l-CptUl J r. B1w. Otw Friday, Ttbnurr 29, 1981 'l a... till-:. .a..i.mJ.:i7lMJ DalWared Own Twta Mm. Jame D. Scott, 20, of Pleas ant Vsller, O, is pictured with twin daughters aht delivered Bnmided.'The babies, Vlckl (left and Viola, weighted four pound! eight ounces and five pounds one ounce respectively. Mother and daughters are reported In good condition. Mrs. Scott to also the mother of five other children. (AP Wire photo) ' . ' 1 ' ' ' Women Complain About Debris Along Th matter of debris being scattered alone county roads 1m it in to the dumo by trucks carrying garbage and other ma tarlala broached by women of h Tour Corners area was dis rupt 1 durinc Thursday's ses sion of the executive committee of the Marlon county depart ment of health. : Inside the city limits, Salem Officials nave the responsibility f policing the trucks, out oui rlri tha county is faced with the problem, it was explained during the conference.. Dr. W. J. Stone, county health officer, pointed out that it has been found difficult to get complain ants to sign warrants against the violators. Dr. Stone and City Manager J. L. Franien agreed to be responsible for working with the garbage disposal epera ' tors. Dr. John A. Dyke reported concerning fluoridation of wa ter supplies. Communities now engaged in treating water sys tem include Gearhart, Corval Us, Philomath', Forest Grove, Florence, Pendleton, Astoria and Salem Heights. Places that have approved the program but where the system has not been Installed Include Bend, Eugene, Rose- Chief Warren Talks on Prevention of Crime By PAUL HARVEY TH Seleea Police ' Chief Clyde Warren toU the Salem high school student body Thursday that th best way to prevent rime such as car theft and burglary to to keep ears, build toca and houses locked up. Warren, speaking at many Ism this week in recognition f National Crime Prevention Week, told of the many other duties el law enforcement of floers. Ha said that the main duty of them la to protect our property and our lives. The Salem police chief told bow officers have the job of watching parking meter and keeping traffic Uhta in the right condition. Warren said the people of Salem authorized the use of parking meters In 1047 and now there are more than 1,000 meters. He said that every violator gets ticket except out of state ears and cars of those attend ing conventions. Those attend ing conventions are given spe cial parking stickers before hand. - Warren said at the present time the eity of Salem takes in $111,000 a year from the meters. Other officers check the restricted' parking zones. Chief Warren also told how the) communications division handle the traffic light situa tion. Thar are now 49 inter sections with light and some tf them dent have the "Walk" Bat "Wait" signal for persons walking. He said that sooner r later these will have to be replaced. He said that three sntorswrtton have electronic signals, which means they reg elate themselves to th amount est traffic. Toward th tod of th pro gram Warren showed the stu Oar Mt ESP I1 I INtrsM IDolph and ' K ' H ig h ways burg, Klamath Falls, HUlsboro and Coqullle. -phvulral examinations of sec ondary school pupils have been largely accomplished, it was re vealed during the meeting. A comparison indicates that in some schools more examinations have been carried out through nrivata resources than In others. Two factors were credited with this situation: first, more of nf them have been examined. with ntmrltlon bv teachers stimulating students to seek the service; secondly, use ox we in formation auDnlied bv students and physicians have been used to point up th need. Statlatlra ihov that births during January were less than during a similar period in 1932. The figures were 186 for last month and 210 for January in 1092. Deaths for January (includ ing Marion county residents in state institutions) totalled 73, an Increase of two over a year ago. Heart disease claimed 10 njvrmnna n fleereafl Of TOUT. Other principal causes of death were disease of the arteries, nine; cancer, nine; communica ble disease, eight, automobile accidents, two. dent body weapons wed In the capture of criminal. - He also explained the two-way radios in many of the police cars. Warren said on the whole there was more crime last year than 19S1. He told how many store and even a bank' doors have been found unlocked at night by policemen. Commenting on car-train ac cident in th past several year be ald 1952 had fewer of these type accidents than 1951 but this year we are off to a bad start He said he doesn't know how people have escaped death In so many of th ear-train ae cidents. MARINES GIVKS DIMES With First Marine Division, Korea (ff) The fighting Leathernecks of the First Mar ine Division in Korea chipped in a total of $72,692 for the March of Dimes. Ma. Gen. Xd win A. Pollack is forwarding the money to March of Dimes headquarters in New York. SCHAEFER'S COLD TABLETS For simple haadoch and timpl neuralgia caused by common cold, hadach, siatal ongettie, ferer, muscular ache and pains. temporary constipation. Only 50c-'1.00 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Oaea Dally, T:M eon. I .m. nanoaya, s P-m. - bjb. 135 N. Commerclel 25lh & Stale SI. Ph. 36997 Free Parking 111 Tss lb ftsMrf DfifiIillS liberty street - court street Take advantage of our once-o-month cleanup! Store-wide savings In every department., Odds-and-ends . . '.irregulars , . . broken assortments ... i incomplete siz range but quality and savings are are worth while. ALL ITEMS ON SALE FRIDAY-SATURDAY SORRY, NO MAIL, PHONE, C.O.D. WE GIVE AND REDEEM ZV GREEN STAMPS INFANTS CHILDREN usibtt nun 1.69 Children' Jeans utM tap. 1.00 s m a 1.05 Muslin Crib Sheets 1.00 I0e Children' Panties m. 8 for $1 1.10 Children's Sweat Shirts SMS SMS emir. l NOTIONS Lnssry stbsit Reg. 2.95 Vat Garment Bags OHM Blwtl. 1.U3 Clear Plastic Garment Bags - . t Art Rtinftntd. X.W 10c Black Rick-Rack Black onlj mm Tta. .03 60c Val Fey. Card Buttons Una MlMUoa. X)C Fancy Laces Una Miwttea. Vi price Reg. 40c Nylon Yarns Attorttd eaten. 39c Broken Card Buttons TihtM lee lilt4 uutitr. 1? ea. MEN'S DEPT LiasaTT sram Famous Name Polo Shirts M oalr-Ctkla and 1 nn Ml kalU lut, 1H. l.vU aertwt. Rayon Knit Unions I ealr Button ihmdir. 89c i. i.n. 100 Cashmere Sweaters S enly Faawiw aiftl sue M Km. ii. 10.00 Odd Lot Sport Shirts S aair-rmt malitr. lua. S.N. . 1.89 Famous Nam Slipper Sox M pm. Bliavw Sos M4 anw, m. I KK 2.00 Wool-Rayon-Cotton Socks 39c Viscose Gab Jacket aalr-waihakli. Q AA m M-U-M. Bta. I.N. 100 Wool Chopper Shirts 11 aalr Fan lnttk taut. ata. I.M. . 4.79 Lumbermen's Neoprene Psnts S alraatra kMrr. Km. t il. 5.95 Neoprene Jackets S anlp Bstra fetttr. all. r rjc rawul aiitt M-M. O.VO tut, t N. Gabardine Slacks, 4060 11 taW Wrtakla mutant. hMa M. Ih. I N UN W-ll-M-W. 5.50 Broadcloth Dress Shirts M aalr-WMto. Braiaa 1.79 IN. Rayon Dress Scarfs S alr an. I N 59c White Duck Pants I talr awforlnd. arm . o fn M-tt-d. ata. I.N. Famous Name Sport Shirts 1.00 Uafa. Bw. I I Slipover Plastic Jacket 4 aaly SUM Ml?. a. i.n. 49c BOYS' DEPT. uaiarr rrasar 1 Jacket Wool Lined min tnitob Rm. U N Far aollw. SIM IS. 6.95 6 Prs. Flannel Pajamas Rtt. I N But 1-11-14. 2.00 t Sweat Shirts Design on front Re. 1.11. SUM lull 1.00 11 Grey Gym Shorts M. 1.11. SUM n-ii-ii tint .50 10 Gab. and Rayon Shirts Lena 1mt. SUM H-10-1I. X.W 1 Prs. Long Drawers Crtaa eolorad eottoa. Rf. 1.10 aliea l-u. .79 2 Prs. SS Unions Lonff lcr. eetton. Kaf . I.N sue 1-11. ' .99 1 Wool Jacket mid front. 1 J.M Sl II. 2.00 NEW APPLIANCES! Floor Samples! NO DOWN PAYMENT! REFRIGERATORS Philco 12.1 cu. ft. Double Door Philco 9 cu. ft. Automatic Defrost Philco 9 cu. ft. Full Length Door Philco 9 cu. ft. Automatic Defrost RANGES Philco Range, Double Oven 329.95 Philco Range, Double Oven 419.95 Admiral Range, Automatic 329.95 Murry Gas Range 149.95 .L&H Range, Six Burner 449.95 i. DRYERS, WASHERS, IRONERS Apex Washer "119.95 Horton Washer 99.95 Bendix Automatic 229.95 A.B.C. Automatic 319.95 Portable Dryer 129.95 Apex Ironer . 229.95 SEWING MACHINES New Home, Full Rotary 189.95 New Home, Desk 179.95 New Home, Portable 146.50 New Home, Portable 99.95 t APPLIANCES, DOWNSTAIRS 7 Raincoats with Hat Rta. S.N Orten tolor. aim 4 and I only. 2.00 18 Tee Shirts Pltln color. R.i. r1 AA He SUM 10-11. 1.W 3 Prs. Brown Cords BlH 13. Rtt. ) l. a.79 1 Pr. Slipper Sox SIM II. Ret. 1 11. 1.00 6 Satin-Billed Caps YtUov anlT. Rtt. IN. fa Auorttd iiim. w I Navy Peacoats Oft. IB Bit II onlr. 5.00 5 Prs. Corduroy Mittens Lnt tttt aalr. Rta. I.N. .50 1 Plastic Jacket Zipper front, Mat II. 1 Aft Rti. I.N. 1 Red Leather HelmeU SmtU tlst. Rta. i n. .50 HOSIERY-LINGERIE UBIRTT BTRIIT Ladies' Flannel Gowns Rtt. 1 N Haltltoltr 1 An prlnU, popular tjata, .11 Reg. 1.65 Sheer Nylon Hose ) ttntP. U tall. PlrtU. 1.00 4.95 Values Ladies' Slips Bralun Mm. , 2.99 3.95 Values Ladies' Slips Brekia UMfc. 2.00 49c Ladies' Panties Popular lUn tincir. ' 3 for $1 1.S0 Nylon Panties Popular dm LOO HOUSEWARE DEPT. COCBT STBBTT Reg. 49c Aluminum Foil ii34 roiu. or Pre roll 0 Reg. 1.00 Plaid Rag Rugs I . CO a ecu .09 Reg. 1.50 Mayonnaise Dish With Mint lid It. pro Spteltl ;7 Reg. 459.95 399.95 339.95 369.95 Sale 409.95 359.95 299.95 319.95 289.95 389.95 289.95 89.95 399.95 79.95 69.95 189.95 289.95 69.95 164.95 139.95 134.95 99.95 69.95 Reg. 98c Hamburger Mold Alamlnua. .50 Reg. 29.95 Deep Fat Fryer Cnromp flnlib. 21.95 Reg. 2.95 French Fry Cutter Btront aad turdr. 1.95 Reg. 1.98 Plastic Cake Cover Auorttd polort. 1.59 Reg. 13.50 Hotplate Porotlua imua. 8.79 65-Pc. Set Dlnnerware Rtt. MM Ooldta Rot. Bpttttl 18.88 Plastic SheM V Edge Psper tt. no 2 rolls 1.00 FOUNDATIONS BRASSIERES UBIBTT STRUT Perma Lift Brassieres Rtt. i ts-Brpkta tSM arloa. 1.50 Reg. 3.95 Bestform Girdles Slit M Palp. 2.95 Bestform Foundation . Rtt. HP-atata M n ti- 6.95 Reg. 1.00 Garter Belts BnUprai. .69 Reg. 4.95 Nylon Girdiei Puilta tirlt. 1.89 Reg. 2.00 Bestform Bras antra tons lint. 1.50 Famous Name drai TalMt to l.M. Ltrtt ptltctloB. 1.00 ACCESSORIES SPORTSWEAR LTBIBTT STRBtT Reg. 2.95 Umbrellas II rIP-aiultleolor. 1.99 Reg. 2.95 Silk Scarfs Plpralp lartp plM. 1.59 Reg. 98c Neck Scarfs MortlUtP aolld polort. .49 Reg. 1.29 Flowers Aptortpd color. .59 Reg. 88c Linen Handkerchiefs Lnoralai print. .59 Reg. 2.50 Friendship Garden Colotno porfumo. 1.50 Orion and Wool Skirt Rtt. 10.11. Lartp Mloctloa. 7.99 Knit Suit and Dresses Rtt. 1T.M Brokta ttttp. 15.95 Values to 7.95 Blouses Rarou. woolt. nrloni. 2.99 Values to 7.95 Sweaters Brctkra Usta Mpevrs. 2.00 SPECIAL SAVINGS! FAMOUS-MAKE Women's-Children's Shoes GROUP fto. 1 Women'f CasualsThere's 1 00 pairs in straps, ties, o few wedgies! Sizes 4 to 8 in Blacks, Reds, Browns. GROUP No. 2 Children's Oxfords. Brand nomes parents are familiar with. All sturdy, long wearing. SHOES DOWNSTAIRS Values to 59.95! Women's PASTEL SPRING COATS All-wool fabrics by Julliard, Uxbridge, etc.! Poodles, fleeces, boucles in "Powder Puff" pastels. All beautifully interlined; many with the new insulated linings. Broken sizes. COATS SECOND FLOOR MID-SEASON CLEARANCE! WOMEN'S DRESSES ORIGINAL PRICES 7.9S TO 24.95 There's 50 dresses we wont to clean out quickly! You'll find wool jerseys, wool crepes, taffetas, failles in on and two-piece styles; nice group of colors. Sizes for reg ulars, juniors, half-size figures. DRESSES SECOND FLOOR "CLASSIFIED" SALE SO BIG, SO SENSATIONAL, THE ONLY WAY WE CAN SHOW YOU ITS GREAT SCOPE IS TO PRESENT SOME OF THE ITEMS IN THIS "CLASSIFIED" STYLE. SHOP EARLY! DOMESTICS LIBBRTT STREET Reg. 39c Opened Flour Sacks Bltachid whiia. .33 Cannon S-Pc. Towel Set Rtt. 1 Auorttd colon. 1.88 100 Wool Comforter Rtt. ins. attia oovtr pttttrnt. 9.99 Damask Cloth Set Rtt. I N. MllO- r QQ Attorttd color. Reg. 59c Place Mats auorttd pattern. .33 Cannon Dish Towels Rtt. 4e Raptd-drr. 3 for $1 Muslin Pillow Cases Rtt. too Pin count muslin. 3 for $1 Famous Name Elec. Blanket RC. M. DOOM bd, inglt control. 39.95 White Sheet Blanket ttef. J W-Himmrd, snowy whit. 1.99 PIECE GOODS LIBERTY STREET 80 Square Prints Rtt. 4PO Ntw ' ; print pattern. .33 Fancy Denim Fabric Rtt. No-olldt, fliund. .59 Figured Outing Flannel Rtt. 40- 'oc Ptnoi patttrni. ou Reg. 79c Metallic Pint .59 Dark pattern. 88 3" SEOO Reg. 69c Rayon Print -Umlttd auantltp. .49 . Reg. 9Rc Rayon Gabardine " Aitorted olor. .89 Ready-to-Wear " LIBERTY STREET Values to 59.95 i All-Wool Coats II lont coAte, vlth f Knout Ubtl. Mint Stbrte. 25.00 Values to 69.95 All-Wool Coats Thtr' 111 BoUnp. Jul- QQ qa litre, ate ftlpnjr tolor. 7t7i7 Values to 29.95 Rayon Suits Juit li ot thtm.. For ptnr 'round titr. ' 10.00 FURNITURE COl'BT STREET 4-Drawer Chest Solid htrdrock tuttm niplt. Rtt. N.M. 69.88. 4-Drawer Chest Solid hiolroek upl. po OO Rtt. P4.M. OO.SS Selig Modern Sofa 4 onlp Odd. ptppb. Rtt. lll.N. 78.88 Sellg Modern Chair 1 nlr. Rm Up 28 4-Drawr Chest Htnionlt aatr-pr tap. Rtt. 4P.N. 29.88 Modern Arm Chair Bf Stilt. Coral, trtr. Rtt. N.N. 89.88 Foam Rubber Sofas Br BufftUa 1 Rtt. 1M.N. 119.88 Foam Rubber Lor Seat Br BufftUn. Rtt. lit II. 69.88 S7x54 Scatter Rugs All wool nd blonde Dlttprdtd Munplt. Rtt. 11.15. 6.88. Cotton Loop Rugs I4i)l Rtt. Ml 1.79- DRAPERIES : COCIT BTRRT . Novelty Weavt Rftyon and cotton. Ret. 1.7ft. now 1.75: Tier Curtain - pnd M". White only. Ret. 4.1. now 2.00 Marquisette Yardage Rtron nd cotton. A I rv Rtt. 3c nd lie, now x.W Marquisette Prlscillas Rtron. Hill. m dot c nr nd told ovtrltr pttttrn. O.&tJ Rtt. 1.50. Rot. Oold, Elut. Oretn. Lined Draperies . up to n m 10.00 Faille Draperies Doubip width, pitm i o en colon. , Rtt. It It. l.OU Faille Draperies Hi Width Wide 8.95 Quilted Bedspreads Cotton Inlllt. mod tut. of tolor. Rtt. ii.n. 8.00 Chlntx Ruffling Bin, rot, ehtrt.. trttn. Rtt. Itc pd, now 41.00 Plastic Window Shade MH. 1.49 Binkley Traverse Rods Clotoout N N IN wot I N. now n u iw. wu 1.4, now 3.98 2.93 Chenille Bedspread pnip fpu tin. t. i.n, now 6.00