T . m. CsipU! Journal, Stlem, Or, Thursday, Fb. It, 1151 Rice Pudding Always Tops' With Family Thli rice pudding, Is "lolld' with milk nd egg goodness en hanced by bit of vanilla. Here Is a "pretty easy rice pudding" on the eye, the tatte budi, your time and your budget Light the oven, weld the mix . Ing spoon a aecond and thii in expensive rice dessert li ready for the heat The aauce too, ii quick since it mixes in seconds and cooks in minutes. Ai the sauce cooks, the ruby red cran berries become hot and begin to explode and eaters too, will explode with many words of praise for one of the Best Bice Desserts! Ingredients 2 cups cooked rice 2 cups milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 tablespoon beet or cane sugar H teaspoon vanilla 1 cup pineapple Juice 1 cup beet or cane sugar 2 cups fresh cranberries Method: Combine rice, milk, eggs, su gar and vanilla in a IVi quart casserole. Place the casserole in shallow pan in hot water. Bake in a 350 degrees F. oven for about 1 hour or until a sil ver knife comes out clesn when it is inserted into the center of the custard. Chill the custard. Cook pineapple juice and sugar together for 5 minutes. Add the cranberries. Cook 3 minutes longer. To serve, top with the sauce which may be either hot or cold when served over' the custard. . This recipe makes 6 servings. Hungarian Lamb Stew Nourishing For those who like lamb, here is a good dish: Hungarian Lamb BUw 1 pounds boneless lamb for stew 2 slices bacon 1 teaspoons salt tt teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon psprika Vi cup coarsely chopped on ion 1 No. 2tt can tomatoes cups sliced okra or cubed egg plant 1 green pepper, sliced 2 carrots, cut in strips 2 cups cut green besns Chop bacon. Brown lamb and krnn Pour off driDDlnii. leav ing 3 tablespoons in pan. Add sessonings, onion and tomatoes. Cover closely and cook in slow n linn H 1 for 1 hour. Add remaining vegetsbles and cook 1 hour longer. 6 to 0 servings. Quick Dessert Here's quick dessert thst in tantlv becomes a conversation piece peches with meringue. Drain canned peacn naives, iiu cups with buttered diced al monds and cover with meringue using standard recipe. Bake at 325 degrees F. until lightly browned. It's well to cool be fore serving. Barbecued Franks nrhMMipi! frankfurters are sure to demand repeat perform mr,na Tsi harhMn. nripk skins of franks well, then arrange in a shallow pan. four oaroecue sauce over them, and bake un covered for 30 minutes in a moderate oven (350 F.) LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon whit face Hereford beef bought direct from th ranch and hauled In our own trucks. Buy and soy at Packing How Wholesale Prkes. Cut ting and wrapping, smoking, curing. Free deep frees service. Custom killing. NOTHING DOWN 6 MONTHS TO PAY LOCKER BEEF Front Quarter , LI. STEER BEEF Cut and Wrapped U. S. Graded Good LB. LOCKER BEEF 29' 52 32' SALEM MEAT CO. Half or Whole LB. V. 8. FEDERALLY GRADED 1325 S. 25th Phona 3-4838 Quickie Scrapple Short . Cut for Good Dinner Dish Short-cuts to cook cooking have been the rule In millions of homes since women moved into offices and industry. One of these is Quickie Scrapple, ready for the dinner table in few minutes, and excellent when served with a hot vegetable and a salad or radishes. Molded and kept cold in the refrigerator, Quickie Scrapple becomes the hot main course of the day's major meal In a few minutes. The homemaker, home from work, needs only to slice the scrapple, dust it in corn meal and fry it to a golden erispness, and dinner can be served. Quickie Scrapple 4 cup corn meal 1 1 teaspoon salt ' " 1 Mi cum boilins water IVj cups meat stock, bouillon .; or consomme IWj cups finely ground cooked i pork 1 tablespoon grated onion Vt teaspoon pepper V teaspoon powdered sugar (if desired) (If self-rising corn meal is used, omit salt). Sorinkle corn meal and salt into the boiling waier and meat stock, stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and starts to boil. Continue cooking for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Place over boiling water (dou ble-boiler), cover and cook about hour. Add pork k and seasonings, mix well, and pack into one-quart pan which has been rinsed in cold water. Cool, cover, and chill over night. To use, unmold, and cut tt-inch slices. Dust lightly with corn meal, and fry on both sides in a small amount of clear bacon drippings. Yield: 8 servings. If a loaf pan of correct size is not available, use empty fruit or vegetable tin cans. Souffle That Does Not Fall Make the souffle light but make it filling this way it pleases the men and you, too. It's practically fool-proof or fall proof, easy to assemble and to prepare. Sausage Corn Souffle cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoon butter or mar garine 1 tablespoon flour teaspoon salt ' Vi teapsoon pepper 1 cup milk 1 cup cream style corn y pound American cheese, cubed 3 eggs, separated 8 to 9 Vienna sausages, split in half Vt cud corn soya Cook green pepper in butter until tender. Add flour and lea sonings; blend thoroughly. Add milk gradually, stirring constant ly over low heat until mixture thickens. Stir In corn and cheese and cook over low heat until cheese is melted (about 6 min utes). Remove from heat. Beat egg yolks slightly and stir into mixture. Fold in stiffly-beaten egg whites. Pour Into IVi quart baking dish. Arrange sausages on top of mixture and sprinkle with slightly crashed corn oya. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) 35 to 40 minutes or until set. Yield: 6 servings. For Teen Agers The teen-age crowd Will cheer these easy to make snacks. Arrnnoo Draham crackers on a I cooky sheet and top each with a spoonful ol drained gomen pineapple tidbits. Place a marsh mollnw in the center of each. broil just long enough to melt and lightly brown the marsn-mallow. Variations For Yellow Cake Mix Your grocers' ehelve offer varistv of eike mttos and it seems that the favorite of aU cakes if yellow cake.. People seem, to like the rich, golden yellow, fine even texture. May be because it lena lueu w such Interesting variations as these which we've tried out and liked. Cherry Rqaare Substitute 2 tablespoons of cherry juice for 2 tablespoon- of the milk mentioned on the package of golden yellow cake mix and add s uoiespoons oi finely chopped maraschino cherries (about 16 cherries) with the last addition of milk. Bake In 9x8x2 inch pan; cut in squares and aerv with hot cherry sauce. - Rich Nut Cake , Add 4 to 1 cup finely chop ped walnut meats and ,Vi tea spoon salt with the last addi tion of milk as Indicated on the package. Bake as directed. Frost with butter frosting and sprinkle aides of cake with the chopped nuts, if desired. Orange Cake Add 1 tablespoon grated or ange rind to the cake mix. Bake as directed. Frost with creamy Orange frosting and serve with scoops of tart or ange sherbet Spice Cak Add 1 teaspoon cinnamon, h teaspoon nutmeg and Vi tea spoon cloves to the cak mix. Add 2 ' tablespoons molasses with the last addition of milk. Bake in 13x9x2 inch pan. Serve warm with well-seasoned applesauce. Golden Angel Cake Here, we used a package of angel cake mix, whipped some cream and folded in pineap ple mixture and produced something truly out of this world. 1 package angel cake mix cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour hi teaspoon salt 2 eggs, slightly beaten , 1 No. 211 can crushed pine apple (IWj suds) Juice of 1 lemon H pint heavy cream Prepare angel cake accord ing to directions on package. Mis sugar, flour and salt in top of double.boiler. Add eggs, pineapple sod lemon juio and mix together thoroughly. Cook hnitinc walsr. stirring constantly until mixture thick ens, 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat Cool, stirring be- ruinrullv. Chill In refrlser- lator. Whip cream stiff and fold Into ptneappie mixiurw. opm angel cake into t layers. Put layers together with pineapple fiUing, reserving H filling for frosting top of cake. Garnish with slivered toasted almonds. Makes 10 servings; probably enough to aerv people aince the men will com oac xor Sausage Jumbles, waked Sausage Patties Plentiful pork witn frean sau sage reasonably priced encour age one to have pork nor of ten at dinner time in way like these; aasags JaUa These miko sn attatcuv a in ner platter ar easily luide. Form 1H pounds fresh "pork sausage Into patties one inch .li.l clis turn lrea onions and three tomatoes. Brown sau- of onion and thicker slice of Get Most From Food You Buy Cutting food expenditures can begin right in your kitchen. On step toward economy is getting the most from the food you buy. and that starts with proper care of it from the time purchased until served. ' Take meat, for instance. For best keeping qualities, fresh meat should be unwrapped as soon ss possible after It is purchased, With in heavy wrappings re moved, store it uncovered or lightly topped with waxed paper in the meat keeper or other cold section of your refrigerator. This allows for a desireable slight drying-out of the meat surface, points out Reba Stsggs, meat expert Cooklne meats are cared for in just the opposite way. Further dryilnc after cooking is not ae sireable, so meat that is cooked should be closely wrapped with waxed paper aluminum foil or placed in a covered disn before storing in the refrigerator, w ed meats may be left on your kitchen shelf with the exception of canned hams. These should be placed under refrigeration. i SUGAR SORCERY Pure sugar is found rh many plants; in palm treesi flowers, bananas and others. , But most abundantly, pure sugar is found in sugar beets and sugar cane, Sugar extracted from beets and from cane is identical; can be used interchangeable. Chemists can find no difference in prod' ucts or results. tomato on each meat patty. Wrap bacon sue arouna ca patty, fastening baeon with toothpick. Bake uncovered In 390 degree oven for on hour. n.w4 mattium sized potatoes and baked apple are so good with this . . . ana wy u BU go to the ovn at th am time. Baked Saaiage rattle . - Combine one pound bulk ssu sage with on slice enriched bread cubes. Add 1 egg.H cup grated apple and I teaspoon salt uik iix nattiest Disc on rack in open dripping pan and bak In moderate oven xorwwnour. Nucoa Is the one to buy- mm nrrvn , the first yellow margarine with food value In every single Ingredient! Everything in today's Nucoe is good for you! No beozoate preservative, no eyothetie flavor! Even Nucoa's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene, rich in vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tatting Nucoa margarine is made by the makers of Best Foods Rial Mayonnaise. Next time yon buy, buy NUCOA! FIRST IN QUALITY All Nutrition! Natural Flavor ! qyThfifaji QGAIT 11 We Reserve the Bight to Limit t We Have Selected 40 Items-All Reduced To Make Great Savings for You Buy Now All You Can Use! Our Stocks Are Limited ... So Hurry! S8C Elsinore SP Tuna 4c..98c Salmon KVn" BMU" 2Mn.98c Butler (lams &CM 4ta.98c ClamNeclar?,r,Ch" 10e.. 98c Gerber Baby Foods 12. 98c Dennison's Beet Slew 3 e.n, 98c Chili Con Carne Dennison's 3. .. 98C Holiday Margarine ' 5 lb,. 98c Fruil Cocktail KflT" 3..n,98c Del Monte Catsup 6boU.98c Rogers Fancy Peas 6e.,98c Luncheon Meat Oscar Merer 3 can. 98C Tiny Tol Sardines 3 c.n. 98c Maine Sardines 12c.ni98c 0 Corned Beef Hash ,wc, 3c,,98c Niblel Kernel Corn 5r.D.98c Chili Con Carne Nailer's 4, an. 98C Prune Juice J'o,"00 3. 98c Grape Juice SSI? 3c..98c Hood River Pears v.JH 3..98c Crown Yienna Sausage 6 . 98c Rome Beauty Apples 12 nt. 98c Instant Cocoa 2 ,., 98c Nestles Milk 7(.M98c Large Oregon Prunes 4 ... 98c Pure Honey Bradshaw's - 5lba. 98c Slby. Preserves rI".,Gardtn 3 ,ar. 98c Grape Jam Schmukers 3,.r, 98C Swill's Half Chicken c.98c Med. Ripe Olives Lindsay 4. ...98c Birdseye Frozen Peas Orange Juice Jello All Flavors C&H Cane Sugar Hershey Choc. Morsels Kaiser Aluminum Foil large Swan Soap Medium Swan Soap Palmolive Soap Zee Wax Paper 12S Ft Zee Facial Tissue 408s Zee Toilet Tissue r.ck 4pk..98c 5 can. 98C 12pkn.98c 10,. 98c 5,kn.98c 3,.,.. 98c 8 .sr. 98c 12bar.98c 12b.98c 4 r.n.98c 4pkn.98c 3 pkn. 98c Swift' Premium. Smoked Beef Tongues 55 Lb. . Swift's Select Steer Beef Roast - 59' Hormel's Eastern Sliced Bacon Fancy Pock Lb. 69' Bottom Round Steak Ground All Lean u 79' Country Style Spare Ribs For larbequ -59 t MODEL FOOD MARKET 27S N. High (Nxt to City Hall) Phona 1-4111 10-Day Accounts Th Store ef Friendly Service N Charge for Delivery HOLIDAY MARGARINE 5.b,. SUNSHINE CRACKERS KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 10 lbs. 79' LUMBERJACK SYRUP . 35' a f r ., I I tli. f I I I TOP OF THE WEEK SPECIALS 3 1 . J 1 TUNA 4 99' FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI 2 cans 2B HUNTS SOLID PACK TOMATOES 2,jSn'," 99 OCCIDENT CAKE MIXES 3 Pkg, 99' FREE CAKE PAN URGE m SURF j Pkt!. yy STANDBY ORANGE JUICE 46-oz. fl EilSi can O cans BORDEN'S MAYONNAISE Quart 55 BORDEN'S SALAD DRESSING Quart 45' A Post Cord Request will bring you Chef Merlino't "Macaroni Magic" FREE; Address Mission Macaroni, Satri4,Wath. Guaranteed farm fresh Produce FARM-FRESH Potatoes 50,, T 2bun.H'. Calavos 3,25' FARM-FRESH Carrots Qualify Meats RABBITS 39c HENS r 49c PICNICS 49c BEEF ROASTS u39c BOILING BEEF 29c RIB STEAKS .49c Frm-f rh CABBAGE ",,5' WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY "I" As rj ti uss t-l Ml Edgewaler St., West Salem 1 rr1