. II V - .i a Si . " -! 1 I .i - -34 -. 1 4. te at v 4- i v. 12 Capital Journal. Salem, Ora, Friday, rebrnnry ZO, 1953 PAK1 FARE ..initios Could Clinch Title By Dealing Oregon Tonight k IBy "The AaaelateS Preee) , Needlnf single victory to their third straight North- era Division basketball pennaat tpi only four wins away from a pnif est season, the wasninfton Hnskies face the Oregon Decks Friday nlfht in the opeaer at a crucial two-fame Pacific Coast Conference series. The Huskies, rated as the na tion's No. 8 team, clinched a tie for the Northern championship last week. A win Friday nlfht will put them over the hump. (Oregon, the only Northern team with a falnst chance of tie- Lewiston Signs Four Veterans; Wasley Included 'Lewis ton Idaho () Three players who once wore Spokane uniforms and a former Tri-Clty first baseman were signed by the LewUton Broncj Thursday for the 19S3 Western International League baseball season. 'Manager Bill Brenner an nounced the signing of Ken Richardson, who played third base for Spokane in 1949 and 1931 and part of last season fori Yakima, outfielder Mel Wasley, who led Spokane hitting with a .330 average in 1952, and infield. er Larry Barton, mansger at VI salia of the California league last season. 'The fourth player was Clint Cameron, Trl-City first baseman In 1990 and 1991. . 'Brenner also announced the Broncs have a verbal agreement with Grand Forks, N. D., of the Class C Northern Baseball league. Under the agreement, the Broncs will send at least six players to Grand Forks in the 1993 season. At the end of the season, Grand Forks will send any six players on its roster at the minimum purchase price of $200. in the Huskies for the title, cornea to town with record of five straight wins and an am bitlon to and Washington's vic tory skein at 12. Coach BUI Brocher, believing a strong de fense Is the only way to stop the Bob Houbregs paced Huskies, has drilled the Ducks almost exclusively . in such tactics through the week. The league's two tail-end clubs Oregon State and Washington State clash at Pullman in other series. Oregon State could move within half a game of third' place Idaho by sweeping the two- game series. Washington state, which has only one win In the division this year, will have its last chance to get out ot the cellar. A pair of victories over the Beavers this week-end and a victory over Idaho next Tues day would boost the Cougars into fourth place. Set-up Changed For Inverness Golf Tourney Toledo. O. C5 Under a new set-up, PGA champion Jim Tur nesa and 29 other top golf pros will compete this year in the In verness Invitational tournament Since 1939, this $18,000 affair has been a best ball tourney, with players paired in teams of two. This season, the field has been enlarged from 12 to 9U ana the play will be 72-hole medal. The tournament will be held June 18-11. Those to be invited will be: Turnesa. 1982 PGA winner; the winners of the 1993 National Open, the 1998 masters, and the 199S Western Open: the top 10 members of the Kyder Cup team, and 10 top men in the Varden Trophy standings. ' ly Wek Ditxea ' ' , NIT Having Trouble Lining Up Top Basketball Talent I i SPORTS SLATE 1 FRIDAY) FEBRUARY 29 , Ceiiere kaeketkam Boc el oca, dec al wee, oraa waehine-ton. J Blik MkMl kaakatkalli Willamette Valley Kum ML Autl it Sllrerton, Sandy t bMcub, Dallae at afoialla, Canty at woodburei Merlon aounly B Imu csmii at Oatei, Detroit at St ml, nmii at Jafferaoo, Sublimity at Deaf School! Tuim leaioe Bank, at Amltr, SUtrwood at Yamhill, Dayton M Borth Marlon, WUIamlna ( Sheridan; Capitol Iwh Ftillometh at liKa Academy, Caecade at Sacred Heart. Ckarck fcaaae kaaketkaBl Cleae O KaUbt Memorial re. FUtt OhrUUaa, f p.m, TMCA. ' SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21 I Celleeo lalMMl Llnfleld at Willamette, EOCB at OCX, OSO at WBC. Oram a wathtawtoa. Hl.k bd akatkallt IkUm at Kii-.n. Ckarck laana kaekotkallt dan B at TMCA I. Chtmawa rleraloa Ts. Pint OBrittUn Blaaaei I, rtrat rreeorterlan Ta. at. Man's Mtnetaa. 5 MONDAY. FEBRUARY 22 .aareh toataa kaakatkalli (sat atorr day ot lamaa (or tlmai and plaeta.)' Clan A . Fint Merthodlet n. Lealla MethoaUat, Pint BUB n. chimawa. central Lutheran .. Mrnnonlla, Pint preaoyterlan e. Deaf aenoon ciaae n aneiewoooj sun t. calvarr Baatiat. pint chrleliaa Blaeka Ta, at. Markka Lutbaraa. Pint Mathodttt m KnUkt Memorial: Calvary BapUrt , Pint ChrUUaa Whltaa; Olaal O Klaixwd Blbla ?. Pint Mftbodlat, Pint BOB ra. Haaartaa, Pint Praabytarlaa T. XHal acbaol. i TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 frafaMtaaal vnatllui Salts araiary, card atartf at p.m. Ona-nilht taarna mmt. partlclpaaU Brio Padaraon, Al Suaa, Olaa Hloollnl, Lionel Balllanaoa, BUI , Plaiflliar. Bnek. Waavar. Brcnaa Luaiah. Bltk aakaal kaakatkalli Slaytor. at WUlamtna, laity at aCaoadai WlllaaMtta V al lay laagut Bataoada at Mt. AntaL, aUvartoa at Sandy, Dallaa at Canby, wood- tara at MMaua. City laaiaa kaakattan al Laaltt: 1. Balom Jayraaa Tl. Marlon Motorai a, WarnaT Motora va. TMCA: t. O Battery Ta. Saltm Auto Paru. Ckarek leacae kaakatkalli (Saa atorr day al gamea for tlmaa and ptaoat.) Clau A stayton Baptlat va Maaarana; Clau 8 Court Street Ohrtattaa ya. Ubarty Ckanh of Chrtati Claaa o at, Mark' a poaiaa Ta. pirat Mauiociat. Nsw York, (n The Natteaal UrlUttoa Basketball Toaraa- ment, which lost greatly desired Seattle ta tha NCAA, anay leae equally soaght after St Loals ta the classrooms. St. Louis tremendously popu lar with the New York fans, virtually wrote Its own Invita tion to the NIT last night by swamping New York University, 98-78, at Madison Square Gar den. But St Louis Coach Ed die Hickey said he was doubt ful that a bid eould be accepted. "We're missed aa awf ol let of school ea this road trip,'' Bicker said. The team has been away fresa St Iaki since last Friday and woat get heme antil Bandar. "It wiU be up to tha univer sity authorities," the coach con tinued, "and they may think another trip back here would be too much." Hickey admitted he would like to come to the NIT. . "After all," he said. "New York is BUllklns' second home.' St. Louis won the NIT in 1947 and has played in It three times since then, including last year. The NTT, which opens March 7, has corraled four of its needed dozen teams unbeaten . Seton Hall, ranked No. 1 nationally in the Associated Press poll; fourth-ranking LaSslle; ninth- ranking Western Kentucky; and Manhattan College of New York, No. 13 in the poll. . Manhattan came In yester day just after Seattle, which had received an Invitation, cast its lot with the NCAA. Seattle is hoping for a chance to play the University at Washington la the Wester NCAA Regional Tournament bnt It will have to get by a first round game with Idaho State to stay in the rsuutiag. St Louis Is unranked nation ally and has only a 18-9 record. "I think wa have played one of the toughest schedules in the country,' Hickey said. "Wa lost our Sugar Bowl title to Louisi ana State, which hss been beat en only once. We lost twice to once defeated Washington at Se attle in close games. And Brig- ham Young beat us and they're leading their conference." Hickey pointed out the Billi- kins still have a chance In the Missouri Valley Conference race which St. Louis won last year. The Bills, with a 4-4 confer ence record, have two league games left both at home against Oklahoma A&M and Tulsa. "If wa aheali win," Hickey said, "we shoald be obligated te play ta tha NCAA," Hickey was asked what would happen if St Louis should tie for the conference title. William and Mary featured competition elsewhere in tha na-ifor 1992. HELP WANTED APPLIANCE -TELEVISION SALESMAN SALARY AMD COMMISSION ROBERTS BROS. COURT STRUT Apply Appliance Department Minnesota, As Expected, Votes No to Pact Minneapolis (1 The Unl versity of Minnesota, as exnect- ed, has voted against renewal of the Big Ten-Pacific Coast Con ference Rose Bowl football pact. The university Senate, the school s governing body made up -of top level faculty and ad' ministration members, Thurs day cast a negative vote on the proposal. It was the first Big Ten school to take an official positive stand and reaffirmed the university's position on post season games. The Senate's action confirmed an earlier vote of the Senate Commute on Athletics which : was 9 to 8 against renewal. Illi nois previously has approved i proposed three year extension. Tha present Big Ten Bowl contract expires with the Jan. 1, 1994 game in Pasadena. laa 1 1 For a covey of eontamtnienl, treat yourself and friends tonight to a flavorful round of CABIN rnLL. tha Ken tucky Straight moat prised by Amarican Sportsmen. Qpm Still rIM It proof. ..if rich In flavor Ua Ss Marcs ef yaw fever. av,w remr proof ef Straight tow Math tsurhoa b arereyt kalnnteal el tl ta somblno KSnaai of arool rtova) at rWw MQT.S4.90 HUT $3.10 a. I tlUel-WaUat sHaUlUn. bUSIitkad Lewttilia. tetwaj, 1141 ft OLD CTi MTiirif SB. MIIMaB a k WaaaaT tlon Thursday night Tha Indians upset Duke, 88-82, in an over time Southern Conference tilt, The score was tied 78-78 at the end of the regulation game. In the overtime the Indians didn't get a field goal, but made seven free throws to snap Duke's nine-game winning streak. Ernie Beck tallied only 11 points bnt Pena beat Syra cuse, 71-17, after which Villa aova crashed Siena, 87-48, la a twin bill at the Palestra ta Philadelphia. In other games Detroit whip ped St Bonaventure, 84-70; Utah State took Denver, 89-82; New Mexico downed Montana, 70-63; Drake humbled Creigh- ton. 92-78 and Maryland nip ped Georgetown (D.C.) 49-48. Bobby Adams of the Cincin nati Reds led the National Lea gue third sasemen in assists (328) and total chances (924) ABC Opens Long Stand Tomorrow In Chicago Chicago m The World Series of bowling, the American, Bowling Congress tournament will open a Kcord-breaklng 98 day stand In Chicago Saturday with aa sU-time high of 43,000 entries. . Bowlers competing - In the ABC's Golden Jubilee meet will represent 1,298 cities In 44 states. A record prise list of 8371,280 is offered. T mi .a 4 n am. Topping sne a.iov - iiahitw, of Detroit m I. a. b. the defending I champion with a 1981 winning tally ef ." Chicago's Al Sharkey IS Decs to try to ttafend us singles crown 788 score from w.bio other keglera. Among the 28,888 all-events entries will be defend ing titllst Steve Nagy of Cleve land. He won last year with 2.085. Nagy also will be protect ing his doubles crown with part jrniinnar Klarea of Cleveland asana am vm.im e- las 14,001 aWO-teams awnpaiao. fights Last lligkt MaaiaaiMi Corks Oaaialaa, jaau ,wmr. aalaakaiad Olaa Slaaataa. lea St. rani, IS, ... Patten anaareu Da. , trail, ataaaad Bafc JaBBJoa, IST. Datratt, a. 1 I Maw Tort. ataa oa Conlraraa, 2 ran aim. n. Nee, l-ark (sannnaaa un in Mark) Bawara, ai. a. aiaaiiHaai neau, laa Detroit, saacaae Ml Laroy Onleaaaa, Ma UM. J- - - - rain aw 1 aaa - auaiaa, kaaaaaS sat Saauay Oreea, lu Mav Tsra, S. . Taaaaavay, v. aaraia laiiaaia taltt. "aaaau. , H. "Ifyou want real whiskey value- a dnnk vvith srrrOothcodiy taste ata rcasohabb rvice tryCARSTAIRSr wr w y'l It vVWSTMItl BROS. MSTILUm CO, INC. NEW YORK, HT. BUNOEO WHISKCV, K N00f, 71 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIBTJ scores again. . 'BmBmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'' Proved As Only III Can Prove 'Em IYI1Y ONI of the 307 new features in the New International Trucks has been... PROVID in the world's most advanced truck EngineerinK Laboratory at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and MOVID AGAIN on International Harvester's 4000-acr dea ert Proving Ground at Phoenix, Arizona. THI RIGHT TRUCK FOR YOUR JOI. Experienced truck buyers who consider all the costs and who must have top perform ' ance are enthusiastic. They can choose from America's most complete line of trucks -168 basic models, from the H-ton pickup to extra heavy -duty off-highway models. FOR MONT'MINDIO IUYIRS. New Internationals givt buyers an unrnatched value cxMabiMtion-rxactly tha? right truck for the job, unequalled performance, lowest mainte nance and operating costs, niaxinium driver comfort. RUILT THI IH WAY. Each model embodies engineering prin ciples, used in International's continuing program of truck research, that have resulted in hundreds of exclusive In ternational features which have meant greater profits for truck buyers. NIW INTIRNATIONAL trucks are built as only IH can build them, moved aa only IH can prove them, a valui only IH can give you. Novv-th fciturs you wantIn America's most tomplf truck Itnm New lnteftwr)laB styling identified by the IH emblem . . . First truck builder to offer choice of gasoline or LP gas with Underwriters' Laboratories listing in 1-ttm sisas and other models , . . Diesel war optional in models rated 22,000 lbs. and over . . . Cemfe Vrale cob with one-piece Sweepsight windshield. New comfort and interior styling . . . tWflea frames proved bast in the field . TrsmsaaisskMkj to meet any requirement ...IH Wrrselbow,, ran, tag from 103 inches up., lary starling and grafter fuel econeriw ...Wlderorvge of axis ratios for all models ... lUol steerlna cora fert and eentrol. Sisea from Vr-ton to 90,000 lbs. GVW ratiiig. - New -See The New IH-tuilt, Mreved Ifitentotlonoli at CAPITOL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO 2255 Silvcrton Rood Salem, Ore. 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