BV C?L ANDERSON Henry 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, Feb. 20, 1953 It's Death, My Darlinc! r "" ly AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG 15 PONT N3 UEJsK3RN r UP Niwtintuni) f LET CO t- FOR A WALK- V. HENRIETTA ! I " " CHAPTER 18 Tbt night, Bmu moved from the nraooniere to the house, taking the loom that had formerly been occu pied by Claude. He Invited Lewis Haye to come in with him: but Lew la, who had lately drawn aloofly Into hi ahell probably as a rejult of hi misunderstanding with Pick, whatever that had been about de- ' dined. Therefore Lee, who had orig- ' Inalhr been teamed up with hi fa ther, moved In with Beau, leaving Uncle Raoul a Toom to himself . It wa (omewhere around the mid (Me of that same night that Bobby heard the dog howl, and wok me 0 tell me about it. I got up and started toward the door that gave upon the upper gal- lery. Bobby popped straight up In ' bed like a Jack-in-the-box. There was a patter of bare feet on the floor behind me, and the next min ute ahe was standing beside me at . b"V??!ereto It?" she breathed. "Can you see It?" Of a sudden Bobby Jerked oon- ' vulslvely at my sleeve, and with ber free hand pointed downward and to the left. I looked where ahe was pointing, . In the yerv heart of that blackness, something was moving; something ' that was too la's for a dog. Then it passed from the shadow Into the moonlight, and I saw with relief that it actually was Uncle Raoul. "He's probably looking for that darned dog." I replied. 'THe's got a tics or something in bis nana. We stood for a minute watching Uncle Baoul as hs continued on his way. Then, Just as he reached the curve mmseu ana aisappearea around it, a moonbeam caught the 'tick" he wait carrvinff. "Good heavens!" Bobby gasped. He so Colonel Dumont's sword 1" Most of us were at break! ast the ' next mornlm when Bountiful an nounced the arrival of the sheriff Blnce Uncle Raoul bad not yet come down. Lee. after a brief hesitation, . rose from the table and went out to receive him. But almost immediately he re - turned acaln. He was looking put- . afed and, I thought, a little worried. "Wilkes wants to see all of us for a few minutes." he announced. He wouldn't say what It's to be aoout." The sheriffs attitude, when we joined him, was not so threatening as we nao expeoteo. in jact, ne aeemea perplexed. "When we were gettln" your cous in ready for the autopsy," he began abruptly, "we found a couple o' things on him that seem to need a little explalnln'." He thrust his hand Into his trou sers pocxei, ana orougnt out some- 4ptotU Out tycod ONE SIZ Two Anrons One Pattern! Inv agine how simple It will be to whip ud them two delightful aprons for yourself or for gifts! Each has It own feminine personality from a mere yard of material I No. 3760 is cut in one size. Apron with button trim takes 1 yd. 35-ln. fabric with Hi yds. braid. Panel apron with potholder takes yd. 35 In. with 2! yds. rlo rac. Send .30c tur PATTERN' with NAME, Address, Style Number and Size Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 683 Mission street, Ban Francisco o. tiui, Patterns read la fill orders Im. mediately. For special handling of order via first class mall Include an extra Ac per pattern. price Just 25c. Just off the pressl The new Spring-Summer Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all trans, lated into delightfully wearable. ea ay-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, an aires, au wxm ions. Send now for this sewing In. splratlon , . . Just 35c. ; Keep teeth bright , Chew wri,w. Spcrmin, r... . M Chewing helps keep teeth bright tnsta IWMfsnt U. ffCfnCllf "VfcVVIW UiiaUI. mm. ' ssgaj thing which he laid on the bule table beside which he was standing. It was a bright, new silver dollar. Henri was tne iirat to speaa. "What's so funny about my cousin having a dollar In his pocket?" he demanded. "Nothing," the sheriff answered. "Only, this wasn't in his pocket. It was In his left hand." The sheriff brought a worn leath er wallet from the inside pocket of his coat and extracted from it a torn niece of naoer. which he laid on the table beside the dollar. "We found this crumpled up in his right hand pants pocket, he announced. "Maybe some of you know what It Is." The paper, obviously part of a leaf from an ordinary pocket notebook, had some writing on It; but because of the way it had been torn, the words were not continuous. I, the undersigned, do hereby Interest In and rights to the will of my lately deceased for the sum of one dol "Which one of you bought Claude Dumont's share in his grandfather's estate for one dollar?" he demanded at last. Even Beau looked surprised. There was the sound of footsteps descending the stairs Just then, and Cousin Eft came Into view. At sight of the sheriff, he stopped. The sheriff picked up the paper, and handed It to htm. "Maybe you can tell me some thing about this, Mr. Marshall," he suggested. "I'm at raid I cant," ne said after a moment. "What's It supposed to "The sheriff thinks Claude may have sold one of us his shares in Orandpere's estate," Amedee ex plained. ' The sheriff glanced around the circle. 'Where's Mr. Raoul Dumont?" he demanded suddenly. "My father hasnt come down stairs yet," Lee explained. "Then send up after him." Uncle Bountiful returned. "Mlstuh Raoul ain't In his room." he announced, addressing himself to Lee. "Shall Ah go look fo' him?" Lee glanced lnoulrlnslv at the Isheriff. No. I don't guess thatll be neces sary," Wilkes said unexpectedly. "One more thing," he said as he was about to leave. "We forgot to take the sword along with us when we were here yesterday. The coro ner thinks we ought to have it for the Inquest." "Do you remember what the coro ner did with It?" Cousin Jeff in quired. "I mean after ..." He let the sentence trail away unfinished. At that, I saw Bobby open her mouth to say something. I shot her wraning glance, and she closed It again. "Well, you can ask him when he gets back," the sheriff said. "I don't I guess It matters a whole lot, , but some o' the Jurors may want to see It at the Inquest." ito Be continued) - 1 Too Sick for Trial; Tell It to the Judge Washington Vn a lot of peo ple who have pleaded they were too sicK to face trial on charges of federal income tax evasion in recent years may soon be telling their stories to a federal Judge. Atty Gen. Brownell announced last night that the old "health policy" in criminal tax fraud cas es, where prosecution was with held on grounds that the defend ant was In ill health, is out as far as his administration is con cerned. Carol Curtis Pattern Toys of Plastic Fabric. An lWnch acotue dog in golden-striped plastic fabric, (-Inch pussy-cat in gold- stroped and green and a 13-inch ele phant In plaid make an amusing tnreesome of inexpensive toys lor the younger set. Plastic by-the- yard material Is used in bright coiors, seams are simply overcast on right side, stuffing mav be foam rubber or soft cushion. Pattern con tains actual nine chart pieces, all sewing, stuiiing and finishing In' structlons. Send 30c for the THREE PLAS TIC nursery TOYS (Pattern No. 5831 YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. 653 Mission Street, San r T nncisco S, YJRUI. Patterns ready to fin orders lm mediately. For soeeial handllm af order via first class mail include an extra so per pattern. WW, miie Jl!PMtai.t A jwitow jj 'alVssaV I f "" ' VPmj ) 1 r ANYHOW, VOtD NEVERl VEAH AND JUDGING ''w'- - ' ' ' '"' ' S V nJs-fc CATCH HIM HPS GOT FfiOM THE STENCIL '''lf&Xif . "V" ' HEY MISTER.' DONY A .Ti J VT A PAIR OF FAST J INSIDE THIS SWEATSHIRT fr&'--S "St T " CHASE HiM.' HE'S STILL jf T VCHJN6 LE6S T HOOO, THOSE LEGS S'T' W : "" 7JR$V J 1 arX ' r 90? 3 sMC1 r60TA-ofHW'WTtiy THIS OL' BUREAU WITH THE f fk JJlL I J ? UAUNPIM CJ 9 r" aKm tl 0 ""T- Z"1"- f no, we iinT I but "TarZjMl I -look WRflriegagsV 1 Hi! SHOOT OLD 1 I EVER RSQER I WEUL J. Ill FAST-CANT Pfl ! 7 r-fjmTm I I TTV NeXT, I THAT'S CUSTOMARY k - I M 6IMSWITH I THEYt) CHECK 1 Hfitii 111 ON P00CS-6UTHr TO I tyZJum II I UNCtB T6X? FOR sNWD.l , r. nXriL -Jl Rxg Ifr inps L SjSIK 'SECOND-HAND SAM" V-rt- KaC IIDfr 1 flw.v.Ar-iAVEMECLM vjm utki. I Iwuvniurir? W f-'urrT I tmU ;1fcswIMJJS,f5?S' frOE It'll V AHisGirnN'aoNosy 1 Icaintharm rfcL. ""5nrA V IrtlrvTmiafe'. 11 ISHSf 11-4.11 . : ' . : L " CUO ilSN OF HIM. MELOC JlTi R5gg AttV VflM Will M i mfWlWfiSlMCKV ASENCVTHAT BOSS 18 A LATE WELL, HER6 ?, ILL HAVE My COFFEE U -LTAslTrT.,HS,0B Jl'REO ME CAVE ME SLEEPER I'LL GOES- ) la IN BED THIS MORNING T - : SButlfUjob Z!yA,N0SAID- DAW HIS B AWTH ' AND SEE THAT IT S fi ijp ' . weu, do thatTI r la r9a ft s ' t 7 HERE..WHATEVEI!yTHllM3 1 J NflSN l3J fel'j'JT t3h L5 . VVj Li li-" ir11 ' I VOU MEAN YOU'RE H W I FIND THIS RULE IN THE. ftLOMA COLLEGE I r . I uwrnr. intLOUKSt.l I tovOuI I CATALOuUE: N09TLIDENT WITH AGRADEOf I I I A MR.MrTCHEU! RETURN TO YOUR ... MUST WARN YOU I CAN 1 'u110"'! ' in anv xiiR ifrr rau PAOTiioiTriu II " SEAIi-THISCLAMISNOTOVER! 7 'doCTOpI PrA.MBVl.A, . L VARSITY SPORTyl DOESTHAT APPLY TO V I R LL. rrrlN - Tuirlrov! I I 'AIUMfi,FOR.THE Ov k THE SWIMMINJTEAM,MR.MITCHELL? T II ,H a, 'i C5 : - ; - ; ; : nv-v V. I YmEANWHILE. TO THE &OUTH... I I T &OV' TH' BAf?-20 " . NX I U WJYM -r I a- . I nsmaw M ,,i r.,aJT sTiJ W J lslHMl I Sewage Plant Nearly Fini Woodburn A report was given at th regular meeting of the Woodburn city council Tuesday evening that the city sewage disposal plant would be completed within the next 30 days. The mains and all of the disposal plant except installa tion of machinery were com pleted last summer and fall. A letter was read from the Southern Pacific company in re ply to r request for a signal at the Bradley street crossing where a man 'was killed by a freight train last month. The company stated that the small amount of traffic over the cross ing did not warrant the expense of such a signal. A counter sug gestion made was that the city improve Ogle street as the exit for the area and close the Bradley street crossing. The city recorder was in structed to contact property owners who were over ! 18 months delinquent in city as sessments. A complant was made by the highway commission on the con dition of Young street at the sewer crossing and the contrac tor was given five days to repair the street. , A complaint was made by the park board about water from the south side of Oak street at First which washes out the park- ACROSS 1. Young dog 4. Astern 7. Wsrd oft 12. Hail 13. Hurry 14. Body organ 15. Line touching a curve 17. Go 18. River em bankment , 19. Dried Iran Give Method of standing , Anger Chums Shelter Continent Fruit drink Poem Worthless bit Purple seaweed Sleeping Musical drama Recline In fsvor of Metal Building addition ' Cook In fat DOWN Gentle stroke 21. Press for Davment 22. Kind of rock 21 Edge of a garment 25. Nourish 26. Negative oaruele ST. Placid 29. Shooting star fr-TT ir m FT AM M,M,f, - - ROOM I. BOARD HERE'S A LPTTM R-TUC JUDGE fSm UNCLE BREWSTER, mtuus I lfcH I WAD WHO WAS HERE A COUPLE OF MONTHS i . u ii7WU."wcLL,ric9 JLbT AS TIGHT LULK AT THE FADFD HP I USES-ITS EITHER DILUTEDOR Hfc WROTE WITH WEAK TEA. s-yf WILL E THE JUDGE aaSMSMSBHIVMaaSIBBBISBIBIiaBaiMaBSMSaaiSlBIMBM!!, J 4-H Leaders -Meet Saturday ! Officers of Salem 4-H clubi meet at the State School for the Blind Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. James Bishop, city ex tension agent, and Ross Huck. ins, leaders association preil; dent, announce the meeting which will help all clubs or ganized to date. " Cal Monroe, state 4-H agent, will work with the president! and vice presidents on their re sponsibilities and duties with the club and office they hold. Four-H club secretaries will receive rriore helpful hints from' Jack Evey, Polk county exten sion agent, while Bea Humph, rles, county, extension, agenl 4-H, will work with the recrea tion and song leaders on ways to improve that phase of club meetings. J Bob Birdsall, information spe cialist, from Oregon State col lege, has a session planned for the club news reporters. Four-H club leaders are en-' couraged to come with their club officers to the meeting, which will start In the Blind1 school auditorium at 10 a.m.. Saturday. 'Anyone requesting further information should con-, tact the 4-H office or Ross Huck' ins at the Blind school. - v ing fill at that point. The com' plaint was referred to the street committee. olurr mvTeiE Ik Im a IsiH Ivl Solution of Yesterday's Puiili - 1 Grspe 2. Hanging ornament 4. Exclamation 5. fish's swimming organ 1 Restrain T. Associate I. Contend . Shirk 10. Musical show -' 11. Inclination " 18. Opening 20. Exact a money,, penalty . 22. Masculine nickname 23. FisU eggs 24. Proclaim 25. Swamp " 27. Toper " ' 28. By birth SO. Feminine ,M ending 11 Stick for . holding " wool in hsnd- 11 spinning tM 33. Silkworm .... 34. Turmeric 38. Sharp-pointed - implement St. Spanish " sesport " 39. Render auitabl 40. Dike ', 42. Branch 44. Spoken 45. Russian river 47. Before 49. Lubricate 50. And not 51. Attempt 14 e VI 120 By Gena Ahem MAYBE HPS WRITING THE JUDGE TO SEND HIM THE TOOTHBRUSH HE LEFT HERE- THE BRISTLES WERE WORN DOWN SO CLOSE WE FIGURED HE USED A PUTTY KNIFE TO SPREAD TOOTHPASTE ON HIS TEETH