Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAV1 BLACKMEB '' On Television KPTV (Channel 27) RADIO PROGRAMS . w?,t messM. You ought to see the program TV sched ule KPTV puta out for the newspapers. I don't think college grd with twelve masters degrees could decipher the code they are using. First they began to publish the programs on a mint eograph sheet, this was fine, even a three-year-old could understand this one, but oh I hope to tell you about this mess. Now the sched is on a printed form with arrows running every way you look. Our radio and television program decipher code artist has to spend aeveral hours trying towork this puJe out for the public. ... So if our listings of TV programs are some times confusing, please share with us the hope that one of the late-administration confusing experts is not now on a private payroll A North Bend, Oregon resident, Mrs. Carl Mark, 2787 Sheridan, won third prize in a contest conducted by the "Jimmy Wakely Show." . Top-ranking diplomatic representatives of 12 Euro pean nations have agreed to participate in KOIN Ra dio's "The Europe Story" during coming months, it wss announced today by Stuart Novins, Director of Public Affairs, CBS Radio Network. Producer Lewis Shollenberger has scheduled Alberto Tarhiani, Ambassador to the U.S. from Italy, for "The "Europe Story" on Sunday, February 22. Signor Tarhiani will be interviewed by CBS Radio White House correspon dent Bill Costello and two other Washington correspond ents. Scheduled for "The Europe Story" on Sunday, March 1, Is Erik Boheman, Ambassador from Sweden Succeeding broadcasts will present the following diplo matic representatives Turkey, Feridun C. Erkin; Norway, Wilhelm Munthe De Morgenstierne; Spain, Signor Don Jose Felix De Lequerica Y. Enquiza; Yugoslavia, Vladimir Popovic; Austria, Max Loewenthal; Great Britain, Sir Rog er Makins; Ireland, John Joseph Hearne; Iceland, Thor Thors; France, Henri Bonnet; Switzerland, Charles Bragg mann. ') Yours For the Tele-Viewing: Friday Cavalcade of Sports at 7:00 will pit George Araujo of Providence, R.L, vs. Paddy Demarco from Brooklyn. 10 rounds; lightweights from Madison Square Garden. ' Dennis Day Show at 10:00. Dennis continues to masquer ade as Charley the doddering superintendent of his apart ment building in order to save the old man's job. The owner discovers the disguise and the fun begins. Adolph Menjou at 10:80 with another "Favorite Story, Nite Owl Theater at 11:45, "Tragedy at Midnight? John Howard, Margaret Lindsay and Roscoe Kama. a SATURDAY Kids and Company at 11:00. 10-year-old Gary Grant of Sharon, Penn., will be honored for pulling his friend from water, saving his life. , ' You Are There begins at 2:00. Edward R. Murrow brings you right onto the scene of happenings with this ncwsreel type show. Victory at Sea at 2:30 will show the gripping U.S. Navy combat films depicting the Allied advance across the Cen tral Pacific Lone Ranger at 8:00 will be riding the range with his faithful friend Tonto. All Star Review at 5:00 will co-star Martha Raye and Frank Sinatra. BIRD'S House of Television is open evenings 'til 8, Mon day thru Friday featuring the ene-and-only Spar ton TV, Hoffman and other popular brands.1 871 Wallace Rd. Wert Salem FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at oar Television Theatre. 8m them la aetiea befere yea bay. Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon. WeetlnakouM OPEN FROM 9 AM. to P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY . Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPUAKCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa Phone J4J11 SATURDAY P. M. FBIDAT am Tha zk nrdt 11:14 p-m. Walaoma Tr.T.llarp 11:44 p.m' TP b anBoancool 1:44 .. Bata Smith 1:M pja. Doublo or Kethtef 1:94 p.pv Strlka It BWh 3; 06 p.av Hatlrup ThMUr 4.1 p.r Marob for Tomorrow 4:44 PJB- Lo.0 of Lift 4:41 p.m-Htppodxomt 4:44 PA To pa ftrmoaneoS IK itKiv Roy Boaart 1:00 pv CUoo Kid 4:44 px. IX) us Bdpardp 4:44 Ttraa for Beany 1:44 p.m. Calralcad of aporla Tkhti T:4I p.ra-Nowi Cararaa 1:0 p.m. Abbott ana CoiMlo I M p.av You Artaa for It f :ta Tha Bar ttorr 4:44 p.m Ur. and lira, Korth 11:04 p.m. CnnU Dor i 10:14 Adolprt Mtnloa 11:04 pn-Bob Cowldlno 11:11 p.m. Ul. of Rllcr 11:44 p.m. KIM Owl ThtoMr PHILCO Public Demand! rirtt In TY CenlePl Open to 9 p.m. I 1121 CENTER 1 J St yrt, la Salem Jfc tATTJBDAT 11:00 rvu Xld ud Co. 11:39 p.m. tttr Kins 11:09 p.m To b tvnnouncd 1:00 .BW TOO Aim inert l:M p.m. Victory ftt .ee 1:00 p.mtont Rt&ctr J: 90 p.ns. To gmnoancDd 4:00 pm. TV Totn Club 4:30 BUhop ShtM :00 p.m All eur Rtu 4:00 flhow of Shows 9 1 :30 p.m. Hit Puavtte 0:40 p.m. Jtvckl QltMon 0:00 -Otuntrous AJilnimtnt 0:30 p.mWrMtUnc Btadllnta 10:00 P.m. I'Tt aot Stent 14:30 p.m. Roeky King 11:30 p.m. "Lavat of tht UoMcus" 13:30 p.m. (Apppox.) Stra off KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO 444 NSC 474 CM 1144 ABC 1144 MBC 1414 4P4 Ul - iwint Mowa Mot. Opara Our 44 Saka aaraaaaa Kawa !'M Fia FarraFaata Mt Om Nawa tmaaaa Mrlarn 1 11 LUl.alaa rorUaaS Mot. Opara Baa OS Naaa Mow "Han J;J Daalra Oarqaa QU MH. Opara Form toraaaaa rap. BaHa ' ' Maala - Crali Hot. Opara Maala Rao. Baam latartar . 1:40 H.ria BaaaalaaS Mat. Opara Haata Baa. Baaal HaUaa 1:15 MaaU . IKIrk-kam Mot. Opata Maab Baa, Baaal latardar lli! Maria iKlrttam UH. Oparw Maala Boa. Baai Matlaaa Bi CHr 1)1 Air Wmm Mot. Opara Maala Jin Daadv (ataraar taraaala Baa4 Mot. Om MaaU tkaw MaHaa I:I5 Aatkaa Bpaal Lat'a mtaa4 tarTtraa Maala lira Oaaap lalardop j.jj raa. Aftalro Uttfrala4 Oa Ta TawB Maala Ifcaw Mattaaa iia MalUaatak Nowa Iclaaaa Maalo Jim Daaip latara.7 1:7? Part. Maala UK Imrl OarTawn Haala tkaw Matlaaa HBO tut ClitlM a ttkt Ooarils Jim Daaip latardar Ijjg Brmpkawf Gaaat Itar Taaap Crattar ta.w Matlaaw a.M NBO Klrkkam Imttlat Id Haala UtUo tkaw Calaap Ckal J: 15 Irmpkaap Farm raata MKaaaO B.mluwar Ultra tkaw Cklaap Ckal IM VBC roalara laar tekaal CIO aat Xm Maala Uttla tkaw Bak Cnakp 145 NBC raalan Aa4 Toa ladailrr Maila tltlla tkaw Mowo '..n- KaHoakara I. Ctala KaTT Llltla tkaw Bbrtkm Nowi BUtw4 Data Nan Roar Maala Uttla tkaw Baaak t:li T. L. MeCaD DaaaT Akaal 4BO Nowa Ck. tataaaa LllUa tkaw Matla 1:45 V" "two Fraak Oara MatU Ball Maala tint Off Haar Boat .... filar Tlma Taraaa Rama tdltat Bawall Call, plaaar !:Yl BtarTlma Taraaa tparla Eallar Bawall Call, Maria Faa Waa Oaaimaka Oaad PJooUra BatlUTaLw Qaatmota Urlaala Bamklon rraadaai tap pvrotora Vaaika Oaat Matla Spaaktr at 4:71 Tkaalar Maaraa Ulltalar L,l. aai Waak 1:12 Grand Ola tpada Caalai Laaa Bauar Waataraan Maria 7:i!l O" Gaa4 Nowa Laaa Baaaar Mailo MI4 Capri !m Kddla Waokladaa' Oraaaa oa. KbIiw wO a. S:.i Eddla Anialc USA Watklaitaa Gammaalti UafltU S.ii Toa Wiulamrj Ooaa Aatrr Oracaa n. Kabsr PTD n. S:4S T" WHmmaoaaa Aalrr Waaklaalaa c.-ma.H: - LtaflaM :(M Woatora Oaackaatora Oraaaa a. Nowa PJO aa. t:M Jamkaroa Gaaikaatara Waaklaftaa taraaaap Uaftolt :J Bappr VBr 4. crate Ika Crlma Nan 4 HI aa. 0:45 Baaok Bak Craakr '"a Maala lataaa Ml Nowa tat. Fmal rtaU IdM. Maria Oala tBI aa. Ifl-lH Sparta Plaal Laak Akaa4 Daaaa Ttma Maala Oam taaaaa Ifl'Sfl Orebootra Laak Ahead Daaaa Tlma Traa ar IH1 aa. 10:45 Orebootra Orcfctatra Baaea Tlma Falao taaaaa -tK) Nowa Oraaa Daaoa Tlma Daaaa Partr Daaaa IRjCltr C.aaill Oraaa Daaaa Tlma Daaaa Partr Partr t'jnjcilf CoaaeU Atrarad Daaoa Tlma Daaaa Partr Daaaa lMilCltr C.aaeU Plaak Daaoa Tlma Daaaa Partr Partr 12:00 lra Oil Islloat Daaoa TlmaloaaaTaaaa libra OH PM Mar. I BOIN 14 1.1. 4 a-m. ta U p.m. KEX 41J, I ta I a.m- WIFE NO. S FOB DODGE . Palm Beach, Fit. Vft Actress Gregg Sherwood will become the fifth wife of Hor ace X. Dodge II, wealthy mem ber of the automobile family, in a ceremony today at the Palm Beach home of Dodge s mother. ROAD CONTRACT LET A $99,511 contract for grad ing and surfacing 4.6 miles of the O'Neil secondary highway west of Prineville was awarded by the highway commission Thursday to Durbin Bros., Eugene. MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 Don't Blow Your Top! You, too; Can Have TV We Take Most Anything Ton Have In Trade for a Beautiful llflllicoiip Set. See Us First tor the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. . , 'hone 18558 Open Monday and Friday Iveainft SUNDAY Unander to Talk at Chamber Meeting Sig Unander, Oregon state treasurer and member of the state board of control, will be the speaker Monday before the Salem Chamber of Commerce. Unander will talk on the sub ject, "Looking Ahead at 1953.' Unander became state treas urer January 1, having been elected at the November election. A We cannot tell a lie-. . . todays SGHENaLEY is the best-tasting whiskey in ages ! R Taktkmt a bcUkfcr At holiday weekend 49o -fsttiw BiM whtitoy lit a44l ll i-M Charek la Ckarak at ICaaoart Bill j U Boma Air Caaoart Ball . ;Ji) Mario far Ckara at Gaaat SUrr Malaat . ' M taadar Air Bara'i ta Vot Joaraar I a-nn Nowa BaawT Bait laka Nowa Plrat Baallal Oaopal at Oaa. WrUaa . SMmtote TdaTutb bNU,k FIT Ckrtat Nm , i:S0 taadar laallallaa ta Lirbt Ufa Baak 4a Oad T. PawaB ("'. jit's Moatl taarntap Ltekt d Ut a Baok ta Pad ckrUtlaa tatkoraa 7TKd Niwi Earapa Tadai Noara Cbolr Blblo Claaa T. Bakarta Wbla ' YlS rUdla PalHI KaroVa Tad. Nona Ckolr Blbla Claaa T. Bakorto Oraaa tart SIS lb.H, H. K. tmltb .. - VaJI W. fl. Clab Ar. Maria 1:45 Oloaa tbollr Wowa loraal Prapkaar Waffla Clab "aai fUidal Br. Ik rraa. Noara CaL awl Poalaaoaalal 1 1:?5 Sbawar Biplon Cbolr Taar BaM raotaaaaatal SaaratSaar. : rr.adrrBallawl.k Fallk Natloaal Lalboraa Clab At Opora ( loiM Pro'dl? Bill Mad.1 Bwot Vaopari W.ffla CTab At Opara rrfT Art UtIbi trmpbaaatla Parada of Praab-Braaal caloarr J"''' I! ?I Siwa Srmpboaolla Blla ' Bapllat J! 15 it,ru Nw York Parada at Plr.l OalTarr ' lM "rbt Pbllbarmaali Blla Molkadlat .tlrt IH B.pll.l y Taa inUrmena Now York New, I. W. Nawp Saadar Nowa . J.lV. V F W. PkUkarmaala Oara. Talk, Caaarlat loroaaa Mow ; il'.ii B Caarialat " Tork CbrtaUaaa Maria taadar j:5lEla Baaar PbUbarmaaU ta AeUoa MaaU taraaata laadar I-S Faaur Nan Kawa Baarral Bnt J Jalaoa taadar '" ( lirGuWi rteaoara Baar Tka Falaaa taaaa ." '4nMoro4ltk Hallrwaal Baalaal Baar Jdor Arroot taadar '' ' 45 WlUoa ttorr BaTlral Baar UadarArraH taraaata Mwla "TT. roalara Oodfrar'a Valoa af adar I !:?? Foalara Prapbaar "a Ibadaw tmaaSa Ma. la i:ia Mlad lab Traal Oroatool Traa laadar Maila :JS Maaaari Vi. tlarr taroaada Mailo -TTan H, Oardaor J. Wabolr Blllr "lob Cartar Taalk Baar j (:R ui vaop tkaw Oraham Nlok Cartar Toatk Boar Maala Hnlaar Fartlaa B.raldal Olflalal Booord Baaa Maria Cballaaaa trmpkoar Tralk Potaotlrp Baoard BaaaJMaola !' irlfl Toar Jaak Bonar Cbarak la lAtfalra af IBaoard Boom laadar . vi Jaok Bonar Boma Polar lalopj Baaard Baaa Malta Aldrlok Amaa Aadi Inradar N.W. Artlata Boaard Baaa laadar ( :4 Famllr Amoa Aadi Saadar tail. W.W. Artl.u Baoaral Boom Maria j "lM Tap ttorr Boraoa pad Tap Oar "bwa Booard Baaa ffarld Nawa Ed Baakor MoCartkr Tap Oar Ca.alaibam Baaard Baai ON ttorr , :M Tbeator fBS Nowa Mot. II Norar Baa Baaard BaaaMaalatar 1 45 1 Oalld CBt Nowa Aadlllaaa Blbla Baar lira Ott Amarloa , ? Tkeaur Flarkaaaa wiaokeU Caaaort Warwlak , S GalM Plarkaaai llmmrFldlar Maala Warwlak Xaatb Vlawa taoapa TarUrOraal Oaaoort 1:45 Tba Nowa Eteapa tm talom Maala It. Fraaata i:44 Draanat Braadwar Faal Barrar lMl 1 :1 Draiaot B..I Br raad Irmpkaap Maria . :it Pbll Barrla- PTblatlar Iataraallaaa Maala , Baaar Matal :45 Alloa Para Wklatlor Faram TV CHala Nan Oaard ! tUrllrkt Oar Mlm D. Paaraaa 14 Oaaatlaaa Pradalr Ball :15 lurlKbt Braaka Mob. Nowa pp Oaaatlaaa Praadlr Ball Srmpbaar LHI Cbat BaaUr Haoa Card Boa Itawart :41 Baar Marrla Maalo BaU pad taaoa "aa Itawart !:04 Irmphaar Boraoa aad nrawPoaroaa Nowa Daa Blawari 1 :ll Boar MoCarlbr Paa. Baart LaadWalar Daa PUwart :I4 laalar Baaar Fartlaad BL Edit. Spaak. Baartat :4 Irmpkaap Jaok Baaar Tlma Nowa Boaltk Oaaa. 14 tM B. Baaartar 4 llar.Flaal Flaal Edit. Maria Aaa Maria 4:15 starr Tallar Maala Fallk Tla Maala Am Maria :SS Catballa llaart CraJa A. Caaba Cbarok al Baaa rto :5 Boor Laat Fraatlot Caaeort Hoar Air Bararta ll'M'Nawo IMailo Caaoart BaaiCoaoart lSISandar Maalo Coaoort BoalCaatort 11 ;J0 Irmpbaar Irroaaarr Caaoart BoalCaa.ort 1:45 Urmabonr I Band Caaoart Boar Caaoart MONDAY 5 A.M. T0 11 :45 A.M. r, M-aj- tipm Hnrt Pais llo-r Ntnra lVvftkfMl CWarttm S SClri: T Sro Ora. Far- irwMM I Naob I ll Maria Tlma FJaok Farm BMP Nwa """ ' M? Farm Tlma Klk I. U WUIa Now. L., . Kl.rk M. Aaranakr Barmaar Ho. Broabfaat BOCO Elaak ? ?S f l! Wllm Si-a Bak Oarrod Brhfat Oaap Naab BOCO Blaab T'ioi. Bab B.. Brkfaa4 BOCO Bl. j;4,M."lnr B BabHI Iri tdlllaa Waal. Maala Naab KOCO Btook "Tm nii taaoa Nowo Brkfal Clab CnO Brawa Jim Daadr KOCO Blaak S:15 O d Saara C'" Famlrr Altar Jim Daadr KOCO Blaob I:U MaalaBla Bmarr Brkl.l Clab Blbla Jim Ddr KOCO Blaab 1:45 Moil. Bar Oran4 Ham Brbf.t Clab Blbla Jim Daad Nowa TTofl'Ma.lTlt.T- W. W.rr.a I aa. U NW Nawa Baok Poaaa I r S-5lMaaloBa Aaat J.aar tlaro Todar Cap. Cam. taroaada taroaada 'SfliMaale Baa rl'roa Traal Braob Book Faalar CaUo Baak Poaoa BapHaoap 5:45 V. Qal laadar Braat Baak Bar. Caaatai taroaada Pattorao 10 00 Haauao Baa. Bit llalor Doa Oardam Nawo laak Paaaa Bara ' 10:15 Haotoaa Baa. Ma Porklaa C. Baalkrr TallaTaot taroaada Boaaroal 10:50 ttrlka Biok Dr. Malaaa Traa ttorr Aaowoo Mat) Baak Poaoa Bara 10:4', Mrl.o Blok Oalda t'ibl Traa ttarr Maria toraaada Booarda 11:00 Daabla ar Mra. Barlaa Wblaporlaa Ladlaa Pair Baak Faaaa Bara J1'15 Natklar Parrr Maaaa Olrl Morrlao tadloo Pair toraaada Baaaria 1:10 n.b a Bar Narak Drab, T. Uadmkr Qa. far Bar Baak Foaaa Bar 11 :45 Bab Bapa Irltblor Bar Baraor Baaplaa. far Bar toraaada Baoarda Annexation at Lebanon Urged Lebanon Annexation ' of three suburban additions, Mor gan, Id grid and alcKlnnay, to the city was outunad at this week's council meeting "by spokesmen from the treat. ' A move to include these sections along with Strawberry subdivi sion in the corporate limits of the city waa brought to a vote In 14B. Both Morgan and Ingrld vot ers approved the move, but Strawberry voters cast a large enough dissenting vote to de feat the propoitl. Spokesmen said residents of Morgan and Ingrld additions are seeking a solution to drain age and sanitary problems. Hope waa expressed that ac tion could be taken that would coordinate with the building of the city's sewage disposal plant slated for construction later this summer. At the present time both the Morgan and Ingrld subdivi sions, as well as the Strawberry area, have no sewage system. The heavily populated resi dence areas are served mainly by outdoor toilets and some septic tanks. There it no exist' lng drainage system for storm waters. The council Indicated that full cooperation would be offer ed any plan that might be ad vanced for annexation. The street committee was named to meet with spokesmen from the areas to discuss such plans. Women Witness Textile Painting Liberty-S stem Heights Textile painting was the proj ect presented to the Iberiy-Sa lem Heights home extension unit by Mrs. Z. A. Meola and Mrs. Vern Jean Thursday. Plans were made for the Marlon County Homemakers' festival scheduled for April 25, at the First Christian church. The officers will decide on the project, for the unit. Named, on the committee for the project were Mrs. H. WU lard, Mrs. Vern Jean, and Mrs. Earl Parke. Mrs. Orvllle Ray mond reported on the activities of the Community club, and Mrs. Louis Kurth explained t the carnival sponsored by South Salem Suburban Capital Journal galea. Ore. Friday. Feb. 19, ItSS 11 11 Hardy Stella Clark, J, puts on her own socks In hos pital crib while recovering from exposure she suffered when lost In 21 degree weather In woods near her Indianapolis, Ind, home. Nearly frozen when found, doctors said her body tem perature was too low to be measured on clinical ther mometers. ' (Up Telephoto) i slated for May.' Mrs. E. A. Meola was ap- Robertt units join with the Jberty-Salem Heights unit in ne concession. Mri. Howard Gardner dit ussed the braided rug work hop and the dates selected rere March 2 and 9 at 10 a.m. 'he place will be decided Mrs. :. w. Harold Rosebraugh, A. w. chairman, reported William S. Van Meter of Sal- president of the Oregon ty for Crippled Children The sale Is held annually for to April 15. Assisting Van Meter will be rs. B. C. Bishop, county mall' lng chairman, Salem; Mrs. Grace ion. co-mailing chairman. Salem; D. W. Eyre, county treas urer, Salem; Mrs. B. W. Stacey, lily sale chairman. Salem: Mrs. T. H. DeArmond. chairman for Aurora and Hubbard; Mrs. Al vin C. Cowan, chairman for Woodburn; Mr. Frank Fisher. chairman for Mt. Angel; Jerry Conner, chairman for St. Paul: Michael Benedict, chairman for Sublimity; Mrs. Lucille Cox, chairman for Stayton, Turner, Mill City, Scio and Aumsville; Mrs. Dor o this Scarth, chairman for Silverton. Joryville Park Meeting Topic Salem Helghta Joryville Park was the topic of discussion of the South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce Wednee- day evening at their meeting. The group discussed better po lice protection and George (Pat) Patterson was appointed to con tact Kelzer and Four Corners in regards to it It was announced that the children east of V. 8. 90S would attend the new Morh- lngslde school next falL - A pre-planning committee was appointed and it was agreed that a plat of the park be on display at the March meeting. Chat French was appointed chairman of the park committee, and aa sistlng him will be Charles Shaw and Myron Butler. Mrs. Louis Kurth reported on the club's carnival scheduled in May, and announced that many ol the clubs in the South Sa lem area already had been con tacted regarding concessions. Favorable report! are coming In for Joryville Park, and the carnival. Named on the carni val committee were Fred Brown ing, tickets; Don Gardner and Myron Butler, construction; Ar- cme mckhiop. playground: elec tric, Elwyn Black; concessions, Wayne Sipe and Pat Patterson, and Virgil Allen, assisted by the Uberty-salem Heights firemen. Prlngle area was represented by Mrs. Ed. Dim bat, Jr., of the Pringle Woman's club and Don C. Cannon of the Pringle Com munity club. Walter Barkus re presented the Vista Heights area. Archie McKillop, membership chairman, had the 1993 member ship cards ready for distribution. New members for the year are Fred Browning, Howard Gard ner, C. D. French, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, Archie McKillop, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kurth, Har old Gardner, Rollo Wilson, Thomas Neelon, Charles Shaw, Robert Friesa, Roy Gray, Z. E. Black, Don C. Cannon and Wal ter Barkus. The Salem Heights Woman's club served the refreshments. Serving were Mrs. Fred Brown ing and Mrs. Howard Gardner. Waste Paper Drive Hayesvllle Boy Scout troop 20 Is .holding a community-wide paper drive the morning of Sat urday, Feb. 21. The Scoutmaster, Robert Cooley, has requested that papers and magazines be firmly bundled separately and placed by the road at 9 a.m. If it rains leave the papers on the porch. Those people who may be accidentally missed may call George Strozut, phone 21359, to nave inert paper picked up, 4-IILecdars ; Giveii Awards .! Dallaa The asm. a! 4-fl ' leaders - sx&leveaMnt banquo) was held Tuesday evening at the Rlckresll Orange Halt Pins and certifies taa were awarded to those leaders who had earned them during the past year. 1 " The awards were provided V? the United States National Bank; of Portland, asd were prasanted by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hocarrt or the Ledd and Bush branch of Salem, and Id Bosl from tb West Selem branch. . - Following the banquet, thsr program began vlth group sing--lng lead by Mrs. Roy Nelson and accompanied try Mrs, Claude Allan, both of whom are Polk county leaders. ' ' The speaker of the evening was Burton Hutton of CorvsJUtt state 4-H club leader. He apoka about the role of leadership Ut, the 4-H program. ' - He gave the historical back ground of the movement in Ore-. gon, pointing out that the Ore gon 4-H program was begun in. Oregon, developing from boys" and girls clubs organised early. in the present century by Harry ; seymour, men county superm, tendent of schools. 't Outstanding among those re ceiving awards was Mrs. Grace , Duren of Amity who baa com pleted 18 years as a leader,' Other awards were: 12 yean,. Mrs. J. B. Emerson, Sheridan; . 10 years, Mrs. Mabel Reed,; Monmouth; seven years, Mrs. Lydla Carmlchael, Dallas, Mrs, George Van San ten of Rlckreall and 8. B. Holt also of Rlckreall; " six years, Mrs. Gladys Ortborn and Mrs. Wilms Young of Mon mouth; five years, Mrs. C Cv,, Allen, Dallas, Mrs. Faye CUson, ' Amity. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenbach,. Sheridan, and Leonard Kincaid, Salem. In addition to these,-. there were many leaders reeeiv-, lng awaros lor seta man nve t years of service. ia Guests at the banquet were Mr. and Mra. John Hansen, and. group of 4-H club members.. Invited by the leaders present. . Cochran and Mefzger Going to Washington- Clay Cochran, manager of the Salem Chamber of Com- merce, and Arch W Metxger, manager of the alumina plant on Cherry avenue during all of ta otMrratlont. will laava AutWf day for Washington, D.C, to urge disposal of the plant to private operators. " Bids on the government-owned plant were opened in SetU ' tie in December, but none of the three proposals made was available. Since then the pos-" slhle sale of the plant has bees . on a negotiation basis. Cochran and Metzger will appear before congressional committees and confer with,, GSA officials. - ,i Necchi Sew Machine;; Awarded Grand Prize: As the outstanding entry in the home furnishing field, the Necchi Sewing Machine Sties Corporation was awarded a grand prize in the second an-a nual Hesa Brothers Versatility In Design and Use contest. It was announced today by Ralph Johnson Appliances, local NeeJ, chl-Elna dealers - Johnson said that the com-! pany received' the award in New a York for Its desk model sew- lng machine cabinet Built to the? exact specifications of a home i desk, the prise winning entry" is designed to fit the furniture arrangement of any room In the home. i DOO OWNER SUES MAILMAN Cumberland, Md. VP) The mailman's continuing battle with dogs took a reverse twist here eoday. A dog owner sued a mailman for a "vicious end wanton" attack en his pet a chlhauhua. HOWARD HAWKS TO WED Santa Monica, Calif. VP) Movie director Howard Hawks and Dee Hartford, a tall brun ette model, will be married to night at his Bel-Air home. Hawks, at 85, is entering his third marriage. His bride is 24. It is her first wedding. VEHOB WHBCTY 14 WOOF, QAIN WTIIAl S. SCHErmlY DCTriUTOtS, NEW YORK. N. Y. fit .StllL Motorola TV Mitchell's RADIO TELEVISION mt State Phone 17571 Built Best for the West PACKARD-BELL 21" end 24" Television Eddie Lewis , TELEVISION Sales and Service 495 Ferry St. - Selem Compare Ilaylhcong Picture PRAIA'S rsrrftT.Wfl.C. 220 . liberty Meet 4 4742 All-channel reception that brings you th matchless pictur eperfection of two TV sets in one installed in your home for as low as $35.00 down, $3.50 per week. Valley Television Center 'TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sties, service and Installation. All sets setd and Installed carry full 10-day service. IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-S491 INWOODIURN 171 Grant St. Phone Mil