Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 ,AS vwn'f
t Capital Journal, Salem, On, Friday, February 20, 1953
In the Y alley
The Yamhill county Camp of
Gideons bad charge or me sun
day evening tervice at the Hope
m,m ma church. A male trio,
constsUnf of A. C. Carlton of
McMinnvUle, Karl Cochran, also
of McMlnnvllle, and Jen Prim
mer of Amity, accompanied by
Mrs. Primmer, wnf aeverai -
Next Sunday evening, a film
(trip. "The Good Book" will be
ihown at the Hopewell EUB
church. , ,
Prayer meeting thli week ti
at the W. O. Moddemeyer home.
Last week they met at the S. C.
Wilier home.
Mr. and Mrt. Robert Stutsman
n Ronald, of Woodburn,
were Sundey dinner guests of
her parenU, Rev. and Mrs. n. a-
vrmmm Olua. fon of John
OJua, ii out of the hospital at
Camp san miis uoupo. van.,
twan aasimed to a com-
i in the Slenal Corps. He
nncumonia Mtient. '
wniiam Johnson of Salem,
was a Sunday dinner gueit of
the John OJuss ana aire, mary
Pekkola and Mri. Gale Vinton
were Saturday afternoon cau-
Mr. and Mm. W. B. Evey and
daughter. Miss Delpha Ivey of
Manning, were Saturday gueiti
of their daughter ana son-in-liw,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Reed.
. Mm. Ralph Benge of Salem,
was a gueet of her filter and
family, Mr. and Mm. Charles
Stephen!. '
Dorothy Brown, Mm. Amy
Smlthart and Jamee Bennett
were Saturday afternoon callen
at the Marvel Brown home.
Robert Janxen wee home for
the week-end from Oregon State
The HopeweU Home Exten
lion unit will bold Its meeting
Feb. 15 at the HopeweU EUB
church with a potluck luncheon.
Mm. Ethel Gelaler and Mm.
Lucille Ellenburger will be
project leadeM for the lesson on
cake making and decorating
: Mm. Thelma Van Dorn, chair
man, will be In charge of the
bueineai meeting.
The cotton drew workshop of
the Hopewell Home Extension
has been meeting at the home of
Mm. John Puqua on Thursday
of each week, during February,
with the project leader Miss
Virginia Magnets and Mm. Lena
Wilson in charce.
Christy Van Dorn, daughter
of Mr. and Mm. Chas. Van Dorn,
is the latest victim of chicken
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stohr
of Portland and Mrt. Anne
Llbby of Centralie, Wash., were
Sunday dinner guests oi mr
and Mm. John Geisler.
Mr. and Mm. John Geisler at
tended a Valentine dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mm. George
Malstrom of Salem Saturday
Leonard Hickerson attended
Dad's Week-end at Oregon State
college, visiting hit son, Wayne
Hickerson at Sigma PI frater
nity house.
Mr. and Mm. Horace Edwards
and family of Toledo were Frl
day nlaht guests of Mr. and
Mr Ed Loop. Saturday, they
took their daughter, Roberta, to
Pedes Mn. A. B. Lyday,
Vicky and Jlmmie of Kings
Valley visited Friday morning,
with her cousin. Mm. Paul Ronco
and family.
Mr. and Mm. E. A. Burbtnk,
Lyle and Louie, of Portland, Mm,
Aaron Burbtnk and baby Lonnie
were Sunday guests of their
daughter, Mr. and Mm. F. M.
A Fellowship dinner wai given
at the school house Sunday,
following the morning service,
With the Summit and Kings
Valley groups invited. Rev. E. A,
Fogg, conference dlstrist super
intendent, conducted the second
quarterly conference.
Glen Turner of vacouver
Wash,, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
A valentine box was enjoyed
by each room at school Friday
Mr. and Mm. William Chest-
unt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pon
kratz of Portland, were week
end guests at the Gus Burbtnk
Mm. Emma Mc Dowell of
Newberg, spent Saturday with
Mrs. Lena Turner, who returned
home with her for a visit
Portland for an appointment
with the doctor. '
Mr. and Mm. Charles Robert-
ton of Sheridan and Mr. and
Mm. Donald Crippen of Mon
mouth were Sunday dinner
gueiti of Mr. and Mm. Loop.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse
and Robert and Granny Humble
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mm. Ralph Timm of
"Hello Del, thli la Mtry-Lu. I Jutt
wanted to tell you what a wonderful
steak dinner we had at the Oak
Hum last nlsht but Del-1-1-1 . . .
tt nearly broke my heart to have to
leave a gooaiy poruon oi vnai sm
Donald Friday evening when
Mr. Ensign of Ensign Lumber
company of woodburn was
rounding a cure Jut below jck
Bush's place on the Donald-
Newberg road, west of Donald,
the large flatbed truck got out
of control and plunged into the
creek at the foot of the hill, Just
after the turn. No one was In
jured, but It required the hoist
ing crane from the Ernst Hard
ware company In St Paul to get
the truck out of the creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Yergen were
Sunday dinner guests in the
home of Mr, Yergen's cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Linns of
The Masonic lodge of Donald
Is sponsoring a series of card
parties, the first of which was
held recently. Refreshments
were served by Hubert Yergen,
Earl Mohnlng and Robert Col-vln.
Percy Will won first prize and
Jonas Will won second prize for
the men at eards, and Mm. Bud
Yergen won first prize for the
ladies, and Mrs. Fobert of Hub
bard won the second prize for
tbe ladles. The traveling prize
was won by Frank Anderson of
The second party in the series
was Monday night, Feb. 18. The
committee in charge was John
Slusher. Percy Will and Cal Lew-
Is. who served coffee and cine.
Winning first and second for the
men were Norman Yergen and
Isaac Williamson, and for the
ladles, Margaret Yergen and Mrs.
Lorin Glesy. The traveling prize
was won by Mm. Bud Yergen.
The next party will be Mon
day night, Feb. 23, at 8 p.m., at
the Masonic temple In Donald.
Ersel Christopherson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Christopher-
ton was home over the weekend,
He was Inducted Into the service
Jan. 14, and Is now stationed at
Ft. Lewis, With., where he ex-
pectt to be for some time.
Mrs. Ralph Balr accompanied
Silverton Mm. Elmer Me-
Colley and daughter, Bonnie,
tpent the weekend witn reiauvcs
in Portland.
Mr. and Mm. James Down of
Valsetx visited Mrs. Down's par
ents,' Mr. and Mm. Joe Marsh,
Saturdsy and cauea on ner
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
McEwen, during the day. The
Downs were alto guests of his
mother, Mm. Goldle Down, over
the weekend. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mann and
their daughter, Mrs. M. L. Ben
son and children, Victor, Vera
and Ruth, left Friday for a week
end visit at Astoria at the home
of a son of the Minns, Mr. and
Mm. Glenn Mann. Coming al a
surprise to Glenn Mann wai an
ward of an electric coffee urn
for outstanding work In the As
toria Moose lodge Saturday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter
(Besile Bention) formerly of Sil
verton, now of Seaside, visited
with the W. P. Msnns while they
were at the coast ss guests of
their son, Glenn Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brewster
and son, Marvin, from the Vet
erans hospital, visited Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Brewster's
parents, the Albert Dunifers,
with the Roy Dunifers addition
al guests during the afternoon.
Spending a social afternoon at
the home of Mm. William Arthur
on Monday were Mm. John El
ling, Mrs. Florence Butts and
Mrs. Elmer Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hugglns
and Carol and Steve were Sun
day gueU of Mn. Hugglns1 par
enU, the I. R. Bittners of Port
land. At the home of Mr. and Mm.
Charlie Bascue Sunday were
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of
Portland. On the preceding week
end, the Charlie Bascues were
entertained at the Salem home of
Bstcue's mother, Mrs. Ed Bas
cue. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wassom
and sons of Toledo visited at the
home of the Lee Wassons over
the weekend. Mr. and Mm. Orin
Wesson arrived home the latter
part of the Week from Glendale,
Calif., where they spent two
months on a winter vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton and
daughter, Naomi, drove to Jef
ferson Saturday where they
were guests for the day at the
home of a brother of Mr. Mor
ton, the Richard Mortons.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Jackson
entertained at supper and a so
cial evening at their Scotts Mills
home with their gueiti from Sil
verton, Mr. and Mri. W. P. Mann
and Mrs. Delia Holm. Accomp
anying them to Scotts Mills was
Mrs. Lucy Dunagan, who spent
the evening at the home of the
Manilla Dunagans.
Bobby Hogan, Canltal Journal
carrier, a surgery patient at Sil
verton hospital from an emer
gency appendectomy, was show
ing marked improvement Tues
day though his case was at first
considered very serious. .
show. They ere being coached
by Mrs. Hal Reeves, Mm. Rus
sell Daulton, Mrs. Eric Fitzaun
ons. The show will be present
ed March f, at 8 p. It will
be a representation of the Gay
Nineties down to the present
Ernie Fletcher. Jr., was
brought home from the hospital
and is now at his home in Jeffer
son. He is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F Inlay
returned from a business trip to
Seattle, where they attended a
fur show. Then they went on
to Milwaukee, Wise., where they
attended the International Mink
show. They also visited cousins
in Texas on their homeward
Journey. ' .
Th T vtt mAm aehnal
basketball team won their game
from St. James Friday night.
Sit Flo. formerly of Baker,
Mont, visited at the Oliver
Ames home one day last week.
Miss Donna Mae Joslyn and
Marjorie Getselman of Portland
were visiting In Lafayette Fri
day. Mm. Wayne Huffman and
family and brother, Amoi Freel,
stopped at the Jim Basshardt
home a short time one dsy last
week. They were on their way
to Rose Lodge to visit Wayne's
parents, Mr. and Mm. Marlon
Aurora Lenten services were
held at Christ Lutheran church
Aurora Wednesday evening.
Rev. L. C. Leikauf attended
the coast conference of the Am
erican Lutheran church at Puy
allop, Wash., last week.
Pastor Leikauf s brother. Con-
rad Leikauf, of Aitkin, Minn.,
was a visitor at the Leikauf home
here. Additional guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Rushton.
The nursery facilities In the
Aurora Presbyterian cnurcn, re
cently organized, are being con
ducted under the supervision of
Mm. John R. Kraus, who would
appreciate having additional toys
and a play-pen for use In the
This will enable more parents
of young people to attend the
Sunday morning worsnip nour.
Anyone who can provide this
equipment for the nursery is ass
ed to contact Mrs. Kraus.
on my plate. I Just eouMnt eat u
ail. really, Del, I Just couldn't What
say, Delt"
"Well. I was Just going to say I do
not usually go around giving tips to
neoDle that out my revenue, but
Mary-Lu could I suggest that you
'Buuenucu ivnaerunn
teak. That Is a top grade tender
Mn cut from the lower end, or
mailer end. of the tenderloin. It Is
Ull the same woiraeriui onarooai
bareequed steak but It not as Urge
hence it costs leas than the New,
York Out and the larger T-bonee.
After all. why pay good money for
somethlna you cannot use (like that
extra half of a big steak) I"
Oh, my goodness, why didnt
tomeone tell me about that before,
why I know lots and lots of ladlfe
who leave half their steak on the
plate and believe ins, that does not
make a hit with the 'guy who pays
the bill,' but, my goodness, Del. a
lady cant Just ram It down to be
polite, now can ane?-
h btesj Ift Iht HeM Merle. Pa. M12J
Jefferson At the recent meet
ing of the Psst Noble Grands
club, ML- Jefferson Rebekah
lodge, a one o'clock luncheon
was served, with Mrs. Paul
Smith and Mrs. Scott Hawk as
During the business meeting,
Mrs. J. A. Wise wss installed
vice president; Mrs. Scott Hawk
was appointed cheplaln, and
Mrs. C. M. Cochran, marshals
Mrs. T. O. Keiter, Mrs. J. A,
Wise and Mrs. Scott Hawk were
appointed to plan for the card
party to be held at some future
Mrs. Harold Morrlssette and
Mrs. Jack DeVaney were guests.
During the social hour mem
bers and guests worked on rugs
for the club room,
A plant sale will be held at
the next club meeting. Mrs. Lee
Wells and Mrs. D. W. Porter will
be hostesses.
The Parent-Teacher assocla
Mrs. Fred Sexton of Molalla to tlon is practicing for the annual
an officers' meeting of the Ore
gon Federation of Garden clubs
at Eugene. Mrs. Sexton Is news
letter editor for the Northwest
Gardens Msgszine, and Mrs.
Balr Is on the scholarship com
mittee. They left Tueidsy after
noon and attended the regular
monthly meeting of the Eugene
Garden club, and then took part
In the officers' meeting the fol
lowing day.
Amity Rev. Nick Neufeld,
pastor of the Baptist church at
Stayton, will conduct special
meetings at the Amity Baptist
church for,two weeks beginning
Msrcn is.
Dr. and Mrs. T. M. White at
tended a meeting of Christian
churches at Lebanon Monday
evening, Feb. 16. Dr. White was
a speaker on the program.
Rev. William P. Bray, pastor
of the Baptist church, and Lydla
Wskeman, a member of the
church, both students at LInfleld
college, were among a group of
students ' from LInfleld attend
ing a speech tournament at Ta-
coma, Wash., lsst week.
Canton Yamhill No. 0 and
ladles' auxiliary, Patriarchs
Militant, held their February
meeting at Dayton I..O. O. F.
hall Feb., 12. Hugh Lewis, cap
tain, was In charge of the can
ton and Mm. Eugenia Robinson
presided over the auxiliary meet
ing, i
An application for member
ship In the auxiliary was pre
sented. Mrs. Mary B. Miller in
stalled several officers who were
absent at the regular Installa
tion. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs.
George Naderman of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Schuch
ardt are visiting his parents in
He has been stationed In New
York for special training In the
U. S. service. He will leave
shortly for Japan and Korea.
Mm. Schuchardt will remain In
Oregon until his return.
Willamina Mrs. Emery
Dentel attended a meeting of
the Yamhill County Tubercu
losis and Health association In
Newberg this week.
Mm. Richard Hanson ana
dauihter of Crescent City, Calif.,
are visiting this week with Mr.
and Mm. B. B. Ham ana air.
and Mrs. George Hanson.
Mr. and Mm. V. C. Nesl spent
Tuesday and Wednesday la To
ledo with Mr. ana mm. uugn
L. E. McGee of Mist, was a
weekend guest of his son, Mr.
and Mm. Ray McGee.
Mr. and Mm. Garland Huddle-
ston and Mm. Susanna Coblentz
spent the weekend in Milwau-
kle with Mr. and Mm. Paul Hos
Mrs. John Breeden, Mrs.
James Stillwell and Judy at
tended a birthday dinner Fri
day for the former's mother,
Mrs. William Hantze of Mc
Mr. and MM. Emery Dentel
and family spent the weekend
In Portland with Mrs. Myrtle
Bogan and Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doe-
bele and family of Astoria were
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mm. E. A. Spencer.
Mr. and Mm. W. L. Whitworth
of McMlnnvllle were Sunday
guests at the D. S. Watts home.
Mr. and Mm. Guy Russeu of
Northwood, Iowa, are visiting
this week with Mr. and Mm. J.
L. Aase.
Mm. Leo Read spent last week
visiting in Klamath Falls with
Mr. and Mm. Oscar Beneflel
are spending this week In Se
attle, and visiting with Mr. and
Mm. Kearney Beneflel ana ism-
Clare Hall ana Mr. ana mm,
R. B. Watts were Sunday guests
st the Sam Timberlake home In
Mr. and Mm. Gordon Barron
and family of Eugene spent, the
weekend with Mr. and Mm. Karl
Mr. and Mm. Bill Mode and
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mode, of
Independence, visited here over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mm. Dale Snow and
son spent the weekend at the
C. L. Snow home In Yachats.
Mm. Bernice Miller of Port
land was a weekend guest of
Mr. and Mm. Ernest Connlck.
Mr. and Mm. Ray White and
Karla of Gladstone spent lsst
week here with her parents, Mr.
snd Mrs. Dave Paine.
Mr. and Mm. Dexter Smith
and Wendy have moved to
Grants Pass to make their home.
Mrs. Edna DeRose of Berke
ley. Calif.. Is visiting her moth
er, Mm. Adoipn scnuxar, wno
has been 111.
Sunday guests at the Floyd
Pais home were Mr. ana mm,
Roy Newbill of Sheridan, and
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Psge.
Weekend guests at the Floyd
Zetterberg home were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Davis, and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Davis and daugh
ters of Warrenton. Sunday, Mr.
and Mm. Victor Zetterberg
were guests for a second birth
day dinner for Gloria Davis.
and coffee were served by the
Mrs. Oscar Ronge had a dem
onstration party at her home
Tuesday. Feb. 10.
Weekday mass during utm
will be st 7:30 and evening
services will be on Wednesday
and Friday evenings at 7:45.
Mr. and Mm. Philip Gooding
and family, are moving to Mt.
Angel soon. Mr. Gooding is
driving truck for the Mt. Angel
Farmers Union Oil company.
Dallas Several members of
the Polk County Council tor
Camp Fire Girls are making
plans to attend the Annual Re
gional meeting for Camp Fire
Girls which wlU be held In Port
land on Feb. 27 and 28, accord
ing to Mrs. Hollis Smith, presi
dent of the Council.
The meeting will consist of
four workshops, three of which
may be included by anyone at
tending the meet. The work
shops are concerned with coun
cil administration, camping, re
cruitment of volunteers and re
lationships (volunteer, profes
sional and civic).
Featured on Saturday after
noon will be the Style Show to
be sponsored by the Horizon
clubs. The speakers for the
meet will Include civic leaders,
national headquarters staff
membcM, educatoM and Camp
Fire Girls. I
The Bridgeport Community
club held a Pie Social at their
regular meeting Friday, Feb. 13.
Tbe purpose of the sale was to
raise money for a resuscitator
for the FaUs City Fire Depart
ment The Social enabled the
community to present $43 as the
first donation to the Falls City
Fire department
The annual Firemen's Dinner
was held on Sunday, Feb. IS, at
the Chamber of Commerce
rooms. The dinner prepared by
Ed Hayes, was served to ap
proximately 100 firemen and
their families. Mr. Jack Graham
served as Toastmaster for the
occasion. The highlight of the
dinner occurred when Walt
Young, fire chief, showed his
new uniform for the first time.
The meeting usually held In
January had been postponed to
await the arrival of the new uni
form. A bit of humor was Inject
ed int othe meeting when the
firemen presented Chief Young
with a plastic bib for the new
St Louis
St. Louis The last card so
cial before Lent was held In the
St. Louis hall recently with a
good attendance. Prizes In "900"
went to William Manning ana
Lawrence Ferschweller and In
pinochle to Mrs. Joe Doran. The
special prize went to Leonard
Ferschweller. Mrs. Leonard
Ferschweiler and Mm. Alwln
Manning were chairmen.
The St Louis Altar society
met at the hall last week. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Ed Grass
man and Mm. Robert Zelenskl.
The VFW held a social bene
fit at the St. Louis Hall Feb. 12.
Mrs. Clara Strange of Wood-
burn won the specisl prize. Pie
Hubbard Rev. E. H. Hast
ings, pastor of the greater .Hub
bard parish, has received a call
as of September 1 of this year.
to be the associate minister of
the First Congregational church
of Salem, and has accepted the
Rev. and Mrs. Hastings came
to Hubbard and took over the
church parish in June 1930.
They have two children, a
daughter. Carol and a son, Paul.
The March of Dimes received
$14 collected at the Hubbard
Parent- Teachers association
meeting Monday evening, from
the cake walk sponsored by the
members of the Five Stitches
4-H club.
The members decided to hold
a pie social Friday, March 27,
in the gym. All proceeds will be
used for purchase of three-
speed record players for the
Monitor The Monitor P.T.A.
carnival will be held at the
Monitor grade school gym at
8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21.
i.vonThe February meeting
of the Lyons Gsrden club was
held at the Reneaan nau wiui
Garnett Baasett and Alice Huber
as hostess.
Mrs. Raymond Branche of
Manama was a guest of the af
ternoon and gave a demonstra
tion on corsage making from ny
lnn nd chenille. Plans were
made to have a guest speaker at
the March meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgess
of Klamath Falls were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. anai
Mrs. Floyd Bassett, and with
other relatives in Gates and Mill
CitySundsy a dinner wss serv
ed at the borne oi oir. ana mrs.
Arnold Syverson In Mill City,
honoring the birthday annivers
aries of six in the group.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Lell of Delta, Colo., Mr.
and Mrs. Vergil Cribbs, Dallas;
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgess,
Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Devine, Gordon, Wayne
and Lorena June, Martin Cole
of Gates.
Mr. and Mm. Wallace Bevler,
.Gary and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs.
Darwin Raines and Alan ot Mill
City; Mr. and Mm. Peter Etzel
and Bernice, Fern Ridge; Wllla
Louckes, Gates; Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Bassett and Cecil of Lyons;
and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Syver
son, Harvey, Dick, Delmar and
Mr. and Mrs. Esrl Allen, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Worden wenti
to Corvallis Saturday where they
attended funeral services for
their uncle, George Allen, who
wss killed when struck by a car
while visiting at the home of his
Son, Larry Allen, and family in
San Francisco, Calif.
Loren Hargreaves, who has
been attending college at Berk
W Calif, arrived at the home
A Kt. OTlH Mr VA '
Hargreaves, Monday afternoon.
His plans for the future are in-;
definite. i
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and
Glen, Jr.; left Saturday for a ten j
day trip to Berkeley, Calif. I
Mrs. William Prihcard recelv-l
ed a telephone call from their:
William, Jr., who was in'
California. He had just arrived,
from service in Korea. He ex
pects to arrive home about Tues-1
day. . . .., t
Mrs. Orville Downing with her i
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Duane
Downing and daughter, Paula, of
Mill City visited last week in
Medf ord at the home of Mr. and
Mm. Richard Brown, in Suther
lin at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Downing and at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bailey
in Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwindt
are receiving congratulations up
on the arrival of a baby boy, Vic
tor Raymond, born Monday, Feb.
16, at the Salem Memorial hos
pital. This-Is their fourth child
and aecond boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Bam Bridget
spent several days last week b
Seattle, returning noma mona
evening. Mrs. Jack Christenien
was In charge at tne store while
the Bridges were away.
... . W I U - f . '
Miss riorma mui ounnav
.hnnl dan cave a narty at thli
home oi Otto Weidman last Sal
urday evening.
New Showing Opea
Jean raters Jeffrey Buter
HUarteM Ca-HIt
The Bewery Bays
Tomorrow 1:0 to 4:0 TM.
Special Matinee Featum
Shirley Temple
Tom James, Pattle TretUch. Al
exander Stein, Sandra Tratt,
Keith Morgan, David Rehfuai,
Joan Schaffers, Shea Henbert,
Karen Bacewlcb, Janice Evuns,
Dean Lammert, Jon Rhodai,
Cheryl Water, Debby Oben,
Lvnne Andenon, Dale Donald-
ton, Earl McAdams, Mary Kleta,
Can Cronn, uary Brigfe, Uianst
zumwaii, rai noreiu, soy war.
ran, Dennis Jay.
and hit
Presenting t "Really Top"
Floor Shows Each Evening
3057 Portland Hi.
Music by Stubby Mills and Hit Uni
ttum vm (unro with (oootst mn
Legionnaires. Aaalllary and Their Oneata Invited
STEAKS 1st Klsd tsend T Ions Slrlols lb
Prices Good While Quantity Lasts
Shop Early Place Your Order Now
V tmm 1 " i-i-im
! - Ostes Open t:45 '
SHOW 7:15
VI Spring RtOpenlng I
I 1 Technicolor Hits! f.
i "Iron Mistress" I
1 Alan Ladd L
ill Yankee Buccaneer if
ill Jeft Chandler 1 1
1 Frl. b Oar 4 Color If
11 Cartoon Carnival II
Open 6:45 p.m.
Marilyn Monroe
Joseph Cotten
In Technicolor
Uord Bridret
Randolph Scott
Patrice Wymore
In Technicolor
Cesar Romero
Open 6:45 p.m.
Donald O'Connor
Jeff Chandler
Maureen O'Hara
In Technicolor
Stewart Granger
In Technicolor
Richard Conte
In Technicolor
Hey Kids!
The Final
Chapter of
- At Noon
Don't Miss It!
On Order Over $4.00
Open 7 Days a Week
7 a.m.' to 1 a.m.
1120 S, 12th St. Ph. 26403
iZi J
You're paying
for top. quality
whiskey.'. .are you
getting It?
I fel IED 0 0 B T . F 1 H DO U T
aaHMMte" 111 i "MiMMMMMiMJiiuaiMOmaiaiaa
Next time try Glenmote. Its tasty, uniform high quality
learet no doabt that you hare finally found the finest
of all Kentucky straight bourbons. Prore it to yourseli
tonight take home a bottJai A, A
jr 11 PROOF