Local Paragraph. Road retitioa A petition bearing the signature of num ber of property ownen. uking for the improvement of Kenwood a-enua hai been riled with the county court Te Meat Friday Daughter! of Union Veterans, Barbara Frietchie tent No. 3, will meet Friday at 3 p.m. at the home of Mn. frank Conover, 310 South 19th. . Dana Hera Wcdnui.. -- hall Dana, assistant to the pres ident of the U. 8. National bank of Portland will ipeak on the ubject -Dare I Speak the Truth", during next Wednesday' lunch' on meeUng of the Salem Rotary elub at the Marion hotel. Karl Barritt Honored Long ervice of Karl W. Harritt of Salem for Tidewater Associat ed Oil company was recognised at a comDanv dinner uHn. night in Portland when v ,k.J Bxama Next Week Examine employes were also honored Six'"0" lor Cort Gurd comml of them, including Harritt. had ,ioon wU1 given ln Saattl been with the company lor or'bruary 14 through February years. He retired January 1 He W iot ol,ic, ot Merchant lives on Salem Route 1. Marine. Those passing the ex- o aminations will receive eommii- Ag sin and Again The theft 'ton In the ranks ot lieutenant, of a new tire from bis car while Junior grade, lieutenant and lieu It was parked in front nf hi. tenant commander. nome Tuesday evening was re ported to city police by Gerald Carper, 495 South 22nd street. Three instances of gasoline theft in his car ln the past week have been reported by Carper. Holiday Mail Service Mon day, February 23, will be ob served by the postal service as a holiday. This means. Postmaster Albert C. Gragg reports, that there will be no regular mail de- liv ! Aitku .t.. . None of the" wlnos utWei Se' '.ooVfd office will be open. The holl-l'ke' the oveor said. First, day is in recognition of George !h,e WUW h?M ,PPJSr T. Washington's birthday which ; "'Pf10? of order e"ln falls on Sunday cn aside channeU for non-commer- , icial use. Second, if this were Asks Gravel The countv done, application would Stole Not (Continued from Page 1) Albany Gels TV llelwork Albany, ore. ten work oa a, coaxial network to distribute television programs her will start about April 1, an official I of the corporation sponsoring I the project said Wednesday. Chet Wheeler, manager of ra-l dlo station KWIL and president of the Albany Television Dis tributing corporation, said 80 foot antenna would be erected atop the stx-story Albany hotel to receive programs from KPTV.I Portland. Cablet would be! mounted on existing power and' telephone poles. Residents of this city can re ceive KPTV now only by Install ing 50 to 75 foot antennas cost ing 1100 to $150 and even then the reception Is poor. An ordinance granting the; corporation a franchise wasi passed on first reading Wednes day. The ordinance set a maxi mum Installation charge ot $1501 for resident and $200 for busi ness, houses. Maximum service charges are $3.80 and $8." These talks, the governor aid, reveal that no real emer- .... U. mlA th.t it an. r. ,. Car Keeovered The ear of iJ Frank C. Meier. 898 Tryon ave Ilka. VV11II111M1WM 1 Ul.ll, .4 . ' "not a matter of special order." "u; f1".?. ' . T' "There are two steps that a rrTZ: Oklahoma officials Wednesday. eourt has been asked to haul 200 have to be made for the chan yards of gravel for use on the net. streets of Scotts Mills. The re-jTo Get s Hearing Injures Hand Several lacer ations of the right hand were suffered by Leryo Meadows, 745 North Church street. Wednesday then when his hand was caught ln a V t ! ' . 4 - X m. !' t j. ' , 'V I I I quest was referred to the engi neering department Ethic Forum The Salem Board of Realtors will hold a psnel discussion concerning eth ics of the profession during their weekly luncheon period at the Marion Friday noon. Walter Musgrave will be the moderator. River Cut Bank Reports of continued sloughing off of t h e bank of the Willamette on the Marion county side of the stream ln the St. Paul area are being received by the county court. The washing away of land is threatening road 401 and it isl probable the army engineers will learn before we can determine All parties, including the states, would be given an oppor tunity to a hearing," Gov. Pat terson continued. "It Is Senator Cordon's opinion that if Oregon notifies the FCC of our interest, and of the fact we are studying the problem, we should be given every opportunity for a hear ing." .. The governor cautioned ear lier that the stste should ap proach the problem ot educa tional TV carefully. Today, he added: "Many things have to be answered cost, feasibility, op erational mechanics. "We need to know all we can be called upon for assistance. Flight Delayed Fog ln the Portland area Thursday delayed United Air Lines southbound flight 174, which when on sched ule stops in Salem at 10 a. m. The flight was held in Seattle, its point of origination until the Portland area was clear and ar rived in Salem about an hour and a half late. AU other flights Into Salem were on schedule. Toastmasteri Assigned Mem bers of the Salem Toastmasters club who have been assigned to speak before various groups in connection with brotherhood week include: Lloyd Hammell Salem Optimist club Thursday noon and Salem Board of Real tors Friday; Arthur Atherton, Salem Lions club Thursday noon and Orval Kennen, Salem Retail Credit association Friday. Food Brokers Elect The Portland Food Brokers club an nounces the election of officers for 1953 They are: President, Joe E. Gard, Gard Distributors, Inc.; vice president, Louis A. Smith, Olson Brokerage com-1 fer Co pany; secretary-treasurer, mi liam P. Lyle, Goebel-Pratt company. machine at which he was work ing at the Oregon Flax Textiles plant In West Salem. Roof Bursa Fire caused con siderable damage to the roof around the chimney and to an attic wall and rafters in the J. A. Snyder home, 3045 Shelton street, Wednesday afternoon. City firemen extinguished the flames. Pay Hikes (Continued from Fags 1) Capital Journal, Satan Ore.. Th -radar, r- It, lMt After defeating eeveral mo tions by Senator Gibson for re duction In hi tub-committee's Mmnlnunilitlfuii h ummlHu by seven to five voto tpproved "uu Walker said. increase to $10,000 year for pointed to a recent report' oof, the lower coxit Judge "which show an extremely Jagged back log of cases " Waal Itoferus First , I favor paying the Judge an the secretary ot state, the state treasurer, the attorney general but there are some Judiciary reforms in this stale long needed and I feel that some ot these re- accomplished and tha .unarlntMuUnt t n..!-: forms should be 7. . r r-riw. lie instruction. Senator Holme and Senator Walker both spoke in favor ot the increase in the salary paid the superintendent ot public in struction, now receiving $7,820 to $10,000, explaining that many extra duties have been placed on this officer during the psit few years, making him one ot the most Important officials ln the state . Sen. Gibson abandoned his '$kysrc?;r'Tei (Continued lram Page 1) a question about the advisability of having graduated scale of pay for Judge according to the case load, said ha did not think such a plan would be practical. "I believe that there is a vital need for re-districting of Judic ial districts." Marsh said. "Some rnl. of llunti.P In k. ... " J"""-' of the commissioner of labor and 'n don 1 made an unsuccessful effort to eeommended bring this office ln the $10,000 A bill providing for supervt a year bracket. But he was un- slon of circuit courts by the Both President el the Senate Eugene X. Marsh and Speaker of the house Rudi Wilhelm, Jr., are calm and cheerful and mighty easy to get along with. But the ire of both legislative ' 'Cur"M "UriM pitch the other night when for of the Judges. ' the second or third time. wit- President of the Senate Eu-jneases to hearing were unabla gen E. Marsh, who was an ob-ito find a place to ill or (tend ln server at the meeting, answering! hearing rooml nd war forced to stand in the corridor of tha capltol. The hearing room available were Just to small to accommodate the people who wanted to attend them. But down in the basement of the capitol la a large room, de signed as hearing room for tha legislature. For year It ha been successful in this move too, the chief Justice has passed the house ! committee voting to pay the la-ad now is ln the senate. Marsh bor commissioner $9,000 a year In place of $7,820 now paid. Wrangle Over Judge The longest argument of the predicted that if passed, this Idea would improve lower court pro cedure. ' Sen. Merrifield, a member of Jadla Visits Flying into Sa lem from Seattle Thursday was Comdr. Joseoh Jadin. former of ficer in charge of the Naval Air, norm rover roaa, dui exienas me name maicaies ne is ox span Facility here, and now on duty; over the entire year. ish extraction. The family has an Evajeau (Left) and Susie have begun the practice of "broth erhood" early in life. Evajean, a blonde, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. David Blum, and Susie, an Oriental of undetermined parents, pose in front of the altar of the Keizer Church of -the Nazarene. Susie is to be adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nebrija, 3780 North River road. Oriental Child Happy In Peter Nebrija Home - ' By FRED ZIMMERMAN " Brotherhood is not a matter of: altar for a picture. and Mrs. Peter Nebrija, 3780 his roots In the Philippines' but! miiitt- ReP- 'wncla Zlegler, of iof 'thoit tn tCademie positions in session came over the proposed to sub-committee studying the raise for supreme court and elr- "'"J Question submitted a re mit ronrt nrt. p.r, ii.!port in which two merit raises Goodrich. Bend attorney, moved Sor u ute elastlfied employe to raise the supreme court Jus- w" '""". Only one tices to $12,500 but this move !"c m'T" WV L,"c,.u.drd ln was defeated. Goodrich contend-! budget for the 1951-53 blen ed that the supreme court Jus-!nlum tlces were career men who could! In the report it was disclosed seldom re enter private practice-that the sub-committee had ask. after serving on the high court, ea lor ana naa received lmor The committee, however, adoot- mation from virtually every ed the recommended salary of'tte department head, giving $12,000 In place ot $10,450 now 1 recommendations tor salary in paid. creases, quoting the total num- It wa Rep. Goodrich who ao""M ,na P" e- made the main plea for an in crease for the circuit Judges ln the state, ln fact he moved to boost the salary of the Judge With this Information, Merri field said, the committee I now ready to proceed. The budget, be said, provides for Increases for to ii nnn in ! nf tin nnn1 3.308 state employes, approxi- h k. .k I mately 33 per cent of the total recommended by the sub-corn- rf.,.M ..i.,. whether it is a good and proper thing for the state Those who conferred with the governor late Monday were Rep. Maurlne Newberger, chairman of the house education commit tee; Senator Robert Holmes, chairman of the senate educa tional committee; Senator Eu gene Marsh, president of the senate; House .Speaker Rudie Wllhelm, Jr.; James Morris, di rector of KOAC, and Elmer Mc Clure, master of the state grn$e. at the Naval Air Reserve Train ing Unit, Seattle. Jadin was ac companied by Lt. Bob Pierce. The two flew a Navy PB4Y2 to Salem from Seattle. was adopted. Before this was don however, several members ot the commit tee complained about the un wanted 1940 or 1P41 Chev rolet or Oldsmobile club coupe or 2-door. Will pay cash. Phone 2-8083. 43 Building Two House Two building permits were Issued to day to Marvin Girrard. On was for the construction' ot a one- story dwelling and garage at 2475 Hyde street, to cost $7500, and another for a one one-story dwelling and garage at 2485 Hyde, to cost $7250. , JOBS ABOVE TEAR AGO Washington ( The govern ment reported today that non- farm employment in January was 47.200.000 up 1.300,000 from a year ago but a drop of 1,800,000 from Decemoer. In addition to having two chil-! attractive home on North River dren of their own, a daughter of road. Currently Nebrija is un hand a eon of 10, the Nebrljas employed, because of a slack have a second boy living with! season in his trade. -them a weU as a 2 -year-old I The Reiser Nazarene church girl whom they expect to adopt. I has a membership that Includes even case load carried by the The little girl, named Susie. I, number of different nationals. I various Judges, and Sen. Walker ja UUIU uic HVliJ iu; iiuiiic. Her parentage is unknown. And ine foster parent have been un able to determine her national ity, beyond the fact that the is Benton county motion to amend I the board of higher educational ,j "'--"'ft " J Vu,uu The proposed Increases for state employes would amount to an additional $1,123,212 for the next biennium and represent an increase ot C.92 per cent over the present total salary paid, or $122,081,083.38. occupied by a section ot the sec retary of state s office and of ' late a small force from tha de partment of finance. At the opening of the session President Marsh intimated that this room might be taken ever by the legislature for which it was Intended. But the light of people, who had traveled many mile to at tend a hearing (tending in the hallways, unable to get Into the hearing room, brought some speedy action. Jointly, Marsh and Wllhelm, served notice on the respective heads ot the department bavin! workers in the hearing room, to "get out, and get out right now." They moved and legislature, for the first time In years, ha a large hearing room. Coa tract Awards Associated Oil was given the contract for providing the county' require ment of gasoline during tha ' next 12 month period during a county court hearing Thursday. The bid of Associated on gaso line i a fraction of a cent mora than 21 cent a gallon for da livery at the county (hop where storsge facilities are sufficient to handle a truck and trailer load. Held for Larceny Bill Jo seph Wagner, 1245 Mill street, was arested by a Marlon county deputy sheriff Wednesday on a Thurston county, Washington, warrant charging petty larceny. He will be held for Washington authorities. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Llord XuUnt MtUoB " Juinlla Helm: Ofdr ml stlault.tawna MHiut 4iftn. Safe deposit boxes are now j sat. . available. $3 and up per year, i oni o. acsu ur d. Pioneer Trust Company, 109 North Commercial street Salem, Oregon. 43 Moving and storage ecross the street, across the nation. Call Russ Pratt, Capital City Trans- 43 Scott: Otdar tt tf fault mum aatuut camera an Oriental perhaps Korean or Japanese. Susie was taken to the baby home shortly after, being born. She has fitted in well at the Nebriia home, where she is lov ed as one of their own flesh and blood. Susie has the appearance of being from good Oriental stock, with well-formed features and of cheerful disposition. Susie has become attached to the 18-months-old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. David Blum of the Keizer church of the Nazar ene. Evajean Blum is a blonde. They play together with appar ent enjoyment, but were a bit shy when they confronted a in front or ine cnurcn Howirt W. Kuor vi HMn U Xntor: Aa war ant Muatw claim. Drew Pearson (Continued from Pae 4) Castle Permanent Wavers. 305 Llvesley building, phone 3-3883. Permanents "5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. 43 Hardware Taken The theft of a box of building hardware . c. and &th McCaadiuh n William wg9 ta)(en from a house he is F. and Mircarct Johaica: Suit cmiim , , , t 3075, Fplton ludanent lor sl.tM.S4 alter dclindiau Cuilblructing at re"" have acta alvca rcawaaalc time In which atreet, E. K. Andrus, 2880 m taimi coatrart lot nrebaaa ct Doughton street, reported to city prwortr. poUce The box contained about Uirchanu Credit Burtaa n . T. aadj... wortn 0f cupboard hard Uinirtt D. FoliraW, dha roadwar Aa- I " .j j... i juditnoat ardor in raTor 01 whig, qui iiihh .in.,. p. plalauiu ln mm 01 IIW.M, annua HI M ; paid In ay defendant. COMPARE THIS TO ANY OTHER FOOD PLAN! SMILIHG J ACli'S AUD DICllSOH'S Has the Answer to Your Food Budget Problem! 3 sl lOTJ 6 MONTHS; 24 MONTHS 10 PAY ON FOOD 10 PAY OK FREEZER tege, Steve Mitchell, would re sign s National Democratic Chairman around Labor day. By that time he hopes to pay up the deficit. . . . Gen. Joe Collins, Army Chief of Staff, and Gen eral Van Fleet are at odds over several things ln Korea. One is an amphibious landing behind enemy lines. Van Fleet thinks it can be done. Collins minus 'the enemy is too heavily dug ln. Van Fleet is also sore because Collins wouldn't let him stay and finish up the war ln Korea as he did the war in Greece. . . . President Eisenhower refers to the White House as the- Glass House, complaining to friends that he can't do anything with out having It wind up on the front page. . . . Ike Is consider ing a fishing trip to Florida in March, wants crack at Flori da's famed black bass. . . . Sec retary of State Dulles tele phoned Maine's charming Sen. Margaret Chase Smith recently to get her okay on appointing lame-duck Sen. Owen Brewster as an assistant secretary of state. Mrs. Smith refused , to commit herself, which Dulles In terpreted as giving Brewster the cold shoulder. Now he's up for appointment to the maritime commission. iCepTrlaht. ItaJi A post card request will bring you Chef Merlino's "Macaroni ; miner chin. Mag'c" free! Address, Mission I Macaroni, Seattle 4, Wash. 43 ideoree tun plaintiff eiutodr 1 minor Townsend C 1 a b Meeting Lucille M. Telleaon wa Utter X T0U0-1 Townsend club No. 4 will meet aon: Olroree deorea tITea PUintlll aaatoar at the home Of Mr. Sna Mrs. I W. E. Amick, 2125 North Fourth Rath uea e Pail Biljeu: ntrorco ' street, at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb- chlld and 111 monthlr ouppork AUDurn acnooi momers v-iuu ..... . . ... -i aw.pt. benefit ham dinner Sat., Feb. 21, land: Jucr llnda defendant eulltr of an iitaw o du- IA..U. at (in .kit. aonooet choree. Continued lor aoateaee la .wf-r, w-u - ... . i.w,.- w-'"v 1 poa. sa. dren $.23. Door prizes ana pro gram. 44" Probata Court Lrell a. Yorcen ar., aetata: Order av thorlalna edmlalatretor to accept Me oa compremtee oettlement In connection with occidental death January 1, Itel af Olpeon aetata: Appralaed at Rummace sale you have been waiting for, Friday and Satur day, February 20th and 21st, at 9 a.m., over Greenbaum s, Sa lem General Hospital Auxil iary. 43' LOST: On 89E between Wood roffe's San Shop and 12th St June, via So. 12th. Plastic baa! Charleo Henrr wrlchi aetata .,. . .. . flret and final eatete. containing O coat, 2 suit coats,, brn. trousers, blanket, etc. John I Rnlliner-r SSSft Di.nrnn Ph. red. ! MomOO LlCtnS t ... J.. U.I..II. t . . .1 . tha O. Ruhr, II, etudent, both' of Turner. ruary 20. Jomea A. I1.74.S1. I Oora Luclnda atantoa aetata: Net volae of Uieblo eelote filed al n.tll 1 la re- pen te atete treejurer. 43 2-3423. Off. 3-3121. A noat card reauest will brina Delia. . John A. Turner. 41. eawnlU. you Chef Merlinos "Macaroni ,1ial houeewiferrin.rveiie street, told city police, Mission1 Hubcaps Stolen Two Cadillac-type hubcaps were stolen from the car of Jack B. Jones, 1881 Court street, Wednesday night, he reported to city police. Clothes Csll City police were called Thursday morning to recover a suitcase full of men's clothing from a trash can in the alley behind the R. L. Elf strom company warehouse on South Liberty street. Only iden tification was a receipt with the name Royce Sleighter on it. Deflation Vandals stuck an ice pick through a tire on bis car Saturday niafht and another tire Wednesday night, Henry Hazenberg. 1178 South 19th Magic" free! Address, Macaroni, Seattle 4, Wash. 43 Annual Sale Poppytrall Pot tery. $12.95 starter sets reduced to $9.95 on California, Home stead tV Blue Provincial. Buy now. Regular prices will be slightly higher after this sale. The Kitchen Centre, S82 State St. Ph. 2-7892. 43 BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes (he Following New Cltlsens: si. mr.MoaiM, iiosriTAi. TOlTHm T ItT end Mr!. John L. Toepnrr, Manha. a Dor. F. IS. PAULSON To Dr. and lire. Voeeph W. Paul.on. e elrl. Fab. 1 (irn I f ViaAI. HOOPITAL HELSTROM To Mr. end aire. Robert p Heutrom. JM veucha Are., a elrl, "flanCHK To Mr. and Mra. Itnacla Haixnra, 4M Lablah Oardena Rd a Ctrl. Frb. IS. ARTFIX BOriTL CURI. To Mr. end Mre. Jha Curt, Ornl Bnndr. a elrl. rb. It. NCUrTD To Mr. and Mra. 8d ejti. I.id, ta Tilener Lane, Oalaa, s eul re, la. Spencer Corset! Armena Felt of the Spencer Support Shop will be at the Senator Hotel Frl- - jday, Feb. 20. - 43 New arrivals in dresses cot tons, orlons, nylons. Lorman's, 1109 Edgewater. Open every evening til 7 p.m. 44 For Card at Thanks Notice To aeeist you in writing a CARD OF THANKS, w have a list available, containing many suitable phrase, b you would like a copy, call the Capital Journal, Classified Department, Ph. 22408, and one will be mailed to you promptly, without :Cost. They also may b obtained Ut Tha Capital Journal office. CORRECTION THE J. C. PENNEY CO. WILL (LOSE AT 5:30 P.M. TONIGHT-not al 9 P.M. as advertised in this mornings Oregon Statesman. Store Hours Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M fe . YOU GET Meat at Today's Low Prices YOUR CHOICE OF MEAT CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR -SPECIFICATIONS! YOUR CHOICE OF FROZEN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES! The Best Freezer Buy On The Market With Option to Renew Teur Food Supply After 8 Month at Comparable Price 7Lt j!Q:h--JT ' ""is cubic foot 'V ' - 'i . AweeieewaeaTofjewS ' r-f: "!ie k...SW.:s,iVW.iAauii.,jjtii.a .a ecu" First Six PoymnH $4973 Final IS Payment $17.73 FAMILY SIZE 15 CU. FOOT WHITE KING FREEZER With th Following Food The orode Voa Hot mime ar Vi BEEF 2 PORK SHOULDERS 2 PORK LOINS 1 PREMIUM HAM 4 FRYERS 3 LBS. BACON 10 Asst. Pkgs. Seafood 12 Pkgs. Lima Beans 24 Pkgs. Peas 12 Pkgs. Peas Carrots 12 Pkgs. Mixed Veg. 9 12 Pkgs. Cut Corn 12 Pkgs. String Beans 6 Pkgs. Succotash 6 Pkgs. Spinach 6 Pkgs. Broccoli 6 Pkgs. Brussel Sprouts 6 Pkgs. Chick. Tamalt 6 Pkgs. French Fries If you don't like these (ample assortment of food rive ns list of what yea want we'll secure It for yon and price It te yea en the same basis. 8ee these Freeser on display at SMILING JACK'S and at Dickson' Market South Paclfle Highway at the 12th Street Junction. SftULING JACK'S OPEN YOUR CONVENIENT ACCOUNT TAKES IUT A MINUTE! aPt Corner Ccalcr S. OPEN EVENINGS 'Til 9 P.M.