Ferguson Is Re-elected Head of Ma rion Co. Chest Dr. David J. Ferguson, veter ,n U. S. army chaplain and re tired Presbyterian mlniiter, wai re-elected president of the Mar lon County Chest at the annual meeting held in Salem Thurs day evening. The meeting was called to al locate the fundi received in the recent campaign, to re-elect of ficers for 19S3 and make plans (or the year. In addition to the election of Dr. Ferguson as pres ident, Jene Teague was elected vice president for the SUyton area, Evan Sutton for the Jef ferson area, the other vice pres idents from Silverton district, Woodburn district, ubbard-Au-rora district, Mt. Angel district, Mill City district. wiU be elected within the next few days by committees in their own area. A. A. Atherton was re-elected as treasurer and C. A. Kells was re elected as secretary. Arrangements were made for a county-wide "Come and See Tour" to the state Chest-sponsored institutions Tuesday, March 9. It is expected there will be at least 20 representa tive people from these various communities to make the trip, Considerable time was spent on the symposium around the subject "What can be done now to strengthen the public rela tions in each community so that the 195S campaign will be more effective." It was agreed that the County Chest officials should make their services available to any com munity organizations in the county for participation in pub lic programs as well as "Come and See Tours", to various state wide and county agencies that participate In the Chest. The total amount received In the campaign outside of Salem was $14,416.15. This was allo cated on a pro-rata basis accord ing to pre-arranged budget. The ljioy Scouts will receive J2, 870.92; Camp Tire Girls $1,- DEATHS MARKET QUOTATIONS lit. David J. Ferguson, re elected Thursday night as president of Marion County Community Chest. Adelph Tklel t Adolpb Thlel, In thla citr Tebruarr IT. Late reoldent of 50 I St. Age 11 reere. Survived br brethera, Loult Thltl. Slneca, Neb- Dwllht, Alda, Neb, Frank, Aurora, jb. Dnlu.t Mlha. JllDIL Lexington, Heb7. OMnl. . Mullln. Neb, Welter , Utchtleld. Neb.; elatera, Joaafte Rowley. Uzl Colo, Minnie Norek, Aurora. Ill, Anna Prlteherd, Lltehlleld, Neb. uJ Mary Davie. LeglngtoB. Neb. Servleee Saturday, rob. 1 at 1:10 P.m. la the W. T. Rlldon ChAMl with tho Rer. D. L. Penwlck offi ciating and interment ( City vitw ewrne tery. Elliebeth Bartel . ,..--,. n..i.t uu vealdent of KL I. ok a local nuralng komo Fob. II at tho - mi ..... mnntv br daughtcre. u j. w. Valeeh and Mre. J. A. rut. Wk w IiIm. and tare. Auguata rode took of Corn, Okie., Mre. Alma Cornel, Bantonvme, Ark.i throe aone. Arthur Bar tel. aalem: Harry Bartel. Portland, and wmi.M w.-t.i mnufca. Calif.: 30 grand- whlldren and M great-grandchildren, she wag a member ol the Ktniwood Bible ahuroh. Announcement of aervkea will bo ado later by too nowou-w.ru. peny. Berell Celoa Eemea . i7..ni mm Damon, at the family real' Amnmm Rt. a. rob. 30 at tho ate of 44 yeara. united kr wU. Mrt. LuclUo Demon, one eon, done Damon, both of aalem; 1 la tere, Mre. Carol Brlcker and Mm. raullne Fattereon, both ol saiem ana Drow.r, Meg Damon of Toledo, Ore. Parenta, Mr, ura Meriev Demon. BddTVlUe, Ore. aim mr 1 arandehlldren. Service! WIU no keVd la the Howell-Bdwerdl Ohapel ruoadaT, Fok. 14 at law p.m. . mm W.l.ll Bar W. Melhla. lata ratldent of 141 N. vati, at .t . local hoeottal Fob. IS. united by wife. Ura. Marie Malhti, 8a Announcement of aerrlcee will bo made later kr tho Ctouih-Btrrlck Com, peny. act. U... . . Ahal aire. Mario Maraaret Abet, lata reildent at 1MB Grant M., at a local hoiplteU Thuradar, rob. It. Survived br dauantor, u.rina Vinton of Beaverton: eon. wmv c. A Kit of rortland: alitor, Mre. vw.akath MaU. nf Portland: brother, Wll' iiaa niuhm of Oreaon City; grandloni, Lawrenoo Orth ot Salem and Ray C. Abit j, uadaAto. Calif.: aranddauihter, r.trtala Jana Orth of Salem, and two araat - irandohlldren. Servleee Saturday, ., ii At 10:M a.m. In tho Clouah- Barrlek Chanel. Interment In Belcreel Memorial Park. 724 59; Girl Scouts $1,300.78; Oregon Chest $8,472.12. X'. A. Atherton, County Chest Treas urer, will send out the checks today. Elizabeth Bartel Dies t Nursing Home Here Mrs. Elizabeth Bartel, a late resident of Route S, Salem, died Wednesday at a local nursing home at the age of 88 years, aft an illness of several years. Born in Portland in 1885. Mrs. Bartel came to the United States with her praents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nickel, at the age 17 years. She was married 1883 in Marion county, Kan., Peter Bartel, who died in 1932. Prior to moving to Salem 21 years ago she lived in mid' western states. Mrs. Bartel was member of the Kingwood Bi le church. Survivors include four daugh ters, Mrs. Augusta Fadenrecht of Corn, Okla., Mrs. J. W. Va- lech and Mrs. J. H. Fast, both Salem, and Mrs. Alma Carnes Bentonvllle, Ark.; three sons, Arthur Bartel of Salem; Harry Bartel of Portland and William Bartel of Dinuba. Calif.; 23 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren. Announcement of services will be made later by the Howell-Ed wards chapel. Soap is made from fat or oil and alkali. OBITUARY A a . Funeral lar-leca wore held Friday afternoon, rek. It, In the Aurora Chapel of Bverhart and Kent lor Mre. ui.im wetrovlch. wife of Oeorte H, retrovleh, and reildent of the Meridian road dlitrlct near Aurora mo pt vaara Raw Rnbort O. HamOOL pafttor Aurora rreebyterlan ohurcn officiated. Tnta Mt wab in Mountain Viow ceme tery. Orecon City. Mre. retrorlch died lInniA In in Oroeon City hOIPltal 101- lowlnf a brief lltneaa. Born at Loot Creek, ore., Mre. retroylcn inerjorr a. ivi7i --A--1M1 to naoreo B. Fetrorlch t Vaneourer, Waah., Feb. U. 1MI. They Heed flrot In rortland and later In Balem before burlnf a farm on Meriaion rooa. Beildoe farmlna. her hulbana woraea a loaiar near Aurora. Beildee a eon. Jamee L. retrorlch and the widower, ahe la aur elred by her father, waiter Keener, and a brother. Thoron a. Keener, both Lone Creek. Ore.! two elateri. Mre. Joeeph 'Jewel) Lorontaen Of Aiona ano airi, William mora) Van Deraal of Oakland. Oallf., two nleooa and two nephewe. She wai a alitor.ln.law of Mra. Foreet Oleiy of Aurora, and John retrovleh, Aurora. rOBTLANB FBOBVCa UST BolUrlal Tealatfta, aakloot to lauaodt ate ehaaeej rremluat auallty, maalaaaaa t la one per coat aoldltr delivered ta Portland aS-Tla lk.: firat oaalliy n-tac: aecond aualltr. Sa-OTe. valley totttoo and oouatry polnta. t oonu loae. Bailor Wholoealo f.o.a. bulk rnaoa ta wboleaalore trada AA n aooro. e; A rada, at acovo, too: B. M atoro. See: O. St ecoro 04. Abovw priooo atnoUy oaelael. ctim Silllna prlao to rortland whalo- aalera. oroaon alulae. 4iVo-4o. Oreaea s lk. loaf. Ura-tlVeei UIMola, Ilea leoa than Kcae to Whileooloool Candled ecu talnint n laee. caaaa taeladed r. I Portland, A arade larea alvi-otttol A arid a mooiiua, '-lle: b sraaa ktrta, 440. rortlaaa Dairy Market' Bailor Prloo ta ratanorai Or ado AA print. Tit: A carton. Tie; A prtala. Tie; carton, no; B prlau, eoc. Scao Ta retallera. Orado AA. larea. 13a: A larec to-l: AA odrcm. Kc: A aeadl. an, 41 -4 1 : a amall, nominal cartona. 9c additional. ' Ckoooa Frloo to retaBera. PeetllBd. I Oreaon alulei, 4H)-ci e-lb. loavoa. ll-Ue lb.; irlpltta. IVia lata than ou tlet, rremlom branda line lee, tatte! war, tlVet. rroceaaed Aaaerlcam ahooaa, S'lk. loavoa ta retail, divi-diree m. roaltnr Live CkJekeae (Ro. 1 auallty, r. o. B. planU.) rrrere. IVi- Ika, to-l: l-t na 3a-sie; roaatora. ave roaM and aver, ac-aie; heavy hena, aU wcttbla. U-ne: Uaht hena. l wounta, ib-ik; aid rooocera, io.ioc Dreeoed Cklakeao rrrere, 1K-S tba., 41- roaetora. 4-l4e: llaht nona. ll-uo: heavy bona. MOlei cat ap frrera, all welihta. 41.410. BabMIe Averaie to erewore: live whitaa. 4-1 tte, tJ-ltc: t-t la., -lo lb. ; old dooa. M-lSa. few krahor. Freeh drooart fryora to ratailara, M-C3CI tat ap. 06-47C. Coaalry aUllod Moale Vaal Top aaaUty. 44-440 n.; routh hoavlea. tt-40c Beae Loan klockora. St-I0ai aowa. Hi ht n-uc. Lam m Top grade aprlntera, ' 00-410: other aradaa, accordlnt to auallty. MaltoaH-Boit awea and watnerl la-tae Ik. Beef Utility eowe, M-lae . euttera, S4.e. rroek Droooed Meate IWkoloealara ta rotaUera. BoBara par rt.l r Boaf-Steera eholee. tod-Tot lbJ, IM-tS: rood. tJt-4I; eoamerclal, 111-Jt; ituitr, tl-. Cowe Commercial, atl-ll; ulllltr, aat- H: Conner, tll-11. Beat Cata lonotee aUerel Bind auar. Ura. 147-tl: rounde. tt-eO: fuU VMne trimmed, tat-TI; trlanalea, IU-14: foro- auartera, IM-t; ahucka, Wl-tt: not. IBS-II. Teal cmool aoe-oo: aoonnoreiaia. aeo-oa. Celvea Choice, 144-44; aeenmerctala. Ot-M Bm. STOCKS IIaui am tribute of respect lOWClS for the departed, an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court (Bf Tht Auociaud Prwii Admlrtl Corporation AUId Chemical Allls Chalmcra American Alrlinei Amcrioan Power at Llibt, ,,.;. Amerltcan Tel. h Tei American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burrow Addint Machine California Packlnt Canadian PMlfi Caterpillar Tractor Celaneie Corporation .0 Chrysler Corporation Cttlea aervlce Consolidated EdUon Consolidated Vultee Crown llerbacb ., Curtlu Wrlfht Douflai Aircraft , Du Pont lie Itemouri , Kaatman Fodek , Bmerson naaio , Oeneral Klcctrll , Oeneral Pood , Oeneral Motor Oeorala Pac. Plywood Ooodyear Tire Homestake Minim Co. . International Harvester International Paper Johns Manviile Kennecott Copper Libby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated Lone Bell Montgomery Ward Nub Kelvlnator New York central Northern Pacific Pacific American Pih Paclfio Oas Electric Pacific Tel. A Trl Packard Motor Car Penner. J. C. Pennsylvania R. R Pepl Cola Co Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp Raronier Incorp. Pfd. , Republic Meel 1 Reynolds Metals , RleMleld OW Safeway Stores Inc. .. Scott Paper Co Aears, Roebuck At Co. Soeony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J Studrbaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift Company Transamerlca Corp Twentieth Century Pol Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United corporation United States Plywood . ...... United Statu Steel Warner Picture Western Union Tel WtwtinfhouM Air Brakt WestlnchouM Slectrtc Wool worth . an1. . 70 . ftStt . US . 3Sr .IMS . 70 . 41 . 96 . MS . 41 S . 16 ,. B0T4 , 38 j , SI ; , 117 . POtSAUHOUSU r . 1 of ' . .-...t.. t"-4i aUalaoUrr fV arrtat " FOR SAL! HOUSW T Rcialar NaT John T. IJndbloon, member ct tht) Utioa keeper etait at the Salem Naval and Marine Corpe Reserve training cen ter lince Auguit 4, 1M7, and reurvlst on active duty with the navy alnce June 10, 1043. thii week waa enllited in the regular navy ai a chief dia buriing clerk. Undbloom, who hat been on the ataUpn keeper ataff longer than any man now atationed at the training center, enliited in the regular navy for aix yean. FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE HOUSES Open House BAIURDAT. I TO r. at. Maw attreetlve B BB ranch atria ho Inatdo tatllltw rooaa, forced air alontat furnace, lane Uvlnt room, D.B., kitch en and nook, fireplace, double olinahtnf. a .r ...... BiaoUrad. Lota of otoraee. Ineolatad at weather atrlppodi with t Mre of land. . FOB OUICT 8ALB, tlt.iM ' Oo north on Lanttne, turn left aa Llvlntoton to SIM CAPITOL BEALTT CO. ' " Bm. too Maaonlo Blda. rhoaa 1441 Bee. 44111 atoo FOR SALE HOUSES I BOCIIK One bedroom, one I bad. oom. mono x34aa. aoa' Laatba Prima aprtnaara. t-tt; aood. 141-44. eetiew oooa onoiea. na-ae. rack Cnto Lolna, Ho. 1, e-11 Ibi.. IM- B3i ahooldera. It lba.. tlt-JI U; aparerlba, tit-it: freoh hama. 10-14 lba.. ltt-il.H. tanked Baaaa Skinned. 111-tH: alab bacon, 141-tl. Bollned lord ts druma, t- lll.: alab bacon, tsa-att. rartlaad Miooellaaaaaa Celorr cel. flat crate. aoa.. I).xa- t4 . Pew ta M.I0. ore.. tJ ll-ll.tt. Oatone M lb. eaeka Wait Oreaon yel lowi, medium, t-4.M; t-lnoh. It.HX; no. la, ai.oo-ite; bouera, u lba. aaeat, aare; Idaha rollowa, lone. U 15-l.1t: Mo. l lane, tl.ts-J.Tt: whlta mad. lane, I4JI- 4.tn: row to tt.it. reteteee ore-wean, ruaaata, no. l. 4.1fi-Ui noma branda to t.1b; bakera. t.U-M: M lb, alia A. l.la-ll; 1 lb. nut, to.aoc: paper, ao-aoc; loano ruaoeta. naioa. B-10 lba., 1.00-15: lot lb. aaeU I.OO-Us U lb. Mo. la. l.to-w. Bar u. a. Mo. 1 noon alfalfa, deliver ed car lota r.O.B. rortland, nomlnaOr til 50 ton: Beattla, tt.W-4I. . Wool Wlllametta valley meetly nomin al at 4ae lb. areaee baala. i Bldoa oalvaa, lt-llo lb. aoeordln. ta wtlthti; araen klpa, 10-llei beef, lo-llc lb.: bulla, l-4e: arean butcher now bldoa. niborto Wholetale aalllu prleo Mo. 1 lane Barcelona!, 14-3to lb.; .rower prleaa. orchard run. 14-lta lb. Wale eta Wool u ale aen'aa pnee. nrat Quality larte rranoaettaa. 11-lte Ib.t arower price, archar4 run. 11-11. lb4 few no. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDINQ MACHINia All makea uood machlnea aold, rented, repaired. Boon. a Court, rh. 1-ani. BtTLLDOZINO Bulldoaln. road, olearlna teeth. Vlrtil Huikey, 1010 rthTlew, Ph. l-11tt. cabB aioisTiaa lnetant delivery af new BCA caah roe. letera. All make., aold. rented, repaired. Boon. 45. court, rn. j-nv DBESHAK1NQ Alteratlona, hemttltchlnl, k u 1 1 o n a, bucklea covered, button bolea. lira. H. at. Allender. Mill, " DBTVIffO trlSTBCCTION IZCATATDia INDDSTBIAL TBDCKB SALEM MARKETS Cemylled from report! of aelem doalora far the aaldaaeo af Capital Jearnal readere. (Bovlaad dally.) Betan reed rrioeo Bobblt PoDeta UJi (K-lb. baa), 44 at lit lioo-lb. boil. Ira Maan lt.U-M.4l. Dairy Peed tl.ll Ill-lb. bell, It.H-l.tl lo-lb. baa. .4.ao-t.4t 1100 wl.l. Poaltrr Barlaa Prleoa colored fryora. ate: old rooitera, 14c; colored fowl, lie: leihorn fowl, tic: roaatere, loo. Erre Berlae rrieoo lata. AA, 40c: lane A ll-4lc: medium AA, lie; medium A, It.. c: amen. tic. Wkoleeole rrioeo In wholetolo meet aenerally a-7o hither than the prlcee above. Lane trade A generally auoted at 40o: medium. 4tc , Batterfat Burlnv price: Premium, Ti ne: Ho. 1. M-70c: No. a, lie. Batter Wholeielo grade A parchment, llo lb.i retail, 11c. Loom to drive the "Baay Drive" way. Call or oee Mr. Plkkard, Valley Uotor Co.. aalem. Phone 11147 or oaiva. Ben Otltn at Bod. Bacavatlnt, (radlna, land cleerlna. Phono l-ioio. Wnrh.urt trueka. lnalde and outllde work. Hrator. Clark. Mobile lift. 000 and 4000 lb. machlnea. By day, week or month. Ph. 1.411. capital City Trana- fer. INtULAIlON Inaulatton. weatheratrlpB. eereene. Praa aetlmatea, T. r oilman, rnon. a-oooe. MATTBESCK8 Capl 01 Bedding, renovetea. new nattreaiea. Ph. I40o. oprics rcBNiTtiBE rorpiiEi n.1 ah.ira. rilae. flllna auppllea. aafea, dupullcatora, auppllea, deak lamp., type writer etanda. Roon, 4M court. mrTIC TANKS uiea. aanttn jurvlce. Tenki eleanad, D'rootor eleana aewera, dralna. Phone 1-I4U. Hamel'a eeptle tanka cleaned, line aerv. lee. Guaranteed work. Phono 17404. 4T sewer, eeotlo tanka. dralna eleanad. Bo- trRooter sewer aervlea. Phone l-alll. TELIVISIOV TV ailoa, service. Antenna. Ave. Phone t-ltll. WINDOW CLEANING . IIS , I0S Chleeae LJveetoek - Chlcato (if! Hoae tumbled another lei 174 to 't cento a nunorea pouoow rriaay ao 514, compared with Thuroday'a avaraae, with eowa Bum wi. pwr.a euowine. Cattle were oenerelr ateady to to cenu lower In tho uaual amall market. Vealere dropped 11.00 to tl.00 but abeep wort moitlr ateadr. Mott butcher weiant noae aoia irom ill. 50 to 110.00. Sowa took lit. II to llT.lt. Bteera ueuaur araaoa oomroerctoi to choice at 17M to ail.tO, only a few hlan-OBOKO to low-prime Oliennaa ret ina up to 174 00 ta HO W. Cowa tapped at ais.so. No aheep market waa made aarly. .... II .... i .... .... u' .... lO'.i .... aoVe .... us .... nit .... ltV4 .... 114 .... It ...,Hli .... .... US .... 11 .... "S .... n .... 15V .... nvi 41 . K4 . 6SS . 11 ?v . 40S . IH . N . US . its . its .110', . ,. US . s TTPEWBITERS LEGALS IMIi , 1T4 . 44 S , 45V, SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75C TUM (With Applicator) Why suffer th discomfort of ' irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only t SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:U sjb. - PJ" . Banaari, tvaa. 4 m. 13S N. Commercial lock Morbel New York wt --- -- -- fore a threenlay recoee over Wothlneton e Birthday, tne imi ' vanced moderately. Oetne at tne mowi 1 oolnt, with a few eiceptlona, while mlnua aline generally were aeverly curtelled. u. Hm. waa on in. imnn bm. - -- eetlmated 1.400.000 aharoa. That aomparoa with Thureday e J.ere.ooe . Perllaad Uvaatack Portland Oh Cattle: Per week, atrone ta too above leto laet week. Calvee: Por week 15; active, etrong to 1.00 hither. Hoae: Por week, lilt; aaa hither. Sheep: Por week oat. Perllaad Oral. Portland i3 No eoarea gralna. Wheat (bldl to arrive market, baala Na. 1 bulk, delivered eeaat: Soft White 141: Bolt White (eicludlng Boil I II: while Club 1 11. Hard Bed Winter: Ordinary 1.41: 1. per cent 1.41; 11 per oent 1.41; II per cent 1.41. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 1.41; 10 per cent 1.41; 11 per Ant 1.41; 11 per cent 1.41. Cor reeelpte: Wheat 111 barley 4; flour I; com I; mill feed I. Chteate Grain Chleaeo vPi Wheat awlrled upward on the boord of trade Prlday on report! of hiih wind! with duet la tho air In the Texaa Panhandle and waatern eeetlon of Oklohoma. The duet report! reveraoa an early oown ward tread in wheat and other eoroela Wheat etooed 14-1 miner, Keren ti.ns-V.. corn lt- hither, Htreh ti ll S, oata w-lv hleher, lierch 14-Vi, rre IS-S hUher, May n.T7Vi-S. aoybeene 1 to . blaner. aiercB li.tivi-ye, lord turahaneod to 1. cento a bundrcd pound, hllber, March tt.Tt. "B to Z" Window deanere, paint aerap Int. lloor waxing and generol aervlce, WMManttala our eoeetaltv. Oa anywhere. Ph. 1-1111. ool Acme Window Cleanera. Induatrlal floor waalng. houeecleanlng. Phono l-llll. 147 Court. We Meed $10,000 to $20,000 Hornet Listed Tor Sale SEVERIN REALTY CO. REALTORS VALUELOCATION BEAUTY jl tulaad la thla laolr, aaaUty, -rooaa hone. located aeat - door ta former Oovoraor attfltay e aomo. amvranc nan, -an . Uvlna rooaa with fireplace and kuMMa bookeaia. View dining room, I . alco-alaed bedreome at Ulad bath. A kitchen with earner olnk and etee tmtummm MuaiMu .w,.u Pull dorlMht baaoaBont with TMrH- Ilea room, flrerlace, and a lovely paneled rooaa that aaa he bedroom or . don. toilet tereteer. at ahowar. Tho aleool aae yard with olty. Tho Itoaaa la Inaulatad aa4 weatheretrlppod afd Baa . Sandbar. 041 faraaoa 4b alr-ooamltraahta. Immadlata poaaaealoa. We have tho key. aa laal atra aaa a ring. Tho aakbaa prloa to tlO.aaa. Trrai aaa bo arraaaaa. WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS . Bntnatt aerchlteeturo. I badrooma at bath dewa. I badraoane At bath in, Lane living at dlnlna room. All fleore aarnoted with 111 par yard car pallag. Plnlahad baaomeat at i-aar a area e. Bora la a flaa aoma, buUt pre-war with beet material. It la yean far tndor eoet. tll.tta. Subalaa . ttal aaarttaga aaa bo arranged. Severin Realty Company S$5 N. HIGH ST. DIAL 4-6943; EVE. 2-5695 Mr. Klaag l-IMl Mr, Maoa 1-TtM J CepUal Journal SatTem, Ore Friday. Tfarwrr . ft!8 U REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS For Sale By Owner STANLEY'S NORTH S AN nAM VEGETABLE FARM. I ur.a garden aou, 4 mlUe well af Staytaa. It mUee aouthoaat at aalaaa. a aeree af baaaa far Staytaa aaaaary. aarrat aaraaaa tar Cwrvattta an ataytoa aaaaory. With a profitable treah market knelneaa. With vege table weaker and packing eh ML Plenty ot Irrltatloa water, with alec trio power. Semi-modern l-reoat haute, large bam. TOUtS CAW BB A BANOED. a L. Stanley, Aumi villa Bt. 1, Bog 1M. Phoo. etaytaa ! FOR SALE FARMS KEIZER ll-bedroom houee with attached jaraga, aa Clara atree. m ir-v. -with oil furnace. Inalda Uundry room, . wit.., lawn, ahrtiba. fencod.ln back yard, t.000 la prloa with 11400 nova. . I -bedroom hotiee with antlnlthed ap- aulra, dining room, touo - air alnk, large ntuity room, double ga rage, levelr lawa, trull traaa. Adlacent lot alt available. Sea thu tot $11.(00. Kingwood Park .j.. .uao oa Buae Street all aewlr reaoeorawo. - ahopplna dUtrlct. rou work In Writ Salem, live la Weet Salem and aava aaaollna. rrtoa to Hit. Term, al- rangod. ma-Amm houee. 1IA battle, full It.lr.. rnmn Alnlne room. kltChOa With nook, double garage, lovely lendaoaped lawn, neautllul treea. Aeklng prloa 11,100. ClU at; wo hare the key. (vbrami, Bourland & Skinner . 62 ACRES Oood farm baUdroaa. tTOO. down, fafl prloo elieoo. Walter Musirrave Realtor 1111 Bdgowator Ph. I-HOI, Bva. 1-ttM .. REAL ESTATE til atajoale BoDdlng Baal Batata Insurance HortgaiaLoaa. rhoaa 1-M17 Brenlnie a-IlN al BT OWNIB 1-bodroom home, ITMI. Silverton Boad. 1-ooot. not alt I BOOM HOIItl. 11 by M. to bo moved. Nicely decorated, ready ta Bva ho. rh. M147. .4.' o aanwranaf hauea for aala or trade for aoreeae. OTaoo. on rma- r. BT OWNIB. Nice I room homo, garaae with ahop. Large fenced In yard with aatra lot. It block to bui. 11.000 down, aaiy monthly paymenti on balance of 17.111. 1411 Bute, rhone 4-11U after 0 a.m. all BEAUTIFUL VIEW 11 1.100-A dandy l-bedraom home, aoay .nrf comfortable. Oood baeement, all heat, nice location. A good buy don' wmtmm .In It. Walter Muserave Realtor UU Wfiwttr Ph. M10. t. I-M Smith. Corooi. Romlrif ton. Kojtd, Vtv jiMXBisAdt Mrtarilei. All mmktMl UM chinw. Ripilra k nnl. Roen. !& Coart INOL1WOOD- bdrooiBi tiiK ntkii rtor :oo wm uoaar i.iJm unatt Mil. an tUf. 44 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS a1 DOWN, lit per me. with water and electricity, cioaa to ran aim e-; n. e r Lam. KS. Of O. Chan. DR9. CHAN . . . LAM CHINKSE NATDROPATHS Upsuira. 41 North Liberty Office open rJatunlAt only 10 iin tolPJn.. to . P-m- tuiuuon. blotio presdur. and urine tens are free of charm Practiced alnca JJ17 WrlM ifor tursctlre ilft No oblUtatlon Cbleaaa Oaleae Chicago tJ FJ . Buppnaa uebl, semaad lliht. market about ateady. Track aalea ito loej: zaano, Oregon ana Coloredo Spanleh 1-inch and larger moet ly 4.50: few beet 410-4. It; mldweat medi um Tellow Oloboa l.to-l.ll, gome poorer l.00-l.: Mktitaaa obrtona twelve I ponnd celloa l.M-I.W: Htohltan and n- llnou It-lb. aacka whit, botlera moetly 1 It, aoma poorer 1 to. Portlaad Baetetaa Market Portland tjr Bo. 1 medium dry anlone antii for -l.ia a ta-ra. aaci tooay tha Portland Beatalde Parmera Wheleeale Produce market. Other afferfnte wort llmltod Bad prloa. were nominal. MILL CITY LEGION MEETING Mill City A Joint meeting of the American Legion Post and its Auxiliary will be held In the Legion hall at 8:30 p.m. I Saturday, Feb. 31. Auxiliary member each will furnish land iwichea for two. Dancing and a cake walk will follow the din- ner. Mnrtra TO CBBDrTOBB WAtlr. la hereby alven that In. ander- elgned have boon appointed erecutrli and eaecutor of the tete of Charlea Ii. Prye, docraMd. by the Clrcolt coart or tne ova v. of Oregon for Morion County, alttlng In Probate ard that they are ouit auaiinea aa euch eiecatrll and eaecutor; oil per eon I hevlng elalme agalnet the Betete ol ..M j,1ant or hereby notified to Pre- aenl the lama, duly verified, aa reoulred by law to tho underlined at 317 Oreaon Building, Salem, Oreaon, witnin a monins Irom the data of tho firel publication ti. r.Atia ii.ian .i amieni. unm, .m flrat nubllahed Ihu 10th day ei January, lttl. JAfrrrr acnnaiunr. at W. HCHPTKIDBB Biecutrla and Bieeutor af the Batata of Oharlee M. rrye. H.MIU4. Pint publiihed 1-10-11; laet publloatloa 1-17-II. OBTERMAN at W1LLIAM8 117 Oreaon Building Solera. Oregon jon e; rw IN TBE CIBCUIT COI'BT OP TBI TTE OP OBUGON TOB TBB COIINTT OF MABIOPJ am. NO. 1 IN TUB MATTER OP THE BBTATB or ALBERT H. THOMPfVON. DoreMOO NOTICE OF nrriliniami vw atrariiTBlx ill,,.. 1. harahv elv.n thet the ander aalned, by an Order at the Circuit Court Ar th mate of Oreaon for the County of Merlon, duly made and eaterea on ww Ird dey at Pebruarr. UM, waa appointed executrll of tho Xitata af Albert It. Thompooa, deceased, and bee duly eueU- tlmjl mm a.,.h an o.raana havlna cialroa aialnit gawl Batata are hereby aottfled to preeenl tne eama duly vertned aa reaatrod by law. and with the proper vouenera. vo en i,bHal.aM aM,ntrla Ot th offlCO Lawrence N. Brown, her attorney, at 111 Maaonlo Bulldloi, aalem, Mirloa County, Oreeon. within all manlha from tha data af the flrtt publloatloa at thla notice. DATED and tint pubiunoa tnie etn day of roarnary. ora l. Tnompani Xiecutrll of the BetaU of Albert ft. ThompioB, Daeeaead Lawrenca H. Brown Attorney for Bxecutrtl 111 Meeome BulkUng Salem, oreaon . . . note at flrat mrblleatloa: Pebruary I. lttl. Data af laat publlclatloa: Pebrnary It, till I, it, N, n, lftt. LABOB CBEEB LOT Thaaa are aoarce. 7SII10. only liooo. TWO LOT a Clo,. la, auburban. Tram. 10111. ana nine, rrice --"- BIOBT LOTav-Buburbaa aartheaal. aioo "we alia tHherl. af rou with lot.. CENTER STREET REALTY en.B Saemtav tteftlUtrJ Bhmt 4-MJ1 Kr. rhetMt; Olti 1-111. Brlihi $8900 Attractive I reome, Inaulatad, all or alee. trie beet. Bncioaea neoo wwh. feet. Phone 4-1041. lllM a4t LIVE BETTER FOR LESS aalehllo aahiirhan ataaa ta aaaad aabael S I Kadera kltahea. attuap rooaa. sarage. Thla a-reevr-otd aaly at.ua, ll.aat evowa. ru br. ttaeaeei. THE GREENHOUSE GOES, TOO! If yea like a garden end newere, go that pl-aaanl l-tedraem kwaee oa km art, aaaa. The aamee kaa aa attraettve kltchoB, dtaatta, well-arraaviod living raoaa.atmty raeoa. Deukie aaraae and alanuaam grieabaaia ST. VINCENT DISTRICT : . Bora to aa. af thaaa aatdartat atarr and aaa Bin hoeaaa la ami Beilk part af the alty that yea have admlraa, Living raaat with Btaplaea, ana tag raaaa. kltehaa with aaaa, I eeebaataa. keavmaat, eel faraaoa. 2aaamaa. poaaaealoa. HLK Terma. Call Mr. Baauay. DIGNIFIED-ATTRACTIVE Bxtrk tern S-lMdma lMai wllh sloMta wl rtorui ; hMuUful humb1 kltVeJidkm. Mt.rU tttate worn. Urn nri arvM it. 4LMdk fiLh hmrtit). fruit krsevi uisl UDeBBUtra ! !. PtrMM ihl horn leM U Ml. Ai tlSeMt, tott numtm Utw. .. Murphy & Kent, Realtors MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION 1TNANCINO ; 4M a CHTjBCra PHOvrE 4-mt EVavt: kaubet 4-iaea, PABacaayj a-raae Grabenhorst Specials BNOLBWOOD MAayrtprBCB Tlraelaae Cap. Ood kt a tale balll baaaa Three fcdraea.. gaad-alaad lfr. ran. and din. rm, fan baaaak. at! fataed ear , , heat. SprlnkUng ayatem, daughttully landaaapod. Termi CALL PBTIB S. SOBUBBAtl BAST 4 yeara aid, 1 bdrroj.. alee floor ptaa and vary aaaa. Attraetlve yard aad good gerdea area, wattea . aaa. cutu, b. b. unna, sai mrnart patirai Jvmvr vteannrrnn am thla aaaatlfnl Caadalarla aval t 1 kte. llv. rm. to dla. na. wiah aoaaural now af Btoaatataa alty. Pan baaaa t . with ate. rampaa rm. aad fireplace. Date, pibg., are. paUa, earner art. Roll, v. and dla. rata, aarnoted. See that heaae today. OALb o. Bu , OBjABBNBColBT, JB COOP. BltOKBP) LOTBLV VDBAf. BOaTB IJv. rm. with fireplace, dm. rm. wit Praaah daora ta patio, kitchen with lata at Ulll-toe aad daataa apaoo. Aula, all faraad-af furaaaa, aleae to Brill. wood aehaej and traatapavruttmi. A vary Beat heu. aad aaly tll.ttw. CALL J. B, LAW, aVALBabtAB A BIT Of mw aTefjtajro-okarmrng Oapa Cad Ivmaa, apt. taai awaat, kdrmi. ptaa annalabad aaatalre. Plroplaee. Preta ISUa, CA1X aVImm Bu GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Ml e. Liberty at, aVaVm Bvaalng! at aandayg aall Peter B. oeUor 1-awM I. B. Law l-tlll at. Laraaoa ant ; 'BEGINNERS ' OttadftB. Bata. Mt t. Beta. faaoS gartfaB ac41 OB payawaBI. aamA. evt.1tm i . rmsT GRADE - Beat, aaun a-karat, home. Btghlaatd dartrlat. BdwaV faeooa. 4M Bvaar furnace. UN dowa. Pol aria, at, too. SECOND GRADE ' t-bdrm. elder koau. Separate dlnlnc loom. Lawatr bvwb aad aawaaav Booae ta aaoelleal ooadltloa. 7,aoa. Tmne. THIRD GRADE l-adrat. home, aorinUhed attle. Xnelda uuuty, Larwa Vet trttk gardes apaaa. 14, T0. Tarma. ..... .-i, GRADUATE t bodrooma. baMmenl, tad floor arraaaod far wa arte. ' (.kdraag. em tee. floor. Largo UI to DR. I acta plumbing. Seam heat. As Ideal avagag aad Income lnvMtmeat. .11,100. Terma. A. A. Larsen, Realtor FOR SALE ACREAGE POB SALE OB TBADE g-egre ahlckea nih loaded witn aioae. wm injim wi,Am mr vnore. BoulnPOd With OhlCk' one. all oaulpment. and tractor. Have booka ahowlna good profit. Will trade tor home In Salem of approalmatoly aama value. 110,500. Contact Oreton Land Company. Bm!. I-I-J Meaonlc Bldg. Phone McMlnnvllla 1131. bb44 BEAUTIPUL COUNTRY HOME M A. only 4 mlioa N.W. of Salem with ell year atreem. Irrigation rllhtt aad aaulpioent. Leto built ranrb-trpa houee with den end llr.pl.ee. Lovely leroa kitchen, atlllty rm.. Itt bath, I bdrm... living rm. and den with wan to wall carpeting. Nice yard and enrobe. Take Selim or Portland home In trade for II 000 oeultr. Phono Don Helm ot WALTER MTJSORAVE REALTORS I-I1M or 1S441 ova. bt)4. NEAT AND CLEAN Juet Ilka saw. Out of at.u awnar gaya aeU It, Hardwood tloora. Hear Highland aehooi. Alt, garaga. Bio. yard. Bargain trice aaly fl.ttt. Well built. 1mm. poae. RED HOT Owner leaving atate. Peaatala bad- a,.n.i..tl aarneU. very alaaa. Several fruit treea. Spacioat let. Hear atore and achooL, OU heat. Inaulated. Pull price iwoo. IN DALLAS . , iu.iB mnA emu.ually Will btlllt home. Lota af bulll-lna. Automatle all furnace, plreplaoo. Sep. tiullty roam, ma. aaaa. P.H.A. urma. Pull price I10.M0. ST. VINCENT a-vi.A tjtAt..gU4..l. Aii fiirriftca. Iniulttfdi w.UtArmtriDDd. BPsVciou roomJ. Only jr. oiL UM eJovm. Price 4r.tlovUr rdUetd tO ll,HOe IdlMrBl BW emPawe TRULY A BARGAIN Only wo-, or. Owntr nsuit Jttvt itiu. ItuWfj elty. Vrr bni erf on tructlon. IotuUttd. Stout's throw Iron ClhOOl. 92 191 W10 Btrpia-aw, vjm.,11 arlea nnl 1MM. CALL POR MR. KIOOIM8, WVU. H. -J. or MR. CKAwrvKu, -. It do Dwtr, eavll 4-M. Income $1,050 Per Mo. And a very declrable property. Very eloeo In. vacanciae aimoei mu dlaunca from downtown and Itato houea PolU baeement. Oil heel. Very low overhead. Liberal term!. Pull price 170.000. Apartment or Dormitory v. .i.ia dormitory. How being ueed aa apt!, but could oaally , hah Varw aloan. Covn- .iat.lv furnlahed. Part baeement. Oil hoot. Specloua guaratere tor owner, Owner will oiehenge for other property. Pull price 11.000. BUSINESS LOT Plua t-bedroom modern houee. Suitable tmr moat lev tree of buainoea. Pront- aaa oo two fuU aldea. PuU prloo lll.toi. CAL POB DAB 1SAAK. BVB. B. 4-IUI. If aa anawer, can e-.e. FIR GROVE 14 kertkt. OIom In BorUitMt. Owntr la.vltic atitW. atlmo-t ntw hooit. Rtw aahtkam hauM. Itrftlt. PTOOtMt build mort houtH If 5lrl. Prtritt wtlL Pull prleo Mt $500 DOWN mm-mw .14. a,Hi. ftood .oil. Near town. niahway frontaea. Dnllnlihed bldg. Pull price only Uleo. 3 ACRES Modern t-yr-old houee. Inaolelad. MM nr treee. Tounlberrlee. School hue. Vorlety af trait. Oood welL Pall Price aaly tsooe, BEAVERDAM 140 ft. Irritation pipe. H .erei total, to a..aMi.m. Thla nraoarty hae aa- acellent poailbllltlee. Tou'll bo aurprleed at laat yeara' income, now la tne na. Vol! nrira ante M0 400. OAL POB MR. LEAVEN. BVB. PH. 1-4711 If no anawer, cell a-nea. MORTOAOB LOANS 10-Tear Maturity 111 a. Bltb A. B, Beckett Ph. KM1 PH. SfSBI . pa. arua aa. at Sunday . Andy Halvoraoa . l.g.ag...a.gaa..aa.ai.a..44aa.ew.aw.oa..aa.a..ggw.4Voatawgp REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE NELSON 1 ACRE ON CREEK ThLi ouW tt your crtavni bono. Btw ilful hantutu Oam snWA Iwak ot tprlmr fawtl erautk. A Mod alaMO to ilTO WhUa 70B buiWL Doa't bIh tnu optunitr. Ooiy LIVE RENT-FREE nit i.bggdrMNat lubnrbon homo init 4tMTt.u&. lood oDditiot.. rtttdy to occupr. Lore rooms, oUta lor oitre. mi oom. only mow. vtui uri. fimiu. MAKE OFFER Ownir aan 11U fftlrlr ntw attt Mrm. homo with larct kitchen, utility rn... tsVTMP. In futcrowln McKlnlty ttutrtct. 14. Lttl HPM, 11000 down, OoU Mra. WOOtUn. UNFINISHED ROOM U PAT A IRA Iftri'i ui opportunity to tt ihit trd bdrm. Plnlib It yourttlf. 4 yu. old. Oood S-tdTm. homt, outomatto htat. Lwllt dUt. All for 10750. . , PRICED TO SELL Over 1100 ea. ft, la thla well-built B-rr.-oid attractive t-bdrm. borne. An excellent landaceped lawa on thu 11 i 117 ft. lot, pvd. itr.it. Extra bldg. II x IT an concrete foundation la rear. 110. tog will make thla iplendld home yeara. Call Al. watte, t-nn. WANTED We hava a barer who went! I It I .tree, l-hedroom houie. will pal ap to 01000. Call Mr. Oallagher. , NELSON & NELSON apecteltalng Bool tor in n. Bieh at. , rv s-ioaa BEAVERDAM ta .area l.ahlah heoverdam. II ni af Willamette cell. Oood onion haute. Pain hama. Cell for aartleulara. Walter Muserave Realtor 1111 Bdltwatar rn. 1-lltt, Bag. 14011 rj4r.aoaa'a.aawwwa1wwwwei FOR SALE FARMS I have filed my final account aa eaeea- tor of the Ertete of Charlea Henry Wrleht, deeoeoed, IB tho Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for Merlon County and aald rmtrt haa fliad let a.m. of March II. lttl. .and the courtroom at aaio courv aa tip) that and piece tor neenng maroon. B. o. aTarnra, jr Attorney at Law 401 Pioneer Treat Bmg. rek. aa. til Mar. a, u GRADE "A" DAIRY , . r-m mm .! i. ml. treat Salem, with t-B.B. paUtared baaaa. aa paved road, alee bent IOzM ft, II atonchloaa. Can Irritate to a. i ta. bay, price in.Ma. See Mr. WelL COUNTRY RANCH .111.400 far thli eloee-la I aeree with fTee t-B B. borne, am bora at hea houee. it A. If berrlea. 114 A. per menent paeture, year 'raaat creek. 14000 dowa. See Mr. wall. A REAL rARM at aorbs af Wlllametta at Rewborg mi l arte af bnlMtnae. II A. be eu' t.. 4 A. orcberd. aome limber, trrteettoa well with lou of water, aaly I ml. Re, of gaum, price ajo.ooa. awe aar. wait. Burt Picha Inc. I B. Blah St. Bvea. 4-44.1 Offlaa 1041 Check These . e.badrooae. an larea nroi. 1. mm. - i, u.l.r... UkO laraa lot. wioeo ' rant. I. iodrooa and aaaomoai aa rlah and hath aeh'eola. Claae to kaa Una. Excellent terma. a I bodrooma and baeement. Itaally a let .f ,ood homo eloeo to grade aahoo . Cloaa to kue. Would trade tot a email houee la Keleer. 4. Hew l-bodraom, aloee t. Weet Salem aonooi. wiu eeu a. e-n www- into, l-aedroowi and tt acre at gooo Uad. flood dlatrlot af B B. Baloai. wary OMy ttrlBaaw REIMANN REALTORS LOAN3 AND INSURANCE ... .....k wi.i, at Phoao l-fftoi Phone erveninae, a-ievi, e-eeew, '"VJ, Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonee 4-1111 or 1-7110 1011 PORTLARD boad Bvi. Phonet I-I7M, 4-I4II, 4-H10 Or 1-151 If aa anawer. eaU 4-tltr a44 HURRY ON THIS CNE A awe, aamfortablo oMor typo hoato with Urae llvlne at dining rata., kltehea with breakfaet area, I bdnac aU oa aao floor. avorabundancawr flowera and ahraba .all for onr at tot. oao Mr. Melaaar. Ere. 4-1711 Bxr-HAMOB far l-bdrm. homo, lev.ly Bn glewoad homo, 4 bdrm!. at den, I hatha, value I1I.0Q0. uau rtva, era. e-oeio. wit. Dowa Aa attractive l-bdrm bono, aeet at clean, fully plaatered and fa top ahapa, attached ..ran St aloe lot. RE. location, tee mo. I. fuU prlet Ho DOWK Cut l-bdrm. home an ea one floor, nice lot. largo workanop, flewero, ehrube at traaa, pvd. at. range, refrlcerator 4b heater Included. Ill mo. Poll price 16 too. Call Bay Davie oa then. Eve. 4-t.1T. Local l K B. an JELOOW An. lait Berth af Suanyvlew. weU-ballt, Beat, eleea aad attracttva l-bdrm. 1 beautifully laadoeaped, aaly aatpl. Bva aall Warren Meurer l-llll. OPPICB PBOHB 1-44M Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor all R, BIOB BT. 044. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 C0LBATH SPECIALS $3250 - $500 DN. ' OLDBTt 1-BBDBOOaf ROME as let toaeo. A goad deal ta remodel and met. 'mosey on. Bnglowood location. y $5500 - $1000 DN. 'VERT CLEAR at KBAT aUar saw. bdrm. homo, large garaga at ataraaa rm.. variety trull treee, tardea, I tatg. DAROT LOCATIOB OK K. Stad St. - $5700 - $1200 DN. 1 kadrooma aa mala fir, Una LaX at DR comb. 1-car garage. Oood H. 17th St, location. $6250 FULL PRICE A cutis aa South High St. Rloe LB. DR, bdrm, bath, large aaamt. with aatra bdraU all boat, garaga, laws at gardea area. $7250 FULL PRICE Her. at a home rou win waat ta aaa, . Kiarly aew l-bdrm.. bdwd. flra., aaaa tlful living na, Inalda atuity. LBT VB SHOW THIS PINE etOKS TO TOC. 11000 da. $9500 FULL PRICE uani l.PAhfTLT ROIIB. a bara aa mala ftr. J bdrma. ap, doable eaajaaa tag, fireplace, burnt with ell piped fay -aace. 1-car aaraga, laaatatl ta Baa la wood DHL I block, from oaheet. BX caujnrr tbrms. $10,500 FULL PRICE A beautiful wan-kept home. 1 Mkaea, and poaalble I bdrm!. ap. Ifderd. flra, fireplace. THM ROME Bt A DBBAbt AT) THE rfUCB AND WILL TRADE POtt A PARM. $10,950 FULL PRICE this will tvoytPttBgs Tear Pel thli. I bdrma, lavoly tats, bwbjs am, THE PRICB end yaa will waat ta aaa black tilt ftreplaee. aateot hdwd. fire, all heat, wonderral kltahoa, awaelle, beautiful tandeeapai VM, Attaabed san rage. Located 1140 K. atth. oar Tn ABora RARRT TAR HCM, BTB. Ba. SMI OH DAVB LAZBKBT " WS OH OLOA OOLBBBBa " " BtPPJ FARMS & ACREAGES 10 A. - $4500 AU aall, Uyt flat, a ml. JL OMar ane-bdrm. home, nleg aatm, OWLT BtaM. OOOD TBRMS. 130 ACRES at A. ta aalt, kaL timber 4b pantara. 4 good aprlaaa. agcallaat It elaajohlom lartp dairy bars. Til. atuk baa. with . elect, water hooter St waahor. Large ehlekoB hee, brooder baa, I bar at. akt houio. ASKIKCI 117, Km. Va dav, BAL, BAST. , , 30 ACRES , ALL CULT., with 4-bdrav, eider baaaa, Una barn, ben hae, ate. 4 aallee awl. Price Ill.tOt. TABS BXWSS E TBACtJ TO ION. wrarar aritfl ta ft Lr., I bra Jl doa. lata noarea at tic. Parly na. ra aaavanwot. w, .- - aaaatlfnl apactoua. fenced lot. Price tll.aoo. aw rna wraray tyrfl Tea we have them, aome with beautiful treee. It a worm your umw v wi Priced Irom iioag up. . BBS RUB. timmm aa Weet Saiam achooL Thu la rour ahaaaa to get a good family homo aa lot I or avieo. wan nevi.iw. WALTER MljmonATB REALTORB till Bogewator tilt., Bva. Altai $7350 POastBLB l-BDRM. Oood borne, fire alar, hdwd. flTO, llV. ra, dlB. HB, ! Bdrma. dowa. stairway la and floored a p. tat ra. I bike, la new Hoover achool. Thla U-rvar-old borne la a real buy. Immad. poae. owner will lata late model oar aa part paymL 4-nmROOU ttoMt. 1 TEARS OLD. I hdrrna, down, t ap. Double plumbing. Specloua, roomy bom aa Vb acre, sat tnia toner, ait.eou, Ball ea eoairaet, BRTATB BOMB CAKDALARIA A-l LOCATION. Thla aicalMnt family baaaa, I bdrma. and den, epaowaa lie. rm, dla. rm, kit, brtf. pac, double plumbing. ARD LIS TEN 1 ACRE af valuable land. Pull baeement, work .hop, aawduat beat. Owner win trade tat amalMr boat., Oaly 111,40 fat aU. SUMMERS MS) State St. BeeJ Mr Pa. 1-401 alwayg 5 ACRES t-rm. modoTB eattaga, garaga, aavjekaa kaa, pump haa. at waa, all level, elewe In at luat oft MB, Prto. KM Term, rn down and ttt per mow la. V2 ACRES with l-bdrm. houaa, water alaaa at, taB price tltot. ORLT lltt da. y2 ACRE with I-rm. cabin, attaobad sarat. wall with hand pump, level apes land. Cloaa la. Prloo 1M0. ON THE ABOVE SEE -T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARIS EVE. PH. 41714 crncx DIAL 44494,24552 tii" i iT ea! ..a.a.aeee.aaaaa.waaaa.awaaa'gaaw WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICEi If roar eveeertr b far gakt, real ar gxehaaga, net it wita aa. wa aava all kind, at aaah barer. STATE P1NANCB CO, REALTORS 111 B Blah SV aa WANTED I to I aeree with aaaa boawa, eloae In. Al Ataaa, Bit, paaaa a-a.ii. If n .newer, 4-1141 aaya Wa ABB ta seed al good bewail ta ea4L la ar Bear aalem. u yea wma w awe CaBABEHHOBBT BBOS, aMAVtOm. . I U4 S. Llbortf Pa. Mn as