AT WILLAMETTE Student Activities Are Noted By BARBARA JACKSON CtpltftJ Jwratl CorrMMndMl Christian Resource Week will begin Tuesday on the Willamette campus. Chapels, firesides, and panels will be given during the program. Replacing Religious Emphasis week, the program will be started Tusedsy at 10 ajn. with a chapel at the First Presbyterian church and an ad dress given by Bishop Raymond A. Grant of Portland. At 2 o'clock a meditation serv ice will be held in the First Con gregational church and at 8 p.m, will be the concert of Marian Anderson In Salem high school auditorium. Following her per formance there will be a recep tion. The Rev. Herbert E. Richards of Boise, Idaho, will address the student body and towns people at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the First Presbyterian church. The Rev. Mr. Richards will moderate a panel of students, discussing 'God on This Campus?" at 3 p.m. in Waller hall. ! Firesides at the various living 1 organizations will be Wednesday : evening. During Thursday chapel ! at 10 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Rlch i ards will speak on "The Realneas of Christianity" in the First Presbyterian church. Three mov ies, "Song of Bernadette, "One God," "They Heard the Angels Sing," will be shown at 2 o'clock and at 7 pjn. Thursday In Waller 5 hall. i Friday morning at 8 o'clock : there will be a communion and ., dedication service in the First 1 Congregational church, complet k lng the program for the week. A library display will be on ex it hibit throughout Christian Re- source week, with books and , materials from all denomination J al publishing houses. I Spring rush for the four sor- nrttlM on Willamette camnus , : will come to a close tomorrow i night with formal bidding to . membership. Wednesday rush i began with open house in the i chapter houses of Alpha Chi . Omega, Chi Omega, Delta Gam . ; ma, and Pi Beta Phi. Yesterday simple parties with entertain- - ment were given, and tonight ' parties will again take place. To morrow afternoon is the second preferential luncheon and the first preferential dinner will take ' ', place tomorrow night Alter for mal bids have been sent, firesides will be held In all four houses ; . for the new pledges. Elected as president of the As- sociated Women Students after lections last week is Mary Campbell of Salem. Assisting ' her as first vice president will be Judy Fullager of Portland, and Yvonne Grosser, also of Port- - land, as second vice president, j Jovce Schmltz of Beaverton, sec retary, and Elizabeth Loving of : Portland, treasurer. Officers were Installed at Miss ' Campbell's home in Salem Sun . day and an Informal party fol 4 lowed. In cabinet meeting action m nllinmrm riM1riri trt hold their annual AWS dance March t 13 and chose Gall Updike of 4 Portland as chairman of the at i fair. "atTlilsfr sasaaaaaaaaaWsasssBtJ r mm f - ' w I ' I t 'Ay i ( t trf - ';-t-'i'-vf -a' 'Vi'V1?,':..rI,1:,ri ' ' H. V l - " , a lt. ft .lV f ,f f Ftp i.: Wed In January Dr. and Mrs. K. M. Morrison (Patricia Sullivan) were married en January 20. The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan, the bridegroom the son of Mrs. Carrie Morrison. (Jesten-Miller studio pic ture.) . - , QUEENS, FRAZZLED NERVES Chaperoning 30 Girls from As Many Countries Real Job By DOROTHY ROE (AT WOMID'I Bdltarl How would you like to be re-1 slipped out for a late date or got soonslble for 30 beauty aueens lost in the subway or suddenly from 30 different countries, each got homesick and decided to take speaking a different language and each convinced she's the most beautiful girl in the world? How would you like to keep track of their dates, advise them on manners and dress, get them to appointments on time In a body, and keep them under con stant surveillance to guard against accidents, flirtations and scandals? How would you manage to prevent squabbles and hair-pull- lngs and maKe sure none 01 mem : i C Tri-Y Event Members of Garnet Knight chapter of Tri-Y are planning to attend services in a group at St. Mark's Lutheran church on March 8, church day for the group, it was decided at tbe chapter meeting this week. Named at the meeting as dele gates to the camp and confer ence event are Sandra Carter, Sharon Johnson and Lynn Bur rell. The group also planned for Its project to aid a needy family. The chapter is to nave cnarge of the programs and table set ting for the all Tri-Y no-host dinner event on Marcn 23, Miss the first plane for home? This is the annual neaaacne of Jane K 11 bourne of Pan Amer ican World Airways, who each year has the job of chaperoning contestants for the title of Miss Universe when they arrive in the United States for the grand fi nals In Long Beach, Calif. This year more than 30 con testants are expected to be on hand for the finals, and though they are not due to arrive until July, preliminaries already have been started, and Miss ruioqurne already is having chills. The finalists for the "Miss Uni verse competition are cnosen from hundreds of entrants in each country. When Miss Italy, Miss Finland, Miss Uruguay and the rest finally arrive in Mew York or California for the home stretch, each already has been thoroughly feted, flattered and conditioned as a prima donna. Last year the harried Miss Kll bourne shepherded the girls who arrived from Europe through the New York terminal, and after two days of constant supervision was suffering from an acute case of frazzled nerves, eyestrain and heebie-jeebies. None of the girls escaped Jane's eagle eye until they were into the keeping of Roberta Hamlin as chairman, Speaker at the meeting was I delivered women in Long Beach, one as- Pair Wed At Albany Feb. 14 : Albany A mid-February wedding was Saturday evening when Miss Patricia Louise Knowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. Wade, Portland, was wed to jtaymono ixnoy Neely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- enh Neelv of Albany. The Rev. R. H. Wetland read the o'clock service at Immsnuel Lutheran ihurch- The altar waa decorated wllfl baskets filled with Calls, lilies, flockfern. pink snapdragons and Irises. Tiered candelabrum flanked the altar. ' Preceding the ceremony. Mar vin Mart sang. Mrs. Ralph He ins played the wedding mu sic. The bride was given in mar riage by her stepfather and wore a white dress of Chantilly lace over satin. The bodice was fitted and topped with a fitted jacket fashioned with standup collar, long sleeves, pointed at the wrists. Tbe Illusion veu was fastened with headdress of pearl flowerlets. The bride carried a bouquet of Calls lilies. Mrs. Wanda He In was the ma tron of honor and wore an or chid lace and net dress. She carried a heart-shaped bouquet of spring flowers centered with camellias. Bridesmaids were Hiss Patsy Cawliield and Miss Beverly Ol- shesky. They wore blue dresses made Identically to the matron of honor and carried similar bouauets. Joseph Neely. Jr.. was nest man for his brother, and ushers were Kenneth Phelps and Wal ter Foley. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Wsde wore a mauve-shad ed street length dress with har monizing accessories and a cor sage of pink carnations. Tbe bridegroom's mother wore a beige colored street length dress with black accessories and her flowers were also pink carna tions. The reception was In the church social hall with more than 100 In attendance. Bou quets of early spring flowers were used as the decorations. The wedding. cake was heart- shaped and was surrounded by candles and flowered hearts. Mrs. Lvdia Caughlan and Mrs. Carl Schooley poured and Mrs. Irwin Kampfer, aunt of the bride, served the cake. Serving were Mrs. HarreU wueank, Mrs. Dick Seavy and Mrs. Monte Kropp. In charge of the guest book was Mrs. Floyd Runyon Mrs. Don Hendrlckson was In charge of the gift table. The couple left on a wedding trip to the Oregon coast, the bride wearing a two-toned grey gabardine suit with black and white accessories topped with a red coat She wore an orchid corsage. The bride attended high school, at Carlisle, Fa., and the University of Oregon. The bride groom attended Albany high school and Oregon State college. After February 21 the couple will be at home at 1700 E. Eighth avenue. Birthday Event of AWM Group Tuesday The 28th congressional birth da of the American War Moth ers was celebrated this week at parties given throughout the na tion Mr cnaoters oz ue organiza tion. Chapter No. 1 of Salem met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Randall for a birthday celebra tion honoring the national group. Yellow and Pink spring flow ers with small red hatchets and Valentines decorated the refresh ments table. Mrs. Martin Viesko was chairman of the party, as sisted by Mrs. W. E. Burks, Mrs. Alma Hatfield and Mrs. Cora Hutcheson. Mrs. Mabsl Lockwood, nation al president of the American War Mothers, presented a spe cial nrlza to Mrs. Anna Alley, Readings were given Mrs. Addie Curtis, and Mrs. . . Bergman spoke on Americanism. Mrs. Glenn Prather, president. Intro duced the speaker. 8TAYTON The newly In stalled president, Nell Stewart, presided at the last regular meeting of the Stayton Toast- mistress club at the high school cafeteria. Miss Hill attended the meeting as guest of Mary Rey nolds. Members took part in a group discussion led by Evelyn Prugh on the importance of the local observation post Participating in the meeting were: Bertha Fre, invocation: Evelyn Prugh, toast- mistress; Rose Bell, evaluator; Jane Starr speaker. Next meeting will be Febru ary 28 at the cafeteria when non-member judges will choose the best speaker to be entered In the area speech contest in March. HOSTS to their supper club on Saturday evening will be Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith. Y-Teen, Tri-Y Groups to Meet : Twenty-two girls from Salem Y-Teen and Tri-Y groups will attend the annual Teen-Age mid-winter conference In Cor vallls oa Saturday. The theme of the conference Is "Har mony." Dr. Dean K. Brooks, assistant superintendent of tbe Oregon State hospital, will be the speaker. The girls will par ticipate in discussion groups. supervised recreation and camp us sight-seeing tours. Repre sentatives from Eugene, Spring field, Corvallii, Lebanon and Dallas will also participate in the conference. Attending the conference from Salem are the susses snir- leen Bacewich, Sandra Carter, Barbara Jackson, Lesley Cllne, Sharon Howe, Flo Hyde, Sharon Johnson, Judy Keller, Jane Moorefleld, -Nancy Moorefield, Aliens Lowen, Julie Peterson, Carol Randall, Barbara Sharp, Lore Sliffe. Bonnie Starr, Con nie Thorne, Rita Wanner, Bev erly Walls. Nancy Willard, Nola Gates, Lois do wuire ana xne Teen-Age program director, Mrs. James Arm son. , Are Goldenveds brate their golden wedding an niversary Sunday, February 22, at their home, 062 Hayes street with onen house from 2 to 8 pjn. They were married reo ruary 22. 1903, in Wood burn and except for two years real dence In Salem have rpent their entire life here. Mrs. James Liv- esay, who was maid of honor at the wedding, will be present for the snnlversary. Friends and relatives are invited to call. Capital Journal, galea, Ore, Friday, yabrtttry T , Five Entertain At Shower Party I Honoring Mrs. John Wallace, i a group entertained Tuesday evening at a shower and party at the home of Miss K Levre. I During the evening Miss Ardith Miller sang, accompanied by her niece, Mlas Ksthie Batter. Hostesses witn Miss lorre were Mrs. ienora lurnouu, -Mrs. Albert Murdlck, Mrs. Don1, aid Dimbat, Mrs. Jack Smith. Attending were Mrs. William . Goodwin, Mrs. Harold Bwtn- (; ford, Mrs. Jess George, sera, Waldren Hillpot, Jr, Mrs. Rich- ard Ginther, Mrs. Kooen ; Brown, Mrs. Ray Balrey, Mrs. , Blane Vetato, Mrs. William , Graen, Mrs. Duane Hewitt, Mrs... Flynn Faught, Mrs. Robert Pierce, Mrs. John Beming, saxs, . Melvin Howell, Mrs. Charles . Hockett, Mrs. Walter Buther-., ford, Mrs. Pat Gillespie, Mrs,, Jack Melzer, Mrs. Betty onan- 0 non, Mrs. Elenor Casper, Mrs.., Pat Schueschtenberg, Mrs. Fran 7 eea Zamzow. Mrs. Amanda An- , d arson, Mrs. Alice Jonas, Mrs,. Patricia Stratton. Mrs. Janice . Remesnik, Misses Louisa Petti t, Joyce Remington, Ardith Miller, Audrey Bona, uwen nawuns,-, Marilyn Dunham, Bette Kosta- Iecky, Mil area worno, wmn , Baker, Margo Bauer., Rosella Reimer, ReU Lang. Emma Belt,.: Lois Pederson, Kathle Bauer, . Carol Pearson, Marcla Helton, Arlene Christy, Ruth Blschoff,. Ella Patterson, Lora Johnston, Louise Feller, Bertha Lovre, the honored guest Mrs. uiaays . Beatty, and the hostesses. . -; Farewell Given C. A. Pattersons Silverton Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. C A. Patterson and Bill and Peg, on the eve of their leaving for Staples, Minn, were group of fellow members of the Order of Eastern Star. It was a surprise affair at the home of Ben Sprlcks where the family had gone for a farewell social hour. Mr. Patterson, di recting a department of the Welbe store during their resi dence here, will serve as man ager of a store In Staples. Special groups of Ramona chapter. OES. in which both Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were promi nent, presented the Pattersons with gifts. A card and handker chief shower was also given ins honor guests. A late supper was served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Patterson, BUI and Peg, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sprick, Mrs. Charles Leonard, Mrs. Harry Ragon. Mrs. Norman NyhuS, Mrs. Harrison Fisher. Mrs. Orlo Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth Sprick, Mr. and Mrs. xarl Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Finlay. Mr. and Mrs. uaroia Bartsch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale LaMar. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Woodborn Mr. and Mrs. Searth. Mr. ana Mrs. z-amuna Arista Nendel. long time real- S. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Austin dents of Woodburn. will cele- Sanfortt ana Mr. ana Mrs, , T. Z. Sylvester. AMITY Officers and mem bers of Amity chapter. Order of Eastern Star, honored Mrs. Louisa B. Irving of Madras, grand conductress of the Grand chapter or Oregon, at their meeting on Monday evening. Preceding a school of instruc tion conducted by Mrs. Irving, s no-host dinner was served. Visitors were present from Dun dee and Sherwood. MBS. HABJUS Vartt was. hostess to her bridge club for: luncheon and the afternoon Thursday. Mrs. I. R. Viesko wss an additional guest. Mi'h n. Brandt, last year's, firm ana aeierminea nea uross f Marjle Leonard of Silverton was elected president of Alpha Chi Omega this week. Assisting er will be Carol Emerson 01 4 Corbett as vice president, rTan- i Kmitn 01 roruana as secuuu vice president, Charleen Asvik of Portland as recording secretary, Anne Mellis of Roseburg as cor responding secretary, and Mary Jane Stewart of Portland as treasurer. New president of the Willam ette law school Is Paul Dally of Longview, Wash. Ronald Watson of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, will be vice president, and secretary treasurer is Dick Barber of Sa lem. Jack Welsser of Bend was chosen to be student body representative. chairman, who discussed college life. Devotions were led by Miss Marjorie Kronsor. Golden Wedding Monitor Mr. and Mrs. Chres Hansen will' celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 1. Friends of the couple are being Invited throueh the press to attend an open house given in their honor from 2 to 4 o ciock at tne ni daros Lutheran hall on that date, IN MEDFORD the first of the week was Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Oregon's first lady. She was speaker for the Republican Worn, en s group there on Monasy eve ning. Mrs. Patterson made the trip by plane. signed to each girl. But the interim was a study in tension worthy of our best movie directors including the time when the girls were assem bled for a meeting with New York City officials, complete with newsreels and TV cameras . and one girl was missing. Frantic chaperon Jane found the culprit in her hotel room, gorg ing herself on ice cream sodas. Somehow the stout-hearted Miss Kilbourne managed to sur vive her ordeal with no major calamities, however, and even made such an impression on her charges that many of them still write to her regularly. SALEM HEIGHTS Mrs. Huch KeUey entertained the South Hills Garden club Tues day evening. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Lewis Bart- lett. Sixteen members answer ed to the roll call. The group decided that each member bring some worth while topic on gar dening to the next meeting and discuss it. P. H. Brydon was the speaker, discussing pruning roses. He showed colored slides on rho dodendrons and camellias. More elections on the campus . named new officers of the class es. Bob Miller of Vancouver, Wash., was elected senior class president and other senior offi- ' cers are George Buland of Palo Alto, Calif., vice president; Joyce Foster of San Mateo. Calif., sec retary; Marilyn Men of Ada, treasurer, and Barbara Baker and John Ambler of Portland as aerceants-at-arms. Junior class president Is Gay Weeks of Salem, and assisting him will be Ken Cooper of Se attle. Wash., vice president; Carol Emerson of Corbett, sec-Miirv- Bnh Batchelder of Port land, treasurer; Duane Shields of Bothell, Wash., and Bob Hanau ska of Salem as sergeant-at-arms. Bob Alfred of Portland Is the new sophomore class president. and other officers are Doug Gra ham of Portland, vice president; Pat Gentle of San Leandro, Cal., secretary; Pat Harris of Portland, treasurer, snd Dick Rohrer of Portland and Dick Lewis of Lebanon as sergeant-at-arms. Salem student Dave Weeks was elected president of the freshman class, and Dave Finlay of Silverton will be vice presl dent Msrgle Little of Salem was chosen as secretary, and Page Bailey of, Portland will be treas urer. Dean Benson of Bend snd Ernie Snarr of San Bruno, Cslif, Today's Menu FRIDAY FARE Broiled Fish Fillets Green Beans Amandine Creamed Potatoes Spiced Beet Salad Bread and Butter Fruit Beverage GREEN BEANS AMANDINE Ingredients: One 10 -ounce package frozen green beans, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons fine dry bread crumbs, Vi cup slivered toastea blanched almonds. Method: Cook beans accord ing to package directions; drain well; turn into serving dish and keep warm. Melt butter In skil- li over low nest: stir in oreaa crumbs snd almonds; sprinkle almond mixture over nesns, Makes 4 servings. . (333 JEM? See It ffaM Before PJ jpl Te SiyU Y A-w J WW 3as PARTS REPAIR SERVICE On All Mokes of SEWING MACHINES for 90 Vmm-T WffU MYRON'S SALEM'S LARGEST SEWING MACHINE STORE 153 S. LIBERTY f H. 33773 lirst of Us Jdiul-tmcL still for 19! bSSIIP8 P EASY TERMS It's the biggest' little range In the world! Perfect for small kitchens, but big enough to cook for any family. Fully au tomatic with newly designed Cook-Master Clock Control to turn oven on and off . . . built-in fluorescent Lamp . . . hondy Clock . . . Timer . . . full-width Sroroge Drawer. Lifetime Porcelain Finish Inside and our Sturdi-weld all-steel construction Rodiantube Surface Cooking Units Slidintg, tip-proof shelves . Waist-high Broiler Here's the new Model R the basic advantages of the RS - 35 above, but without Cook-Master, Tim ed and Storage Drawer Only $184.95 Your Old Range May Be Your Down Payment Lew Monthly Payments On the Balance OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'Til 9 P.M. I CALBM OREGON CITY J will be sergeants-at-arms.