-CiPttri Journal, gal, Ore.. Thursday. Feb. 19 1953 iScio Resident Ends Own Life i rrr V Not Froun, Jut Cold Cattle, covered with part of 5 lnch snowfall, mill about in pen at the stockyards in Chi cago. The day'i receipts of 24,000 head were slightly higher than normal, perhaps Indicating farmer' hopes for higher pricei with the end of control. (UP Telephoto.) More Projects On Calendar Portland W) The Oregon Highway Commission, which approved IS construction con tracts Wednesday, said it will ward another IS million dol lars worth in the coming three montns. -About 7 million dollars worth will be considered at the April 8-9 meeting and the remainder t May 18-19 meeting here. At Wednesday's session a Lane County delegation asked the commission to build a ltt-mile section of the Fox Hollow State - Secondary Highway to connect with the Creswell-Lorane Coun ty road. The state was asked to take ever as a secondary highway the 6.8-mile route between Carlton and the YamhiU-Newberg High way in Yamhill County. A Clackamas County delega tion asked for several projects. One was bridge across the Wil lamette River at Oregon City. Others included improvement of S. E. 82nd Ave., from Portland to Oregon City and widening of U. S. 99 from New Era to Hub bard and of the Ht Hood High way from Sandy to Rhododen dron. Bids accepted but referred to engineers to straighten out de tails included: Linn Widening 7.83 miles and paving of Noble Slough-Foster section of Santlam Highway west and east of Sweet Home, warren Northwest, Inc., Port land, 1218.818. Sprague Speaks to Dallas Marians Dallas Charles A. Sprague, publisher of the Oregon States man and alternate delegate to the United Nation, was the guest speaker at the Tuesday meeting of the Rotary club. Invited to hear Mr. Sprague peak about his work at the United Nations were members ef the Lions club. There also were visiting Rotarian from Salem and Albany, at the meeting. Mr. S Prague's topic was the "Organization of the United Nations." He also mentioned his work on the various com mittees including the one dis cussing the Tunisian question and alco one concerned with South Africa. There were approximately 55 men present at the Rotary meeting which was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms of the City baU. , 69-Year-0ld Man Boy Scout Salem Heights Fred Browning at the age of 69 be comes an honorary member of the Boy Scout troop 18. Mon day evening at the Good Shep herd Lutheran church. At a candlelight ceremony. participated in by the whole troop, Tommy Wendt and Fred Browning received their ten derfoot pin. Jack Rhodes. neighborhood . c o m m iasloner, conducted the ceremony and Jerry Seeger, grand nephew of Fred Brownini. administered the oath. I It was reported that the trooo cleared $94.87 in their hot doe sale Saturday. i Browning who has alwava wanted to be a Boy Scout, ask ed that he not be compelled hi wear tne snort pant uni form. As his good deed for the day he helped the-Boy Scouts with the dishes. Lebanon Linn county's third suicide in 1953 occurred this week when a 73 -year-old Seio man took his life. Glenn Huston, county coron er, said Peter Janitsky was found his car parked in the vic- siims garage oy ponce Chief l Walter Babson of Scio. A sui- cide note saying goodbye to .friends was found in the house. Doors to the garage had been 'locked from inside and cloth- ! ing stuffed into the crack. I The key in the ignition wa turned on, ga had been used and car battery was dead, but ! the victim i foot still pressed the accelerator. A neighbor, Dell Westinhouse, ; reported Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. I William Zielinski that inmethlns seemed to be amiss at the aged i man's home and immediate in vestigation followed. State po lice aided county officers in the matter. Mr. Janitsky, a Lithuanian, lived alone. He had been a Scio resident for 20 year. St. Paul Rodeo j Set July 3, 4, 5 i St. Paul, Ore The 1953 St. Paul rodeo will be held here July 3, 4 and 8, directors of the St. Paul Rodeo association announced today. There will be four rodeo per formance during the three-day celebration, and some of the nstion's top cowboys are ex pected to participate. The ahow schedule calls" for: the opening the night of July i. to be followed by afternoon and night shows on July 4 and an! afternoon show on July S. The traditional wild .west parade through the streets of St. Paul will be held the morn ing of July 4. There will also be dancing and other entertain-j ment in keeping ' with the; theme of the occasion. Carl Smith, St. Paul hop grower, was re-elected to all three-year term as director1 and Fred Vlesko, Mission Bot tom farmer, and Lawrence Bunning, St. Paul farmer, were ! elected for the same terms, sue-j ceeding John Smith and Lester Kirk. - Ray Manegre, association president, reported the direc-: tors will meet soon to elect of ficers for the year. The greater part of Africa is the tropic zone. GUARANTEED INCOME IciOO cash, gives you your own independent busi ness. Be your own boss operoting a route of our new 5c dispensers, hondling a new fast moving con fection. , NO SELLING ,, All locations obtained for you by company repre sentative, you operate route only. No experience needed, can be operated In sponj time as little as 4 hours per week. You must hove car, references and $600.00 Cash which Is protected by an ironclad money-beck guarantee. Spare time should net up to $70.00 per week, full time more. Liberal financial assistance given on expansion progrom. Reply giving phone to Box 479. Copital Journal. Confidence I iijk' ePUo" V! ,ou A r'ti TiAi! MY n A ll BY I 'W s ii- rr jr.M r .. " ! ! . eiaUy trained ! n"' .d noi " b , the So brinf th.m prec,.1 ' . tlAlt. lociion.w.itsyou. Hi -It m. uipira. urug More 405 State SUttm (Corner of Liberty) ?8fP? WE GIVE 2vr GREEN STAMPS V Mm I irH GS5i3d2 ES sit n There are so many cuts of beautifully marbled freshly cut Grade A Beef displayed a weakness not uncommon to mos grocers as you no doubt have noted but bragging or not fits a fact you get the ' kind of meat you like best and it's always freshly cut and we add in no sense bragging prices, quality, considered are plenty low. Pork Loin Roast Semi-Boneless lb. Pork Sausage Genuine Country Style lb. For real economy here is a value not to be snickered at . . . Genuine Ham Loaf 3 .bL SI' Lamb Patties 59c Mock Chicken Legs 65c SHORT RIBS of Grade A Beef GROUND BEEF 45 Here's good eating a beautifully marbled freshly cut blade DOT MAtT . 5' vi vni Keai economy . loo id. wmv And of course those beautifully dressed meaty Young Plump Meaty Dressed 4 lb. to 5 lb. Average Per Pound 4 Young Fryers IKlrA f ORTLEY Extra Fancy When we say our vegetables ore as hesh as a daisy lssr ma mirr'nftmant hau nva Atnnv&A frath nil Ami gllUI III lllll WSIIIISS SSIfrJ MS Ir HIriHJH lllrMI MSB WWJ long, every hour, wrapped at time of purchase is your auaranlee of the finest aualitv. 9 . , I 1 w - Green Peas SS?. 2-35c New Potatoes 3 29c Carrots 325c Potatoes 110 59c 23 Pound Bags $1.39 Perheps the Most fopular rOIGTOGS Apples Sib,4t SUNKIST Nice Siii, Juicy Oranges 2iuM' Beautiful RED EMPEROR Grapes 2,,, 3' Are SmssHiIsi, Unlfdk4 ler tlx lad tiMsHMen. For easier shopping, for wider selection and, for real economy shop your favorite Busick market, no charge for delivery. AVCTCHf I iwrsR-5 S&VV Coffee ,85' For Real Fresh and the Most Delicious Coffee Try ... OLD GOLDEN . lb. OO 3 ibs. 82T Ground to your order Crisco Snowdrift 3,b,8S' BESTFOODS Mayonnaise 0uart 59' NUCOA Margarine ,b. 29' HOLIDAY Margarine 2 39' Gilnettert IO-oi. can 39c TUNA Bumblebee Chunk Style 29c Oyster Stew c. ...29c SALMON 14 oi. can '. . , 45 c Crab Meat Reg. six can. . 59c DONUTS Dozen 2 Spaghetti I'i-lb. pkg. SFICE ISLAND Spaghef fi & t TOAAATO Hot Sauce C2)' FABST-ETT Cheese , M 9' Apricots T si 29' DEL MONTE Marion Street Phone 3-7969 Tomato Juice 25' DEL MONTE Pumpkin Large can JUBILEE Furniture Polish 'NT DtC JOHNSON'S Hard Gloss Glocoat am 98c CourJ Street Phone 3-9176