? 16 Capital Journal Salem, Ort Friday, February 20, 1953 REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN IllttlUtl IHIHtlM WWUH FARMS ' tiiiwimiiiiiM vnuva Hf ftlttlllltl A.w HI mi ' ttlllllllUlttlSltAM Milium ii intuitu muni ii WIN M M I Kjzium turn COURT la asrrea too. im unite, an tarnished. Met af gi.ioe a iw, 10 in u tremor- food no.oM. dcpiet-TrlMl bmauust for uh 111 S borltOowae aad gefaerela traxvoee. BulldUeg Interior alerters ere mmiM. Lot adjoiatng, which It an! ( ft duplex, li ttelMM b mil Onn win MU far 114,100, ee lake Borne m aorth m trade. ' mm m kami. double gerage, Vg aere. Here U iioo m. ft at mi living tbt tm owner will total tog gneeuar tse-geeri HOB HTM I bedrooms, 1(4 blocks tnai McP-lnler MhML Tim k tat elder ttome with Mat? of room BU p ka looking for. 14.104. DATUOItT AIB(Bt-tMlk Bear High etr.ee. I boxrreocaa. urai room Id i ao. Separate dlnlne room Mi 11 Pull toMMU with eVmele WW ClOM to evnools. gu,M0. FARMS S4 ACTUM We at ailrertca IU.404 13 acres But at Woodhurn . Aa U!RH north UirinL boon firm 1.144 4 ACMES central HowelL WlUim otte Hit ttMM W acres oma, c I, velon. wbeet M). M A CRM Mverton, Tradi for linn SEI, Be ICMi I ! A KM ft. irrliiuoa Mm IU.M Mo ACRES Polk Ce. Bheee (uv.IK.0M Call Mr. zitecwite, im. win ROBERT B. SUUJVAN ' REALTOR nm Fortlud Ron! , Ph. 4-4e pa. fa.: i-iin, i-tm. 4-4433, A.17U, t-int 15,262 Square Feet Aa mutaBdlng eommerclel property oo favorably located tbil lt'i gullAble for gevgril trpci of buatneec CIom In and la I foe Ue rowing im, with II aa a luirur triralld itrwt. rrte m.om. anowa br appoutainl anlr. bh Mr. Joum. ED D. POTTER, Realtor til a. BUh . pn. i-mii ar l-m 10 AC. BOUI ml. H.W. 1 ml. Morth at POPCORN acHOOL. J-odrmj. wlrtd lad plumbod houM, blr mini roomt ocnniAMDrjia VUW. TILIVlalON BBCXFTICIN XTX aoRPASSED. ailim phou, mill Aj htarb cDooi out. Ran Diniia. iwof. c. w. aTULBR, JUaltor. ailim. Ortraa. an xoxiwitor. rn. i-imt or o-oth A Stable Farm Value PAMXLT PAJIM OP K AOTIB, aMrlr all la ealtlriuoo. Llri rr-nowrvl OTMk. aehool itw paiMa door. About li uaatoi from Biltm. Modora 4-bodrooni roots homo Bira for too Hock. Oi loH food drlUod wilL fimthr onhard on tlmtm. PrlM 111,100. E. J. Zwaschka, Realtor Phoat l-MN . 1T4I Oraat at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCATATUa and rock oraihlni ksilaiH t aurortoo. Ph. MI. tiu GOOD B0MI AND into npplf noro, ox collmt loan. Opportonrty for aspuiloa. . 100 Mlw mcroiM la lut t run. If tourtiud. aet prompttp. Can S-IU din, or till onnlnu, or MO at (M Kiln, Libmoa. - odot Cafe and Uvira tor loin, mirrlod con plo. m mlloi Hit ot oitii on Rlfh- wi? 33. Pboni Min Cltr MU. Box 111, Olt. odll torn IALK oa lkaie coarinlintlr ootid dowatowa builnoat proatrtr. Me toltphono Informitloa. For ippolnt mnt. Mil i-oltl bofon 11 Mb or arur a p.m. oeT RESORT PROPERTIES . BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN RESORT LODGE ltk dtama room, auto to. Bath hauo ad M hoaoMMplas Mbmo. All tur auaod and oponUro. atoro aad im pumpo. obi liydro-olietrlo plial and rartrr vitir irrtim. Prlco au.ooo. Will tiko obhor proprrtr 04 tradt-m. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR IM1 a. Oom'L Ph. mil eUSINESSli INCOME 000 N. PROMT Boai 4 aoo. oorair vita Mutortoklo -drm. Kaao, lot Ton U. Ph. I4W tor WALTBt aocoLOFSET REAL ESTATE BBMIDBrrriAI. OOTBtTa Aj Apt, 4 watt ooarl IrT.too. feoait Bait Cwart m too. p. foralihod apt, boom PM.0OI. Clou In tood lOMtlonl. OENBRAL REAL BtrTATB Ml Con tor. Ph. UMI oool TWIN DUPLEXES Loto kallt wait! toomp I uwhoa. dlaotto. lau ot Aitomitli wiihor aad dmr. I Hllnml PHM ASA MO. AM I Walter MuBtn-ave Realtor 1111 Bdriwator Ph. J-noi, Bn. l-oj ootl" aTJOHWAT PROPERTY TM ALBAMY, ORE. 110.IOM irontwi oa poa s no aoop. ood twoodroom bouaa, I AT Alt, plontr room for a puilnno bulkllni. oood bur at P1I.PDO. LAwrooeo Edholm, Brokir, . a. miu. omna bmc- Amoar. oroaon OlU Wanted TO LBARE or miaaro aa apart bmbi aouw, Phono ium attar p. FURNITURE FOR SALE i:3SliES& TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY BVXMTNO WANTED FURNITURE la .LAsslFIEO ADYIBTIIIMO Por Wort II For Word, I llmoi No Por Word. tlaiM lip Por Word, I avMik am No Blfaado-Mliuiim II Wiroa. SI Dt la UmI Novo Col, Oar, Par word to Mlalmam II Word! Ta Plae Ad In Sam Dar! Paper, Phono -tv04 Brforo I sjb. WANTED FURNITURE WANTED oarBllere Ml iMllu AUCTIONS 8TORAGI DISPERSAL AUCTION I UN., FEB. JJND, 1J:30 TM. GLENWOOD PAVILIOIi aL. aaloai as MS. M Tor. . Orrm-at naW Hundred! of Itvmit praurrnraa APPUAMca moon Annocnj tool omm BTO. No reserv . . muit make room at one. BARGAINS FOR ALL Scotty;s Auction House 4840 CENTER ST. Sat, Fab. 21 - 10 am 4c 7 p.m. DEATH TM PAMXLT BRLHOS UADB iTnonn limHrmi TO AUCTION. LABOB BOalB OP PtntMrTUBE Of OOUMTBT. DOB TO WEATHTB COM- Drnotta THia an pobuo auctiom to aa bxld at acoTrra, batvb- DAT. Don't mill this big event! a Mini rrrarp tm OOCO TOOta Maorroouxitr ward i-n. rm- nttnnumt cal LUXB M. UONTOOHXal WARD BLSC. BAMOB UM IlUJLB M. o-O. BKDROOM BBT. COUPLETB BET. m ATR1KOAVX MATT. Ai BO fcPHIWO. Birr BEAUTY BEST BOX aPRIMO At f) TWIN BOLLTWOOD BEDRM. BET. COMPLETE BO BP81MO A MATT. at iraai rowwiho machtmb MEW SIO-AXX) PORTABLB aBWINO MACHXNS a DRES&BRa, OTBXB BEDS MATT. AMD aPRINOa 71 eim, OOOO OAMMBD PRDIT OBSX I -PC. DDCHBTTB BBT MIRRORS I (111 Ruoa LINO. RUO& BMALIf BCOS OLOTBBa BAMPBB MORB MIBO. product, omcaBwa, WABBrra. LIVESTOCK MOW TM i PAT YBALB AMD OTHBRB OOMB. BBTMO aOMBTBTMO TO BELL Col. Ernest E. Scott Ph. 46433 - Auctioneer FOR SAU LIVESTOCK COW TO PBUHEN la obi moath. JrrMT- Ounuoy. ClU 1N. DlllM. oil LIVESTOCK WANTED LOOBEB BEEP Whlti del Biralord, He. Loekir port. Joe. Mouina down. bum. to por. ouitom kiuinr. TriUtr loinod fm. aaum ami c, im a. uth. pn lllll. 01' RABBITS s does, o& lmtk, 1 rmoc, vtvl feufcfcM. tXO. t1j.- OALirOBNU BUCKS aad doOA. phono 43011. 1 OtaxU IW. PETS TOY MEXICAN ibjbolbua pupplll. Roi- utmd main for mtiim. Mil a. 12th at. oeli MOOBB TBOFICAL PUB. MUlpmmt. iuppIUo. 1 BUM from Llneiitlr on Mieloiy road. PhoBl S-7IU. Cloud Wodnojdlro. ocOl CHOICE CAMABTEa. 1M0 Cbratlkltl 8t. Phono lull. ocu BOUE POB SALE With Mddlo Bad brldll. Torr rolliblo aad null with ohlldrtn Ml. call I -4U kofon I K p.m. 4M0 I., uir. oetl BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM lit! MeCor. mo block lilt of M. Capitol. It bloeU north of Midlion. Ph. MtPT. octe FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. bo-buuuj rm AW 1MII Ptaaor trlmalrora, W load. Phont mil Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AMD BAWDUBT S. & H. Green Stamps Ittl Ml BrMdwap Hiway Fuel Co. Biwdacl tube cornea, all ktadl af wood. Phone l-olit. ee WALNUT SHELLS. M MCU tor II. 1 ton. IS ton dcllecred la town. Morrlc BJorfila PAcklni Co, 4M North Front. ee" West Salem Fuel Co. LOCK WOOD, 10- CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup wood lilt kderwotor Phone ailim 1-4011 CaDitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick mp Tour Pncto-Loga, Briquet! And Wood, in Bo. com'i, phone i-rni. FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored frrere, colored end leahora henj. Htthelt arlecc L Hitcbcrr, phone mil. t POB S ALB Twice wceklr, dar -old ehlcki in Mew HimMblrew. ParmMterA Red, White Loeborao. Auitra-Whltt, White Ror AO, white WTArMVvttei. Firmentcr aockerela. Loo Belch err. phone 13M1 r OOLDEN BBOAD ud Mew Himpihtri oblokj, hitched ererr Moadar aad Thurc dir. Our chleki trow footer, rw'i Hiichorr, Nil stole at. Ph. nm. r PRODUCE ORGANIC CBOWN TBU-BIPENED ar- mcc and gripofrult. wilnutc poo -, 10 lac. 1.171, pototooi, onlone. applee and ante. PtnLUP BROS. FARM MAR rxT, Me Lone eater DM re. Phone 11 lot. ft FOB SALE Peed VHue for Poultrr Feed er,, clem mixed wheel 7t 00 per too bulk. 177.00 per ton in pour nrkt, IU M tacked. Amltr Co-op. ptvmo list. Amur till" APPLES oood eelcclloB la Rome, apltt. good Delicious and Nowiom. Price range So up. Bring pour own eontilnrra t ScturdiT ind Sunder anlr. 7M Edge i witer street, West silem. Purltia Cider 1 Worte Bnlldlng. f ttt ALFALFA RAY, approxlmitclr W biiea , Phonc Mill. (Its OOOD OAT-VETCH her. . Other her II. straw til. Phone 4-1071. fftT HELP WANTED IN GRAND RONDE Educated free or Women with typewriter oe Mr! time cor respondent for Copltel Journcl. Oood par. Write ar OMlact Mlbo Porpci, Vol- mlng. glinting, fcrulltlaa. Bervug C en leg Editor. s tor. Pheao 4M7S. alt HELP WANTED KATIOWALLY KNOWN CO. ai na4- H 40. Bttll bin oomi ifffTlml ulllai oairlaMl. A ain w, vltk iiad Mirtloff laiirr. BoipltiiUtiUoa lad ro UrMBial plla. Oaod opROrtualtr for aor asiaoai vorkir. Apalr uir. aiatir aaiiai Co.. IM H. OmaMrclsl. HELP WANTED MALE rr M vies kx.m wuwl jufr TT t- ItlUlUOa V POOS OOIM. WANTED BY MAaTBR BBRVICE aTATIOPlB, no. for poottlon ii BtTDOET SALESMAN Baportoaco la crodll aad alios vork doalroAlo bat lot oowaUil. Wo troll poa for thu poojtloa. Protorrod mo limit M to n. Contact Jock Hulolt Bodrot M abm or Alt M. CaaAHOlclil satl wantfd 1 Mrk auroorraiM, ioroon or. malt Biro tBorouca oaporwaoo n lABt nroDMitloa. alaathia A auto toniaw for pomtlnont poUtloa. Af o ii-aj. anirr ntA-l-ao. Appir ta I m. Fork BUTOItt. EUIOBO. Orosoa. ooiopoopoao'oaopaao HELP WANTED FEMALE bwusixivfeb. fcaroo BlrhU. t dar wook, phono 7pM afUr o. aoof WOMAN TO atir dip tlrni with oldrrlr lidr oi Ml do aoaw homo work, ni Oiprtil JoorhAL imt OEEOON DIBEOTOB of Miltnil PirMI Edmeitola Prooram opoiuorod br a hit. AhoU Plold-ownod ostorpruo wis to tor vtow won on 31 to M for workup: aulo- tAhtA. Tho wornoa Mloctod mail wall odueltod. rollnod. llko atopic, bo tatorMtod la tho wclfin of chlktrcn; bin a 'cat! bo aroiiibio Immodutcir nd wininl to work for promotion. The poAltlon cilw for contAet with air. onto thorcforo oiporloneo In toichlnf, church work, or org initial adult sroupo ar llmllAr irporlonca II doclribll. 1100 auiriateed iiUrr with Aboro aririro oarnlal aotontlil tor Mccoufll Molt- tont. Mri. WMtnorlP wtu oonaaet torrlovi it bho Orooon stiti Eojplor atcnt SwtIM, 710 Porrr at. SoUm. oa Tuudir, pobrairr It, at 10, 11 and 1 o'clock. bM SOMEONE IN modern bono with etderlr lAdr to do BouMwork. wmm ooo. no imoko ror drinker. 17M1. Ibtt LADY TO BE La homo of olderht ladr. Ro- oulrid eomi cm and apieop oi nouoo. Box til Ciplul Joumtl. abM PIB9T-CLAIII TYFIaT clerk. iood oa Ilc- uroi, needed at moo. aiinimam Mpcr lonoi roaulred It food worker. Box 477, Cipitil JouraAl. sb WAunrr uiimi a wnm victor. aork. Morrki Blorlila rullu Co, on M. Front. o ,iooooo'ppoppP0'ap WANTED SALESMAN BAWLEIGH doiler wonted at moo. Oood opportanltr. write at onoe. riwioiib'i. Dept. ORB-1M-1M. Olklind, Clllf. ntt District Sales Manager For Salem and Eugene and vicinity. TO BUILD AMD EXPAND PABT-OROW-INO COSTUME JEWELRY DIVISION OP 100-YEAR-OLD COMPANY. MAN AOBRIAL SOCCES AND KNOW-HOW IN DIRECT SELUNO NECESSARY. COMPLETE TRAINING MATERIAL AND UNLIMITED COOPERATION BIO HELP TO ATTALNTNO MAXIMUM SUCCESS QUICKLY. OPPORTUNITY TO EARN 10,000 AND OP, BACKED BY SALARY, OVERWRITE AND COMMISSIONS. WRITE. STATING QUALIFICATIONS, AOS AND EXPERIENCE. TO R. O. LOOOINS, BOX W!. CO CAPITAL JOURNAL. ! RADIO SERVICE TRADE? Why Shore 1 We alreidr been tradlnt. Tradlns radloi In oa brand new, one cninnn let m titlona without itrlpc or eonrertcri RATTHSnNa. Yon ihoutd ate the pic ture la fact, whr don't rout We keep our free Toe Veo Thciter opes ererr ovenlne OEtll 1 o'eloek. MOW THAT WrVB TRADED WO Bin to pell: SALEM'S BEST USED RADIOS MAONAVOZ II month! old. Mituril fu- lih. l-epecd record chinger. Ail la per, feel cAblnet. Traded It In on a Rir- theoa TV. Tblo Muniroi the bur ot the rcir at till M on bank tanna tt ou wtih. H-dir uaraatoe. fmPARTON aiao a eomblnitloB with ree. ord plircr. Wilnut flnun. Beiutiiui condition, will lire K-dar aairiatce. 1110.10. auk terma. ATRL1NB CONSOLB TMe MO lookl older toaa I feel ant dOMMM u it docent' cound prettp good. I bare tccied at 111 At bcciuoe thit'i what allowed on a new RiTtheoa TV. You em bin It for rft.00 down And 11.00 week, come week!. It you hare cieh don't miki an offer tinleii rou are reidr to iceept deUrerr. Thlc one olut- tori up thi place. ATRUNE bcdeldc table model. Uie It In tho living room If rou with I don't can. Perfect ineldc outotde noedl punt. Will guirintce for to dire. OM awaeri Juet couldn't rojut the Rirthcon TV picture, tit le. HERTa BOME MORB. All guirmtccd ind tormi If roa wLeh. ZENITH eoneolo with record ehinger 071 so. alLVERTONE ooneole with record purer too. 00. ERSOH UblO BQAdel I17.lt. STEWART WARNER eoneolo III SO. BTLVERTON eoneolo 131.90. Aad OHI Toe. I HemU ton Belch mixer ao muile 111.10. WILL TAXI Ot TRADES ON ANY OP THESE RADIOS PRALL'S 220 N. LIBERTY PHONE 4-4742 WANTED POSITIONS LET L'S BELP do rour iprtng pointing Will do Me celling, will or entire aoueo. Contract or bp hour. Faralah reference Phone ctl. HOUSE CLEANING, phone 17170. Boom 211. SAP. All' POSITION AS BOMEMAHEB for mother lees home or olderlr couple. Live Health eertlfleive end rofereneoi If lulred. Bog Wl, Oipttil Journil. hit CHILD CABB ta pour heme eve. win. hw WORK OF ANY KINbChugl oalr tto per hour. u. B. Clark, ph. 4-atTl. hot' MRS. MICKXNRAM'a DAY NURSERY State Uceaeed aad lagpectcd. ph. 170M. blT ODD JOBS. Repilr or gcrdea work. Phone 1MI2. bll ELDERLY MAN wlohoe penninMt port time work. 20 recrt experience la food lice ind cashier. Mlot. bete UOHT CRAWLER, doling, dirt leveling grading. Phone 1-3330. bll BOTOTILLEB WOBB Now tables ordere for Mrir iprtng retoulllag la Keleer dletrlet. Ph. 44351. hJI BASY SITTINO cvcntncc. Seturdarc Bua- dera Avclloblc cftcr p.m. poc por hour. Phon.' 3-4403. h44 LADY WANTS hour work. K)c por hour. Cell ntcr I p m. car South Cepitot. bet INSIDE Kemtonlnc, rerp reeoonab'e. Ph. 1-4331. Free eettmoUA. hit Gl WOULD LIKE cpprenlkeihlp er lob IB gome trade. Bxporloaeed Is truck motor repair, truck driving, oood eoneclentioug worker. 12. Or will do enr thing. Phone 1-23W. Ml INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason. eblr. Ph. 30011. bel RELIABLE CHILD CABS of evening! and veek.adc. Phono 14411 week dive: mil evening lad weekoadg. Vlclnltr llll Oek. ht4 LANDSCAPE mianionoce. pruntng. trim- WANTED POSIT IONS PATCB PLAJTIBINa. proof oA. PriaA'o ililJ CABPKNTEB WOSJL eealaet miker. free hit cotlmatag. Call 1-1411 or 4-1411. TAX BATTJBMS pgopand roeorenoble roloe. Fa. 42 rear aeeae. bor" WANTED TO RENT CLEAN S bedroom begae. CaU S-1M1. TtMMAintrt reater eraau 1 or l-bodreeoe home with flroplaM BBS bacemMt. reef, paeae 1-0107. V )a- l-BEDBOOM aousE la sood aeUboor- nood. Per to 171. Phone 11014. liege FOR RENT ROOMS jnox pmoNT Ugt batfF. ago Mortb Chorttt. )k4pe sleepxno Bvryma, for one or two. tm . enures, memo g-cgro. jgee FOR RENT APARTMENTS PRIVATE THREE-BOOM fornubed court apirtmeai, luas. Aduitt, roe. reee rort lind ltd. IPS2 NICELY rVBNISBED biieador Apartmnta, Phone I-AIOI. Bummer, JPAI CLOU IN 111. HI. atlL tars, laaulre 37 N. LibOTtr. API 7. IP CLOIB IN. UA let, oad IM. Printe bath, BtADtlea, FuntlAnoo. g-oeas. i-ang. 1 BOOM ipirtmMt, onlr 111. Ceeaa aad aomiertaaio. XeMT peeieiiea. tea rerrr. 4 I BOOM NICELY furnlAhed. Utflltlea, Prt- veto bna. on ao. win. jpoa- NICB PTJBNISHXD I room apartmBt. prt vote Mth. elOM in, ceo ao, cmb l r-none into. lots PCBNISHED APABTaiENT. Clou 10 Cap itol lad ahopplaa Center. Phone S-471C Jptt Lee Apts. ailcm'a Molt DtcttnnlAhed Addrua PoUowma rentole ai bmhOTB bow: 1-Bdrm. arallabli Mir. 1 71.04 1-Bdrm. ivAllAble Mir. 1 1100 Por luktrrr living it mode re to ritit can t m N. winter at. pa. tuei. ip- S BED BOOM fornuthod dnplox apartment. AdulU. Phono i-lioo. JP- LOVELY LAKHS one-bedroom anfarnuhid except rihio. delict !!. pa. aiii7. Jptt THREE BOOM furnUrod iPArtment. eloeo to Capitol. Privito OAth. new gtori refrlieritor, eloctrlo htot. lot. Phone 141)1 irenraii or woek-ende. iptl PBTVATS S room tarnUhod apartmeet. Modora: oonploied oouplo obit. ct. Jptl 4-BOOM ftiratthad apt, IN North Mth. jpee' CLOSE.IM MODERN 1-room apartment. f urnlehed. Pririti OBtnnco. S or 9 srrli preferred. 431 M. Winter. Jptle LOWER OVBNISHED 3-room apartment. howcr, heat, hot weter, Bomux MP n. UMrtr, Phone I-TU4. Jpto LARGE BOOMS, bath, alio beeement. Ever 7 thing furnUhed. Inoulre 111 S. 13th. JP4I MALL, PURNIIBED, redocoratod, biH- ment ipartmMt, pnrate Mtruee. worn an preferred. 100 a. Cotmo. J pet BOOM BURNISHED apartment, 411 a. llet. Phone 3-6417. 3p4e AND t-BOOM furnUhed opt, ground floor, private both. 431 Forrr. Ip4t CLEAN. NEAT l-BOOM Bad both apt.. furnUhed. Hi per mo. liiu mi.uu ReAltr, 1-4M4 or 41711. It" LABGE, CLEAN, Furnished Apartment, utilities furnlehcd. cnua cere, goo ao. Htb. l UNFUBNISHED S roomi and bath, new. 1111 Chemckcta alter t:so. ipee- CLEAN PIIBNISHED 1 room dowaitalri Apartment, private aitn. iitmc, uvua tlee PAUL M0. Ph. POOIt. 2311 Hani Ave. ipll S-ROOM furolihed apt. P-lvite Mth and Mtranea. 711 S. Uth. rh. J-343P. Into l-BOOM pirtlr furnlehed apt, all B. Uth. 131. Ph. 1-7713 alter I IB jpeg' ONE-BEDROOM turatehed duplex, siricc, leundrj, Deer stito Hoepltu. 4-eeee. 1P40' t-BOOM APABTMENT with prlvaU en trance, ginge, adttiu onir. scar town. OVA. roll oftor A 4-toeo. Jptl BOOMS and prtratc bath, range furnlAh ed. 17.W per month. Phone 14141. lpte aiiBUBHAM N.tu three rooms, both, fur. alerted, oaroii. no artniore. e-n. oeooe, Jptl EXTRA LABoB S and 4 room pertinent lOte o oioeeiei outa . aohool and buelaeeg dutrlct, 1041 Edge wiur. wcet selem. IMT NICE BOOMS furnlehed. Private bath nd entrance. 1207 Morion at. iprr SEVERAL furnUhed apirtminta, good lo- ciuon. Inoulre H. u ami mmnure. Phono Milt. IP eioee'eooA'eaaaaeaaoaaaea FOR RENT HOUSES i.Aar.a a room bouoe. electric range, oil belter. girMC, wien i-oooo. eve. viai Bkrllni Rd. 1-1114. imli LAing farm HOUSE and bira. oft Bkr- Une Rold. Me MlectloM to cnLraren. gee month. B. A. Mowauiua, aibii, g-ooia. Imtt -ROOM MODERN tUTBlAbld tOttMC. Ph. I-Mll. mt4- ALMOST NEW 1-bodroom bouse. Rings, rcfrlgeritor furnUhed. roone i-ceos. oi lee 1110 Linclng. 3m4l' PARTLY furnlehed 1-bcdroom houee. reee onoblc. Adults. On bus line, rnono 1-7201. lm44 UNFURNISHED l-bodroom duplex apart ment, garage. Ill It. winter, rnono 1-I0M. lmtl S-BEDEOOM HOME Clean, good loca tion, bieement. 100 per mo. cm kiv llne Reiltr. 1-4144. Im NEAR NEW one-bedroom, atuitr, air port, wired for range. 1130 a, 14th. lm4 NEW MODERN l-bcdroom house, Kelter Diet. ClU 17303. Imio- CLEAN UNFURNISHED one bedroom houee. llttn IW. Adultl. Me peu. Ph. 4I1U. Im44 PARTLY furnished 1 room houee, refruc rotor, 3t. 143 Oilnee. Ph. l-llll. Imtl' I BEDROOM furnlehed cottecc edulu. eorAge, liundrr. Inquire ICtl Portlond Rd. imet' SMALL 4-ROOM houcc. BOWlr decorated, ctovee furnlehed. Phong 1-1343. Imtt MODERN CLEAN one bedroom, electric range and refrigerator furnlehed. Ph. 17130. Jm' ONE BEDROOM houee and genie, excel lent neighborhood, bug end Itorcs close. Pirtlr furntehed. Oirdon spot. ISO. Die count U leased. Pb. 43511 or 43731. Imtt UNFUBNISH 4 roomc and both al 111 ao. Lencootor. Phone 44430. Im44 FOB-BENT Several Boueeo, 114 per month. AIM 1 olorT CMcrctc wire houae with electric elevator, etore room on Perrr mreck STATS FINANCE CO, Phnno 14131. Im OFFICE FOR RENT OB l-BOOM SUITE, a clnglo. Oregon Building. Phong 14114. lo OROL'ND FLOOR effKe or ctorg epeoe for rent, cell it FIIU MerX.t W eweeeeteooe.o'e'0'e0'eeeaeeee LOST & FOUND LOST Black, bob-tilled fomoll terrier, ntmed Tlnr. Reword. 10453. let MISCELLANEOUS NOW ' U THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT A NSW ROOF OR S1DINO JOB. II YRB. EXPERIENCE. FREE ESTIMATES. CASCADE ROOFING CO. 711 CROSS ST. PH. 11133 ar 41411 met 1T1NORB THE WEATHER Oomo ta tbe Leunderette for wieMng ind drying. YM get rear clot hoc back acetlr folded end la a JlffT. Tbe root lo surer Ulnolr low. Phone 1-4IMI. Orel MMdars and Frldove till p.m. LAUNDERETTE MISCELLANEOUS aka-BTTl Tauctta D-DRira move YOuaajrLF BAVB it Piognrpa . sTAKaa TBXACO BTATIOM M corntT ar. proms t-im paob aniBwuB aad al msppobd BALEM BAND eg OkAVlt, COMPANY CMtraet Wert . Breed Cleaiias Dltaatas ewoe and Baagaecat Eeutpmcttl RmIiI DltcalM bp the Poet Phono Dere l-teoc Beat. 1-4417 ar 7411 aalcm, Oregon a DENTAL PLArTB REPAIR t-RB. SERVICE ZM MOgrr CASSB DR. BARBT aSMLBR. DBNTIBT . ante a, oomeseroial atr FB. 1-1111 M BUILDING MATERIALS Plywood Plywood Plywood MY OOODNBaa. what aa aatortmMtl 4aS Belccu. aew ear Mowi end mm ggeda running out of our earelf Al priced right, pirwoad out ta pour elao. BJCOI'H PTMB PibcUbs - IU4J4 tail at mag . rro nice l amoa, an sradeo from tn 01 la NU 00 PIjOOltrNO, no "D" til to, alee Oak incitMing tve. t nta reoo. WALLBOARDB, all kladg VOW M ll.at 4x1 INSULATION, t il bu. An colon aad klnde of roofing. Large virletr of srooTcd. gtiltcd, aand-alMted, and deco rative plrwoodt, 4x1 gboetg, Muam ar la Mc, beouuful for interior wolle. From M to Mitt. SXX rTIII- TRT OUR CHXXAPTJL SWRVICB-Tha ana ablnm Ben an too ueoei . . Cell or ate (BOW). TOUR BTJTLDtMO BUPPLT PRIXNDS' Portland Road Lumber Yard . (OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY) IS43 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 mac BED CEDAB SHIMQLES 4 sradce, deliv ered or packed, ap. am sa oiler, ra. evec. lllll. mi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BOT'a scHWIMN blerclc. A-l condition. Call 41401. See at 143 Klngvood orivc Mcculloch chain saws, soe sdgeweter, weal aalcm. aalcm Logging aupplr Ph. 4-1SI1. n USED Weetlnchooee mtomiUo liuBdromit, onlr I1M.M. Teeter Appliance Co, 371 Chemckcta. n FOR SALE Nice oomplcte bedroom eet, like bow. end trieh burner. Inquire at 44 8. Uth at, aalom. Ore., momlnge ar orgnlngA Phone l-4sll. a B44 S-PIECB BATH SET, complete, 114; cloee- mupim closet, ntreoug China Basis, ami iroge Munclcd tub. SALEM PLUMBTNO CO. loss Market Ph. 1-1071 ar 1-0511 B44 FERTILIZE a, gcml-rottcd men ore. De Urerr aarwhere. lit N. Winter, 20774. ns4 WILL IACBIP1CI practtcillr sew 1371 Mirtat Deluxe Gag Rinii with ovsr guo II" oven, for 1121. CaU l-t!7l. nit Glose-Outs Dererlaml Regular Bale 2x4 RL Mo. 4 Comm. 846.. 30.00 17.00 I" D Orado Mid. CMlng... jn .03 1" D grade BN Coxing... .44 .Utt Vail RL Clcir A Cedar aiding aoo.oo tso.oo Hk RL O Cedar aiding.. 10.00 40.00 1x4 RL B Flooring 41.00 74.00 -0xl-txlc Plr At Mihotanr 4.M to 111 1-Oxt-lxltt Finn I ll J-oxl-Okl A Oride 1 Pinel. 4.10 1-0x1-0x1 A oridi t Find 1.70 Wlndewc lad Sioa Regulgr Sole 11x34 It Old No. Ill 1.14 1.40 2-10x1-11 1H OSM I Lite... 171 l-10x3- 1H OSM 4 Lite ... 1 II 1-ou-l IS osm 4 Lite .... in 1-10x1-11 IV, OSM 4 Uto .... I 01 Petal Pibeo WaUcoiter - gbg flit bus vaU pilnt. OAllong 1 41 4. Quirte l.u .ts Tuxoute Oillone 1.1s 1.00 Tuxollle Quirte l.xl . .75 Linoleum, res. 1.11 to i n. I N rd. CoogoweU u .50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front ee Court Street Phone 1-1111 WE orVB Ul CRXEN STAMPS FOB SALE: Clef tern Aa 10" teble caw. Va a.p. motor, ion. Ph. 4AA1, sterton. B4 t PUR COATS, good condition. Portable erpevnur, llko aew. Elcetrto gleik grill, need once. Phone 3-I7II. nil USED ELECTRIC nortlbll tewing mi cehLnc good gcwlng condition. Bewi for ward and reverse. Hee walking preieer foot, Ceah price I40.M. Termc aviU abu. Slnggr sewing tTenur, 130 N. Commerclcl i ntt SALEM DKL8EL Roller and bell beirlnie for trucks and Uictore. 3771 Sllverton Rood. a Organic Fertilizer Free ot weed eeede. and odorless. Seek or bulk ordere delivered. Phone 1-1137. alt S USED oik deeke, 1 tltthtlr ueed eteel flic with lock. I Smith Corona typewnt gre. demonstrator, 10 dlecount, J ueed posture chairs. net SAVE ISO BRAND NEW TV SETS Populer mikea floor eimplee, full one reer cuirontee. Thlc u I reel bur. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 170 S Llbertr. Pb. 4-1371. Termc of Mures. n!4 FERTILISER! Beml-rotted manure. II M rd, delivered. Pirmort onlr. 1-4774. nil FOR YOUR convenience. Trader Louie on Lane Ave, open untU I p.m. Frlder evo Blnge. Bit A MARTIN 44 outboard motor, llll model Inoulre Rt. 4. Box 121. Phono 1-4301. DEXTER WAIHIR, good condition. 140 114 N. Hot, Ph. 4-7774. nil AUCTION SUNDAY, 11 10 p.m. Olcnvood Pcvllloa. 4 miles N. Selem on OOE. Furniture, Appllencet, Chrome, Ouns, Tools. Antiques, etc. Bit BLUE DAVENPORT and ehetr, brlikfiet eel, refrigerator and bedroom lultc. Mual gcU thu week. 441 Pslrvlew Ave. net JOE PAL00KA C'ttow.' titrWt WSJ 11IS26 lOVtrSH eS.AM' SHCS -"TV WITH jot -60T A tSOIL Ft YOU. v-Tll "Ar TC&, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PLAY PEN. high eh Air, pettr aaalr, viab le machine, good aeadlUeca. bmom. Met: lAetl, irASJt OIL tTIeaCIJLATOS, heeler. atlUIr oil boo tor. kacohelc Book, laaadrr Uora. Fheae oleei. loll LAwronoo ac aoi Wtu sell far bttbeet erf or. 4-4 rd. hr dreaSc damp baa. Toaa Shirldta. 114 WaU at, lucrum. a 41 EXCTXLXNT bar rard fartllgeor. Paeae 41W7 or mot. alt ShBOME BITtTHSM get Is 14. Pie. XUM. Mil Ohemawa. act LATB- MODEL outomAtle o. B. Drrer. 14PI 14 Alio. I1C4. B44 FREE wuttagheace otrvlas mMhiaes m ell floor Samplec Beva ap to 449e. VEATATt APPUANCB CO, 2T Chtgoeb- eta. a yIatt aptuanos cpr'm'cioei'i'r1- ita. er" Era-XT TAC-vrrM aeatter. Ph. fltag. Per. feet rottdltleet, floor pollebor Ai attach. xoooU. ate CIED FUSNITLU tar gale at 1434 Bagl. baw gtrect. BlBMr Treadle Sevlag Ma- eaiBo, round boMla. Dining Table, Dar, enport aad Chair, Metal Bed eoeepleto. puaac gall between a .m, aaa p-xe BU BEALTirrL aead walaal eabhut electric cowlns machine. Ilka aew. EH dial 1 eJM. Walklri areMBra toot. BowlM llcht-aw. act of atlachmmtc. Be we forwird aad reverse. speclaL lal Ouaraatced. Singer aoving Center, no N. cccnmerclal. l PLASaT-k s ratairea a waxtM. Poi pour noon or linoleum, vaa i Aje gar" PLIANCB CO, m ChenvoketA. OROANIO rgXTIXIZza, Free eg weed coeds, ami odarlcec. Book er Mix Centra deuvcrM. rnono 3-gigv. f $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-eu. ft. Zenith Re frigerator, wrlth froxea food compartment. Starting Price Feb. T, $229.85 FEBRUARY SI - 18.M Keith1 Brown Lfcr. Yard PROMT eg COURT STB. PHONE Mill iaa aire SAxH orim atimpg) B NOW IS the time to bur roar 1SI2 Weet- ingBouie aatomatM error at oeur aeve.oe. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 171 Chemck ote. n" USED wishing mAchlnoc. (t il aad up. YEaTBm APPLIANCE CO, git cnemix. le. b FARM HOIVIE GARDEN ' Rotted manure, coeepoatA, the oame auautr m Uct rear, for home and sar dea. FlAgatoneA, red lava ertoae and other trpoo fog walla or carogaa. Rustle coder fencing and treula work. Phullpe Eroe, Bt, I, Box 411, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. Gravel and Sand Anrthlng tn aravel, wholecale and retail. VALLEY SAND ft OBAVXb OO, Ph. 14001. a- DEEPFREEEE home frccgera. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 171 Chemckcta, B HOSPITAL BED for OAle ar rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture CO. Phone ggiae. CEDAB TELEPHONE aad clectru polm. fence poetc, bean aoctg and etexeo. Phillips Bros, Rt. 4. Box Wl, mil ee out of t Comerg. Ph. 41011. B 114 ALLOWED for rour old water heater on tnu bcs 4i-gAiion auwmittg ciec trig vitor better. Too tor AppUaace 171 ChemckcU. Ph. lllll. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WOODSY WANTS Planea. Phone 1-1110. Bl" WNATED Used till BmbreUa tent Bin be la good condition Phone exalt Ban LOGS WANTED atnd MILL Lengths tt 4" or 14 4". Di ameter I" to lt". Sawmill, Lengths It' and longer. Diameter e" to eg-. Top prlceg paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turaar, Or. 11M WANTED Used bungalow plenc Box 411. Cipltll JournlL BI44 WANTED Cement mixer wltfiout motor. Pb. 30114. BB44 WANTED Walnut meete, aad watnutg In hell. Hlghcel cosh price dellverr. MORRIS KLORPTIN PAOKINO CO. 400 N. Front It, Salem Ph. 17121 Bl WANTED GOOD tall rug. Reasonable. 41720. BI44 WANTWJ yurnituii, tools ud aUo. Kelxcr Auction now optn for oulrn nonti. St.lt tvtrr Wed.. 7:10 p.m. 1030 Chtmaw Rod. To Mil, to buj K-iier Auction. Ph. 37S19. niftO- RLICTRIC KANOBBc WiWatTTa, PH. t-U0 Da,- PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Oroup No. 1. 2010 N. comragrclll. PB. S-Stll er l-coiv. PCS' PSYCHIC CABD BEADEB 3444 Rd. Phono 44311. SECURITY DETECTIVE Agcncr, prlvete Invoitllltlou. 110 PKlfle Bldg. Phone 4-2341. PERSONAL PROBLEMS ANALYZED Pruetratlons. butmesg, marrlMg. ro mance, employment, wit advancement. Ann Howard, 417 Commercial, phone 1-I7O0. P4g FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on aitnaturo, .furniture, Ctr AT PCRaoNAL it "rt" promptlf to im plored men or women. 1-vUU tow . . . phone tint. Tou eelect mi permtn dete. 9 Between perday looni. Pbone, write or eotnt la TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 109 BIOH BT SAtdKII tat lokenJO Not. -Hit M-1M Loeiu over 0300 np to 11900 and p to to nontr to repar tn-de br PereooiU nnar.ee Co. ot Morion County under the Industrial Loan Conpeaiiee Aet of orecon. r44 PR IV ATI 1IONKT peelai Rates and Terma On Larger Loan LsOng and Short Ttma . Parmenta ROT B. aiMMOffS 131 S. Oemraereta) Bt Ph. fill STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? tf ao, aea jb today. CooaoltAta your debti into ONI parment KopntolivWtaTUii mailer parmenta. Oet la touch with aa today. s-a.o phohi mil u-m 167 So. High St., Salem, Or. Sjeot LIVK CUT tt VJUMUMfnyn fax. SrSJ SCZ VW eeOBOtous AUTOMOBILES The Sign of Many! 47 FORD . M I 7TVP A-lVViR SEDAN. R&H. SPOTUGHT, TIP-TOP SHAPE '49 CHEVROLET $1075 SPECIAL COUPE, NICELY EQUIPPED (Prices effeeUve through Monday, Ft. M) . CARS! CARS! YOUR CHOICE! . (1) '83 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan. Fully equipped. (1) '81 Chevrolet Bel Air. A real buy. ; (7) 31 Chevrolet 2-doorf, coupes and 4-doori, all nicely . equipped. . () '60 ChevToleti. Many typei nd colors. (3) Studebakera -'80 and '81 tudor, fordor. . (1) '40 Buick 4-door Sedan. Beautiful finish, RtVH plui many extras. (1) '48 Ford Fordor. Beautiful black paint (4) '48 Chevrolet. 2 Aero Sedans, 2 fordor sedans M (1) '47 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan. Fully equipped , (2) '47 Plymouthi, Tudor and club coupe (1) '81 CJitrvrolet -Ton Pickup (1) '80 Dodge Vi-Ton Pickup ' 4 CHEAPIES $35 to $300 ; Buy from a dealer with a long-standing reputation for ds pendability, fair price, service and satisfaction. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. . 635 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE 3S17S ' FINANCIAL 5 Interest It too hare Idle fundi letting Invest ment, then roa are the trpe ot pcrsoa to whom we aaa be at service Por over Tvontr-flve Yoarc we hive bcea hclplBg people la thu commualtr find profitable work for their moncr. During thu period we have promptly paid M geml-aaaaal to tercet permeate totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currentlr paring I INTEREST on funds from ttoo tt tSOOO. General Finance Corporation lit B. COMMTERCIAL ST. Balcm, Oregon Pboue l-llfll f SBB US FOB PATtM, CITY or ACRIAOB LOANS . BEST OP TERMS Wl BUY Beat est! le mortgagee A contracts. State Finance Co. in a. High at. Ph. mil CASH POB TBCST DEEDS eb Reiltr Con tract., If discounted, curraa's, 4111 4th Arc,, Saerimento, Cillf. r40" Tplji'.'M.f. fifi T.Ti f ffo Ida. a-UI end M-231 and ROY B. aiMMONB QtSURANCB AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trade!" 11:04 Dcllr KSLM 1100 Kg. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS B. Ooatmerolll St. TcL l-lll) AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill south Church Perking a-P)entr Ph. 1-ltlT Lie. Mo. M-1M, S-114 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING BADIATOB TROUBLE? VllUr Motor Co. experto wul golvg rour prob lcmc end nri rou moncr. Free eetl mateg, specdr service, coaur at Liberty. e DENNIS the MENACE yOJ(? SOU KNEW A SHORJOri' H 1 I Wl 1 1 ( T HtRt S TH- MOU5t. CMON.PUTON A aMK.e..,Tv;se sax PrSCE BA86S T T DC PLEASUH7. AUTOMOBILES. Real Buys ; . f Many! " $775; AUTOMOBILES U-i CHKV. I door atrlc deluxe. Radio end hciter. 11721. Ph. 11711 dire, all 1441 PLYMOUTH COUPE Redlo, hector. I bow tlrcc, elMB lagtdg and ouL Motor sood. Con bo gees at 141 Charlag, or phone 4-1011. 044 TRUCKS FOB SALE OE TRADE F-l Pent loss hag. er, new motor, Peaa trailer. COO. Good rubber. 13-ply. Job eaa so with truck. AIM Pord ', ghorl logger, sew motor. Skeget loader, two drttau, 32-ft. eled. Smell norubli loading donkey. Con uee pickup or paacL Akto Minn. Molina wheel tractor. Model U, oa rubber, llko new. Phone 1-7103. ad44 LATE ISM STUDEBAKKB 1-tott Pickup. PulLr Mulppcd. Excellent ecodltlon. Phone 11434 c - Mill. d FARM EQUIPMENT ONE MASSBY-HABBIS 44 Dlccel traetor with 14-ln. tire. 1-ir bottom MAeeer HirrU plow with hrdrasjlee lift. Miearr Harrla r grata drtll. r tandem dice, tl-ft, MaiccT-Hgrrlg combine, model 11. looo. 1047 iVi-toa Km track, very low mlleige and 14' grain bodr. 1040. lull 8.W. Stafford Rd, m ml. a. ot Oe. wcco on Btafford R4. Ph. VBrmoBl 3704. PorUlnd. Cb4l HEAVY DUTY Implcmeat trailer. 14 pip tlrei, Ultlng bed. Ph. 44171 er gee al Clcir Lake Repair. 0044 HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOB SALE, 14 ClterpUlar BBd hrdricUe blade. Oood condition. 43 Cher. O.L truck, log buaka, good. Bkei sookg end cable. Joe C. Sen dere, Rt. i. Box us Turner OregoB. Turner 04. 4e44 MACHINERY roa SALS Moulder (Hail and Brcnrn) 4" x ", four gldt, ptvliB faktrtiu. No. 40 sturdtTAst tzhJeUt fnn, pUlm btwrlni. SO" (Mattlt-oo) utmntlo Utht, 111 butrlni. Otmt, Utff. Oo, OnteftUlk, With. T44 sivla HOUSE TRAILERS Bur . . . Bartalan . . . BcU LANA LAMB TRAILER PLAZA Trade . 1144 Lin coo tor are. . Rental SPECIAL 1131 Kit llH-foot with aempleto kits. Very clean. Take gome furniture la trade. JAYHAWK TPUILEn BALBS IMS PorUiad Road. tltg BEAUTIFUL IIS) TERRY MANOR MOBIL HOME It Croelcr aUteel kitchen, gerbege die. posal, heeled Iloore. Too mint see it to apprcelite tt. Price ??. Surprle. Lena Lane Trailer PIaaa, 1040 Laoa Ave. U44 EMU SCBUBBAH HOME, tike late model Houee Trailer Ac down perm en t. Laaa Line Trailer Plage, 1444 Laaa Are. ta By Ketcham By Ham Fisher T IT TOOK US TrVD HOURS T66T t WR.TH- TrWflC TWflcJ WlUiZTi) 1III7T a. ft ta 4.