Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, golem, Orec, Friday, February 20, 1953
To Honor
Chief Justice Karl C. Latour
tte of tht supreme court and
Mrt Latourette are to entertain
on Sunday evening at a dinner
party at tbelr Falrmount lull
home in honor of Governor and
Mn Faid L. Patterson. The
Washington birthday theme will
feature the decor for the party.
Guests will include Governor
and Mrt. Pattenon, Secretary
of State and Mn. Earl T. New
bry. State Treasurer and Mn.
Sigfrid B. Unander, Senate Presi
dent and Mn Eugene Marsh,
Speaker of the House and Mrs.
Rudie Wilhelm, Jr., Attorney
General and Mrs. Robert Y.
Thornton, Mrs. Harry H. Belt
and the hosts.
BLUE BIRDS and Camp lire
Girls of Salem and Mill City
are ready to start the last week
of their annual candy tale un
der the direction of Mn. Robert
White. They have been pleased
with the response to the sale
and more candy has been or
dered to fill demands. '
A SON. who has been named
Ted Norman, was born Febru
ary 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Affolter. The grandparents are
Mr. and Mn. James W. J arris
of Astoria and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Affolter of Neskowin.
OES Event
Plans for friendship alght oa
March 4 were made at the Wed
nesday evening meeting of Alns
worth chapter, Order of Eastern
Star. The group win meet in
the new blue room at the Scot
tish Rite temple, and will be
host to Gervais, Euclid, Victoria,
Laurel, Evergreen, Venus and
Acacia chapters on ' that night.
Mn. E. r. Whelan was re
ceived into the order by affilia
tion. The group will organize
an orchestra and Interested mu
sicians are to contact Mrs. Roy
Hewitt or Mrs. H. E. S medley,
worthy matron.
Mrs. John Goebel was chair
man of the social hour and her
assistants were Mrs. C. X. Rob
lln, Mrs. Neva Thompson, Mn.
Anna Kirkpatrlek. Mrs. C. M.
Doan and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
' VISITOR here for the week
end will be IX. and Mn. Rod
ney Vandeneynde ana son,
Peter, from Seattle. They will
be guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, also
brother-in-law and sister,
and Mrs. John Staelham-
e e
MEETING at 1:80 pjn. on
Saturday at the Masonic tem
ple will be Job's Daughters,
bethel No. 43.
IN SEATTLE for the week
end will be Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding to be guest of Mn,
Kenneth Murdock.
On Birthday
Mrs. Elmore Hill was host
ess last evening at a surprise
party for her sister-in-law. Miss
Vada L. Hill, on the occasion of
the tetter's birthday. Bridge was
played and refreshments served.
Guests included Miss Hill. Mrs.
C. W. Jorgenten, Mrs. Leona
Taylor, Miss Marie Weber, Mrs.
Earl Burch, Mn. Al Laue, Mn.
Warren Baker, Mrs. E. C. Knapp,
Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. Gor
don Hecker, Mn. Marion Wood
en, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer,
Mrs. Marvin McCIain. Mrs. Thel,
ma Walter, Mrs. Larry Morgan
of Mehama, Miss Shirley Hill,
who assisted her mother, and
can. mil.
Mrs. Haskins
Wins Contest
Mrs. Lee Haskins was winner
of the club contest conducted by
Chemeketa Toastmistress club
Thursday evening. Mn. Haskins
will participate in an area eon
test In March with eHib winners
from the Salem Toastmistress
club and the Mill City group.
Judges for the contest were Miss
Maxlne Herrlnger, Salem Toast
mistress club; E. T. Boyer, Sa
lem Toastmasten club; Miss
Carolyn Matter and Tom Schie
del, speech students at Willa
mette university.
Guests for the event were
Mn. Z. W. Hlllstrom, Mn. J.
M. Hartley and Mn. E. T. Boyer.
A musical program was present
ed by two students of music
from Willamette university. Miss
Doris Aspinwall and Miss Amy
Mn. W. Z. Brown was toast
mistress for the evening and
hostesses were Mrs. J. W. Tin
dall and Mrs. L. C Tennis.
iff-.' JkT
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Peg in Washington
Wed Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James G. Armson (Lillian
Schott) were married last Saturday in the chapel of St.
Paul's Episcopal church. The bride is Y-Teen program di
rector at the Salem YWCA and Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mn. Joseph G. Schott of Klnzua, Ore. Mr. Armson is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armson of Roseburg. The couple
will live in Salem. (Arte studio picture.)
ATTENDING a reception of
Order of Rainbow for Girls in
Albany this week were the
Misses Arda Lien, worthy advi
ser, Joan Neal, Patty Johnson,
Betty Johnson, Donna Haugen,
Beverly Walls, Karen Covert,
Janice Wood and Mrs. Emery
Wood, Mrs. Zins Sharpnack and
Mrs. Arnold Johnson, mother
Next Sunday
A wedding claimed for next
Sunday afternoon is that of Miss
Doris Arllne Martin ana i nomas
Hartley, the ceremony to be at 8
o'clock iir the Englewood Evan
gelical United Brethren church.
the Rev. Lloyd Ueclcer otliciat
lng. Miss Cleta Martin will be hon
or attendant for her sister, Miss
Shirley Qullllan the bridesmaid.
Gwen Reislx. niece of the bride
groom, is to be flower girl, Vic
tor Martin, a nephew of the
bride, the ringbearer.
Richard Hartley is to be best
man for hit brother. Uihers will
be Al Morris, David Hartley, a
brother of the bridegroom, Clif
ton Saxton and Joe Marc hand, j
The reception following also
will be at the church.
The bride it the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Martin of Sa
lem and Mr. Hartley it the ton
of Mr. and Mrt. Alvin Hartley of
LEAVING for Palm Springe
this week-end will be Mr. and
Mn. Charles A. Barclay and
family. They are driving, Mr.
Barcley to return ahead of his
family who will spend some
time with Mn. Barclay's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons.
Birthday Event
Marilyn Luther, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Luther, ob
served her ninth birthday today.
This afternoon, Mrs. Luther ar
ranged an after-school party for
her daughter, guests including
18 school and neighborhood
Mrs. J. A. Yeomant of Spo
kane, grandmother of Marilyn,
arrived in time today to attend
the party and is to visit a few
dsys at the Luther home.
Washlngton, D.C.
Dear Marl a:
Mrs. Deoglas McKay, wife of
the Secretary of the Interior,
was a thrilled witness of the me
morial service on Lincoln's
birthday when wreaths
placed at the base of the mag
nificent lt-foot statu of Lin
President Dwiaht D. II
hewer set aside precedent, as he
has on other occasions, ana
walked up the long flight of
steps shesd of his aides carry
ing hi huge wreath, rather than
remaining at the foot of the
steps as recent Presidents have
done. He was serious faced and
solemn in demeanor but ac
knowledged the audience when
he reached the bottom of the
flight. The first wreath placed
was that of the Secretary of the
Interior, and Secretary McKay
advanced ud the steps aecom
panied by representatives of
military organizations, Including
the Legion of Honor. The Me
morial area is a national park
and under the supervision of the
Interior Department and Mr.
McKay followed custom in of
fering his tribute, too. Twenty
wreaths were placed by the or
ganizations. There were no
speeches but the Gettysburg ad
dress was read and the Marine
Band played for the audience of
tome 1,000 persons.
Life magazine ptiotognphen
have been busy about the De
partment at various Mm is dur
ing the week, taking a series of
pictures that will appear In the
issue that will be on news stands
on February 28, according to
present plans. The Secretary It
to be featured and the activities
of the Department outlined.
On behalf of Capital Post No.
0, of the American Legion, Sa
lem, a beautiful oynx base pen
set was presented to Mr. McKay
on Monday. Presentation was
made by Archie Leveland and
Vie MaeKensie, members of
Capital Post, and Senator Cor
don aided In the brief cere
mony. Archie, who it now man
ager of El Rancho Vegas at Los
Vegas, formerly conducted a
dance orchestra In Portland.
While he has never attended a
meeting of Capital Post, he
keeps up his membership
through the yean.
Wednesday 1 met with two
groups with which I wst affili
ated In Salem. I -attended a
Zonta luncheon and a Theta
Sigma Phi dinner. The Ameri
can Newspaper Women's club
invited me to a tea for British
Ambassador and Lady Soger
Mnfr'j but as a working em
cloves of the federal govern
ment, tea time conflicted with
office hours and I skipped the
Sneaking of newspaper meet
ings, when Nekssn Rockefeller
was in to see the Secretary this
week. I mentioned his talk to
the Oregon Newspaper Publish
en association a few yean ago
and he recalled the pleasure of
getting acquainted with some of
the publishers at that time.
This week hat been on or
calendar upheavals. First, we
were notified the Secretary
would be needed for Congres
sional hearings on Wednesday
on the tldelands legislation, and
I cleared the day by cancelling
a flock of appointments. Short
ly after that, we were advised
it would be on Tuesday.
Agr.ln a scramble of phone
calls to set aside appointments
and to try to rearrange times
for those who are en rout to
Washington and can't be reach
ed until they get here. On top
of that, the hearings were then
postponed but two other Con'
gressional committees called for
the Secretary to appear on ap
propriations snd Hawaiian
statehood and, of course, at
times when again the calendars
were loaded.
Again I must clear the slate.
I am about to order some ink
that fades for appointments as
my calendar is hard to. decipher
with all these changes. After
all, it's lust a part of the Wash
ington picture, I should add
HONORED at a birthday party
this afternoon was Elizabeth Ann
Upjohn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Richard Upjohn. The day was
Elizabeth Ann's eighth annivers
ary. A group, of her school
friends wss invited for a birth
day luncheon after school.
Exclusive, full-flavor grinds guarantee you
Three world-famous
singer Featherweight
Portable sewing ma
chines which have been
used as demonstrators
available at reduced
bargain prices. Good as J
new never out of our
hands. Here's the value
you've been waiting for,
so hurry first come,
first served! Liberal
trade-in allowance.
Easy terms.
MKHIKf 1 PS.ea.
FEB. 21 TO 28
130 N. Commercial
Phone 3-3512
3 Alumnae
Groups Are
.Three sorority alumnae
irninv nut Thursday evening.
Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae met
t that hntna ttf Mrs. JOSCpn W.
Chamben. Mrs. Ralph E, Walk
er was welcomed ss a new alum
na by the group. Others attend
ing were Mrs. Vernon Wlscsr
son, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mn. Wel
ter Bradley, Mrs. Charles Mar
shall, Mn. Ralph Jackson, Mrs.
L. Bruce Crandall snd the hoet-
Kaooa Aloha Theta alumnae
were entertained by Mrs. Oli
ver T. Mansfield end Mn. Sam
C. Campbell at the Mansfield
home. Attending wen Mn.
William E. Deeney, Mrs. George
Hug, Mn. Donald McCargar,
Mn. Victor Murdock, Mrt. Keith
Powell, Mrt. Edwin T. Snider,
Mrs. Richard D. . Slater, Mn.
James Watts, Mrs. Charles v.
Wood and the two hostesses.
Sigma Kappa aiumnae were
suesu of Mrs. Joseph rranao.
Mrs. Leon Everltt gave a book
review. Alumnae attending
were Mrs. Earl Hampton, Mn.
Norman Johnson, Mrs. Eric
Carlson, Mrs. E. E. Beckman,
Mn. L. L. Jensen, Mn. Allan
Johnson, Mrs. Lynn Wallace,
Mn. Frank DeWitt, Mn. Leon
Everltt and the hostess. -'
Y-Teen Presidents -
New presidents recently el
ected by Y-Teen clubs at Leslie
junior high school are Miss Sally,
Relwald, 7tu grade; Miss Claud
ia Peterson, 8th grade; Miss
Donna Zen, 8th grade.
New officers st Parrlsh Junior
high school are Miss Sandra Ev
erltt, 7th grade; Mitt Carol
StoUr, 8th grade; Miss Shirley
Tabor, 9th grade.
Serving in the West Salem Y
Teen club will be Mist cJannt
Holcomb, 7th grade; Miss Donna
Lawrence, 8th grade; Miss Bar
bara Sharpe, 0th grade.
A nroBTam was presented for
the meeting of downtown Snlem
Lions club auxiliary meeting
last evening at the boms of Mrs.
rioyd Seamster.
Mn. William 1. rnuiips or.
. . . I
wu a sniesT io live a ni vu
the inauguration which she at
tended in Washington, D.C. Miss
Janet Gladden of Willamette
univenity sang. Miss Nancy
Hanson at accompanist, and Miss
Judy Seamster, daughter of the
hostess, played piano numben.
The group made plant xor a
luncheon planned in early
April as an event for all five
local Lions auxiliaries. Mn.
Jacob Fuhrer Is chairman from
the downtown auxiliary, each
of the other grdups also having
a representative on the commit
The state board meeting is
announced for April IS at As
toria. Forty-five attended the meet
ing last evening.
MEETING at the IOOF tem
ple Thursday evening was Beta
Iota, Theta Rho girls. Elected to
membership were Velee Hol
land, Flo Burgermeltter and
Georgia Kyle. Rebekahs who
will join the group are Mn.
Theodore Rhoades and Mn. Au
brey Roher.
Plans for a dance on March
13 were arranged, all branches
of the order being invited to at
tend. A ski trip with the Marion
Junior Oddfellows of Salem is
planned for March 29.
VISITORS in the capital over
Thursday were Mr. and Mn.
Ben F. Dorrls, guests at the
home of her brother-in-law and
sitter, the H. G. Maiiont.
tt si 10 N. LIBERTY ST.
Oar 2V i , :30 o.m. to
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