i MmMiiif aiiilinl Wfininn WnlvPt Oregoa College of Macs .If Ulllliy II UlfCJ ttoa -waters will be playing their flmal home games for the Wolves whea OCI feces Eastern Ore goa College of Education si Monmouth Friday and Saturday. Left to right are Bill Palmqulst, guard from Portland; How ard SuUlvaa, forward from St Helens; and captain Bob Buah nell, guard from rowers. Bushnell may miss the series be- '.cause of a ease of the flu. t ! Wolves Play EOCE Twice; Bushnell Doubtful Starter Oregon College of Education, Monmouth OCE basketballers go agalast a favored EOCE five Friday and Saturday nights at the Monmouth court. Wolf mentor Bob Livingston had more reason to fret Thurs day as it was disclosed veteran guard Bob Brushnell had con tacted a severe case of the flu. BuihneU, a sparkplug all sea son to the Wolves, will be a doubtful starter at one guard spot with Whitey Palmqulst ready to go if Bush cant make it At the other guard position will bo Churnin Charley Pinion and at the forward slots Living ston will open with Howie Sul livan and Bobby Frans, who is till recuperating from his bout with the flu. Big, rougn rranx Grove will bo at his regular center post. Th EOCE Loggers wffl ems Into the WoH dsn Vsar iaf a 6-1 woa-lost record and will be shooting for el earn '- swoop. - The Loeoe, -en the other hand, possess a 6-4 rec ord and by knocking over the Loggers twice, woaM boost tasrasslvss into very serious eealentiea for trie ooaferoaco EOCE clobbered the Wolves S twice in the two clubs' only ! other series with the Loggers, i Big Qua "Cool Baby" Kolbaba doing most of the clobbering. The 6-4 forward is ready along , with his partner on the other f side of the court, Harry Pryse, i who is (-3. 1 Bis Bob Ardian. a 8-8 trans- I ier from Portland State will ; anan at center and Poyser and Westenskow, both 6-2, will start S at the guard positions. ' Both games start at 8 p.m - with Bill McArthur's Wolves -froth playing prelims esch nlffht. The Pups will battle Bat- ' tery D of the Salem City league J Friday night snd will growl at the Woodburn all-itars satur- , day. Each contest will start at ! :30 pjn. . .Playing their last home col leglato basketball game for , . I OP 01 TRAINING CAMP MOTES Br BBf OLA (AuocUUa rrtu SporU Wrttar) Malar laana karlara WIS tat Saara ta aarlna ari trablar aaalaaai la a milTat Sara aal aa far (a. WUk ta . aaaal "I'm rraaa Sara a naal raar." Sua Mnar. aooulrad br Uit Brooklrn BoiXtra la a Joot-club. Ilrt-purti Iraaa muod tarixr ttvli n. rtportad lo Uia artoaa eama at Vara Maen. 1a. rtaWr a and aromptlr pradKUd Mi htla Dodttra ala tlulr accona itralint Na Uenal Laaaua pannant. -If I ama tka traa af kail I SI Wat aaaaa." aa aalS afur aaraail kit lu aaatract, "I ara a taaS akaaaa af wla- , R,j'Vm1, madlcorf ll-H alata la till aim tka rkUadelpnia PkUlaa au kla . rtcord lwaa ffirpad la hard lack. Ba loit alt tlmaa kr ona run and in thrca athar af hla aamaa Iht rhlllln wart blankad. Waahtaatan'a sk rsrtarntld. aaathar toutti luck meQDdaman. daelartd at Or-i.-as. n- 'Tat aelna ta aoma aa with a rtallr kl raar aa klU .tha Maa that Tka ta-raar-ald allakar kaa aaaa tka rlrllai af a krakaa flaaw, a Baa drlra valek araaaal kla akaH aad aaalkar Sht aaltk kit kl. Itt aa baat klai uti-a a ataath. At Tampa. Detroit Manattr Frtddlt Kuuhlaioa aaM tha TUarf aiuhlac au(( vlll a UM bait la tha Amarlean Laatua . thu ataaoa. Tha santaia nniuaa n ii.. t Art Haattrmas, a Oarrar. Ta Orar. Hal Bewhauatt. S1U WUht aad raant Bill Haaft fana tka aaaltia at tha Ttoar Bjoand eoraa. .... "Ika mt aaalkar atak tail (a aa data la attakla aa va ara, Bataata aaa aal. Ka aaa aaavaraa. Optimum a too vat tha ardor t tha dar at tha aaartara of tha Haw Tork Olaata at rhoinu. Arts., abara la tha aoMnca af Pratidrnt Heraoa Staaaham and kaanatar too Daroehar, Promotion! Dlractor Oarrr Sebonachar bad aothtaf but kind aoroa far rraal Blllar aad Buaaa oamaa. tva aaw harllaa aeaalal dona. BUM ma abtataad fraai Ctaala caU dana ftha aTtnarr and Oaatn. a Purrta Rlcaa vtator ,u alcaaa laaa atooia. tfaaaaar dlaiajr Drhaa I.I, hla AtbMlaa waa aiaatKag vftk aa . athar traa af pMohtar srablaai at Wart ; row Baara. D7Ua latanda ta aarrr U fllafafs Sar Su ta aaaaaara, vales aiaaaa ka atari Oregoa College of Education are three men 'who will be graduating In June to take their place la the teach tag profession. Bill Palmqulst, a Commerce high of Portland football star and all-city fullback of 1944 will be closing his second year of varsity competition this week end as OCE takes on EOCE, cur rent league leaders. Bill has let tered four years In football and Wolgamolfs Earn Berth in State AAU Tournament Wolgunott's tervlco Stattoa of Salem will bo the repre sents tire from this district la the Oregoa state AAU basket ball tournament at Medford, beginning March i. The Twelfth Street lads worn the Salem area championship at Leslie Junior high school last night with a thrilling li lt victory over the Salem TMCA. A field goal by Wolf amort captain Dave Chamberlain with IS second! left to play gave the Welgamott team Its victory, The game had been alp and tack aU the way, with neither team ever leading by more than five points. . The lead changed hands frequently, and the score was tied several times la each quarter. Halftkne count fa vored TMCA. Sa-ZS. Dave Chamberlain led bis team In scoring with 16 points. Larry Scheelar had 11 and Larry Chamberlain 16. Bates was high for TMCA with 16. TMCA M ( Welgaarelfe Boe-11 r... It D. Obemberln Heugen a Hill Smith 11 0 U Seneeler BUM M a Un Olrod I O... 10 1 Cbamberla Sabe: TMCA Seuake t; Wolgemotfa Deach I. offleleu: Her, Cattoa an Jim Oar. ahltUa aaran aft tha llat af It. Bahbr Shanta. far ana. la aura of a Job. ha aald. That probata Lr la tha Ba. 1 andartula- mant af aia raar. Tha narltra wtran i tna aair aaaa aa tha aavi. Cardlaal aharlalaa Sallr Btaiat, aba batted Mt aad bit U baaiara ta 1M, aiar bara la haotle ta kaap kla iak, Maaarer Sddla Staakr ladKatad. "Oalr Bad Schocodlanat (taoond baaa atanl la aura of an tnflald apet," Stankr aald, later meatlontnc Walt Lammlri, ap from Columbua. aa aoaalhla compatltloa far Hlmu. Tha first tralainf aaaoaltr aaa re ported at tha Bo tort Bed Sox seraeota at Outfielder Oana Steaheaa tripped after taking hla baullu turn. X-reye ahoved ha had aothlnt vana thaa a allfhtlr apralaad left ankle. Tampa. Fla. OPV Jack BueaaU, foraur ajaler laaaua pltohar, vaa both groat and net axere dlrlalaaa af tha annual Baeeball Flap ara laeltatleael sail tottraaaiaat Thuradar. BuateU ahet 1, three arar par. aa tna Balma Cola eotirae, and bad a low aat af ?avt. A anetlna pitcher for Boaton and waahlartoa and former manager af Tam pa la tha Flertda Xateraatlenal Laaaaa, Buatell new la aa an dlatrlbator at aearbr Clearwatar. Praddla Htoehlnaoa. Detralt Tigers aaaa. agar, vaa aeeond ta the groat aoora dlvl tloa at ??. Why Suffer Any Longer Whea athar fan. aat ear Cblnae reaa adlaa. Amaatas ear ram far mt raart m China aa matter wits what atv meat pas at efflleted. dlactrdere. tlaaaltlt, btart, laaaa arrat. kMaere, aaa aotaatlaauaa. aliari. dlaovtae, rheamatlam, gall and bladder, tarar. afcta. fr tale aamplalata. CHARLIE CHAN erfloe Bean t te Taaa aad Sal eedr ataM H. 9aBaBSWaBBBal rkaaatiaa SAUM. OSS. --31 1 'J Vikings Lead Mat Tourney Big Six Finals Slated Tonight at Salem High . By F APL HABVBT m Hank J aria' Salem hit a school 'wrestlers appear to be well their way U retain the Blf 8lz wrestling f!uunploniaip. The championship matches will he bald this evening la the gymuisium at seven o'clock, Three of the championship matches have Salem boys pitted against Salem boys and seven other boys from Salem are In championships. There are twelve different weight classes. Wrestling for the title of the 98 pound class will be Courtney Jacobs of Salem and Joe Keasey of Springfield. Salem's Roger Morse and Bend's Sam Humbert will vie for the title of the 108 pound class while two Salem boys, Jerry Booze and Fay Ladd will battle for the championship was chosen as an OCC all-conference back in 1950 and 1991; two years in basketball at a 8 foot 10 inch guard; ho also has won three letters in oaseoaii and is noted for his pitching performances. Bill will be ploy ing his last year of baseoau tnis spring and plans to teach some where around the Portland area after graduation. Howard Sullivan, a imp graduate of St Helens high school, has been aa outstand ing forward at OCE, aad ta in his fourth year of varsity ball. Howard has boea a first stringer for the past aeasca and was a leading scorer la 1956; he has boea (among the top scorers la Ms last two years for the Wolves. The third graduating senior is Bob Bushnell, also a four year man and captain of the 1952-53 sausd. Bob is an au state basketball player from Powers high school; Bob entered OCE la 1949, after serving In me armed forces. Bob If known ss playmaker on the basketbsll court and was chosen on the Who's Who In American Small Colleges, this year; he will en ter the teaching profession some where in the Willamette valley. Heavy Schedule, Light Action In Church Loops Of two games scheduled In the clan A church league last night, none was played. A game between First Christian and Calvary Baptist was cancelled, and First Baptist forfeited its scheduled game with First Pres byterian. Two games in the B league were also forfeited. Chemawa Navajos forfeited to Liberty Church of Christ and Chemawa Regulars forfeited to First Bap tiat In B games played, St Paul's Episcopal downed First Congregational 61-40 and First Christian Whites turned back Calvary Baptist 42-34. In class C. Xnglewooa sub outscored Knight Memorial 29 20, St Mark's Mustangs downed H albert Memorial 30-24, and First Baptist clobbered St Mark's Ponto 66-17. Trap Shoot Sunday Hubbard A trap snoot. sponsored by the American Le gion of Hubbard, will be held Sunday from 10 a.m. until dark. at Playmore park, one-quarter mile south of Hubbard, on high way 99E. Cards and ammuni tion will be available on tne grounds. Sports Mirror Taar a Tear Age Andrea Mea baw- RnUand. Vt.. oeaplta a fall aa her flrat ran. woa the Olrmple ealalam and became the flrat American arer ta via tva gold medale ta tne winter gamaa. Plra Teeae Age Bernle Moore, Leajgl ana State football aoaeh, vaa named Southern Oonfereaeg eonunlaalener. Tea Teara Aaa- OU Dodda vaa the Butar Mile at the Bew Tork A. O. gamea la e:eg S. Tvantr Teara Ara Bart Coomkt an Bea Chapman aUnad their eantraate with the Bew Tork Taakeog tar the latl eeeeea. Solesmen Wanted Experienced in eppticrtce seli!n out ef ttore. Ex cellent posslbllrHe for the right men. SEE MR. IISHOP re 12 A.M. or Master Service Stations, Inc. Its N. Cemmeretal of the 11S pound class. Bob Eagle aad Dea Dumps, both of Salem, will vie for the title of the league's 123 pound era. Two more Salem wrest lers, Frank Williams aad Bob Cameras are tm the finals of tha 136 pound class, rat Lar gest, Salem, aad Boger Of traader, Springfield will bat tie for the cbajapieashlp of the 136 pounders, whUe Sal emu Bob Franklin aad Baud's Dick Hoefs will vie for the 141 pound title. . Fred Stepper of Salem will wrestle Ken McAdams of the Springfield Millers for the 148 pound chsmplomhip. Walt Goss ler. Springfield, and Bruce Gardner, Bend, will vie for the 157 pound title. For the Cham- plonship of the 168 pound class Louis Rogerson of the Bend Lava Bears will wrestle Jim MUler Springfield. Salem's Arnold Temple will go against Springfield's Ken Keasey for tha title of the 176 pounders and George Meyers, Salem, will wrestle Yern Elli son CorvaUls, tn . tne Heavy division. " ' Of the 34 wrestlers la the Salem, has 12, Bend four, Springfield six, aad Cor vaUls sue. Two Salem boys who are In the championship are returning champions of the meet. Fred Stepper and Bob sngie now were Big Six titlists last year. Team winners are Judged on the basis of five for each weight chtmplonsbip, three for second place, and for every pin the team gets one point The second round It the semi finals as aatmda PI rat mad: Joe wuua auiliadnatdl dec la lotted Mai WW tflorMiaali eaartaor Jaoaba APalem). Keaaer tsprmglield) aad BUI bvtwarda laalaml an raeetred area. Saeaad mad: Courtney Jaaoba (Salem) declaimed Joe Wins) aapnaggiatai aaa aoa atoaeer asprtatflaM) ataaaa BUI ajowaraa taauaaa,. ltd aatmda SUM mad: Man Beefe rajman afeearioaad Jem Meaaahar- ISartag- fleldll Sam mrnhert (Bead) Pinned Dea Pack (Solemn Boger Merge (Salem) aad Vaaaa Brawn (Oarrama) reoelrad ma, saaaaat mad: Barer Marta (Salem) de dal onid Marr Boefa (Bend) aaa earn Baatbert (Bead) daolaloaed Vaaaa Bran Camilla). 11 aanada Viral taaaal: JbB Beaker- aaa UprtnefleM) da oka raid ratal Badgar (Bead): Jerrr Baaaa (Salem). Par r i a an ASolM). aad Ctarral fpadaea fjWTtacflald). aU draw brae. Saaaad mad: Jerry Baaaa (Salem) deeleloned Jim Dtagataaa eapnna- fleld) an Bar latdd (Salaaa) aWelelaaad Darral Dadaoat (avrlagflald). IB) ptmnda ran maa: mm aaoeuaier (Spring tie Id) docUlonad Braaa Jatnmoa (Band)i Bar Crcaaaar (Baring field 4a- olalanad ntak Barrr (CaraalUa): Don PltU- llaa (Salem) Pinned Oaorga Starr (Bated) l Bab Bugle (Salem) drew a bra. Second mad: Bab Baale (Salem) daclalaaad Mai Hon later (faprtagfleld) aa Dam rhilllaa (Salem) aeolaaenaa aw wumaaaa aapnaa- aid). 110 aanada Pirat mad: Braak Wa ll ama (Salem) ptaaa Slab Fountain (Oarlaa-flald): Baa ueaneron taaiami aa eUlaae Bra Ahahar (Swrtngfleldl i Oarr (Oorrauia) aaauioaaa paaa? a (Bend)! Bar Platkea (Oarral- Ua roaarred a bra, aeeond ma: Prank WlUlame (Salem) oaelaloaad Bar Mtat kea (Oamlltt) an Bob Cameras (Salem) planed oarr Barton (cerrauiai. lta pauada nret maa: em (Sarinerflekl) daaUKmad (Oarrarila)! rat Mrgeat (awarmi aomnon- Dlak Allaa (camtBla)i Mna caat gg (Salem) dweMoae Orrllla BUda- braivd (Carraola)l Boger Oetraader (Sprlagflald) attaa Paa Oaraagp (Baadll Basketball Scores (Br Tka Aaaa Hate Praaa) SAB was Utah state aa. nearer m. Mew Mestea Tg, Maataaa at. Butara Waaa. aa, Central Waafc. W. LAST . paa Tl, Srraauaa sr. St. lamia N. MTD It. , . , St. Jehng (Bka.) St, Blagara M. vmaaara 7. Slaaa U. Mvada lalaa M, htalae . Vermoat fa. Caarkaaa a. Detratt a. St. Bona Drake St. Orahrhtaa Tg. Retdelbarg M. Wlttaaaarc ST. Marietta tT, Maaktagam dd. Bow Una oraaa a Aahlaa Tf, Woaatar It. Bio Oread 111. laea (Kr) PT. SOCTB wra. m Marp at. Duke eg (orerttme). Marrland at, Oeorgttowa (DO) at. ooorae waahlagtoa N. Vfrgtala ta, atarmaa ag, Wefferd Tl. Darldaaa ag. The Citadel at . Waa Urn Saataakp Te. Taaa Teak 1. Mereer T4. Oeorgla . SOtTTBWPJST Bardia-simmang TT, Trtaltp (Taa) II. North Taiaa Tl, MMweatara M. Teiaa Lajtheren Tl. Savtbwertera CTag) ' Tl. Arkaaaaa Stat Tehm M, Beadereea . BlOB SCBOOL (Blamatk Caaatr Clagg Taaraaawal) aaaim gi, sir 39. Saered Heart at, Banaaab St. MerrlU at, ouehratt aa. Ohiloevm at, Banler tg. 1 Are Wtittf twthti It lers ooid Aieeetwtelee Tene Coatrel teaer tvtip Usetre leak tmi GEORGE ARAUJO PADDY DEMARCO 7r.M KPTV CAPITAL TV 1430 recc'wary Last, itasy Might! v Seeead nn: Pat Urgent Nal flu Darwt Seaea (Smlagflatd) aad Baea laertatfletd) HiMmi M Ml ananda Pttet mad: Bob Prank - Ha (Salem) aa Qerdea Oral (OorralUel both rewired area; ntak Beefe (Bend) i Bond) una ad Oerald SveJar ISaalag-i Harrr Jaal tsalaeai: Taat tpv field), aaaaa mad: aaa rraaana eCarrania). 141 pauada Btart mad: AO laeafra kraa. Saeaad mad: Ore Supper (da lam) etaae Mel Bagaraaa abend) aa ra Ma- Adaaaa (Barliia field) ptaaa Tarral Bab tsalam). lalem). Vara Oaataa (Salaaa). aa Walt Oaaalar tspnagtlaldl all gat brae;. Braaa Oardaar ( (faattasftald). Satan mad: Braaa Oard LOCAL Bearers Trade McGuire for Texas Leaguer Portland HV-Jack McGuire, a utility irifielder-outflelder, has been traded to the Baa Antonio entry In the Texas league for infielder Charles -Grant the Portland Bearers of the Pacific Coast league announced Taurs day. , Grant hit .137 for San An tonio last year, with 63 RBIs, 13 home runs and 17 doubles to his credit I UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS Bevo Francis Decides to Stick With Rio Grande - Bio Grande, O. () Clarence (Bevo) Fraaels, the hottest thing la college basketball today, says he will stick to Rle Graade col lege aad the eoaeh who Bashed htm into national pravninenee, Bevo denied he was going to leave Rio Grande and blamed mialnterpretatioa of statement he made over a radio station for the resort he might quit On a Portsmouth, u., radio sta tion, Bevo had been asked it he intended to remain with the Redmen for his entire college ca reer. He replied: "Tea, If they're going to have a bigger sehedule, I'll toy there." Asked if that meant he would go elsewhere if a schedule with big time teams wasn't provided, Francis, who leads college cage 48 Out of 162 Players Break Par in Mexico Mexico City ) Golfdom's big guns began putting pressure on the two leaders Friday as Mexico's ptir-buitlngett tourna ment went into its second dsy. Opening play of the ninth Mexican Open Golf tournament Thursday pointed to a possible photo-finish as 48 of the 162 players broke par on the 6,664 yard 73-par Chapultepec course. Al Brooch of Garden City, N. Y., who led the first round In the 1932 U. 8. Open, and John Palmer of Charlotte, N. C, win ner of last sunamer's Canadian Open, got off to a quick start with eight-under-ftar 64's. Despite their solid scores, the big names of North American golfers were breathing on their necks. Lloyd Mangrum. Cary Middle- coff. Julius Boros. Byron Nel son, Jbrnmy oetnaret, ana Tony Holguln, also had below -per cards, and with three days to go could make things tough for Broach and Palmer. TIDE TAtLE Corrected ' for Taft (CamtMad ar TJ- a. Oeaet m OoodrHo Server. Pertlaa. Ore., Blgb Water, Law Water, nebneerr Tlaee BeUht Time B eight aa i h a.at. I Il ia p.aa. a t I K p.m. d.t 11:17 l a IS tl I at a.m. .T I IT p.m. e 1:14 p.m. I t m a:tt aat. ga ia:eg a.m. i.e t II p.m. 4.1 1:44 p.m. I t BIO fCRIIN herve 44402 A aar Stead) aaektlaaad JJaat Strrffler tsa eeat) aa Watt Oaaalar (Bptiagtlal) ala- laaieat). Irat ravad: tatrrr Bea ) ratalrarl a are: Jua Miller I) etalalaai Oarr Wink (Car- aaoatli Laala Bagaraaa (Beadl ataaad Craaehaw (Balemll BanJta Dario I ana-lea ftaal) Blaiearaad (Baa) ptamad BaaHa Mna tsarlaaflald) aad Jmt MUlar (SprkarflakD laarrp Beaaaa (Salem). 11 a aaa da Pirat mad: All aaaa. Snap mad: Arnold Temple sa- teae) deeleloned B Tlahart (comlua) aa Baa Titiap (Saaaatlal) Terrr amUakarr aaalam). Bearraalakla nret laaaek earta brat. Sanaa mad: Vara BUleaa (OamSla) ataaad Jam waniaa (Balaaa) aad Oaaiaa Marera Ilia lam) ptamad Jaha foanaua). SsJem, Oregon, Friday, Febnury 20, 1953 Brewery Buys St. Louis Cards for $3,750,000 St Louts ttV-The St Louts Cardinals were t sold Friday far 13,156,666 to Aaheuaer Beaten, lac, of St Louis, eae of the Batten's largest brew- ' The sale was aatteaiwieil Jointly by the brewery aad Fred M. Saiga, who decided to take himself out of base ball after getting a l-meatth scorers with 1,646 potato m 33 eamaa eweeiai'etl. leave here till I leave and I have no Intention of leaving." . - He said .Rio Grande will definitely reach for bigger teams next sea son. He said he had one offer from the University of Seattle and Intended to contact trie Uni versity of Hawaii. "Well ... If I know Coach Oliver, we'll have a bigger schedule." Bevo said Wednesday he be lieved the statement had been misunderstood. He said even Coach Oliver aiked him what he meant by it He said he assured Oliver that he had no Intentions of quitting. "I'll go wherever Oil ver Bevo promised. "I ewe htm everything for my suc cess. I'll plsy for him even if he wants to sehedule high school team. ..." Oliver said, "Bevo will never THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS $ifl0 till vSHAJ I ..braho tftrnvm I 13 . : Yawamd League Ready For Dramatic Finish High sehset bssksthan la this area eagage ta their flsal busy alght of pUy of the seat tonight aa the Tawama, Capitol, WUlambette Valley sag Man eearnty B leagasa are all active. It'll be the final night of ac tion' for all the leagues except the Marion county B league, which still has a week to run. Dallas has already clinched the title in that league. Suytoa has long been assured of the Capitol loop crown, and Mill City of the Marlon county B league championship, so to nighf t games are Just for exer- NEWS AND FEATURES Page 11 s rises sentonoc for tax evasleB. .la addition to the National Leagae. fnuieMse, the Card inals ewa Bine miner leagae elube and have - working sgtejaanta with six ethers. . Aagast A. Baseh Jr. mraa deat of the brewery, becomes president of the Cardinals and William Walslngham, Jr., will remain vice president aad operating mead of the baseball eprranlsauen. -While bo sale prise was am. Bounced, the Fsa-Dbxpatch aald H learned that the brew ery gave that amount Buach said ha anticipated ae change ta the sataulBiara- ttea of the baseball ajrfaaiaa- tion. He referred to Manager Xddle gtaaky as "eae of the greatest managers la baseball today." , Arou jo Rated Favorite Oyer Paddy De Marco ' New York (ff) . George Araujo, 22-yeaiMId Providence, R. L, lightweight, rates a 7 to 8 favorite over "Billygoat" Paddy De Marco of Brooklyn Friday night in a 10-round match de signed to provide a May IS title for champion Jimmy Carter. The bout scheduled for 7:00 pm. PST will be beamed across the nation on network radio and television. FULLY OU) 86 PKCOf e THE 0L0 else. .-,,,.. ',. But it's a differeat story la the xswsata leagae. n eat Its with two (racial i Willamlna and Dayton, tied for first place after Wlllamlaa's upset victory over Dayton Taies dsy, both play away from hcene tonight, and both play tough teams. ,- Willamlna goes to tUasridsn and Dayton to North Marion. U WHlsmma and Dayton both wia (or both lose), the . Yewsma league will wind up in a tie fat the title. . la that case, there would bt no playoff, but a o chsocejaghip would be dedared. If wuiasnina should ddtfaat Sheridan while Dayton is Icetntt North Marion. ' Winaariin. would wia the titto. If Dsytoa downs North Marion while WtV lamina loses to Shtxidan, Daytofs would wia the championship. ; Sony, lb Mere i Tickets f cr ft-als Ccrvallis TcurcsV Cervallis li1m Banavlt, Ombtob State eenes-a, eantot oa today wttk the aoartorajak- lag task of rsturBlBg eMeke and aoolleattajas far tMteta for the westora Mroaal flaaJai of the NCAA basketball play offs at GUI CelmWBTat MaM 14. The laarrsjeed and bmhasapy baatBaas iviauger taM he ats piy eealda't hemer spotter ap- ' pUa-attoa Ier IBo Mtarrojiy Bight flaala. The hage Celt- mi which seats better thaa 16,666 pmrseas, has boea eeht eat for the Satsrrday atgkt damblo-gtegader fee mere thaa a week.. - Barratt said Otero were ealy about 1666 seats left for the epealag games Friday Bight March 11. , George Hired ' At Roseburg Roseburc (P -Roseburg hlga school's football coach and ath letic director next fall will be Bob George, whose MHton-Free water football teams won 32 games and lost six in four Ms- son t. i't-.-ji. : George will succeed aa foot ball coach Bill Reder. who re signed in December and said he planned to go Into business. ; . The present athletic director. Cece Sherwood, will become physical education supervisor for Roseburg district schools AGED! imiTAfiE CO- tWeXFCSI. Kt i it