-FROM- Peg in Washington -BY ALINE (PEG) FHELLirS- Washlngton, S.C . Dew Marian: This, of court, u the weak that Oregon figured in the newi In the national capital. The pres entation ol the statuea of Dr. John McLoughlln and the Rev. Jason Lee and the annual win ter dinner meeting of the Oregon State Society brought out good- sized audience, In fact, the din' ner was the best attended of any year with placet for nearly 300, . which doubled last year s crowd. Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Douglas McKay were guests of honor and the Secretary talk ed informally, bringing word of Oregon activities to the ex-resi- dents of the state. Except for Representative Harris Ellsworth who has been out of the city for a couple of weeks, all of Ore gon's delegation and their wives were present. In a distribution of mementoes, Senator Guy Cordon received a copy of last year's budget with a reminder of Re publican campaign promises; Senator Wayne L. Morse, a gild' ed horseshoe which be remarked "I guess I'll need"; Representa tive Homer Angell, a miniature pink elephant for his elephant collection; Representative Walter Norblad, a Confederate cap with the name of the 'Tost" on It as a reminder of his Job of dellv- ering papers for bis boy during the letter's illness; and Repre sentative Sam Coon, a baby's cap, indicative of his status as a neophyte. Keith Hall, a Salem resident for several years in the early 1940s, was master of ceremonies, and Forrest Finley, former Coos Bay resident, presided. Among the hostesses known in Salem were Mrs. Charles Woodrlng, secretary to Rep. Walter Nor blad; Miss Grace Townsend and Mrs. Mary rope, of Senator Cor don's office; Miss Margie Christi ansen, Eugene girl now working here; Miss Genevieve Cooper, Mrs. Landon Mitchell, Miss Mar jorle Peterson, niece of Port land's mayor, Fred Peterson; and Mrs. Basel Markel, now in radio work In Washington and known for her previous newspaper work in Oregon. Miss Peterson has been selected to represent Ore gon as its princess in the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. More than 100 gilts of Oregon products were awarded aa spe cial prizes with Oregon organi zations and manufacturers con tributing generously. The Sa lem Chamber of Commerce aent packages of Oregon walnuts, the National Automotive Fibres com pany of Salem, provided Oregon flax rugs, which were mucn cov. eted: and also a feature were . . r . i w. I-! . tne nama xrora vaucj x-am Company, of Salem. Lots of ' "ohs" and "ahs" were heard as awards were made and the va rious tables gave plenty of ap plause when any individual ia ; ble waa represented by win ner. Statue at the Capital drew some ISO persona all that could be accommodated in the hall along with the United States 'Army Band, whieh played for the ceremony. Dr. Bart Brown Barker, speaking on "Oregon, the Unique Prize, showed hi thorough grounding in Oregon history and his re mark were flavored with gen tie humor. Leslie M. Scott and Dr. O. Herbert Smith, speaking respectively of McLoughlln and Lee, gave scholarly and sympa thetic accounts of the two men and their place in Oregon' his tory. Secretary McKay, who was introduced by Senator Cordon, presented the statues to the peo ple of the United States and the occasion was honored by the presence of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, who accept ed the bronze statues for the nation. Clifford MaeGregor Proctor, who with his late fath er, A. P Minister Proctor, mod eled the heroic figures, was in troduced. An Interested specta tor waa Dr. Panl C. Packer, for mer chancellor of the State System of Higher Education, who is recently home from an lgnment in South America and about to leave for Turkey, again on an educational mission for the federal government . . One of the outstanding din ners of the week was that given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. (Clare Bootbe) Luce at the Carl ton. Secretary and Mrs. McKay were among' the guests at the dinner which honored Speaker of the House, Joseph W. Martin, Jr. The recent appointment of Mr.. Luce as Ambassador to Italy brought especial interest to the occasion. Entertainers were Edgar Bergen with his 'Charlie," and Rosemary Cloo- ney. The Nixont were ranking members of the party, which waa made up of cabinet officials, top Congressional leaders, high military personnel, and their wives. Another dinner of the week was the American plan ning and Civic Association event, at which Secretary and Mrs. McKay were guests of hon or1. It was an interesting eve ning and because the Associa tion has many relationa with the Interior Department, we had an opportunity to become better acquainted with some of the De partment officials in a more In formal way as they, too, were guest oi the Association. More later -' - . - Peg. ' - HOSTESS to her bridge club for dinner and evening of cards on Tuesday was Mrs. Ralph Hamilton. Additional guests were Mrs. Therese Crocks and mrs. yy. u. siacey. I V''' -aa-at A v- : .? A V 4 v " t Recent Bride Mrs. Robert 8. Sundborg (Pauline France Beb) was a bride in December at Birmingham, Mich. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Beh of Birmingham and Mr. Sundborg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sundborg of Salem. The couple are at home in Salem. (Moffctt studio picture, Birmingham, Mich.) Capita I -Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRX FISCHER Dr. Bnrt Brown Barker, '- Portland, chairman of the Ore gon Statuary committee, spoke briefly at the dinner, telling of ' the dedication program. Others who came from Oregon tor the dinner and dedication were Leslie M. Scott, Mrs. George T. Gerllnger, both members of the committee: Dr. G. Herbert . Smith, president of Willamette;! ' and Mrs. Barker. Among the Washington group was C. A. j . Brand, brother of Justice James T. Brand of the Oregon Supreme Court, and former member of . the State Board of Higher Edu cation, when he resided in Rose burg. It would be impossible to name all of those known to Sa lemites In the audience, but among those noted were Mrs. . Josenh K. Carson, whose hus band was ill with the flu he is former Portland mayor and former member of the Maritime Commission, an active member . . I , m mvtA urn ftl.nft. pointed to have missed the event; the Ed Fishers, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kurtx and Mrs. Lee ta Beall. Carlton Savage, with the State Department; Mr. and Mrs. George E. Robinson, he was assistant director of the State Civil Service Commission until recently; Mr. and Mrs. ' Clyde Aitchison he a former member of the Interstate Com' merce Commission; the Rnfos Holntana and the W. A. Rush lights, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Varty, ex-saiem rest dents Mr. Varty is a ton of the late Mrs. Susan Varty and a nephew of Harold F. Phil lippe, of the Secretary of State's office at home; Tom wnite, Portland attorney; Mrs, Pat Al len. Mrs. Ralph Williams, Sr. and Ward Cook; Mrs. Vie Mae- Kensle, whose husband is re cuperating from the flu; and Major and Mrs. Ham Lemur the latter representing her fath er, Raymond P. Caufield, Ore gon City, president of the Mc- Loughlin Memorial association. Prior to the dinner, Mrs George T. Gerllnger, Portland, entertained at tea at the Sul grave club a beautiful old res idence with tpaclout rooms lending themselves to hospita ble entertaining. It was an In formal and friendly tea with many of the visiting Oregonlant and local residents dropping in Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mrs, Burt Brown Barker poured and MACCABEES, No. 84 D. will meet Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. at Beaver hall for a no- host dinner followed by a so cial evening of games. HOME from a month's stay In Honolulu are Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen. 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1953 Miss Werner Recent Bride At a quiet ceremony in Grace Lutheran church, Miss Gladys Leona Werner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Werner, was wed to Bruce J. Matthis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Matthis. The 6 o'clock ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Lowell Holte before the families of the couple on Monday, February 8. The bride wore a coral knit suit with black accessories and a corsage of pink rose buds. Maid of honor was Mist Shir ley Werner, sister of the bride, who wore a light blue taffeta dress with net overskirt. Stuart Matthis was belt man for his brother. A small reception followed the ceremony ' at the Werner home. Mr. Matthis is an airman 3c stationed with the air force at San Antonio, Texas, and Mrs. Matthis will remain in Salem where the is enrolled in a beauty college, . GOLDEN AGE group will meet at the YWCA on Friday at 3 o'clock. Mr. . Abner K. Kline will give a travel talk and musical number will be presented by Mrs. Jessie Mor gan and Mr. Ellis. Milk u-compete ytr eojiumej ea&rym&. I 'M n . V&kX $135 $95 V?siM ' to a pair V t '...A -J.'. v . Me j,.. .. s iot '''"Y Ml modlte 'A UGtCK-l? Ii-nmsnt to ?-'i ErjUA "' ,'; J f dwihtit t AF H f I (iiton. tot V j 1 1 I I toa.SiMitVii.1IVi " 1 -A V elossle t I.M tll to WrM V- 8 and 40 Observe Fifth Anniversary Salon No. 412, 8 and 40, cele- brated it fifth anniversary Wednesday evening with a for mal dinner at the Senator hotel. Mrs. Clyde Dickey, Portland, de partmental chapeau, waa a visi tor. Mrs. Albert C. Gregg pre sided. Twenty - seven attended. Four new members were ini tiated. Reports were given on the work of the National Jewish hospital in Denver, maintained for needy tubercular children, and assisted by the 8 and 40. The local talon also is helping a local girl who it tubercular. HOSTS at a dinner Wednes day were State Senator and Mrs. Stewart Hardie of Con don, entertaining for Mrs. Har die't brother-in-law and sister, Mr.' and Mrs. R. M. Harding and their daughter, Marian Harding, from Corvallis. The occasion was Mrs. Harding' birthday. The Hardies' daugh ter, Mist Darlene Hardie, stu dent at Oregon College of Ed ucation, also attended. Salem Man Wed Feb. 14 In Albany Albany At a church wed ding on Saturday, February 14, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Mi Myrtle Edna Christman, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Eu gene Christman of Albany, ex changed ner marriage tow with Donald Wayne Kuhl, Sa lem, eon of Mr. and Mr. Wayne H. Kuhl, also of Salem. The ceremony was held at the First Methodist church with the Rev. George H. Huber, pastor, read ing the double ring service. The bride was attired in a tan gabardine ault ,nd white accessories. She had as her flower pink orchid which (he wore pinned to her shoulder. Mrs. Lloyd Jones, wearing a pink rosebud corsage on her suit eg tan gabardine. , and brown accessories, wat the ma tron of honor. ' Lloyd Jonet wat best man. The immediate relatives and friend of the bridal couple were present for the ceremony. The bride mother wore a navy blue droit with navy ac cessories and a white gardenia corsagj. The bridegroom' mother wat dressed in a black suit with black accessories and a whit gardenia corsage. . Two basket of pink and white carnation were used as the church decorations. After the ceremony ' a re ception was held at the home of Mn. Luella Wilson. Mrs. H. A. Southard assisted Mrs. Wilson In serving. The bridal couple left on a wedding trip along the Oregon coast and for traveling the bride wore her bridal costume. After March 1, the couple will be at home In Salem. The bride was graduated from the Albany public school and the bridegroom from the Salem schools. . MEETING Friday evening at the West Salem city building will be Trinity chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Eby will serve refreshments fol lowing the meeting, and will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burns. IN PALM DESERT, Calif., is Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, visiting friends. Next week, the will be in Beverly Hills to visit Mrs Judith Howard. MEETING Friday evening will be the Salem group of the Afri can Violet society, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Hoenig, 1475 South Commercial, at 7:30 o'clock. - Mis Marjorie Lyle Looney la to be co-hostess. Paul Heath of Breithaupt'i is to be guest speaker to discuss humidity and flowers. Like a beh or boutonniare ' they excite whole cos tume 1 Glori ous new stock ing shade bT Belle Sharmeer each one cre ated to comple ment specific fab ric colors. See them -in your own Bell. Sharmer Leg-site, Famous FLAXSPUN PURE IMPORTED teMsr-:vj(3 v. - w- ;v' . i V j. - - - ,, ' I L, - J Is Bride-elect The en gagement of Miss Jeanne Nor done, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nordone, to Ed ward B. Wichman, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wichman, was announced recently at a. parry. No date is set for the wedding.. Welcome Wagon Club Meets on Wednesday Thirty attended the luncheon and meeting for Welcome Wa gon club, Wednesday, . at the Cherrian room of the Senator hotel. Mr. R. V. Cooley ha re signed ' at chairman and Mn. Walter Crane, who hat served a vice chairman, will take over temporarily. Mr.1 Cleighton Penwell hat been named mem bership chairman to succeed Mrs. Arthur Cummlngs, who is leaving Salem. Following the luncheon, mem bers worked on St. Patrick's day novelties for Wbitcomb and Chamberlain cottages at Fair- view home. Mrs. A. Kenneth Smith, project chairman, was in charge of the work. ' Plana were made to design flowered hats for Easter at the March meeting. Mrs. Eugene Kokko will be in charge. , New members welcomed In clude Mrs. William Wessner, Mr. Charles Bracha, Mrs. Jerry Ann Shannon, Mrs. Paul Van de Velde, Mr. G. D. Fulton, Mr. Stanley K. Davis, Mrs. Charles E. Howell, Mrs. Horace K. Mazloom. . . . . . . Pythian Sisters A patriotic program was en joyed, by the Pythian Sisters, Centralia temple No. 11, at their meeting on Wednesday evening. Mr. Axel Jacobsen reviewed the life of Abraham Lincoln and highlights of George Washing ton's career were related by Mrs. Ralph Willcox. Guests were Mrs. Lulu Broth- erton of Corvallis and Mrs. Len nie Irvine of Independence. On . ' the serving committee were Mrs. Scott Ebright, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Trilla Oat roan and Mrs. Clara Norton. - Official : 7 Visiting : Local Club Up, HdImi Bawver. Everett. Wash., regional board member at hrn far the Sorootimift clubs of the northwest, will be a visi tor in Salem this evening, a dessert honoring her will be given at the home of Mis Lena Blum. Next Wednesday evening, the lnh 4. in antcrtaln for the re gional governor, Mrs. Lily Quarnberg, Vancouver, wasn., a no-host supper to be given at the home of Mrs. H. G. Maiaon. At the meeting of the dub yesterday for luncheon at the Golden Pheasant, Mrs. Ernest F. ArnHnii talked ta the arouD on the great demand! for nurtea and told of the new trends in nursing. Mr.. Paul Bramlet wat a was a special guest - - V V Two Hostesses At Shower Party Mrs. Julian Haugen and Mr. Harry Haugen were hostesses at the home of the former recently at a shower to honor Mrs. Ken neth A. Wright ' Guests included Mrs. Wright, Mr. H. A. Petersen, Mitt Joy Wright, Mrt. J. C. Wright, Mrs. Louit Arenas, Mrs. Carl Wright, all of Dallas; Mn. Ed Middaugh of Springfield, Mn. Hugh Wil liams, Mrs. Palmer Williams, Mrs. Marvin Williams, Mrt. Earl Sherwood, Mrt. Clair Abrams, Mrt. Robert Burr, Mrt. Robert Lor en z, Mrt. Howard Hicks. Miss June Haugen, Miss Deanna Haugen, Mrs. H. A. Haugen, Mrs. Howard Petersen, Mrs. John Veer, Mrt. Emma Goebel, Mrs. Vernon Haugen, Mrs. Wal ter Johnson and the hostesses. fete National Head Honoring Mrt. Grace L. John- ton of Toledo, Ohio, national president of the Woman's Re lief Corps, Mrt. Ethel M. Felton and her official staff will be hostesses at a banquet and pub lic reception to be in Corvallis on Saturday at the Benton ho tel. Mrt. Felton it department president of Oregon for the or ganization. ' Celebrating Mrt. Johnson's of ficial visit to Oregon, a recep tion will also take place in the Heathman hotel In Portland on Sunday. ' INVITATIONS were in the mail today from State Senator Eugene Marsh, president of the senate, and Mrs. Marsh, for an at home on Sunday, March 1, at their home in McMinnville. The affair it for all members of the senate and their wive and the board of control and their wives, hours to be 4:30 to 7:30 o'clock. Women Golfers To Begin Year Soon The board for Salem Women's Golf association met this week at the home of Mrs. Ivan Mar ble in Independence and dis cussed plans for the new season. First golf day of the season wjll be on Msrch 18. This year, regular weekly women's day will be on Wednesday. A tea la planned soon for committee heads. Mrs. Kenneth Potts it captain this season, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur co-captain. 25th Wedding Anniversary Event Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Powers will observe their 23th wedding anniversary at an open house . next Sunday, February 33. The anniversary is today. The open house will be be tween 2 and 4:30 o'clock, friends of the couple being Invited through the press to call at their home on South River road dur- . ing those hours. Pink and red camellias will be used In decorating. A surprise centerpeice for the table is be ing arranged by Mrs. Frank Dye. Assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mr. Bruce Cooley. Mrs. Frank Dye, Miss Gene-' vieve Ashford, i Alumnae Meet Kappa . Delta alumnae met last evening at the home of Mrs. Peter Stoltenberg. Announce ment was received from the na tional sorority headquarters that the 1852 Kappa Delta award to the doctor making the outstand ing achievement in orthopedic surgery had been given to Dr. Charles Gregory of Indianapolis. Mrs. Glenn Stevenson showed picture taken on a trip to th Hawaiian Islands. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Ralph Slpprell, Mrs. Hop Edwards, Mrs. John Ficklin, Mrs. William Aahby, Mrs. F. G. Rankin, Mrs. H. B. Collins, Mrs. Floyd Colburn and the hottest. . , ATTENDING the meeting ol the Pythian Sisters In Albany Tuesday evening were Mn Ralph Willcox, Mrs. Axel Jacob- sen, Mr. Herman Bergner, Mrs. Oval C. Harris, Mr. Harry Wil son, Mrs. Clifford Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Judson. Mrs. Albert Grinde of Sliver ton; grand chief, made her of ficial visit to the Albany tem ple at the meeting. DOCTORS KNCW ...thiipH.HMd Mpim for children is mad to be St cbildno'e SMidsl SUOSfPH MPIIIN F0RCHI10RH LINEN All pare Ira en... Imported... and on, the fashion flair of it The anmitukable tinea erispaee.,.the casual elegance of perfect grooming. ..hi the glow of a full range of heavenly fast colors. ..tested and guaran teed for wrinkle-resistance. 36 inches wide. A ilNI MttlATNIT iMPOtl. (7i W Sei Sail for Summer... ORIGINAL SAILCL by Seporotet ) Original SaMdot Stat Mw flair. ..Hie ft fv-loYH' look yo need for sun living I Washable, wearable. wonderful in delightful new colors, eft vnmistaliabty White Stag. ) SUIVIUM TOP la ar tocM at ar at, to. 10 $4.M limi SOT SHORTS, urfW id. tips, lira s-20 b) COVI TOP far waaria fa ar art. . tim - S4.TS IAZT SUSAN WIAP tKlftT, M ainMMa wiiikaaC, S-aU, $7.S I TA-s itaw In stats, aatatkaat.. MKMMfttt llmpi, 10-IO.... !. WMIITU MITOHsv aatatfae kern, a Ma tip. t-H. . .UJt T1 TUCK -EN BOOKS, m ... tea-hack kakar, I0-J0 tl.tf SWrSl Meter wMe sis aavM 10-10 a.a TJUAMOULM trou Sl.tt waist csNCxra, im ..i. Catsrei Oaaa Wkaa. tan Na. Swa awr Nary. Oaalk- Cm, Tar Slack, Ckarceal, Haanah; Mm, Mak Cant, Ms.. mmmmsm&Mx ITT V I 01 II JSfW' 1 a principal guest waa Mrs. Rich BELLE ard Nixon, wife of the Vice President. . The gram atatue dedication pro- held in the HaU of -SHARMYJR IEG-SIZE STOCKI N G S