments.
Frultland Frultland's 4-H
entomology club, "The Beetle
Bombers," and the forestry club
attended the monthly 4-H en
tomology meeting sponsored by
Club No. 3 of Salem, at the
First Christian church.
, ,iw. i?
-. v j T) . .
' Boyal Fan la Winter Princess Christina of Sweden is all
smiles as she gets ready for fun and frolic on skis at royal
park In Stockholm after recent snowfall.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Magee
entertained 13 members of the
Masee family honoring Mrs
Hugh Magee of Carlton who is
guest in the home.
Dinner was served at noon.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Will Magee and sons, Gerald,
Kenneth and Warren and Mrs.
Mary Nicholson of Sllverton;
Ivan Smith of Scotts Mills; Mr.
and Mrs. M. M. Magee and
daughter, Miss Margaret Magee
of Salem.
Mrs. Nicholson remained for
a longer visit
Mr. and Mrs. WiUard Kellis
of Portland were evening guests.
Monday 'guests at the same
home were Mrs. Nora Gray,
Mrs. Elmer Worth, Mrs. A. J.
George, all of Salem.
The Unionvale Home Demon
stration unit is sponsoring a
benefit chicken dinner to be
held at the EUB church Friday
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Coats and
daughter, Linda Low, of Kelso,'
Wash., were week-end guests of
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Coats.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coats and
their house guests, Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Coats and Linda Low, and
Mr. and-Mrsv E. A. Demaray,
Richard and Milton, were Sun
day dinner guests of their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Hilderbrand near
Albany. This dinner was hon
oring Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coats
for their 63rd wedding anniver
Woodburn PTA
Carnival Soon
Woodburn Preliminary
plans for the annual carnival of
the Woodburn Parent-Teacher
association In March were
completed at a board meeting
Tuesday evening at the high
school. Hostesses were Mrs.
Marshall McKee and Mrs. Eu
gene Stoller.
The regular PTA meeting will
be held Tuesday, Feb. 24, at the
Washington school auditorium
at 8 p.m. Seven Woodburn high
school students will provide the
program. Orations will be giv
en by Norman Tyler, David
Springer and Eve Allen and
readings by Harriet Hooper and
Jane McGrath. Robert Baumann
will be heard in two vocal solos,
"The Lords Prayer" and "Lul
laby," accompanied by Miss Dol
lie Cummings.
In observnee of Founders'
Day, Mrs. Harold Qulgley, a past
president of the Woodburn
group, will give a history of the
PTA. Refreshments will be
served after the meeting.
West Stayton
Drive Goes on
The Light a Bumper cam
paign, sponsored by the Salem
Junior Chamber of Commerce,
will continue this week-end with
Jaycees stationed at the Capitol
Shopping Center parking lot to
Install the red Scotch-Lite tape
on auto bumpers.
Additional days have been set
for applying the reflecting tape
for those motorists who are not
able to visit the Installation sta
tlons on Saturdays, committee
chairmen George Dunsmoor and
Dale Dora announced.
Monday and Friday evenings,
Jaycees will be available at the
shopping center lot to aid the
safety-conscious car owner, tney
said. In addition, men will man
a downtown station Friday eve
nings, if enough manpower is
Despite inclement weather the
past two Saturdays, about 250
drivers have already naa meir
bumpers marked with the one
inch reflector tape, Dunsmoor
The Lisht-a-Bumper plan has
received approval of automobile
and law-enforcine agencies all
over the nation.
Bean Acreage Wanted
On Stringless Pole
Better prices warrant planting, for a good
return this year. For complete information
and our help in setting up a yard, contact us
at once . . . Write or phone.
Hudson House, Inc.
(Dundee, Oregon)
R. A. Howell Field Dept.
Home Phone Sherwood 4345 Off ice Nowberg 64
Valentine parties were cele
brated in three rooms of the
West Stayton school Friday af
ternoon, with the exchange of
Valentines, followed by refreshments.
Friday evening, the seventh
and eighth grades had their
party in the cafeteria.
Chaperones for the evening
were their teacher and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pettey and
the school custodians, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Stapp.
Thm kMiflt rani nflrtv city.
mlttee met Thursday evening to
complete their plans for the af
fair to be held Saturday eve
ning, Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m. in
the school dining room.
Pinochle, 800 and canasta will
be in play and refreshments
The Boy Scouts will be in
charge of ticket selling.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bel-
den and family were week-end
guests of the former's mother,
Mrs. Martha Belden and broth
er and his daughter, Vic Belden
and Vlckey, home at Toledo.
Eddy Forrest is again staying
at the Paul Nlenke home
has re-entered Cascade
high school.
The West Stayton Cub Scout
den and their parents attended
the Blue and Gold dinner and
program at Aumsville Thursday
evening. The den has united
with the Aumsville pack.
Albert Green, den chief, re
ceived his cord and Fred Ken
dell his wolf badge.
Mrs. Ray Darland entertain
ed the Brooks Sewing club at
her home near Salem recently.
uuring tne meeting tne projects
for the next meeting were discussed.
Mrs. A. T. Fidebottom wlU be
the hostess for the next meeting
which will be held March 5
Hostess served the luncheon
on a decorated Valentine table
to one guest and seven mem
The regular meeting of the
Brooks Garden club met Feb.
12 at the home of Mrs. Polly
Johnson, following a 1 o'clock
luncheon and business meeting.
A Lincoln day program was
Those taking part with read
ings and poems were Mrs. Min
nie Dunlgan, Mrs. A. P. Fide
bottom, Mrs. Silas Perllch, Mrs.
Elmer Conn, Mrs. Felix Ma-
risky, Mrs. Polly Johnson, Mrs.
Virgil Lumis, Mrs. Elmer Hahn,
Mrs. Henry Rasmussen, Mrs.
John Eggers, Mrs. Harry Bosch
and a guest, Mrs. Grover Weav
er. Cards were sent to five
members who were ill. The
ladies brought decorated cookies
which were presented to the pa
tients at the Brooks convalesc
ent home.
Topic for the next meeting is
garden planning.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Melzer
of Monmouth became parents
Saturday morning, Feb. 14, with
the birth of a son, Allan Dale,
weight 0 pounds 12 ounces, at
a Salem hospital. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Melzer are the paternal
grandparents. Mrs. Harold Mel
zer, formerly Neil coats, is a
sister of Mrs. Carl Rutschman.
A 4-H livestock club was re
organized at the Pleasantdale
community center Wednesday
evening, Feb. 11, and the fol
lowing slate of omcers was
elected: Gene Carr, president;
John Schutz, vice president;
Allan Benedict, secretary.
The leader will be Adolph
Schutz, and he will be assisted
by the former leader. Tommy
Other members in attendance
were Ralph and Leslie Lymar)
and Allan and Myron Webster.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Rutschman and
family were 1 Rev. and Mrs.
Clyde Dollar and son Sklppy,
of Unionvale.
Mr. and Mrs. Bus Hadley and
children had as callers on Sat
urday evening, friends from To
ledo, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seeler
and son, Georgie Jay.
Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Sloan
were dinner guests of friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Snod grass, In
McMinnvllle, Friday evening.
Sunday guests at the Bus Had
ley home were his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. G. Hadley of Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McFar-
lane went to Beaverton Sunday
to see the model home which
is on display there.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sloan
were Sunday dinner guests of
friends In Dayton, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Flnley.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFar-
lane had as callers Sunday eve
ning their friends, Mr. and Mrs.
William Tanner of Salem.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Relchstein for dinner and pi
nochle Saturday evening were
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Stonebrink and children Loretta
and Billy of Yamhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence War
ner of the Webfoot district cele
brated their 40th wedding an
niversary at their home with a
8:30 dinner Saturday evening,
Feb. 14. .
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Hale Hendrickson, Peggy and
Patsy, Mr. . and Mrv. Marion
After dinner the group was
entertained with television at
the Hendrickson home until
1:30 am.
Marion Warner of Webfoot
has leased the Dr. Springer farm
in Webfoot and the Springer and
Frum farm near Carlton.
Sllverton The general busi
ness hour and program of the
Sllverton home extension will be
Thursday, Feb. 28. The group
will meet at 10:30 o'clock at the
First Christian church social
rooms. Guests are to furnish
their own sack lunch. Coffee will
be served at the church kitchen.
Project for the day will be
textile painting. The leaders are
Mrs. R. Zentzkow and Mrs.
George Truman. x
Have Roll Call
Dallas Mariom Lodge No.
98. Knights of Pythias, celebrat
ed their 48th annual roll call
Tuesday. The roll call was timed
in minr-lrla with the anniversary
of the founding of the organiza
tion. -
Late rinse th. one of the ear
liest members of the Dallas
lodge and ex -Grand Chancellor
of the Grand Lodge of Oregon
D resided over ine mwuni.
rtiirin the urogram he nre-l
tented Fred West with life mem-1
kiiin in th Inrlre. Wnt was
honored for his many years of
activity in tne iocai toage. i
The speaker for the evening;
was attorney C. L. M inters. In
recognition of national uroiner
hood Week he spoke on "The,
Bill of Rights," impressing upon!
the group Its meaning to each
person, as tn American citizen.
The evening ended with a din
ner presented by Ed Hayes and
a committee. In addition to local
lodge mm. the group had -u
guests visitors from outlying
lodges Including Hubbard, In
dependence, Salem, and Port
land. Jn desert areas a human be
ins without water will die in
less than a week.
394 North Church
Phono 3-9600
Moceov -
Grand Island Mr. and Mrs.
Erwin Douglas of Sauvies Island
were Saturday dinner guests of
their mother, Mrs. Susie Douglas
and son, Curtis.
Some plants like the century
plant have roots that can be
used as soap.
Macleay Patsy Carver will
reoresent the schol in the seml-
and ifinal spelling contest at Keizer
union i for this section of the country.
Jane Smith was a runner-up.
Macleay school received a 89 H
per cent rating in the annual
county flag code contest.
Jerald and Sharon Moore,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Ault
Moore, have been absent from
school since Christmas with
rheumatic fever.
Pratum-Macleay home exten
sion unit will meet at the home
of Mrs. Donald Mader, Tuesday,
Feb. 24. for an all day meeting.
Textile painting will be the
project with Mrs. Nile Hllborn
and Mrs. W. Welch as leaders.
Mrs. Virgil Burson and Mrs.
M. M. Msgee will attend the
home extension project leaders'
school on herb cooking to be
held in Salem Wednesday, Feb.
Refinance with
for this spring's planting
Kelley, Farquhar & Co.
1 460 Tilo Road, Sotem, Orefon
Dial 2-4133 Ask for Bill Stafford
Pay less each month
You can pay off all your bills
with a cash loan and you can
repay us in small monthly
amounts thst will not over
burden your budget. Ask us
for details on our easy-to-arrange
loan plans. Come in,
write or 'phone.
$25 to $1500
MS, Sir Cm M. Hon 441K
J. . WA1KIK, Mflr.
Effective Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 20-21-22
VEL VEETA . .2-lb. Loaf 79c
BREEZE 2-lb. Loaf 75c
GOLD MEDAL ........ i 10-lb. 85 C
KITCHEN CRAFT 10-lb. 85 e
SPERRY'S 4-lb.pkg.45e 28-ox. pkg. 25c
TOMATO SOUP Campbell's Can 10c
DEL MONTE, Creom Stylo No. 303 con 15c
COUNTRY HOME, Cream Stylo No. 303 can 1 5 c
MAYONNAISE Nn Made; Seal Fresh Quart 49c
CATSUP " " "
HEINZ .' 14-ox. bottle 19c
TASTE TELLS 14-ox. bottle 225c
DENNISON'S .... 14-ox. bottle 229c
SANTIAM ,. No. 303 eon 17c
BRIARGATE .No. 303 con 17c
IVORY SOAP . Medium bar . 7c
SUGAR CH or White Satin .....10-lb. 99c
DALEWOOD ..Mb,. 39.
ALL SWEET 2-rbs. 55 e
SUNNYBANK 2-lbs. 55 e
CRANBERRY SAUCE ocr., ... N..m. 243c
S.Ik v..
2120 Foirgroondt Rd. 243 Covrt St. 935 S. Commercial St.
1 265 vtftter St