m, Capital Journal, Salem. Or!. Thursday. Fab. . MM Meat Pie Liked by Familv - Meat pi for dinner always li . I'M Umr'm a taatv meat Die nmhlnlnc thrifty beef tew meat with diced bologna. The . Mi.ru. ia made with lard, that queen of all shorten ings for pie crusi msaing. Beef and Bolocna fie m pound beef itew meat 1 medium onion - 2 cups bouillon a. JImjI Vmlntfna 1 to m cup diced cooked carrou H teaspoon marjoram u. larrl.made naitnr Cut meat Into 1H inch cubes: flour and brown well In 3 Mn. tint ' Cook ChOD- ped onion In the fat until toft. Add bouillon and limmer until ' tender, 2 to 2V4 houra. Add one-half cup more water, U needed. Add bologna, carrots and marjoram. Pour Into 1 quart casserole and cover with pastry. Slit crust in several places and press edges firmly against sides. Bake in a hot oven, 425 F., for 25 minutes or until crust is c-rownea. - - Untitle Down Bran Muffins With Currants Currants add their bit to this ' muffin recipe. Honey Currant Upside Down Bran Muffins 2 cups ready-to-eat bran Vi cup honey y, cups milk 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 cup sifted flour ' 1 teaspoon soda V, teaspoon salt . Vt cup honey cup currants Combine bran, honey and milk; let soak for 15 minutes. Stir In egg. Sift flour with soda and salt; add to soaked bran and stir only until combined. Put 1 teaspoon honey Into bottom of each greased muffin cup; sprinkle with 1 teaspoon cur rants. Fill full with batter. Bake In moderately hot oven (400 deg.) about 25 minutes. Let stand about 5 minutes before re moving from pans. Serve cur rent side down. Pan-Broiled Bacon, Pineapple Fritters Her tasty oun using cm- on; - FaabroUed Basra with. rtaeappl Fritter 12 slices bacon Pineapple fritters ' pir m alncle layer of bacon in a cool frying pan. Cook oyer low heat, turning frequently. Drain excess fat as u accumu- ... .u.. k. hnitnm Of the laws e . u pan ia only well greased. Cook slowly until ine bmcuu - --- colden brown ana crisped. 4 servings. Pineapple Fritters 1 cup sifted enriched flour . 1H teaspoons baking powder Vi cup sugar Vi teaspoon cinnamon 1V4 teaspoons salt 1 egg, beaten Vi cup milk .' 1 tablespoon lard 1 cup crushed pineapple, ' drained Lard for deep-fat frying Confectioners' sugar sift flour, baking powder. sugar, cinnamon and aalt to gether. Add oeaien ess. mu T 1 1 a nt until amooth. fold lauutaiu. , , 1 1 rfteri trusted pineapple. I Drop by teaspooniuis in oeep noi ilard 360 F.) and fry about 5 minutes or until hgntiy crown-; PQ. uirnm w " r " ' Sprinkle with confectioners' su gar. Yieia: z w ov viik i ' ' I Meat Carving m..i hmitH he car.ed across the grain. Steaks are an ex ception to this rule, mey may i- lih .he ffrain. Roasts carve more easily it allowed to "set" in warm place 3t to a minutes after they come from the oven. I - .aest-Vf d SI 1 fejsSSSy, FOR KtrSf-" THIS WE CERTA1K4LV AGREE WITH YOU r WE WAVE SUC TASTY MEAT FOR STEW etatas V N- stew Vs. Yf I today J W'r sorry w ran out thot eld fashioned winit lost wmIc. So w will raptot Hilt weak in bttr tryU! Dd Mont . . . th BestI Old Fashioned Wienies Old Country SfyU POLISH SAUSAGE (RoaUy Good) Old Fathionod Smoked PORK SAUSAGE Armour's Stoor lf Pot Roast lb. Guaranteed Tender Fur Bf i i iiiaM KX'aaaBa " LARGE 2 27c MED. SIZE FERS. SIZE 4 - 23c aiasssBi BATH SIZE a4 aJk 1 Kevs. SIZE iCAMAYI ftC. I! mm rCfttJ LARGE LARGE LARGE LARGE GIANT LARGE Ground Beef ,b 391 CR!S0 U.S. Inspected Spring . LAMB! legs: .69c Shoulder Roost n 49c Lamb Breast Stewing Lb. 25c For the Best in Locker Beef, Pork, Lamb or Veal See Us and Select the Best!! Mb 34c 3-.b.93c XHICKE'N? TAKE YOUR PICK OR BOTH THESE FRYERS ARE PRICED BELOW WHOLESALE COST Dennison's COCKTAIL SAUCE - 12-oz. 25 Jells Best GELATIN DESSERT 8 Flavor 5' TOMATO SOUP Campbell' PORK & BEANS Vaa'Camp'a l-os. eaa BABY LIMA BEANS Tasty Fak No. SOI can TOMATO JUICE Sun-Best iM fl. a. can . GREEN OLIVES Madera Brand Bottle CREAM STYLE CORN Elalnore S-os. 2 POUNDS AVERAGE WEIGHT GUARANTEED FRESH NOT FROZEN i n xj j w ay -vy-v . i r i 1 SORRY, NO SALES TO DEALERS PLEASE WE RESERVE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES IVU . OUR CUSTOMERS UY THE FINEST AT F RICES THAT ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY IN OREGON In 1 ie " Pw :Sf5 ISc COUFON ON IAG TOWARD FURCHASE OF CAKE MIX or COUPON on Special 1Mb. Sack ARMOUR'S STAR o COUNTRY CURED o FROM 12 POUNDS ON UP n m lbs, w j C BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR BUyiNG'POWER AND MAKE YOURSELF SOME REAL SAVING5 Borden's 1 Quart SWEET PEAS Tasty Pak SOS can CREAM STYLE CORN Del Mont W can SLICED PINEAPPLE Del Mont t-ot. can ROYAL ANN CHERRIES Oregon Brand; ll-oi. eaa CUT GREEN BEANS Tasty Pak PINEAPPLE TIDBITS Del Mont t-ot. ean 'aaTmTaVii SAlfiB DRESSING Borden's 1 Quart Gerber's or Heinz BABY FOODS 4 for 35' TOMATO CATSUP H.ta. . TOMATOES Bed 'n Ripe No. IV, can SOLID PAK TUNA Bobeo No. M flats GARDEN PEAS Llbby's Itleana CHOCOLATE BITS Nestle' Ref.Pkf. TREND SOAP Larfe pk(. SWIFT'SPBEM Luncheon Meat CHUNK STYLE TUNA Bumble Be No. M flat PINEAPPLE JUICE Del Mente 4C-M. ean TOMATO JUICE Campbell' 46-os. cans PEACH HALVES Hunt's, Heavy Byrap No. t M CHILI CON CARNE NaUey' RED SOUR PITTED CHERRIES '.d,r Cut Green Beans Ken . . . . W Sperry Wheat Hearts . .29' Seedless Raisins SVT ; . . . .'.W A Pott Card Requeit will oring you Chef M.rlino's "Moeoroni Magic" FREE; Address Mission Macaroni, Sarria4,Wash. T HOME OWNED AND OPERATED OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. LOCATED IN THE CAPITOL SHOFFING CENTER FROM OUR FAMOUS BAKERY DEPARTMENT WHY SHOPPING AT BERGS IS PROFITABLE AS WELL AS PLEASURABLE! HEIU IIA1IPU . VETCH 0SE60N nUliET ciovu HONEY 1 lb. 29c 2 lb. 53c 5 lb: 99c upnot BUND BARTLETT PEARS , No. 2i 9 cans t . m RED BEANS 5-Pound 057 Pkg. Of 7 EGG NOODLES 1-Pound OfS.' Package FROZEN FOODS FLAV-R-FAK PEAS 21c FRENCH FRIES 25c BLUEBERRIES ,39c v RAISED DONUTS Sugar or Glatd 39cdoz. FROM OUR FAMOUS IAKERY . OLD FASHIONED OATMEAL COOKIES NOW DOZEN "Many Othr Voriti" Rome Beautys Each One a Gem each California Navel Seedless Large each Sunkisr Loaded With Juice each CRAPGFSIHT ' Arizona Dessert Sweet Large each bch. 111 Freshly Shredded Large Packages pkg. Bfll PEP PBS a 7L AM1CH0KES a Snoboy Quality c each Imperial Valley Solid Heads . win c CLOROX Bleach.... 1 quart 17c RICE Budget Fak- Long Grain 1-lb. 24c KIDNEY BEANS ,-..25c DURKEE'S GRADE "AA" COLORED MARGARINE 1 -Pound 0B. tM. m, CaptUl Jwmal. Balaaa. Or, aiway. av It. Pantry Shelf Supplies : ; Provide Easy-to-Do Mea1 t it. -7 Th fruit cellar at erandmo- ther's day has moved upstairs to the kitchen and now holds San eminent position In the mod ern home as a pantry shell. Here the change which the years have wrought ia great, wnue grana mother necessarily ' prepared most of her own food for stor- I age, th modern home maker Shaa enlv to make an occasional trip to th market to keep her elf well stocked ana witn Iwtaai assortment of sackased and canned food that would have mad arandmother's eyes I nan with wonderment. Modern homemaker have found this pantry shelf not only II a convenience, but almost a nawnllv. With ao manv activl- I ! ties outside of their home, lauicklv DreDared foods are tra il porUnt to the preparation of good and well eaiancea meau. II No matter how busy you are, meals need ' not suffer when there' a weu stocked pantry ahelf to lck from. Th a recroa for-CUCKen SUD I! Gum is a combination of three Inantrv Items which should al ways be found on any complete pantry ahelf, packaged pre cooked rice, eannea soup, ana .canned chicken. By combining . th thre you nave a umpiy. . prepared, but delicious dinner mainstay. CHICKEN BOB GUM ltt cup packaged pre-cooked ,nc lH'eup water ... , Vs teaspoon salt , 1 ean cream of chicken coup 1 can cream of celery coup cup milk . 2 teaspoons soy sauce 1 cup silvered cooked chicken Dash of pepper ' cup toasted almond ' Combine rice, water, and salt in saucepan. Mix just until all rice is moistened. Bring quick- ly to a boil over high heat, un covered, fluffing rice gently one or twice with a rora. iuo ..4 -.1- rMM. mitA' Mmnvtt w . from heat Let stand 10 min utes. . Meanwhile. . combine ' soups. milk, and soy sauce in sauce pan. Mix well to blend. Heat, stirring occasionally. Add th chicken and pepper. Mix ana heat thoroughly. Arranea rice in serving dish. Top with chicken and tauce. Sprinkle almond over top. will make 5 or 8 ervmg. Keep Cookie Jar Filled ' The cookie ar 1 a. year-. round institution, but when winter rolls around It's a good idea to keep it well stocked. Cherry Wink cup shortening 1 cup sugar S eggs . . 2 tablespoons milk 1 teasDoon vanilla ' 1 2 V cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon Da King powaer 12 maraschino cherries, cut in quarters H teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nut-meats Vi cup finely cut maraschino cherries . mend .hnrtenlnff and sugar: add eggs and beat welL Stir In milk and vanilla. Sift together init- halrlnff nnwder. soda and I salt Add to shortening mixture together with nutmeats, aaies and cut cherries. Mix welL Crush corn flakes into medium fine Puts On Blue Bonnet To Get Most For The Money! iZf ' a" MM. RICHAID AtlIN You, too, will krvs Bum Bonnst Margarim's delicate, sunnyweet tsvorl Blub Bonnet makes bread, toait, hot roils, and vegetables tarte better than ever! , You'U appreciate Blub Bonnets nutrition. Unlike most other mar siincs, Blub Bonnet contains bow Vitamins A and D-as much year round Vitamin A and D as you get in th high-priced spread (or breadl Yet Blub Bonnet Margarine eosta ha than haXJ as much sa the high-priced spread. So put on Bum Bonnet and 6 ears of "aU " Flaror, Nutrition, Eoonom-e-el crumb. Snap dough Into balls. using 1 level tablespoon aougn for each. Roll balls in com Ilexes crumbs and place oa greased baking sheets. Top eacn cooKie with maraschino cherry. Bax in moderate oven (97 r.) i xo IS minutes or until ugnteiy browned. Tielda: 4 dozen cookies, about 2 inches in diameter. Bonnie Bran Drop Cookie 2 cups silted flour H teaspoon soda .1 teaspoon salt . 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon allspice ' cup shortening - 1 cups brown sugar, firmly packed ' ' 1 egg ' Ha eun llffht corn syrup ltt teaspoons vanilla 14 cud milk 1 cups all-bran v f cup chopped -wainuis cup moist mincemeat " Rift tnaether flour, soda, salt and spices Beat shortening until creamy, add sugar gradually. continue beating unui uuxiy ana well blended. Add egg, corn syrup nd vanilla; beat well. Stir in milk alternately with sifted dry ingredients. Fold in all-brand, walnut ana mince. nrnn bv rounded tetpoon- fuls onto greased, baking sheets. Bake in moderate oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Yield: 72 cookies, dou inches in diameter. Oyster Stew Use cream or ceiery aoup the base for oyster stew; gives new appealing flavor to this old friend at your wow. Heat 12 oysters ana ft cup oyster liquor in 2 tablespoon butter, Just until oysier eag begin to curl. Ada a asm m Maple nenrjer and paprika to oysters If desired. Stir in 1 can condensed cream oi ceierjr soup blended with 1 soup-can measure of milk. Heat wen. Serve in bowls with bit of butter atop each. Save Meat ' ' ' Regardless sf the method mum!, alwavs cook meat with low heat This give more ten der, Juicier and larger servings of meat In roasting, ssi oven regulator at 300 degrees T. for beef, vesl, lamb and cured pork; 350 degree F. tor xresn porx. Pkgs. SPERRY'S Pancake and Waffle Mix Large EflM Pkg. OBERTI OLIVES 21 27, Select Ripe 76 Count i Select Pitted : 80 Count HOME OWNED AND OPERATED OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. LOCATED IN THE CANTOL SHOPPING CENTER IT mm $069091 (AMERICA'S FAVORITE) 1 T f I: - i 'i f ' r "' -r-