5(1 I 1 ' f J! i 1 f " I V. 7 v II 8ec III, Capital Journal, Baleoa, Or, Thnra Feb. It, 1I5S Spareribs Always a Favorite Synonymous with a winter day that deicrlbef spareribs. Serve them in a tweet-eour aauee for an exciting, different dish for your family. Here'a how to prepare thl combination. First, cut the rack of apareriba into individual rtbs. Then brown the meat thorough ly in a heavy frying pan. Next, remove the ribs from the pan and pour off all but 2 table spoons of the drippings. To make the sweet-sour sauce, stir 2 tablespoons of flour into the drippings, then add1 2 cups of meat stock. Cook, stir ring constantly until the sauce Is thickened. To this sauce add 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 ta blespoons of brown sugar, 1 bay leaf, Vt teaspoon of thyme, 2 whole cloves. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add the ribs to the sauce, then cover and simmer for about 45 min utes. Souffle Salad Something New And Different The other evening we attend ed an elegant buffet dinner and were Introduced to a new gela tin type salad. It was so good that we fixed it (in fact two of them) for the family two eve- . nlngs later. The family thought the salads were superb and we think you'll agree. You'U find the possibilities unlimited for souffle salads can serve as appetizer, entree side dish or dessert! The secret and . the newness is in the combina tion of mayonnaise and lime or lemon gelatin plus a quick freez ing technique which makes it possible to prepare this molded salad in not much over an hour. We tried lobster, celery, green papper and onion in our first one. Souffle 8alad 1 package lime or lemon gela tin 1 cup hot water cup cold water 1 to 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice Vi cup real mayonnaise Vt teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 cup canned or cooked fresh lobster (cut in bite size pieces) j cup chopped celery ! 2 tablespoons chopped Bell pepper 1 tablespoon chopped green onion or chives Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add cold water, lemon or vine gar, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Beat well with rotary beater. Pour into refrigerator freezing tray. Quick-chill in freezing unit (without changing control) 18 to 20 minutes, or until firm about 1 inch from edge but soft in cen ter. While mixture Is chilling, pre pare lobster, celery, peppers and onions. Turn chilled mixture into bowl and beat with beater until fluffy. Fold in remaining ingre dients. Mix, then pour Into 1 quart mold or individual molds. Chill until firm in the refriger ator, but do not return to the freezing unit. Should take SO to 60 minutes. Unmold, garnish with salad greens and serve with any favored salad dressing. 8ouffle Salad Variations You are probably already thinking of innumerable varia tions that you would like to try. Well, go ahead. To our second salad we added drained grape fruit segments, avocado and chopped walnuts. Any preferred combination of fruits, vegetables, meat or fish in the proportion of 1 to 2 cups per recipe of gela tin mixture will work well. Seasoning Note When making vegetable and meat salads add U to 1 table spoon finely chopped onion or chives. When making fruit sal ads, omit pepper. Salmon Slaw Good For Lenten Lunches Salmon, prized for its flavor, Its color and its nutritional rich- nes. is considered the king of food fish. Time was when sal mon's delicacy was available only to those living ear the coast, but now it can be uni versally enjoyed in canned form. National Canned Salmon Week is February 18 to 25. You can buy salmon of live different species in cans: King or Chinook, Red or Sockeye, Coho, Pink and Chum. Nutritionally, each species offers the same es sential vitamins and minerals. The main difference is in color, Chinook and Sockeye both being a deep red color and the other three a pale pink. In texture, pink has a larger flake than red. Salmon Slaw makes a fine main dish salad for Lenten lunches. You'll enjoy its refresh ing taste. Salmon Slaw 1 1-Hj. can salmon, flaked 2 cups shredded cabbage tt cup diced celery Vi cup chopped, green pepper, or drained pickle relish 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon salt teaspoon tabasco it cup mayonnaise or salad , dressing Salad greens ' Combine salmon, shredded cabbage, celery and green pepper or pickle relish. Mix together lemon juice, salt, tabasco and mayonnaise; add to salmon mix ture and toss Ughlty. serve on salad greens. If desired, serve in avocado halves or as filling for tomatoes. Yield: 6 servings. Broiled Lamb; Patties, Fruit For a serving that's quickly prepared and a sure hit on your table, it's lamb patties. These ground meat patties are broiled, lending themselves to many variations. The bade preparation is this according to meat expert Reba Staggs. Place the patties on your broiler rack and adjust the pan so that the top of the pat ties is about 2 inches from the heat. This way they will broil at a moderate temperature. When the patties are brown on one side about to 10 minutes turn, and brown them on the second side. - As for variations, lamb is al ways good with fruit. Grill pine apple rings, melba peach halves Braise the Meat to Vary Dinner Dish; Introducing new dishes to your family can be fun. In the case of this dish the variation is in the cooking. Instead of preparing meat cubes as a stew, or pear halves along 'with the meat A broiler meal Is another choice. For one serving, com bine 2 cups of boiled rice and 1 can of tomato soup. Spread this mixture in the broiler pan and place drained green beans around the edge. Arrange the patties over (he rice and broil first on the one side, then on the other. braise them. Your choice of meat cubes fir braising include beef, vrJ, pork and Iamb. A second choice is that of the cooking li quid. For beef or veal cubes, tomato juice or soup, con densed mushroom soup or split pea soup might be used. Fruit juices such as apple juice, pineapple, peach, or cran berry juice are especially good with pork or lamb cubes. Milk, sour cream or water may be used for any of these meats, too. The Initial step In braising is to give the meat a golden brown coating. Do this slowly so that the brown will stay on the meat throughout cooking. Next, add the cooking liquid. Keep the liquid at a minimum, Start with from Vi to cup. More may be added as needed during cook ing. Cover the meat closely and i-. i, ....hi .nrir vec-llarce pieces, may be tables, left whole or cut Into the meat if desired. added t " J ' " ' ' ' ' YAW'1' Ctili Powder ) X Jx"""rfk AKtrbkJcdullicsaBaspki I "hy MttUk New lOrrf ofPuddw , XNiCst&HawtoOookt jwrmcwrmmtucf . .1 " Ml. Instant Ridding v-Jj7 digestion t PflcM Ef fctiv Feb. 20-21 Ml Community Builder Stores Reserve rhe Right to Limit Quantities Save at C.B. Stores Nf. Angel le7 -lb. Leaf Price 2 25 UYJ Elsinore . Solid Pack White Meat Keg. 'A Site (an o) o) Large 40-oz. Pkg. Mm Spreckels 10-lb. Bag Kitchen Queen FLOUR Golden West COFFEE White Star Bite Size TUMA 25-lb. Bag Lb. Tin Reg. Size (an 29 WIJUY USMTU SOAP Sweetheart SOAP 8 ten la be. 49 IcUU ley J-W4I1 tartaric 4 26c 4 "36c Tang SALAD DRESSING Capitol Pink Salmon Maine Oil Sardines . pV Top Round Ground Fresh PORK SAUSAGE Lb. 39 LETTUCE Fresh, Crisp, Solid Heads AVACADOS Ripe, Ready to Eaf GREEN TOP CARROTS UTAH TYPE CELERY Your Choice POUND EACH BUNCH POUND Your Choice FULL QUART Lb. Can Tin l(6)c $179750b Prizes j pft Contest tT SVESSOH Quart TREAT YOURSELF TO THE FINEST S GRINDS i l.f wlar Qt4 Make the new ''Quick Beat" Cake Snowdrift UU WHITE FLAKES IcUU lb. 387' ELSINORE 1s1! SAUERKRAUT '. .No.Sc 13' ELSINORE YELLOW CLING OOl PEACHES ...Halves, Ne. SOS ean"" NO MAID J fj rf MARGARINE 2 Jbk45 MISSION or PORTER'S MACARONI 19 SHADY OAK srsf4 mushrooms vsrjrr. 29 HAPPYVALE 0 0d SWEET PICKLES sios.39 KARO DARK M m SYRUP u2W LINDSAY SELECT RIPE m OLIVES rMrM W posts .mA SUGAR CRISP i..o,pk, 25' KELLOGQ'S .a. CORN FLAKES . 19' Highland Market BERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twk Dolly 800 Highland Are. Call 3-9403 Lemmon's Woody Jones Carter's Market Grocery Market ORAL LEMMON, Owner S7I North Commercial WOODROW JONES, Owner 701 Uglow Avanift, Delias REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Daily 17rh t Market Call 3-4171 Vourm's Market GIUERT WOURMS, Owner Stoyron