!. DT, CssiUl Jesrsal. laisi. Or, Tanadar, T. It, ltli I HIS y if lit A I If A 111 ABIC I I IHLUHDLK DlflftSl ay WA Stars! V X AMtiwr Bit MHUS DAYS CONTEST. K'$ Punt H' Iy 1 Inter Today ! Nam IGA'i Piggy Sank.... writ tha tuggattsoj nama along wHh your own nam and adjru on hs bad of any ICA labal and drop into Conlatl Entry Box. Pm swa.lsts datetl visit WIN VALUABLE FRIZES! NATIONAL GRAND PRIZE Your Choice of One of These Four - Value $1,000 1. COMPLETE DINING ROOM GROUP 2. COMPLETE LIVING ROOM GROUP 3. COMPLETE BEDROOM ENSEMBLE 4. COMPLETE CROSLEY KITCHEN 8 OTHER PRIZES TOTALING $1500.00 PLUS Solid Bronze Piggy Bank Awarded in Each IGA Store KRAFTS IKS Reg. Price 95c Leaf IGA Reserves the Ricbt to Limit Quantities SpaeUl Wees Hfeettw Fab. M-M-S If 1! 7 California Grown RHUBARB RADISHES California Green A affclMlaftlMfl CAULIFLOWER Celery Hearts Pound Bunch Bunch lb. Pkg. C X c ISA WHITI MIAT Tun "I SolId Pjck Ulla Reg. H Size Tin ISA RID SOCKIYI Salmon n.m ISA FANCY PINEAPHI JlliCC 46 oz. can MSA EVAPORATED Mill; 2d' IGA Sunny Morn COFFEE X Till ns Lb. Pkg 7 . 79 IGA Sno Kreem Shorlenino u.m S perry Pancake FlOlir 4-n. hi IGA Creamy or Chunk Peanut Butter ISA IXTRA WHMD FULL ST. Salad Dressing IGA Deluxe COFFEE Drip or Reg, Pound m t EtarjEo IGA Enriched Gold Medal flour & 10-lb. Big row , ISA I rnkltad Bag 25-11. $I9 IGA Royal Guest Black IGA Oven-Baked Beomis Large 28-01. tin 2 IGA Cane and Maple IGA Aluminum jQ rwlL ts ti. toll NBC Snowflake CRACKERStf Whits Star TUNA . ' W A m M III If W -A J IT2I17 1 sunaaue MSBKT amZirT",iir I Church's M s -- --u.,t I IGA Toilet TISSUE 4 rolls Demonstration at Your ISA Stora Grs. Juice Certo 25C Sure Jell 225c U.S. Insp. and Graded Good Steer fo) JS) aslll MAST Large Colored Nil Ready Frslh Chuck Cut Well Trimmed Pound CORNED BEEF U. S, Choice and Good Brisket COUNTRY SAUSAGE M m SLICED BACON FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS 2 !o VA Pounds EACH 4 "tn Rtclpe Given Over Kelcer Conunvnitv Hoar on SSLM Saturday Apple Sauce Bars I'.Sesp. sifted nour (.11- 15 tIufratrBh" purpose) 'I t(tJ, M teaspoon sods . j cup unsweetened sppla Z teaspoons bakinf powder tance 1 teaspoon einnsmon 1 teaspoon vanilla n .atunt 1 cup chopped nuts H teuooon nutmec . . .. . . , i , i. .ni HibM fms Bui UHteiner ue nour. soaa, muds P""""'"" 7:": .VJ apple met and Tinllla. Ml well add floor mlilore. mil , feM in rablns and noli. Spread an srad paper MnedtaSi pan. Base in modrtsle aren. K deswea. for SO minotM. rroat while warm wnn comecuoneri aofar iroau.. A post card requeat will brtof yoo Free Address , Mlsalon Macaroni seatlie , mass. State Street AAASKET Your Prlandly IGA Stors ot 1JJ0 STATI STMIT ORCUTT'S MARKET Your Frisiidly ISA Stow 4200 N. RSVER ROAD U U ol B5P LB. PKG. S5f niULPIMT vism ftlASHET Y8U PWINBLY ISA STORl AT 304$ S. COMMItCIAL 1